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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kursplan+läromedel=sant? : En diskursanalys av kursplanen och fyra läromedel i svenska för årskurs 1 / Syllabus + textbook = an obvious match? : A discourse analysis of the syllabus and four textbooks in Swedish for first grade

Jonsson, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
The aim with this study is to analyze the different parts of the Swedish syllabus and writing assignments in textbooks used in Swedish education for children in first grade. The analysis is based on Ivanič’s (2004) article and framework for different aspects of language and discourses of writing. The study analyzes in what extent the discourses of writing are expressed in the different parts of the syllabus and in the textbooks. Further in the study the textbooks are analyzed from a qualitative perspective to notice the expressions of the discourses. The analysis is based on discourse analysis and Ivanič’s (2004) discourses of writing. The syllabus and the textbooks are analyzed in two stages – a quantitative and a qualitative. The results of the study show that all discourses are expressed in the different parts of the syllabus – but in various ways. In the parts that is addressed to grade 1–3 the skills discourse of writing and the genre discourse of writing dominates. The analysis of the textbooks shows that there is a variation between the tasks. The skills discourse of writing is dominating in the textbooks with 68 % of all pages. The result show that there partially is a conformity between the syllabus and the textbooks. Finally, the result is discussed in relation to relevant literature and previous studies. / Syftet med denna undersökning är att analysera hur skrivdiskurser uttrycks i kursplanen i svenska för årskurs 1–3 samt i skrivuppgifter i fyra läromedel för svenska i årskurs 1. Analysen utgår från Ivanič (2004) teoretiska ramverk för språklager och skrivdiskurser. Undersökningen analyserar i vilken omfattning skrivdiskurserna uttrycks i kursplanens olika delar och i de valda läromedlen. Vidare analyseras läromedlen ur ett kvalitativt perspektiv för att få syn på hur skrivdiskurserna uttrycks i läromedlens uppgifter. Metoden i undersökningen är diskursanalys och utgår från Ivanič (2004) skrivdiskurser. Kursplanen och läromedlen analyseras i två faser - en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ. Analysens resultat visar att samtliga skrivdiskurser uttrycks i kursplanens delar, men i varierande grad. I kursplanens delar som syftar till undervisning i årskurs 1–3 är färdighets- och genrediskursen dominerande. Analysen av läromedlen visar att det finns stor variation mellan läromedlens uppgifter. I läromedlen är färdighetsdiskursen dominerande och står för 68 % av alla sidor i de analyserade läromedlen. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet av undersökningen att det till viss del finns en överenstämmelse mellan kursplanen och läromedlen men det råder stor variation inom och mellan läromedlen. Slutligen diskuteras undersökningens resultat i relation till relevant litteratur och tidigare studier inom ämnet.


Büttner, Uwe 26 June 2014 (has links)
Wie der Titel des Buches bereits deutlich macht, ist dieses Lehrbuch sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene gedacht. Aus diesem Grunde wurden in das Lehrwerk eine umfangreiche bulgarische Grammatik (Phonetik, Morphologie, Syntax und Wortbildung) sowie umfangreiches Material zur Erweiterung des Wortschatzes integriert. Die ca. 1700 Seiten sollen den Nutzer aber keineswegs abschrecken, sondern als ein breites Bildungsangebot verstanden werden, in dem jeder Nutzer entsprechend seiner Interessen und Vorkenntnisse navigieren kann, nicht zuletzt mittels Suchmaschinen, da hier eine elektronische Fassung des Lehrbuches vorliegt. Das Lehrbuch soll deutsche Muttersprachler, die Bulgarisch lernen wollen, genauso ansprechen, wie bulgarische Muttersprachler, die ihre Deutschkenntnisse verbessern möchten.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis und Zeichenerklärung Haupteigenschaften der bulgarischen Sprache Phonetisch-orthographische Einführung 1. Lektion 2. Lektion 3. Lektion 4. Lektion 5. Lektion 6. Lektion 7. Lektion 8. Lektion 9. Lektion 10. Lektion 11. Lektion 12. Lektion Übersichten Anhang

Obrazová složka učebnic češtiny pro cizince - analýza a evaluace / Visual components of textbooks of Czech for foreigners - analysis and evaluation

Hladíková, Helena January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the visual components of textbooks of Czech for foreigners. The five selected textbooks are investigated incidence of certain types of visual components, their position in the textbooks and the frequency of occurrence of these types. The aim of this work is to determine what specific visual aids in textbooks Czech for foreigners appear and whether they are used functionally or not, and give an idea of the form of the visual component of textbooks Czech for foreigners. The questionnaire, which was attended by teachers of Czech as a foreign language, should contribute to this outline. Their task was to evaluate the visual amenities of textbooks Czech for foreigners who are most frequently used in teaching. The first chapter is devoted to the textbook as a didactic resource function including textbooks in foreign language teaching and research textbooks at home and abroad. Attention is focused on the design concept of visual means to learning from visual material and finally the creation of categorical systems under which they were selected textbooks analyzed. The theoretical part is followed by a presentation of the results of the analysis of the textbooks of Czech for foreigners with an emphasis on functionality and frequency occurring visual components. In the last chapter...

Aktuální vědní poznatky a jejich didaktická transformace na příkladu tématu evoluce hominidů / Contemporary Scientific Knowledges and its Pedagogical Transformation by Way of Example of Human Evolution's Topic

Dvořáková, Radka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is about the pedagogical transformation of modern scientific knowledge from the field of palaeoanthropology and evolution anthropology to the teaching about human at the first and high schools in the Czech Republic. The main objective of this thesis (realised through four constituent research studies) is to analyse and to describe this complex and multilevel process. The first step was the content analyse of 32 textbooks. We also analysed the framework of the whole process. We realise questionnaire survey among 217 teachers and also interview with 10 teachers. The last research study about student's attitude and knowledge was questionnaire survey among 660 students. We found that there are no serious obstacles in the teaching of (human) evolution from the field of believers in the Czech Republic like in some other countries. It takes usually few decades to get new findings and conceptions into the textbooks, despite it some exceptions exist. Teachers seem to be the key participants of the process of pedagogical transformation. It is not only about the information they teach in their lessons but also about the way how they teach and about the attitude the build-up towards the topic among their students.

Ptáci v učebnicích pro ZŠ a nižší stupeň gymnázia (Analýza grafického zpracování kapitoly Ptáci se zaměřením na modelové druhy) / Birds in Textbooks for Elementary Schools and Lower Grammar Schools (Analysis of the Graphic Design of the Chapter Birds with Focused on Model Species)

Vávrová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the graphic processing of the chapter Birds (Aves) in natural science textbooks for teaching at elementary school or lower grammar school with a focus on the model species (hereinafter referred to as MS) used for the chapter. The focus on MS stems from the fact that the authors choose different taxa representatives from the taxon, they are not uniformly displayed or described. The theoretical part of the DT deals with the definition of a textbook and the possibilities of its analysis. In particular, research is described here, which focuses on the importance of graphic information in textbooks and misconceptions in pupils for the taxon birds. In the second part of the chapter I deal with the characteristics of the bird taxon. In the practical part of DT, my first goal is to map and analyze graphic information and its processing for the taxon birds (Aves) in natural science textbooks for primary and lower grammar school. The analysis involves the comparison of specific textbooks, the ways in which they are displayed, the ways of describing them in the text and other characteristics that relate to all general pictures that show important features of the group. Another aim of this part of DT is to describe and evaluate the MS for the bird tax (Aves), which would be...

Učitel očima veřejnosti / The Teacher through Eyes of the Public

Koutníková, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The Teacher through the eyes of the public" is focused on analyzing public opinions and attitudes towards the teacher personality. In further detail, it is focused on a teacher of the sciences, specifically science lessons and biology, and its educated subject. The diploma thesis is divided to two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the relation between the school and society, defines the term Teacher, and maps the teacher career with problems they can meet with during their career. Teachers of natural science/biology are described in their dedicated chapter, where the teachers themselves and their achieved educational background and selected teaching elements are analyzed. The practical part provides a questionnaire survey by method of quantitative research with a total of 144 responders. The collected data is presented in columnar graphs together with its word characterization. A Z-Score test was used in an attempt to prove the hypothesis. The first part of the survey is focused on teacher personalities. The results show that the responders perceive teacher personality as very positive and that professional experience is definitely preferred within the subject. In the second part, the results introduce that the addressed public recognize teaching...

Slovesné morfologické kategorie v učebnicích českého jazyka / Verbal morphological categories in Czech language textbooks

Pokorná, Karla January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the rendition of verbal morphological categories in selected Czech language textbooks for primary and secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is (1) to analyse the area of morphological categories of verbs in respective textbooks, (2) to find out how this area is didactically transformed in relation to specialized and theoretical approach and (3) to assess whether the content is approached appropriately with respect to the subject correctness. The first part of the thesis summarizes the existing theoretical knowledge of pedagogical research of textbooks with the support of selected empirical studies. The second part introduces verbal morphological categories by presenting specialized concepts in several grammars and manuals of Czech linguistics. The third part contains the research itself: using the method of qualitative content analysis, it observes the transfer of educational content with regard to the specialized interpretations of the relevant area defined in the second part. Key words Czech language, didactic transformation, morphological category, verb, textbook

Mit Vielen offene Bildungsressourcen erstellen: Neue Wege der Erstellung von Lehrbüchern am Beispiel von L3T

Ebner, Martin, Schön, Sandra 27 October 2011 (has links)
Das Internet verändert die Möglichkeiten des Lernen und Lehrens und auch die Arbeitsweise von Wissenschaftler/inne/n und Lehrenden. Frei zugängliche Lernmaterialien zu erstellen, zu modifizieren und in der Lehre einzusetzen ist eine Konsequenz aus technischen Möglichkeiten und Veränderungen der Wahrnehmung und Nutzung der Möglichkeiten des Teilens und Tauschens im Bereich der Bildung. Am Beispiel des Lehrbuchprojektes „Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien“ (L3T) wird in diesem Beitrag aus Perspektive der Initiatoren davon berichtet, wie sich solche neuen Formen und Wege gestalten (können) und welche Erfahrungen damit gemacht wurden. Dazu wird das Projekt L3T mit drei derzeit neuartigen Formen von Initiativen verglichen: (a) mit Initiativen zu offenen Bildungsressourcen, (b) mit Crowd-Sourcing-Initiativen und (c) mit offenen Bildungsinitiativen.

Begreppet energi i mellanstadiet : Beskrivning i svenska läroböcker / The concept of energy in grade 4-6 science : and its description in Swedish textbooks

Sjöberg, Ulla-Karin January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie gjordes för att få mer kunskap om hur området energi behandlas i svenska läroböcker i NO för mellanstadiet. Teorin utgår från tidigare forskning om olika aspekter av undervisning och lärande om energi, samt om olika kunskapsemfaser i undervisningen. Studien är således en deduktiv läromedelsanalys. Resultatet visar att det abstrakta begreppet energi vanligen beskrivs genom metaforer, vilka används för att underlätta steget mellan vardagliga föreställningar och vetenskapliga begrepp. En sak som också framgår är att läroböckerna utöver faktakunskaper även tar upp sådant som naturvetenskapens vägar till kunskap och dess plats i samhället. / This study was conducted in order to get more knowledge about how the area of energy is treated in Swedish science textbooks for grades 4-6. The theory is based on previous research on different aspects of teaching and learning about energy and different curriculum emphases in education. The study is, therefore, a deductive analysis of teaching material. The result shows that the abstract concept energy is often described through metaphors, which are used to facilitate the step between everyday conceptions and scientific concepts. Apart from targeting factual knowledge, the textbooks also bring up themes like the process of how scientific knowledge is formed, and the role of science in society.

Výuka hry na zobcovou flétnu v DDM / Teaching play on the recorder in DDM

Hrabová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the specific character of the general interest education, it also deals with a history of children's and youth's homes. It will concentrate mainly on teaching the flute playing with the main aim to find out the forms and methods of the teaching. The thesis includes also a questionnaire survey focusing on the organization of the Prague's DDMs. Senior teaching staff and lecturers will be addressed in order to find out the current status and professional level of teaching the musical instruments. A proposal of my own procedure (annual plan, methodology, teaching material) will be introduced in the practical part. KEYWORDS Recorder, DDM, textbook, leisure, history DDM, lecturer

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