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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

School Administrators' Identification of Desirable Dispositions in New Teacher Candidates: A Focus Group Study

Eary, Wesley W. 13 July 2016 (has links)
Many new teachers will be hired in the decades to come. A school administrator screening candidates for teaching positions is faced with a decision that can have long-term consequences for a community, a school, and thousands of children. Finding the best candidates for teaching positions has never been more important. A variety of questions centering on prior experience, knowledge, or expertise may be asked by those responsible for screening candidates, yet there is another area of importance to be considered in the process, that of dispositions. The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation [CAEP], formerly known as the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education [NCATE] (2008), and the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium [INTASC] (2010) have emphasized the need to identify dispositions in addition to the knowledge and skills that have historically received emphasis by school districts seeking candidates and institutions preparing them. In response to this emphasis, administrators may benefit from a greater understanding of dispositions when interviewing and making hiring decisions. Administrators will also benefit by greater knowledge of the questions asked to determine if a candidate possessed a particular disposition. The research procedure uses a focus group format to conduct a multi-round survey/discussion to obtain input and consensus on two asked of school administrators: (1)'What do administrators believe are the critical dispositions a teacher candidate must possess?' and (2) 'Do administrators believe that a person can ask candidates questions to determine if they possess those dispositions? If so, what are the questions administrators can ask to determine if the candidates possess those dispositions?' Recommendations on dispositions that should be assessed and questions that may be used in the assessment of those dispositions will be developed from the results of the study. The focus group identified 19 dispositions and 74 interview questions within 5 theme groupings. These groupings included: beliefs about children, attitudes/beliefs – willingness to act, job-related skill, structure, and other personal attributes/traits. / Ed. D.

Factors and Techniques Involved in Teacher Selection in Texas

Roberts, James Brodie 08 1900 (has links)
Since one of the most important responsibilities of school administrators is the selection and appointment of teachers, this study was made to attempt to determine what factors most affect teacher selection in Texas and what techniques are employed in making these selections.

我國公立國民中小學教師檢定與聘任制度之研究--以臺北縣市為例 / Study of Teacher Certification and Employment System of Public Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan

林信志, Alex Lin, C. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要研究目的在於探討我國公立中小學教師檢定與聘任制度之現況、相關問題及具體改進建議,包含教師檢定與教師証相關問題、甄聘介聘教師相關問題以及教師聘約相關問題三個部分。為達成上述目的,研究者採用文獻分析法、問卷調查法以及訪談法;首先分析教師檢定與聘任制度之理論基礎,以了解教師檢定與聘任制度之意義、功能與理想制度該如何運作;接著探討美國公立中小學教師檢定聘任制度可供我國借鏡與參考之作法;接著編製『國民中小學教師檢定與聘任制度運作成效與改進途徑之問卷』,針對臺北縣市國民中小學教育行政人員、兼行政之教師、未兼行政之教師、人事、校長及家長會委員進行調查研究;然後依問卷回收後之分析結果,選取專長為檢定聘任制度的學者、教育行政界之專家、學校行政界之專家進行訪談。最後綜合研究結果,建議我國公立中小學教師檢定與聘任制度可行之改進途徑,以提供相關單位決策及後續之研究。 本研究之問卷調查對象為臺北縣市之公立中小學教育人員以及教育局行政人員,樣本之取得採分層抽樣而來,共抽取47所學校與2所教育局,574位教育人員,回收有效樣本為490份,問卷資料處理採用SPSS10.0版進行統計分析;訪談資料處理則是逐題將專家學者之意見條列歸納。 據此,研究者係將本研究之調查結果發現與文獻探討發現作成結論如下: 一、教師檢定與教師証相關問題方面 (一)我國現行初檢與複檢制度不具篩選功能,形同虛設。 (二)現行實習制度問題重重,應取消現行制度,改為職前培育課程之一部分。 (三)應將現行教師檢定制度加入檢定考試。 (四)應儘速建立教師証撤回機制以保障學生受教權。 (五)應儘速建立教師証換証機制以成為教師專業化之基礎。 二、甄聘、介聘教師相關問題 (一)教師甄選與介聘之辦理方式以縣市教育局統一辦理為佳,但仍應尊重各校選擇。 (二)各校自行辦理教師甄選有其優點,然實務上缺點更多。 (三)無論公費分發或教育局甄選介聘而來之教師都應接受教評會審查,但其審查權應有所規範。 (四)校長對教師人選有異議,仍應尊重多數教評委員之決定。 (五)教師甄選評比方式各有優缺,唯相互搭配使用,才較具客觀性。 三、教師聘約相關問題 (一)一般國民中小學教評會沒有能力、也沒有意願處理教師之解聘、停聘、不續聘及淘汰學校之不適任教師。 (一)同一學校長聘教師之聘期宜統一訂定。 (二)我國教師聘約之設計不具實質意義。 本研究根據文獻探討、調查研究發現與結論作成以下建議: 一、教師檢定、聘任制度專業組織方面,本研究之建議如下: (一)建議教育部成立全國性教師資格檢定單位,且應為常設機構。 (二)建議各縣市教育局成立教師聘任審議單位,且應為常設機構。 二、教師檢定與教師証相關問題方面,本研究之建議如下: (一)由各師資培育機構負責第一階段檢定工作,可考慮加入校內資格考。 (二)國家舉辦之檢定考試應為教師基本能力測驗。 (三)仿美國之變通檢覈制度為我國另類教育另闢師資來源管道。 三、甄聘、介聘教師相關問題,本研究之建議如下: (一)應對選擇自辦之各校有所規範,使其甄選過程兼具公正與專業。 (二)各校自行決定教師甄審辦理方式之規定可考慮加入「罰則」。 四、教師聘約設計相關問題,本研究之建議如下: (一)各校教評會對教師解聘、停聘、不續聘之職權行使,若未盡其職,校長或校務會議有權移請主管教育行政機關依法處理。 (二)建議加入定期評鑑教師之制度以為續聘之依據。 (三)適度增加長聘教師之福利待遇。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation and problems of teacher certification and employment system of public elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan, and then to look for the best and practical solutions to the problematic issues, which are inclusive of teacher certification and teacher certificate/licensure, teacher selection and employment, and teacher agreement. The methods of this study comprise literature analysis, comparative approach, questionnaire investigation, as well as follow-up interviews. Subjects of this study consisted educational and school administrators, teachers, parents, and experts in Taipei. Valid data from 574 subjects were analyzed together with the information of interviews from 7 experts. The major findings of this study include : 1.Both the first stage and the second stage of current teacher certification were considered dysfunctional in evaluating pre-service teachers, so that most subjects supported the certification exam. 2.The current internship system is supposed to be cancelled, and to become a part of teacher preparation curriculum of colleges or universities. 3.1t is necessary to establish renewal and withdrawal system of teacher licensure in order to promote the teaching quality. 4.The city/county committees of teacher selection were mostly supported, but each school should still have the right to choose the way of selecting teachers. 5.Every kinds of teachers should be examined and assessed by SCTSE (school committee of teacher selection and employment ) before employed. 6.The principals should respect the decisions made by most members of SCTSE. 7.The SCTSE was considered unable and unwilling to deal with employing and unemploying teachers. 8.The device of teacher tenure was considered unmeaning.

Attrition Rates of Teachers Trained in Alternative Teacher Certification Programs, Those Trained in the Centers for the Professional Development of Teachers, and Those Trained in Traditional University Programs.

Harris, Steven A. 05 1900 (has links)
This study uses teacher employment data provided by the State Board for Educator Certification to examine the similarities and differences between initial employment and attrition rates of teachers trained in three prevalent types of Texas teacher preparation programs; alternative certification programs (ACP), the centers for professional development of teachers (CPDT), and traditional certification programs (TCP). The population for the study includes all Texas teachers who completed training in these programs in 1995, 1996, and 1997. The study found that ACP participants gain employment as Texas public school teachers at a significantly higher rate than their CPDT and TCP trained peers in year-one after completion of their training. However, ACP completers experience higher attrition rates in each of the subsequent years investigated. The study concludes that the overall cumulative attrition rate of new teachers trained in these programs is not as pronounced as originally presumed, but that low production levels cannot keep up with the growing demand for new teachers. Teacher preparation program leaders must seek ways to recruit and train more teachers.

Academic Qualification and Employability of Teacher Education Graduates

Perry, Nancy Cummings 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether College of Education graduates who sought and secured employment as teachers differed on the academic variables of grade point average, student teaching evaluation, and professional recommendations from those who were not successful at securing such employment. A comprehensive review of related literature was conducted, focusing on three aspects of the employment situation: (1) teacher supply and demand, (2) the selection process, and (3) the role played by academic criteria in the selection process. A study was conducted in which students who were successful in finding teaching positions were compared with those who were not successful, on the academic variables of grade point average, student teaching evaluation, and professional recommendations. Demographic data were also collected and analyzed. The subjects were sixty-three randomly selected students from the May 19 80 graduating class of the College of Education, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas. For purposes of statistical analysis, the students were divided into the following three groups: Group A (those who successfully sought employment as teachers), Group B (those who sought such employment but were not successful), and Group C (those who did not seek employment as teachers).

Roald Dahl y la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil en la Didáctica de las Lenguas. Una propuesta para la mejora de la Competencia Literaria en el aula

Carrillo García, Mª Encarnación 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objeto el estudio de la competencia literaria en el alumnado de Educación Primaria. El recurso didáctico que se utilizó es la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y más concretamente textos de Roald Dahl. Mediante una metodología basada en el taller de Lengua y Literatura se prueba que es posible mejorar la competencia literaria en una lengua extranjera a la par que se mejora en la lengua materna. En el desarrollo de la tesis doctoral hallamos que los cuatro primero capítulos constituyen un fuerte cuerpo teórico apoyado principalmente en la justificación del estudio que se realiza, en el recorrido por los diversos métodos que han sido trascendentes en la enseñanza de Lenguas, en la delimitación del concepto de competencia literaria y, por supuesto, en la revisión de la obra del autor galés. En el quinto capítulo se presenta el trabajo de campo realizado analizando los resultados obtenidos a través de las pruebas diseñadas para esta investigac ión con el fin de comprobar si la competencia literaria había mejorado en el alumnado de Educación Primaria. También se incluyen en la tesis una serie de sugerencias de tipo didáctico-inspiradas en el modelo crítico de enseñanza- para que el profesorado en general, y el de Lenguas en particular, pueda ir poniendo en práctica esta propuesta procurando alcanzar una transformación escolar a la par que social. / The main goal of this research is the study of the literary competence of the students of Primary Education. The Infant and Young Literature of Roald Dahl was used as didactic resource. The Language and Literature workshop was the didactic methodology used to improve the literary competence in both foreign and mother language. Along the thesis we can find a deep theoretical corpus to justify the research, where we can find the study of the different didactic methods for the teaching of Languages, the definition of the concept literary competence and the review of the Literature of Roald Dahl. The following chapter shows the results, that were got through the tests designed, about the improvement of the literary competence in the students of Primary Education.Finally, several didactic suggestions are included -inspired in the critical teaching method- for teachers in general and for teachers of Languages in particular, whose main porpoise is getting an educative and social change.

Design souboru aktivit podporujících well-being vysokoškolských učitelů / The design of kit of activities promoting well-being of university teachers

Brlicová, Natalie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to create a set of activities for university teachers that will have the potential to improve the working life of teachers and overall, well-being. The theoretical part of the thesis contains knowledge about well-being, its determinants, sources, but also well-being in connection with health. The next part of the theoretical part deals with the issue of personal change of well-being, how an individual can positively and negatively affect well-being. Furthermore, the theoretical part includes the topics of well-being in the workplace and creating a healthy work environment. In the last and one of the most important chapters of the theoretical part, the issue of well-being in university teachers is discussed, what shapes and influences his well-being. In the practical part there is a design of set of activities to improve well-being of university teachers. These activities are created on the basis of a search of professional literature. The practical part consists of two main parts. The first part contains suggestions for activities to improve the well-being of the university teachers, which the university teacher himself includes in his work life and personal life. In the second part, activities are also reaching to the improvement of well-being of university...

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