Spelling suggestions: "subject:"symbolic 1interaction"" "subject:"symbolic 3dinteraction""
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Profissionais desviantes no condado : um estudo sobre carreirasSilva, Sebastião Victor Oliveira Acioli da 30 November 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims, broadest, analyze the career of women who exercise prostitute craft in private establishments in the Shire. The empirical universe therefore consists the adult female prostitution exercised in enclosed spaces and not in open environments such as the street. More specifically, it was taken as central to understanding how someone becomes a prostitute, that is, what are the steps, the routes and the contingencies that contribute to lead someone to exercise this office, and often seek success in career? To cope with this issue, this work is between the sociology of professional groups and the sociology of deviance, once it is the socialization in an occupation highly stigmatized and deviant and that involves in the process informality as a backdrop. / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo, mais amplo, analisar a carreira das mulheres que exercem o ofício de prostituta em estabelecimentos privados no Condado. O universo empírico consiste, portanto, na prostituição feminina adulta exercida em espaços fechados e não em ambientes abertos como é o caso da rua. De maneira mais específica, tomou-se como elemento central a compreensão de como alguém se torna prostituta, ou seja, quais são as etapas, os percursos e as contingências que contribuem para levar alguém a exercer esse ofício, e muitas vezes buscar o sucesso na carreira? Para dar conta dessa questão, esse trabalho se situa entre a sociologia dos grupos profissionais e a sociologia do desvio, uma vez que se trata da socialização e atuação em um grupo social que galga profissionalismo em uma atividade altamente estigmatizada e desviante e que envolve em seu processo a informalidade como pano de fundo.
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Her Self: Exploration of a Woman's Self in Intimate Partner ViolenceKhariwal, Pooja 11 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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What to Wear: Businesswomen's Choice of Professional DressRoth, Amber Nicole 12 January 2010 (has links)
Previous research has shown that separately and in some combinations internal and external variables (e.g., fashion consciousness, the weather), in addition to the demographic variables of the individual (e.g., gender, age), can affect dress choice. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the variables within the Choice of Professional Dress system and businesswomen's choice of professional dress along the classic–innovative fashion continuum (e.g., whether the professional dress is considered by the dress adopter as more classic or more innovative).
A model was developed for this study to illustrate the relationships between multiple variables that are proposed to influence an individual's choice of professional dress. A survey questionnaire was created to investigate businesswomen's choice of professional dress along the classic–innovative fashion continuum in regards to variables within two of the internal subsystems, the demographic subsystem, and the two external subsystems of the Choice of Professional Dress system. Data was collected via an online survey managed by a marketing research company. Participants were predominately married, Caucasian, businesswomen between 30 and 40 years old who held primarily occupations such as office and administrative support or management and financial operations. Multiple regression analyses and ANOVA were employed to test the relationships between the Choice of Professional Dress variables and businesswomen's selection of professional dress for work, as proposed in five main hypotheses.
Results of the multiple regression analysis and ANOVA indicated significant relationships between businesswomen's choice of professional dress along the classic–innovative fashion continuum and demographics (i.e., age, education), as well as internal variables (i.e., fashion consciousness, professional image/role, comfort, appearance labor, availability of professional dress) and external variables (i.e., company culture, company dress policies, profession). These results contribute to academia by providing a deeper and richer understanding of businesswomen's professional dress choice as well as the placement of these choices by businesswomen on the <i>Fashion Continuum</i>. Based on the findings, academic and practical suggestions as well as recommendations for future research were provided. / Ph. D.
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A re-communication conceptual framework: perceived influence of reality-altering events on organisational interaction behaviourKoonin, Marla 12 1900 (has links)
The researcher set out to gain an in-depth understanding of the possible influence of a reality-altering event on interaction behaviour (communication). The alteration in interaction behaviour referred to within the context of this study, is the communication phenomenon identified, explained and labelled as part of the study, which the researcher termed “re-communication”. This study partly aims at developing a re-communication conceptual framework that explains the re-communication phenomenon.
In order to explain this unexplored communication phenomenon and develop a re-communication conceptual framework for it, the study focuses on how either strategic or spontaneous communication could be utilised in any reality-altering event to disclose information that would alter the co-constructed social reality between people. This information could be communicated either by the individual, who experienced a reality-altering event, or by persons or forms of communication external to the individual. Within the context of this study, the disclosure becomes the reality-altering event.
Therefore, the proposed re-communication conceptual framework firstly addresses the elements that influence disclosure or non-disclosure. Secondly, it focusses on self-preservation communication strategies used to avoid disclosing or concealing the reality-altering event. Thirdly, the framework focuses on the actual reality-altering event, which, in this case, occurs when a gay individual’s sexual identity is disclosed to colleagues. Lastly, the framework looks at re-communication, which involves a perceived alteration in communication post-disclosure due to the altered reality. It is argued that the co-constructed social reality between a gay individual and a colleague is altered from a position of being unaware of the individual being gay to becoming aware.
It is further argued that, because heterosexuality is regarded as the norm and the language and meaning ascribed to dominant symbols in society support heteronormativity, people often assume that a colleague is heterosexual and construct their reality based on this notion. Going into an interaction, both the gay individuals and their colleagues have their own social reality, which they have constructed through their experiences, as well as the co-constructed social reality they share with each colleague with whom they interact. This study was conducted within an interpretivist research paradigm and from the position of the theoretical foundation of symbolic interactionism, social constructionism and constructivism. A qualitative, exploratory research design was selected to collect the data by means of in-depth semi-structured interviews and narratives. Based on the insights provided by the participants, re-communication as a communication phenomenon was identified, explained and labelled and the resultant re-communication framework was developed. The re-communication conceptual framework was synergised by means of a thematic textual analysis and was guided by a number of assumptions and postulations arising from a strong theoretical foundation and a comprehensive literature review, which were supported by the findings.
In this study, it was found that a reality-altering event is complex and multiple elements influence the way in which gay individuals’ sexual identity are disclosed or not disclosed within the organisational context. However, it has been discovered that communication is the vehicle for self-preservation and for disclosing information that will lead to a reality-altering event. Regardless of how small the influence or how limited the time, post the reality-altering event, the disclosure influences interaction behaviour (communication) and alters the co-constructed social reality between gay individuals and their colleagues.
The colleagues go from a position of not knowing an individual was gay to knowing. It is noted that disclosure of a sexual identity and/or any other reality-altering event is not a once off reality-altering event, but rather a continuous process for gay individuals, because each time a new colleague enters the organisational contexts of gay individuals, they need to consider if – and if so, how – they want to disclose. In some cases, disclosure take places by others and the gay individual needs to decide how to deal with colleagues now knowing s/he is gay.
The most significant contribution of the study is the identification, explanation and labelling of a previously unexplored communication phenomenon – that of re-communication – and the development of a re-communication conceptual framework that could contribute to the organisational reality in a two-fold manner. Firstly, such a framework will provide insights into and possible sense making of the disclosure experiences of gay individuals in the organisational context. Secondly, the outcome illustrates the importance of inclusive and positive organisational climates and/or cultures and the concomitant impact of positive engagements on organisational practices such as inclusive climates and cultures for sharing, employee loyalty, better team cooperation, trust among employees, increased employee wellbeing and more effective communication processes within organisations. / Communication Science / D. Phil. (Communication)
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符號互動、媒介、家鄉與離散認同:布里斯本澳籍台裔族裔邊界的形成與流動 / Symbolic Interactions, Media, Homeland and Diasporic Identities:The Fluid Ethnic Boundaries of Taiwanese immigrants in Brisbane蔡珮 Unknown Date (has links)
本文在理論耙梳與田野來回交錯中,發現Mead符號互動論在互動中構連認同與想像共同體的關鍵傳播因素是「重要象徵符號」,不過,Mead似乎只考慮了一個共同體中個體「趨同」的重要象徵符號,但忽略和外部社群互動接觸的「區異」重要象徵符號也會形成自我所從出的共同體,這種由「區異」所形成的「重要象徵符號」,更具有以「想像」構成共同體之性質,雖然處在同一個共同體的成員並不相識,但是當我們和他群接觸有共同的差異感產生時,這種共同的「差異感」讓我們有同屬一個共同體的感覺。本論文於是結合Mead符號互動論與Barth族裔邊界理論,且不偏廢根基論的族裔認同,提出離散族裔的族裔認同來自族裔內根基(同一性)與邊界互動(差異性)所形成的重要象徵符號構成了族裔象徵邊界(symbolic boundary),正是這些被社群成員認為”重要”、”可區辨”不同族群的重要象徵符號,構成集體認同之基礎,提供族裔認同之來源。澳籍台裔離散認同是一個「混雜的想像共同體」,其中的族裔認同「想像共同體」是透過傳播互動中社群成員認為重要可區辨不同族裔的「重要象徵符號」實踐形成之邊界所構成,族裔邊界維持與變遷之機制,來自於對母國原生情感或宗主國情感的強弱、族裔評價之抉擇、家鄉情懷的強弱、宗主國溝通能力之具備與否以及在社會互動中自我與他者關係之多重匯聚。
本文認為,在應用Anderson「想像共同體」觀點解釋媒介內容建構或凝聚集體認同之推論應有所保留。形成族裔認同感的傳播機制,在Anderson那裡,是將現代時間觀念的改變與印刷資本主義和統一方言使用做了扣連,廣大的讀者同胞因而產生共時性的連結,形成想像共同體的胚胎(Anderson, 1991),在Mead這裡,形成共同體的語言過程,是一種「重要象徵符號」的溝通(Mead, 1934),個人即使沒有和共同體中的所有成員碰面,但認同也不可能在真空中產生,沒有社會互動,自我和共同體都不可能生成,是「重要象徵符號」構連了許許多多未曾謀面的共同體成員。象徵符號原本是具有多義性的,但「重要象徵符號」卻能在彼此之間形成共同的態度與反應,以致形成一個「想像共同體」。本研究發現族裔媒介引發族裔情感的方式其實還有「原生情感」、「濃烈鄉愁」、「同族裔同胞或母國親友交流」作為觸媒;主流媒介建構「澳洲人」認同也是透過人際傳播中介,受到互動中澳洲人的認肯,才引發「澳洲人」的認同感。因此,大眾媒介或許只是強化原有的族裔情感或是作為人際互動中促使認同更容易產生之內容來源,是和人際傳播互動共同建構了族裔認同,而非單一造就。
澳籍台裔的離散認同由三種族裔想像共同體組成:「Chinese共同體」、「台灣人共同體」與「澳洲人共同體」,源自三種共同體的自我認同有八種樣貌:「在澳洲的台灣人」、「也(不)是台灣人也(不)是澳洲人,或是不同比例的兩種組合」、「台裔澳洲人」、「華裔澳洲人」、「中國人 or Chinese from Taiwan」、「在哪裡就是哪裡人」、「國際人」與「亞澳居間人」。三個族裔想像共同體擁有各自分享的評價標準與重要象徵符號,形成族裔認同邊界:台灣人共同體主要是以「和來自中國大陸予人負面印象的Chinese不同」為核心評價;Chinese共同體多以策略性本質主義定義「Chinese」為「中華文化」、「華裔血緣」,作為提升己身認同以對抗環境中多數認為「Chinese=來自中國大陸」之意含;澳洲人共同體則多欣賞澳洲的價值觀和生活形態,如:平等、守法、輕鬆隨和、熱愛戶外運動、注重隱私、獨立自主、友善親切等。
過去離散研究強調離散族裔有共同鄉愁以及「母國導向」的論點並不適用於澳籍台裔離散。雖然對第一代台灣移民而言,台灣家鄉和原生情感以及族裔認同分不開,「出生地」、「成長地」、「父母家人都在台灣」、「台灣是我的國家」是其家鄉歸屬感之來源,但即使「家鄉」是台灣,由於這群移民當初選擇的是澳洲優質的生活環境,因此大多數仍會選擇在澳洲定居,回歸母國或落葉歸根的比例並不高,第一代僅18%表達會回台灣長住,後裔更僅有9%有此意願。雖然大部分1.5代高中以上年齡移民仍和第一代一樣,覺得「親情」、「家鄉」和「成長地」的構連形成強烈的台灣歸屬感,但傳播科技的發達以及大眾交通之便捷,打破了時空界線,使得「多重的家」、「跨國的家」逐漸取代單一「台灣是家鄉」的意義,「家鄉」象徵”多重的地方”,「台灣、澳洲都是家鄉」使得「家鄉」與「母國地域」的關係開始鬆動,「家鄉」成為一個連結母國和宗主國的空間;更年幼移民澳洲的1.5代,或是「澳洲人」認同感較多的移民後裔,大多會認為「家人在澳洲,澳洲就是我的家」,甚至直接稱澳洲是自己的家鄉,原本第一代「家鄉」、「母國親人」和「母國地域」三者構連的家鄉歸屬感開始解構,轉為「在澳洲親人」和「去母國地域」的家鄉。台裔離散的「家鄉」意義,已從第一代與「母國」、「出生地」、「成長地」、「國家」、「親人所在地」緊緊扣連,提供族裔認同重要來源,逐漸在後裔於澳洲久居生根之後,意義變遷為「多重的地方」、「跨國的家」,使得移民後裔的認同也有了多元的變貌,「從何處來」與「身在何處」兩者間的抉擇,在「台灣出生地」與「久居澳洲」、「家人在澳洲」兩方的牽引中,後裔逐漸選擇在澳洲的親情和經歷成長已習慣的澳洲生活作為「家鄉」意義之來源,「日久他鄉是故鄉」是離散後裔「澳洲人」認同漸多時家鄉意義的變貌,「台灣」對年幼移民後裔而言,漸漸只剩下「好吃、好玩、度假、買便宜東西的地方」。 / This dissertation aims to explore the relations among identity, communication and imagined community. Mead’s symbolic interactionism and Barth’s theory of ‘ethnic boundary’ have been employed as the main theoretical frames in this study. Furthermore, extended from Mead’s and Barth’s theory in assist with ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews with 65 Taiwanese immigrants in Brisbane, I argue that ethnic identity of diaspora is constructed by the symbolic ethnic boundary which is formed with identical ( primordialism ) and different ( boundary interactions ) significant symbols. The boundaries between ethnic groups are constructed through the internalized and externalized practice of these significant symbols.
The results revealed from this research show that the Australian-Taiwanese diasporic identity is a ‘hybrid imagined community’ being constituted by Chinese, Taiwanese and Australian imagined communities. The transitional mechanism of ethnic boundary is driven by the convergence of attachments to homeland or host country, the choices of ethnic appraisals, the possession of the host communication competences, and the self-other relations within social interactions.
The ethnic identities of Taiwanese diaspora are constructed by both interpersonal communication and mass media. This finding is complementary to Anderson’s stance that mass communication is central to the construction of the imagined communities in capitalism. Namely, only mass media isn’t sufficient enough for constructing the imagined community. Interpersonal communication is another concerned factor.
Taiwanese diaspora cannot be simply viewed as a homeland-orientated ethnic group. The meaning of homeland has been changed among different generations. After staying longer in a place far away from home, gradually, young generations will identify this place as their homeland. For Taiwanese descendants who immigrated to Australia at their young age, when they grow up in Australia and become more Australian, they will feel Australia is their homeland.
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A theoretical framework for constructive interpersonal leadership relations in knowledge-based organisationsLouw, M. (Marianne) 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Venda / In this qualitative study, the research objective was to present a theoretical framework for the phenomenon of interpersonal leadership relations (denoting both the dyadic relationship between two leader/followers and the leadership communication taking place in the dyad) in knowledge-based organisational contexts.
It is posited that the interpersonal leader-follower dyad (LFD) may be viewed from a systems theory perspective as a system consisting of two system parts (individuals). These individuals are labelled ‘leader/followers’ to emphasise their mutual interdependence, and to indicate that these roles may be interchangeable, based on the knowledge needs in a particular situation (in line with the tenets of shared leadership). The dyadic system is influenced by its environment, the organisational context. However, the primary focus of this study is on interpersonal leadership communication as symbolic interaction between the leader/followers in the LFD. These three systemic levels are represented as major themes in the model resulting from this study: Theme 1 – an organisational environment that supports constructive interpersonal leadership relations (ILR); Theme 2 – symbolic interaction in the LFD; and Theme 3 – personal attributes that enhance ILR.
The data were collected from two convenience samples. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants in Sample 1, while questionnaires were used to collect data from Sample 2. In both cases, thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret the data.
The major contribution of the study is the resulting theoretical framework of ILR, which comprises a theoretically based definition of ILR; a generic model of ILR; and current guidelines for fostering constructive ILR in knowledge-based contexts, with reference to the three systemic levels.
The following definition was phrased based on the study: Constructive interpersonal leadership relations (ILR) in a knowledge-based organisational context is a dyadic process of symbolic communication between two expert leader/followers who mutually influence each other and share meaning to strengthen their relationship and to collaboratively transfer and apply knowledge to achieve organisational goals.
In terms of the environment, it was found that organisational leaders should actively model and promote the following: a collaborative leadership concept, workplace spirituality, cultural inclusivity, and adaptation to advancing communication technologies.
Regarding symbolic interaction in the LFD, the following communication practices were found to be central to constructive ILR: active listening, supporting followers as unique individuals, respectful communication, considering followers’ input, facilitating constructive redefinition of the other leader/follower’s self, role-taking (taking the perspective of the other leader/follower’s role), awareness of attribution, conflict management through non-threatening, respectful and preferably face-to-face discussion, facilitating a sense of meaning or purpose at work for the other leader/follower, and fostering constructive relationship properties such as trust. It was found that ILR may produce system outputs into the organisation that contribute to the organisational culture and climate, job performance, employee morale and engagement, and staff retention.
Personal attributes were organised into personal values and competencies that support ILR. The most important personal values were identified as honesty, love or supportiveness, respect, relationships or engagement, trust, and professional excellence. Essential competencies were identified as listening skills, emotional communication competencies (particularly self-awareness, self-reflection and attending to others’ emotions), engagement skills, conflict management skills, and multicultural competency (including generational skills). / In hierdie kwalitatiewe studie word ’n teoretiese raamwerk voorgelê vir die verskynsel ‘interpersoonlike leierskapsverhoudings‘ (verwysende na beide die diadiese verhouding tussen twee leier/volgelinge en die leierskapskommunikasie wat in die diade plaasvind) in kennisgebaseerde organisatoriese kontekste.
Die uitgangspunt is dat die interpersoonlike leier-volgeling-diade (LVD) vanuit ‘n sisteemteoretiese perspektief beskou kan word as ‘n sisteem wat uit twee sisteemdele (individue) bestaan. Hierdie individue word ‘leier/volgelinge‘ genoem om hulle wedersydse interafhanklikheid te beklemtoon; en om aan te toon dat hierdie rolle uitruilbaar mag wees, afhangende van die kennisbehoeftes in ’n gegewe situasie (met verwysing na die teorie van gedeelde leierskap). As ’n sisteem word die LVD ook deur die omringende omgewing of organisatoriese konteks beïnvloed. Die primêre fokus van hierdie studie is egter op interpersoonlike leierskapskommunikasie as simboliese interaksie tussen die leier/volgelinge in die LVD. Hierdie drie sistemiese vlakke word in hierdie studie deur die hooftemas in die studie verteenwoordig en ook as sulks in die voortvloeiende model uitgebeeld: Tema 1 – ’n organisatoriese omgewing wat konstruktiewe interpersoonlike leierskapsverhoudings (ILV) ondersteun; Tema 2 – simboliese interaksie in die LVD; en Tema 3 – persoonlike eienskappe wat ILV bevorder.
Die teoretiese raamwerk van ILV bestaan uit die volgende: ’n teoreties gefundeerde definisie van ILV; ’n generiese model van ILV; en ’n raamwerk van huidige riglyne vir die kweek van konstruktiewe ILV in kennisgebaseerde kontekste, met verwysing na die drie sistemiese vlakke van omgewing, diade en individuele leier/volgelinge.
Die volgende definisie is op grond van die navorsingsresultate geformuleer: Konstruktiewe interpersoonlike leierskapsverhoudings (ILV) in ’n kennisgebaseerde organisatoriese konteks is ’n diadiese proses van simboliese kommunikasie tussen twee kundige leier/volgelinge wat mekaar wedersyds beïnvloed en betekenis deel om hulle verhouding te versterk en kennis samewerkend oor te dra en aan te wend om organisatoriese doelwitte te bereik.
In terme van die organisatoriese omgewing is bevind dat organisatoriese leiers, veral senior leiers, die volgende aktief moet modelleer en bevorder in die organisasie: ’n samewerkende leierskapskonsep, spiritualiteit in die werkplek, kulturele insluiting, en aanpassing by vooruitgang in kommunikasietegnologie.
Met verwysing na simboliese interaksie in die LVD is die volgende praktyke bevind as sentraal tot konstruktiewe ILV: aktiewe luistergedrag, die ondersteuning van volgelinge as unieke individue, respekvolle kommunikasie, die inagneming van volgelinge se insette, die fasilitering van die konstruktiewe herdefiniëring van die ander leier/volgeling se self, rol-inneming (die inneem van die rolperspektief van die ander leier/volgeling), bewustheid van attribusie, die bestuur van konflik deur nie-bedreigende, respekvolle en – waar moontlik – aangesig-tot-aangesig bespreking, die fasilitering van ’n sin van doel of betekenis by die werk vir die ander leier/volgeling, en die kweek van konstruktiewe verhoudingseienskappe (vertroue, uitruilbare leier/volgeling-rolle en wedersydse invloed is geïdentifiseer as belangrik). Dit is ook bevind dat ILV sisteemuitsette in die organisasie mag genereer wat bydra tot die organisatoriese kultuur en klimaat, werkprestasie, werknemers se moreel en betrokkenheid, en personeelbehoud.
Persoonlike eienskappe is verdeel in waardes en vaardighede wat ILV ondersteun. Die belangrikste waardes is geïdentifiseer as eerlikheid, liefde, respek, verhoudings, vertroue, en professionele uitnemendheid. Die volgende vaardighede is geïdentifiseer as noodsaaklik: luistervaardighede, emosionele kommunikasievaardighede (met spesifieke verwysing na selfbewussyn, selfrefleksie en aandag aan ander se emosies), betrekkingsvaardighede, konflikbestuursvaardighede, en multi-kulturele vaardighede (wat generasievaardighede insluit).
Die date is ingesamel uit twee gerieflikheidsteekproewe. Indiepte-, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met Steekproef 1 (kundiges op gebiede verwant aan ILV in kennisgebaseerde kontekste), terwyl vraelyste gebruik is om data te verkry by Steekproef 2 (leier/volgelinge in kennisgebaseerde kontekste). Tematiese ontleding is in beide gevalle gebruik om die data te ontleed en te interpreteer. / Kha iyi ngudo ya u tandula ‘qualitative’, ndivho ya ṱhoḓisio yo vha u ṋetshedza mutheo wa thiyori kha sia ḽa vhushaka ha vhurangaphanḓa vhukati ha vhathu (zwine zwa amba vhushaka ha tshumisano vhukati ha vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vhavhili na vhudavhidzani kha vhurangaphanḓa vhune ha khou bvelela nga kha tshumisano yeneyo) kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa yo ḓitikaho nga nḓivho.
Zwo sumbedziswa uri tshumisano ya murangaphanḓa-mutevheli vhukati ha vhathu (leader-follower dyad (LFD)) i nga lavheleswa u bva kha sia ḽa sisiṱeme ya thyori sa sisiṱeme ine ya vha na zwipiḓa zwivhili (vhathu). Vhathu avha vha vhidzwa ‘vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli’ hu u itela u khwaṱhisedza u ḓitika havho nga muṅwe, na u sumbedza uri mishumo iyi i nga imelelana, zwo ḓitika nga ṱhoḓea dza nyimele yeneyo. (zwi tshi tevhedza vhatevheli vha vhurangaphanḓa uvho). Sisiṱeme ya tshumisano i ṱuṱuwedzwa nga nyimele yayo, nyimele ya tshiimiswa. Fhedziha zwa ndeme kha ngudo iyi ndi nga vhudavhidzani ha vhurangaphanḓa vhukati ha vhathu sa tshiga tsha tshumisano vhukati ha vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli kha LFD. Maga aya mararu a sisisṱeme a imelelwa nga ṱhoho khulwane kha nḓila yo livhisaho kha ngudo iyi: Ṱhoho 1 – mupo/nyimele ya tshiimiswa i ṱuṱuwedzaho vhushaka ha vhurangaphanḓa vhu vhuedzaho vhukati ha vhathu (interpersonal leadership relations (ILR)); Ṱhoho 2 – Tshiga tsha tshumisano kha LFD; na Ṱhoho 3 – Vhuvha ha muthu vhune ha konisa ILR.
Data yo kuvhanganywa u bva kha sambula dzine dza vha dza tsinisa. Mbudziso dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho, dzi sa langiho kufhindulele kha vhavhudziswa dzo itwa hu na vhadzheneli kha Sambula ya u thoma (1), ngeno khwesheya dzo shumiswa u kuvhanganya data kha Sambula 2. Kha nyimele dzoṱhe ho shumiswa ṱhaṱhuvho i re na vhushaka na ṱhoho u itela u ṱhaṱhuvha na u ṱalutshedza data.
Zwine ngudo iyi ya vhuedza khazwo ndi mvelelo ya mutheo wa thyori wa ILR, ine ya vha na ṱhalutshedzo yo ḓitikaho nga thyori ya ILR, nḓila ya u angaredza ya ILR; na tsumbanḓila dza zwino u itela mbuelo ya ILR kha nyimele yo ḓitikaho nga nḓivho, zwo lavhelesa kha maga a sisiṱeme.
Ṱhalutshedzo i tevhelaho yo vhekanywa zwi ḓitika nga ngudo: Vhushaka ha vhurangaphanḓa Vhuvhedzaho vhukati ha vhathu (ILR) kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa yo ḓitikaho nga nḓivho ndi maitele a tshumisano ya tshiga tsha vhudavhidzani vhukati ha vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vha re na nḓivho vhane vha ṱuṱuwedzana na u kovhekana zwine zwa amba u itela u khwaṱhisa vhushaka havho khathihi na u fhirisa na u shumisa nḓivho u itela u zwikelela zwipikwa zwa tshiimiswa.
Zwi tshi ya nga nyimele, zwo wanala uri vharangaphanḓa vha tshiimiswa vha tea u vhumba na u ṱuṱuwedza zwi tevhelaho: muhumbulo wa tshumisano kha vhurangaphanḓa, zwa tshimuya mushumoni, u katela zwa mvelele, na u ṱanganedza u shumiswa ha thekhinoḽodzhi ya vhudavhidzani.
Maelana na tshumisano nga tshiga kha LFD, maitele a vhudavhidzani a tevhelaho a wanala a one a ndeme kha ILR ire na mbuelo: u thetshelesa nga vhuronwane, u tikedza vhatevheli hu na kupfesesele kwa uri vhathu vho fhambana, vhudavhidzani ha ṱhonifho, u dzhiela nṱha mihumbulo ya vhatevheli, u ṱuṱuwedza u ṱhalutshedza nga nḓila yo fhambanaho i vhuedzaho ya vhaṅwe vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vha shumaho u ya nga vhone vhaṋe, u dzhia dzhenelela (u vhona nga nḓila ine vhaṅwe vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vha vona ngayo), u tangnedza nḓivho, ndaulo ya phambano nga kha nyambedzano i sa shushedziho, ya ṱhonifho, nga maanḓa nga nyambedzano vhathu vho livhana zwifhaṱuwo, u ṱuṱuwedza nḓivho ya ṱhalutshedzo kana ndivho ya mushumo kha vhaṅwe vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli, u ṱuṱuwedza zwithu zwi fhaṱaho vhushaka vhu vhuedzaho u fana na u fulufhedzana. Zwo tumbulwa uri ILR i bveledza sisiṱeme ya mvelelo u vha tshiimiswa tshine tsha dzhenelela kha mvelele na vhuḓipfi, kushumele kwa mushumo, u ṱuṱuwedzea na u dzhenelela ha vhashumi, nauri vhashumi vha sa ṱuwe.
U ṱanganedzea ha muthu zwo vheekanywa zwi tshi ya nga mikhwa ya muthu ene muṋe na vhukoni zwine zwa tikedza ILR. Mikhwa ya muthu ya ndemesa yo topolwa sa u fulufhedzea, lufuno, ṱhonifho kana u dzhenelela, fulufhelo, na vhukoni kha zwa phurofeshinaḽa. Vhukoni ha ndeme ho sumbedzwa sa vhukoni ha u thetshelesa, vhukoni ha vhudavhidzani ha muhumbulo (nga maanḓa u ḓiḓivha, u ḓilingulula/sedzulusa na u dzhiela nzhele vhuḓipfi ha vhaṅwe vhathu), vhukoni ha u dzhenelela, vhukoni ha ndaulo ya phambano, na vhukoni ha u dzhenelela kha mvelele nnzhi (zwi tshi katela vhukoni ha zwa murafho). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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