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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Divulgação científica e embates ideológicos no discurso da revista Ciência Hoje nas décadas de 1990 e 2000 / Scientific dissemination and ideological clashes in the discourse of Ciência Hoje magazine in the 1990s and 2000s

Luiz Rosalvo Costa 10 December 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa é norteada pelo propósito de sistematizar uma reflexão sobre o estatuto da noção de ideologia na obra do Círculo de Bakhtin e, com base nessa reflexão, examinar possibilidades e alcances da articulação desse conceito ao estudo de gêneros discursivos de transmissão de saberes, focalizando, com esse intuito, o discurso de divulgação científica da SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência) materializado na revista Ciência Hoje nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Orientando-se pela premissa de que um específico entendimento do fenômeno ideológico informa e suporta a concepção de linguagem do Círculo e de que a produtividade desse aparato conceitual para o estudo de realizações discursivas contemporâneas pode ser demonstrada pela análise do discurso de divulgação científica da SBPC no período recortado, a pesquisa se desdobra em dois momentos: no primeiro, focaliza o processo pelo qual a questão da ideologia, nuclear nos trabalhos de Volóchinov e Medviédev durante os anos de 1920, é assimilada também às reflexões de Bakhtin e se incorpora a uma concepção de linguagem de fundo comum, passando a integrar, de modo mais ou menos explícito, formulações e conceitos empregados por ele a partir de 1929; no segundo, focaliza enunciados da revista Ciência Hoje nas décadas de 1990 e 2000, procurando mostrar como a concepção de ideologia subjacente à malha de conceitos do Círculo contribui para o estudo da realidade discursiva contemporânea. / The purpose of the current study is to systematize a reflection on the statute of the notion of ideology in the Bakhtin Circles work, and based on this exploration to investigate possibilities and the range of the articulation of this concept with the study of the discursive genres of knowledge transmission. With this intent, the current investigation focuses the scientific dissemination discourse of SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência) materialized in the magazine Ciência Hoje in the 1990s and 2000s. Guided by the premise that a specific understanding of the ideological phenomenon informs and supports the language concept of the Circle and that the productivity of this conceptual apparatus for the study of the contemporary enunciative productions can be demonstrated by the analysis of the scientific dissemination discourse of SBPC in the chosen period, the research is divided in two moments: in the first, the focus is the process through which the ideology issue, crucial in Volóchinov and Medviédevs works during the 1920s, is assimilated by Bakhtins reflections and incorporated to a common conception of language, coming to integrate, in a more explicit or less explicit way, formulations and concepts used by him from 1929 onwards. In a second moment, this research analyses utterances published in the magazine Ciência Hoje in the 1990s and 2000s, aiming to show how the notion of ideology underlying in the web of concepts of the Circle contributes to the study of the contemporary discursive reality.

Att få grepp om begrepp : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasieelevers begreppsförståelse inom trigonometri / Grasp the concept : A qualitative study of the conceptual understanding of trigonometry among high school students

Carlzon, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker gymnasieelevers begreppsförståelse inom trigonometri. Eleverna, som samtliga läser Ma 4, besvarade anonymt två frågeformulär där det ena bestod av en öppen fråga, medan det andra var upplagt som ett test med uppgifter att lösa. Den kvalitativa analysen baseras på Tall och Vinners (1981) teori om begreppsbild och Sfards (1991) uppdelning av begreppsförståelse i de tre processerna interiorisering, kondensering och reifiering. Resultatet indikerar att elever tenderar att använda cirkeltrigonometri före triangeltrigonometri för att lösa uppgifter, men att majoriteten av deras begreppsbilder består av både och. Det visade sig att radianer var det trigonometriska begrepp eleverna hade svårast för. Detta stämmer överens med tidigare forskning på området. Tre elever analyseras djupare med avseende på hur långt de har kommit i sin utveckling av begreppsförståelse inom trigonometri. Det ges även exempel på hur utvecklingsfaserna kan ge sig till uttryck hos enskilda elever. Såväl begreppsbild som vilka stadier eleverna befinner sig på i sin begreppsförståelse varierar stort. / This study investigates the conceptual understanding of high school students in a trigonometry context. The students, all of them taking the Swedish math course Ma 4, anonymously answered two questionnaires, one of them containing an open question, while the other was constructed like a test with problems to solve. The qualitative analysis is based on Tall & Vinner’s (1981) theory of concept image and Sfard’s (1991) division of conceptual understanding into the three processes interiorization, condensation and reification. The result indicates that students tend to use circle trigonometry over triangle trigonometry for problem solving, however the majority of their concept images consist of both. Radians seemed to be the trigonometrical concept that the students had most trouble understanding. This corresponds with earlier research of trigonometry. In the analysis three students are more deeply analysed, based on how far they have come in their development of trigonometric conceptual understanding. Furthermore there are concrete examples of how the phases of development can be presented among individual students. The concept image as well as the levels of the students’ conceptual understanding vary considerably.

Universalidade para homeomorfismos suaves por pedaços do círculo / Universality for smooth piecewise homeomorphism of the circle

Cunha, Kleyber Mota da 15 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho nós encontramos condições suficientes para que dois homeomorfismos do círculo, f e g, \'C POT. 2+\' por pedaços serem \'C POT. 1\' conjugados. Além de restrições sobre a combinatória dessas aplicações (nós assumimos que elas tem algum tipo de combinatória limitada) e uma condição necessária sobre as derivadas laterais nos pontos onde f e g não são diferenciáveis, nós também assumimos que a não-linearidade média de f e g é zero. A prova é baseada no estudo detalhado da renormalização de transformações de intercâmbio de intervalos generalizadas de genus um com certas restrições combinatoriais / In this work we find sufficient conditions for two piecewise \'C POT. 2+\' homeomorphisms f and g of the circle to be \'C POT. 1\' conjugate. Besides the restrictions on the combinatorics of the maps (we assume that the maps have the same bounded combinatorics) and necessary conditions on the one-side derivatives of points where f and g are not differentiable, we also assume zero mean nonlinearity for f and g. The proof relies on the detailed study of the renormalizations of genus one generalized interval exchange maps with certain restrictions on their combinatorics

Melhoria do desempenho do tráfego em rotatórias com o emprego de semáfaros próximos na via principal / Traffic performance improvement at roundabouts with traffic lights near the main street

Neris, Diego Fernandes 24 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho é avaliado o desempenho operacional de uma nova configuração idealizada para a operação de rotatórias de três pernas (prioridade para os veículos da via principal com semáforos próximos). Nesta avaliação é comparado o novo sistema de operação com outros dois usualmente empregados: (1) prioridade para os veículos que estão circulando na ilha central (rotatória convencional) e (2) prioridade para os veículos da via principal sem o emprego de semáforo, bem como, com base nos resultados das comparações realizadas, são estabelecidas as condições dos fluxos de tráfego em que é indicada uma ou outra configuração. Os valores obtidos nas simulações mostram, de forma inequívoca, o desempenho operacional superior da rotatória com prioridade para a via principal com semáforos próximos, adequadamente programados, no caso de fluxos altos. O emprego de semáforos próximos reduz significativamente o atraso na aproximação crítica e, em consequência, o tamanho da fila, como consequência do aumento expressivo da capacidade de tráfego da rotatória. Os resultados da simulação corroboram o que se pode observar nos sistemas implantados na cidade de Araraquara, onde a colocação de semáforos próximos de rotatórias de três pernas melhorou de forma significativa o desempenho operacional dos dispositivos, reduzindo o atraso crítico e o tamanho da fila crítica e aumentando a capacidade. O acompanhamento da acidentalidade nas rotatórias onde foram colocados semáforos próximos na cidade de Araraquara mostra uma redução dos acidentes graves de aproximadamente 90%. Uma explicação para essa redução pode ser devido ao aumento da paciência dos motoristas em esperar uma brecha maior para entrar na rotatória, pois sabem que, esporadicamente, há uma interrupção do fluxo na via principal. / In this study the operational performance is measured of a new idealized configuration for the operation in three-legged traffic circles (priority way for the vehicles from the main street with traffic lights nearby). This measured is compared the new operational system with two others usually systems: (1) priority for the circulating traffic (conventional roundabout) and (2) priority for vehicles from the main street without traffic lights. Also, based on the results from the comparisons, seek to establish what traffic flow conditions are better for a given configuration. The values obtained from the simulations demonstrate, clearly, the superior operational performance of the traffic circle with main road priority combined with properly programmed traffic lights nearby, in the case of high flows. The use of traffic lights reduces significantly the delay from the critical approach, and consequently, the queue length, as a consequence resulting on significant traffic capacity increase at the intersection. Simulation results validate what can be seen in Araraquara, where the installation of traffic lights near from the three-legged traffic circle improved significantly the operating performance of the devices, reducing the critical delay and critical queue size and increasing the effective capacity. Monitoring the accident rate in traffic circles where traffic lights nearby were placed in Araraquara shows a reduction of approximately 90% in serious accidents. An explanation of this reduction may be due to the increased of patience of drivers in wait for a larger gap to enter on the roundabout, because they know there will be an interruption on the main street, sporadically.

Coming Full Circle: A Guide to Service-Learning

Duncan, Joyce, Taylor, Teresa Brooks 01 January 2012 (has links)
While other texts focus on theory, Coming Full Circle emphasizes the how-to of the discipline, providing students with a clear roadmap for involvement in service fields. Written in a student-friendly, accessible style, the book combines academic instruction with participation through service. It encourages students to reflect on their service experiences, and to grow as responsive citizens. More than a textbook, Coming Full Circle is also an effective aid to self-awareness and personal development. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1038/thumbnail.jpg

Native English-Swedish Bilinguals in Sweden : Across the borders of the three circles of English

O'Neill, Nicholas January 2019 (has links)
With nearly two billion speakers across the world, English has come to exist in all shapes and colors. Many functions and contexts in which English is found in the world are accounted for in the massive scientific effort to document the language’s global development. World English, New Englishes, and English as a Lingua Franca are concepts that aim to explain the different forms that the language takes in different countries. This paper explores the global development of English in its Swedish form, but shifts focus from second language English speakers to the native speakers of English who grow up in Sweden with parents from English-speaking countries. With most of the Swedish population being highly proficient in English, native English speakers in Sweden are more exposed to non-native English varieties spoken by second language speakers than the varieties used in their heritage countries. To understand how they are affected by their non-native environment, I interviewed seven students from an English heritage language instruction class at a Swedish upper secondary school. The 16- and 17-year-old students had parents from USA, UK, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and unique stories about their experiences with the English language. Each student was interviewed individually and asked questions about their language abilities, their varieties, and their connections to their heritage countries. Information about their linguistic and biographical backgrounds was used to analyze the differences in their perspectives. The students considered it a great advantage that their native language was so widely spread, but they acknowledged that it to some extent led to them being disconnected from their heritage cultures, in some cases more than others.

Att hålla det balanserade styrkortet levande : En fallstudie i Locum

Galmén, Anders, Broxvall, Katja, Oktay, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att utifrån lärandet och de förändringar som hittills skett i styrkortsarbetet beskriva och analysera hur Locum håller sitt balanserade styrkort levande. Forskare inom styrkortsområdet framhåller att styrkorten kontinuerligt måste</p><p>uppdateras för att kunna spegla företagets situation. Lärandet anses vara en förutsättning för förändring, därför inriktas studien på hur förändring och lärande i företaget håller det</p><p>balanserade styrkortet levande. I den teoretiska referensramen har en cirkelrutin för förnyelse av det balanserade styrkortet tagits fram utifrån befintlig teori inom området. Den kvalitativa studien omfattar datainsamling i form av interna dokument,</p><p>årsredovisningar och fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på olika nivåer i Locums organisation. Av studien har framkommit att aktivt involverande av medarbetare på alla nivåer i organisationen utgör grunden för att hålla styrkortet levande genom lärande. Locum har på det viset lyckats med sitt styrkortsarbete. Studien har även visat på att Locums styrkortsarbete är i linje med svensk forskning som pekar på vikten av att involvera medarbetare.</p> / <p>Title: Keeping the balanced scorecard alive: case</p><p>study in Locum</p><p>Authors: Katja Broxvall, Anders Galmén, Susanna Oktay</p><p>Key words: Balanced scorecard, change, renewal, circle routine, organizational learning</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of the case study is to find out how the company keeps its balanced scorecard up to date. We do this by studying change and learning occurred so far in Locum in relation to the renewal of the balanced scorecard.</p><p>Methodology: We have used a qualitative method based on</p><p>semi-structured interviews.</p><p>Theoretical perspectives: To understand the background and</p><p>prerequisites for renewal we have built up a theoretical framework consisting of theories concerning: Regular routines for maintenance and development of the balanced scorecard,</p><p>learning organizations through Senges five disciplines, single- and double loop learning, theory of action and theories on change and resistance to change. These theories have been summarized to a framework for analysis.</p><p>Empirical foundations: The study is based on data which we have received through internal documents, annual reports and four interviews with employees of the studied organization. By analyzing this data we have reached a conclusion.</p><p>Conclusion: An active involvement of employees throughout</p><p>the organization is the foundation for keeping the balanced scorecard alive. Learning is achieved by this involvement.</p>

Att hålla det balanserade styrkortet levande : En fallstudie i Locum

Galmén, Anders, Broxvall, Katja, Oktay, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utifrån lärandet och de förändringar som hittills skett i styrkortsarbetet beskriva och analysera hur Locum håller sitt balanserade styrkort levande. Forskare inom styrkortsområdet framhåller att styrkorten kontinuerligt måste uppdateras för att kunna spegla företagets situation. Lärandet anses vara en förutsättning för förändring, därför inriktas studien på hur förändring och lärande i företaget håller det balanserade styrkortet levande. I den teoretiska referensramen har en cirkelrutin för förnyelse av det balanserade styrkortet tagits fram utifrån befintlig teori inom området. Den kvalitativa studien omfattar datainsamling i form av interna dokument, årsredovisningar och fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på olika nivåer i Locums organisation. Av studien har framkommit att aktivt involverande av medarbetare på alla nivåer i organisationen utgör grunden för att hålla styrkortet levande genom lärande. Locum har på det viset lyckats med sitt styrkortsarbete. Studien har även visat på att Locums styrkortsarbete är i linje med svensk forskning som pekar på vikten av att involvera medarbetare. / Title: Keeping the balanced scorecard alive: case study in Locum Authors: Katja Broxvall, Anders Galmén, Susanna Oktay Key words: Balanced scorecard, change, renewal, circle routine, organizational learning Purpose: The purpose of the case study is to find out how the company keeps its balanced scorecard up to date. We do this by studying change and learning occurred so far in Locum in relation to the renewal of the balanced scorecard. Methodology: We have used a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews. Theoretical perspectives: To understand the background and prerequisites for renewal we have built up a theoretical framework consisting of theories concerning: Regular routines for maintenance and development of the balanced scorecard, learning organizations through Senges five disciplines, single- and double loop learning, theory of action and theories on change and resistance to change. These theories have been summarized to a framework for analysis. Empirical foundations: The study is based on data which we have received through internal documents, annual reports and four interviews with employees of the studied organization. By analyzing this data we have reached a conclusion. Conclusion: An active involvement of employees throughout the organization is the foundation for keeping the balanced scorecard alive. Learning is achieved by this involvement.

Minimizing Travel Time Through Multiple Media With Various Borders

Miick, Tonja 01 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of two main chapters along with an introduction andconclusion. In the introduction, we address the inspiration for the thesis, whichoriginates in a common calculus problem wherein travel time is minimized across two media separated by a single, straight boundary line. We then discuss the correlation of this problem with physics via Snells Law. The first core chapter takes this idea and develops it to include the concept of two media with a circular border. To make the problem easier to discuss, we talk about it in terms of running and swimming speeds. We first address the case where the starting and ending points for the passage are both on the boundary. We find the possible optimal paths, and also determine the conditions under which we travel along each path. Next we move the starting point to a location outside the boundary. While we are not able to determine the exact optimal path, we do arrive at some conclusions about what does not constitute the optimal path. In the second chapter, we alter this problem to address a rectangular enclosed boundary, which we refer to as a swimming pool. The variations in this scenario prove complex enough that we focus on the case where both starting and ending points are on the boundary. We start by considering starting and ending points on adjacent sides of the rectangle. We identify three possibilities for the fastest path, and are able to identify the conditions that will make each path optimal. We then address the case where the points are on opposite sides of the pool. We identify the possible paths for a minimum time and once again ascertain the conditions that make each path optimal. We conclude by briefly designating some other scenarios that we began to investigate, but were not able to explore in depth. They promise insightful results, and we hope to be able to address them in the future.

Returning to the well : an inquiry into women's experiences in community-based expressive movement sessions

Davison, Mischa Louise 22 April 2009
The present study explored 12 womens experiences in five community-based improvisational movement sessions. The study was two-pronged in nature, attending to the experience of expressive movement and somatic awareness exercises as well as the experience of gathering together as women. Session activities were taken from movement and somatic practices such as Authentic Movement, the 5Rhythms®, YogaDance®, the Big Fat Ass Dance Class®, theatre-based exercises, contact improvisation and African Dance. The chosen methodology was hermeneutic phenomenology using a weekly sharing circle, post-session interviews, and journal entries as data. Although inquiring into both psychological and movement experiences, the study did not derive from a formal Dance/Movement Therapy perspective but instead, prioritized the womens own voices in order to elucidate the inherent experience and worth of expressive movement within a community framework. Three core constructs arose from my analysis: Conscious Embodiment, Conscious Play and Conscious Connection. The underlying role of relationality is highlighted in the final chapter. Findings contribute to a preventive and resiliency orientation as opposed to the more typical clinical and therapeutic research found in the field of Dance/Movement Therapy.

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