Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem quality"" "subject:"systsystem quality""
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Quality in use : addressing and validating affective requirementsBentley, Brian Todd, n/a January 2006 (has links)
From a user's perspective, product quality has typically been equated to usability, where the primary focus is performance (i.e. efficiency and effectiveness) and user satisfaction. This view on quality has been adequate to validate the 'fitness for purpose' for many products. However, many other products, such as computer games or at-home-technologies, are not based solely on performance-based qualities. By defining and validating the quality of these non-performance-based technologies using the same measures as performance-based technologies fails to address a key quality � the ability of the product to create fun, enjoyment, or other user affective experiences. This thesis investigates system quality issues in non-performance-based technologies, primarily addressing affect. It explores what affect is in relation to system quality, how can affect impact quality in use, what product characteristics can aid in the creation of positive user affect, and how to validate whether a product successfully created the desired user affect. To begin, current knowledge about the relationship between systems development, quality in use, and affect is summarised. Concepts used synonymously with affect were studied (e.g. satisfaction, user experience, emotion). It was found that these are related to affect, but are not affect themselves. Following this, a broad survey asking users to identify product characteristics that create positive affect during use is reported on. Results showed that the system characteristics of learnability, feedback, curiosity, and user cooperation can each increase and enhance positive user affect experienced.
If it is an aim for the system to create an affective experience in a user then this should be considered a requirement of the system; and as a requirement, it is necessary to validate that it achieves this aim. To this end, a laboratory study exploring psycho-physiology and cued-recall debrief as methods to evaluate user affect was conducted. Results revealed that both methods show promise for evaluating user affect. Cued-recall is capable of identifying specific user affects, but is limited because it relies on the user to report these affects. Physiological measures can objectively identify when a person is experiencing affect, but is limited because it is not possible to determine what affect is being experienced. Combined, these methods represent an optimal and viable evaluation method for user affect. Read more
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An Investigation of End User Development SuccessT.Mcgill@murdoch.edu.au, Tanya McGill January 2002 (has links)
User development of applications provides end users with an alternative to the traditional process of systems development by allowing them to solve job related problems by developing their own software applications. User developed applications (UDAs) support decision making and organisational processes in the majority of organisations, and the ability to develop small applications forms part of the job requirements for many positions. Despite its pervasiveness, there are many risks associated with user development of applications. These risks result primarily from decreases in application quality that arise when end users have had little training and do not follow system development methodologies.
The primary aim of the research described in this thesis is to gain a better understanding of UDA success. In particular, the thesis considers the role of system quality in UDA success and the ability of end user developers to judge whether the applications they develop will have a positive impact on their performance of tasks. The research also investigates factors that might impact upon this ability.
The research objectives were addressed through two empirical studies. Two possible models of UDA success provided the starting point for Study 1. The first model is DeLone and McLeans (1992) model of IS success, and the second model is a version of this model that was modified to address concerns about the DeLone and McLean model and to reflect current research about UDA success. The models were tested using data from a field study involving business people participating in a business policy simulation, where they developed spreadsheet applications to assist in decision making. Structural equation modelling was used to test the models. Neither of the models was well supported by the data. However, the analysis provided strong support for relationships between perceived system quality and user satisfaction, information quality and user satisfaction, user satisfaction and intended use, and user satisfaction and individual impact. It is notable that the model paths that were supported in Study 1 were primarily those that reflect user perceptions rather than objective measures. This study highlighted that user perceptions of information systems success play a significant role in the UDA domain. The results did, however, suggest that there might be a direct relationship between system quality and individual impact.
Study 2 was a laboratory experiment and the participants were end users from a range of organisations. A revised research model was developed based on the findings of Study 1, and structural equation modelling was again used to test the model. The model paths that were supported suggest that for small to moderate applications, increases in spreadsheet development knowledge lead to increases in system quality and consequently the development of better quality spreadsheets. They also suggest that for these kinds of applications, end users have realistic perceptions of system quality and hence that user satisfaction may be an appropriate measure of UDA success. The results of Study 2 also provided insight into the role of user involvement in end user development, clarifying the process by which benefits are obtained. The study also provided insight into the importance of spreadsheet development knowledge for successful use (as well as development) of a spreadsheet application.
The results described in this thesis have practical implications for the management of user development of applications. They highlight the need either to increase end user levels of development knowledge via training so that end users can cope with applications of greater complexity, or to provide other forms of support for development. The role of organisational standards and guidelines is also be considered in the thesis and it is suggested that there is a particular need for guidelines on what kinds of applications are suitable for end user development. Read more
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Унапређење националног система акредитације заснованог на сталном образовању за квалитет / Unapređenje nacionalnog sistema akreditacije zasnovanog na stalnom obrazovanju za kvalitet / Improvement of Nationalaccreditation system based oncontinuous education for the qualityMoračanin Vidoje 30 August 2011 (has links)
<p>Акредитација, као један од<br />елемената квалитета, омогу-ћава<br />пословној организацији да стекне<br />конкурентску предност, а<br />купцу/кориснику да има<br />повјерење у њен производ<br />/услугу. Развијен национални<br />систем акредитације и интегрисан<br />у регионалне и међународне<br />системе акреди- тације омогућава<br />присуство на инотржишту. То се<br />постиже уз непрекидну обуку и<br />образова-ње за квалитет свих<br />заинтере-сованих страна.</p> / <p>Akreditacija, kao jedan od<br />elemenata kvaliteta, omogu-ćava<br />poslovnoj organizaciji da stekne<br />konkurentsku prednost, a<br />kupcu/korisniku da ima<br />povjerenje u njen proizvod<br />/uslugu. Razvijen nacionalni<br />sistem akreditacije i integrisan<br />u regionalne i međunarodne<br />sisteme akredi- tacije omogućava<br />prisustvo na inotržištu. To se<br />postiže uz neprekidnu obuku i<br />obrazova-nje za kvalitet svih<br />zaintere-sovanih strana.</p> / <p>Accreditation as one of the elements<br />of quality, enables the business<br />organization to gain competitive<br />advantage, and customer to have<br />confidence in its product/ service.<br />Developed national accreditation<br />system and integrated into regional<br />and international systems of<br />accreditation allows the presence<br />international market. This is<br />achieved through continuous training<br />and education for the quality of all<br />parties interested in it.</p> Read more
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Modelling the effects of systems quality, user trust and user satisfaction on purchase intentionMkhatshwa, Mihloti January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.M. (Strategic Marketing))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, 2015. / The remarkable and apparent growth in the use of mobile technology in society is eccentric. Mobile technology brought about a swift change on how business is conducted and how individual communicate and interact. The increasing number of mobile applications available in app stores could be a challenge for developers as they will be required to stay innovative in order to acquire and maintain a competitive edge. For the mobile application businesses to succeed, owners of these applications need to know and understand their customers and their requirements to be able to meet their demands. Due to the currency of this trend, there seems to be scarcity in terms of academic literature and information intelligence for businesses on the subject. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate the influence of systems quality, user trust and user satisfaction on purchase intention of mobile applications users in South African.
A quantitative survey was conducted using a sample of 500 internet user in Gauteng Province. The survey questionnaire was designed on Qualtrics. A project manager was appointed to roll out the project that lasted two weeks. After collecting 353 responses, the survey was closed. The results were statistically analysed using the IBM SPSS to draw descriptive statistics. The construct reliability and validity was assessed by conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using AMOS version 22. The model fit was also assessed by conducting path modelling.
The results of the study indicated some level of significance on all the relationships. However, the results showed a very weak significance level between user satisfaction and purchase intention. In the concluding chapter, a number of recommendations are provided where it was suggested that business should invest and channel their resources towards building trust and reliance with their customers. The limitations of the study were highlighted and the chapter concluded by making suggestions for future research.
Key Words: System Quality, user trust, satisfaction, purchase intension, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Read more
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Trusting IT Artifacts: How Trust Affects our Use of TechnologyVance, Anthony Osborn 29 April 2009 (has links)
Despite recent interest in the role of trust in Information Systems, the potential of IS to foster trust in business relationships remains largely untapped. In order to better realize this potential, this dissertation examines three areas of IS trust research for which research is particularly limited: (1) the IT artifact as a target of trust, (2) IS-based source credibility as an antecedent of trust, and (3) the effect of anonymity on trust in online environments. The objective of this dissertation is to examine the effects of IS on trust in each of these areas. To do so, a multi-paper dissertation format is adopted in which each area examined constitutes a distinct, though complimentary, study. Together, these studies further research on how IS can enhance trust in business relationships.
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The role of system administrators in information systems successEdlund, Sara, Lövquist, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
Limited research has been conducted on how system administrators actually can affect information systems (IS) after they have been implemented; hence, this study examines how system administrators can affect IS success in an implemented IS. The study identified a system administrator´s affect on the three IS quality dimensions in the DeLone and McLean IS success model. The empirical findings was based on a single case study where the data was collected through interviews with the system administrator and the system assistants, but also through a questionnaire answered by the users of the IS. The empirical findings suggested that the system administrator can affect IS success through the IS quality dimensions both directly and indirectly. The system administrator´s affect on IS success proved to be highly dependent on the external system vendor and the structure of the internal support unit.
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Understanding the Impacts of Information Quality, System Quality and Service Quality on Consumers¡¦ Satisfaction and Continuance IntentionHung, Yu-Wen 26 August 2011 (has links)
Since the advent of the Internet, online shopping has grown substantially across the globe. Understanding how to increase customers¡¦ loyalty through lifting up the level of satisfaction has been emphasized by both researchers and practitioners. Through integrating expectation-confirmation theory and IS success, this study attempts to examine how consumers¡¦ expectation, perception and confirmation and satisfaction on information quality, system quality, and service quality affects their continuance intention toward online shopping. Different from prior research focusing on overall satisfaction and continuance intention, this study proposed an extended model to examine consumers¡¦ satisfaction and continuance intention.
The model and relationship were tested and validated by using data collected from 368 full- and part-time students in four universities in Taiwan. The results showed that confirmation and satisfaction are strongly affected by perceived quality but not expectation. However, the impact of satisfaction on continuance intention is not as strong as expected. The implication for research and practice are also discussed.
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Assessments of well-being in caring of patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer studies of nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life /Ulander, Kerstin. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Lund University, 1997. / Added t.p. with thesis statement inserted. Includes bibliographical references.
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Assessments of well-being in caring of patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer studies of nutrition, activities of daily living and health related quality of life /Ulander, Kerstin. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Lund University, 1997. / Added t.p. with thesis statement inserted. Includes bibliographical references.
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Měření a hodnocení kvality informačních systémů / Information Systems Quality Measurement and EvaluationKostiha, František January 2012 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of Arts Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship February 2012 DISERTATION THESIS ABSTRACT Information Systems Quality Measurement and Evaluation This dissertation thesis includes a concept of an information system evaluation based on the criteria provided with respect to the philosophical, historical and cultural context and using contemporary methodologies well proven in industrial quality assurance systems. The reasoning and proper foundations are made with the sampling methodology through the selected sources interpretation. A comprehensive and an integral approach apply paradigms inspired with for example Aristotle, Giordano Bruno, Confucius and also with the contemporary authorities in philosophy and arts (Belohradsky), information science (Wiener, Shannon, Nielsen), management (Ducker), economy (Stieglitz), psychology and sociology (Kohoutek, Koukolik), quality assurance systems and software and information technology quality assurance systems based on the CSN, EN, ISO and IEC standards. The essence and the nature of information are put to the relation with a value in its social, economic and ethic sense. Based on the information systems quality model designed on such basis, using the statistic methodologies and the seven year data retention pool, the... Read more
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