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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the utility of the adaptive tasks framework for assessing parental needs when providing primary care for their child with a chronic health condition

Sahraei, Valla 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of the Adaptive Tasks Framework for assessing parental needs when providing primary care for their child with a chronic health condition. A qualitative descriptive methodology framed the study and two methods were employed to collect data: a secondary analysis of existing interview data from seven parents of children with chronic health conditions and interviews with four parents who were currently providing primary care for their child with a chronic health condition. The data was analyzed using content analysis, whereby interview data was explored to determine if it fit into one or more of the eight adaptive tasks categories. Parents reported needs in all of the eight adaptive tasks categories, with the need for information regarding their child's chronic health condition being the foremost concern among parents. The need for caring, empathetic, and patient health care professionals who are sympathetic to the informational needs of parents, while at the same time acknowledging their expertise, was the second need expressed by the parents in this study. Implications of these findings for nurses is that the Adaptive Tasks Framework provides a useful tool for assessing parental needs when managing their child's chronic health condition and for determining areas in which the parents may require support. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Nursing, School of / Graduate

Predicting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children with Prior Mental Health Diagnoses

Airhia, Earnest E. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Hurricane Katrina devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast and subjected the city of New Orleans to disastrous flooding, which resulted in numerous after effects that impacted the children and adolescents of the city. The disaster contributed to high levels of stress, increased risk of psychological disorders, and was associated with an increased percentage of New Orleans children presenting symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To help address these problems associated with hurricanes and other disasters, the current study investigated how age, gender, race, and pre-existing conditions increased or decreased the likelihood of a child being diagnosed with PTSD following Hurricane Katrina. A binary logistical regression was utilized in this study. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory formed the framework of the study, based on the functionality of an individual's life and development in his or her environment. The findings revealed age to be a significant predictor on PTSD. As children's ages increase, the likelihood of having PTSD increases. The result can promote positive social change by providing mental healthcare professionals with comprehensive information regarding possible health risk of developing PTSD and the possibilities of getting treatment with evidence-based therapeutic support, medicine, and psychotherapy.

Perceived Social Support of Children with Severe Chronic Physical Health Conditions : A Systematic Literature Review

Hoppe, Margarete January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Zdravstveno stanje i kvalitet mesa svinja rase mangulica i meleza između rase mangulica i duroka / The state of health of the pig meat breeds of mangulets and molasses between the race of mangulets and durok

Šević Radoslav 07 February 2018 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja ukrštanja mangulice sa durokom&nbsp; na proizvodne i zdravstvene parametre, kao i na kvalitet mesa, a sve to uporedo sa jednom modernom plemenitom rasom svinja &ndash; veliki jorkšir. U tu svrhu formirane su tri grupe &ndash; genotipa svinja, čista rasa bela mangulica (BM), melezi duroka i bele mangulice (DBM), i čista rasa veliki jorkšir (VJ), koji su smešteni u iste uslove ishrane, nege i držanja. Svinje iz grupa DBM i VJ su znatno brže prirasle do ciljane telesne mase od 150 kg u odnosu na svinje BM. Tako je melezima duroka i bele mangulice trebalo u proseku 168 dana manje, a svinjama iz grupe VJ 288 dana manje kako bi dostigli ciljanu telesnu masu u odnosu na svinje bele mangulice u čistoj rasi. Po pitanju zdravstvenog stanja i nalaza na trupovima zaklanih svinja post mortem nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. Značajne razlike su utvrđene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima i to između sve tri ispitivane grupe, ali i između različitih starosnih kategorija u okviru iste ispitivane grupe, što nam ukazuje na značaj tačnijeg utvrđivanja referentnih parametara normalnih fizioloških vrednosti hematoloških i biohemijskih parametara ne samo posebno za pojedine vrste životinja, već dakako i za različite starosne kategorije u okviru iste vrste. Meso poreklom od svinja iz grupe BM imalo je najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masnoće, i tamniju i crveniju boju, dok za njima odmah slede melezi sa značajnim razlikama između sva tri ispitivana genotipa. Nadalje, meso svinja rase bela mangulica je imalo značajno veću krajnju vrednost pH, bolju sposobnost vezivanja vode, veći sadržaj kalcijuma, cinka, gvožđa, bakra i mangana, u poređenju sa druga dva genotipa. Ukrštanje bele mangulice i duroka je imalo značajan uticaj na pojedinačni sastav masnih kiselina u mesu. Međutim, zbir zasićenih, mononezasićenih i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina je ostao nepromenjen. Meso svinja rase bela mangulica i meleza dobijenih ukrštanjem svinja rasa bela mangulica i durok značajno je nežnije &ndash; mekše. Mononezasićene masne kiseline su najzastupljenije u mesu poreklom od svih životinja, dok za njima slede zasićene i na kraju polinezasićene masne kiseline. Meso poreklom od BM i DBM je imalo značajno veći sadržaj mononezasićenih masnih kiselina, i značajno manji sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina u odnosu na VJ. Generalno, na osnovu svih ispitanih parametara kvaliteta polutki i mesa može se konstatovati da svinje rase bela mangulica karakteriše manja mesnatost polutki, ali i meso koje ima odličan senzorski, tehnološki i nutritivni kvalitet, dok meleze svinja dobijenih ukrštanjem svinja rasa bela mangulica i durok karakteriše veća mesnatost polutki i nešto slabiji, ali još uvek veoma dobar, kvalitet mesa, te su neophodna dodatna istraživanja kako bi smo dobili i podatake o kvalitetu suvomesnatih proizvoda. Takođe, potrebna su dodatna<br />istraživanja, preciznijeg karaktera u pogledu kvaliteta i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje kod autohtonih rasa, kao i preispitivanje kriterijuma selekcije koji se primenjuju kod mangulice, te parametara genetskog progresa, tj. efekta selekcije, kako bi iako autohtona uhvatila korak za opstanak ili prestiž u odnosu na moderne rase svinja.</p> / <p>The research was carried out in order to determine the effect of the cross-breeding of mangulets with durok on production and health parameters, as well as on the quality of meat, all along with a modern, noble breed of pigs - a large Yorkshire. For this purpose, three groups - pig genotypes, pure breeds of white mangulica (BM), meliaceae and white manguns (DBM), and pure breed, Yorkshire (VJ), were placed in the same conditions of nutrition, care and keeping. Pigs from the DBM and VJ groups increased significantly to a target bodyweight of 150 kg compared to BM pigs. Thus, mulberry and white mangulets were average 168 days less, and 288 days lower for pigs from the VJ group in order to reach their target body mass compared to white mangun pigs in a clean race. There are no significant differences in terms of health status and findings on carcases of slaughtered pigs post-mortem. Significant differences were established in the hematological and biochemical parameters, among all three groups studied, but also between different age categories within the same investigated group, which points to the importance of more precise determination of the reference parameters of normal physiological values of hematologic and biochemical parameters not only for individual species of animals, but also for different age categories within the same species. Meat originating from pigs from the BM group had the highest content of intramuscular fat, and the darker and redder color, followed by moles with significant differences between all three investigated genotypes. Furthermore, the pig meat of the white mangulce had a significantly higher end value of pH, better water binding capacity, higher content of calcium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese, compared to the other two genotypes. The crossing of white mangulce and durok had a significant effect on the individual composition of fatty acids in the meat. However, the sum of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids remained unchanged. Meat of pig breeds white mangulica and molasses obtained by crossing the pig race white mangulica and durok is significantly more gentler - softer. Monounsaturated fatty acids are the most common in meat originating from all animals, followed by saturated and at the end of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Meat originating from BM and DBM had a significantly higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids, and significantly lower saturated fatty acid content than VJ. In general, on the basis of all the tested parameters of the quality of the halves and flesh, it can be concluded that the pig breeds of white mangulets are characterized by lower meatiness of the hemispheres, but also meat that has excellent sensory, technological and nutritive quality, while the piglets of pigs obtained by crossing the pig rasa white mangulica and durok are characterized by larger lean meat and slightly weaker but still very good quality of meat, and further research is needed in order to obtain data on the quality of the cream products. Also, additional ones are needed<br />research, a more precise character in terms of quality and cost-effectiveness in autochthonous breeds, as well as the reconsideration of selection criteria applied to mangulas and parameters of genetic progress, i.e. the effect of the selection, in order to take an autochthonous step in survival or prestige in relation to modern pig breeds.</p>

Social and Educational Functioning in College Students with a Chronic Physical Health Condition

Truba, Natalie 01 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the current study is to examine the academic and social functioning of college students with a chronic physical health condition (CPHC). For the current study, chronic physical health condition will be defined as follows: “A physical [or mental] health condition that has lasted or is expected to last at least 6 months and interferes with their activities,” (Varni & Limbers, 2008, p. 107). The sample consisted of 174 participants attending Western Kentucky University. Two groups (CPHC vs. Healthy) were comprised based on the participants’ self-reported health status. Participants were solicited through Western Kentucky University’s department of Psychology Study Board as well as through the university’s Department of Disability Services. The participants completed the demographics questionnaire, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory for Young Adults (PEDSQL), and the Costello-Comrey Depression and Anxiety Scales (CCDAS). All the measures were completed online. Three hypotheses were made. Hypothesis one stated that college students who have a chronic physical condition will have a lower level of social functioning when compared to their healthy peers. Hypothesis two stated that college students who have a chronic physical health condition will have a lower level of educational adjustment when compared to their healthy peers. Hypothesis three stated that female college students who have a chronic physical health condition will endorse higher levels of the internal symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. Results yielded support for the second hypothesis, as individuals with a CPHC did report lower levels of academic adjustment than healthy individuals. The first hypothesis was marginally supported as participants with a CPHC reported lower levels of social functioning than healthy individuals. The third hypothesis was not supported as females and males with a CPHC reported similar levels of anxiety and depression.

Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių suaugusiųjų gyvensena ir sveikatos būklė / The life style and the health condition of athletic and non-athletic adults

Petraitytė, Dovilė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Sveikata priklauso nuo gyvensenos veiksnių, gyvenimo būdo, kuris įtakoja mūsų sveikatą. Norėdami džiaugtis gera sveikata, pirmiausia turime patys pradėti analizuoti savo gyvenimo būdą, pradedant nuo mitybos, žalingų įproči�� mažinimo, fizinio pasyvumo keitimą į fizinį aktyvumą, stresinių situacijų vengimo. Tyrimo objektas: gyvensena. Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių suaugusiųjų gyvensenos ypatumus ir sveikatos būklę. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti nesportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus ir subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą 2. Nustatyti sportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus ir subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą 3. Palyginti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus ir sveikatos būklę Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2006 – 2007 metais. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo tiriamas žmonių požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną. Siekiant išsiaiškinti tiriamųjų požiūrį į fizinį aktyvumą, mitybą, žalingus įpročius, stresą buvo pateikta anketa, kurią sudarė 36 klausimai.Tyrime dalyvavo 273 žmonės, iš jų 100 vyrų, 173 moterys. Tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes, sportuojančius (n=145), kurie sportavo sporto klube „Fankas“ ir nesportuojančius (n=128). Sportuojantys sportavo nuo 1 iki 3 kartų per savaitę, po daugiau nei valandą laiko. Iškėlėme hipotezę: manome, kad sportuojantys turės mažiau žalingų įpročių ir mažiau sveikatos sutrikimų lyginant su nesportuojančiais. Todėl iškėlėme tikslą, nustatyti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių žmonių gyvensenos ypatumus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Health depends upon the factors of lifestyle, the way of lifestyle which influences our health. With the intention to enjoy good health first of all we have ourselves to start to analyze our lifestyle, beginning with our nutrition, reduction of addictions, changing of physical passivity into physical activity, avoidance of stressful situations. The object of the research: lifestyle The purpose of the research: to estimate the peculiarities of the lifestyle of athletic and non-athletic adults and their health condition. The tasks of the research: 1. To estimate the peculiarities of the lifestyle of non-athletic people and also the subjective assessment of their health. 2. To estimate the lifestyle peculiarities of athletic people and also the subjective assessment of their health. 3. To compare the lifestyle peculiarities of athletic and non-athletic people and their health condition. The research was accomplished during the period starting from the year 2006 to 2007. With an application of the method of a questionnaire was examined the people’s viewpoint regarding the healthy lifestyle. On purpose to ascertain the viewpoint of the inquired persons towards the physical activity, nutrition, addictions, stress was provided the questionnaire containing 36 questions in total. 273 persons were participating during the research, 100 of them were male and 173 female. The inquired persons were divided into two groups: athletic ones (n=145), who were training in the athletic club... [to full text]

Evaluation of condition and ecosystem services of street trees in Kyoto City urban area / 京都市街地における街路樹の現状及び生態系サービスの評価に関する研究

Tan, Xiaoyang 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第24060号 / 地環博第223号 / 新制||地環||42(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 柴田 昌三, 准教授 深町 加津枝, 教授 瀬戸口 浩彰 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

Oliveira, Marcos Alexandre Casimiro de Reprodutibilidade de questionários de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (SOHO-5 e OHIP-14)

Oliveira 29 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-03-16T12:50:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1944500 bytes, checksum: 05e8286b4b498ec1583d5bd8886221ef (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-16T12:50:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1944500 bytes, checksum: 05e8286b4b498ec1583d5bd8886221ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-29 / The use of questionnaires in epidemiological studies has allowed a broader knowledge of the adverse oral conditions that affect the quality of life. This way, may be important ally to development of public health politics and strategies of prevention and treatment. Thus, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the reproducibility of oral health-related quality of life, SOHO-5 (Scale Oral Health Outcomes for Five-Year-Old Children – children version) for 5-years-old children and OHIP- 14 (Oral Health Impact Profile) for 12 years school applied to public school students of a small city of Paraiba outback. To this end, an only examiner (intra-examiner kappa = 0.82) had a census of all children available, totaling 59 students with 05 years and 39 to 12 years who underwent a clinical examination based on World Health Organization criteria to dental cavity (DMFT) and application of a quality of life questionnaire related to oral health. After the thirty-day period, this process was repeated reproduction of the same application conditions. As the results, it was found that the variables of the SOHO-5: “difficulty playing” (kappa=-0,042); “difficulty eating” (kappa=0,112); “difficulty drinking” (kappa=0,028) and “difficulty sleeping” (kappa=0,184) showed more vulnerable in the two moments assessment questionnaire. The OHIP-14 showed regular agreement for the item: "he was worried because of problems with their teeth/her mouth" (kappa=0,256), and moderate agreement for "problem to speak a word" (kappa = 0.505), "pain in your mouth and teeth" (kappa = 0.408), "for your meals" (kappa = 0.437) and "felt ashamed" (kappa = 0.402). There was no correlation between the response pattern of children under 5 years in both the questionnaire application moments for all items and agreement to regulate moderate between the responses of children under 12. However, although of changing the standard of responses, the OHIP-14 showed better reproducibility than the SOHO-5. / O uso de questionários em estudos epidemiológicos tem permitido um conhecimento mais amplo sobre as condições bucais adversas que afetam a qualidade de vida. Dessa forma, podem ser importantes aliados para o desenvolvimento de políticas de saúde pública e estratégias de prevenção e tratamento. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a reprodutibilidade de questionários de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal, o SOHO-5 (Scale Oral Health Outcomes for Five-Year-Old Children– versão da criança) para as crianças de 05 anos e OHIP-14 (Oral Health Impact Profile) para os escolares de 12 anos aplicados a escolares da rede pública de um município de pequeno porte do sertão paraibano. Para tanto, um único examinador (kappa intraexaminador=0,82) contou com o censo de todas as crianças disponíveis, totalizando 59 escolares com 05 anos e 39 com 12 anos que foram submetidos a um exame clínico com base nos critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde para cárie dentária (CPO-D e ceo-d) e aplicação de um questionário de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal. Após o período de trinta dias, esse processo foi repetido com reprodução das mesmas condições de aplicação. Como resultados, verificou-se que as variáveis do SOHO-5: “dificuldade de brincar” (Kappa=-0,042); “dificuldade de comer” (Kappa=0,112), “dificuldade de beber” (Kappa=0,028) e “dificuldade para dormir” (Kappa=0,184) mostraram-se mais vulneráveis nos dois momentos avaliação do questionário. O OHIP-14 mostrou concordância regular para o item: “ficou preocupado por causa de problemas nos seus dentes/sua boca” (Kappa=0,256) e concordância moderada para “problema para falar alguma palavra” (kappa= 0,505), “dores em sua boca ou dentes” (kappa = 0,408), “parar suas refeições” (Kappa= 0,437) e “sentiu-se envergonhado” (kappa= 0,402). Dessa forma, não houve concordância entre o padrão de resposta das crianças de 5 anos nos dois momentos de aplicação do questionário para todos os itens e concordância de regular a moderada entre as respostas das crianças de 12 anos. Contudo, apesar de alterar o padrão de respostas, o OHIP-14 apresentou melhor reprodutibilidade que o SOHO-5.

Sociální opora a její vliv na depersonalizaci, pracovní spokojenost a prožívaný zdravotní stav u sester na intenzivní péči / Social support and its influence on depersonalization, job satisfaction and subjectively experienced health condition of nurses on intensive

Blahníková, Věra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis will deal with social support perceived by intensive care unit nurses (from colleagues, family, friends and superiors) and its impact on job satisfaction, depersonalization and subjectively experienced health condition. Foreign research suggests that social support has crucial effect on amount of perceived stress, coping and quality of provided health care. Lack of support can also contribute to the development of psychosomatic diseases like headache, back pain and others. Main attention will be paid to the influence of social support on depersonalization (emotional hardness, apathy towards the patient), job satisfaction and intensive care nurses subjectively experienced health condition. Basic concepts, terms, constructs and variables will be defined in the theoretical part of this thesis. Current scientific findings about effects of social support on work and various aspects of intensive care nurses' lives will be summarized. Diagnostic methods and test used by author of this thesis will be also described. In the empirical part of the thesis, author will examine relationships between variables and will test hypothesis using statistical methods, mainly correlation analysis and ANOVA test. Some of the hypotheses were confirmed and others were not. However what is indisputable is the...

Zdraví migrantů v Česku - politický a prostorový rámec / Health of Migrants in Czechia - Political and Regional Perspective

Chourová, Renáta January 2016 (has links)
Health of Migrants in Czechia - Political and Regional Perspective Abstract The submitted thesis analyses an access to and use of health care among migrants from Ukraine and Vietnam in Czechia in the regional and political context. The analysis is based both on data collection of research of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague in 2013 and further information that were gathered by author of the thesis in the course of survey questions focused on experts (doctors, representatives of medical and non-profit organizations as well as on representatives of health insurance companies and the ministries). There were used methods of qualitative and quantitative research in the analytical part of the thesis. There were also identified key factors that influence an access of migrants to their own health condition and also to the health care that were further interpreted in the regional context. The thesis reveals differences in access to the health of migrants in different regions within Czechia. The thesis conclusions are compared with the health policy standards in Czechia. Key words: health care, health condition, health policy, qualitative and quantitative research, migrants from Ukraine and Vietnam, Czechia

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