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探討焦慮症之神經行為機制:以抬高式T形迷津之動物模式為例張雅惠, Chang, Yea-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
雖然焦慮是一種普遍存在之情感性心智活動,迄今仍無充份解釋之實證資料。本研究主要是利用一種焦慮症相關的動物模式,即抬高式T形迷津,探討與焦慮症有關的神經行為機制。整部研究分兩大實驗,分別探討抬高式T形迷津的行為建構動力與破壞依核次級區域在抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業上之行為表現。在實驗一檢驗抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵方面,共有四個實驗:實驗一A探討抬高式T形迷津抑制性躲避行為是否呈現消除現象;實驗一B探討破壞制約害怕神經網路對抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為的影響,並檢測自發性運動量的改變是否造成干擾效果;實驗一C探討事前暴露經驗對脫逃行為的意義;實驗一D檢測脫逃及抑制性躲避實驗程序互相干擾之可能性。實驗二探討可能涉及抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業的神經機制,針對破壞依核次級區域對焦慮行為的影響進行檢測。此部分包含三個實驗,實驗二A探討依核次級區域受損對傳統焦慮動物模式抬高式十字迷津行為的影響;實驗二B採用已在實驗一建立行為效度的抬高式T形迷津,檢驗破壞依核次級區域後的迷津行為表現,並檢驗依核次級區域受損是否影響受試自發性運動量變化,以致干擾抬高式T形迷津的行為表現。另為深入探討依核的功能角色,實驗二C利用其他嫌惡作業測試破壞依核次級區域對制約躲避電擊行為的影響。實驗一結果顯示抑制性躲避行為是一包含制約害怕及探索行為等多重歷程的行為模式,而脫逃行為對情緒狀態的改變不敏感,且易受抑制性躲避作業的影響。實驗二發現破壞依核殼區同時減抑受試在抬高式十字迷津的危機評估行為、抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為及制約躲避電擊行為;而破壞依核核區的減抑效果僅見於抬高式T形迷津與制約躲避電擊作業。三個嫌惡作業的結果顯示依核核區與殼區皆涉及制約害怕歷程,但兩區的受損會表現不同焦慮行為,並在抬高式十字迷津之危機評估行為中表現出來。綜合上述二大部分實驗結果,本研究對抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵有更進一步的瞭解,並特別藉依核次級區域破壞的行為測試資料,推估中腦多巴胺系統與傳統理論所指邊緣系統在實證性解釋焦慮具同樣關鍵角色。 / Although anxiety is a well-recognized affective mental reaction, its phenomenon is not fully characterized by the empirical data. By employing a recently developed animal model named the elevated T maze (ETM), the present study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of anxiety. There were two major parts of experiments designed to respectively examine the validity of this task and the involvement of limbic related areas on anxious behavior. Regarding the first part of experiments, Experiment 1A examined the effects of extinction on the inhibitory avoidance of ETM; Experiment 1B evaluated the lesions of six limbic related areas on the measures of inhibitory avoidance and escape; Experiment 1C investigated how pre-exposure experience of stress would affect the ETM behavior; Experiment 1D tested the potential affectiveness derived from different sequences of the test procedure on EMT. The second part of experiments mainly focused on comparing the lesion effects of nucleus accumbens subareas (core and shell) on behavioral measures from three anxiety-related tasks. Elevated plus maze, ETM, and active avoidance were adopted respectively in the experiments of 2A, 2B, and 2C. Results of the first part of experiments indicated 1) inhibitory avoidance of ETM containing fear conditioning and exploration components, and 2) less sensitivity to experimental manipulation for the escape of ETM. In the second part of experiments, the shell lesion significant attenuated the risk assessment behavior of elevated plus maze and inhibitory avoidance of ETM and active avoidance tasks, whereas the core lesion only produced the latter part of impairment. Both core and shell subareas are thus inferred to be involved in the conditioned avoidance, and lesions of these two areas may exert different patterns of anxious behavior. Together, the present study further characterized behavioral components of ETM. With a more systemic work in comparing lesion data of nucleus accumbens over three anxiety-related tasks, it is then suggested that the midbrain dopamine system is as crucial as the traditionally-known limbic system the traditional in terms of providing empirical explanation for the anxiety. Read more
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The Effects of Nicotine Conditioned Place Preference in D2 Primed Adolescent Rats: Age-Related and Gender Effects.Ogawa, Yoko Emily 14 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated nicotine conditioned place preference (CPP) in two different ages of adolescence using a rodent model of schizophrenia. Both 2- and 3-chambered CPP apparatuses were used to test whether the CPP was due to an aversion to the white chamber. Animals were neontally treated with the dopamine D2/D3 agonist, quinpirole, or saline and raised to either early postweanling age (P 22) or adolescence (P 29). Rats were conditioned to prefer the white chamber using nicotine. Results showed that nicotine induced CPP and appeared to alleviate an increased stress response in D2 primed animals, which appeared to diminish over time. Additionally, adult D2 and non-D2 primed rats were tested on the elevated T-maze. Results revealed that D2 primed rats demonstrated a significant increase in unconditioned fear. This study showed that nicotine induced CPP in D2 and non-D2 primed rats regardless of age, and D2 primed rats appear to demonstrate an increase in stress levels that was alleviated by nicotine.
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探討N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體在時距相關的操作式制約行為與空間工作記憶的角色:memantine的神經心理藥理學機制 / Investigation of the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on temporal operant behavior and spatial working memory: the underlying neuropsychopharmacological mechanisms of memantine陳碩甫 Unknown Date (has links)
認知功能的提升是當今神經科學領域中的研究重點之一,但其神經機制尚有待釐清。本研究利用一種用於改善阿茲海默症臨床的非競爭型N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體拮抗劑memantine,檢測其對於大白鼠在不同時距相關操作式制約行為及空間工作記憶行為之影響效果。實驗一為針對時間屬性的操作式制約行為實驗,運用大白鼠的區辯性增強低頻反應作業(DRL 10秒行為)與固定時距作業(FI 30秒行為)之行為作業,並操弄連續訓練與間歇訓練的兩種不同模式,測試memantine對前述四組受試的操作式制約行為在表現、消除與自發恢復等三階段之劑量反應。實驗二利用配對性延遲T迷津作業區分出不等基準線(表現好與表現差)之受試,再加以藥理實驗,測試memantine對於前述兩組受試之劑量反應。實驗一結果顯示,受試在兩種不同訓練模式下經十五次習得訓練後,在兩種操作式壓桿行為的壓桿反應相關指標中都有明顯的差異,這證實不同的行為訓練模式會導致學習後的表現有差異之別。memantine藥理實驗結果顯示,此藥對於上述四組受試的操作式行為之三階段的影響效果,會因為不同訓練模式與不同作業而異。實驗二結果顯示,memantine提高空間工作記憶的正確率在表現不好的組別有很顯著的藥效,這證實memantine對於空間式工作記憶行為的影響,也會因學習基準線的不同水平而異。在行為實驗後所進行的蛋白質表現量檢測中,memantine(5 mg/kg)只對五個測試腦區中的背側紋狀體中ERK1磷酸化程度有明顯上升的影響,而其對ERK2及CREB的磷酸化在所有腦組織中皆沒有顯著的影響。綜合以上結果,memantine影響時間與空間屬性的相關行為之藥理效果,會依行為的不同習得歷程(或行為背景經驗)及基準線表現程度而異,而此項行為藥理效果,可能與紋狀體中ERK1的磷酸化有關。 / The neural basis of cognitive enhancement is one of the intriguing topics in neuroscience research; however, the underlying neural mechanisms remain to be elucidated. This study examined the effects of memantine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist which is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease in clinic, on operant behaviors and spatial working memory. In Experiment 1, using the differential reinforcement for low-rate-response 10 sec (DRL 10s) and the fixed-interval 30 sec (FI 30s) operant tasks, and with the manipulation of two different training regimens (continuous vs. intermittent) in the acquisition phase, the effects of memantine were evaluated in three stages of behavioral tests including the performance (right after the end of 15-day acquisition), the extinction, and the spontaneous recovery (after the extinction). In Experiment 2, memantine were tested in the subjects with different level of baseline performance (good vs. bad) on the distinctive patterns of operant responding in four different groups which received DRL 10s and FI 30s with different training regimens; indicating that behavioral task and training background are critical to the operant performance of temporal operant behaviors. Such behavioral outcomes led the dissociable effects of memantine appeared in between the four groups as tested in all three different stages. The results of Experiment 2 showed a profound improvement of the correct responses rate on spatial working memory in the low-baseline group as compared to the higher-baseline group. With a pretreatment of memantine (5 mg/kg), brain tissues in five selected areas were collected for western blot assays of ERK 1, ERK 2, and CREB. The results only revealed a significant increase of ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum. Together, the effects of memantine to improve cognition-associated processes in the temporal operant behaviors and the baseline of performance, and the present observation of cognition-enhancing effects of memantine may be resulted by the ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum. Read more
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