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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The media framing of the Juarez femicide : a dramatistic analysis / Title on signature form: Media framing of the Juarez femicides : a dramatistic analysis

Choquette, Jessica L. 22 May 2012 (has links)
This thesis examined the media framing of the Juarez femicide. The media framing of femicide is significant because women have always been the victims of widespread violence. Violence against women exists in all societies and is not restricted to economic class, race, ethnic, and ideology. Despite the prevalence of gender-violence, this issue is taboo in most cultures and difficult to discuss. The study is also significant because it provides insight into the cultural codes in communities where violence against women is prevalent, offers what may be the first comparative academic analysis of U.S. and Mexican media frames, and adds to our understanding of a cross-cultural femicide. This study examined the types of media framing utilized by both the U.S and Mexican media, the implications of the frames, and the differences in framing strategies between the U.S. and Mexican media. The method used to conduct this media framing analysis of the Juarez femicides employed Burke’s (1989) dramatism theory and Noelle-Neumann’s (1971) spiral of silence theory. This method entailed applying the cycle of redemption and silencing theory to newspaper articles from the El Paso Times published in El Paso, Texas, and El Diario published in Ciudad-Juarez, Mexico to determine if the artifact illustrated components of the redemptive process and silencing. This study found eight total themes from both El Paso Times and El Diario that illustrated the components of the redemption, victimage, and silencing. / Department of Communication Studies

Magnetic resonance imaging for improved treatment planning of the prostate

Venugopal, Niranjan 11 January 2012 (has links)
Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy afflicting Canadian men in 2011. Physicians use digital rectal exams (DRE), blood tests for prostate specific antigen (PSA) and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsies for the initial diagnosis of prostate cancer. None of these tests detail the spatial extent of prostate cancer - information critical for using new therapies that can target cancerous prostate. With an MRI technique called proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI), biochemical analysis of the entire prostate can be done without the need for biopsy, providing detailed information beyond the non-specific changes in hardness felt by an experienced urologist in a DRE, the presence of PSA in blood, or the “blind-guidance” of TRUS-guided biopsy. A hindrance to acquiring high quality 1H-MRSI data comes from signal originating from fatty tissue surrounding prostate that tends to mask or distort signal from within the prostate, thus reducing the overall clinical usefulness of 1H-MRSI data. This thesis has three major areas of focus: 1) The development of an optimized 1H-MRSI technique, called conformal voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy (CV-MRS), to deal the with removal of unwanted lipid contaminating artifacts at short and long echo times. 2) An in vivo human study to test the CV-MRS technique, including healthy volunteers and cancer patients scheduled for radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy. 3) A study to determine the efficacy of using the 1H-MRSI data for optimized radiation treatment planning using modern delivery techniques like intensity modulated radiation treatment. Data collected from the study using the optimized CV-MRS method show significantly reduced lipid contamination resulting in high quality spectra throughout the prostate. Combining the CV-MRS technique with spectral-spatial excitation further reduced lipid contamination and opened up the possibility of detecting metabolites with short T2 relaxation times. Results from the in vivo study were verified with post-histopathological data. Lastly, 1H-MRSI data was incorporated into the radiation treatment planning software and used to asses tumour control by escalating the radiation to prostate lesions that were identified by 1H-MRSI. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the clinical feasibility of using advanced spectroscopic imaging techniques for improved diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

Comparing journalistic cultures : constructing the identity of Fred van der Vyver as newsmaker

Le Roux, Judie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This study examined how different words and phrases used within the media may portray a certain image of an individual, ultimately impacting the perception that the reader forms of such individual. Specifically, the manner in which Fred van der Vyver was portrayed by both an Afrikaans language newspaper and an English language newspaper in the Fred van der Vyver-Inge Lotz murder case was examined. This was a highly publicized case from March 2005, when Inge Lotz was found murdered, to November 2007, when Fred van der Vyver, who was suspected of killing Inge Lotz, was acquitted. The aim of the study was to compare two South African journalistic cultures, namely the ones represented by Cape Times and Die Burger, respectively, in their construction of Fred van der Vyver as newsmaker. The rationale for the study was that newspaper coverage of a murder as well as of the investigation and trial which follow creates a certain perception among its readers, and that this perception is based on the information that readers accumulate by reading various published articles. The hypothesis was that both newspapers treated Fred van der Vyver as a newsmaker, and as a murdered in particular, by making use of various linguistic devices. The data analyzed were a selection of articles published between March 2005 and November 2007 in the online versions of Cape Times and Die Burger. A focal point of the study was to show how different aspects of newspaper reporting – specifically headlines and the text itself – construct a particular view or image of the case in general and of Fred van der Vyver in particular. It was found that neither the Cape Times nor Die Burger wrote that Fred van der Vyver was the murderer but both suggested it throughout by making use of linguistic devices. Loaded words, for example, were used to describe certain aspects of the case, and these aspects were then associated with Fred van der Vyver. Fred van der Vyver`s identity had been presented as that of a murderer within the press by means of linguistic tools and language use. The hypotheses was therefore borne out by the data, as both newspapers had indeed portrayed the identity of Fred van der Vyver as that of a murderer. What we read in the papers does have an influence on what we perceive to be true, objective or accurate and on how we ultimately form an opinion. In this case, the public automatically accepted Fred van der Vyver’s identity as portrayed in the press, namely as that of a murderer, and assumed that he was guilty once he was arrested.

Transformation of the media with specific reference to senior staffing at the Independent Newspapers Cape (The Cape Argus and The Cape Times) and Media24 (Die Burger)

Du Plessis, C. R January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Before 1994, the year in which South Africa conducted its first democratic elections, newspapers did little to reflect the demographics of its country and more specifically its regions. This assignment delves into the progress made regarding transformation with specific reference to senior staffing at the Cape Argus, Cape Times and Die Burger since 1994. A comparison is drawn between what went before and after 1994 in the staffing structures of the newspapers mentioned. In terms of content the assignment lists and studies a number of issues regarding transformation as per the topic. Histories of the above-mentioned newspapers are recorded. The South African Human Rights Commission's views on transformation in the media are mentioned as well. The views of these newspapers and those of Government are also shared. Changes have been made, although this has been at a pedestrian pace for a number of reasons. These changes need to be tracked through for more empirical work than has been possible in this assignment. These newspapers have set themselves targets and they are optimistic that in the near future many more changes would be made. The prospect for future research of this topic is far from being saturated. The three media houses discussed are committed to transformation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voor 1994, die jaar waarin Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese verkiesing gehou is, het koerante baie min gedoen om die demografie van die land en omliggende streke te weerspieël. Hierdie werkstuk ondersoek die vordering in transformasie wat ná 1994 gemaak is, met spesifieke verwysing na senior personeelaanstellings by die Cape Argus, Cape Times en Die Burger. 'n Vergelyking tussen personeelstrukture van hierdie koerante voor en ná 1994 word getref. 'n Aantal aspekte ten opsigte van transformasie word bestudeer en die geskiedenis van bogenoemde koerante word opgeteken. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Menseregtekommissie se siening oor transformasie in die media word bespreek, asook die siening van hierdie koerante en dié van die regering. Veranderings, hoewel teen 'n stadige tempo, is vir 'n aantal redes aangebring. Hierdie koerante het vir hulself doelwitte gestel, en hulle is optimisties dat heelwat meer veranderinge in die nabye toekoms aangebring sal word. Transformasie blyk 'n prioriteit by elk van die genoemde koerante te wees. Die studie het nie die onderwerp uitgeput nie en verdere navorsing kan gedoen word.

Probing the degree of accuracy, bias and fairness in certain daily newspapers in South Africa

Gaibie, Akeela Banu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Principles and standards in journalism warrant attention and this assignment attempted to offer some ethical concepts as a framework from which to evaluate journalistic conduct. The proposal was to investigate the level of moral integrity in journalism as practiced in daily newspapers using concepts proposed by specialists in the journalistic field such as accuracy, bias, and fairness. The newspapers examined in the research process were the Cape Argus, the Cape Times, Die Burger and Beeld. As a means of probing the dailies, case studies were made of reports on de Allan Boesak, the former anti-apartheid cleric accused and later convicted of theft and fraud, and Hansie Cronje, the former cricket captain of South Africa, who found himself in a similar position regarding money and the trust placed in him. The research comprised a comparative analysis of articles related to dr. Boesak in the period from 4 March 1997 to 27 March 1997, and Hansie Cronje from 8 April 2000 to 24 April 2000. These personalities were used as case studies to establish whether the four dailies differed in their portrayal of these figures as events unfolded in the public arena. The intention was to find out if there were differences in the approach to the topics covered, and if so, if it amounted to bias, inaccuracy and unfairness The results of the study showed that in the final analysis, dr. Boesak primarily enjoyed favourable coverage in the Cape Argus and Cape Times, while Hansie Cronje primarily enjoyed the same in Die Burger and Beeld. While these predispositions were rather obvious, the quality of reportage was not impaired to the extent that one could regard its news as distorted, inferior or of doubtful quality. The papers were still able to perform a high standard of professionalism in giving equal and just coverage to the topics covered, and were adept at providing a successful forum for the exchange of ideas while keeping the public informed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beginsels en standaarde in die joernalistiek vereis aandag en hierdie werkstuk het probeer om enkele etiese konsepte voor te stel waarvolgens joernalistiese optrede beoordeel kan word. Die doel was om die standaard van morele integriteit in die joernalistiek van streekkoerante te bestudeer deu- middel van gespesialiseerde joernalistiese begrippe, onder meer akkuraatheid, partydigheid en regverdigheid. Die koerante wat deel gevorm het van die ondersoek sluit die Cape Argus, Cape Times, Die Burger en Bee/d in. Die dagblaaie is deur middel van gevallestudies bestudeer. Hierdie het bestaan uit berigte oor dr. Allan Boesak, die voormalige anti-apartheid aktivis wat eerstens aangekla en later skuldig bevind is aan diefstal en bedrog, en oor Hansie Cronje, die voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse krieketkaptein, wat in 'n soortgelyke posisie verkeer het weens beweerde bedrog. Die studie bestaan uit 'n vergelykende ontleding van berigte oor dr. Boesak wat verskyn het in die tydperk tussen 4 Maart 1997 en 27 Maart 1997, asook berigte oor Hansie Cronje wat verskyn het tussen 8 April 2000 en 24 April 2000. Die omstredenheid rondom hierdie persoonlikhede word gebruik as gevallestudies om vas te stel of hierdie spesifieke dagblaaie verskil het in hul uitbeelding van die persone terwyl hierdie gebeure in die openbare arena afgespeel het. Die doel was om vas te stel of daar verskille was in die manier waarop die onderwerpe benader is, en indien wei, of dit tot onjuistheid, partydigheid en onregverdigheid gelei het. Die uitslae van die studie het bewys dat dr. Boesak hoofsaaklik gunstige dekking gekry het in die Cape Argus en Cape Times, terwyl Hansie Cronje grootlik dieselfde behandeling ontvang het in Die Burger en Bee/d. Alhoewel hierdie neigings in die verskillende dagblaaie klaarblyklik was, het dit nie daarop neergekom dat die gehalte van die berigte verlaag is tot so 'n mate dat 'n mens dit as verdraaid, minderwaardig of twyfelagtig kon bestempel nie. Die dagblaaie het nog steeds daarin geslaag om 'n taamlik hoe mate van professionele vaardigheid te vertoon deur middel van egalige en eweredige beriggewing met betrekking tot die aangeleenthede van belang in hierdie studie. Die koerante het bepaald daarin geslaag om In forum vir die uitruiling van idees te verskaf terwyl hulle voortdurend sorg dat hulle die publiek inlig.

Educação nas redes: professores em cotidianos de produções televisivas / Education in networks: teachers in everyday television productions

Rosa Helena de Mendonça 04 February 2014 (has links)
O que fazem profissionais de educação numa produção televisiva? Nesta pesquisa, por meio de 'conversas' com praticantespensantes que atuam em produção de TV, e no uso de outros documentos (programas editados, argumentos, textos e roteiros), busco responder a essa pergunta e compreender as redes de conhecimentos e significações relativas aos espaçostempos de ação desses profissionais, entendidos como entre-lugares de educação e comunicação. A pesquisa, na perspectiva dos estudos com os cotidianos, se articula ao GRPESQ Currículo, redes educativas e imagens, do Laboratório Educação e Imagem/ProPEd/UERJ, e busca apoio em conversas/narrativas com/de professores que trabalharam/trabalham em televisão em especial, no programa Salto para o Futuro integrando a equipe de educação da TV Escola (MEC), ou atuando como consultores de séries temáticas. Sobre o assunto, também foram ouvidos responsáveis pela assessoria pedagógica dos canais Encuentro e Pakapaka, na Argentina, em doutorado-sanduíche, com o apoio da Capes. Como fundamentação teórica, além de pesquisas com os cotidianos, a partir de textos de Michel de Certeau, de Nilda Alves e de Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, dos quais emergem algumas das noções que permeiam essa investigação, ressalto a contribuição de autores da sociologia, como Pierre Bourdieu e Boaventura de Sousa Santos e, ainda, de represe ntantes dos chamados estudos culturais, entre eles Jesús Martín-Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha entre outros. A questão do outro, da alteridade, que permeia a tese, em sua tessitura com narrativas e imagens, busca inspiração também nos escritos e em conversas com Carlos Skliar e nos textos de Jorge Larrosa. As conclusões possíveis destacam a importância das ações desses profissionais (professores) nesses espaçostempos televisivos. / What do professionals in education do in a television production? This research is an attempt to answer this question not only through conversations with the practitioners engaged in television production but also through sources such as edited programmes, arguments , texts and scripts. In doing so, I intend to understand the net of knowledge and meanings related to the so called space-times of action (here understood as an in-between place belonging to both education and communication fields) of these professionals. This work, under the perspective of everyday life studies, is aligned with the research group entitled Curriculum, educational networks and images, from the Education and Image Laboratory of the post graduation program in Education (ProPEd) of the University of Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ). It concentrates in talks with and narratives of educators who worked and have been working either as members of TV Escola which belongs to the Ministry of Education (MEC) or consultants of a particular educational television program entitled Salto para o Futuro. The ones responsible for the pedagogical consultancy of the channels Encuentro and Pakapaka from Argentina have also been interviewed thanks to a doctorate program supported by Capes. The theoretical framework is based on the writings of Michel de Certeau, Nilda Alves and Ines Barbosa de Oliveira; besides them, the contributions of the sociological thinkers Pierre Bourdieu and Boaventura de Souza Santos as well as some representatives of cultural studies such as Jesús Martín Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha, among others, have also been used. Issues about the other and alterity have found inspiration in Carlos Skliar and Jorge Larrosas texts. The possible conclusions made highlight the relevance of the actions of these professionals (teachers) in this space-time television environment


RODRIGO MARINHO DE SOUZA 28 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar algumas técnicas e ferramentas para a obtenção de cotas superiores e inferiores para tempos de mistura de cadeias de Markov. Para que isso se torne mais interessante, apresentaremos estes conceitos através de cadeias de Markov que atuam sobre o grupo simétrico, que podem ser vistas como embaralhamentos de cartas. Ademais, usaremos um destes embaralhamentos como toy model para o processo de exclusão simples simétrico, o que nos ajudará a determinar os tempos de mistura do embaralhamento e do famoso sistema de partículas. / [en] The aim of this dissertation is to introduce some techniques and tools to obtain upper and lower bounds for Markov chains mixing times. To make it more interesting, we introduce these concepts through Markov chains that act on the symmetric group, which can be seen as card shuffles. Furthermore, we use one of these shuffles as a toy model for the symmetric simple exclusion process, which helps us to determine mixing times for the shuffle and for the famous particle system.

Atypické pohřbívání ve středověkých Čechách / Atypical burials in medieval Bohemia

HLADÍKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
Tthis presented work is focused on a issue of atypical burials in medieval Bohemia. There are groups of people and the reasons which they led a community to such an action at that time. This work contains a summary of selected sites with the mentioned specific graves. Analysis and evaluation of character and significance of atypical burials in a medieval community is a part of this work.

Approche algébrique de problèmes d'ordonnancement de type flowshop avec contraintes de délais / Algebraic approach for flowshop scheduling problems with time lags

Vo, Nhat Vinh 12 February 2015 (has links)
Nous abordons dans cette thèse des problèmes de flowshop de permutation soumis des contraintes de délais minimaux et maximaux avec deux types de travaux principaux : 1. Nous avons modélisé, en utilisant l'algèbre MaxPlus, des problèmes de flowshop de permutation m-machines soumis une famille de contraintes : de délais minimaux, de délais maximaux, de sans attente, de délais fixes, de temps de montage indé- pendant de la séquence, de temps de démontage indépendant de la séquence, de blocage, de dates de début au plus tæt ainsi que de durées de latence. Des matrices caractérisant complètement leurs travaux associés ont été élaborées. Nous avons fait apparaître un problème central soumis des contraintes de délais minimaux et maximaux. 2. Nous avons élaboré des bornes inférieures pour le makespan et pour la somme (pondérée ou non) des dates de fin. Ces bornes inférieures ont été incorporées dans des procédures par séparation et évaluation. Nous avons généralisé les bornes inférieures de Lageweg et al. pour des contraintes quelconques et amélioré une borne inférieure de la littérature. L'utilisation de chacune de ces bornes inférieures ainsi que de leurs combinaisons ont été testées. Une famille de bornes inférieures pour la somme (pondérée ou non) des dates de fin a été élaborée basée sur la résolution d'un problème une machine et sur la résolution d'un problème de voyageur de commerce. Une politique de sélection de bornes inférieures a été proposée pour combiner les bornes inférieures. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un problème de NP-difficile, l'efficacité de ces bornes inférieures a été vérifiée l'aide de tests. / In this thesis, permutation flowshop problems with minimal and maximal delay constraints were considered through two following principal tasks were particularly tackled. 1. In the first task, m-machine permutation flowshop problems with a family of constraints (minimal delays, maximal delays, no-wait, fixed delays, sequence-independent setup times, sequence-independent removal times, blocking, ready dates, duration of latency) were modeled using MaxPlus algebra. Job associated matrices which totally characterize these jobs were elaborated. The modeling led to reveal a central problem with constraints of minimal and maximal delays. 2. In the second task, lower bounds for makespan and for total (weighted or unweighted) completion times were elaborated. These lower bounds were incorporated in branchand-bound procedures. The lower bounds of Lageweg et al. were generalized for any constraint and a existed lower bound was improved. The usage of each of these lower bounds as well as that of their combinations was tested. A family of lower bounds for total (weighted or non-weighted) completion times was elaborated thanks to the solution of a one-machine problem and the solution of a traveling salesman problem. A lower bound selection strategy was proposed in order to combine these lower bounds. Despite necessity to solve a NP-hard problem, the effectiveness of these lower bounds was verified by numerical tests.

Desempenhos técnicos e econômicos de um sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária com a cultura do milho e adubação nitrogenada de capins dos gêneros Panicum e Brachiaria sob irrigação no cerrado /

Pariz, Cristiano Magalhães. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: Na região do Cerrado, a integração lavoura-pecuária sob sistema plantio direto é uma das alternativas para elevar a produtividade e o desempenho econômico de sistemas agrícolas. O trabalho de pesquisa objetivou: 1) avaliar a produtividade de grãos da cultura de milho em épocas de consorciação com o Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Brachiaria ruziziensis; 2) avaliar a adubação nitrogenada dos capins após a colheita do milho em quatro épocas de corte no inverno/primavera quanto à produtividade de massa seca, a composição bromatológica, o índice ICF, a eficiência de conversão do N-fertilizante em forragem e a decomposição da palha após a última época de corte; 3) avaliar o efeito residual da adubação nitrogenada nos capins na cultura do milho em sucessão; 4) avaliar o desempenho econômico do milho consorciado, da pastagem adubada com nitrogênio, do milho em sucessão e do sistema como um todo, considerando o ganho de peso vivo médio diário de 0,2 e 0,6 kg/animal. Para atingir tais propósitos, foram conduzidos três experimentos sequenciais, durante os anos agrícolas de 2007/08 e 2008/09 na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, da Faculdade de Engenharia - Unesp, Campus de Ilha Solteira, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico em condições de cerrado, com histórico de cinco anos sob sistema plantio direto. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. No experimento I (2007/2008), os tratamentos foram constituídos de oito consórcios da cultura do milho com capins (semeado simultaneamente ou por ocasião da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura) e do milho sem consorciação. No expetimento II, após a colheita da cultura do milho (2007/2008), em esquema de parcelas subdivididas constituídas pela ausência e doses de 200, 400 e 800 kg/ha/ano de N na ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the Brazilian "Cerrado" conditions, the crop-livestock integration under no-tillage system is an alternative to increase the yield and the economic performance of agricultural systems. The present work aimed: 1) to evaluate corn grain yield under different intercropping times with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Brachiaria ruziziensis; 2) to evaluate the nitrogen fertilization of the grasses after the corn harvest in four seasons cut in the winter/spring, considering the dry mass yield, chemical composition, ICF index, conversion efficiency of N-fertilizer on forage and the straw decomposition in "Litter-bags" after the last season of cut; 3) to evaluate the residual effect of nitrogen fertilization on grasses in corn crop in succession; 4) to evaluate to economic performance of corn intercropped, pasture fertilized with nitrogen, the corn crop in succession and the crop-livestock integration system as a whole, considering the daily weight gain of 0.2 and 0.6 kg/animal. To reach these purposes, they were conducted three sequenced studies during the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 growing seasons, at Experimental Station from College of Engineering in Ilha Solteira, São Paulo State, Brazil, in a Red Latosol (Oxisol) in "Cerrado" conditions, with a history of five years under no-tillage system. The experimental design was a completely randomized block, with four replicates. In the experiment I (2007/2008), the treatments consisted of eigth methods for growing corn intercropped with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, and Brachiaria ruziziensis, sown simultaneously or at time of side dressing nitrogen fertilization, besides single grown corn. In the experiment II, after the corn harvest (2007/2008), in split-plot scheme was applied urea at side dressing ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Marcelo Andreotti / Coorientador: Antonio Fernando Bergamaschine / Banca: Enes Furlani Júnior / Banca: Ciniro Costa / Mestre

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