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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Textová analýza dochovaného textu Tajné kroniky Mongolů / Textual Analysis of the Extant Text of The Secret History of the Mongols

Laurencio Tacoronte, Ariel January 2013 (has links)
Textual Analysis of the Extant Original of The Secret History of the Mongols Abstract The purpose of the present thesis is to analyze every aspect of textual nature present in the Chinese original of the Secret History of the Mongols. The work consists of four chapters that touch issues such as the Chinese characters used for the transcription, their pronunciation and meaning, as well as invented or wrong characters. A list is presented with all the Mongolian syllables obtainable by means of the Chinese transcription system and with all the characters used for this. Subsequently, graphic aspects such as word division or punctuation are examined. The last chapter approaches the glossing system of the Mongolian text used in this work. On the basis of the analysis of the collected data, some plausible assumptions about historical or linguistic issues are advanced, such as the ethnic identity of the author of the transcript or the author of the glosses, the existence of a Mongolian dialect with own characteristics in the Yuan dynasty environment, or the reason why this transcript was glossed, and whether it was done out of an original written in Uyghur script. Keywords: textual analysis, Mongolian language, The Secret History of the Mongols, Yuan Dynasty

Undergroud Church and Secret Ordinations. A Canonical study of the Situation in Czechoslovakia 1948-1989

Vybíralová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Title: Untergrundkirche und geheime Weihen. Eine kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung der Situation in der Tschechoslowakei 1948-1989 Name: Eva Vybíralová Department: Katedra pastorálních oborů a právních věd KTF UK Supervisor: prof. JUDr. Antonín Ignác Hrdina, DrSc. Abstract The aim of this project was the study of the ordination law, the history of the hidden church, and the subsequent research and comparison of all "types" of secret ordinations in all levels (ordination and consecration) granted during the Communist regime of 1948-1989 in Czechoslovakia or to Czechoslovak citizens abroad, especially from the perspective of the canon law. The presented dissertation consists of an introduction, seven chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter gives the basics of the ordination law, the second chapter describes the relations between the Church and the state during the relevant historical period in Czechoslovakia and the first secret Episcopal ordinations. The third chapter introduces the Mexican faculties. The fourth chapter introduces the other secret faculties granted to the Church in Czechoslovakia, from which, among other things, the ordination activities of the Jesuit bishops and Felix Davídek was unfolded. The fifth chapter provides an digression to the subject of secret ordinations given to Czechoslovak...

A framework to implement delegation in offline PACS : A strategy to restrict user’s path

Bharath, Tati January 2013 (has links)
Physical access control systems (PACS) deal with the security of the availability of resources. They work as an alternative to traditional manual security access control. Access control has two variants, the logical which deals with computer environments and the physical which deals with the physical entry into a property or warehouses. However, offline physical access control systems cannot enforce the user’s path making it unsuitable for use in classified areas, such as places where the public is restricted. Therefore, offline PACS need a framework that can delegate the authority to enforce the user’s path. This is satisfactorily met in the presented research with a new design of offline PACS that has the capability to implement delegation. This framework allows the locks to dynamically write and read access policies onto and from a smart card. It works by means of a construct called “Path Array” and communication among different entities occurs via a chain of trust formed with the use of pre-shared keys.

Multiple Escrow Agents in VoIP

Azfar, Abdullah January 2010 (has links)
Using a Key escrow agent in conjunction with Voice over IP (VoIP) communication ensures that law enforcements agencies (LEAs) can retrieve the session key used to encrypt data between two users in a VoIP session. However, the use of a single escrow agent has some drawbacks. A fraudulent request by an evil employee from the LEA can lead to improper disclosure of a session key. After the escrow agent reveals the key this evil person could fabricate data according to his/her needs and encrypt it again (using the correct session key). In this situation the persons involved in the communication session can be accused of crimes that he or she or they never committed. The problems with a single escrow agent becomes even more critical as a failure of the escrow agent can delay or even make it impossible to reveal the session key, thus the escrow agent might not be able to comply with a lawful court order or comply with their escrow agreement in the case of data being released according to this agreement (for example for disaster recovery). This thesis project focused on improving the accessibility and reliability of escrow agents, while providing good security. One such method is based on dividing the session key into M chunks and escrowing the chunks with M escrow agents. Using threshold cryptography the key can be regenerated by gathering any N-out-of-M chunks. The value of M and N may differ according to the role of the user. For a highly sophisticated session, the user might define a higher value for M and N for improved, availability, reliability, and security. For a less confidential or less important session (call), the value of M and N might be smaller. The thesis examines the increased availability and increased reliability made possible by using multiple escrow agents. / Med en nyckel förvaringsinstitut som tillsammans med Röst över IP (VoIP) kommunikation säkerställer att brottsbekämpande organ (LEAs) kan hämta sessionsnyckeln används för att kryptera data mellan två användare i en VoIP-session. Däremot har användningen av ett enda förvaringsinstitut visa nackdelar. En bedräglig begäran av en ond arbetstagare från LEA kan leda till otillbörligt röjande av en sessionsnyckel. Efter förvaringsinstitut avslöjar nyckeln detta onda person kunde fabricera uppgifter i enlighet med hans eller hennes behov och kryptera den igen (med rätt sessionsnyckel). I denna situation personer som deltar i kommunikationssession kan anklagas för brott som han eller hon eller de aldrig begått. Problemen med en enda förvaringsinstitut som blir ännu mer kritisk som ett misslyckande av förvaringsinstitut kan försena eller till och med gör det omöjligt att avslöja sessionsnyckeln, vilket förvaringsinstituten kanske inte kan följa en laglig domstolsbeslut eller uppfyller sina depositionsavtalets när det gäller data frisläppas i enlighet med detta avtal (till exempel för katastrofer). Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att förbättra tillgängligheten och tillförlitligheten i spärrade medel, samtidigt som god säkerhet. En sådan metod bygger på att dela upp sessionsnyckeln till M bitar och escrowing i bitar med M förvaringsinstituten. Använda tröskel kryptografi nyckeln kan genereras genom att samla alla N-out-of-M bitar. Värdet på M och N kan variera beroende på användarens roll. För en mycket sofistikerad session kan användaren definiera ett högre värde för M och N för förbättrad tillgänglighet, tillförlitlighet och säkerhet. För en mindre konfidentiell eller mindre viktigt session (telefonsamtal), kan värdet på M och N vara mindre. I avhandlingen analyseras den ökade tillgänglighet och ökad tillförlitlighet möjligt genom att använda flera spärrade medel.

Design and Implementation of Key Exchange Mechanisms for Software Artifacts using Ocean Protocol.

Myadam, Nishkal Gupta, Patnam, Bhavith January 2020 (has links)
During the modern times, innovators and researchers developed a key technology known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) Marketplace which leverages the power of AI to efficiently utilize the data generated by millions of devices to create new and better services and software products. H2020 Bonseyes is one such project that provides us a collaborative cloud based model of the AI marketplace for the users who generally don’t have access to large data sets, algorithms etc by allowing them to collaborate which each other and exchange the software artifacts. Collaboration leads to issues related to authentication and authorization which are addressed by Public Key In- frastructure(PKI).The main component of the PKI is the Certificate Authority which acts a anchor of trust, whose architecture is designed to be centralized. Centralized architecture is prone to many attacks and also failures which makes it vulnerable and weak.The adverse effects of the CA based PKI can be avoided by implementing a distributed PKI.This thesis focuses on a hybrid methodology consisting of Qualitative and Quanti- tative analysis by performing a literature review for accumulating knowledge from the Ocean Protocol which is a decentralized AI marketplace.The thesis aims to design and implement the framework used in the ocean protocol and evaluate its performance.The thesis also aims to develop a reference framework to be compatible with the Bonseyes Project. Moreover, our research also provides the reader with the concepts and technologies used in other implementations of distributed PKI.

Fantastický okamžik. Na hranici reálného. / The Fantastic Moment. On the Verge of the Real.

Dašková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
In my diploma I continue in the topic which I solved in my theoretical part of diploma. I study that "Fantastical moment" in practise. I am interested in its uprise or creation, in its character in memories of other people and in its evoking. The book is documentation of my collecting work and also of my secret interventions in personal places of my kith and kin which are hardly accesible by spectator. The book (or issue) is set in 4 pieces. In ideal case I would like to edit it in about 100 pieces and distribute it in galerie´s shops. In this way it would be possible to lent it in some chosen places in Brno.

Automatic secret synchronisation across heterogeneous IT environments / Automatisk hemlighetssynkronisering mellan heterogena IT-miljöer och plattformar

Wedin, Johan, Ek Johansson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Following circumstances such as mergers and acquisitions, the IT systemsassociated with the participating organisations may need to share access towardsservices and systems with eachother. Access towards systems and services is oftencontrolled using secret information such as passwords or keys. This implies thatsharing access between IT systems is achieved by sharing secret information. This thesis proposes new methods for automatic synchronization of secretsbetween different secret management systems that may not be natively compatiblewith one another. After examining how the already existing secret managementsystems function as well as created a data centric threat model, a system design wasproposed. A secret proxy connects to each secret management system which in turnconnects to a central secret distributor that handles and updates the other proxies. The results indicate that such a system can be implemented and securely distributesecrets automatically. By synchronizing secrets automatically, the work involvedwith supporting several secret management systems in parallel which all needaccess to some common secrets could be reduced. / Under omständigheter så som sammanslagning av organisationer kan ett flertalseparata IT-system tilhörande de olika organisationerna behöva dela åtkomst mottjänster med varandra. Åtkomst mot tjänster regleras ofta med hjälp av hemliginformation så som lösenord eller nycklar. Detta innebär att delning av åtkomstmellan IT-system uppnås genom delning av hemlig information mellan dessasystem. Detta arbetet föreslår nya metoder för att automatiskt synkronisera lösenord ochhemligheter mellan flera hemlighetshanteringssystem som normalt sett inte ärkompatibla med varandra. En arkitekturell modell togs fram efter att en utvärdering av redan existerandehemlighetshanteringssystems funktionalitet samt en analys av den framtagna hotmodellengjorts. En proxy ansluter till det lokala hemlighets-hanteringssystemetsom i sin tur ansluts till ett centralt distribueringssystem vars jobb är att hanteraoch uppdatera alla proxys. Resultatet påvisar att ett system för att automatiskt synkronisera hemligheter påett säkert sätt går att bygga både i teorin och i praktiken. Automatisk synkroniseringkan minska det arbete som krävs för att hantera flera parallella system däralla behöver ha tillgång till gemensamma hemligheter.

Människors privatliv eller samhällets säkerhet - vad är viktigast? : En idéanalys om liberalismens syn på hemliga tvångsmedel

Bucei, Roberta January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to find out how the five values of liberalism view the law on secret room wiretapping and the law on secret wiretapping of electronic communications. The method used to achieve the purpose of the study is an idea analysis in descriptive and explanatory form. When processing the material, two dimensions have been formulated in the form of analysis tools: integrity and legitimacy. The study's questions are as follows: How do the five values of liberalism view the laws regarding secret interception of electronic communications and secret room interception, and are the laws considered to be or not accepted by liberalism. The conclusion could be drawn that all five values believe that the laws can be applied as their purpose is to protect citizens, society, and the state from those who are not considered law-abiding. Despite their freedom and integrity being curtailed, the laws must be used to ensure that the majority´s safety, integrity, freedom, and rights are protected.

Des modes de coexistence du secret professionnel du juriste avec les autres droits fondamentaux et principes de justice fondamentale en droit canadien

Zhu, Jie 11 1900 (has links)
À l’intersection du droit de la preuve, du droit disciplinaire et des droits fondamentaux, le secret professionnel du juriste est à la fois un droit fondamental des justiciables, une obligation déontologique des professionnels de droit et un principe essentiel à l’administration de la justice. Cette dernière composante – touchant à l’équité de la procédure par laquelle les citoyens font valoir leurs droits devant les tribunaux – distingue le secret professionnel du juriste des autres secrets professionnels ou obligations de confidentialité reconnues aux membres d’autres ordres professionnels. Si le secret professionnel du juriste fait place à part tant aux yeux des membres de professions juridiques que des cours de justice, se pose la question de ses modes de coexistence avec d’autres intérêts concurrents, protégés par des droits et libertés tout aussi fondamentaux, au vu de la conception de non-hiérarchie ou d’égalité des droits constitutionnels que préconise la Cour suprême du Canada. La présente thèse s’intéresse à la coexistence concrète du secret professionnel du juriste avec d’autres intérêts concurrents et constate, dans le quotidien de la pratique, une approche de délimitation qui permet de modérer le discours officiel prônant une conception absolutiste du secret professionnel du juriste. Cette approche de délimitation se substitue à l’approche de pondération en procédant, non pas à une balance des inconvénients, mais plutôt en s’attelant à un examen minutieux, au cas par cas, de la portée d’une protection a priori absolue. / At the intersection of the law of evidence, disciplinary law and fundamental rights, solicitor-client privilege is a fundamental right of litigants, an ethical obligation of legal professionals as well as an essential principle for the administration of justice. This last component – affecting the fairness of the procedure through which citizens assert their rightful claims before courts of law – serves as a distinguishing feature of the solicitor-client privilege, apart from general duties of confidentiality incumbent upon other professionals. If solicitor-client privilege attracts so high an esteem in the eyes of both legal professionals and justices, the question arises as to the coexistence thereof with other competing interests, protected by equally fundamental rights and freedoms, in view of the non-hierarchical or equality approach advocated by the Supreme Court of Canada. This thesis turns on the concrete coexistence of solicitor-client privilege with other competing interests and observes, in the daily practice, a delimitation approach which makes it possible to moderate the official discourse advocating an absolutist conception of secrecy. This limitation approach replaces the accommodation approach by carrying out, instead of a balancing of salutary vs deleterious effects, a case-by-case meticulous examination of the adequate scope to be conferred on an a priori absolute privilege.

Making Waves: Bacon, Manley, and the Shifting Rhetorics of Opulent At(a)lantis

Nielsen, Alex Cahill 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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