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Utilisation de la conduite coopérative pour la régulation de trafic dans une intersection / Using the technology of cooperative driving for the traffic control at isolated intersectionWu, Jia 20 July 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’exploiter les potentialités offertes par la conduite coopérative afin de fluidifier le trafic au niveau des intersections isolées. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposé un nouveau système de régulation au sein des intersections en s’inspirant du principe de l’intersection autonome. Nous avons appelé notre système : SVAC (système du véhicule-actionneur coopératif). Il repose sur la possibilité des échanges d’information entre le véhicule et son environnement de conduite.Le SVAC permet une régulation plus précise du trafic puisqu’il se base sur les requêtes de droit de passage envoyées par les véhicules réellement présents dans l’intersection. En outre, grâce à la signalisation à bord, la régulation consiste à définir les séquences de passage des véhicules, ce qui permet de personnaliser la signalisation. Le gain de précision soulève plusieurs obstacles. D’une part, nous nous heurtons systématiquement à l’absence de modèles mathématiques permettant d’aborder le problème. D’autre part, la simple énumération des séquences implique une explosion combinatoire, ce qui ne convient pas à l’application temps-réelle de la régulation des intersections. Pour s’affranchir des deux problématiques nous avons utilisé les réseaux de Petri P-temporisés. Le modèle nous a permis de décrire sous la forme d’équations mathématiques les compteurs des différents évènements observés par les véhicules. Deux objectifs de régulation ont été dégagés après avoir déduit le temps moyen d’attente basé sur la formule de Little. Le premier consiste à vider les intersections au plus tôt. Nous avons proposé un algorithme de programmation dynamique et deux heuristiques. La première heuristique est directement issue de l’analyse des propriétés du problème posé. La deuxième est basée sur l’algorithme de colonies de fourmis. En effet, le problème défini est un cas particulier du problème du voyageur de commerce. Le deuxième objectif de régulation consiste à minimiser instantanément la longueur de la file d’attente. Dans ce cadre, nous avons supposé le fonctionnement à vitesse maximale du réseau de Petri. L’utilisation des contraintes sur les ressources nous a permis de définir des règles simples de régulation en utilisant le mapping.Dans ce mémoire, nous avons utilisé la simulation microscopique basée sur les lois de poursuite pour s’approcher du comportement de conduite. La simulation a servi pour la comparaison des différentes approches proposées dans ce mémoire avec les régulateurs adaptatifs et les intersections autonomes. Dans tous les cas notre approche se distingue par un gain de capacité, ce qui nous a encouragé de reproduire le SVAC à travers un prototype de robots. Cette maquette montre la faisabilité du système au moins pour des applications industrielles. / The aim of this work is to benefit from the potential of the cooperative driving in order to optimize the traffic throughput at isolated intersections. To achieve this objective, we have proposed a new traffic control system for isolated intersections: Cooperative Vehicle-Actuation Signalization (CVAS). The concept of this new system is based on the assumption of the ability of exchanging information between each vehicle and the surrounding vehicles or the nearby infrastructure.The system allows more precise control of the traffic since it determines the right-of-way of each vehicle according to its corresponding data sent by the embedded wireless device. The right-of-way is displayed to the driver by means of the onboard signalization. The control system determines the sequence of the vehicles to be directed through the intersection. For the sake of benefiting the improvement brought by the new system, we face several challenges. On the one hand, we are confronted with the absence of a mathematical model to address the control problem. On the other hand, despite the fact that the optimal passing sequence of vehicles can be found by the simple enumeration of all feasible sequences, the exhaustive search does not fulfill the requirements of the real-time application. To overcome these two problems, we seek help from the P-timed Petri nets. This mathematical modeling tool is able to describe the events observed by the position markers in the form of mathematical equations. Two different objectives of the control have been derived from the Little's formula. The first one aims to minimize the maximum exit time of vehicles present in the intersection. An algorithm of dynamic programming and two heuristics have been proposed to achieve this objective. The first heuristic is based on the analysis of the properties of the control problem. The second heuristic is based on the analogy between the dealt problem and the problem of Traveling Salesman Problem, which can be solved successfully by the algorithm of ant colony system. The second objective of the control is to instantly minimize the queue length. A protocol of relaying the right of way has been determined from the assumption of a Petri net that operates at its maximum speed. This simple protocol of control can be extended to all possible layouts of the isolated intersections by using the technique of “mapping”.In this work, a microscopic model (car-following model) is used to simulate the driving behavior. The simulations show that the CVAS system outperforms the other systems which are popularly used at present. It is even better than some innovative systems based on the technology of the cooperative driving. The good results encouraged us to replicate the system under real conditions through a prototype of NXT robots. The tests of this prototype prove the feasibility of the system at least for industrial applications.
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Conflict-Tolerant FeaturesGopinathan, Madhu 07 1900 (has links)
Large, software intensive systems are typically developed using a feature oriented development paradigm in which feature specifications are derived from domain requirements and features are implemented to satisfy such specifications. Historically, this approach has been followed in the telecommunications industry. More recently, in the automotive industry, features (for e.g. electronic stability control, collision avoidance etc.) are being developed as part of a software product line and a suitable subset of these features is integrated in an automobile model based on market requirements. Typically, features are designed independently by different engineering teams and are integrated later to create a system. Integrating features that are designed independently is extremely hard because the interactions between features are not understood properly and any incompatibilities may lead to costly redesign.
In this thesis, we propose a framework for developing feature based systems such that even if features are incompatible, they can be integrated without redesign. Our view is that a feature based system consists of a base system and multiple features (or controllers), each of which independently advise the base system on how to react to an input so as to conform to their respective specifications. Such a system may reach a point of “conflict” between two or more features when they do not agree on a common action that the base system should perform. Instead of redesigning one or more features for resolving a conflict, we propose the novel notion of “conflicttolerance”, which requires features to be “resilient” or “tolerant” with regard to violations of their advice. Thus, unlike a classical feature, a conflicttolerant feature observes that its advice has been overridden, and takes this fact into account before proceeding to offer advice for subsequent behaviour of the base system. Conflict-tolerant features are composed using a priority order such that whenever a conflict occurs between two features, the base system continues with the advice of the higher priority feature. We guarantee that each feature is “maximally” utilized in that its advice is not taken only when there is a conflict with some higher priority controller. We show how to specify conflict-tolerant features for finite state, timed, and hybrid systems and also provide decision procedures for automated verification of finite state and timed systems. This provides a compositional technique for verifying systems which are composed of conflict-tolerant features.
Our framework for developing feature based systems enables conflictresolution without redesign. The scope for reusing conflict tolerant features is significantly higher thus reducing design and verification effort.
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Simulation And Performance Evaluation Of A Distributed Real-time Communication Protocol For Industrial Embedded SystemsAybar, Guray 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The Dynamic Distributed Dependable Real-Time Industrial communication Protocol (D3RIP) provides service guarantees for Real-Time traffic and integrates the dynamically changing requirements of automation applications in their operation to efficiently utilize the resources. The protocol dynamically allocates the network resources according to the respective system state. To this end, the protocol architecture consists of an Interface Layer that provides time-slotted operation and a Coordination Layer that assigns each time slot to a unique transmitter device based on a distributed computation.
In this thesis, a software simulator for D3RIP is developed. Using the D3RIP Simulator, modifications in D3RIP can be easily examined without facing complexities in real implementations and extensive effort in terms of time and cost. The simulator simulates the Interface Layer, the Coordination Layer and additionally, the Shared Medium. Hence, using the simulator, the system-protocol couple can be easily analyzed, tested and further improvements on D3RIP can be achieved with the least amount of effort.
The simulator implements the Timed Input Output Automata (TIOA) models of the D3RIP stack components using C++. The resulting code is compiled on GCC (Gnu Compiler Collection). The logs of the simulation runs and the real system with 2 devices connected via cross 100MbE cables are compared. In a 3ms time slot, the simulator and the system incidents differ about 135µ / s on the average, causing no asynchronousity in their instantaneous operational states. The D3RIP Simulator is useful in keeping track of any variable in the D3RIP system automaton at any instant up to 1µ / s resolution.
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Analyse des mouvements 3D en temps réel pour un dispositif médical destiné au maintien de l'indépendance fonctionnelle des personnes âgées à domicile / Real-time 3D movements analysis for a medical device intended for maintaining functional independence in aged adults at homeHassani, Asma 15 March 2016 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit, nous proposons un système d'analyse automatique des mouvements 3D entemps réel permettant l'évaluation des capacités fonctionnelles chez les personnes âgées àdomicile. Dans un premier temps, l'objectif est de contribuer à maintenir l'indépendancefonctionnelle de cette population et permettre une détection précoce d'une décompensationmotrice pour faciliter une démarche de rééducation. Pour quantifier la qualité d'équilibre d'unsujet en temps réel, nous avons conçu un système en utilisant le capteur Kinect et permettantd'analyser un test clinique simple et validé en rééducation gériatrique: le Timed Up and Go (TUG).Trois expériences, réalisées dans des environnements hétérogènes (laboratoire, hôpital de jouret domicile) ont montré une bonne fiabilité de la mesure des paramètres identifiés. Ellespermettent notamment d'attribuer une note de contrôle moteur indiquant la fragilité motrice.Dans un second temps, nous avons proposé une chaîne de traitement vidéo permettantd'augmenter la robustesse d'analyse de différentes phases du TUG : détection automatique de laposition assise, segmentation du patient et extraction de 3 articulations du corps. Les résultats deces travaux nous permettent d'envisager plusieurs perspectives. Tout d'abord, nous pensonseffectuer des expérimentations sur une population plus large afin de confirmer la fiabilité dusystème. Puis, différentes améliorations techniques et ergonomiques seraient nécessaires pourfaciliter l'utilisation grand public. Enfin, il serait intéressant d'étendre la méthodologie proposéepour d'autres tests cliniques en vue de prolonger l'autonomie à domicile. / We propose in this manuscript a realtime3D movement analysis system for inhomefunctionalabilities assessment in aged adults. As a first step, the purpose is to maintain the functionalindependence of this population and to allow an earlier detection of a motor decompensation inorder to facilitate a rehabilitation process. To quantify the equilibrium quality of a subject, webuilt a system using the Kinect sensor in order to analyze a simple clinical test validated in geriatricrehabilitation: the Timed Up and Go (TUG). Three experiments conducted in heterogeneousenvironments (laboratory, day hospital and home) showed good measurement reliability of theidentified parameters. In particular, they allow to assign a motor control note indicating themotor frailty. Then, we proposed a video processing chain to increase the robustness of theanalysis of the various TUG phases: automatic detection of the sitting posture, patientsegmentation and three body joints extraction. The results of this work allow us to considerseveral perspectives. First, we believe conduct experiments on a larger population in order toconfirm the system reliability. Then, various technical and ergonomic improvements would benecessary to facilitate general public use. Finally, it would be interesting to extend the proposedmethodology for other clinical test to prolong the autonomy at home.
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Efeito do meio diluidor e da dose inseminante sobre a congebilidade e fertilidade do sêmen bovino utilizado em programas de inseminação artificial em tempo-fixo(LATF)Crespilho, André Maciel [UNESP] 26 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
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crespilho_am_me_botfmvz.pdf: 507525 bytes, checksum: a1c92f545e77b50838125fbea8dfddd6 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A despeito das inúmeras variáveis que influenciam direta e indiretamente a fertilidade das fêmeas bovinas, a qualidade das amostras seminais exerce um papel importante na determinação das taxas de concepção dos programas de inseminação artificial. Os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram comparar a efetividade de dois diluidores de criopreservação de sêmen bovino no processamento de amostras seminais apresentando diferentes concentrações espermáticas em relação aos índices de congelabilidade determinados laboratorialmente (Experimento I) e as taxas de concepção proporcionadas por cada metodologia quando utilizada em programas de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) em bovinos (Experimento II). No Experimento I foram utilizados 14 ejaculados de diferentes touros da raça Nelore. Cada ejaculado foi fracionado em oito alíquotas iguais, submetidas a criopreservação com os diluidores Tris-gema de ovo-frutose (meio TRIS) e MKA nas concentrações de 12, 25, 50 e 100 milhões de espermatozóides totais por mililitro de meio, formando oito grupos experimentais em função das variáveis diluidor e concentração. As amostras foram descongeladas a 46 ºC por 20 segundos, avaliando-se os padrões de motilidade através do método computadorizado (CASA), integridade de membrana plasmática (IMP), resistência ao teste de termorresistência rápido (TTR) e taxa de recuperação e IMP após seleção espermática pela técnica de swim-up. Para o Experimento II foram selecionados sete touros utilizados no Experimento I, obtendo-se um ejaculado de cada animal por eletroejaculação... / Although there are many variables which directly or indirectly influence female bovine fertility, the quality of sperm samples plays a important role in the determination of conception rates in artificial insemination programs. The aim of the present study was to compare the efficiency of two bovine semen extenders for sperm freezing with different spermatic concentrations in the freezability determined by lab tests (Experiment I), and conception rates after fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI; Experiment II). In Experiment I 14 ejaculates of different Nelore bulls were used. Each ejaculate was splitsampled in to eight equal parts and then submitted to cryopreservation with Tris-egg yolk fructose (TRIS) and MKA extenders, at concentrations of 12, 25, 50 and 100 millions spermatozoa per milliliter forming eight experimental groups. The samples were thawed at 46 ºC for 20 seconds, and the following parameters were evaluated: sperm motility and movement (by computer-assisted semen analysis - CASA), sperm membrane integrity (SMI), resistance to the fast thermoresistance test (TT), recovery rate and sperm membrane integrity after sperm selection through swim-up technique. Seven of 14 bulls used in Experiment I were selected for Experiment II, and semen was collected from each of the animals by electroejaculation. The seven ejaculates obtained were mixed (semen pool) and cryopreserved, thus forming eight experimental groups according to the freezing extenders and sperm concentrations/straws: TRIS 12, 25, 50 and 100, and MKA 12, 25, 50 and 100...(Complete abstract, click electronic address below)
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Algorithmic analysis of complex semantics for timed and hybrid automataDoyen, Laurent 13 June 2006 (has links)
In the field of formal verification of real-time systems, major developments have been recorded in the last fifteen years. It is about logics, automata, process algebra, programming languages, etc. From the beginning, a formalism has played an important role: timed automata and their natural extension,hybrid automata. Those models allow the definition of real-time constraints using real-valued clocks, or more generally analog variables whose evolution is governed by differential equations. They generalize finite automata in that their semantics defines timed words where each symbol is associated with an occurrence timestamp.<p><p>The decidability and algorithmic analysis of timed and hybrid automata have been intensively studied in the literature. The central result for timed automata is that they are positively decidable. This is not the case for hybrid automata, but semi-algorithmic methods are known when the dynamics is relatively simple, namely a linear relation between the derivatives of the variables.<p>With the increasing complexity of nowadays systems, those models are however limited in their classical semantics, for modelling realistic implementations or dynamical systems.<p><p>In this thesis, we study the algorithmics of complex semantics for timed and hybrid automata.<p>On the one hand, we propose implementable semantics for timed automata and we study their computational properties: by contrast with other works, we identify a semantics that is implementable and that has decidable properties. <p>On the other hand, we give new algorithmic approaches to the analysis of hybrid automata whose dynamics is given by an affine function of its variables.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation Informatique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Evaluation analytique du temps de réponse des systèmes de commande en réseau en utilisant l’algèbre (max,+) / Networked automation systems response time evaluation using (Max,+) algebraAddad, Boussad 01 July 2011 (has links)
Les systèmes de commande en réseau (SCR) sont de plus en plus répandus dans le milieu industriel. Ils procurent en effet de nombreux avantages en termes de coût, de flexibilité, de maintenance, etc. Cependant,l’introduction d’un réseau, qui par nature est composé de ressources partagées, impacte considérablement les performances temporelles des systèmes de commande. Un signal de commande par exemple n’arrive à destination qu’après un certain délai. Pour s’assurer que ce délai soit inférieur à un certain seuil de sécurité ou du respect d’autres contraintes temps réels de ces systèmes, une évaluation au préalable, avant la mise en service d’un SCR, s’avère donc nécessaire. Dans nos travaux de recherche, nous nous intéressons à la réactivité des SCR client/serveur et évaluons leur temps de réponse.Notre contribution dans ces travaux est d’adopter une approche analytique à base de l’algèbre (Max,+) et remédier aux problèmes des méthodes existantes comme l’explosion combinatoire de la vérification formelle ou de la non exhaustivité des approches par simulation. Après modélisation des SCR client/serveur à l’aide de Graphe d’Evénements Temporisés puis représentation de leurs dynamiques à l’aides d’équations (Max,+) linéaires, nous obtenons des formules de calcul direct du temps de réponse. Plus précisément, nous adoptons une analyse déterministe pour calculer les bornes, minimale et maximale, du temps de réponse puis une analyse stochastique pour calculer la fonction de sa distribution. De plus, nous prenons en compte dans nos travaux tous les délais élémentaires qui composent le temps de réponse, y compris les délais de bout-en-bout, dus à la traversée du seul réseau de communication. Ce dernier étant naturellement composé de ressources partagées, rendant l’utilisation des modèles (Max,+) classiques impossibles, nous introduisons une nouvelle approche de modélisation à base du formalisme (Max,+) mais prenant en compte le concept de conflit ou ressource partagée.L’exemple d’un réseau de type Ethernet est considéré pour évaluer ces délais de bout-en-bout. Par ailleurs, cette nouvelle méthode (Max,+) est assez générique et reste applicable à de nombreux systèmes impliquant des ressources partagées, au delà des seuls réseaux de communication. Enfin, pour vérifier la validité des résultats obtenus dans nos travaux, notamment la formule de la borne maximale du temps de réponse, une compagne de mesures expérimentales sont menées sur une plateforme dédiée. Différentes configurations et conditions de trafic dans un réseau Ethernet sont considérées. / Networked automation systems (NAS) are more and more used in industry, given the several advantages they provide like flexibility, low cost, ease of maintenance, etc. However, the use of a communication network in SCR means in essence sharing some resources and therefore strikingly impacts their time performances. For instance, a control signal does get to its destination (actuator) only after a non zero delay. So, to guarantee that such a delay is shorter than a given threshold or other time constraints well respected, an a priori evaluation is necessary before operating the SCR. In our research activities, we are interested in client/server SCR reactivity and the evaluation of their response time.Our contribution in this investigation is the introduction of a (Max,+) Algebra-based analytic approach to solve some problems, faced in the existing methods like state explosion of model checking or the non exhaustivity of simulation. So, after getting Timed Event Graphs based models of the SCR and their linear state (Max,+) representation, we obtain formulae that enables to calculate straightforwardly the SCR response times. More precisely, we obtain formulae of the bounds of response time by adopting a deterministic analysis and other formulae to calculate the probability density of response time by considering a stochastic analysis. Moreover, in our investigation we take into account every single elementary delay involved in the response time, including the end-to-end delays, due exclusively to crossing the communication network. This latter being however constituted of shared resources, making by the way the use of TEG and (Max,+) Algebra impossible, we introduce a novel approach to model the communication network. This approach brings to life a new class of Petri nets, called Conflicting Timed Event Graphs (CTEG), which enables us to solve the problem of the shared resources. We also manage to represent the CTEG dynamics using recurrent (Max,+) equations and therefore calculate the end to-end delays. An Ethernet-based network is studied as an example to apply this novel approach. Note by the way that the field of application of this approach borders largely communication networks and is quite possible when dealing with other systems.Finally, to validate the different results of our research activities and the related hypotheses, especially the maximal bound of response time formula, we carry out lots of experimental measurements on a lab facility. We compare the measures to the formula predictions and check their agreement under different conditions.
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Installation et mise en oeuvre d'un détecteur de rayons X à pixels hybrides sur un diffractomètre de laboratoire : applications aux études de densité électronique et aux expériences de cristallographie résolues en temps / Installation and commissioning of a hybrid pixels X-ray detector on a laboratory diffractometer : Applications to electron density studies and time-resolved crystallographyWenger, Emmanuel 29 May 2015 (has links)
Par rapport aux détecteurs de rayons X couramment utilisés pour la cristallographie, les détecteurs à pixels hybrides apportent des avantages majeurs qui proviennent principalement de l’utilisation d'une chaîne de comptage propre à chaque pixel permettant de compter les photons individuellement et très rapidement. Les principales innovations de ces détecteurs sont les suivantes : (1) Suppression quasi totale du bruit ; (2) Obturateur électronique ultra rapide (de l'ordre de 100 ns) ; (3) Vitesse d'acquisition de 500 images par seconde. Ces avantages déjà mis à profit depuis une petite dizaine d’années sur les lignes synchrotron, sont également très prometteurs pour les diffractomètres de laboratoire. L’objet de la thèse a été de développer un diffractomètre expérimental de laboratoire équipé d’un détecteur à pixels hybrides, XPAD, et de réaliser les premières mesures de diffraction sur monocristal. Ces mesures ont permis de déterminer les corrections et calibrations du détecteur nécessaires pour les mesures sur monocristaux. Conjointement, les méthodes et techniques de traitement des images pour intégrer les intensités de diffraction ont été étudiées. L’intérêt du très faible bruit du détecteur pour l’étude de modèles de densité électronique a été démontré ; le prototype avec le détecteur XPAD a donné de meilleurs résultats que les diffractomètres usuels. Une deuxième application a consisté à utiliser les qualités de vitesse du détecteur pixel pour la mise en œuvre de mesures résolues en temps à l’échelle de la milliseconde. Des mesures sous champs électrique commuté ont permis de montrer le potentiel de ce type de détecteur dans ce domaine de recherche / Compared to X-ray detectors commonly used for crystallography, hybrid pixels detectors provide major advantages primarily due to the use of a counting system proper to each pixel allowing for very fast and individual photon counting. The main innovations of these detectors are: (1) Almost total suppression of noise ; (2) Ultra-fast electronic shutter (about 100 ns) ; (3) Acquisition rate of 500 images per second. These advantages have already been exploited over the past ten years on synchrotron beam lines and are also very promising for laboratory diffractometers. The thesis work was to realize a prototype laboratory diffractometer equipped with such a detector, XPAD, and to achieve single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. The necessary corrections and calibrations of the detector required for diffraction measurements on single crystals were determined. The methods and image processing techniques to integrate the diffraction intensities were studied. Benefits of the very low noise of the detector for electron density models study were demonstrated; the prototype diffractometer equipped with an XPAD detector gave better results than conventional diffractometers. A second type of application was to use the pixel detector for the implementation of time-resolved diffraction measurements at millisecond timescale. Measurements under switched electric fields have shown the potential of this type of detector in this area of research
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Intégration des techniques de vérification formelle dans une approche de conception des systèmes de contrôle-commande : application aux architectures SCADA / Integration of formal verification techniques into a control-command system design approach : application to SCADA architecturesKesraoui, Soraya 11 May 2017 (has links)
La conception des systèmes de contrôle-commande souffre souvent des problèmes de communication et d’interprétation des spécifications entre les différents intervenants provenant souvent de domaines techniques très variés. Afin de cadrer la conception de ces systèmes, plusieurs démarches ont été proposées dans la littérature. Parmi elles, la démarche dite mixte (ascendante/descendante), qui voit la conception réalisée en deux phases. Dans la première phase (ascendante), un modèle du système est défini à partir d’un ensemble de composants standardisés. Ce modèle subit, dans la deuxième phase (descendante), plusieurs raffinages et transformations pour obtenir des modèles plus concrets (codes,applicatifs, etc.). Afin de garantir la qualité des systèmes conçus par cette démarche, nous proposons dans cette thèse, deux approches de vérification formelle basées sur le Model-Checking. La première approche porte sur la vérification des composants standardisés et permet la vérification d’une chaîne de contrôle-commande élémentaire complète. La deuxième approche consiste en la vérification des modèles d’architecture (P&ID) utilisés pour la génération des programmes de contrôle-commande. Cette dernière est basée sur la définition d’un style architectural en Alloy pour la norme ANSI/ISA-5.1. Pour supporter les deux approches, deux flots de vérification formelle semi-automatisés basés sur les concepts de l’IDM ont été proposés. L’intégration des méthodes formelles dans un contexte industriel est facilitée, ainsi, par la génération automatique des modèles formels à partir des modèles de conception maîtrisés par les concepteurs métiers. Nos deux approches ont été validées sur un cas industriel concret concernant un système de gestion de fluide embarqué dans un navire. / The design of control-command systems often suffers from problems of communication and interpretation of specifications between the various designers, frequently coming from a wide range of technical fields. In order to address the design of these systems, several methods have been proposed in the literature. Among them, the so-called mixed method (bottom-up/top-down), which sees the design realized in two steps. In the first step (bottom-up), a model of the system is defined from a set of standardized components. This model undergoes, in the second (top-down) step, several refinements and transformations to obtain more concrete models (codes, applications, etc.). To guarantee the quality of the systems designed according to this method, we propose two formal verification approaches,based on Model-Checking, in this thesis. The first approach concerns the verification of standardized components and allows the verification of a complete elementary control-command chain. The second one consists in verifying the model of architecture (P&ID) used for the generation of control programs.The latter is based on the definition of an architectural style in Alloy for the ANSI/ISA-5.1 standard. To support both approaches, two formal semi-automated verification flows based on Model-Driven Engineering have been proposed. This integration of formal methods in an industrial context is facilitated by the automatic generation of formal models from design models carried out by business designers. Our two approaches have been validated on a concrete industrial case of a fluid management system embedded in a ship.
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Petriho sítě pro expertní systémy / Petri nets for expert systemsMillion, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Purpose of this master thesis is description of base parts of expert system with using Petri nets. Attention is mainly concentrate to knowledge base, way of storing knowledge. Next parts are describing main different between production base knowledge for planning or diagnostic expert system from Petri nets view. In this thesis conditions of using Petri nets and way of interpretation knowledge for inference mechanism in planning and diagnostic expert system are described. Using of high level Petri nets and language describing Petri nets structure and behaviour are demonstrated in next part of this thesis.
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