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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspective vol. 38 no. 4 (Dec 2004) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Weber, Tanya 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 38 no. 1 (Apr 2004) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Fernhout, Harry, DeMoor, Michael, Postma, Jason, Luymes, Jennifer Neyfeld, Krabbe, Jenny 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond sexual satisfaction : pleasure and autonomy in women’s inter-war novels in England and Ireland

Bacon, Catherine M. 15 June 2011 (has links)
My dissertation offers a new look at how women authors used popular genres to negotiate their economic, artistic, and sexual autonomy, as well as their national and imperial identities, in the context of the changes brought by modernity. As medical science and popular media attempted to delineate women’s sexual natures, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Winifred Holtby, Kate O’Brien, and Molly Keane created narratives which challenged not only psychoanalytic proscriptions about the need for sexual satisfaction, but traditional ideas about women’s inherent modesty. They absorbed, revised, and occasionally rejected outright the discourses of sexology in order to advocate a more diffuse sensuality; for these writers, adventure, travel, independence, creativity, and love between women provided satisfactions as rich as those ascribed to normative heterosexuality. I identify a history of queer sexuality in both Irish and English contexts, one which does not conform to emergent lesbian identity while still exceeding the limits of heteronormativity. / text

Vi hör inte världens sång längre : En text om kravet på den nya människans tänkande bortom gott och ont / We don't listen to the song of the world anymore

Ulriksson, Tanja January 2022 (has links)
Världen är oupplösligt sammankopplad i sina relationer och förhållanden, ändå finner människan sätt att separera och låta skillnader hindra henne från att leva och samexistera i sin mångfald. Friedrich Nietzsche skriver ”Kanske uttrycker vårt ord ’människa’ (manas) ännu något av denna självkänsla: människan betecknade sig själv som det väsen som mäter värden, som värderar och mäter, som det ’värderande djuret i sig’.” I den här uppsatsen börjar jag i Nietzsches genealogi och filosofi som utgångspunkt för att förstå hur och när den europeiska filosofin började plocka isär sig själv inifrån och titta närmare på människans subjekt och hennes värden. Jag vill genom det se på den moderna filosofins sätt att skildra och förstå människan i världen. Vidare anser jag att filosofin måste öppna sig för en bredare kanon för att i det moderna samhället kunna vara en praktik som inkluderar alla levda erfarenheter. Min uppsats har även syftet att utforska en sådan möjlig brygga för var filosofin kan få en materiell och aktivistisk mening. Vägen jag tar för att föreslå en sådan brygga är som nämnt från Nietzsches genealogi. Sedan fortsätter analysen framåt genom Frantz Fanons avkolonialiserande tänkande som tar utgångspunkt i levd erfarenhet. Av särskild vikt är något jag här kallar för en teori om skillnad som ovärderlig, som utarbetas i närhet till Édouard Glissant framför allt, och som vilar på ett fokus på detaljen och hur den måste förstås på ett icke-hierarkiserande sätt för att ingå i Glissants tanke och term Relation. Skillnaden som ovärderlig öppnar i det dekoloniala tänkandet upp för kunskapen utanför den traditionellt överlägsna diskursen och leder oss in i Glissants filosofi och relationens tänkande. / In this paper I am asking the question about the European human values and their effect on philosophy and thought through three different philosophers. What I want to examine is how we can get past thinking human subjects as constituted by the hierarchical and often oppositional differences that were installed by means of a normalizing universal with colonial roots. The essay begins with Nietzsche’s geneological account of how and when European philosophy began to disassemble itself from within, focusing on his idea of the need for a new man. Then I turn to Frantz Fanon and the decolonization of European thought and power, as one based on violence and hiererachy. Édouard Glissants poetics of Relation is then essential for thinking man today in the entangled, constantly changing world that we live in.

Ambivalent Ecologies: Representations of the Nonhuman in African American Literature, 1830-1940

Alston, Brian Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Ambivalent Ecologies: Representations of the Nonhuman in African American Literature, 1830-1940, argues that nonhuman animals and ecological phenomena are central to the projects undertaken by African American authors from the antebellum slave narrative through the interwar period. In four chapters that focus on the Anglophone literature of nineteenth century abolition, the late nineteenth-century conjure tales of Charles W. Chesnutt, Jean Toomer’s Cane, and Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, I contend that there are as many differences in how these authors marshal the nonhuman as there are similarities. Following this insight, I tease out the unevenness and tensions in these representations across the tradition. Tracing the influence of literary genre and historical developments on representations of the nonhuman, I contend that these mark a site or perhaps a vector of profound ambivalence. Pushing beyond paradigms that reflexively position the work of black creative intellectuals as always already critical of Western liberal humanism, I offer a more nuanced set of close-readings that stay with the trouble of what I theorize as the ecological ambivalence that animates African American literature’s relationship toward the colonial categories the Human, or Man. Drawing on the work of Sylvia Wynter, Zakiyyah Jackson, Frantz Fanon, and others, I position this ambivalence as a key feature of the ecology of African American life.

Listening with the Unknown: Unforming the World with Slave Ears and the Musical Works Not-In-Between (2020) The Sound of Listening (2020) The Sound of Music (2022)

Cox, Jessie January 2024 (has links)
Advances in technologies of voice profiling shed new light on questions of listening and its entanglement with antiblackness as a structuring paradigm of modernity. To contest current conceptions of listening with regards to the question of race and antiblackness while also shining light on the potentials offered by blackness, this dissertation engages listening at three distinct sites that are entangled with this modern question of voice profiling AI. In the process, this dissertation elaborates on the ethical stakes involved in listening itself. Chapter 1 excavates the way in which the ears of enslaved Black lives were ritualized. It centers an analysis of the role of the punishment of ear cropping and how this performed both a claim over slaves’ belonging and an inhibition on their freedom. Scholarship from Hebrew law aids in uncovering the meaning of the specific form of punishment. The chapter concludes by comparing the conception of slaves’ ears to Black artistic expressions such as Harriet Jacobs’s various methods of narration in Incidents of a Slave Girl and Blind Tom Wiggins’ unique use of clusters and graphic notation in Battle of Manassas, so as to demonstrate their methods of resistance and refusal to a claimed all-encompassing regime of listening. Chapter 2 engages modern notions of sound and listening. The way in which sound is theorized and engaged in modern digital technologies is entangled with the conception of what listening is and what it entails. Hermann von Helmholtz provides an axis after which sound and listening, as well as the relation between an inner world of perceptions and an outer world of sensations, has to be engaged as a question of listening as entangled in societal questions. The chapter critically elaborates alongside questions of categorical distinction in sound, such as the use of skull shapes as referents for AI listening, instrument classification systems, and the general question of the form of sound, or sound as object. The concluding Chapter 3 discusses, alongside Sylvia Wynter’s work and Roscoe Mitchell’s piece S II Examples (date) the kinds of questions we must pose in the development of modern AI listening technologies to move past antiblackness. Immanuel Kant’s theorizing of race and his influence on Johann Friedrich Blumenbach’s classification of skulls relate tomodern voice profiling AI technology directly through the question of using cranial shapes. Wynter’s work challenges both a turn to varieties that do not allow the addressing of structural antiblackness, and a continuation of claims to proper knowledge on the basis of antiblackness. Ultimately, Wynter aids us in hearing Mitchell’s continual shapeshifting practice on the saxophone as a proposal towards a refiguring of our conception of sound, listening, and us.

Perspective vol. 39 no. 2 (Apr 2005)

Fernhout, Harry, Olthuis, James H., Krabbe, Jenny, Weber, Tanya 30 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 39 no. 2 (Apr 2005) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Fernjout, Harry, Olthuis, James H., Krabbe, Jenny, Weber, Tanya 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

L’auteur au temps du recueil : repenser l’autorité et la singularité poétiques dans les premiers manuscrits à collections auctoriales de langue d’oïl (1100-1340).

Stout, Julien 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse entend proposer une analyse originale du phénomène connu mais polémique que constitue l’introduction de la notion d’auteur dans la littérature de langue française au Moyen Âge. Il s’agira d’essayer de contribuer à repenser la signification poétique, culturelle et historique de ce moment particulier où l’auteur – c’est-à-dire l’attribution d’un texte ou d’une série de textes à un nom propre donné – s’est imposé pour la première fois comme un critère structurant et primordial dans la production et surtout la transmission des textes de langue française dans les manuscrits médiévaux. Usant du concept foucaldien de fonction-auteur, des théories de la réception et du paratexte, ainsi que de la « Nouvelle Codicologie », l’approche déployée ici aborde l’auteur en tant que construction textuelle et éditoriale signifiante au sein d’un corpus de recueils littéraires de langue d’oïl où la volonté de construire des figures d’auteurs par les éditeurs de ces ouvrages est à la fois claire et indiscutable. Partie à l’origine d’un examen systématique de la tradition manuscrite d’environ 320 noms de poètes de langue d’oïl actifs entre 1100 et 1340, l’analyse se concentre principalement sur 25 manuscrits contenant des collections auctoriales dédiées à 17 poètes, dont le nom est associé avec insistance à une série de textes copiés les uns à la suite des autres. Parmi ces auteurs, on trouve les célèbres Chrétien de Troyes, Rutebeuf et Adam de la Halle, mais aussi Philippe de Thaon, frère Angier, Guillaume le clerc de Normandie, Pierre de Beauvais, Philippe de Remi, Gautier le Leu, Jacques de Baisieux, Geoffroi de Paris, Jean de l’Escurel, Baudouin de Condé, Jean de Condé, Watriquet de Couvin et Nicole Bozon. La présente analyse tente de nuancer et de dépasser la lecture répandue selon laquelle ces manuscrits à collections auctoriales individuelles constitueraient, de concert avec les fameuses biographies de troubadours et les chansonniers de trouvères, souvent présentés comme leurs « ancêtres », les débuts balbutiants d’une vaste épopée de l’avènement de l’« auteur moderne », annonciateur tout à la fois d’une « subjectivité littéraire », d’une « esthétique autobiographique » et d’un contrôle accru des auteurs historiques, réels, sur la transmission manuscrite de leurs propres œuvres. Tout en offrant une mise à jour contextuelle et matérielle – données originales à l’appui – concernant la dimension collaborative de la genèse de ces recueils et le caractère modulaire de leur transmission, on montrera qu’ils sont le fruit d’un dialogue nourri avec le modèle livresque latin et pluriséculaire de l’auctor – qui est à la fois un auteur, un garant de la vérité (auctoritas) et un ambassadeur prestigieux de la grammaire –, ainsi qu’avec l’antique exemple d’œuvres dites « biobibliographiques », qui décrivent la vie et l’œuvre d’auteurs illustres et exemplaires, comme le fait le De viris illustribus de saint Jérôme. Les manuscrits étudiés usent à répétition de ce modèle ancestral de la biobibliographie (« la vie et l’œuvre ») pour mettre en scène un face-à-face entre auteurs de langue d’oïl et auctores. Or cette mise en regard s’avère d’autant plus intéressante que, contrairement à ce qu’on observe pour les troubadours, considérés très tôt comme de nouveaux auctores illustres en langue vulgaire, dignes de cautionner l’excellence de la poésie et de la grammaire d’oc, elle ne prend pas uniquement, en français, la forme d’une imitation ou d’une adaptation de modèles anciens. En fait, l’analogie avec les auctores donne lieu à des exercices savants, autoréflexifs et parfois ironiques sur la fabrique éditoriale, poétique et épistémologique du type d’auteur et d’auctoritas qui peuvent (ou non) être bâtis dans des recueils en langue d’oïl, idiome qui était encore dépourvu à l’époque (1100-1340) de véritable grammaire, et où fleurissaient en revanche les genres littéraires de divertissement comme le roman, où l’on explorait la porosité des frontières entre le vrai et le faux, entre le bien et le mal. Plus qu’un pas pris dans la direction d’un sacre inéluctable, l’« invention de l’auteur français » à laquelle procèdent les recueils étudiés est un geste pétri des incertitudes et des interrogations de ceux qui le posaient, et qui en mesuraient la profonde vanité au regard de Dieu et de la mort. / This thesis aims to provide an original analysis on an often studied yet controversial issue: the introduction of the notion of authorship in French language medieval literature. The objective here is to reconsider the poetic, cultural, and historical signification of the particular moment when the author – understood here as the attribution of a text or of a series of texts to a proper noun – first became an essential structuring criteria in the production, and more importantly, in the transmission of French-language texts through medieval manuscripts. Using Michel Foucault’s concept of fonction-auteur, theories of reception and of the paratext, as well as New Codicology, this thesis will consider the author as a signifying textual and editorial construction within several literary collections written in langue d’oïl, in which the editors clearly and undeniably sought to construct figures of the author. Based on the systematic examination of the manuscript tradition of approximately 320 names of langue d’oïl poets, who were active between 1100 and 1340, this analysis will focus primarily on 25 manuscripts containing authorial collections dedicated to 17 poets, whose names are strongly associated with a series of texts that are copied one after the other. Among these authors are the famous Chrétien de Troyes, Rutebeuf and Adam de la Halle, as well as Philippe de Thaon, frère Angier, Guillaume le clerc de Normandie, Pierre de Beauvais, Philippe de Remi, Gautier le Leu, Jacques de Baisieux, Geoffroi de Paris, Jean de l’Escurel, Baudouin de Condé, Jean de Condé, Watriquet de Couvin and Nicole Bozon. This thesis attempts to question and ultimately discard the common conception according to which the manuscripts containing individual authorial collections constituted – along with the famous biographies of the troubadours and the chansonniers of the trouvères, often considered as their « ancestors » – the timid beginnings of the rise of the « modern author », himself a prequel to « literary subjectivity », « autobiographical aesthetics » and an ever stronger control exerted by actual empirical authors over the manuscript transmission of their own works. While offering contextual and material updates – supported by original data – regarding the collaborative process that went into the creation of these collections, as well as the modular aspect of their reception, this thesis will show that these collections were formed through a rich dialogue with the centuries-old latin model of the auctor – who is at once an author, a guardian of truth (auctoritas) and a prestigious ambassador of grammar –, as well as with the antique tradition of « biobibliographical » texts, dealing with the life and works of famous and exemplary authors, such as De viris illustribus, by saint Jerome. The manuscripts studied here repeatedly used this ancient model of biobibliography (« the life and works ») in order to stage a competition between authors writing in langue d’oïl and auctores. This confrontation is particularly interesting when one considers that – contrary to what may be observed in the case of the troubadours, who were quickly seen as the new illustrious vernacular auctores, worthy of vouching for the excellency of langue d’oc poetry and grammar – , we are not simply dealing here with a form of imitation or adaptation in French of ancient models. In fact, the analogy with auctores allows for autoreflexive and sometimes ironic learned exercises, dealing with the editorial, poetic and epistemological creation of the type of author and auctoritas in manuscript collections in langue d’oïl, an idiom which at the time (1100-1340) lacked a true grammar, yet was used in various literary genres meant for entertainment, such as romance, which explored the evanescent barriers between truth and lies, good and evil. Rather than a small step in the long path towards an inevitable coronation, the « invention of the French author » undertaken by these collections constitutes an action that reflects all the uncertainty and interrogations of those who undertook it, while being fully convinced of its utter vanity in the eyes of God and death.

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