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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konzernbesteuerung nach IFRS : IFRS-Konsolidierungsregeln als Ausgangspunkt einer konsolidierten steuerlichen Gewinnermittlung in der EU? /

Fülbier, Rolf Uwe. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Habil.-Schr. u.d.T.: Fülbier, Rolf Uwe: Konsolidierte steuerliche Gewinnermittlung nach IFRS?--Bochum, 2005, eine normative Untersuchung der IFRS-Konsolidierungsregeln auf ihre Eignung als Ausgangspunkt einer konsolidierten steuerlichen Gewinnermittlung in der EU. / Literaturverz. S. 377 - 439.

控制公司之非常規交易法律責任 / The Legal Liability of Controlling Company for Non-arm’s Length Transactions

邱姮瑜, Chiu, Heng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
控制公司與從屬公司在法律面各具有獨立法人格,但在經濟面共同為聯盟經濟體。法律上允許控制公司與從屬公司不對等的控制支配關係存在,控制公司對從屬公司之財務、經營或人事具有控制支配力,可使從屬公司為或不為一定行為,當該行為不合於一般營業常規(本研究簡稱非常規交易)時,從經濟學角度,非常規交易或因集團整體運作需要,或因風險彼此瞭解或共同承擔等,致交易條件與一般常規不同,並非絕對無效率或涉有不法目的,完全禁止反有礙市場效率,故先進國家如美國、德國及我國等,對於非常規交易行為立法採不禁止,只是管制方式不同。我國公司法重視從屬公司權益之保障,制約控制公司適當補償或損害賠償責任;證券交易法則就行為致公司遭受重大損害,以刑責相繩;所得稅法基於租稅公平,按營業常規予以調整納稅,所謂不同法律立法目的所欲保護的法益不同,對於非常交易行為課以的法律效果也不同。   本研究以公司法第369條之4規定作為探討主軸,除認識、剖析我國公司法、證券交易法及所得稅法對非常規交易的規範目的及構成要件外,釐清控制關係、非常規交易等意涵也是很重要的,概實務案例上,非常規交易的確是不法利益輸送或掏空公司資產行為最常藉用的手法,主要原因除了控制與從屬關係外,非常規交易複雜難辨亦是原因之一。又控制公司支使從屬公司為非常規交易行為可能產生三種法律後果,一為直接損害從屬公司的權益;二為直接損害控制公司少數股東或債權人權益;三為同時損害從屬公司少數股東及其債權人權利。我國公司法、證交法及所得稅法基於不同立法目的而律定規範制約控制者責任,引進控制股東之受託義務、公司法人格否認、揭穿公司面紗原則、深石原則及代位訴訟等法理基礎與實務判例來作制約,保障受害者權益,立法意義值得肯定。但沒有一種責任機制能夠在所有情況下都發揮作用,水能載舟,亦能覆舟,加強控制公司責任,並賦予從屬公司或少數股東相對應的防衛工具,某種程度也影響了企業集團整體利益之運作,又法律正義權益平衡的設計,恐因舉證責任的關係,而難以落實。國內非常規交易規範行之有年,但商業交易行為推陳出新,以及跨境交易查證困難等,法制上及實務上面臨一些問題,本研究試著歸納並提出建議意見,希望法律正義得以伸張,經濟發展與利益保護得以衡平。 / The controlling company and the subsidiary company is independent in law, but in the economic side together for the Union economy. The law allows them to non-arm’s length transactions. From an economic perspective, it is not absolute inefficiency, so the advanced countries does not prohibit, but different control mode. Different legal legislative purpose is seeking to protect legal interests of different, so legal effect is different.   In this study, First, introducing and analyzing the legislative purposes and constituent elements of non-arm’s length transactions in the Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and the Income Tax Act. Second, understanding and clarifying the meaning of control relationship, non-arm’s length transactions, etc. Third, jurisprudencing fiduciary duty, disregard of the corporate fiction, piercing the corporate veil, doctrine of deep stone and derivative suit. Finally, summarizing cases from the substantive issues, concludes with recommendations observations.

多國企業核心流程之動態演化與創新研究-以日商在台子公司為例 / A Case Study of the Dynamic Evolution and Innovation through the Core Process of MNC: Japanese UC Subsidiary in Taiwan.

鍾國生, Chung,Kuo-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日商在台子公司為個案,探討多國企業核心流程之動態演化與創新研究。分析個案子公司的演化與創新過程,本研究從子公司的組織、母子公司關係、子公司角色、以及其核心流程,發現以下五點: 一. 對子公司的組織管理,母公司運用彈性的管理導向,有助於發揮子公司資源與能力。 二、母公司與子公司互相依存的關係,得以讓母公司可善用地主國的優勢,提昇多國企業整體營運的績效;亦能減少多國企業管理上的困難,甚至有助於多國企業的創新速度。 三、子公司的領導統御的務實化與主動性,有助於專業化資源與能力的提高。透過角色的改變,可擴大國際職責的參與機會。 四、相對於各行其是的多國企業,具有整合執行能力的子公司,可以為多國企業創造價值,並成為知識流通的來源。 五、子公司的動態演化,有助於多國企業的當地知識來源及國際化的拓展。 / This thesis has used Japanese subsidiary in Taiwan as case to study the dynamic evolution and innovation through the core process of MNC. From the view point of the organization control of alleged subsidiary, relationship of parent-subsidiary, subsidiary role in MNC, and its core process of subsidiary, we conclude the major findings are: (1). For the purpose of organization management, Parent company of MNC has adopted the flexible managerial patterns to facilitate subsidiary’s capability and its resources accumulation. (2). Relationship between parent and its subsidiary is interdependence. This kind of relationship helps Parent company who can utilize the net ownership advantages of host country to increase the total operational performance of MNC. It also helps to reduce the management difficulty toward subsidiary of MNC and even helps to increase the speed of innovation. (3). Top management of subsidiary shows their management skill with realistic and takes initiative in helping subsidiary to increase its capability and resources. Through the change of charter or its strategic roles, subsidiary can expand its participation of international responsibility. (4). Compare with other MNCs, subsidiary which has the capability of global integration can generate value-creation activities for MNC. Subsidiary will become the source of knowledge flow for its parent company. (5). The core process of subsidiary with dynamic evolution provides MNC with domestic knowledge. This evolution also helps MNC in internationalization development.

Multinational Companies Executive Selection Practices : challenge of Human Resource Management in International Business Management. / Les pratiques de sélection des exécutifs dans les entreprises multinationales : gestion des ressources humaines dans la gestion des affaires internationales.

Lakshman, Sangeetha 03 December 2013 (has links)
Les multinationales qui s’implantent à l'étranger en créant des filiales peuvent recourir à la stratégie globale, multi- nationale,transnationale et internationale afin de gérer leurs entreprises à l'étranger. Le recrutement international est un élément essentiel de lamise en oeuvre des quatre stratégies d’implémentation à l’étranger. Pour le recrutement, l'organisation peut suivre l'une des troisméthodes de dotation ou combiner les trois approches (PCN , HCN, TCN) en fonction des circonstances nationales et du cycle de vie duMNC. Dans les trois approches de recrutement (ethnocentrique, polycentrique, géocentrique) PCN , HCNs et TCN sont utilisés. Toutefois,ils diffèrent dans des proportions relatives. Il y a peu de preuves à l'appui de l'utilisation des HCNs et TCNs . La plupart des recherches ontporté sur les expatriés ( PCN) de HCN et TCN. Pour cette raison, nous voulons étudier, dans notre travail, dans quelles situations lesmultinationales utilisent les approches HCNs et TCN . Notre étude examine l'alignement entre la stratégie commerciale internationale et lerecrutement des dirigeants. Les fondements théoriques sont tirés essentiellement de la littérature existante.Les données primaires ont été recueillies auprès des cadres supérieurs de 22 multinationales. Des entretiens approfondis ont été menés etdes questions ouvertes ont été utilisés pour examiner l'alignement entre la stratégie commerciale internationale et le recrutement desdirigeants dans une filiale, le rôle joué par les expatriés au cours des différents cycles de vie de l'organisation. Les multinationalesparticipant à notre échantillon proviennent de Singapour, Dubaï, Inde, France, Pays-Bas et Belgique. L'analyse des données est basée sur laphilosophie interprétative. L'analyse des propositions de recherche révèle que le modèle de résultat est cohérent lorsque la pression de lanormalisation est plus élevée et l'utilisation de la dotation ethnocentrique ( PCN) est plus importante. Plus la pression de la normalisationest faible, plus les multinationales ont recourent à d'autres méthodes de recrutement- recrutement polycentrique ( HCNs ). La structureest partiellement cohérente avec l'alignement de la stratégie de recrutement lorsque plus la réactivité locale est plus élevée que lerecrutement polycentrique ne devrait être. Mais dans une situation donnée, le recrutement ethnocentrique est légèrement pluspolycentrique, même si la réactivité locale est élevée. Les résultats étendent l'application des théories soutenues pour expliquer lastratégie de l'entreprise et le recrutement des dirigeants et cadres et contribuent au développement des connaissances. L’implication desrésultats et des recherches futures sont recommandés. / Multinationals that are moving abroad for its subsidiary operation may use any one of the typology such as Global, Multi-domestic,Transnational, and International strategy in order to manage and maintain their business abroad. International staffing is a critical elementof the implementation of the four strategies for doing business globally. In staffing the international operation, the organization mayfollow one of the three staffing approaches or a combination of three approaches (PCN, HCN, TCN) depending on their domesticcircumstances and the life cycle of the MNC. In all the three staffing approaches (Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric) PCNs, HCNs andTCNs are used. But they will differ in relative proportions. There is little evidence in support of the utilization of HCNs and TCNs. Most ofthe research focused on expatriates (PCNs) than HCNs and TCNs. Therefore we want to explore on what situations multinationals useHCNs and TCNs. Further the study investigates the alignment between international business strategy and executive staffing. Theoreticalfoundations are drawn basically from existing literature.Primary data were collected from top executives of 22 multinationals. In depth interviews were conducted and open ended questionswere used to examine the alignment between international business strategy and executive staffing for subsidiary operation, expatriateroles during organization’s different life cycle. The multinationals participated in our sample are from Singapore, Dubai, India, France,Netherlands, and Belgium. The data analysis is based on interpretative philosophy. The analysis of the proposed research expectationrevealed that the pattern of result is consistent when higher the pressure for standardization, utilization of ethnocentric staffing (PCNs) ismore. Whereas the pressure for standardization is low, then multinationals used other staffing approaches - polycentric staffing (HCNs).The pattern is partially consistent with strategy staffing alignment when the higher the local responsiveness then the utilization ofpolycentric staffing should be more. But in the given situation, ethnocentric staffing is slightly more than polycentric even when the localresponsiveness is high. The findings extend the application of the underpinned theories and their beliefs in explaining the businessstrategy and executive staffing relationship and contribute to the body of knowledge. Implications of the results and direction for futureresearch are recommended.

Platební a zajišťovací funkce směnky a šeku / Payment and security function of bills of exchange and cheques

Rác, David January 2016 (has links)
A bill of Exchange was originally used as payment instrument. Recently, it is mostly used as securing instrument. This purpose was mainly evolved by legal practice and its legislation could be problematic and unclear for laymen. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze a bill of exchange as a securing instrument. Further attention is paid to the function of payment. However, the bill of exchange and check are both regulated in identical law, so to some of its institutes I also describe a checks. The main attention of my thesis is devoted to the securing purpose of the bill of exchange. There I describe the specifics of this instrument in the comparison of other civil securing instruments. Due to this contrast, it can be said, that the bill of exchange gives the creditor some significant advantage on one hand, but finds some insuperable limits on the other hand. My thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter describes the historical development of bills of exchange and check, and the circumstances under which these institutions were created. The second chapter deals with the exchange and check law, their rules, the systematic inclusion of this branch of law and the basic peculiarities are defined. The third chapter is devoted to a general definition of the bill of exchange, describes...

La protection des créanciers au sein des groupes de sociétés / The protection of creditors in groups of companies

Hmoda, Farag 19 March 2013 (has links)
L’étude juridique du groupe de sociétés fait apparaître une difficulté majeure qui émane de la grande différence entre le droit et le fait. En effet, bien qu’elles soient liées par un intérêt commun, les sociétés membres d’un groupe ne font toujours pas l’objet d’une réglementation détaillée qui prendrait en considération leur entité et leur unité économique et sociale distinctes. Il découle de cet antagonisme un risque de non correspondance des intérêts particuliers des sociétés membres avec la prévalence juridique de l'intérêt du groupe, lequel pourrait induire des effets préjudiciables aux différentes catégories des créanciers de ces sociétés.Toutefois, cette absence d’une loi particulière aux groupes a donné lieu à une réglementation ponctuelle qui vient modifier des règles du droit des sociétés ou qui régit certains domaines particuliers. De même, en raison d'une telle insuffisance de normes écrites, une importante partie du droit positif des groupes semble d’origine jurisprudentielle. Soutenus par la Cour de cassation, les juges du fond ne cessent de circonscrire les différents aspects de ce phénomène en vue de combler des lacunes juridiques qui heurtent l’équité. Plusieurs théories ont été instaurées en la matière, construisant ensemble une base importante pour la protection des créanciers, des salariés et des associés minoritaires liés à l’ensemble des sociétés regroupées. / Legal study of the group of companies reveals a major difficulty which emanates from the big difference between law and reality. Indeed, although they are linked by a common interest, the member companies of a group are not always the object of a detailed ruling which would take into consideration their entity and their economic unity and social distinctions. From this antagonism follows a risk of not connecting the particular member companies with the legal acceptance of the group’s interest, which might lead to prejudicial actions towards the different categories of creditors and companies.However, this absence of a special law for groups gave rise to a timely rule which modifies the rules of the rights of companies or which rules certain particular fields. In the same way, because of an insufficiency of written standards, an important part of the actual right is derived from the origins of precedent. Supported by the Supreme Court of Appeal, the the trial judges do not cease to draw a line around the different aspects of this occurrence in the light of closing a legal loop hole which goes against fairness. Several theories have indeed been established on the subject, forming together an important base for the protection of creditors, wage earners and minor partners linked to the whole of the amalgamated companies.

La fiscalité des sociétés holdings en Turquie / Taxation of holding companies in Turkey

Celener, Balca 30 March 2015 (has links)
La société holding est une réalité économique dont l’importance ne cesse d’augmenter. Plusieurs États offrent des régimes de faveurs fiscales pour attirer les holdings sur leurs territoires. Le système fiscal turc n’offre pas un tel «régime holding» mais il comporte plusieurs dispositions qui offrent certains avantages aux participations turques et étrangères. Une fiscalité avantageuse pour les holdings est intéressante pour un État dans la mesure où elle lui permet d’attirer les entreprises. Les dispositions fiscales peuvent rendre un territoire attractif et compétitif mais elles peuvent inciter une évasion fiscale à l’intérieur même du territoire. Le second risque engendré par le régime fiscal avantageux est l’établissement d’une concurrence fiscale déloyale. Les éléments clés d’une fiscalité idéale pour la société holding prennent en compte, d’une part la distribution des bénéfices de la holding, et d’autre part, les bénéfices provenant de ses propres participations, notamment les dividendes provenant de ses filiales et les plus-values de cession de ces participations. Par ailleurs, le régime fiscal holding doit être attractif et compétitif tout en restant compatible avec les principes reconnus du droit fiscal international. / The holding company is an economic reality whose importance is still increasing. Several countries offer tax benefits plans to attract holdings in their territories. The Turkish tax system does not offer such a "holding plan" but it contains several provisions that provide certain benefits to Turkish and foreign investments. Tax advantages for holding companies are important for the State to the extent that it attracts businesses and group companies. The tax provisions can make an attractive and competitive territory, yet they may increase tax evasion within the same territory. Another risk caused by the advantageous tax regime is harmful tax competition. The key elements of an ideal tax system of holding companies are about, first of all, the distribution of profits of the holding company and secondly, income from its own shares, including dividends from its subsidiaries and the capital gains disposal of their shares. Furthermore, the holding company tax system must be both competitive and attractive and at the same time it must be compatible with the principles acknowledged by international tax law.

Změna konsolidované účetní závěrky v důsledku změny velikosti podílu ve společnosti / Changes in Consolidated Financial Statements as a Result of Changes in the Size of the Share in the Company

Křenková, Vendula January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of consolidated financial statements, namely the change of the consolidation method, the consolidation group Energie - stavební a báňská. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts and ways of calculations related to the topic. In the analytical part, the thesis deals first with the analysis of the current economic situation of the group, as well as with the calculation of the full consolidation method. This area will proceed freely to the design part, which includes a concrete proposal for streamlining the economic results of the consolidation group. Finally, the effects of the proposed change in the consolidation method will be fully evaluated using financial analysis.

Návrh strategie rozvoje obchodních aktivit firmy v rámci evropského vnitřního trhu. / Company´s Business development strategy in terms of European Market

Heřmanová, Martina January 2008 (has links)
There is a rising number of companies, which have to face the appeals of International Markets. It is not possible to stop the economic development in many sectors of the market. When the company wants to keep it´s lasting existence and success it is not sufficient to concentrate on the National Market only. If the company wants to enter the International Market it is necessary to assure a processing of appropriate analyses. Entering the International Market brings both the business opportunities and the mature market threats as well. The submitted Master´s thesis describes the partial activities – planning, supervision, organization and human resources management.

Konsolidovaná účetní závěrka / Consolidated Financial Statements

Věžníková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the consolidation of the financial statements in a situation where the unite does not fulfil the conditions for its processing yet, but in the near future it is likely to be confirmed. The thesis includes description of progressive time schedule of work while preparing the consolidated financial statements for the specific analyzed consolidation group headed by parent company ENVINET a.s..

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