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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution au développement d’outils et méthodes de pilotage des compétences / Contribution to the development of tools and methods steering competences

Sefiani, Naoufal 08 February 2014 (has links)
Bien que l’importance du pilotage des compétences soit reconnue, les approches existantes en la matière révèlent des déficits méthodologiques, la portée opératoire du concept compétence est souvent limitée et les chercheurs sont souvent désarmés face aux demandes des entreprises qui veulent s’engager dans cette démarche. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit cette recherche dont l’objectif est d’apporter une contribution par le développement d’outils et méthodes opérationnelles pour un pilotage efficient des compétences. Nous proposons une formalisation du concept compétence décliné en trois niveaux : individuel, collectif et organisationnel. Nous contribuons à la modélisation du modèle générique de compétence et nous choisissons le modèle sur lequel nous nous appuyons dans ces travaux. Nous proposons d’une part une méthodologie d’identification des compétences basée sur l’analyse fonctionnelle permettant d’identifier les compétences individuelles requises en vue d’aider à la construction du référentiel de compétence et d’autre part une démarche globale intitulée « Roue des compétences » supportant le pilotage des compétences en s’appuyant sur la technique d’amélioration continue qui facilite les ajustements nécessaires et permet de construire un modèle de référence plus cohérent et mieux adapté à l’organisation. Cette démarche est structurée en cinq phases : Initialisation, planification, intégration et déploiement, évaluation et développement. L’identification des compétences constitue une étape inéluctable dont dépendent les décisions de pilotage des compétences dans le cadre de cette démarche. Ces deux approches peuvent fonctionner en complémentarité. Elles apportent une aide aux gestionnaires et preneurs de décisions pour gérer au mieux le recrutement, la formation et la mobilité afin de répondre aux besoins en compétences des entreprises et d’attacher une attention particulière à ses besoins en compétences critique. Différentes études empiriques ont été menées en entreprise dans le cadre de ce travail. De manière encourageante, elles confirment la cohérence et la pertinence des approches proposées. Elles ont permis entre autre de tester ces approches mais aussi de formuler des recommandations pour le développement d'un outil logiciel pour les gestionnaires des ressources humaines. Cet outil sera un support à l'identification des compétences requises et à la mise à jour du référentiel. Néanmoins, des études supplémentaires à l’échelle de l’entreprise entière nécessitent d’être réalisées pour garantir le meilleur impact de l’ensemble des travaux présentés. Finalement, ce travail reste une plate-forme pour des recherches futures pour expérimenter davantage les démarches proposées, et tester leur applicabilité au sein d’autres entreprises appartenant à d’autres secteurs industriels. / Although the importance of competence management is recognized, existing approaches in this area reveal methodological deficits, the operating range of the competence concept is often limited and researchers are often helpless when faced with requests from companies that want to engage in this approach. It is in this context that this research aimed to contribute by developing tools and operational methods for efficient competence management. We propose a formalization of the concept of competence available in three levels: individual, group and organizational. We contribute to the modeling of generic competency model and we choose the model on which we rely in this work. Firstly, we propose a competence identification methodology based on the functional analysis to identify requisite individual competencies. This allows us to design and update the competence framework in response to changing work situations. Secondly, we present a comprehensive approach on "Wheel competencies "supporting the competence management based on the technique of continuous improvement that makes the necessary adjustments and helps to build a more coherent reference model and better suited to the organization. This approach is structured into five phases: initialization, planning, integration and deployment, evaluation and development. The competence identification is an inevitable stage whose depends competence management decisions under this approach. Both approaches can work in complementary. They provide support to managers and decision makers to manage better the recruitment, training and mobility to meet the competencies enterprises needs and to pay special attention to their needs in critical competencies. Various empirical studies have been conducted in company in the course of this work. In another encouraging development, they confirm the consistency and relevance of the proposed approaches. They have, among other test these approaches, but also to make recommendations for the development of a software tool for HR managers. This tool will support the competence identification and update the competence framework. However, further studies across the entire enterprise need to be done to ensure the greatest impact of all work submitted. Finally, this work is a platform for future research to test further the proposed approaches and test their applicability in the firms in other industries.

Desafios do setor de energia eólica no Brasil: uma abordagem sistêmica / Challenges of the wind energy in Brazil: A systemic approach

Ringer, Naya Jayme 10 June 2014 (has links)
A busca pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentável inclui estratégias como o maior uso de formas de energia renováveis, que tenham menores impactos no meio ambiente, que tragam benefícios sociais, como geração de empregos, desenvolvimento científico, por exemplo e que tragam benefícios econômicos, como o barateamento do acesso à energia e uma menor dependência ao petróleo, entre outros. No Brasil, a principal fonte de geração de energia elétrica é a hidráulica que precisa ser complementada a fim de garantir um fornecimento estável. Uma forma de energia que tem grande potencial de geração no Brasil é a eólica, que compõe apenas uma pequena parte da matriz energética brasileira, mas que vem ganhando destaque nos leilões, por conta de sua competitividade. No entanto, para que o setor se consolide no país, ainda há diversos desafios. O presente trabalho se propôs a compreender o setor e esses desafios. Além de colaborar para o setor e ajuda-lo com a melhora da informação e sensibilização da opinião pública sobre energias renováveis, o trabalho pode ser de grande valia para o enriquecimento da literatura relacionada, visto que ele supre uma lacuna de trabalhos acadêmicos que analisam o setor de forma tão ampla e com tais metodologias. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa dividida em duas etapas. A primeira trata-se de uma análise do setor e do ambiente em que ele está inserido, na qual foram analisados aspectos político-legais, econômicos, sociais, ambientais e tecnológicos, bem como oportunidades e ameaças do setor. Em um segundo momento, a fim de complementar essa análise, foi realizada uma análise do sistema por meio da Soft System Methodology. Para as análises propostas foram coletadas informações secundárias, principalmente utilizadas na primeira parte da análise e informações primárias, coletadas por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada, que, juntamente com as informações da primeira etapa, foi analisada na segunda etapa. Como conclusão do trabalho, foram colocadas sugestões úteis à busca de competitividade do setor. Já que a utilização de fontes de energias renováveis é importante para a busca de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e que o Brasil tem grande potencial de tornar prática essa estratégia por meio da energia eólica, percebeu-se que é necessário incentivar o setor desenvolvendo novas linhas de financiamento, investindo-se em inovação e capacitação de recursos humanos, realizando trabalhos de conscientização do público em geral e trabalhando para que se reduza as dificuldades de implantação de projetos. Isso demonstraria os esforços do país na procura por um desenvolvimento econômico e social, que leve em consideração o meio ambiente e sua sustentabilidade, o que deveria ser feito em âmbito global. / The pursuit of sustainable development includes strategies such as increasing the use of renewable forms of energy that have less impact on the environment, that bring social benefits such as employment generation, scientific development, for example and bring economic benefits, such as cheaper access to energy and less dependence on oil, among others. In Brazil the main source of electricity generation is hydro needs to be supplemented in order to ensure a steady supply. A form of energy that has great potential generation in Brazil is the wind, which makes up only a small part of the Brazilian energy matrix, but it is gaining prominence in the auction because of their competitiveness. However, for the sector to consolidate in the country, there are still many challenges. This study aimed to understand the industry and these challenges. In addition to collaborating for the sector and help it to improve information and raise public awareness about renewable energy, the work can be of great value to the enrichment of the related literature, since it fills a gap in academic papers by analyzing the industry widely and using such methodologies. A qualitative research divided in two steps was developed. The first is an analysis of the industry and his environment, in which political-legal, economic, social, environmental and technological aspects, as well as opportunities and threats in the industry were analyzed. In a second step, in order to complement this analysis, an analysis of the system via the Soft System Methodology was held. For the proposed analyzes were collected secondary information, mainly used in the first part of the analysis and primary data collected through a semi-structured interview, which, together with information from the first step, the second step was analyzed. As completion of the work, were placed in the search for useful suggestions competitiveness of the sector. As the use of renewable energy is important to the search for sustainable development and that Brazil has great potential to make practice this strategy through the use of wind enrgy, it was realized that it is necessary to encourage the industry to develop new lines of financing, by investing in innovation and training of human resources, and undertaking public awareness in general and working for reducing the difficulties of implementing projects. This would demonstrate the country\'s efforts in the search for economic and social development that takes into consideration the environment and its sustainability, what should be done globally.

Abordagem formativa para prevenção de acidentes na edificação de um aeroporto: uma análise histórica e organizacional / Formative approach to accident prevention in the building construction process

Lopes, Manoela Gomes Reis 29 July 2016 (has links)
Introdução - Os acidentes de trabalho na construção civil são considerados como graves problemas de saúde pública devido ao grande número de riscos ocupacionais que seus trabalhadores estão expostos. Esses acidentes implicam em elevados custos, e geralmente são analisados por teorias unicausais, as quais limitam a prevenção de acidentes semelhantes, sendo importante um estudo mais ampliado baseado em teorias organizacionais e sistêmicas. Objetivo - Contribuir para o aprimoramento das metodologias de análise de acidente, integrando abordagem organizacional com a teoria do aprendizado expansivo potencializando o protagonismo interno nas organizações. Método - Coleta de dados etnográficos, como entrevistas, observações em situação e análise de documentos referente à obra de construção do aeroporto. Foram entrevistados trabalhadores de diferentes funções e departamentos da empresa, como também duas sessões de Análise Coletiva do Trabalho. Aplicação do Modelo de Análise e Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho (MAPA) juntamente com o Modelo de Análise Organizacional do Evento (AOE), que propõem uma abordagem sistêmica do caso foram utilizados, juntamente com os outros dados, como suporte para as sessões do Laboratório de Mudanças (LM). Estas sessões foram planejadas com base na teoria do aprendizado expansivo e no conceito da dupla estimulação. Resultados - A análise do trabalho habitual, da análise de mudanças e de barreiras e da dimensão histórica, vertical e transversal permitiram compreender as causas latentes do acidente, que teve origem em rede de múltiplas falhas em interação (gestão de projeto e de mudanças; gestão de materiais e logística; gestão de terceiras; gestão de emergências; gestão de segurança). A análise histórica mostrou que estes fatores emergiram ao longo do tempo na organização como fruto de decisões gerenciais em diferentes níveis. O aeroporto foi planejado para ser construído em tempo determinado politicamente, e insuficiente e incompatível com a sua complexidade. A escolha da modalidade de contrato em que o consórcio era responsável por todas as fases da obra, foi outro evento histórico crítico, pois permitiu que a obra iniciasse sem o projeto executivo definitivo. Além disso, havia diferentes culturas de empresas trabalhando juntas pela primeira vez em contexto de pressão temporal, com a utilização de terceirização de atividades sem a coordenação necessária. Estas mudanças levaram a manifestações de contradições secundárias, que acabaram levando ao surgimento de anomalias, tais como, retrabalho, acidentes, atrasos, desperdício de recursos. Muitos problemas relativos à construção do aeroporto apareceram nas sessões do LM. O método da dupla estimulação propiciou o engajamento dos atores com a criação de artefatos e modelos, tais como, linha do tempo da obra, círculo vicioso, sistema de atividade que contribuíram para uma visão mais expansiva das contradições que estavam levando a anomalias na obra e criação de possíveis soluções. Conclusão - A metodologia do LM e o uso dos conceitos de aprendizagem expansiva, associados aos conceitos usados no MAPA e na AOE possibilitaram a compreensão das manifestações de contradições e origens sistêmicas do acidente e de outras anomalias na obra, a criação de agência (protagonismo) e o engajamento dos atores bem como, a visualização de soluções preventivas em obras futuras. / Introduction - Work accidents in construction are serious problems at public health due to the large number of occupational risks that their workers are exposed. These accidents involve high costs, and are generally analyzed by unicausal theories, which limit the prevention of similar accidents. It is important a broader study based on organizational and systemic theories. Aim - Contribute at improving the accident analysis methodologies, integrating organizational approach to the theory of expansive learning enhancing the agency inside the organizations. Method Ethnographic data collection such as interviews, observations and analysis of documents related to the airport construction. Workers of different functions and departments of the company were interviewed, as well two sessions of Collective Worker Analysis was applied. Application of Model of Analysis and Prevention of Work Accident (MAPA) along with the Model of Event Organizational Analysis (AOE), which propose a systemic approach to the case. These analysis were used to support the sessions of the Changes Laboratory (CL) which were based on theory of expansive learning and the concept of double stimulation. Results - The analysis of habitual work, the analysis of changes and barriers and analysis of historical, vertical and transverse dimension allowed to understand the accident underlying causes, which was originated in the network of multiple failures in interaction (management of projects and changes; management of materials and logistics; management of outsourcing companies; management of emergencies; safety management). The historical analysis showed that these factors had emerged over time at organization as a result of management decisions at different levels. The airport was planned to be built in time determined politically, and insufficient and inconsistent with its complexity. The choice of the type of contract, which the consortium was responsible for all phases of the construction site, was another critical historical event because it allowed the airport construction initiated without the definitive executive project. Moreover, there were different cultures of companies working for the first time together in time pressure context, with the outsourcing strategy without the necessary coordination. These changes have led to manifestations of secondary contradictions, which eventually led to the emergence of anomalies, such as rework, accidents, delays, waste of resources. Many problems concerning the construction of the airport appeared during CL sessions. The method of double stimulation led to the engagement of actors with the creation of artifacts and models, such as timeline of the construction site, vicious circle and activity system, which contributed to an expansive view of contradictions that were leading to anomalies in this site and creation of possible solutions. Conclusion - The CL and concepts of expansive learning associated with the concepts used at MAPA and AOE provided an understanding of the manifestations of contradictions and systemic origins of the accident and other anomalies at airport construction site; criation of agency and engagement of actors; and also at visualizing preventive solutions in future construction sites.

Modélisation des hydrosystèmes par approche systémique / Hydrosystem modelling with a systemic approach

Bardolle, Frédéric 20 June 2018 (has links)
Dans l'état actuel des connaissances, il est impossible de poser correctement toute la physique permettant de modéliser les hydrosystèmes dans leur ensemble, notamment à cause de la dynamique très contrastée des différents compartiments. Les modèles systémiques simplifient la représentation des hydrosystèmes en ne considérant que leurs flux d’échange. L’objet de ce travail est de proposer un outil de modélisation systémique fournissant des informations sur le fonctionnement physique des hydrosystèmes, tout en étant simple et parcimonieux. Ce modèle nommé MASH (pour Modélisation des Hydrosystèmes par Approche Systémique) est basé sur l’utilisation de fonctions de transfert paramétriques choisies en fonction de leur faible paramétrisation, leur caractère général et leur interprétation physique. Il est versatile, dans le sens que son architecture est modulable et que le nombre d’entrées, le nombre de fonctions de transfert en série et le type de fonctions de transfert utilisé est laissée à la discrétion de l’utilisateur. Ce modèle est inversé en utilisant de récentes avancées en apprentissage automatique grâce à une famille d’heuristiques basée sur l’intelligence en essaim nommé « optimisation par essaim de particule » (ou PSO pour « Particle Swarm Optimization »). Le modèle et ses algorithmes d’inversion sont testés sur un cas d’école synthétique, puis sur un cas d’application réel. / In the light of current knowledge, hydrosystems cannot be modelled as a whole since underlying physical principles are not totally understood. Systemic models simplify hydrosystem representation by considering only water flows. The aim of this work is to provide a systemic modelling tool giving information about hydrosystem physical behavior while being simple and parsimonious. This model, called HMSA (for Hydrosystem Modelling with a Systemic Approach) is based on parametric transfer functions chose for their low parametrization, their general nature and their physical interpretation. It is versatile, since its architecture is modular, and the user can choose the number of inputs, outputs and transfer functions. Inversion is done with recent machine learning heuristic family, based on swarm intelligence called PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). The model and its inversion algorithms are tested first with a textbook case, and then with a real-world case.

Etude de faisabilité de la micro-méthanisation par co-digestion à l'échelle des quartiers / Feasibility study of micro-anaerobic digestion by co-digestion at the district level

Bautista Angeli, Jean-Romain 05 March 2019 (has links)
Notre société évolue constamment et se positionne vis-à-vis du monde qui l’entoure. Cette évolution la pousse à se réorganiser atour d’énergie provenant de source locale et renouvelable. Pour ces raisons, il semble pertinent de concevoir une évolution possible de la méthanisation par des unités localisées. On parle alors de micro-méthanisation à l’échelle urbaine. La rédaction de cette thèse a ainsi eu pour objectif d’apporter des éléments de réponse quant à la question de la faisabilité d’intégrée cette micro-méthanisation dans des quartiers. Pour cela, il a été réalisé : i) Une analyse des retours d’expérience issus de villes porteuses de projet de méthanisation urbaine. ii) Une approche expérimentale, dans le but d’obtenir un processus de méthanisation des déchets urbains à l’échelle laboratoire. iii) Ces données d’entrée ont ensuite permis l’établissement d’un modèle de valorisation des déchets dans un quartier. Ces résultats mettent en avant la nécessité d’une approche systémique afin de pouvoir intégrer la méthanisation dans un quartier. Ils permettent de plus, de recommander l’utilisation de certains procédés et l’emploie de déchets, afin d’améliorer la mise en œuvre du processus dans l’espace urbain. Dans des conditions définies la méthanisation urbains est possible et stable dans le temps. De plus, le bilan énergétique s’avère bénéfique pour le quartier. On note que l’énergie ainsi produite, l’est majoritairement sous forme de chaleur ce qui met en avant l’intérêt d’un processus intégré, proche des habitations. / Our society is constantly evolving and positioning itself in relation to the world around it. This evolution pushes it to reorganize itself around energy from local and more renewable sources. For these reasons, it seems appropriate to design a possible evolution of anaerobic digestion (AD) by localized units. This is referred to a micro-AD at urban scale. The purpose of this thesis was to provide some answers to the question of the feasibility of integrating this micro-AD into a neighbourhood.To this end, it was carried out: i) An analysis of feedback from cities with urban AD projects. ii) An experimental approach, with the aim of obtaining a stable AD process of urban waste atlaboratory scale. iii) These input data then made it possible to establish a waste recovery model in a district. These results highlight the need for a systemic approach in order to be able to integrate AD in a neighbourhood. They also make it possible to recommend processes and wastes, in order to improve the implementation of the process in urban areas. Under defined conditions, urban AD is possible and stable over time. In addition, the energy balance is beneficial for the district. It should be noted that the energy thus produced is mainly in the form of heat, which highlights the importance of an integrated process, close to homes.

Les paysages dans leur complexité : une ressource pour le développement territorial du piémont et des contreforts viticoles du Larzac (Languedoc-Roussillon) / Landscapes in their complexity : a resource for territorial development of the viticultural Piedmont and foothills from Larzac

Quiumento Velloso, Carolina 17 December 2013 (has links)
Avant de devenir objet de préoccupations politiques et d’aménagement de l’espace, le paysage a été sujet dans les plus différents et divers courants de la pensée scientifique. Aujourd’hui, le paysage occupe une place importante et croissante dans les politiques et les actions publiques, notamment dans le cadre des problématiques de développement durable àl’échelle des territoires. Il sort ainsi de la « connaissance scientifique » vers « l’agir dans le monde ». Cette thèse se propose d’étudier dans quelles mesures les paysages du piémont et des contreforts du Larzac – marqués par la vitiviniculture – peuvent être un élément moteur dans les processus de développement territorial durable. Avec l’appui de la théorie des ressources territoriales, cette thèse propose dans un premier temps d’éclairer comment le paysage devientressource. La conception et les dynamiques du paysage sont complexes et souvent difficilement saisissables par les acteurs du territoire, ce qui complique les processus de valorisation et d’activation de la ressource. Avec l’appui de la pensée systémique, ce travail de recherche propose donc une « nouvelle forme » de représenter les paysages dans leur complexité- le dessin riche. Ceci est un outil efficace pour les acteurs locaux dans les processus d’autoréflexion et d’autoapprentissage, qui permettent la définition de stratégies et d’actions qui activent la ressource pour promouvoir un développement territorial durable et le maintien des paysages non simplement « beaux », mais aussi « vivants », avec la participation et selon les regards des acteurs. / Before becoming subject of political and spatial development concerns, landscapes have been subject into the most different and various currents of scientific thought. At present, landscapes have an important and increasing role into politics and public actions, particularly in the sustainable territorial development. Landscapes therefore “leave” from the scientific knowledge to “act in the world”. They are then auspicious to be a resource to engender territorial development. The conception and dynamics of landscapes are though complex and often difficult to be understood (into their complexity) by the actors from the territory, which complicate the process of resource activation. The aim of this thesis is to study how the landscapes from the Larzac piedmont and the foothills – characterized by the vitiviniculture – can be a driving force into the process of (sustainable) territorial development. With support of systems thinking, this research also provides a "new method" to represent landscapes in their complexity. This representation is an efficient tool for local actors to self-reflection and self-learning processes that allows strategies definition and actions to activate the resource and then promote sustainable territorial development, as well as the maintenance of a “beautiful” but also “living” landscape, with actors’ visions and participation.

The braided way : deep democracy and community

Emslie, Gillian January 2014 (has links)
This study uses Processwork as a lens to evaluate the facilitation of social change and related design projects at all levels of scale. Social change processes are deconstructed and explored in terms of awareness of signals, roles, dimensions of rank and power, belief systems, and phenomenological experience within the analytical structure of deep democracy and eldership. Data is collected for the case studies from workshops, interviews with practitioners and participants, relevant texts and field experiences. The Bolivian case studies involved 24 rural indigenous farmers (men of varying ages) and 16 women (aged 16 - 54), all from situations of extreme urban poverty and shows the application of Processwork in empowering participants to facilitate social change. The Zaragoza case study was a part-time multi-module two-year course involving 38 male and female lawyers. They gained the confidence to design, and in some cases implement, a parallel mediation training, based on a whole systems design. The Thai case study consisted of 3 week-long workshops with Buddhist monks and nuns, university professors, community leader, consultants and trainers. The results suggest the emphasis on eldership, group process structure, rank, power, and double signals was extremely useful, even for those already experienced in awareness-based practices. The Ecovillage case study focuses on one female facilitator working in an extremely diverse cultural setting and demonstrates the importance of working with inner diversity and the value of both inner and outer awareness Processwork exercises. In choosing this broad spectrum of applications, the similarities and differences of Processwork in diverse cultural and social contexts is illustrated. The case studies and my experience suggest that Processwork can contribute to a shift in perspective required to build a more sustainable civilization with its capacity to broaden perspective and increase awareness at the worldview level. Processwork facilitates a process of meta-design, that encourages participants to see the larger, complex context of their projects as well as the details and momentary interactions and can be very helpful to all those working with complex systems, including facilitators and designers.


GISELE ALELUIA VIEIRA ALVES DO CARMO 06 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as características da dinâmica da família em que um ou mais de seus componentes é adicto a álcool e outras drogas. Utilizamos, para este fim, o referencial sistêmico. Entendemos que a dependência química seja tanto uma patologia em si quanto um sintoma de um sistema familiar. Nas relações que se estabelecem entre o dependente químico e os outros membros da família, vai-se construindo uma teia relacional que, muitas vezes, perpetua os padrões disfuncionais que ajudam a manter a dependência . É indispensável, no tratamento da dependência, abordar os vínculos familiares para que o sistema familiar possa encontrar alternativas mais saudáveis de relacionamento, a fim de promover uma progressiva mudança nos padrões de interação que são facilitadores da manutenção do comportamento adictivo. / [en] The purpose of this study is to understand the dynamics of the addict´s family . For this purpose, we used the systemic approach. We understand that chemical dependence is not only a pathology per se but also a symptom of the family system. A web of interrelations is construed from the relationships that are established between the addict and other family members. This web frequently perpetuates the dysfunctional patterns that help maintain the addiction. It is of primary importance in the treatment of addiction, to identify family ties so that the family system may find healthier alternatives of relationships thus promoting a progressive change in the patterns of interaction that help maintain the addiction behavior.

Análise dos sistemas de produção dos estabelecimentos rurais do município de Palmital/SP em busca de estratégias para o desenvolvimento rural /

Bianchi, Vinícius Rafael January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Leonardo de Barros Pinto / Orientador: Sandra Cristina de Oliveira / Banca: Renato Dias Baptista / Banca: Antonio Lázaro Sant'Ana / Abstract: This study aimed to make an analysis of agrarian systems of the city of Palmital / SP, located in the center west region of São Paulo, more precisely in the Middle Paranapanema, through a historical context, landscape analysis and of existing studies on it. Then it was established the typology of farmers of the municipality and of production systems by them. Such an approach is based on a systemic approach, guided the premises of the diagnosis of agrarian systems tool. Defined typologies, the different forms of income generation of productive systems in that locality were established. Assuming the importance of equity in the maintenance and reproduction of agricultural production systems by means of multivariate statistical analysis (multiple regression model) were analyzed what are the factors that interfere positively or negatively in the agricultural income of farmers. Data collection for analysis was done through a survey form applied to a stratified sample of farmers, proportional (to the condition of the farm). All data collected are between the period August 2013 to July 2014. These results point allowed the transformation of agrarian systems of the study area and the presence of different types of farmers: employers and family, with diversification in these production systems, respectively; in cases in which it showed those factors that influence the result obtained in agricultural income positive or negative way. Anyway, enabling elaborate proposals for rural develop... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumo: Este estudo teve como principal objetivo fazer uma análise dos sistemas agrários do município de Palmital/SP, localizado na região centro oeste do estado de São Paulo, mais precisamente na região do Médio Paranapanema, por meio de uma contextualização histórica, da análise da paisagem e dos estudos existentes sobre este município. Em seguida se estabeleceu a tipologia dos produtores rurais de Palmital/SP e dos sistemas de produção por eles praticados. Tal abordagem está baseada em um enfoque sistêmico, pautadas nas premissas da ferramenta do diagnóstico de sistemas agrários. Definidas as tipologias, foram estabelecidas as distintas formas de geração de renda daqueles sistemas produtivos na referida localidade. Assumindo a importância da variável renda na manutenção e reprodução dos sistemas de produção agrícola, por meio de análise estatística multivariada (modelo de regressão múltiplo) foram identificados quais são os fatores que interferem positiva ou negativamente na renda agrícola dos produtores rurais. A coleta dos dados para análise foi feita por meio de um formulário de pesquisa aplicado a uma amostra de produtores rurais estratificada, proporcional à condição do estabelecimento rural. Todos os dados coletados estão compreendidos entre o período de agosto de 2013 a julho de 2014. Os resultados deste trabalho permitiram apontar as transformações dos sistemas agrários da região estudada bem como a presença de distintos tipos dos produtores rurais: patronais e familiares,... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Estilos de negociação nas transações comprador-vendedor: uma aplicação do instrumento TKI® / Negotiation styles among buyer-seller transactions: using the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI®)

Dias, Suzana Wayand 20 March 2008 (has links)
O principal objetivo desta dissertação é identificar os perfis de comportamentos dos executivos que realizam transação do tipo comprador-vendedor em cursos de educação continuada de São Paulo, utilizando-se de um instrumento denominado TKI®. A amostra foi composta de 145 entrevistas com escolha por conveniência da autora. Cada um dos executivos respondeu a dois questionários contendo: caracterização do perfil do executivo e o instrumento TKI®, versão oficial do distribuidor no Brasil. Os resultados constatam a presença do estilo evitando para os grupos de compradores e vendedores, o que causou surpresa dada a natureza da atividade da profissão. Compradores concedem menos do que os vendedores e são mais competitivos. O estilo conciliando predomina em ambos os grupos com maior freqüência de respostas da amostra. / This study aimed at identifying and evaluating the negotiation styles among buyer-seller transactions in training programs of universities of São Paulo state, using the Thomas-Kilmann (TKI®) instrument. The sample was composed by 145 respondents with interviews among students of MBAs. Each executive answered two questionnaires: the TKI® instrument and perception questionnaire. Surprisingly it was found high frequency for avoiding style both for buyers and sellers. Buyers are less accommodating and more competing than sellers. Compromising style is predominant in both samples of buyers and sellers.

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