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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktorer som påverkar olika betalsätt online : En jämförelsestudie mellan faktura, kort och flera alternativ vid handel online. / Factors affecting different payment methods online : A comparative study between invoice, card and multiple alternatives when shopping online.

Antila, Adam, Ek, Christian January 2020 (has links)
E-handels snabba utveckling det senaste årtiondet har öppnat upp nya möjligheter för både företag och konsumenter och det har gjort att betalsätten förändrats. I takt med den tekniska utveckling som skett har även konsumenters intentioner och uppfattningar förändrats och faktorer som användbarhet, användarvänlighet, tillit och risk är starkt kopplat till köpbeteende online. De två vanligaste betalsätten för svenska e-handels konsumenter idag är bankkort/kreditkort och faktura. Studiens syfte var att undersöka svenska konsumenters intention och uppfattning av betalningssätten kort och faktura samt situationer med fler betalningsalternativ vid handel online. Till vår hjälp har den teknologiska acceptansmodellen (TAM) används tillsammans Pavlous (2003) e-handels modell för att se om faktorerna de fann också påverkade svenska konsumenter. En enkät togs fram med fokus på tre delar, 1) bankkort/kreditkort, 2) faktura och 3) flera betalsätt. Den insamlade data analyserades med hjälp av SPSS och resultatet visade att faktorn som hade störst påverkan var användbarhet. För betalsätten bankkort/kreditkort och när flera alternativ listades visade analysen att faktorn risk inte påverkade intentionen till att använda betalsätten. Faktura var det betalsätt som upplevdes som minst riskfyllt bland respondenterna. Resultatet visade också att trots bankkort/kreditkort har en högre risk, är de flesta benägna att använda det betalsättet vid nästa köp kontra faktura, som hade en lägre risk vilket kan förklaras att bankkort/kreditkort är det betalsätt i Sverige som används mest. / The rapid development of E-commerce over the past decade has opened up new opportunities for both businesses and consumers, and this has changed the payment methods. In line with the technological development that has taken place, consumers' intentions and perceptions have also changed and factors such as usability, ease of use, trust and risk are strongly linked to online purchasing behavior. The two most common payment methods for Swedish e-commerce consumers today are bank cards / credit cards and invoices. The purpose of this study was to examine the intention and perception of payment methods, cards and invoice of Swedish consumers, as well as situations with more payment options when shopping online. To our aid, the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) has been used together with Pavlous (2003) e-commerce model to see if the factors they found also affected Swedish consumers. A questionnaire was developed focusing on three parts, 1) bank card / credit card, 2) invoice and 3) several payment methods. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS and the results showed that the factor that had the greatest impact was usability. For the payment methods bank card / credit card and when several options were listed, the analysis showed that the risk factor did not affect the intention to use the payment methods. Invoice was the payment method that was perceived as least risky among the respondents. The result also showed that although bank cards / credit cards have a higher risk, most people are inclined to use the payment method in the next purchase, as opposed to invoice, which had a lower risk which can be explained by bank card / credit card being the most used payment method in Sweden.


Shaikh, Rehan January 2015 (has links)
Mobile technology has evolved drastically over the years, and so has the customer’s perception of and expectations on mobile services. Mobile phones have become the essential part of customer’s life style and they expect consumer services to be available on mobile phone. In this saturated market, providing better customer experience through the channel preferred by customers is as important as selling the actual product or services. In the quest to retain existing customers as well as attracting new, companies are developing innovative mobile customer relationship management (mCRM) strategies to strike a balance between its investments and fulfilling of customers need to generate maximum profit. However, not all mCRM strategies succeed leaving customers dissatisfied and switching to competitors providing better mobile services. The purpose of this study is to understand the dynamics between the customer acceptance, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the context of mCRM services. Thus, answering the following research questions: a) What are the factors behind customer acceptance? b) Do mCRM services have any effect on customer loyalty? Qualitative research method were utilized to closely study two different mCRM strategies from different industries with costumer in focus. Data for the study was gathered from a costumer survey as well as from interviews with informants within the company. In addition, external data from public domain was used to validate the findings of the study. Furthermore, a research model was developed by identifying the constructs adopted from literature study of technology acceptance model (TAM3) and customer loyalty. The research model was the basis for developing the customer feedback survey. In addition, the constructs helped in identifying the impact on customer acceptance and customer loyalty for the respective mCRM strategy. This study confirms previous findings and contributes to our understanding of technology acceptance as well as customer loyalty. The study reveals that mCRM services are mostly useful to urban customers with busy and on-the-go lifestyle. Furthermore, the study shows that through well practice use behavior customer develops a habit based on the prior evaluation of perceived usefulness and perceived value. In addition, the study indicates that customers build up a new trust towards the mCRM services through the usage of the service. Finally, the results of the study indicate that the mCRM services have an impact on company’s net customer loyalty.

Factors Affecting Employee Acceptance of Electronic Shelf Labels In a Mandatory Business Environment : -A Study Applying the UTAUT-Model in a Swedish Organization

Baraslievska, Natalia January 2019 (has links)
Background: The retail industry is one of the most competitive industries today as the emergence of the e-commerce has put significant pressure on traditional retailers. As price change frequencies have doubled, physical retailers struggle to adapt to online retailers; and as a result, new technologies for price automation such as Electronic Shelf Labels has emerged. However, as new technologies emerge managers and decision-makers need to understand the challenges with introducing novel technologies in workplaces; and what factors affect acceptance of said technology. This is an issue that is of interest as technologies are becoming mandatory in use in contrast to previous decades where they have been voluntary in use.   Purpose: To understand what factors affect employee acceptance of Electronic Shelf Labels in a mandatory environment, and thus shed light on where managers and decision-makers need to put focus when introducing new technologies in business environments.   Method: A descriptive and explanatory research design was chosen for this thesis, combined with a quantitative approach for data collection as well as data analysis. The chosen conceptual model for the thesis was the UTAUT-model upon which the questions of a self-administrated web-survey with close-ended questions was based upon. The survey was answered by employees of a market-leading Scandinavian retailer who today have Electronic Shelf Labels implemented in their stores. A total of 100 respondents answered the survey, and the results were analysed quantitatively through utilizing software such as SPSS Statistics for descriptive statistics and SmartPLS 3 for Structural Equation Modeling.   Results: The results of the SEM-analysis unveiled that the main factors impacting technology acceptance of Electronic Shelf Labels in a mandated environment are facilitating conditions and attitude towards usage. The conceptual model explained 46,4% of the variance of the model which tested the constructs of the original UTAUT-model, with slight modifications. Moreover, the results unveiled that there was a high acceptance of ESL amongst employees, and that there is positive view on the technology and its benefits.    Conclusion: Theoretical, this study contributes in a new conceptual model that explains technology acceptance in mandatory business environments where facilitating conditions and attitude towards usage are the main predictors of technology acceptance. Practically, it suggests that decision-makers and managers need to put effort in ensuring a working infrastructure around a new technology and enough resources so that employees can use the technology properly. Moreover, encouragement of a positive attitude towards a new technology is also of importance – meaning that effort should be put in highlighting the benefits of new technologies pre-implementation and having responsible available that can demonstrate this in the introductory phase of the technology.       Delimitations: The limitations of this study are mainly tied to geographical location, time and sample size. The study only considers the Swedish stores of the Scandinavian retailer that was studied, and the study is restricted in time as it takes into account the technology acceptance of Electronic Shelf Labels under a certain time frame; as a result, it is not longitudinal. Lastly, the sample size of the survey is rather small, even though satisfactory for its intended use. / Bakgrund: Detaljhandeln är en av de mest konkurrenskraftiga industrierna idag, eftersom uppkomsten av e-handel har lagt stort tryck på traditionella återförsäljare. Eftersom prisförändringsfrekvenserna har fördubblats, kämpar de fysiska detaljhandlarna för att anpassa sig till online-återförsäljare, och som ett resultat av detta har nya teknologier för prisautomatisering så som elektroniska prislappar börjat introduceras allt mer. Allt eftersom ny teknik uppstår måste chefer och beslutsfattare förstå utmaningarna med att introducera ny teknik på arbetsplatser, och vilka faktorer som påverkar acceptansen av ny teknik. Detta är ett problem som är av intresse eftersom användandet av ny teknik blir allt mer obligatorisk på dagens arbetsplatser i kontrast till tidigare år där det har varit frivilligt i bruk.   Syfte: Att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar anställdas acceptans av elektroniska prislappar i en obligatorisk miljö och därmed belysa vad ledare och beslutsfattare behöver lägga fokus på vid införandet av ny teknik.   Metod: En beskrivande och förklarande forskningsdesign valdes för denna avhandling kombinerat med en kvantitativ ansats för datainsamling samt dataanalys. Den teoretiska modellen som valdes var UTAUT-modellen, på vilken frågorna i en självstyrd webbenkät baserades. Enkäten besvarades av anställda hos en marknadsledande skandinavisk återförsäljare som har elektroniska prislappar implementerat i majoriteten av sina butiker i dagsläget. Sammantaget sätt besvarade 100 respondenter undersökningen, varpå resultaten analyserades kvantitativt genom att använda programvara som SPSS Statistics för beskrivande statistik och SmartPLS 3 för strukturell ekvationsmodellering.   Resultat: Resultaten av den strukturella ekvationsmodelleringen avslöjade att de viktigaste faktorerna som påverkar acceptans av elektroniska prislappar i en obligatorisk miljö är underlättande förhållanden samt inställning till användning. Den konceptuella modellen förklarade 46,4% av variansen hos modellen som testade variablerna i den ursprungliga UTAUT-modellen, med vissa modifikationer. Dessutom avslöjade resultaten att acceptansen av ESL var hög bland de anställda, och att det finns en positiv syn på tekniken och dess fördelar.  Slutsats: Teoretisk sätt, bidrar denna studie till en ny konceptuell modell som förklarar teknologiacceptans i obligatoriska affärsmiljöer där underlättande förhållanden och inställning till användning är de viktigaste faktorerna som påverkar teknologiacceptans. Rent praktiskt, föreslår denna studie att beslutsfattare och chefer måste göra ansträngningar för att säkerställa en fungerande infrastruktur kring en ny teknik infinner sig, samt att tillräckliga resurser finns så att anställda kan använda tekniken på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Studien tyder även på att uppmuntran till en positiv inställning gentemot en ny teknik är av betydelse - vilket innebär att insatser bör göras för att belysa fördelarna med ny teknik inför införandet, samt att man har ansvarig personal tillgänglig som kan visa detta i framförallt de inledande faserna av implementation och användning till en början.  Avgränsningar: Gränserna för denna studie är huvudsakligen knutna till geografisk plats, tid och provstorlek. Studien har endast tagit hänsyn till de svenska butikerna i den skandinaviska återförsäljaren som studerades, och studien är tidsbegränsad eftersom det tar hänsyn till teknologisk acceptans av ESL inom en viss tidsram, på så sätt är den inte longitudinell. Slutligen är antalet respondenter av enkäten relativt liten, även om den är tillfredsställande för den avsedda analysen.

Användbarhet vs Integritet : En fallstudie om hur användbarhet påverkar villighet att dela personlig information på Facebooks plattformar

Blume, Pontus, Ekberg, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Increased participation in various social media platforms have led to large amounts of user data being generated, creating an opportunity for businesses that run the platforms to store and sell the data. This has created a situation where users are forced to weigh the benefits of using the platforms against sharing their personal information, which is a risk to their privacy. To address this issue, this study investigates how users weigh usability benefits against the perceived risks of sharing personal information. A case study was conducted on platforms run by Facebook (FP). Data collection was done through interviews and by gathering previous research before the result was analyzed using a qualitative method. The interview questions addressed usefulness, perceived risk and integrity management and were, among other research, formulated from the Technology Acceptance Model. The study made several interesting findings about usefulness, users’ need for integrity and how they perceive and tolerate various risks. Conclusions could then be drawn about how these findings affect users’ decision making process regarding their intention to use FP.

Potential Pitfalls in the Implementation Process of an Information System : A Framework for Identifying Pitfalls for Companies in the Startup Phase Aiming to Implement an Information System / Potentiella Fallgropar i Implementeringsprocessen av ett Informationssystem

Andersson, Julia, Sandberg, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
Although many information system (IS) implementations are considered to have the resources necessary to be successful, they often fail. This is especially challenging for small IS providers who lack a proven process for gaining willingness to use and onboard a new customer. Hence, there is a need to develop a framework to identify potential pitfalls in such implementation matters, from designing the system until successfully onboarded customers. This paper aims to target this issue and proposes a framework for identifying common pitfalls during the implementation process of an IT system. Moreover, this paper applies the framework to an IS provider in the start-up phase by focusing on the system user. With the support of the framework and based on the company's context, this paper presents identified pitfalls and suggestions for actions that the IS provider can take to avoid them. IS models are selected and applied considering the company's needs and previous literature. The IS models considered are Value Network Analysis (VNA), Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2), and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). As a result, seven pitfalls are identified considering organizational culture and leading change, user resistance, complexity, mandatory reliance, value demonstration, experience and control, and weak links.

High School World Language Teacher Perspectives on Computer-Mediated Communication Applications

Wright, Regina Renee Veal 01 January 2018 (has links)
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) offers opportunities to assist world language students to become global communicators in a digital society. However, perceptions of high school world language (HSWL) teachers on the suitability of these applications are not known. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore and document the professional perspectives of HSWL teachers who have taught over 10 years, to learn the benefits and obstacles that they must consider in teaching communicative language skills with CMC. The research questions explored possible reasons that would motivate or dissuade from teaching with these applications. The technology acceptance model extension (TAM2) provided the conceptual framework for this study because it elucidates the cognitive and social processes that affect teacher decisions when reviewing a technology to support their instruction. The collected data included 6 in-depth interviews, field observations, and document reviews. The data analysis began with a precoding based on TAM2, and coding to identify emergent themes such as student immaturity and content-specific professional development. In the findings, the teachers perceived CMC as unsuitable due to the digital divide and the focus on grammatical competence. However, the teachers noted the possible benefits of content-specific professional development. This study contributes to positive social change by providing insight into the current role of computer technology in HSWL instruction and suggestions for how to encourage teachers to adopt innovative uses of digital technology in their CLT practices.

Exploring Critical Success Factors for Managing Complex Information Technology Projects in Federal Agencies

Boyles, Kyle Dean 01 January 2015 (has links)
The problem addressed in this study was the lack of understanding about failures of government leadership in accomplishing complex information technology (IT) projects and the ways such failures can negatively affect organizational performance. The purpose was to query subject matter experts and leaders with the intent to identify methods to reduce complex IT project failure rates in government organizations. This qualitative study drew on the technology acceptance model and the capability maturity model integration framework to evaluate organizations' abilities to manage complex IT projects. The research questions focused on exploring senior managers' experiences, the tacit knowledge of project management methodologies, and IT governance frameworks. The Delphi method was suitable for collecting and analyzing opinions of subject matter experts to help reach group consensus. Qualitative data analysis was used to identify themes, categories, and subcategories for thematic analysis. The result of the study was the identification of critical success factors and leadership attributes to increase the success rate of complex IT projects in federal agencies. This research may be beneficial to federal government program leaders who, as the result of increased insights and knowledge, can more effectively provide online government services using technology-enabled end-users' computing devices in a cost-effective and secure method.

Health Portal Functionality and the Use of Patient-Centered Technology

Simmons, Anita Joyce 01 January 2017 (has links)
Health portals are dedicated web pages for medical practices to provide patients access to their electronic health records. The problem identified in this quality improvement project was that the health portal in the urgent care setting had not been available to staff nor patients. To provide leadership with information related to opening the portal, the first purpose of the project was to assess staff and patients' perceived use, ease of use, attitude toward using, and intention to use the portal. The second purpose was to evaluate the portal education materials for the top 5 urgent care diagnoses: diabetes, hypertension, asthma, otitis media, and bronchitis for understandability and actionability using the Patient Education Material Assessment Tool, Simple Measures of Goobledygook, and the Up to Date application. The first purpose was framed within the technology acceptance model which used a 26-item Likert scale ranging from -3 (total disagreement) to +3 (total agreement). The staff (n = 8) and patients (n = 75) perceived the portal as useful (62%; 60%), easy to use (72%; 70%), expressed a positive attitude toward using (71%; 73%), and would use the technology (54%; 70%). All materials were deemed understandable (74%-95%) with 70% being the acceptable percentage. Diabetes, otitis media, and bronchitis were deemed actionable (71-100%), but hypertension (57%) and asthma (40%) had lower actionability percentages. Hypertension, asthma, and otitis media had appropriate reading levels (6-8th grade). However, diabetes (10th grade) and bronchitis (12th grade) were higher with the target being less than 8th grade level. All handouts were found to be evidence-based. Recommendations were to revise the diabetes and bronchitis educational handouts to improve readability. Social change can be promoted by this project by facilitating positive patient outcomes at urgent care clinics.

Using Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Management of Diabetes Type 1 : A Cross Sectional Study of the Role of AI for Individual Patients

Livman, Sofia, Josefsson, Benjamin January 2022 (has links)
Diabetes type 1 is an autoimmune, incurable disease which requires careful monitoring and treatment to not result in life threatening complications. Managing the disease is to a great extent made by the patients themselves, implying the disease needs to be constantly taken into consideration when doing even the most simple and regular everyday tasks and activities.This study aims to examine the use of AI in everyday treatment for patients with diabetes type 1. The study investigated what areas AI is already used in diabetes care management, and where there is room for development. The purpose is to give an indication of what role AI has and potentially can have in making the life for patients with diabetes type 1 easier. The research was conducted by a combined literature review and a cross sectional multiple case-study, with semi-structured interviews with people diagnosed with diabetes type 1. The gathered data were analyzed in relation to the triangle of diabetes management and technology acceptance model 2. The first indicates what factors are of highest relevance to not create dangerous situations for a diabetic, and the second relates to whether users would accept the use of a complex technology. The result suggested wide current and further potential use of AI in creating functionality in treatment and everyday management of the disease. Further, it became evident that technological tools simplify the lives of diabetics but there are several areas where AI could be further implemented in order to improve it even further.

Students’ Attitudes and Intentions of Using Technology such as Virtual Reality for Learning about Climate Change and Protecting Endangered Environments

Adanin, Kristina 15 January 2021 (has links)
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