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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le lien de causalité dans le droit de la responsabilité administrative / Causal relationship in the law of administrative responsability

Pouillaude, Hugo-Bernard 13 December 2011 (has links)
Le lien de causalité est une condition centrale du droit de la responsabilité administrative. Entre la faute et le préjudice, l’examen du lien de causalité est un impératif de justice et une inévitable exigence intellectuelle. Il permet de donner un ordre à la fois rationnel et juste aux faits. Réputé impénétrable, suspect d’arbitraire, acculé à un prétendu déclin par le développement de la logique assurantielle, le lien de causalité n’a pas fait l’objet d’une étude d’ensemble en droit public. L’analyse de la notion de lien de causalité permet pourtant de tromper cette image. Elle révèle, d’abord, qu’il faut distinguer le problème -métaphysique- de la causalité, de la question -pragmatique- de l’explication causale. La nature des problèmes posés par ces deux questions est différente ; celle qui se pose au juge est modeste : donner une explication rationnelle aux faits, sans quête de la vérité. Elle permet, ensuite, d’observer que le lien de causalité, s’il ne relève pas d’un constat objectif des faits, n’est toutefois pas empreint d’une subjectivité singulière par rapport à d’autres notions indéterminées en droit. L’étude de la pratique du lien de causalité en atteste. Le juge administratif a une approche ordonnée du lien de causalité fondée sur un équilibre entre attachement à la matérialité des faits et finalité de l’explication causale. Dans l’identification d’une cause, la hiérarchisation d’une pluralité de causes ou la circonscription du dommage, la jurisprudence administrative se caractérise par cette liberté, fidèle à l’arrêt Blanco, dans la détermination d’une politique jurisprudentielle, que le lien de causalité permet, parfois, mais suit seulement, le plus souvent. / Causal relationship is a central term in the law of administrative responsibility. Between fault and prejudice, the examination of causal relationship is an essential element of justice and constitutes an unavoidable intellectual requirement. It allows the judge to give an order which is both rational and just to facts. Reputed to be impenetrable, suspected of arbitrariness, driven into alleged decline by the development of the logic of insurance, causal relationship has never formed the object of a full-fledged study in public law. The analysis of the notion of causal relationship allows us to correct the image above. It first reveals that we have to distinguish the metaphysical problem of causality from the pragmatic question of causal explanation. The nature of the problem posed by these two questions is different. The question that is put to the judge is modest : give a rational explanation to facts without looking for the truth. It secondly allows to observe that the causal relationship, if it does not come close to being an objective observation of facts, does not bear the imprint of a specific subjectivity with regard to other indeterminate notions in law. The study of the practice of causal relationship bears witness to this. The administrative judge has an ordered approach of the causal relationship founded on a balance between attachment to the materiality of facts and the finality of causal explanation. In the identification of a cause, in the prioritization of multiple causes or in fixing damages, administrative jurisprudence is characterized by this freedom, which is in conformity with the Blanco ruling, in the determination of a jurisprudential policy that causal relationship sometimes renders possible, but which it only follows most often.

La responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux en droit des affaires internationales et comparé (droit européen, droit français et droit iranien). / Products liability in international trade and comparative law (European law, French law, American law and Iranian law)

Ariaeipour, Ali 16 March 2012 (has links)
Responsabilité du fait du produit c’est le nom, donné à un domaine de droit concernant la responsabilité des personnes qui s’occupent à fabriquer et vendre ou distribuer par d’autres moyens des produits pour les différents sorts des dommages causés aux consommateurs et même aux tierces personnes par les défauts de sécurité de ces produits. Cette responsabilité est une responsabilité sans faute qui va au-delà distinction traditionnelle entre la responsabilité contractuelle ou extra-contractuelle. Il existe différents modèles de la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux dans le monde. Parmi eux le droit américain et le droit européen de la responsabilité du fait des produits sont particulièrement significatifs. Aux Etats-Unis la section 402A de la seconde restatement of torts déterminait le régime de la responsabilité du fait des produits. En 1998 l’institut de droit américain a publié la troisième restatement of torts sous le nom de la responsabilité du fait des produits, ce qui est censé de remplacer la section 402A de la seconde restatement of torts. En Europe, la directive communautaire numéro (85/374/CEE) du conseil du 25 juillet 1985 relative au rapprochement des dispositions législatives, réglementaires et administratives des États membres en matière de responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux constitue le droit spécial des états membres en matière de la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux. Cette directive a été transposée en droit français par la loi du 19 mai 1998 sous la forme des articles 1386-1 à 1386-18 du code civil français. La faute constitue la seule base légale de la responsabilité civile des vendeurs et des fabricants des produits défectueux en droit iranien. Pour résoudre les conflits de lois et des juridictions qui résultent de l’exportation de produits au niveau international on peut mettre œuvre les conventions et les règlements internationales qui ont été élaborées en la matière ainsi que le droit commun des conflits des lois et des juridictions des pays. / Products liability is the name of a field of law concerning the liability of persons who are engaged in the business of selling or otherwise distributing products who sell or distribute a defective product for harm to persons or property caused by the defect. They are strictly liable. Their liability is a kind of liability which goes beyond the traditional distinction between the contractual and tortious liability. The United-States of America and European Union have the most developed products liability laws in the world. In the United-States the American Law Institute memorialized precedential rule of strict products liability in tort in §402A of the Second Restatement of Torts, and officially promulgated it in 1965. In 1992, the American Law Institute began working on a new Restatement (Third) of Torts on the specific topic of products liability law, approving the new Restatement in 1997 and publishing it in 1998 as The Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability. In Europe, Council Directive of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products (85/374/EEC) constitutes specific law of products liability of European Union member states. This directive has been transposed in French law by 19 May 1998 act and formed articles 1386-1 to 1386-18 of civil code. Fault is the only legal basis of Iranian products liability law. For solving conflicts of laws and jurisdictions which arise from international trade of products and determining the applicable law and competent jurisdiction we can implement international conventions and regulations which have been elaborated on this subject as well as traditional rules of conflicts of laws and jurisdictions of the countries.

Odpovědnost za škodu způsobenou vadou výrobku / Liability for Damage Caused by a Defective Product

Šťovíček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Dissertation Thesis Abstract - Liability for Damage Caused by A Defective Product JUDr. Petr Šťovíček The subject-matter of the dissertation thesis is the relationship of legal liability for damage inflicted upon a consumer by a defective product. The paper describes the statutory definition of the relationship, in particular, without limitation, the preconditions to the establishment of liability of the individual entities on the part of entrepreneurs participating in all phases of the product distribution from the moment of its manufacturing, or, as the case may be, it import to the Czech Republic, to the moment of its sale to the end consumer; limits of the liability and possibilities through which the consumer may claim compensation of the caused damage. The first part of the paper focuses on the above mentioned issued of general legal regulation applicable to liability, its historical development and types; it has a rather generally descriptive nature. Special civil law regulation of liability is provided for also in a number of special Acts, in particular in Act No. 59/1998 Coll., on Liability for Damage Caused by A Product Defect. The second part of the thesis provides an outline of the legal regulation covering the sphere of consumer protection with respect to liability relationships incurring in...


黃上峰, Huang, Shang-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
以過失責任主義為基本原則之侵權行為法 , 於十九世紀達到鼎盛時期,但在這個時期業已開始受到壓力。此項壓力主要來自工業災害和鐵路交通事故。立法者所採取的對策為制訂特別法,例如一八三八年十一月三日之普魯士鐵路法,或另創補償制度 , 例如英國一八九七年之勞工補償法。換言之,即立法者一方面堅守過失責任原則,在他方面則例外地就特別損害事故承認無過失責任,或將之納入社會安全體制內。然而,由於意外事故急劇增加,為適應社會需要 , 無過失責任制度漸次擴張,迄至今日,已成為與過失責任具有相同地位之損害賠償歸責原則。本論文即以在無過失責任中居於主流地位之危險責任為主題,探究其理論構成及發展趨勢。 本論文在結構上分為六章廿一節,擬以比較法學、法律歷史學、法律社會學、法律經濟學等方法,探討危險責任之理論及其發展,並從哲學、比較法、經濟、程序法及社會等觀點,研究及檢討危險責任之各項問題。危險責任在沿革上是為解決過失責任主義之缺陷而生的,可以說過失責任是危險責任的母親,也是他的反面教材。然而,在危險責任無法填補被害人之損失時,過失原則亦得作為補充制度,並在危險責任法制無特別規定時,借用其原理原則,以便利其解釋適用,故應可謂,危險責任之所以為世人所矚目,乃因其站在過失責任主義的巨人肩上。是以,本文對於過失責任的基本法制和流變,亦儘可能詳予論述,因為危險責任並不是一個孤立的法制度,他和其他歸責原理中的民事責任是相互輔助而合作並存的,他們雖然各有其特色和不同點,但其卻有一個共同的目的,那就是促進文化,謀求人類力量的最高發揮,這也正是立法者、司法者和法學者的職責所在。 危險責任是以危險為特徵的推定過失或無過失責任,所牽涉的領域和知識甚多,光是產品責任的資料,直可用「堆積如山」來形容,如何在相當的篇幅內整理文獻並提出自己的看法或見解 , 就一個這麼大的題目而言,自有其困難度。這篇論文並不欲標新立異,因為我一直走在前人幫我開闢的路上,惟希望本論文能以我國危險責任法制的補充者自居,並發揮拋磚引玉的功能,集合法學者的智慧,使我國成為先進的法治國家。作者才疏學淺,本文內容如有謬誤失當之處,尚祈方家不吝指正為禱。 第一章 危險責任概論••••••••••••••••1 第一節 「危險」的意義••••••••••••••1 第二節 民事上危險責任概述••••••••••••1 第三節 公法上危險責任概述••••••••••••5 第二章 從歸責原理之變動論危險責任之發展••••••11 第一節 過失責任主義的基本法制••••••••••11 第二節 過失客觀化、違法視為過失、與過失推定•••24 第三節 危險責任在無過失責任中之地位•••••••36 第四節 危險責任在歸責原理中之地位••••••••42 第三章 主要國家的危險責任法制•••••••••••46 第一節 英國法••••••••••••••••••46 第二節 美國法••••••••••••••••••48 第三節 德國法••••••••••••••••••51 第四節 法國法••••••••••••••••••68 第五節 日本法••••••••••••••••••71 第四章 我國侵權行為及危險責任法制之沿革與發展•••80 第一節 西方侵權行為與危險責任法制之繼受•••••80 第二節 我國危險責任法制之類型••••••••••81 第三節 最近立法的趨勢••••••••••••••101 第四節 預防和分散危險的輔助制度•••••••••112 第五章 危險責任法制之分析•••••••••••••132 第一節 哲學的觀點••••••••••••••••132 第二節 比較法的觀點•••••••••••••••134 第三節 經濟的觀點••••••••••••••••136 第四節 程序法的觀點•••••••••••••••140 第五節 社會的觀點••••••••••••••••148 第六章 結論••••••••••••••••••••157 參考資料••••••••••••••••••••••160

Το ηθικό, το νόμιμο, το πολιτικό : θεμελιώσεις και διακρίσεις, ανεξαρτησία και σύνδεση της ηθικής, του δικαίου και της πολιτικής, με βάση τη Θεωρία του Δικαίου του Καντ και σε προβολή προς τις θεωρίες δικαίου του νομικού θετικισμού / The ethical, the rightful, the political

Χατζηνάσου, Ευθυμία 04 May 2011 (has links)
Στην εργασία παρουσιάζεται η Θεωρία Δικαίου του Καντ, σε συνδυασμό με την Ηθική και Πολιτική Φιλοσοφία του φιλοσόφου προκειμένου να αναδειχθεί η κοινή θεμελίωσή τους στον ηθικό νόμο που ενυπάρχει στον ανθρώπινο Λόγο και ελευθερία.. Η σύνδεση πολιτικής, δικαίου και ηθικής διατυπώνεται ρητά από τον Καντ, και επίσης υπό την ανάλυση του σύγχρονου φιλοσοφικού στοχασμού (Τίμμονς, Βίλλασεκ, ΜακΝτάουελ) τεκμηριώνεται η ανεξάλειπτη ηθική διάσταση εντός του δικαίου και της πολιτικής μέσα από την πραγμάτευση των σύγχρονων αντιλήψεων, όπως η περιγραφικότητας, η εξωτερικότητα και η επιτακτικότητα, και μέσα από την απόρριψη των επιμέρους θέσεων της ανεξαρτησίας και της εξωτερικότητας του δικαίου. / In this paper, the Kant’s Doctrine of Right is presented in combination with his Moral and Political Philosophy, in order to display; their common foundation on the moral law that prevails on the human Reason and freedom. Kant has explicitly expressed the connection between politics, law and morality, and additionally in the modern philosophical thought (Timmons, Willaschek, McDowell) the ineffaceable moral dimension of right and politics is validated through the modern concepts of descriptivity, externality and prescreptivity, by the refutation of Independence and Externality Theses.

L'unification des régimes de responsabilité civile en matière de pollution marine / Unification of civil liability for marine pollution

Bai, Song 10 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis le sinistre du pétrolier Torrey Canyon, l'OMI a élaboré les Conventions CLC, SNPD et hydrocarbure. Celles-ci ont mis en place les régimes d'indemnisation des dommages par pollution causés par les navires. Les victimes de la pollution peuvent agir en responsabilité contre le propriétaire du navire ou directement contre l'assureur du propriétaire du navire pour les dommages par pollution (y compris les frais de nettoyage). Selon ces conventions internationales, le propriétaire du navire est en droit de limiter sa responsabilité dont l'indemnité est calculée en fonction du tonnage du navire en cause. De plus, le fonds FIPOL, créé par la convention portant création du fonds FIPOL, prend le relais de la convention CLC lorsque l'indemnité dépasse la limitation de responsabilité prévue par cette dernière convention. Mais est-ce que ces conventions prévoient une indemnisation suffisante pour les dommages par pollution ? Et existe-t-il des conflits entre les conventions internationales ? Il est vrai que la plupart des pollutions marines de faible ampleur sont suffisamment indemnisées. Mais tel n'est pas le cas pour les pollutions majeures. De plus, les conventions CLC, SNPD et hydrocarbures de soute n'ont pas prévu des champs d'application identiques. C'est ainsi que ces conventions internationales sont susceptibles d'être en conflit dans le cas où la pollution est causée par les substances polluantes transportées par le navire et les hydrocarbures de soute du navire en cause. La présente thèse a pour objet de présenter les régimes internationaux de responsabilité civile du propriétaire du navire en matière de pollution marine et essaie de proposer une solution pour résoudre les conflits entre les conventions internationales / Since the Torrey Canyon oil spill, the International Maritime Organization began drafting three international conventions (CLC, HNS and bunker oil conventions) to establish civil liability for compensation for ship-source pollution damages. Claims for compensation for pollution damages (including clean-up costs) may be brought against the owner of ships which caused the damages or directly against the owner's insurer. The ship-owner is normally entitled to limit his liability to an amount which is linked to the tonnage of his ship. Furthermore, the IOPC funds which was set up in 1992 under the IOPC convention 1992 is able to compensate the victims when compensation under the CLC 1992 is not available or not adequate. But do these international regimes work well ? And are there conflicts between the International conventions ? Certainly, the most of loss resulting from oil spills from sea can be compensated by the CLC/ IOPC system. But the compensation under CLC/IOPC is not able to be enough for the major pollution events. If the CLC, HNS and bunker oil Conventions don't set up the same scopes, these International Conventions might be in conflict in case of transportation of dangerous goods or hazardous goods by sea, because the spill of the bunker oil and the hazardous goods would cause a major marine pollution. This paper gives an overview of international liability and compensation regime, and tries to give a proposal to resolve the conflicts between the international conventions

Imagined Sounds: Their Role in the Strict and Free Compositional Practice of Anton Bruckner

Brooks, Jonathan 05 1900 (has links)
The present study develops a dynamic model of strict and free composition that views them as relative to a specific historical context. The dynamic view espoused here regards free embellishments of an earlier compositional generation as becoming the models for a strict compositional theory in a later one. From the newly established strict compositional models, succeeding generations of composers produce new free embellishments. The first part of the study develops the dynamic conception of a continuously emerging strict composition as the context necessary for understanding Anton Bruckner's compositional methodology with respect to the harmonic instruction of his teacher, Simon Sechter. In other words, I view Sechter's harmonic theories as a strict compositional platform for Bruckner's free compositional applications. Many theoretical treatises of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries such as those by Christoph Bernhard, Johann Philipp Kirnberger and Sechter acknowledged that strict composition must provide the structural framework for free composition. The above procedure becomes a manner of justifying a free embellishment since a "theorist" can demonstrate or assert the steps necessary to connect it with an accepted model from a contrapuntal or harmonic theory. The present study demonstrates that the justification relationship is a necessary component for understanding any theory as a strict/free one. By examining Sechter as a strict methodology for Bruckner, we can view the free applications that the latter develops. Bruckner's own theoretical documents-the marginalia in his personal copy of Sechter's Die Grundsätze der musikalischen Komposition and his lecture notes, Vorlesungen über Harmonie und Kontrapunkt an der Universität Wien, taken by Ernst Schwanzara-provide extensions and elaborations to Sechter's theories. In addition, theorists sympathetic to Sechter's approach and Bruckner's personal students provide further material for understanding Bruckner's free application of Sechter's strict harmonic perspective. The study uses my own observations, as well as the extensions indicated above, to generate the transformations used by Bruckner to elaborate the Sechterian harmonic structure.

Zamezení výpočetního přetížení počítačového systému v důsledku přerušení / Preventing Computer System from Computational Overload Due to Interrupts

Hajdík, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the techniques to prevent computer system from computational overloading due to excessive frequency of interruptions. The goal is to document the effect of interupts on a selected computing platform containing the ARM Cortex-M4 processor core. The work describes and implements possible software techniques that reduce the impact of consequences of overload due to excessive interruption frequency. At the same time the work verifies and compares the effectiveness of the particular implemented techniques by appropriate set of experiments.

Representation and Reconstruction of Linear, Time-Invariant Networks

Woodbury, Nathan Scott 01 April 2019 (has links)
Network reconstruction is the process of recovering a unique structured representation of some dynamic system using input-output data and some additional knowledge about the structure of the system. Many network reconstruction algorithms have been proposed in recent years, most dealing with the reconstruction of strictly proper networks (i.e., networks that require delays in all dynamics between measured variables). However, no reconstruction technique presently exists capable of recovering both the structure and dynamics of networks where links are proper (delays in dynamics are not required) and not necessarily strictly proper.The ultimate objective of this dissertation is to develop algorithms capable of reconstructing proper networks, and this objective will be addressed in three parts. The first part lays the foundation for the theory of mathematical representations of proper networks, including an exposition on when such networks are well-posed (i.e., physically realizable). The second part studies the notions of abstractions of a network, which are other networks that preserve certain properties of the original network but contain less structural information. As such, abstractions require less a priori information to reconstruct from data than the original network, which allows previously-unsolvable problems to become solvable. The third part addresses our original objective and presents reconstruction algorithms to recover proper networks in both the time domain and in the frequency domain.

Discricionariedade e princípios na hipermodernidade

Banhos, Sérgio Silveira 05 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Silveira Banhos.pdf: 574605 bytes, checksum: c823ec8263dc0871b145aab9b6306412 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-05 / This thesis addresses the recent doctrinal and jurisprudential tendency observed in the law in the context of hypermodernity, which indicates an effective reduction in the use of discretionality in administrative acts as a result of the integrated ap-plication of principles and rules. The traditional legalistic approach is currently giv-ing way to a more wide-ranging view, exemplified in Ronald Dworkin s theory of law as integrity through which not only rules, but also principles themselves, should be subjected to a systemic, integrated analysis. Given this, Dworkin s work forms the theoretical platform for the questions raised by this entire study, since the integrated application of principles and rules has become fundamental in the pursuit of the ideal of justice, bringing a new focus on the role of administrative law in an environment of deep and rapid change that typifies hypermodernity. Consid-ering the new concept of the separation of powers, the notion of strict legality, by presupposing a means of controlling the exercise of State power, must be set against other constitutional principles of equal importance, taking into account the particularities of each case in question. In this context, the traditional concept of discretionality is outmoded. Jurisdictive control of these acts is not only possible, but also absolutely essential in a democratic state of law. The synthesis of this new paradigm for administrative law is clear and should be an indissoluble part of administators agenda in contemporary society: citizens are the effective benefici-aries of constitutional rights and guarantees. The technique of balancing principles by assessing their values in the particular case is already part of the jurisprudence of hypermodernity, which is in synchrony with neopositivism and the theory of law as integrity / Esta dissertação demonstra a recente tendência doutrinária e jurisprudencial ob-servada no Direito da hipermodernidade, que indica efetiva diminuição da parcela de discricionariedade nos atos da Administração Pública, a partir da aplicação in-tegrada de princípios e regras. Da tradicional abordagem puramente legalista passa-se atualmente para uma visão mais abrangente na teoria do Direito como Integridade, de RONALD DWORKIN, mediante a qual não só normas, mas também princípios, devem ser analisados de maneira sistêmica, integrada. Dado isso, a obra de DWORKIN é a base teórica de apoio às questões instigadas por todo este estudo, porque a aplicação integrada de princípios e regras se tornou essencial à busca do ideal de justiça, trazendo novo enfoque quanto ao papel do Direito Ad-ministrativo nesta ambiência de profundas e rápidas transformações típicas da hi-permodernidade. Considerada a nova concepção da separação dos poderes, o princípio da legalidade estrita, por encerrar uma fórmula de contenção do exercí-cio do poder estatal, deve ser contraposto a outros princípios constitucionais de igual relevo, observado o caso concreto. A acepção clássica da discricionarieda-de, assim, encontra-se de vez superada. O controle jurisdicional desses atos não é só possível, mas imprescindível num Estado Democrático de Direito. A síntese desse novo paradigma para o Direito Administrativo é clara e deve pautar a agen-da dos administradores na contemporaneidade: os administrados são os efetivos destinatários dos direitos e das garantias constitucionais. A técnica de pondera-ção dos princípios contrapondo valores nos casos considerados já faz parte da realidade da jurisprudência da hipermodernidade, que se encontra sintonizada com o neopositivismo e com a teoria do Direito como Integridade

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