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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rätt kvalitet? -En nulägesanalys av byggbranschen / Right quality? -A present analysis of the construction industry

Kjellin Sandstedt, Alexander, Laurell, Carl-Johan January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsnivå: C

Implementation of an Electrical Bioimpedance Monitoring System and a Tool for Bioimpedance Vector Analysis

Ibáñez Soria, David January 2008 (has links)
Electrical Bioimpedance Measurements have been proved to constitute anappropriate method for assessment of body composition, and therefore they can providewith direct indicators of body fluid distribution. Such ability of EBI technology allowsthe detection of body fluid unbalance caused by renal dysfunction, and therefore,nephrology teleconsultations would benefit tremendously from EBI measurements.Bioimpedance Vector Analysis has been proved to be one of the most populartechniques nowadays for Bioimpedance analysis.This project is based on the AD5933 Impedance Network Analyzer of AnalogDevices, and the main task is to develop a software application that controls theevaluation board in which it is implemented; and allows the storage of the EBImeasurements in EDF files that will facilitate the management of medical data.Another tool based in has been created Matlab in order to analyse the recordingdata according to the Bioimpedance Vector Analysis / Uppsatsnivå: D

Embedded Platform Software Development uClinux on a ColdFire v2 platform

Eriksson, Henric, Leandersson, Pär January 2008 (has links)
This thesis involves working with an embedded hardware platform based on the Freescale ColdFire v2 core, namely the MCF5208EVB development board. It’s an architecture that allows the use of running a special branch of Linux called uClinux which is specifically tailored to run on systems without a MMU (Memory Management Unit). It brings certain limitations to the system which needs to be taken into consideration when developing applications. On the target platform a measuring application is running which generates data files that are processed and presented using a web server. The data files are generated as XML files and are in the user’s browser combined with an XSLT style sheet to transform the raw data into an easy to use web interface. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Comparison of Different Packaging Materials and Solutions on a Cost Basis for Volvo Logistic Corporation

Khademi Kord, Hamed, Pazirandeh, Ali January 2008 (has links)
The basic problem that this thesis addresses was to compare different packaging materials for Volvo Logistics Corporation (VLC) from a cost perspective. Since this thesis was conducted for VLC only, their main packaging solutions were defined and categorized by size. With this, various materials in each size category were studied, analyzed and compared from different aspects. These aspects ranged from volume efficiency to ergonomics and cleanliness. Some of these aspects were easy to quantify and calculate while others, such as ergonomics and cleanliness, had to be evaluated qualitatively. The outcome of this research was a financial/comparative model, which allows users to choose the packaging solution with the lowest possible cost or the packaging solution that best meets their requirements. The conclusion is that technically the best packaging solution is not necessarily the cheapest because of the indirect logistical costs in addition to the packaging price. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Micro-strip to waveguide transition with integrated coupler

Neumann, Catharina January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to examine a novel approach for coupling RF-power from a transmitter chain in a MiniLink radio. The coupling is achieved by inserting a probe into the microstrip to waveguide transition of the radio.The main purpose of the coupler is to be used for decoupling of output power to an external detector.Today the RF-detector is often placed on the PA chip, this is limiting the number of designs available on the market for HighPower versions of radios. Also an off chip coupler before the waveguide transition will have the drawback of higher insertion loss and also by larger dimensions.An alternative use of the coupler could be to design an RF-loop channel from Tx to Rx in a radio.Simulations in Ansoft HFSS and ADS have been used for designing and testing the tolerance of the design for product variations on the 23 GHz waveguide.Two different designs are handled in this report, one where the probe for coupling of output power is placed where the force is as strongest and one where the probe is placed where it is preferable considering the design on the rest of circuit board.Both designs were drawn and simulated in HFSS with satisfying results. A design that meets the requirements was created by simulations. First, simulations were made for establishing what variables that affect the interesting outcome values such as coupling level between probe and u-strip, insertion loss et cetera, then an optimize simulation was made to get the best values on those variables.The consequence of lack of directivity was examined with ADS also here with a satisfying result. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Transportekonomi Flygfrakt AB / Transport Economics Flygfrakt AB

Lönnqvist, Ari, Petersson, Rickard January 2010 (has links)
Föreliggande arbete har utförts på Flygfrakt AB som ligger vid Landvetters flygplats någramil öster om Göteborg. Företaget är ett av Sveriges största enskilda transportföretag.Uppgiften som tilldelades var att göra en kostnadskalkyl angående transporten Flygfrakt utförför Ericsson i Borås som innefattar transport av telekomutrustning från Ericssons lager tillHuddinge.Syftet med arbetet förutom att göra en kostnadskalkyl är att se över vad som kan göras för attreducera kostnader för den aktuella rutten. Kalkylen kan också bli en standardrutin för hurkostnadskalkylering för andra åtagande av godstransporter.Inledningsvis genomfördes en litteraturstudie i det aktuella ämnet för att få en bred bas somunderlag. Vidare intervjuades VD: n för Flygfrakt AB angående det aktuellatransportuppdraget och dess kostnader. För att få kompletterande information gjordes ävenintervjuer med administrativ personal och förare.Efter analysen framkom förbättringsförslag som skulle reducera kostnader. Dessa innehållerutbildning av förare i sparsam körning, hur olika däcktryck påverkar slitage och i sin turlivslängd. Viktigt är också uppföljning av åtgärder för att se hur mycket som sparas i bränsle.För att minska transportkostnader bör man utbilda de anställda i sparsam körning och görauppföljning samt informera om de stora kostnader som bränsleåtgången innebär för företaget.

Various methods of water marsh utilization for domestic sewage waste water treatment

Adnan Abid, Muhammad January 2011 (has links)
Different methods are being used for the removal of unwanted material from waste sewage water such as mini sewage treatment plant, infiltration and filter bed. But as compared to all above methods introduction of marsh is more beneficial, as marsh efficiency is much better then above mentioned methods. Marshes also have important role in biodiversity. Domestic waste sewage water contains organic material, viruses, bacteria and pathogens, nitrate and phosphate. These all factor influence the external environment. Removal of nitrate and phosphate is necessary because if they are not removed they may cause rapid increase in the growth of algae. Algae have short life span so they die. Bacteria use a lot of oxygen for the decomposition of algae. So as a result there becomes deoxygenating in the marsh. Most of the animals die because of lack of oxygen in the water source. Marsh method is better as compared to other methods for the removal of organic material and nutrients. Subsurface flow is needed in wetland for getting the best result. Subsurface flow wetland system will make the process better and it will minimize the effect of odor and insects and these both things directly create bad effect on external environment. In the subsurface flow wetland Phragmites australis and similar plants are used. Bacteria grow on the roots of these plants and break down the nutrients. Waste water treatment marshes are best suited for smaller towns, villages and single family homes. They work best under relatively warm conditions, but many are used in temperate climate as well. For the removal of microorganisms, chlorine is to be used, as it is best way for the removal of it. A de-chlorination process is also necessary, otherwise this water will create bad effect on aquatic life.

Small scale Renewable Energy (SSRE) A Supply Chain Design Case Study

Tveitan, Christian, Bragd, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis was handed out by Miljöbron 2011 and the thesis has been carried out at Small scale Renewable Energy (SSRE) which is a newly launched company in Tidaholm, Sweden. SSRE offers small scale solutions for green energy solutions, wind turbines and solar panels, targeting private individuals and small enterprises. The purpose with the report is to, with the help of scenarios, present information to SSRE before they design their supply chain for a future expansion. This report will look into one of SSRE’s products, the VT which is a wind turbine consisting of basically three parts; frame, wings and generator. Interviews have been carried out in order to establish concrete and qualitative information. Two markets have been researched; United Kingdom and Mexico. These markets are actual markets for SSRE with a future expansion because of previous/present requests from these countries. The report has been carried out in a way that different scenarios became created for give SSRE help on deciding how their supply chain could look like and/or if they should start their production in respectively country. Today the supply chain is consisting of basically two parts SSRE themselves, producing wings and generator, and Mechanical Production Company (MPC) that are producing the frame also located in Tidaholm. SSRE don’t want to be produces and with the help of the different scenarios they can decide how to make changes in the chain in a good manner. Results between the UK and Sweden scenarios were not that different, while the difference was bigger compared with Mexico. The generator part could become a bottleneck when high cost almost forces the production to be located in China. Conclusions made are that with the small differences in some of the scenarios it is recommended for the two markets keeping production in Sweden for the UK and further research the opportunity in having production in Mexico.

Experimental Design and Optimization of Hydrolysis of Paper for Biogas Production

Yngvesson, Johan January 2011 (has links)
The waste production in Sweden and Europe is increasing each year. Swedish households throw away 2.7 million tonnes material annually and because of though waste legislations, most of this is recycled as material or energy. The Swedish goal to increase the amount of biologically treated food waste and also to increase the biogas production requires not only investments but research in this area. Increased biogas yield from anaerobically treated waste materials will be beneficial to reach the goals. About 45 % of the biological waste consists of lignocellulosic material. Lignocellulose is also the most abundant renewable material in the world which makes it very interesting for biogas production. Sweden is also a country were over 10 % of its total export value is generated from the forest industry. An industry which produces large amounts of waste streams. In this thesis work the author investigates how hydrolysis can increase the digestibility of industrial waste paper. The scope was to find an efficient pretreatment method of paper and determine which affecting factors levels are the most successful ones. A literature study was followed by a series of experiments in order to find the optimal parameters for pretreatment of an industrial waste paper with the goal to increase its digestibility for anaerobic biogas production. From the study three pretreatment methods for hydrolysis of paper were chosen and an experimental design was conducted. The methods were hot water, alkali and wet oxidation. The result of the treatment was evaluated by measuring the soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) in the supernatant of each treated samples and then analyse the results using a statistical software program. The highest levels of dissolved organic materials was found in samples treated at 250 °C for 30 minutes and with 2 % additive concentration of NaOH. The result was 42 g/l from a suspension of dry milled paper tubes of 50 g/l. By using the results in an analysis of variance it was possible to determine that sodium hydroxide was the most significant factor for hydrolysation of paper, followed by temperature and then addition of hydrogen peroxide. The results also revealed that there are no interaction effects between the examined factors in any of the tested methods.

Köldbryggor i kantbalkar UNORM/DAVID-32 / Thermal bridges in concrete slabs UNORM/DAVID-32

Adams, Zechariah, Shadram, Farshid January 2011 (has links)
En köldbrygga uppstår i en byggnadsdel vars isoleringsförmåga är lägre än omslutande material. Detta innebär att värmeförlusterna ökar och att den varma ytan blir lokalt kallare, vilket kan leda till nedsmutsning, mögel och kondensation. I examensarbetet har vi inriktat oss på grundkonstruktioner, närmare bestämt L-element med både lätt och tung vägg som komplement. I rapporten framgår hur vi räknat genom handberäkning och med hjälp av UNORM, ett datorprogram för beräkning av köldbryggor. För att redovisa resultatet jämförs handberäkningen med datorberäkningen, dels för att kontrollera resultatet och se skillnaden samt att se om det finns risk för mögel och kondensation med de olika L-elementen.

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