Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atrict"" "subject:"astrict""
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Caractérisation des systèmes hybrides pour le traitement des eaux pluviales : mitigation des substances prioritaires et émergentes / Caracterisation of hybrid systems for the treatment of urban stormwater : fate of emerging pollutantsSchmitt, Noëlle 09 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail s’intéresse au traitement des effluents issus d’un petit bassin versant résidentiel urbain drainé par un réseau d’assainissement séparatif pluvial. Le traitement est effectué à l’aide d’une mare de sédimentation suivi d’un filtre planté de roseaux. L’instrumentation et les prélèvements permettent un suivi hydrodynamique et physico-chimique. Les résultats montrent que le système contribue fortement à la réduction de la pollution avant rejet au milieu récepteur. Les charges polluantes sont réduites de 70 à 100% pour tous les polluants (sauf la DBO5 et les nutriments, entre 4 et 100%). La mare de sédimentation a un rôle primordial dans l’élimination des polluants présents en phase particulaire, et plus particulièrement des HAPs (100%). Le filtre planté de roseaux intervient au niveau des polluants en phase particulaire non retenus par la mare, mais aussi au niveau des polluants en phase dissoute (nutriments, matière organique, micropolluants métalliques et pesticides). / This work deals with the treatment of effluents from a small urban residential catchment area drained by a separate sewer network. The treatment is made with a sedimentation pond and a constructed wetland. Instrumentation and samplings enable hydrodynamic and physic-chemical monitoring. Results show that the system deeply contributes to reduction of pollution before discharge into receiving water. The pollutant loads are reduced between 70 and 100% for all pollutants (except BOD5 and nutrients, between 4 and 100%). The sedimentation pond plays an essential role in eliminating pollutants in particulate phase, more specifically PAHs (100%). The constructed wetland treat pollutants in particulate phase that are not retained by the pond, but also pollutants in dissolved phase (nutrients, organic matter, metals and pesticides).
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Une approche par composants pour l'analyse visuelle interactive de résultats issus de simulations numériques / A component-based approach for interactive visual analysis of numerical simulation resultsAit Wakrime, Abderrahim 10 December 2015 (has links)
Les architectures par composants sont de plus en plus étudiées et utilisées pour le développement efficace des applications en génie logiciel. Elles offrent, d’un côté, une architecture claire aux développeurs, et de l’autre, une séparation des différentes parties fonctionnelles et en particulier dans les applications de visualisation scientifique interactives. La modélisation de ces applications doit permettre la description des comportements de chaque composant et les actions globales du système. De plus, les interactions entre composants s’expriment par des schémas de communication qui peuvent être très complexes avec, par exemple, la possibilité de perdre des messages pour gagner en performance. Cette thèse décrit le modèle ComSA (Component-based approach for Scientific Applications) qui est basé sur une approche par composants dédiée aux applications de visualisation scientifique interactive et dynamique formalisée par les réseaux FIFO colorés stricts (sCFN). Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont dans un premier temps, un ensemble d’outils pour modéliser les différents comportements des composants ainsi que les différentes politiques de communication au sein de l’application. Dans un second temps, la définition de propriétés garantissant un démarrage propre de l’application en analysant et détectant les blocages. Cela permet de garantir la vivacité tout au long de l’exécution de l’application. Finalement l’étude de la reconfiguration dynamique des applications d’analyse visuelle par ajout ou suppression à la volée d’un composant sans arrêter toute l’application. Cette reconfiguration permet de minimiser le nombre de services non disponibles. / Component-based approaches are increasingly studied and used for the effective development of the applications in software engineering. They offer, on the one hand, safe architecture to developers, and on the other one, a separation of the various functional parts and particularly in the interactive scientific visualization applications. Modeling such applications enables the behavior description of each component and the global system’s actions. Moreover, the interactions between components are expressed through a communication schemes sometimes very complex with, for example, the possibility to lose messages to enhance performance. This thesis describes ComSA model (Component-based approach for Scientific Applications) that relies on a component-based approach dedicated to interactive and dynamic scientific visualization applications and its formalization in strict Colored FIFO Nets (sCFN). The main contributions of this thesis are, first, the definition of a set of tools to model the component’s behaviors and the various application communication policies. Second, providing some properties on the application to guarantee it starts properly. It is done by analyzing and detecting deadlocks. This ensures the liveness throughout the application execution. Finally, we present dynamic reconfiguration of visual analytics applications by adding or removing on the fly of a component without stopping the whole application. This reconfiguration minimizes the number of unavailable services.
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A responsabilidade dos administradores de instituições financeiras frente aos credores / Financial institutions managersliability to creditorsEstêvão Prado de Oliveira Carvalho 28 June 2011 (has links)
A dissertação trata da responsabilidade especial prevista no art. 40 da Lei 6.024/74 para os administradores de instituições financeiras frente aos credores sociais na hipótese da quebra da instituição. É discutida a natureza dessa responsabilidade, se objetiva ou subjetiva, buscando seu exato conteúdo. O tratamento adotado é interdisciplinar, envolvendo diversas áreas do direito e da economia. O direito constitucional fornece a tábua de valores para o sistema, impondo limites, e a teoria geral do direito contribui com a análise do conteúdo e a finalidade das normas de responsabilidade, com o regramento prudencial do Banco Central servindo para o detalhamento das condutas. São então utilizadas as ferramentas de análise econômica do direito, particularmente a teoria dos jogos para a modelagem de um regime de responsabilidade subjetiva, e outro de responsabilidade objetiva, como jogos estratégicos, na forma normal e na extensiva, identificando os pontos de equilíbrio e de eficiência, O resultado aponta para uma ineficiência do modelo de responsabilidade objetiva para o administrador. O modelo de responsabilidade subjetiva revela-se mais eficiente, apontando como desejáveis as ferramentas de delação premiada e inversão do ônus de prova, para mitigar problemas de assimetria de informação entre depositante e instituição financeira. A dissertação conclui que a responsabilização objetiva do administrador seria inconstitucional e ineficiente, e que o regime jurídico atual é de responsabilidade subjetiva, mas que pode ser aprimorado, especialmente tornando mais claras as regras aplicáveis. / The dissertation analyzes financial institutions\' managers\' special liability to creditors in the event of bankruptcy, as established by Brazilian Law 6.204/74 article 40. Its discussed the nature of such a liability, whether a negligence standard or strict liability rule, seeking to clarify its full extent. The approach is interdisciplinary, using many fields of both law and economics. Constitutional Law provides the goals and values for the system, and General Theory of Law contributes to analyzing the content and purpose of liability rules, with the Central Bank\'s prudential supervision rules detailing actions. The tools of economic analysis of law are then used, particularly game theory to model a system based on a negligence standard, and another based in a strict liability standard, as strategic games in both normal form and extensive form, identifying the points of equilibrium and efficiency. The result points to an inefficient model of strict liability for the administrator. The model based on a negligence standard is shown to be more efficient, pointing as desirable tools that grant immunity to whistleblowers and reverse the burden of proof, to mitigate problems of asymmetric information between depositors and financial institutions. The dissertation concludes that the strict liability of the manager would be unconstitutional and inefficient, and that the current legal regime is that of negligence standard liability, but it can be improved, particularly by clarifying the rules.
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An essential need: Banishing permanently strict liability from the customs infringement procedures / Una necesidad imprescindible: Desterrar definitivamente el régimen de responsabilidad objetiva del infraccional aduaneroVarela, Andrés 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes the strict liability system surviving in customs infringement procedures, the grounds for its existence or survival and its consequences. Also, the arguments against such system of liability attribution are examined. Thus, from such starting point, through a precise enumeration of statutory rebuttable presumptions whose intention can be presumed whenever it is difficult for Tax Authorities to prove such presumptions, I intend to find legal solutions to determine the grounds for its replacement without affecting the rights of the relevant individuals or legal entities when the customs infringements are decided. / El presente artículo aborda el estudio del régimen de responsabilidad objetiva que subsiste en materia infraccional aduanera, los fundamentos sostenidos para su existencia o pervivencia, y sus consecuencias. Asimismo, se desarrollan los argumentos contrarios a dicho régimen de imputación de la responsabilidad. Así, y partido de ello, se tratan de encontrar soluciones jurídicas que, sin vulneren los derechos de los administrados al juzgar las infracciones aduaneras, permitan resolver el fundamento de su sustitución, y ello, mediante un correcto establecimiento de presunciones legales relativas que permitan presumir la intención, cuando ella sea de difícil comprobación para el Fisco.
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Algorithmes et applications pour la coloration et les alliances dans les graphes / Graph colorings and alliances : algorithms and applicationsYahiaoui, Said 05 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux aspects algorithmiques et applications de deux problèmes de graphes, à savoir, la coloration et les alliances. La première partie concerne deux variantes de la coloration de graphes, la coloration Grundy et la coloration forte stricte. Nous commençons par l'étude du nombre Grundy des graphes réguliers. Nous donnons une condition fixe k, nous fournissons une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour que le nombre Grundy d'un graphe régulier soit au moins égal k. Nous caractérisons la classe des graphes cubiques (3-réguliers) pour laquelle le nombre Grundy est égal à 4, et nous présentons un algorithme linéaire pour déterminer le nombre Grundy d'un graphe cubique quelconque. Par ailleurs, en se basant sur la coloration forte stricte pour décomposer les arbres en petites composantes, nous présentons un nouvel algorithme pour l'appariement d'arbres étiquetés, non-ordonnés non-enracinés. Nous montrons que la distance calculée entre deux arbres est une pseudo-métrique. Nos expérimentations sur de larges bases synthétiques et des bases de données réelles confirment nos résultats analytiques et montrent que la distance proposée est précise et son algorithme est scalable. La seconde partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux alliances dans les graphes. Nous proposons un algorithme distribué autostabilisant pour la construction d'alliance offensive globale minimale dans un graphe arbitraire. Nous démontrons que cet algorithme converge sous le démon synchrone en temps linéaire. Ensuite, nous donnons le premier algorithme distribué autostabilisant pour le problème de l'alliance forte globale minimale dans un graphe quelconque. Nous prouvons que cet algorithme est polynomial sous le démon inéquitable distribué. Nous montrons par la suite, comment cet algorithme peut être adapté pour des généralisations du problème, comme la k-alliance forte et l'alliance forte pondérée. Enfin, en se basant sur les propriétés structurelles de l'alliance offensive, nous présentons une solution pour décentraliser le protocole de signalisation SIP. Ceci rend possible son déploiement dans un réseau mobile ad hoc / This thesis investigates the algorithmic aspects and applications of two graph problems, namely, colorings and alliances. In the first part, we focus on two variants of the proper vertex coloring, the Grundy coloring and the strict strong coloring. We start by the study of Grundy number for regular graphs. We give a sufficient condition for d-regular graphs with sufficiently large girth to have Grundy number equals d + 1. Then, using graph homomorphism, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for d-regular graphs to have Grundy number at least k. Moreover, we characterize cubic graphs (3-regular) for which the Grundy number is d + 1, and present a linear-time algorithm to determine the Grundy number of any arbitrary cubic graph. Subsequently, based on the strict strong coloring, we present an approach for the problem of matching labeled trees. Using this coloring, we propose a new algorithm to deterministically decompose a tree into small components. This leads to an efficient algorithm to measure an accurate distance between unrooted unordered labeled trees. The second part is devoted to the alliances in graphs. We first propose a linear-time self-stabilizing algorithm for the minimal global offensive alliance set problem, under the synchronous distributed scheduler. Then, we give the first self-stabilizing algorithm for the minimal global powerful alliance set problem in arbitrary graphs. Moreover, we show how this algorithm can be adapted to find the minimal global powerful k-alliance and the minimal weighted global powerful alliance sets. We prove that all these algorithms converge in polynomial-time under the unfair distributed scheduler. Finally, based on the structural properties of the offensive alliance, we propose a solution to decentralize the signaling protocol SIP. This enables SIP applications in mobile ad hoc networks
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Ordonnancement temps réel dur multiprocesseur tolérant aux fautes appliqué à la robotique mobile / Fault tolerant multiprocessor hard real-time scheduling for mobile roboticsMarouf, Mohamed 01 June 2012 (has links)
Nous nous sommes intéressés dans cette thèse au problème d'ordonnancement temps réel dur multiprocesseur tolérant aux fautes pour des tâches non préemptives périodiques strictes pouvant être combinées avec des tâches préemptives. Nous avons proposé des solutions à ce problème et les avons implantées dans le logiciel SynDEx puis nous les avons testées sur une application de suivi de véhicules électriques CyCabs. Nous avons d'abord présenté un état de l'art sur les systèmes temps réel embarqués et plus précisément sur l'ordonnancement classique monoprocesseur et multiprocesseur de tâches préemptives périodiques. Comme nous nous intéressons aux applications de contrôle/commande temps réel critiques, les traitements de capteurs/actionneurs et les traitements de commande de procédés ne doivent pas avoir de gigue. Pour ces raisons nous avons aussi présenté un état de l'art sur l'ordonnancement des tâches non-préemptives périodiques strictes. Par ailleurs nous avons présenté un état de l'art sur la tolérance aux fautes. Comme nous nous sommes intéressés aux fautes matérielles, nous avons présenté les deux types de redondances : logicielle et matérielle. Les analyses d'ordonnançabilité existantes de tâches non préemptives périodiques strictes dans le cas monoprocesseur ayant de faibles taux de succès d'ordonnancement, nous avons proposé une nouvelle analyse d'ordonnançabilité. Nous avons présenté une stratégie d'ordonnancement qui consiste à ordonnancer une tâche candidate avec un ensemble de tâches déjà ordonnancée. Nous avons utilisé cette stratégie pour ordonnancer des tâches harmoniques et non harmoniques, et nous avons proposé des nouvelles conditions d'ordonnançabilité. Afin d'améliorer le taux de succès d'ordonnancement de tâches non préemptives périodiques strictes, nous avons proposé de garder certaines tâches non préemptives périodiques strictes et d'y ajouter des tâches préemptives périodiques non strictes ne traitant ni les entrées/sorties ni le contrôle/commande. Nous avons ensuite étudié le problème d'ordonnancement multiprocesseur selon une approche partitionnée. Ce problème est résolu en utilisant trois algorithmes. Le premier algorithme effectue une analyse d'ordonnançabilité monoprocesseur et assigne chaque tâche sur éventuellement plusieurs processeurs. Le deuxième algorithme transforme le graphe de tâches dépendantes en un graphe déroulé où chaque tâche est répétée un nombre de fois égal au rapport entre le PPCM des autres périodes et sa période. Le troisième algorithme exploite les résultats des deux algorithmes précédents pour choisir sur quel processeur ordonnancer une tâche et calculer sa date de début d'exécution. Nous avons ensuite proposé d'étendre l'étude d'ordonnançabilité temps réel multiprocesseur précédente pour qu'elle soit tolérante aux fautes de processeurs et de bus de communication. Nous avons proposé un algorithme qui permet de transformer le graphe de tâches dépendantes en y ajoutant des tâches et des dépendances de données répliques et des tâches de sélection permettant de choisir la réplique de tâches allouée à un processeur non fautif. Nous avons étudié séparément les problèmes de tolérance aux fautes pour des processeurs, des bus de communication, et enfin des processeur et des bus de communication. Finalement nous avons étendu les trois algorithmes vus précédemment d'analyse d'ordonnançabilité, de déroulement et d'ordonnancement afin qu'ils soient tolérants aux fautes. Nous avons ensuite présenté les améliorations apportées au logiciel SynDEx tant sur le plan de l'analyse d'ordonnançabilité et l'algorithme d'ordonnancement, que sur le plan de la tolérance aux fautes. Finalement nous avons présenté les travaux expérimentaux concernant l'application de suivi de CyCabs. Nous avons modifié l'architecture des CyCabs en y intégrant des microcontrôleurs dsPICs et nous avons testé la tolérance aux fautes de dsPICs et du bus CAN sur une application de suivi de CyCab. / In this thesis, we studied the fault-tolerant multiprocessor hard real-time scheduling of non-preemptive strict periodic tasks which could be combined with preemptive tasks. We proposed solutions that we implemented into the SynDEx software, then we tested these solutions on an electric vehicle following. First, we present a state of the art on real-time embedded systems and more specificaly on the classical uniprocesseur and multiprocessor scheduling of preemptive periodic tasks. Since we were interested in critical real-time control applications, sensor/actuators computations and processes control must not have jitter. For these reasons, we also presented a state of the art of the scheduling of non-preemptive strict periodic tasks. Also, we presented a state of the art on fault-tolerance. As we were interested in hardware faults, we presented two types of redundancies: software and hardware. Presently, existing schedulability analyses of non-preemptive strict periodic tasks have low schedulability success ratios, thus we proposed a new schedulability analysis. We first presented a scheduling strategy which consists in scheduling a candidate task whereas a task set is already scheduled. We used this strategy to solve the problem of scheduling harmonic and non-harmonic tasks, and we proposed new schedulability conditions. In order to improve the scheduling success ratio of non-preemptive strict periodic tasks, we proposed to keep some non preemptive strict periodic tasks and to add preemptive periodic tasks which are neither dedicated to input/output nor to control. Then, we studied the multiprocessor scheduling problem using the partitioned approach. In order to solve this problem we proposed three algorithms. The first algorithm performs a uniprocessor schedulability analysis and assigns each task according to a schedulability condition to possibly several processors. The second algorithm transforms the dependent task graph into an unrolled graph where each task is repeated a number of times equal to the ratio between the LCM of all tasks periods and its period. The third algorithm exploits the two precedent algorithms to choose, with a cost function, on which processor it will schedule a task previously assigned to several processors, and it computes the first start times of each task. Then, we extended the multiprocessor schedulability analysis to be tolerant to processor and bus media faults. We proposed an algorithm which transforms the dependent task graph by adding redundant tasks, redundant dependencies, and selecting tasks. The latter allow to choose the redundant task allocated to non faulty processors. We studied separately the processor fault-tolerance problem, the bus fault-tolerant problem, and finally both processor and bus fault-tolerant problem. Finally, we extended the schedulability analysis algorithms, the unrolling algorithm and the scheduling algorithm to be fault-tolerant. Then, we presented the improvements provided to the SynDEx software for the schedulability analysis algorithm, the scheduling algorithm and the fault-tolerance algorithm. Finally, we conducted some experiments on the electric vehicle following called CyCab. We modified the hardware architecture of the CyCab to integrate dsPICs microcontrolers, and we tested dsPICs and CAN buses fault-tolerant on the CyCabs following.
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Star-exponential of normal j-groups and adapted Fourier transformSpinnler, Florian 23 April 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides the explicit expression of the star-exponential for the action of normal j-groups on their coadjoint orbits, and of the so-called modified star-exponential defined by Gayral et al. Using this modified star-exponential as the kernel of a functional transform between the group and its coadjoint orbits yields an adapted Fourier transform which is also detailed here. The normal j-groups arise in the work of Pytatetskii-Shapiro, who established the one-to-one correspondence with homogeneous bounded domains of the complex space; these groups are also the central element of the deformation formula recently developed by Bieliavsky & Gayral (a non abelian analog of the strict deformation quantization theory of Rieffel). Since these groups are exponential, the results given in this text illustrate the general work of Arnal & Cortet on the star-representations of exponential groups.<p> As this work is meant to be as self-contained as possible, the first chapter reproduces many definitions introduced by Bieliavsky & Gayral, in order to obtain the expression of the symplectic symmetric space structure on normal j-groups, and of their unitary irreducible representations. The Weyl-type quantizer associated to this symmetric structure is then computed, thus yielding the Weyl quantization map for which the composition of symbols is precisely the deformed product defined by Bieliavsky-Gayral on normal j-groups. A detailed proof of the structure theorem of normal j-groups is also provided.<p> The second chapter focuses on the expression and properties of the star-exponential itself, and exhibits a useful tool for the computation, namely the resolution of the identity associated to square integrable unitary irreducible representations of the groups. The result thus obtained satisfies the usual integro-differential equation defining the star-exponential. A criterion for the existence of a tempered pair underlying a given tempered structure on Lie groups is proven; the star-exponential functions are also shown to belong to the multiplier algebra of the Schwartz space associated to the tempered structure. Before that, it is shown that all Schwartz spaces that appear in this work are isomorphic as topological vector spaces.<p> The modified version of this star-exponential is computed in chapter three, first for elementary normal j-groups and then for normal j-groups. It is then used to define an adapted Fourier transform between the group and the dual of its Lie algebra. This transform generalizes (to all normal j-groups) a Fourier transform that was already studied in the “ax+b” case by Gayral et al. (2008), as well as by Ali et al. (2003) in the context of wavelet transforms. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Letters of credit - the fraud exception: a time for conformityFieties, Leon January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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Design Of Truthful Allocation Mechanisms For Carbon Footprint ReductionUdaya Lakshmi, L 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Global warming is currently a major challenge faced by the world. Reduction of carbon emissions is of paramount importance in the context of global warming. There are widespread ongoing efforts to find satisfactory ways of surmounting this challenge. The basic objective of all such efforts can be summarized as conception and formation of protocols to reduce the pace of global carbon levels. Countries and global companies are now engaged in understanding systematic ways of achieving
well defined emission targets. In this dissertation, we explore the specific problem faced by a global industry or global company in allocating carbon emission reduction units to its different divisions and supply chain partners in achieving a required target of reductions in its carbon reduction program. The problem becomes a challenging one since the divisions and supply chain partners are often autonomous and could exhibit strategic behavior. Game theory and mechanism design provide a natural modeling tool for capturing the strategic dynamics involved in this problem.
DSIC (Dominant Strategy Incentive Compatibility), AE (Allocative Efficiency), and SBB (Strict Budget Balance) are the key desirable properties for carbon reduction allocation mechanisms.
But due to an impossibility result in mechanism design, DSIC, AE, and SBB can never be simultaneously achieved. Hence in this dissertation, we offer as contributions, two elegant solutions to this carbon emission reduction allocation problem. The first contribution is a mechanism which is DSIC and AE. We first propose a straightforward Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism based solution to the problem, leading to a DSIC and AE reverse auction protocol for allocating carbon reductions among the divisions. This solution, however, leads to a high level of budget imbalance. To reduce budget imbalance, we use redistribution mechanisms, without affecting the key properties of DSIC and AE. The Cavallo-Bailey redistribution mechanism, when applied to the above reverse auction protocol leads to reduced budget imbalance. To reduce the imbalance further, we propose an innovative forward auction protocol which achieves less imbalance when combined with the Cavallo-Bailey redistribution mechanism. The forward auction protocol also has the appealing feature of handsomely rewarding divisions that reduce emissions and levying appropriate penalties on divisions that do not participate in emission reductions.
The second contribution is a DSIC and SBB mechanism. Even though the first mechanism tries to reduce the budget imbalance, there is always a surplus which cannot be distributed among divisions and is wasted. So, in this part, by slightly compromising on efficiency, we propose a mechanism which is DSIC and SBB. The SBB property guarantees that there is no need for any monetary support from an external agency for implementing the mechanism and there is no leakage of revenue.
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Condições de otimalidade para otimização cônica / Optimality conditions for conical optimizationViana, Daiana dos Santos 27 February 2019 (has links)
Neste trabalho, realizamos uma extensão da chamada condição Aproximadamente Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (AKKT), inicialmente introduzida em programação não linear [AHM11], para os problemas de otimização sob cones simétricos não linear. Uma condição nova, a qual chamamos Trace AKKT (TAKKT), também foi apresentada para o problema de programação semidefinida não linear. TAKKT se mostrou mais prática que AKKT para programação semidefinida não linear. Provamos que, tanto a condição AKKT como a condição TAKKT são condições de otimalidade. Resultados de convergência global para o método de Lagrangiano aumentado foram obtidos. Condições de qualificação estritas foram introduzidas para medir a força dos resultados de convergência global apresentados. Através destas condições de qualificação estritas, foi pos- sível verificar que nossos resultados de convergência global se mostraram melhores do que os conhecidos na literatura. Também apresentamos uma prova para um caso particular da conjectura feita em [AMS07]. Palavras-chave: condições sequenciais de otimalidade, programação semidefinida não linear, programação sob cones simétricos não linear, condições de qualificação estritas. / In this work, we perform an extension of the so-called Approximate Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (AKKT) condition, initially introduced in nonlinear programming [AHM11], for nonlinear symmetric cone pro- gramming. A new condition, which we call Trace AKKT (TAKKT), was also presented for the nonlinear semidefinite programming problem. TAKKT proved to be more practical than AKKT for nonlinear semi- definite programming. We prove that both the AKKT condition and the TAKKT condition are optimality conditions. Results of global convergence for the augmented Lagrangian method were obtained. Strict qua- lification conditions were introduced to measure the strength of the overall convergence results presented. Through these strict qualification conditions, it was possible to verify that our results of global convergence proved to be better than those known in the literature. We also present a proof for a particular case of the conjecture made in [AMS07].
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