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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Los Delitos sobre la ordenación del territorio y el urbanismo : la prevaricación urbanística

Trenzado Asensio, MªJosé 25 January 2013 (has links)
El objeto de esta investigación pretende el análisis detallado de los tipos penales recogidos en el Libro II del Código Penal, Título XVI, capítulo I, artículo 320, dedicado a la Prevaricación Urbanística, así como el capitulo V de ese mismo Título dedicado a las disposiciones comunes, artículos 338, 339 y 340 del Código Penal. El estudio se divide en cinco partes, en la primera se contempla el panorama urbanístico español, en materia de ordenación del territorio, urbanismo y vivienda, tanto a nivel europeo, estatal, autonómico y ejecución municipal. La segunda parte viene referida al fenómeno de la corrupción. En tercer lugar, se realiza un examen de las infracciones urbanísticas incluidas dentro de la disciplina urbanística. En cuarto lugar nos detenemos en el análisis detallado del delito de prevaricación urbanística y su examen jurisprudencial. Finalmente, en quinto y último lugar, se examinan las disposiciones comunes, y cuestiones procesales. / The purpose of this research aims to the detailed analysis of the criminal offenses listed in Penal Code, Book II, Title XVI, Chapter I, Article 320, dedicated to Urban Prevarication and Chapter V of the same title on the provisions common, articles 338, 339 and 340 of the Penal Code. The study is divided into five parts, the first of which includes the Spanish urban landscape, in terms of spatial planning, urban development and housing, both at European, national, regional and local implementation. The second part is referred to the phenomenon of corruption. Third, it provides a review of the offenses included within the urban planning discipline. Fourthly we focus on the detailed analysis of the crime of trespass urban and jurisprudential consideration. Finally, in the fifth and finally, examines common provisions, and procedural issues.

Les polítiques de paisatge a Europa en el marc del Conveni Europeu del Paisatge. Els casos d'Espanya, Alemanya i Eslovàquia

Wilbrand, Stephanie 01 March 2011 (has links)
A l'Annex 4 es presenten els últims dos textos íntegres de l’Estratègia de Paisatge d’Andalusia i el State of Environment d’Eslovàquia. Aquests textos no els posem degut a la protecció d’escriptura de les fonts originals / En aquesta tesi doctoral es pretén estudiar les diferents polítiques de paisatge a Europa, centrant-se en l’estudi a fons del Conveni Europeu del Paisatge, únic instrument dedicat exclusivament al paisatge. Mitjançant l’anàlisi de tres casos d’estudi, Espanya, Alemanya i Eslovàquia, més l’estudi de respectives regions dels mateixos, s’explicaran les eines i instruments existents avui per protegir, gestionar i ordenar el paisatge, afegint, però, l’element social, indiscutiblement lligat a la manera de veure, pensar i viure el paisatge. Es respon així a la hipòtesis de si ens trobem davant un canvi de paradigma, davant una nova sensibilitat respecte del paisatge. Indirectament es responen a dues preguntes més: demostrar si després de 10 anys de funcionament del Conveni Europeu del Paisatge aquest es perfila com a instrument per excel•lència per protegir, gestionar i ordenar el paisatge a Europa i si és possible l’existència de polítiques de paisatge efectives al marge del Conveni Europeu del Paisatge. / This doctoral dissertation focuses on the study of the different European landscape policies, in particular on the study of the European Landscape Convention, being the only international instrument dedicated exclusively to landscape. Through analysis of three case studies, Spain, Germany and Slovakia plus further studies of some of their regions we will describe the tools and instruments, existing today, to protect, manage and plan landscapes adding however, the social element which is without doubt related to our way of seeing, thinking and living the landscape. This way we will answer the hypothesis: is there a change of paradigm and are we experiencing a new sensitivity towards the landscape? Indirectly we are also answering two other questions: firstly we will prove whether after ten years in function the ELC is the ultimate instrument to protect, manage and plan landscapes in Europe. Secondly, if there are other effective instruments in existence, besides the European Landscape Convention.

El règim jurídic del litoral català

Aguirre i Font, Josep M. 07 March 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on regional coastal planning, starting with a look at the scope of the new coastal planning responsibilities assumed by the Catalan Government as established in article 149.3 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, and then analysing the urban master plans for the coastal system. The thesis begins (Chapter 1) with a study of the evolution of the legal framework for coastal planning and its complex division of responsibilities, which has been conditioned by two recent events: the new responsibilities incurred by the Catalan Government in the matter of coastal planning and sentence 31/2010 passed by the Constitutional Court concerning the Statute. Then (in Chapter 2) other coastal planning models, with problems similar to our own, are studied by comparing cases in both foreign and autonomous law that provide solutions and ideas to help shape a more ambitious model for the protection of our coastline. The main body of the thesis (Chapter 3) deals with the key to the current plans for the Catalan coastline: the urban master plans for the coastal system. Seven years after they were passed a jurisprudential analysis has been conducted to know how well they fit in with the principle of municipal autonomy, their suitability to regional and municipal planning, and the possible pecuniary liability incurred by the state upon their approval. The thesis concludes (Chapter 4) by defending the need to articulate an integrated management model for the Catalan coastline with a Catalan law governing coastal planning, which would serve to deal not only with the risks this area is subject to, but also with the need to limit the negative effects of the proposed reform of the state coastal law / La tesi se centra en l’estudi de l’ordenació urbanística i territorial del litoral, partint de les potencialitats de les noves competències de la Generalitat de Catalunya en ordenació del litoral atorgades per l’article 149.3 de l’Estatut i analitzant la figura dels plans directors urbanístics del sistema costaner. El treball s’inicia (capítol I) amb l’estudi de l’evolució del marc jurídic en ordenació del litoral i el seu complex marc competencial, condicionat per dos elements recents: les noves competències traspassades a la Generalitat en matèria d’ordenació del litoral i la Sentència del Tribunal Constitucional 31/2010 sobre l’Estatut. A continuació (capítol II) s’estudien altres models d’ordenació litoral en el dret comparat estranger —de França, Itàlia i els EUA— i autonòmic, amb problemàtiques similars a les nostres, que ens aporten solucions i idees per ajudar a configurar un model més ambiciós de protecció de la nostra costa. En la part central de la tesi (capítol III) s’aborda l’estudi de la peça clau de l’actual ordenació del litoral català: els plans directors urbanístics del sistema costaner. Set anys després de la seva aprovació —i a través de la jurisprudència—, s’analitza el seu encaix en el principi d’autonomia municipal, la seva adequació al planejament territorial i municipal, així com l’eventual responsabilitat patrimonial que va operar en la seva aprovació. Finalment, el treball es clou (capítol IV) defensant la necessitat d’articular un model de gestió integrada del litoral català a través d’una llei catalana d’ordenació del litoral que serveixi per fer front als riscos a què es troba sotmès aquest espai, però també a la necessitat de limitar els efectes negatius de la reforma de la Llei de costes estatal que ara es planteja


LAMPUGNANI, DAVIDE 15 June 2015 (has links)
La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo. / The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.

La dinámica del ordenamiento territorial en Colombia : contraste de dinámicas urbano-rurales en la región metropolitana de Bogotá

Carvajal Sánchez, Nohora Inés 01 1900 (has links)
L’aménagement du territoire est le résultat de différents processus économiques, politiques, sociaux, culturels et environnementaux. Le territoire peut être vu de différentes manières et reflète les visions et les intérêts des acteurs qui le construisent. L'objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à explorer les dynamiques qui soutiennent l'aménagement de Bogota, capitale de la Colombie, et d’une municipalité avoisinant Soacha. L'analyse se concentre sur trois aspects qui correspondent aux objectifs spécifiques de cette étude : les récentes politiques publiques d'aménagement du territoire qui régissent la zone étudiée, le rôle des acteurs sociaux et les relations urbano-rurales créées dans ce nouveau contexte. La thèse souligne des éléments contextuels qui servent à comprendre les transformations récentes de Bogota et de Soacha dans leurs implications spatiales. Différents processus ont apparus dans la nouvelle géographie de cette région, y compris la mondialisation, les transformations économiques, les nouvelles lois relatives à l'aménagement du territoire, les nouvelles formes de participation, ainsi que les décisions des administrations municipales qui ont contribué à établir ce nouvel ordre. Les éléments théoriques traitées dans cette étude privilégient deux perspectives ou visions du territoire : 1) celle utilisée par l'État où le territoire est considéré comme un espace limité par des frontières; et 2) la perspective culturaliste où le territoire est défini par son appropriation et par par l’identité qu’il confère. Cependant, une nouvelle tendance émerge à travers l'intégration de ces deux perspectives, autant en Colombie que dans d’autres pays. Ainsi, l'analyse démontre que de nouveaux acteurs ont émergé, par exemple le Conseil territorial de la planification qui représente la concrétisation du discours de participation communautaire exprimé dans différentes lois. De plus, la population paysanne qui a résisté à l'expansion urbaine de Bogota constitue un acteur primordial. Les nouveaux patrons de relations urbaine-rurale démontrent une très grande diversité d'activités et de fonctions présentes dans cette nouvelle « frontière » très dynamique où des éléments urbains et ruraux sont combinés, toujours présents mais aussi toujours en évolution. / Territorial planning is the result of diverse economic, political, social, cultural and environmental processes. The ‘territory’ is seen as reflecting the visions and interests of the actors who participate in its construction. In this sense, the main goal of this dissertation is to explore the dynamics that underly territorial planning in Colombia, in particular in the district capital of Bogota and its nearby municipality Soacha – part of the metropolitan region of Bogota. This dissertation analyzes three aspects that constitute at the same time the dissertation’s specific goals: the recent public policies for territorial planning that apply to the study zone; the role of social actors; and the new situation with respect to urban - rural relations that are present there. The dissertation emphasizes the contextual elements that serve as the basis for understanding the recent transformations of the case study areas and their spatial implications. Different processes have been established in the new geography of the region. Globalization, economic transformations, new standards and laws related to territorial planning, new forms of participation, and the political decisions of the district and municipal administrations have contributed to the construction of this new order. The theoretical underpinnings of this study highlight two perspectives or visions of the territory. On the one hand, there is the vision used and applied by the State in which the territory is understood as a space limited by administrative boundaries; and, on the other hand, the cultural perspective in which the territory is defined by its social appropriation and identity. However, a new approach is emerging, not only in Colombia but in many other countries, from the integration of these two visions or perspectives. The analysis shows how new social actors such us the “Territorial Planning Councils” (Consejo Territorial de Planeación) have been created as a consequence of incorporating a participatory approach into different public laws and frameworks. Furthermore, actors such as the peasants now carry out actions of resistance to stop or at least limit urban expansion. The new patterns of urban - rural relations show that there is a significant diversity of activities and functions present in this very dynamic ‘frontier’ in which both urban and rural elements are present continually present but always evolving. / El ordenamiento de un territorio es el resultado de diferentes procesos económicos, políticos, sociales, culturales y ambientales. El territorio es visto de diferentes maneras de acuerdo a visiones e intereses de los actores que son quienes lo construyen. El objetivo central de esta tesis consiste en explorar las dinámicas que sostienen el ordenamiento territorial en Colombia, particularmente en el distrito capital de Bogotá y de su municipio vecino Soacha, los cuales forman parte de la región metropolitana de Bogotá. El análisis se concentra en tres aspectos que corresponden a su vez a los objetivos específicos planteados. Las recientes políticas públicas de ordenamiento territorial que rigen para la zona estudiada, el rol de los actores sociales y las nuevas relaciones urbano-rurales allí presentes. La tesis destaca elementos de contexto que sirven para comprender las recientes transformaciones de los estudios de caso y sus implicaciones espaciales. Diferentes procesos se consolidan en la nueva geografía de la región. La mundialización, las transformaciones económicas, nuevas normas y leyes relativas al ordenamiento territorial, nuevas formas de participación así como las decisiones de las administraciones distrital y municipal contribuyen a establecer este nuevo orden. Las referencias teóricas manejadas en este estudio privilegian dos tendencias o visiones del territorio. La utilizada por el Estado y en donde el territorio es considerado como un espacio limitado por fronteras y la visión culturalista en donde el territorio se define por apropiación y por identidad con el mismo. Sin embargo una nueva tendencia emerge a través de la integración de las dos visiones, no solamente en Colombia sino en diferentes países, cada uno con sus particularidades propias. Así, el análisis muestra que nuevos actores como el Consejo Territorial de Planeación surgen como concreción del discurso de participación expresado en las diferentes leyes y que otros como los campesinos realizan acciones de resistencia en el sitio para detener la expansión urbana. Las nuevas relaciones urbano-rurales dejan ver que la diversidad de actividades y de funciones existe en una franja urbano-rural muy dinámica en donde la combinación de elementos urbanos y rurales está presente y en constante evolución.

Hors-champs patrimonial : la construction du paysage de Rio de Janeiro, entre transformations urbaines et labellisation Unesco / Heritage "off-screen" : the construction of the landscape of Rio de Janeiro, between urban transformations and the Unesco "labelling"

Zamant, Véronique 10 September 2015 (has links)
Rio +20. Rio Fifa 2014. Rio JO 2016… La « ville merveilleuse » ne cesse d’accueillir des événements d’envergure internationale, affirmant ainsi son statut de capitale culturelle internationale mais entrainant également de profondes transformations urbaines et sociales sur les territoires cariocas. Dans ce contexte d’effervescence, une partie des territoires de la ville se voit attribuer le label Unesco, en 2012, en tant que « paysage culturel ». Quels sont les enjeux et les limites d’une reconnaissance internationale de la dimension patrimoniale d’un paysage vis-à-vis d’une métropole en transformation ? Cette recherche propose de s’affranchir de la « notion-refuge » de patrimoine pour questionner directement la procédure de patrimonialisation dans ses articulations avec le contexte de transformations urbaines et contribuer ainsi à une anthropologie de la ville en transformation. L’intérêt est porté aussi bien sur les négociations, justifications, accords entre les acteurs intervenant dans cette procédure institutionnelle internationale que sur les imaginaires qui peuvent circuler autour de la valeur patrimoniale du paysage carioca parmi l’ensemble des acteurs locaux de la ville, de l’habitant au politicien. La perspective critique de cette analyse, qui touche à l’étude du politique, des représentations de l’identité, du pouvoir économique et de l’inscription territoriale, nous amène finalement à considérer ce qui est resté en marge de la procédure et ce que l’attribution de ce label laisse en héritage aux territoires cariocas. Nous proposons d’envisager ce « hors-champs patrimonial », comme une opportunité pour porter un regard critique sur nos manières de « faire (la) ville » aujourd’hui. / Rio +20. Rio Fifa 2014. Rio JO 2016… The "marvelous city" keeps on hosting international events, and by doing so it claims its position as an international cultural capital. At the same time, it causes important urban and social transformations on cariocas' territories. In this effervescent context, the city gets an Unesco label in 2012 as “cultural landscape”. What are the stakes and limits of an international recognition of the landscape's heritage on a metropolis that is undergoing transformations? This research proposes to free itself from the “safe notion” of heritage in order to interrogate directly the procedure of “heritagization” through its articulation with the context of urban transformation thus contributing to an anthropology of the city in transformation. At the same time, not only it focuses on the negotiations, justifications and agreements between the actors involved in the institutional and international procedure, but also on the imaginary that could exist about the heritage value of the carioca landscape amongst all the city local actors, from the inhabitants to the politicians. The critic perspective of this analysis, that involves a political study, identity representations, economical power and territorial inscription, finally leads us to interrogate what stays at the edge of the procedure and what the attribution of the label lets as heritage to the Cariocas’ territories. We propose to consider the “heritage off-screen”, as an opportunity to have a critical look on our ways of “making (the) city” nowadays.

Percepção de valor dos usuários sobre o território : estudo de caso no bairro Cidade Baixa em Porto Alegre - RS / Perception of value of users about the territory: a study of case in the Cidade Baixa neighborhood in Porto Alegre/RS / La valeur perçue par les utilisateurs sur le territoire : une étude de cas au quartier Cidade Baixa, à Porto Alegre/RS

Silva, Michelle Nascimento da January 2014 (has links)
Quand nous nous penchons sur la ville en tant que lieu d'expérimentations, il faut saisir son évolution tout au long des années, l'histoire de ses quartiers en tenant compte les caractéristiques de l'espace urbain ainsi que les conditions sociales et culturelles de ses habitants. Il est possible d’étudier la ville dans la diversité de ses emplois et de ses utilisateurs, bien comme étudier les conflits et négociations qui sont à l'origine de cette pluralité. Le noyau de notre recherche a été le conflit entre deux groupes d'utilisateurs, des habitants et des commerçants, du quartier Cidade Baixa à Porto Alegre – RS. Telle situation a déployé des efforts de la municipalité pour améliorer la convivialité entre eux, car mettre en accord leurs intérêts, tout à fait différents, posait des problèmes. Notre idée a été d'identifier et de comprendre les caractéristiques de ces deux groupes en ce qui concernait la valeur et le signifié donnés au quartier. À partir de ces observations, nous avons discuté la valeur perçue par les deux groupes en tant que habitants du quartier Cidade Baixa. Dans cette étape, notre but était d'identifier et de comprendre les rapports entre l'ensemble de valeurs personnelles et les valeurs perçues par l'un et l'autre par rapport aux caractéristiques du quartier. Les concepts issus du markéting et de la psychologie environnementale ont été utilisés dans cette recherche, ainsi que celui du territoire et ses dérivations. La premier étape de l'étude a permis de comprendre le contexte du quartier Cidade Baixa, ses utilisateurs et de sélectionner les groupes d'utilisateurs pour l'analyse. Dans la seconde, nous avons réuni et nous avons analysé des données sur la perçue du quartier et sur des valeurs personnelles des deux groupes. En fin de compte, la dernière étape a réuni des données sur la valeur perçue par les groupes d'utilisateurs. Elle s'est penchée aussi sur l'analyse et la discussion des données des étapes antérieures. Nous croyons avoir contribué à la compréhension et à la comparaison des valeurs perçues par des groupes d'utilisateurs du quartier Cidade Baixa, aux différentes façons d'analyser et réunir des données et au concept de valeur perçue dans le cadre du territoire “quartier”. / This research aim was to contribute to the knowledge about the perception of value on the territory in the neighborhood level. When investigating the city as a place of experiences, it is required an appreciation of its evolution over time and stories of its neighborhoods’ both from the urban environment point of view as in the social and cultural conditions of the population who lives on it. The city can be studied in its diversity of usages and users, as well as in the conflict and negotiations’ coexistence resulting from this plurality. The research focuses was the conflict between two groups of users, residents and traders from the Cidade Baixa neighborhood in Porto Alegre – RS, which resulted in efforts from the municipal public power to improve the conviviality between them, due the difficulty of reconcile the distinct interests which overlap. The purpose was to indentify and comprehend the characteristics from the two users groups in the way which they assign value and meaning to neighborhood they make use from. Based on that, I discuss the perception of value from both groups when committed in the neighborhood Cidade Baixa. The goal was to identify and understand the relation between the composition of personal values and values from both groups of users in relation to the neighborhood’s characteristics. The concept used originates especially from areas of environment – behavior and marketing. The research made use of the concept of territory and its derivations. The investigation was divided in three big stages, the first one had the purpose of understand the Cidade Baixa neighborhood’s and users context, as well as perform the selection of the users groups to be analyzed; in the second stage, data about perception of neighborhood and individual values from both studied groups were collected and analyzed; in the last stage, data about value perception from the groups of users were collected and analyzed, applying the data from the previous stages in the discussion and analysis. The main research’s contributions are related to the understanding and comparison of perception of value from the users groups in the neighborhood’s scope, the comparison from different analysis techniques and collected data, as well as the conceptual contributions about the concept of perceived values in the territory context: the neighborhood.

Vidas nas ruas, corpos em percurso no cotidiano da cidade / Lives in the streets, bodies in the daily routes in the cities

PIMENTEL, Lidia Valesca Bonfim January 2005 (has links)
PIMENTEL, Lidia Valesca Bonfim. Vidas nas ruas, corpos em percurso no cotidiano da cidade. 2005. 187f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza-CE, 2005 / Submitted by Liliane oliveira (morena.liliane@hotmail.com) on 2011-12-01T18:21:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_TESE_LVBPRODRIGUES.pdf: 5587086 bytes, checksum: e919f65e88f85eef79ed446f16ad0724 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-01-09T12:47:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_TESE_LVBPRODRIGUES.pdf: 5587086 bytes, checksum: e919f65e88f85eef79ed446f16ad0724 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-01-09T12:47:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_TESE_LVBPRODRIGUES.pdf: 5587086 bytes, checksum: e919f65e88f85eef79ed446f16ad0724 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / This work comes from an ethnographic study of the homeless people in downtown Fortaleza. It aims at understanding their point through the city. The study’s starting point is the homeless person’s body, which is conceived as a prime unit of social experiences. It is their body that goes throughout the city, carrying the marks of a street sociability. The practices studied do not hawed; the are shaped by their own rules of behavior, which, according to De Certeau (1996), in a tactical watt affect the instutionalized forms of power. Thus silently and invisibly, these practices builds new forms of everyday life. The city is the stage where these streets are performed. In this study , downtown is understood as throbbing organism, a space that aggregates many social actors. There the homeless are invisible exceptat night, where they come together in fron of the shops´ doors. A description of the main place occupied by the homeless is presented in a way that such places are understood to be defined territories by usage (Ferrara, 1999). Lastly, the ways followed by the homeless people are narrated on the bassist of their singularity, but they also are aggregated according to their nature, be is survival delirious, of female conditions. / Este trabalho é fruto de um estudo etnográfico sobre os moradores de rua do Centro de Fortaleza, com o objetivo de compreender os seus percursos pela cidade. O estudo partiu do corpo, concebendo-o como unidade primordial das experiências sociais. É o corpo que atravessa a cidade, carregando as marcas de uma sociabilidade tipicamente de rua. São práticas desprovidas de um poder centralizado, formulados por regras de condutas próprias, que, segundo De Certeau (1996), golpeia de forma tática as formas de poder instituídos e, silenciosamente, de modo invisível, constróem novas formas de viver no cotidiano. A cidade é palco no qual se desenrolam as experiências de rua. No estudo, o Centro da Cidade é compreendido como espaço agregador de vários atores sociais, é um organismo pulsante. No Centro, o morador de rua é invisível, podendo ser visto somente durante a noite, quando ocupam as marquises das lojas. Realizou-se uma descrição dos principais lugares ocupados pelos moradores de rua, compreendendo-os como territórios demarcados a partir de uma usança (Ferrara, 1999). Por fim, os percursos dos moradores de rua são narrados a partir de sua singularidade, mas agregados a partir da natureza do percurso seja de sobrevivência, dos delírios, da condição feminina.

Puerto Tatuado, Movimiento Graffiti de la ciudad de Valparaíso

Rivas Carmona, Isidora Francisca 04 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Isidora Rivas (isidora.rivas@gmail.com) on 2017-10-20T18:22:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Puerto Tatuado, Movimiento Graffiti de la ciudad de Valparaiso.pdf: 9187697 bytes, checksum: b4a2a64bbb39e59011c3f7ea182c01f0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafael Aguiar (rafael.aguiar@fgv.br) on 2017-11-08T13:11:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Puerto Tatuado, Movimiento Graffiti de la ciudad de Valparaiso.pdf: 9187697 bytes, checksum: b4a2a64bbb39e59011c3f7ea182c01f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-08T16:43:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Puerto Tatuado, Movimiento Graffiti de la ciudad de Valparaiso.pdf: 9187697 bytes, checksum: b4a2a64bbb39e59011c3f7ea182c01f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-04 / Esta investigación busca dar a conocer la génesis del movimiento graffiti de la ciudad de Valparaíso y sus más de 25 años de desarrollo, como un fenómeno urbano complejo que ha acompañado y respondido a los diferentes procesos históricos del país, a través de la ocupación gráfica del espacio público. Para ello se estructura el trabajo en tres capítulos históricos que van mostrando como el graffiti se fue transformando en una manifestación identitaria y de representación urbana juvenil. El primer capítulo contextualiza los orígenes del fenómeno, la influencia que el Hip Hop tuvo en sus primeros años y como éste va trasladándose desde la periferia alta de Viña del Mar, al centro urbano de la ciudad. El segundo capítulo muestra el traslado geográfico y el asentamiento del graffiti en Valparaíso, analizando el componente generacional, las transformaciones estéticas y como la ciudad fue influyendo desde la patrimonialización en su expansión y desarrollo. El tercer capítulo y final aborda el período contemporáneo del movimiento graffiti en Valparaíso y como el espacio urbano se ve afectado por su masificación y desborde, analizando las principales tensiones y posibilidades que en los últimos años se han generado con la expansión de la pintura y escritura callejera en la ciudad. / Esta investigación busca dar a conocer la génesis del movimiento graffiti de la ciudad de Valparaíso y sus más de 25 años de desarrollo, como un fenómeno urbano complejo que ha acompañado y respondido a los diferentes procesos históricos del país, a través de la ocupación gráfica del espacio público. Para ello se estructura el trabajo en tres capítulos históricos que van mostrando como el graffiti se fue transformando en una manifestación identitaria y de representación urbana juvenil. El primer capítulo contextualiza los orígenes del fenómeno, la influencia que el Hip Hop tuvo en sus primeros años y como éste va trasladándose desde la periferia alta de Viña del Mar, al centro urbano de la ciudad. El segundo capítulo muestra el traslado geográfico y el asentamiento del graffiti en Valparaíso, analizando el componente generacional, las transformaciones estéticas y como la ciudad fue influyendo desde la patrimonialización en su expansión y desarrollo. El tercer capítulo y final aborda el período contemporáneo del movimiento graffiti en Valparaíso y como el espacio urbano se ve afectado por su masificación y desborde, analizando las principales tensiones y posibilidades que en los últimos años se han generado con la expansión de la pintura y escritura callejera en la ciudad.

As políticas públicas de habitação e o território : análise do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida nos municípios de Carazinho, Marau e Passo Fundo / RS

Vasconcellos, Carla Portal January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado propôs discutir e aprofundar o conhecimento sobre os processos envolvidos na consecução da política de habitação, a partir do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida - PMCMV, enquanto política de repercussão territorial, através de estudos desenvolvidos nos municípios de Passo Fundo, Carazinho e Marau, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Compreendendo a política de habitação, como uma política de transformação territorial em que estão envolvidos diferentes interesses e atores, a pesquisa procurou definir as estruturas em que se movem estes grupos de interesse, quais são seus programas e estratégias, quais os agentes responsáveis pelas decisões e, especialmente, como estas repercutem na configuração do território.. A partir da concepção de território enquanto poder e construção política, o presente trabalho propôs à análise de novos arranjos territoriais resultantes das políticas de habitação executadas através do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida. A hipótese do trabalho é de que a política habitacional caracteriza-se como uma política de impacto territorial, que, apesar de diretrizes gerais a nível nacional, adquire nuances locais e regionais, pela interferência dos atores produtores do território urbano. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é o de discutir e aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a realidade dos processos envolvidos na implementação da política habitacional brasileira, através do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida. A partir de pesquisa documental e entrevistas, buscou caracterizar a política habitacional como uma política setorial de impacto territorial, que assume características específicas a nível local e regional; identificar os atores sociais envolvidos e/ou afetados pelo PMCMV, sua atuação com relação às políticas habitacionais e a forma como suas estratégias se espacializam; avaliar como o PMCMV impactou na conformação urbana e regional da área em estudo; caracterizar o processo de distribuição espacial do PMCMV, especialmente, os empreendimentos de habitação de interesse social e verificar a aplicação de recursos por faixa de renda, confrontando com o diagnóstico e as diretrizes do Plano Nacional de Habitação, nos municípios que compõe a área em estudo. Procedeu-se a elaboração de cartografia de apoio e a análise dos dados e informações levantados que permitiram a elaboração de gráficos e cartografias de caracterização da área em estudo e outros de espacialização dos principais empreendimentos executados nas diferentes faixas e investimentos realizados. Por fim, procurou-se a verificação da hipótese e objetivos formulados e as contribuições deste trabalho para o avanço do conhecimento acerca do território, dos atores e das políticas de habitação. / This doctoral thesis has proposed to discuss and deepen the understanding of the processes involved in achieving housing policy, from the Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida - PMCMV while territorial impact of policy through studies conducted in the cities of Passo Fundo, Carazinho and Marau in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Comprising a housing policy, as a territorial transformation policy that are involved different interests and actors, the research sought to define the structures that move these interest groups, what their programs and strategies, which agents responsible for decisions and especially as these have repercussions on the configuration of the territory .. From the conception of territory as power and political construction, this paper proposed the analysis of new territorial arrangements resulting from housing policies implemented by Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida. The hypothesis of the study is that housing policy is characterized as a territorial impact policy, which, although general guidelines at national, acquires local and regional nuances, by the interference of producers actors of the urban territory. The aim of this study is to discuss and deepen the knowledge about the reality of the processes involved in the implementation of the Brazilian housing policy through the Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida. Through interviews and documentary research, sought to characterize the housing policy as a sectoral policy of territorial impact, which takes specific features at local and regional level; identify the actors involved and / or affected by PMCMV, its performance in relation to housing policies and how their strategies are spatialized; assess how the PMCMV impact in urban and regional conformation of the study area; characterize the spatial distribution process PMCMV especially the social housing developments and verify the application of resources by income, comparing with the diagnosis and the guidelines of the Plano Nacional de Habitação, the municipalities that make up the area under study . It proceeded to prepare supporting mapping and data analysis and information collected that have enabled the development of characterization of graphics and cartography of the study area and other spatial distribution of major projects executed in the different bands and investments. Finally, we tried to verifying the hypothesis and formulated goals and contributions of this work to the advancement of knowledge about the territory, actors and housing policies.

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