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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Espaces et sociétés en milieu vodoun : aménagements et territoires de conflit / No title

Lando, Paul 11 June 2013 (has links)
En milieu vodoun, l’espace et son contenu appartiennent à Dieu et aux dieux, avantles hommes. Le vodoun est dans la nature et les marqueurs végétaux, les dieux-objets, lesterritoires aquatiques et autres en font un marqueur spatial prégnant.Les concessions ouvertes et fermées en milieu urbain comme en milieu rural constituent desterritoires non corruptibles et des hauts-lieux imprégnés d’identité, d’histoire et de religion.Cette collusion d’hommes, de territoire et de sacré fait aussi de la concession familiale uneforteresse imprenable. Il se pose alors en matière d’aménagement, le problème des espacesbloqués, inviolables et inaliénables. Le vodoun influence véritablement l’occupation del’espace et se pose comme un facteur incontournable dans les actions qui visent à donner uneautre configuration à des espaces déterminés. Le mode de production de l’espace en milieuvodoun est spécifique et reste lié au sacré. On comprend alors pourquoi les conflits mondemoderne et milieu traditionnel, de même les raisons pour lesquelles les acteurs de lagouvernance s’activent pour des relations et une collaboration apaisées entre les différentsacteurs de la société. Le vodoun est aujourd’hui une culture à la croisée des chemins, prêtcomme toujours à s’adapter, mais pas à tout céder. Les remparts mis en place pour assurer sesarrières sont énormes et l’un des plus sûrs et des plus solides est l’Homme. L’Homme prisdans un rapport social de communication au point de s’aliéner totalement et de se confondreau territoire qui l’a vu naître. / Space and its components belong to God and gods before men in “vodoun” beliefareas. “Vodoun” exists in nature such as in plants, in god-objects, in watery spaces and others,thus testifying of spatial resonances.Opened and closed family houses in urban and rural areas are non- corrupt territories and highspots carrying a strong sense of identity, history and religious belief. Due to the collusion ofmen, the space they live in and the sacral, the place in which the family inhabits is like anunbreakable fortress. Therefore, environmental planning in “vodoun” belief areas isconfronted to a problem as far as those locked, sacral and inalienable spaces are concerned.“Vodoun” practice has a real impact on how space and places are being designed, and itcannot be ignored by those who plan on modifying a designated area. The way space is dealtwith by “vodoun” is specific and remains linked to the sacral. This explains the conflictsbetween modern and traditional ways of life, and it is also the reason why leaders strive tomaintain peaceful relationships and collaboration among the main organized forces in society.Today, “vodoun” culture is at a crossroads ; it is willing to adapt but it is not ready to give upon everything. The ramparts built to secure “vodoun” practices are huge and one of the mostreliable and strong is Man. Being caught in public relation exercises, Man totally trappeshimself and cannot distinguish himself from the place he was born.

Space Craft : Globalization and Governmentality in Regional Development

Öjehag-Pettersson, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores two related purposes. First, it theoretically investigates how the broad literature on globalization is nested in debates concerning the nature of concepts such as space and territory. When doing so, it suggests that studies of globalization can be advanced by escaping territorialist understandings where the nation state is reproduced as a natural arena appropriate for studying all aspects of ‘the social’. The theoretical part of the thesis is used as a basis for articulating a framework for empirical studies that rest upon a conceptual grammar fashioned through a combination of so called assemblage thinking and governmentality analysis. This framework is then put to work as the second, empirical, purpose of the thesis is pursued. More precisely this means that the governance of Swedish regional development is analyzed as an assemblage of discourses, practices and subjects where (re)production of globalization occurs. The (re)production of globalization is studied in three interrelated case studies, all based on a corpus of 81 documents pertaining to the governance of Swedish regional development. By paying attention to how power operates in terms of political rationalities, governmental technologies and the production of social actors, the thesis shows how notions of a perpetual and omnipresent global competition marks the assemblage with particularly salient modes of rationale. Specifically, entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity are represented as the primary means for becoming competitive in the age of globalization, and it is shown here how this have inclusionary and exclusionary effects in terms of desired social actors throughout Swedish regions. The thesis then ends with a concluding chapter where the current regimes of regional development are identified as complex forms of neoliberal rule with far reaching effects for democratic principles and practices. / In an age often understood as globalized, questions of space and territory are pushed to the forefront of political rule. This thesis explores how contemporary regimes of governing are not only practices of ‘state craft’, but also ‘space craft’ as power operates in relation to perpetual and encompassing notions of global competition among states, regions and subjects. In the thesis a conceptual grammar based on so called assemblage thinking and governmentality studies is put forward in order to investigate how globalization is articulated as a problem for governing regional development in Sweden. It is shown how this is nested in specific political rationalities and governmental technologies that emerge in attempts to produce competitiveness. By approaching the governance of regional development as an assemblage, a vibrant junction of discourses, practices and subjects, the thesis shows how political analysis can rid it self from notions of methodological nationalism, or in other words, a reification of the nation-state as the most appropriate scale for the study of social relations. When doing so it also highlights how complex forms of neoliberal rule lies at the heart of regional development, posing challenges for democratic principles and practices throughout the world.

A Geochemical Characterization of a Cold-Water Acid Rock Drainage Stream Emanating From the Zn-Pb XY-deposit, Howard's Pass, Yukon Territory, Canada

Feige, Kristen B. January 2011 (has links)
An acid rock drainage (ARD) stream emanating from the Zn-Pb XY-deposit in the Yukon Territory was examined in order to evaluate the physico-chemical and geochemical processes governing the distribution of dissolved elements from the creek. The creek showed very high concentrations of metals (300 mg/L Fe, 500 mg/L Zn, 15 000 µg/L Ni, 1300 µg/L Cu and 4500 µg/L Cd), low water temperatures (1 – 12°C) and was acidic to moderately acidic (pH 3.1 – 5.0). It was found that this stream experienced a strong seasonal evolution, with increased sulphate and metal concentrations and decreased pH over the course of the summer. The mineral precipitates that formed under low pH conditions were a mixture of schwertmannite, goethite, jarosite and barite, while those that formed under moderately acidic conditions were a mixture of jurbanite, hydrobasaluminite, gibbsite and an X-ray amorphous Al-sulphate phase. Most of the mineral precipitates were of inorganic origin, although microbes may have played a role in mineral formation and trace metal sequestration in some of the precipitates. All of the mineral precipitates contained anomalous concentrations of trace elements (up to 1.5 % wt Zn) and showed a seasonal evolution in their mineralogy, both of which were determined to be a function of the pH and prevailing geochemical conditions. The geochemistry of the ARD creek draining the XY-deposit was compared to another ARD creek in the area that was likely draining shales. The two creeks were compared in order to determine if ARD geochemical characteristics can be used as a tool for the mineral exploration industry.

Regional Assessment of Glacier Motion in Kluane National Park, Yukon Territory

Waechter, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
This project presents regional velocity measurements for the eastern portion of the St. Elias Mountains, including the entire glaciated area of Kluane National Park, derived from speckle tracking of Radarsat-2 imagery acquired in winter 2011 and 2012. This technique uses a cross-correlation approach to determine the displacement of the ‘speckle’ pattern of radar phase returns between two repeat-pass images. Further reconstruction of past velocities is performed on a selection of key glaciers using feature tracking of Landsat-5 imagery, allowing for the investigation of variability in glacier motion on interannual and decadal time scales. The results of the analysis showed that there is a strong velocity gradient across the region reflecting high accumulation rates on the Pacific-facing slope of the mountain range. These glaciers may have velocities an order of magnitude greater than glaciers of a similar size on the landward slope. Interannual variability was high, both in relation to surge events, of which a number were identified, and variation of other unknown controls on glacier motion. A long-term trend of velocity decrease was observed on the Kaskawulsh Glacier when comparing the results of this analysis to work carried out in the 1960s, the pattern of which is broadly congruent to measurements of surface elevation change over a similar period.

Enseigner en école rurale : processus identitaires et développement professionnels d’enseignants du premier degré : étude comparative dans quatre pays d’Europe et d’Amérique Latine / Teach in rural school : professional identity and development of teachers of primary level : comparative study in four countries of Europe and Latin America

Rothenburger, Catherine 24 November 2014 (has links)
Associée à beaucoup de clichés, d’idéalisation et de nostalgie, l’école rurale constitue un objet de recherche renouvelé depuis les années 1980, tant au niveau national qu’international. Les petites écoles rurales françaises, espagnoles, chiliennes et uruguayennes (écoles à classe unique ou à deux classes) présentent des points communs en termes d’organisation (structure multi-cours) et d’implication des acteurs locaux (en particulier des parents) dans leur fonctionnement. L’immersion des enseignants dans le territoire rural à travers l’activité professionnelle, la confrontation à la structure multi-cours, à la culture locale, aux traditions de l’école rurale bouleversent leur identité professionnelle en mettant souvent à mal leur système capacitaire (Costalat-Founeau, 1997). L’étude réalisée grâce à une méthodologie qualitative auprès de 43 enseignants, montre que les enseignants mettent alors en œuvre de nombreuses actions professionnelles et personnelles en direction du territoire, avec le territoire, à la recherche d’une validation sociale par celui-ci. Ces actions visent également à un apprentissage du territoire en réponse à l’expression d’une curiosité cognitive. Le déséquilibre du système capacitaire, le manque de validation sociale peut conduire les enseignants à une forme de repli sur soi en fermant la porte au territoire. En retrouvant un équilibre du système capacitaire, ils modifient alors leur représentation du métier, leur rapport au savoir, leur rapport à l’autorité, leur rapport à l’institution, leurs pratiques pédagogiques et donc l’ensemble de leur développement professionnel. Ils construisent progressivement une identité professionnelle et une proposition éducative territorialisées. Celle-ci s’exprime parfois par un conformisme important à la demande sociale, mais souvent par l’intégration des problématiques locales dans leur proposition éducative. / Rural schools, associated with many idealized images and nostalgia, have constituted a renewed subject of research since the 1980s, at both the national and international levels. Small rural schools (schools with one or two classes) in France, Spain, Chile and Uruguay have points in common in terms of their organization (multi-year) and the implication of local participants. The immersion of teachers in the rural territory through their professional activity, and their confrontation with a multi-year structure, local culture and the traditions of the rural school tend to upset their professional identity and often damage their “capacity system”(Costalat-Founeau, 1997). This study – undertaken with 43 teachers using qualitative methodology – shows that, as a result, teachers engage in numerous professional and personal activities both directed at the territory and with the territory, on a quest of social validation by the latter. These activities are also intended to quench the teachers’ intellectual curiosity by enabling them to learn about the territory. An imbalance in the “capacity system” and a lack of social validation can lead teachers to turn in on themselves by shutting out the territory. By re-balancing their capacity system, they modify their representation of their own profession; their connection with knowledge, authority and the institution; their educational practices; and thus their whole professional development. They gradually construct a territorialized professional identity and educational offer. This sometimes finds expression in conformity with social expectations, but more often in an integration of local issues into the educational offer.

Vers une mise en observation des systèmes énergétiques territoriaux : une approche géographique pour territorialiser l'énergie / Towards the observation of Territorial Energy Systems : a geographical design approach for energy territorialisation

Fléty, Yann 28 January 2014 (has links)
Pouvoir agir sur un système implique de le comprendre et donc de le connaitre. L’objectif de ce travail est defournir un cadre général d’interprétation de l’information géographique, ainsi qu’un canevas méthodologiquesur lequel s’appuyer, pour l’appréhension des liens territoire-énergie dans le contexte d’un observatoireterritorial. Une caractérisation des planifications territoriale et énergétique nous a tout d’abord permis dedresser le constat du renouvellement de leurs contextes et évolutions similaires, en matière dedécentralisation et de considérations environnementales notamment. Ce changement d’échelles de réflexionrenouvelle les modes d’action publique et questionne la place du local. Les acteurs locaux se trouvent ainsiamenés à jouer un rôle central dans la traduction et la mise en oeuvre concrète d’objectifs de politiqueénergétique dans leurs pratiques de planification territoriale. Dans ce contexte, de fortes attentes en matièrede diagnostic et de prospective, et plus généralement de connaissance sont exprimées par les collectivités encharge de piloter, à l’échelle de leur territoire de référence, une planification territoriale énergétique. En effet,les fonctions territoriales (habiter, travailler, se déplacer,...) sont elles-mêmes à l’origine des formes et desstructures territoriales dont la dimension prospective ne peut se dissocier des questions d’aménagement duterritoire et d’énergie. Pour parvenir à approcher cette énergie indispensable, omniprésente et organisatricedu territoire, une lecture systémique et territorialisée des liens territoire-énergie est proposée via le concept deSystème Energétique Territorial. Elle illustre l’importance des interactions entre un territoire et son systèmeénergétique, et plus précisément, la dépendance réciproque des processus énergétiques et des processusterritoriaux, traduisant ainsi le besoin de territorialiser l’énergie. Nous avons en ce sens proposé unedémarche de conception d’un cadre d’analyse des liens territoire-énergie, démarche de modélisationconceptuelle du réel notamment centrée sur des questions de sémantique. Cette démarche considère troiséléments : un métamodèle, une ontologie légère pré-consensuelle et des modèles conceptuels par indicateurs.L’exemple d’intégration d’un indicateur original, les « Étiquettes Énergétiques Territoriales mobilitésquotidiennes-habitat » permet un premier peuplement de l’ontologie. Si qualifier les liens Territoire-Énergien’a rien d’évident notamment au regard de la multitude des processus, échelles ou contraintes liées auxdonnées, une difficulté supplémentaire demeure dans la manipulation de chacun de ces deux concepts auxacceptions multiples. Ainsi, l’apport de ce travail réside dans la démonstration de la pertinence d’uneapproche territoriale de l’énergie, ainsi que la proposition d’une démarche géographique de conception pourune mise en observation des Systèmes Énergétiques Territoriaux. / Having an effect on a system calls for a thorough knowledge of it. The main goal of this research is toprovide a general framework for the interpretation of geographic information, as well as a methodologicalframework to understand the interrelations between territory and energy in the context of a territorialobservatory. A literature review of energy planning on the one hand and spatial planning on the other revealssimilar developments in the two fields, in particular in terms of decentralisation and environmental concerns.The change of geographical scale chosen for the analysis brings new possibilities for public intervention. Inthis context, therefore, local authorities have a key role to play in implementing energy policy goals in theirplanning practices. They need analysis and prospective studies, as well as basic knowledge to carry outterritorial energy planning. Indeed, the socio-spatial functions (living, travelling, working, etc.) arethemselves at the root of spatial layout, urban forms and settlement structures. Those functions cannot bedisassociated from questions of land use and energy. So, to understand energy which is vital, ubiquitous, andresponsible for the organisation of territory, a systemic approach is proposed: the Territorial Energy System.It illustrates the importance of the interactions between a territory and its energy system, and more precisely,the interdependence between energy processes and territorial ones. We propose a design approach in thecontext of an observatory, and more precisely conceptual models, to analyse the territory-energyinterrelations, especially with a focus on semantic dimensions. This approach combines three elements: ameta-model, a light and pre-consensus domain ontology, and individual conceptual data models for eachindicator. An original indicator is then used for a first ontology population: the territorial energy label.Characterising the interrelations between territory and energy is non-trivial, dealing with the variety ofprocesses, scales or data constraints and the numerous meanings of those two concepts. The maincontributions of this research is firstly to demonstrate the relevance of a territorial perspective on energy, aswell as presenting a geographical design approach to conceptualising the observation of territorial energysystems in a territorial observatory

Le problème du site et du contexte dans l'architecture contemporain : le parc de La Villette et le jardin en mouvement du parc André-Citroën à Paris / Problem of site and context in contemporary architecture : park La Villette and garden in movement of the park André-Citroën in Paris

Skopina, Maria 28 September 2013 (has links)
La recherche a pour point de départ les problèmes environnementaux que rencontrent actuellement les architectes. Les changements de priorités au profit de l'environnement peut être bien observé dans l'architecture récente de Paris, arène où se rencontrent les tendances les plus novatrices et les plus caractéristiques de leur temps. Le travail se propose de suivre cette évolution en prenant pour objet d'analyse deux jardins apparus récemment à Paris : le parc de La Villette de Bernard Tschumi et le Jardin en mouvement du parc André-Citroën conçu par Gilles Clément. Ces deux réalisations avec le même programme (parc urbain) ont l'avantage de résulter des approches diamétralement opposées et d'être en même temps très représentatives de l'architecture de leur décennie. Les enjeux de la recherche sont les suivants :– Montrer qu'un changement considérable s'est produit dans l'architecture européenne des années 90, à savoir le changement des priorités au profit de l'environnement. Il s'agit de montrer que l'architecture contemporaine est entrée dans une nouvelle phase de son évolution, tout en insistant sur l'importance du « tournant écologique ». Le mouvement écologique en architecture n'est pas une mode passagère, introduite par quelques personnalités influentes. Ce n'est pas non plus un « style » parmi d'autres ni un « courant » au sein de l'architecture contemporaine. Au fond, il s'agit d'un mouvement qui apparaît en réponse aux besoins réels de la société occidentale. L'un des objectifs de la recherche est de montrer la nouveauté de l'architecture écologique non seulement par rapport à l'architecture de la période précédente mais aussi par rapport à l'architecture traditionnelle.– Dégager les moteurs de cette évolution de l'architecture. Les changements dont il s'agit sont dus à plusieurs facteurs : économiques (énergétiques), environnementaux, politiques. Le travail de thèse a pour but de montrer comment ces facteurs ont contribué, directement ou indirectement, au passage vers l'architecture écologique. Il ne s'agit pas d'établir un simple rapport de dépendance mais d'analyser les processus dans toute leur complexité. Les processus dont il s'agit ne sont pas toujours linéaires, et l'apparition de cette nouvelle architecture résulte de la superposition de plusieurs tendances.– Analyser le contexte esthétique de l'apparition de l'architecture écologique. La recherche situe les objets d'analyse dans leur contexte culturel français et international, en montrant que l'apparition de l'architecture écologique va de pair avec une certaine crise du paradigme moderniste, qui a épuisé son potentiel théorique. La recherche se propose d'établir des parallèles entre l'architecture contemporaine et des phénomènes appartenant à la littérature, à la philosophie, à l'art contemporain.– Analyser le tournant environnemental (qui n'est pas encore achevé) dans une perspective « futurologique », c'est-à-dire évaluer ses conséquences à long terme / The point of departure of this thesis research is the environment worries which are currently faced by the architects. The shift in priorities to the environment may be followed in the modern architecture of Paris, in the city where there are the most innovative, the most typical tendencies of the current time. The task of the research is to follow this evolution and two parks recently appeared in Paris: Park de la Villette by Bernard Tschumi and the park of André Citroën created by Gilles Clément are taken as the object of this analysis. The choice of the object is explained as follows: these two objects are derived from the diametrically opposed architectural approaches and at the same time they are very revealing for the architecture of its decade. Being focused on the architecture, the research has also interdisciplinary element. This work puts the objects of the analysis in their French and international cultural context. The research sets up parallels between the modern architecture and phenomenon from literature (fragmentary method of writing), philosophy (theory of fragments) and modern art

La patrimonialisation du monde agricole : l'exemple des musées de 1920 à nos jours / The patrimonialisation of the agricultural world : The example of the agricultural museums of 1920 in our days

Dupuis, Richard 02 April 2015 (has links)
Lieu d'accès aux connaissances, le musée agricole véhicule l'image du patrimoine et des enjeux culturels et professionnels de l'agriculture. Le monde agricole a été progressivement mis en scène dans l'espace du musée, puis dans l'espace paysager, au moyen d'aménagements variés : équipements muséographiques, et enfin dans l'espace virtuel avec les musées en ligne. Les musées du monde agricole ont été voulus par les intermédiaires savants, les pouvoirs publics et « ceux qui font l'agriculture » : agriculteurs eux-mêmes, organisations professionnelles et industrielles. Ils se sont multipliés à l'image de la variété même des visages de l'agriculture. À travers la pluralité de leurs approches et de leurs collections, les musées d'agriculture ont répondu depuis 1920 à des enjeux circonstanciés, identitaires, culturels, territoriaux et symboliques, jusque dans le contexte nouveau du développement territorial de ce début de XXIe siècle. Ils véhiculent l'image de l'agriculture que veulent donner les acteurs et partenaires des mondes agricole et culturels : tradition et modernisme. Ce processus de patrimonialisation rend légitime l'intégration du monde agricole à l'histoire culturelle de la nation. Il est question des modes et moyens par lesquels le monde agricole est représenté de 1920 à 2014 dans les structures muséales et en particulier aux musées du Compa et de la Bertauge depuis les années 1970. Dans le cadre de l'histoire culturelle, il est montré que les musées du monde agricole se sont développés dans le creuset de l'éducation, du folklore et qu'ils entrent de manière diversifiée dans l'ère de la valorisation du patrimoine jusqu'à intégrer territoires et paysages. / The agriculture museum is a place of knowledge which conveys the image of the rural heritage, as well as its cultural and professional issues. The agricultural sector has been progressively staged within the museum space, then in the landscaped scenery, with the use of various facilities: museum equipment, and finally in the virtual space with online museum.Agriculture museums have been designed by scholar intermediaries, public authorities and "those who are agriculture» such as farmers themselves, business and industrial organizations. They multiplied the image of the same variety of faces of agriculture.Through the diversity of their approaches and their collections, agriculture museums have responded since 1920 to identity, cultural, territorial and symbolic issues into the new context of territorial development of the early twenty-first century. They convey a traditional and modernist image of agriculture in tune with the wishes of the different players and partners in the agricultural and cultural worlds. This process legitimizes the integration of the agricultural heritage to the cultural history of the nation.We examine the ways and means by which the agricultural world is shown from 1920 to 2014 in museum structures and in particular the Compa and Bertauge museums since the 1970s. Through cultural history, it is shown that agriculture museums have developed in the crucible of education and folklore; They developed in a diversified way in the era of the development of heritage to integrate territories and landscapes.

Righting history : remembrance and commemoration at Battle Rock

Nading, Linda L. 05 1900 (has links)
Changes to commemorative signage in Port Orford, Oregon, United States, during 1998 and 1999 represent an emerging public acknowledgement of the removal by force of most of the indigenous peoples of Southwestern Oregon in the 1850s. A wide range of participants, including local area residents and nonresident members of Native American First Nations, negotiated changes to signage within a context of controversy. Hegemonic social memory institutionalized as local history and publicly displayed as text on a historical marker was challenged by an alternate version of the event commemorated: a conflict between Athapaskans and Euro- Americans in 1851 at the site now know as "Battle Rock." The alternate version is supported by oral tradition which is marginalized as a source of knowledge about the past while the official history has been privileged by repetitious inscription and incorporated commemorative ritual. Discussion includes the selectivity of public history and the creation of public memory through commemorative activity in which official and vernacular interests compete. A parallel is drawn between the remembrance and acknowledgement of events once suppressed and the remembrance and acknowledgement of marginalized indigenous American First Nations "forgotten" by the United States federal government. The Confederated Tribes of the Lower Rogue, building support for legislative acknowledgement of their tribal status, contributed positively to the production of signage text, an activity which enhanced both their visibility and the visibility and remembrance of their Athapaskan forebears. / Arts, Faculty of / Anthropology, Department of / Graduate

Novos usos do território no semiárido nordestino : implantação de parques eólicos e valorização seletiva nos municípios de Caetité (BA) e João Câmara (RN) / New uses of territory in the semiarid of Brazil : instalation of wind farms and selective valorization of Caetité (BA) and Joâo Câmara (RN)

Traldi, Mariana, 1984- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Márcio Antonio Cataia / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T08:33:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Traldi_Mariana_M.pdf: 8306872 bytes, checksum: f0539783d4d01e556881bd2991c1b6c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Desde 2004 no Brasil tem havido uma crescente expansão da instalação de parques eólicos para geração de energia elétrica. No Brasil a fonte hegemônica na produção de energia elétrica sempre foi à hídrica. Contudo, a partir da crise do Apagão de 2001, que resultou no déficit na oferta de energia no macrossistema elétrico brasileiro o Estado tem buscado aumentar a oferta de energia elétrica através da diversificação da matriz elétrica nacional. Entre as fontes que vem ganhando importância está a fonte eólica. Desta forma, apresentamos nesta dissertação um panorama dos novos usos do território que resultam da instalação dos parques eólicos nos municípios de João Câmara (RN) e Caetité (BA), localizados no semiárido brasileiro. Buscamos desmistificar afirmações que sustentam serem os parques eólicos promotores do desenvolvimento local e grandes vetores de incremento na arrecadação de tributos municipais e estaduais. Identificamos assim os nexos entre a instalação dos parques eólicos e as necessidades impostas aos lugares pelo macrossistema elétrico brasileiro / Abstract: Although, the hegemonic power in the production of electricity has always been hydroeletric, since 2004 has been an increasing expansion of the installation of wind farms for power generation. The crisis known as Blackout 2001 resulted in a deficit of energy supply in the Brazilian large technological system. As a solution the Brazilian state has decided to increase the supply of electricity through the diversification of the national energy matrix. Among the sources that is gaining importance is wind power. Thus, we present in this paper an overview of the new uses of the territory resulting from the installation of wind farms in João Câmara (RN) and Caetité (BA) located in the Brazilian semiarid region. We seek to debunk claims that support wind farms being promoters of local development and large increment vectors in the collection of state and local taxes. Thus identify the links between the installation of wind farms and the needs imposed by the Brazilian technological large system / Mestrado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Mestra em Geografia

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