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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personalisierung im E-Commerce – zur Wirkung von E-Mail-Personalisierung auf ausgewählte ökonomische Kennzahlen des Konsumentenverhaltens

Fassauer, Roland 26 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Personalisierung ist ein wichtiger Bereich des Internet Marketings, zu dem es wenige experimentelle Untersuchungen mit großen Teilnehmerzahlen gibt. Für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von Empfehlungsverfahren sind umfangreiche Daten über das Käuferverhalten erforderlich. Diesen Problemstellungen nimmt sich die vorliegende Arbeit an. In ihr wird das Shop-übergreifende individuelle Käuferverhalten von bis zu 126.000 Newsletter-Empfängern eines deutschen Online-Bonussystems sowohl mittels ausgewählter Data-Mining-Methoden als auch experimentell untersucht. Dafür werden Prototypen eines Data-Mining-Systems, einer A/B-Test-Software-Komponente und einer Empfehlungssystem-Komponente entwickelt und im Rahmen des Data Minings und durch Online-Feldexperimente evaluiert. Dabei kann für die genannte Nutzergruppe in einem Experiment bereits mit einem einfachen Empfehlungsverfahren gezeigt werden, dass zum einen die Shop-übergreifenden individuellen Verhaltensdaten des Online-Bonus-Systems für die Erzeugung von Empfehlungen geeignet sind, und zum anderen, dass die dadurch erzeugten Empfehlungen zu signifikant mehr Bestellungen als bei der besten Empfehlung auf Basis durchschnittlichen Käuferverhaltens führten. In weiteren Experimenten im Rahmen der Evaluierung der A/B-Test-Komponente konnte gezeigt werden, dass absolute Rabattangebote nur dann zu signifikant mehr Bestellungen führten als relative Rabatt-Angebote, wenn sie mit einer Handlungsaufforderung verbunden waren. Die Arbeit ordnet sich damit in die Forschung zur Beeinflussung des Käuferverhaltens durch Personalisierung und durch unterschiedliche Rabatt-Darstellungen ein und trägt die genannten Ergebnisse und Artefakte bei.


曹清華 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對冷戰結束以來的十六年間,美國政府對中共角色與關係之定位,欲探討的問題具體言之是「為什麼美國政府再一九八九年以來,對中共的關係定位會在『戰略夥伴』與『戰略對手』間發生擺盪」。本論文首先指出,理性主義雖是解釋國際關係時較慣用的工具,然而不論新現實主義、新自由制度主義均無法對此研究主題提供一套有系統的解釋;本論文繼而發現,建構主義雖承繼部分理性主義的決策模式概念,卻能對上述關係定位變動做出系統性的詮釋。 本論文共計六章:第一章通盤概述研究的動機、目的、方法,並闡明整個主題架構及限制條件。第二章勾勒出老布希、柯林頓、小布希政府對中共關係定位的變化,完成本論文的「描述分析」,作為整體論述之背景。第三章依循理性主義觀點,發現新現實主義無法解釋何以美國在「確保相對收益」的考量下會與中共採取合作;再者,按照新自由制度主義「開創絕對收益」的邏輯,卻與美國視中共為戰略對手,並陷入人權、貿易、台灣議題等爭議的情況不相符。第四章介紹建構主義的主要論點,並針對何以選定溫特的主流建構主義提出解釋,再逐一檢視建構主義的本體論、認識論、方法論、世界觀。第五章依循國際權力架構、理念等兩大參考點,驗證建構主義之解釋力。發現「亞太扇型戰略」、「多層次統一戰線」、「新保守主義」、「攻勢現實主義」等理念,是美國政府為美、「中」關係定位的重要因素。從世界觀的角度切入,如果是霍布斯的文化架構,中共會被美國視為「戰略對手」;如果是康德的文化架構,中共會被美國視為「戰略夥伴」;如果是洛克的文化架構,美國會在接觸中保持戒慎。第六章為結論,認為儘管建構主義提供一個較寬闊的解析平台,但建構主義與理性主義並非必然相斥,尋求兩個典範之整合,乃成為本研究針對後續研究所提出的建議事項之一。 / This thesis addresses an issue regarding the US Government’s identification of the Chinese role as well as the bilateral relations between the two states during the past sixteen years ever since the end of the Cold War. It deals specifically with the following question: why the US administrations since 1989 have shuttled their identification of China between a strategic partner and strategic competitor? It firstly argues that rationalism, as conventionally an explanatory tool in IR, proves insufficient to provide a set of consistent answer. Unsatisfied, this thesis continues its argument that the question brought forth at the beginning can be effectively resolved, or interpreted, by constructivism, despite the constructivist rationale may not necessarily render rational choice model utterly invalid in this case. Structurally speaking, Chapter One gives a brief with respect to the whole thematic structure inclusive of purpose of the study mentioned above and research limitations. Chapter Two demonstrates an effort of descriptive study as a set of background information by sketching out different phases of identification about relations with China that have been harbored by successive US administrations from President Bush Sr., Clinton to Bush Jr.. Chapter Three can be seen as an account of this thesis’ trying effort to explore the question per se from the rationalist perspective. The findings in Chapter Three are as follows: Neo-realism fails to explain why the US, premised upon concern of relative gains, would have cooperation with China. Neo-liberal institutionalism, following the logic of maximization of absolute gains, is inconsistent with an answer to the question of why the US would not given in on the issues of human rights and trade deficits. The above findings are suggestive. They open up the need for this thesis to observe the Sino-US diplomatic interactions from a social perspective in IR, i.e., constructivism. Chapter Four ushers in main points of constructivism. Two arguments are therefore in order. First, it gives a justification for the choice of the mainstream of constructivism in IR advanced by Alexander Wendt. Second, to suit the purpose of this research, it funnels the ontological, epistemological, methodological arguments, world views raised by the constructivist school and thrashes out two reference points—world power structure and ideation—for further observations. Chapter Five brings up the main body of the argument. It argues that a series of ideas such as A Fan-mode Strategic Concept in Asia Pacific, Multi-layer United Front, Neo-conservatism and Defensive Realism have been influential on the US identification of the relations with China. They in turn strike an image of Sino-US bilateral relations reflective of three kinds of culture distinguished by constructivists. In Hobbes’ terms, China can be seen as a strategic competitor. In Kant’s, China is a strategic partner. In Locke’s, the US is engaged but remains sceptical. Chapter Six is the concluding part. It goes beyond the phenomena and moves into the theoretical realm by arguing that, although constructivism offers a broader analytic platform, rationalism and constructivism need not be exclusive. That much room for integration of the two paradigms becomes one of the recommendations for further researches.

Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Pantano Formation (Oligocene-Early Miocene), Pima County, Arizona

Balcer, Richard Allen January 1984 (has links)
The Pantano Formation comprises 1,250 m of alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine, and volcanic rocks deposited in a basin formed in response to regional extension during mid- Tertiary time in southeastern Arizona. During deposition, the locations and composition of sediment source areas varied as contemporaneous uplift occurred adjacent to the basin. The lower half of the formation was deposited as alluvial fans that prograded northward, westward, and southward; the upper half was deposited during southwestward retreat of alluvial fan deposition and the onset of lacustrine deposition. An andesite flow separates the two depositional regimes. Radiometric dates of 24.4 ± 2.6 m.y. B.P. for the andesite and 36.7 ± 1.1 m.y. B.P. for a rhyolitic tuff disconformably underlying the formation indicate that deposition occurred during Oligocene to early Miocene time. Proper stratigraphic sequencing and description, paleocurrent analysis, and gravel provenance study aided in understanding the depositional history of the formation.

Les actes de l'Exécutif en Thaïlande / Acts of Executive in Thailand

Tassaneesrivong, Varanya 27 January 2014 (has links)
Qu'entend-on par actes de l'Exécutif en Thaïlande ? Ces actes sont-ils différents des actes de l'Exécutif français ? En quoi diffèrent-ils des actes de gouvernement et des actes du gouvernement ? Sont-ils des actes administratifs ? Quelle est l'étendue du contrôle du juge à leur égard ? Quel effet produit en Thaïlande l'existence d'une compétence parallèle et parfois concurrente de la juridiction administrative et de la juridiction constitutionnelle ? Telles sont quelques unes des questions auxquelles cette thèse très documentée et d'actualité tente d'apporter une réponse cohérente dans un ordre juridique largement bouleversé par les évènements politiques récents. / What are acts of Executive in Thailand? Are they different from acts of Executive in France? How are the acts of government (acte de gouvernement) different from government's act (acte du gouvernement)? Are they administrative acts? What is the scope of judicial review of those acts? What is the effect in Thailand of a parallel and sometimes competing jurisdiction of the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court? These are some of the questions that this thesis in a thorough judicial and administrative review in order to provide an answer in a clear and concise order due to the recent political events.

Co-desaceleração de dois alcalinos via laser e aumento de eficiência e novas formas de aprisionamento em armadilhas magneto-ópticas. / Simultaneous slowing of two alkali through laser and frequency enhancing and new ways of trapping in magneto-optical traps

Flemming Neto, Julio 03 May 1995 (has links)
Nós demonstramos, pela primeira vez, o resfriamento via laser de um feixe atômico duplo. Ao se carregar um forno a 650oC com uma liga de Li179Na obtêm-se uma destilação efusiva que produz um feixe com fluxos idênticos de Li e de Na. Este feixe formado por duas espécies é desacelerado pela técnica Zeeman utilizando-se dessintonias iguais a Li = -850 MHz e Na = +150 MHz das respectivas transições atômicas 2S1/2 F = 2 2P3/2 F = 3. Em um segundo experimento, mostramos uma nova armadilha magneto-óptica bicromática, em cela de vapor. Obtivemos um incremento de ~10 vezes no número de átomos resfriados utilizando uma armadilha de Na do tipo I circundada por uma armadilha do tipo II, que não se superpõe à primeira. Isto ocorre quando temos o laser de captura a 12 MHz para o vermelho da transição 32S1/2 F = 2 32P3/2 F = 2. Em um terceiro experimento, observamos a primeira armadilha magneto-óptica para alcalinos operando na transição 2S1/2 2P1/2 (linha D1). Para o caso escolhido de átomos de sódio, obtêm-se quatro armadilhas diferentes dentro desta linha D1, contendo de 105 a 107 átomos resfriados. Para duas delas, é necessário inverter-se o sinal das polarizações circulares usuais dos lasers de resfriamento, devido aos desvios Zeeman negativos dos níveis hiperfinos inferiores / We demonstrate, for the first time, a laser cooling of a double atomic beam. By loading an oven at 650oC with a Li179Na alloy we get an effusive distillation producing a beam with equal fluxes of Li and Na. This two-species beam was laser cooled by Zeeman technique with Li = -850 MHz and Na = +150 MHz detunings from the corresponding 2S1/2 F = 2 2P3/2 F = 3 atomic transitions. In a second experiment, we show a new two-color vapor-cell magneto-optical trap. By surrounding type-I Na trap with a non-overlaping type-II trap we achieve a ~10-fold improvement in the number of cooled atoms. This is achieved when the capture laser is detuned 12 MHz to the red of the 32S1/2 F = 2 32P3/2 F = 2 transition. In a third experiment, we observe the first alkaline magneto-optical trap operating on 2S1/2 2P1/2 transition (D1 line). For the choosen sodium atoms, we have four different traps within D1 line, with 105 to 107 cooled atoms. For two of them, one has to revert the usual sign of circular polarizations of the cooling lasers, due to negative Zeeman shift of the lower hyperfine levels

Protonen-Magnet-Resonanz-Spektroskopie (1 H-MRS) mit 3,0 Tesla zur Erfassung cerebraler Metabolite im Frontalhirn depressiver Patienten unter Plazebo-kontrollierter Inositolgabe im Vergleich zu gesunden Probanden

Reinfried, Lutz 18 May 2006 (has links)
Ziele: Mittels absolutquantifizierender Protonen-Magnet-Resonanz-Spektroskopie (1H-MRS) wollten wir das Ergebnis einer Vorstudie bestätigen, die im Frontallappen einen reduzierten Quotienten von myo-Inositol/Gesamtcreatin (mI/tCr) bei Depressiven fand. Darüber hinaus testeten wir den antidepressiven Effekt von Inositol als Add-on-Therapie. Methodik: Wir untersuchten Einzelvoxel (2 x 2 x 2 cm3) in der weißen Substanz der rechten und linken Präfrontalregion mit Hilfe eines 3-Tesla Bruker Medspec Systems (STEAM Sequenz, TR/TE/TM = 6000/20/30 ms). Die einzelnen Metabolite wurden anhand des cerebralen Wassers als internem Standard quantifiziert (nach dem LCModell). Es wurden 24 unmedizierte Patienten mit unipolaren depressiven Episoden mit 24 alters- und geschlechtsgematchten gesunden Kontrollen verglichen. In doppelblindem, Plazebo-kontrollierten Parallelgruppen-Design erhielten die Patienten täglich 18 Gramm Inositol oder Plazebo zusätzlich zu Citalopram über vier Wochen. Ergebnisse: An der Baseline unterschieden sich die mI-, Cholin- und N-Acetyl-Aspartat-Konzentrationen der Patienten nicht von jenen der Kontrollen. Es fanden sich keine sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Inositol- und Plazebo-Gruppe. Überraschenderweise zeigten die depressiven Patienten an der Baseline gegenüber den Kontrollen signifikant höhere tCr-Konzentrationen (mmol/kg) links (5,57 ± 0,96 vs. 4,87 ± 0,63; + 15 %, p < 0,01) und rechts präfrontal (5,29 ± 0,92 vs. 4,46 ± 0,41; + 17 %, p < 0,01). Nach der Behandlung ergab sich eine Reduktion der tCr-Konzentration links- (Tag 28: 5,05 ± 1,16; – 12 %, p = 0,08) und rechtsfrontal (Tag 28: 4,61 ± 1,07; – 9 %, p = 0,09). Die tCr-Konzentrationen der Patienten am Tag 28 unterschieden sich nicht mehr von jenen der Kontrollen. Zusammenfassung: Wir zeigten eine reversible Steigerung der tCr-Konzentration der Patienten im Vergleich zu Kontrollen, die auf Veränderungen des Creatin-Transports oder der ATP-Synthese bei unmedizierter unipolarer Depression hinweisen könnte. / Objectives: By means of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) with absolute quantification we wanted to confirm our previous finding of decreased ratios of the metabolites myo-Inositol/total creatine (mI/tCr) in the right frontal brain of depressives. Moreover, we tested the antidepressive effect of oral Inositol ingestion as add-on-therapy. We measured concentrations (mmol/kg ww) of mI, tCr (= Creatine + Phosphocreatine), Choline (Cho) and N-Acetyl-Aspartate (NAA) in the frontal brain. Methods: Single voxels (2x2x2 cm3) in the white matter of the left and right prefrontal region were examined in a three Tesla Bruker Medspec System (STEAM sequence, TR/TE/TM = 6000/20/30 ms). Metabolites were quantified using the LCModel. At baseline, 24 drug-free patients with unipolar depressive episodes were compared to 24 age and sex matched healthy controls. In a double blind, placebo controlled parallel-group design patients received daily 18 grams Inositol or placebo as an add on therapy to Citalopram over four weeks. Results: At baseline, mI, Cho and NAA concentrations showed no significant differences between patients and controls. The treatment with Inositol did not result in any significant differences to the treatment with placebo. Surprisingly the patients showed significant higher tCr concentrations in the left (5.57 ± 0.96 vs. 4.87 ± 0.63; + 15 %, p < 0.01) as well as in the right prefrontal region (5.29 ± 0.92 vs. 4.46 ± 0.41; + 17 %, p < 0.01) compared to controls. The treatment caused a trend towards a decrease of tCr in the left (day 28: 5.05 ± 1.16; – 12 %, p = 0.08) and in the right frontal hemisphere (day 28: 4.61 ± 1.07; – 9 %, p = 0.09) compared to baseline. The differences between the patients’ tCr at day 28 and the tCr of controls were no more significant. Conclusion: We have found a state dependent increase of tCr concentration indicating bifrontal deviations in Creatine transport or ATP synthesis in drug free unipolar depressives.

O adimplemento imperfeito no direito brasileiro

Cordeiro, Luiz Henrique Machado January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa apresentar um panorama geral a respeito da terceira espécie de inadimplemento no Direito brasileiro, considerando os esforços da doutrina e da jurisprudência em nosso sistema jurídico no trato deste tema, bem como considerando aspectos relevantes colhidos na experiência estrangeira. Na tentativa de contribuir para debate, será apresentada uma proposição para a identificação dessa terceira espécie de inadimplemento no Direito brasileiro. / The present work aims to present an overview regarding the third kind of default in Brazilian law, considering the efforts of the doctrine and of the jurisprudence in our legal system in dealing with this issue, as well as considering relevant aspects gathered from the experience of foreign law. In an attempt to contribute to debate, a proposition will be presented for the identification of this third kind of default in Brazilian law.

Co-desaceleração de dois alcalinos via laser e aumento de eficiência e novas formas de aprisionamento em armadilhas magneto-ópticas. / Simultaneous slowing of two alkali through laser and frequency enhancing and new ways of trapping in magneto-optical traps

Julio Flemming Neto 03 May 1995 (has links)
Nós demonstramos, pela primeira vez, o resfriamento via laser de um feixe atômico duplo. Ao se carregar um forno a 650oC com uma liga de Li179Na obtêm-se uma destilação efusiva que produz um feixe com fluxos idênticos de Li e de Na. Este feixe formado por duas espécies é desacelerado pela técnica Zeeman utilizando-se dessintonias iguais a Li = -850 MHz e Na = +150 MHz das respectivas transições atômicas 2S1/2 F = 2 2P3/2 F = 3. Em um segundo experimento, mostramos uma nova armadilha magneto-óptica bicromática, em cela de vapor. Obtivemos um incremento de ~10 vezes no número de átomos resfriados utilizando uma armadilha de Na do tipo I circundada por uma armadilha do tipo II, que não se superpõe à primeira. Isto ocorre quando temos o laser de captura a 12 MHz para o vermelho da transição 32S1/2 F = 2 32P3/2 F = 2. Em um terceiro experimento, observamos a primeira armadilha magneto-óptica para alcalinos operando na transição 2S1/2 2P1/2 (linha D1). Para o caso escolhido de átomos de sódio, obtêm-se quatro armadilhas diferentes dentro desta linha D1, contendo de 105 a 107 átomos resfriados. Para duas delas, é necessário inverter-se o sinal das polarizações circulares usuais dos lasers de resfriamento, devido aos desvios Zeeman negativos dos níveis hiperfinos inferiores / We demonstrate, for the first time, a laser cooling of a double atomic beam. By loading an oven at 650oC with a Li179Na alloy we get an effusive distillation producing a beam with equal fluxes of Li and Na. This two-species beam was laser cooled by Zeeman technique with Li = -850 MHz and Na = +150 MHz detunings from the corresponding 2S1/2 F = 2 2P3/2 F = 3 atomic transitions. In a second experiment, we show a new two-color vapor-cell magneto-optical trap. By surrounding type-I Na trap with a non-overlaping type-II trap we achieve a ~10-fold improvement in the number of cooled atoms. This is achieved when the capture laser is detuned 12 MHz to the red of the 32S1/2 F = 2 32P3/2 F = 2 transition. In a third experiment, we observe the first alkaline magneto-optical trap operating on 2S1/2 2P1/2 transition (D1 line). For the choosen sodium atoms, we have four different traps within D1 line, with 105 to 107 cooled atoms. For two of them, one has to revert the usual sign of circular polarizations of the cooling lasers, due to negative Zeeman shift of the lower hyperfine levels

壽險業資金投入不動產市場之方式與模擬投資組合績效評估 / Stragegies of life insurance company investing it's capital into the real estate market and the stimulate portfolio

李虹瑾, Lee, Hung-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本文就壽險業投資情況、投資組合與不動產市場的關聯性進行討論,介紹壽險業目前的營運狀況、資金來源以及資金運用的情況與限制等;並且試圖描述不動產市場之情形,說明壽險業可能進入不動產市場的契機、以及提出資金進入不動產市場的可能策略;其後建立新的不動產市場投資之變數,本文以不動產貸款抵押債券投入所建立的MIN-MAD﹙Mean-absolute Deviation﹚Model,瞭解投入此新變數後對投資組合的變化並比較其不同之處,藉此探究以其他方式將資金投入是否為一可行之策略。

精熟學習策略配合數位化診斷系統對高工學生數學科學習成效之研究 / A Study on Math Learning Effectiveness of Vocational High School Students Using Mastery Learning Strategy with Computerized Diagnostic System

滕春麗 Unknown Date (has links)
為達成「精熟學習」的教與學過程中強調的個別化教學、學生學習的回饋、校正學生學習錯誤等高效能的教學理想。本研究自行發展一套數位化診斷系統,在不改變學校政策、班級作息、教室管理實施情況下,對準備參加科大入學測驗高工三年級的學生,在考前六週進行數學科總複習的「精熟學習配合數位化診斷」實驗教學。經由學生的作答反應,本診斷系統完成以下功能: (1)能快速的篩選出優良試題,並提供試題的難度、鑑別度、答對率與評鑑試題的品質。 (2)能診斷出個別學生與試題的差異性,並完成試題卷的信度、效度評鑑與S-P分析表。 (3)能提供完整的學習成就遷移記錄,並可歸類出學生學習潛能與整體學習表現。 (4)能彙整出學生學習成效與具體教學建議。 教師藉診斷系統所提供的資訊,對學生進行個別化校正或充實教學,期以達成精熟學習的教學理想。並在實驗教學後分析學生學習回饋單,大多數學生對實驗教學法持正面態度,且自認學習態度更積極,並建議若能提早實施精熟學習配合數位化診斷教學,應會有更好成績表現。 本研究並探討「實驗教學」的實驗A組學生,分別對「不同科別」的實驗B組學生與對「傳統教學」的控制C組學生的數學學習態度、學習成就、學習成就絕對均差的差異性,經單因子共變數分析,排除前測影響後,具體結論如下: (1)實驗A、B組與控制C組學生在數學學習態度後測得分並無明顯差異。 (2)實驗A組與控制C組在數學學習成就後測成績有明顯差異,且實驗A組分數明顯高於控制C組。 (3)不同科別實驗組的A組電機類與B組機械類學生,在數學學習成就後測成績有明顯差異,且電機類分數明顯高於機械類,但機械類排除未完成實驗的學生後,則不同科別的實驗A組、實驗B組,在數學學習成就後測成績無明顯差異。 (4)實驗A組與控制C組學生在數學學習成就後測成績的絕對均差有明顯差異,且實驗A組絕對均差小於控制C組。 最後為使實驗教學能更順利進行,建議教學前先營造愉快與舒適教學環境與良好的師生互動情誼再實施,這將會是實驗教學成功的關鍵 / Mastery Learning Strategy is a highly effective teaching method, emphasizing the importance of individualized tutoring, student feedback and learning error correction. In this study, a self-devised computerized diagnostic system was developed for the third-year vocational high school students who were preparing for the technological university entrance examination. An experimental teaching method using Mastery Learning Strategy with computerized diagnostic system was given to the aforementioned students as a math review lesson six weeks before the entrance examination, following the original school policy, class schedule or class management. From test responses, the diagnostic system achieved the following: (1)Quick selecting of good quality test items. It also evaluates the test items and provides the difficulty, discrimination, and correction rates of them. (2)Individualized diagnosis of each student vs. test items. It also completes the reliability, validity and S-P charts of the test. (3)Offering a comprehensive record of the learning process. It also analyzes the learning process of the students and sorts out their learning potential. (4)Analyzing students’ learning effects and coming up with teaching suggestions. In this experiment, the data gained from the diagnosis were used to provide each student with individualized instruction or error correction with the hope of attaining the goals of Mastery Learning. The analysis of the students’ feedback after the experimental teaching method showed that most students thought positively of the experiment, admitting that they developed a more aggressive learning attitude, and suggested that this computerized diagnostic system, had it been implemented earlier, would have helped them achieve even better grades. The students in this study consisted of three groups. Group A and B were both experimental groups except that group A were students from electrical engineering department while group B were students from mechanical engineering department. Group C was the control group receiving only conventional teaching method. Group A was compared with group B and group C respectively in terms of differences in math-learning attitude, math-learning achievement, and in the absolute mean deviation of learning achievement. By means of one-way analysis of covariance, with pre-test effects eliminated, the conclusions were as follows: (1)None of the groups exhibited significant grade differences on the math-learning attitude post-test. (2)Group A scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group. (3)Group A of electrical engineering students scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group B of mechanical engineering students. However, if the grades of the Group B students who didn’t complete the experiment were unaccounted, no grade difference was noticeable on the math-learning achievement post-test between Group A and Group B. (4)Group A, the experimental group, had significantly lower absolute mean deviation on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group. Finally, it was suggested that creating a comfortable environment for teaching and learning as well as an advance establishment of a good teacher-student rapport are the key to a smooth-going and successful experimental teaching method.

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