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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En undersökning om hur slutpriset för bostäder påverkas av prisförankring: vilken påverkan har styrräntan? / A study about how the selling price for housing is affectedby price anchoring: what effect does interest rate have?

Vukicevic, Maria, Wintoft, Ludvig January 2024 (has links)
Fastighetsmarknaden i Sverige har under en lång tid bestått av en uppåtstigande marknad med låg ränta, denna trend bröts under 2023 där räntorna började höjas och marknaden började vända. Vid en tid där priset på bostäder inte självklart stiger blir det intressant att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar priset på bostäder. Priset på en bostad är en komplex uppsättning av flera faktorer såsom skick, läge och marknad. Inom beteendeekonomin har det uppkommit fler idéer om vad som kan påverka priset på en bostad. Heuristik, eller mentala genvägar, har också en effekt vid värdering och köp av bostad. En typ av heuristik är förankringseffekten som denna studie hanterar. Studien undersöker om det finns en ankare i form av utgångspris som påverkar slutpriset och om styrräntan har en roll i hur stark förankringseffekten är. Analysen har gjorts genom en kvantitativ metod med en statistisk analys där tester genomförts för att se skillnaden i utgångspris och slutpris under år 2021 och år 2023 där skillnaden är styrräntan. Datan om utgångspris och slutpris har samlats in via hemsidan Hemnet och det geografiska området är Slottstaden i Malmö. Slutsatsen är att det finns en signifikant skillnad mellan tidsperioderna som kan förklaras av förankringseffekten där styrräntan påverkar dess inverkan. / The real estate market in Sweden has for a long time consisted of a rising market with low interest rates, this trend was broken in 2023 where interest rates began to rise and the market began to turn. At a time when the price of housing does not obviously rise, it becomes interesting to investigate which factors affect the price of housing. The price of a home is a complex set of several factors such as condition, location and market. Within behavioral economics, more ideas have emerged about what can affect the price of a home. Heuristics, or mental shortcuts, also have an effect when evaluating and buying a home. One type of heuristic is the anchoring effect that this study addresses. The study examines whether there is an anchor in the form of starting price that affects the final price and whether the policy rate has a role in how strong the anchoring effect is. The analysis has been done through a quantitative method with a statistical analysis where you test the difference in starting price and closing price in the year 2021 and the year 2023 where the difference is the policy rate. Data on starting price and closing price have been collected via the website Hemnet and the geographical area is the Slottsstaden in Malmö. The conclusion is that there is a significant difference between the time periods which can be explained by the anchoring effect where the policy rate affects its impact.

Gröna Premium: Utvärdering av Miljöcertifieringars Påverkan på den Svenska Bostadsmarknaden / Green Premium: Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Certifications on the Swedish Housing Market

Nilsson, Viggo January 2024 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka och analysera miljöcertifieringarnas påverkan på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Fokus ligger på tre huvudsakliga miljöcertifieringssystem: BREEAM, LEED och Miljöbyggnad. Studien avser att identifiera om och hur dessa certifieringar kan skapa ett ekonomiskt mervärde för fastigheter, med särskild uppmärksamhet på hur dessa värden uppfattas och värderas av fastighetsägare. Examensarbetet har som mål att analysera hur miljöcertifieringar påverkar fastighetsvärden på den svenska bostadsmarknaden och undersöka om certifieringarna leder till mervärde eller eventuella konkurrensfördelar på bostadsmarknaden. En kvalitativ metod används, där semi-strukturerade intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom fastighetsbranschen utgör den primära datainsamlingen. Urvalet av respondenter baseras på deras erfarenheter och insikter i utvecklingen och förvaltningen av hållbara bostäder. Den teoretiska ramen inkluderar värdeteori och en detaljerad genomgång av de valda miljöcertifieringssystemen. Studien visar att miljöcertifieringar kan erbjuda flera konkurrensfördelar för fastighetsutvecklare och förvaltare. Miljöcertifierade byggnader tenderar att ha högre hyres- och försäljningspriser samt lägre driftkostnader tack vare minskad energiförbrukning och vattenanvändning. Resultaten indikerar dock att värdet av miljöcertifieringar varierar beroende på marknadssegment och kundernas miljömedvetenhet. Utmaningar inkluderar höga kostnader för certifieringsprocessen och osäkerheter kring de ekonomiska fördelarna, vilket kräver noggrann avvägning från fastighetsägarnas sida. Studien bidrar till en fördjupad förståelse av hur miljöcertifieringar kan påverka bostadsmarknaden och ger värdefulla insikter för fastighetsutvecklare och förvaltare i deras framtida beslut om hållbarhetsinvesteringar. / This thesis aims to investigate and analyze the impact of environmental certifications on the Swedish housing market. The focus is on three main environmental certification systems: BREEAM, LEED, and Miljöbyggnad. The study seeks to identify whether and how these certifications can create economic value for properties, with particular attention to how these values are perceived and evaluated by property owners. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how environmental certifications affect property values in the Swedish housing market and to investigate whether the certifications lead to added value or potential competitive advantages in the housing market. A qualitative method is employed, with semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders in the real estate industry serving as the primary data collection method. Respondents were selected based on their experiences and insights into the development and management of sustainable housing. The theoretical framework includes value theory and a detailed review of the selected environmental certification systems. The study shows that environmental certifications can offer several competitive advantages for real estate developers and managers. Certified buildings tend to have higher rental and sales prices and lower operating costs due to reduced energy and water consumption. However, the results indicate that the value of environmental certifications varies depending on market segment and customer environmental awareness. Challenges include high certification process costs and uncertainties about economic benefits, requiring careful consideration by property owners. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how environmental certifications can impact the housing market and provides valuable insights for real estate developers and managers in their future sustainability investment decisions.

Analysis of Flood Insurance Mechanisms and their Impact on the Migration of Flood Risk on Housing Markets / Analys av översvämningsförsäkringsmekanismer och deras inverkan på migrationen av översvämningsrisker på bostadsmarknaden

Kastigu, Amos, Dhamcharee, Paramat January 2024 (has links)
Globally, there is a need for insurance systems to undergo significant transformations in mechanisms, costs, and risk distribution due to changes in risk levels involving weather and climate changes affecting real estate properties. In commercial and residential real estate markets, insurance mechanisms for risk reduction, risk transfer, and insurance policy pricing are a central component of the migration of flood risks and their impact on real estate in the context of rising climate-related risks. The study analyzes the key factors and mechanisms (costs, pricing policies, risk perceptions, and risk-sharing strategies) influencing the insurance function for mitigating risk in the housing market. The study evaluates insurance mechanisms (pricing strategies, risk perceptions, risk sharing, and risk reduction) and addresses their impact on themigration of flood risk in the housing market. Further, the study analyzes various international policies to identify commonalities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses. By examining insurance mechanisms, the findings of this research guide and inform property owners, developers, and insurance companies of pricing strategies, risk assessments, and insurance policies. The study consists of semi-structured interviews and document reviews for content analysis of insurance policies, reports, risk-sharing strategies, and climate reports to identify patterns, trends, and factors influencing changing insurance mechanisms considering the migration of flood risk in real estate. The interviews with real estate companies, government agencies, and insurance companies provide insights into the current insurance mechanisms employed and theanticipated changes in insurance mechanisms within the foreseeable future. The results show that integrating climate risk management into the housing market is both a challenge and an opportunity. By embracing collaboration, innovation, and forward-thinking strategies, stakeholders can navigate the complexities of climate change, enhance resilience, and build a more sustainable future for all within the housing market. / Globalt finns det ett behov av att försäkringssystem genomgår betydande förändringar i dess mekanismer, kostnader och riskfördelning på grund av förändringarna i risknivåer som involverar väder- och klimatförändringar, vilket påverkar fastigheter. I kommersiella fastigheter och bostadsfastigheter har försäkringsmekanismer för riskminskning, risköverföring och prissättning av försäkringar varit en central komponent i migrationen av översvämningsrisker och deras inverkan på fastigheter i samband med tillväxten av klimatrelaterade risker. Studien analyserar nyckelfaktorer och mekanismer (kostnader, prissättningspolicyer, riskuppfattningar ochriskdelningsstrategier) som påverkar försäkringsfunktionen för att minska risken på bostadsmarknaden. Studien utvärderar försäkringsmekanismer (prissättningsstrategier, riskuppfattningar, riskdelning och riskminskning) och behandlar deras inverkan på migrationen av översvämningsrisker på bostadsmarknaden. Vidare analyserar studien olika internationella policyer för att identifiera gemensamma drag, skillnader, styrkor och svagheter. Genom att undersöka försäkringsmekanismer kan resultaten av denna studie leda och informera fastighetsägare, utvecklare och försäkringsbolag om prissättningsstrategier, riskbedömningar och försäkringspolicyer. Studien består av semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokumentgranskningar för innehållsanalys av försäkringspolicyer, rapporter, riskdelningsstrategier och klimatrapporter för att identifiera mönster, trender och faktorer som påverkar förändrade försäkringsmekanismer med hänsyn till migrationen av översvämningsrisk i fastigheter. Intervjuerna genomförs med fastighetsbolag, myndigheter och försäkringsbolag för att få insikt om de nuvarande försäkringsmekanismerna som används och de förväntade förändringarna av dem inom överskådlig framtid. Resultaten visar att det är både en utmaning och en möjlighet att integrera klimatriskhantering påbostadsmarknaden. Genom samarbete, innovation och framförhållande strategier kan intressenter navigera klimatförändringarnas komplexitet, öka motståndskraften och bygga en mer hållbar framtid för alla på bostadsmarknaden.

Essays on economic outcomes of immigrants and homosexuals

Andersson, Lina (current name Aldén, Lina) January 2009 (has links)
This thesis consists of five essays on the economic outcomes of immigrants and homosexuals on the labour and housing market. Essay I evaluates the effect of an in-work benefit on the labour supply of single immigrant women by means of simulation. Although, on average, there is no significant effect, we find that the in-work benefit increases the working hours of single women with low incomes and slightly decreases the working hours of those with high incomes. The increase in working hours is primarily a result of increased participation. As expected, the positive effect is largest for the immigrant groups with the lowest participation rates and lowest labour incomes. Essay II studies intergenerational transmissions in self-employment. The results show that immigrants transfer general human capital over three generations in the sense that individuals whose fathers and grandfathers are self-employed have a higher self-employment propensity. For natives, only the father’s self-employment affects the son’s probability of becoming self-employed. Furthermore, the results show that natives transfer specific human capital from father to son, which increases the probability of sons becoming self-employed in the industry in which their fathers are self-employed. Essay III explores the effect of self-employment experience on subsequent earnings and the employment of male and female immigrant wage earners. We find that, relative to continued wage employment, self-employment is associated with lower earnings and difficulties in returning to paid employment for both immigrant men and women. The effect is less severe for natives. Among immigrant groups, the results give little support that self-employment experience improves earnings and employment prospects compared to experience from wage employment.  Essay IV applies a field experiment to investigate how increasing the information about applicants affects discrimination against male Arab/Muslim applicants on the rental housing market. The Arab/Muslim applicants received fewer responses from the landlords than did the Swedish applicants. All of the applicants gained by providing more information about themselves, but the magnitude of discrimination against the Arab/Muslim applicants remained unchanged, indicating that increasing the amount of applicant information will not reduce discrimination. Essay V studies possible discrimination against lesbians in the rental housing market using a field experiment. We let two fictitious couples, one heterosexual and one homosexual, apply for vacant apartments on the Internet. We then explored if there were differences in callbacks, invitations to further contact and/or showings. The results show no indication of differential treatment of lesbians by landlords.

Networks and Success : Access and Use of Social Capital among Young Adults in Sweden

Andersson, Anton B. January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explores the role of social capital in shaping inequality among young adults. Social capital is defined as resources embedded in a social network and the thesis investigates differences in access to social capital, and the effects in the labor market and the housing market. The thesis consists of four empirical studies and an introductory chapter that develops the theoretical and empirical background. The four empirical studies use a Swedish survey titled “Social Capital and Labor Market Integration” that includes individuals born in 1990 living in Sweden. A gross sample based on three subsamples was selected based on the country of birth of the respondents’ parents (Sweden, former Yugoslavia, or Iran). The survey consists of two waves of panel data and most respondents were 19 years old at the time of the first survey and 22 at the time of the second. The four studies investigate: (1) the effect of social class and migration background on access to social capital through national and transnational ties, (2) the effect of socioeconomic segregation in schools and neighborhoods on access to social capital through occupational networks and close friendship ties, (3) the effect of social capital in the process of labor market entry, and (4) the effect of social capital on the likelihood to move away from parents. All four studies measure social capital with ego network measures and the main measurement is the position generator that asks the respondent about contacts in occupational positions spanning the socioeconomic structure. Results show that family background factors and socioeconomic segregation affects access to social capital, and that social capital affects labor market and housing market outcomes. The thesis concludes that social capital is an important factor to understand unequal outcomes among young adults. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Accepted. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> / LIFEINCON

Essais sur la formation de juridictions et la ségrégation / Juridictions formation and segregation

Oddou, Remy 31 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude de la formation endogène des juridictions et en particulier ses propriétés ségrégatives suite à l'introduction de différents facteurs susceptibles de les intensifier ou de les réduire. Le premier chapitre est consacré à une revue de la littérature sur la formation endogène de juridictions basée sur les intuitions formulées par Tiebout: les ménages choisissent leur commune en fonction de la quantité de bien public disponible et du montant de taxe à y acquitter. Les différentes modélisations de ces hypothèses, les conditions sous lesquelles un équilibre existera, les possibles définitions de la ségrégation et les facteurs pro et anti-ségrégation développés par la littérature sont résumés et confrontés. Le deuxième chapitre étudie l'impact de l'introduction d'un gouvernement central mettant en oeuvre une politique de péréquation fiscale suivant un objectif bien-êtriste. Le gouvernement central peut ainsi taxer les ménages et/ou certaines communes afin de verser des subventions à d'autres communes. Bien que la péréquation fiscale soit susceptible de modifier l'ensemble des structures de juridictions stables, la condition nécessaire et suffisante pour que toute structure de juridictions stable soit ségrégée n'est pas affectée par l'introduction du gouvernement central si celui-ci cherche à maximiser une fonction de bien-être social utilitariste généralisée. La présence d'un marché compétitif du logement et l'existence de plusieurs biens publics locaux sont introduites dans le chapitre 3. Si la condition nécessaire et suffisante à la ségrégation de toute structure de juridictions stable n'est pas affectée par l'introduction du marché du logement, et reste nécessaire s'il existe plusieurs biens publics locaux, une hypothèse sur les préférences doit être ajoutée pour que la condition reste suffisante. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre relaxe l'hypothèse selon laquelle un bien public local ne souffre pas de problèmes de congestion et ne peut être consommé que par les membres de la juridiction qui le produit. Ainsi, s'il semble apparaître que la congestion favorise la ségrégation, alors que l'existence d'externalités positives générées par le bien public d'une juridiction dans les autres juridictions la réduit, la condition nécessaire et suffisante à la ségrégation de toute structure de juridictions stable est robuste à cette généralisation du modèle. / This thesis analyzes the endogenous formation of jurisdictions and in particular its segregative properties after the introduction of several factors that may mitigate or increase them. The first chapter is devoted to a survey of the literature on the endogenous formation of jurisdictions based on Tiebout's intuitions: households choose their place of residence according to a trade-off between the available amount of public good and the tax rate. The different models of these assumptions, the conditions under which an equilibrium exists, the possible definitions of segregation and the factors pro and anti-segregation developed in the literature are summarized and compared. The second chapter examines the impact of the introduction of a welfarist central government implementing a equalization payments policy. The central government can tax the household and/or certain jurisdictions in order to subsidize other jurisdictions. Although the equalization payments policy is likely to modify stable jurisdictions structures, the necessary and sufficient condition to have any stable jurisdiction structure segregated is not affected by the introduction of the central government if it pursues a generalized utilitarian objective. The presence of a competitive housing market and the existence of several local public goods are introduced in Chapter 3. If the necessary and sufficient condition for the segregation of any stable jurisdiction structure is not affected by the introduction of the housing market, and remains necessary if there are several local public goods, an additional assumption on the preference must be made for the condition to remain sufficient. Finally, the fourth chapter relaxes the assumption that a local public good does not suffer from congestion and can be consumed only by the members of the jurisdiction that produces it. Although it seems that the congestion favors segregation, while the existence of positive externalities generated by a jurisdiction's public good in other jurisdictions mitigates them, the necessary and sufficient condition to ensure the segregation of any stable jurisdictions structure is robust to this generalization of the model.

Le prix de la ville : Le marché immobilier à usage résidentiel dans l'aire urbaine de Marseille-Aix-en-Provence (1990-2010)

Boulay, Guilhem 21 November 2011 (has links)
La France a comme beaucoup de pays de l’OCDE connu une très forte inflation immobilière ces quinze dernières années. La hausse des prix a été particulièrement prononcée dans l’aire urbaine de Marseille-Aix-en-Provence, mettant en relief les limites des catégories et des méthodes d’analyse des marchés immobiliers de l’économie standard. L’apriorisme et les hypothèses anthropologiques de cette dernière ne permettent pas de rendre compte des dynamiques spatio-temporelles des prix. En se fondant alternativement sur les travaux de Simiand et Halbwachs d'une part et sur ceux des néo-ricardiens et néo-marxistes d'autre part, on montre qu’il est plus approprié de recourir aux notions de rente et de valeur d’opinion pour comprendre les mécanismes de formation et de différenciation spatiale des prix. A partir de données désagrégées et localisées à échelle fine sur les transactions immobilières, on identifie alors différents modes de formation des prix qui permettent d’expliquer le paradoxe apparent entre la puissante homogénéisation spatiale des prix et la très grande permanence des hiérarchies spatiales héritées de la période antérieure à l’inflation immobilière que révèle l’analyse spatiale de la hausse. Cette identification des régimes de formation des prix met en valeur le rôle des dispositifs de marché qui, à toutes les échelles, permettent le fonctionnement du marché et garantissent socialement les prix. Ces dispositifs (discours et structures géographiques avant tout) confèrent à certains territoires un rôle assurantiel qui peut exacerber à terme les inégalités inhérentes au modèle d’accession à la propriété. / In the last fifteen years, real estate prices have steeply increased in France, as in other OECD countries. Price increases have been particularly strong in the urban area of Marseille-Aix en Provence, challenging conventional economic categories, analytical methods and interpretations of real estate markets. Apriorism and the anthropological assumptions lying at the core of orthodox economics cannot account for spatial-temporal price dynamics in the Marseille region. By drawing on the work of both Simiand and Halbwachs, and of neo-Ricardian and neo-Marxist economists, this dissertation develops a framework based on the notions of "economic rent" and "opinion value" that provides a better account of price formation and spatial differencing in real estate markets. Different modes of price formation are evidenced using spatially localized, highly disaggregated data of real estate sales: the spatial analysis of real estate inflation helps explain the apparent contradiction between an increased spatial homogeneity of prices and the preservation of pre-existing price hierarchies. Further analysis of price formation regimes highlights the importance of those market devices that allow the market to work and act as price guarantees of a social nature. Such devices (essentially geographical discourses and structures) provide a form of spatial insurance against price decreases that calls into question the legitimacy and sustainability of the 'home ownership for everyone' model.

Trh s byty v Hodoníně a v Uherském Hradišti / Housing market in Hodonín and Uherské Hradiště

Důbravová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on housing market in Hodonín and Uherské Hradiště. The goal of this thesis is the evaluation of some housing market determinants in both cities and the identification of their influence on the housing market supply and demand as well as on the diference of the flat prices in both mentioned cities. The characteristic of the housing fund in Hodonín and Uherské Hradiště and the analysis of the flat prices in these cities, which has been accomplished with usage of the own examination, is also the object of this diploma thesis.

A verticalização no Butantã e o avançar de uma nova fronteira / The verticalization in Butantã and the advancement of a new frontier

Rocha, Robson Edgar 12 March 2015 (has links)
A região do Butantã, fragmento da metrópole de São Paulo, vem passando por um importante processo de verticalização desde a década de 1990. Além de representar uma transformação no padrão de urbanização que se verificou no período anterior, indicando a passagem da produção para a reprodução do espaço, a verticalização no Butantã se expressa como o avançar de uma nova fronteira urbana. Este trabalho procura demonstrar como hipótese que o avanço dessa fronteira impõe ao Butantã a tendência de se integrar morfologicamente às áreas mais centrais e adensadas da metrópole paulistana e, principalmente, de se integrar economicamente ao eixo de valorização que se desdobra da centralidade que ficou conhecida como Vetor Sudoeste. Na esfera econômica, o processo de verticalização no Butantã representa uma frente de acumulação capitalista que se favorece da reserva de valor formada no período anterior ao da verticalização. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo revelar, por meio de recomposição histórica, a constituição de uma situação geográfica permeada por um potencial de valorização e de discutir como a atuação do Estado e o processo de financeirização do setor imobiliário permitem hoje efetivar a valorização. / A fragment of São Paulos metropolis, the Butantãs zone is passing by an important verticalization process since the 1990s decade. The transformation from space production to space reproduction, indicated by a transformation in the urbanization pattern, the verticalization in Butantã is expressed as the new urban frontiers advancement. This researchs aim is to demonstrate that this frontiers advancement inflicts to Butantã a trend to integrate morphologically to the central and dense zones of the São Paulos metropolis, and mainly, to integrate economically to axis valuation that since centrality known as Vetor Sudoeste. In the economic sphere, verticalizations process in Butantã represents a front of capitalist accumulation favored by store value formed previously from verticalization. Therefore, this research aims to reveal, through historical recomposition, the constitution of a geographical situation permeated by a valuation potential and to discuss how the state acting and financializations process of real state allows today the valuation.

Étude des mutations sociospatiales, système financier et marché immobilier en Grèce : tendances de financiarisation du système du logement à Athènes au cours des années 2000. / Study of sociospatial mutations, financial system and real estate market in Greece : tendencies of financialization of the housing system in Athens in the 2000s

Patatouka, Eleni 05 May 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse concerne les mutations sociospatiales introduites par des tendances de financiarisation du système du logement grec au cours des deux dernières décennies. Comment les processus mondiaux de financiarisation se sont-ils accommodés à un contexte local pour développer leur version grecque ? Le but de notre travail est de mettre en lumière la transformation d’une économie autofinancée et basée sur les réseaux familiaux en marché hypothécaire. Notre hypothèse est que ces bouleversements du financement de la fabrique résidentielle, c’est-à-dire l’apparition de la finance comme un « nouvel acteur » sur les circuits de production du logement, vont de pair avec des dynamiques de précarisation du logement et des nouvelles géographies sociospatiales.Dans les années d’après-guerre, Athènes, ville méditerranéenne et périphérique de l’Europe du Sud, est caractérisée par une forte mobilité sociale, sur laquelle les circuits de production du logement ont fonctionné comme un «ascenseur social ». Depuis le début des années 1990, Athènes doit faire face à la fois à un nouveau contexte et à la persistance des structures préexistantes. C’est la première période d’un véritable développement du crédit au logement en Grèce qui fait notablement augmenté les prix des logements. L’analyse quantitative et qualitative, le cas d’étude ainsi que les entretiens semi-directifs mettent en valeur de nouveaux acteurs, représentations et pratiques, mais aussi de tendances de l’exclusion bancaire. Cette étude souligne l’importance de l’aspect géographique ainsi que le rôle signifiant de réseaux familiaux, de l’échelle du quartier et de la vie quotidienne dans l’analyse de la finance ainsi que l’interdépendance entre système financier et l’économie informelle. / The present thesis concerns the sociospatial mutations produced by the financialization trends of the Greek housing system in the past two decades. How are the global processes of financialization accommodated in a local context in order to generate a Greek version of financialization? Aim of the thesis is to shed light on the transformation of a self-financing economy, based on family networks to a mortgage market. The hypothesis is that these changes in the field of financing the residential urban fabric, or the emergence of finance as a "new actor" on housing production circuits, are associated with the precarization of housing and new sociospatial geographies.During the postwar decades, Athens, a Mediterranean city and, at the same time, a south European peripheral urban center, is characterized by strong social mobility, when housing production circuits functioned as a “social elevator”. Since the early 1990s, Athens is facing both new challenges and the persistence of pre-existing structures. It is the first time of a crucial expansion of housing credit in Greece, when housing prices have significantly increased. The quantitative and qualitative analysis, the case study and the semi-structured interviews highlight new actors, their actions, representations and practices as well as tendencies of financial exclusion. This study highlights the importance of the geography as well as the significant role of family networks, the scale of neighborhood and everyday life in analyzing finance and the interconnections of the financial system with the informal economy.

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