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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'évolution du droit pénal des mineurs délinquants en Haïti / .

Alphonse, Katiuscia 09 January 2017 (has links)
La construction du droit pénal des mineurs délinquants en Haïti a débuté avec le Code pénal de 1826, avant d’évoluer considérablement au XXe siècle. La loi du 16 juillet 1952 va marquer une première étape importante dans le traitement spécifique de la délinquance des mineurs. La loi du 7 septembre 1961 sur le mineur en face de la loi pénale et des tribunaux spéciaux pour enfants, s’inspirant de l’ordonnance française n° 45-174 du 2 février 1945 va ensuite mettre en place ce qui peut être décrit comme un véritable code fondamental de la minorité pénale, démontrant sans conteste la spécificité du droit pénal des mineurs. Cette affirmation d’une réponse pénale spécifique à la délinquance des mineurs, confirmée par l’avant projet du nouveau Code pénal de 2015, caractérise l’évolution du droit pénal des mineurs en Haïti. L’évolution du droit substantiel des mineurs délinquant se caractérise par la mise en place d’une réponse pénale spécifique. Sa spécificité s’affirme tant au niveau des conditions de sa mise en œuvre, à travers les règles de la responsabilité pénale des mineurs, que dans sa nature même, marquée par un objectif éducatif incontestable tout en conservant en parallèle un aspect répressif certain. Au niveau processuel, l’émergence d’une justice pénale des mineurs spécifique en Haïti se traduit par une adaptation des institutions, notamment par la création de juridictions spécifiques, et par l’élaboration de procédures adaptées / The construction of the criminal law of the juvenile offenders in Haiti began with the penal code of 1826, before evolving considerably in the 20th century. The law of July 16, 1952 will mark an important first step in the treatment of the juvenile delinquency. The Act of 7 September 1961 on minors facing criminal charges, inspired by the French ordinance No. 45-174 of 2 february 1945 will then establish what can be described as a real fundamental code of juvenile law, unquestionably demonstrating the specificity of the penal law of the minors. This affirmation of a specific criminal response to juvenile delinquency, confirmed by the preliminary draft of the new penal code of 2015, characterizes the evolution of juvenile justice in Haiti. The evolution of the substantive law of the juvenile delinquent is characterized by the implementation of a specific law response. Its specificity is asserted both in terms of its implementation, through the rules of the criminal responsibility of minors, and in its very nature, marked by a compelling educational goal while maintaining in parallel a certain repressive aspect. At the level of procedural, the emergence of a specific juvenile law in Haiti translates by an adaptation of institutions, especially through the establishment of specific jurisdictions, and the development of procedures that were adapted

Offentliga arkiv och barns rättigheter : Svenska arkivinstitutioners syn på barnkonventionen, tillgänglighet och delaktighet

Ahlerup, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The study examines the perception of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children's participation and the accessibility for children, within public archival institutions. The notion of participation is linked to the Convention’s Article 12: respect for the views of the child, whilst accessibility is associated with Article 31: the right to leisure, play and culture. Furthermore, the study explores the preconditions for children’s participation in accordance with Harry Shier's model Pathways to participation.  The method used are web-based surveys. A total of 318 Swedish public archival institutions were invited to participate in two online questionnaires which generated 187 and 153 responses respectively. The study shows that 78 percent of the respondents know that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is Swedish law and 90 percent are aware of the obligation to impose it. Nevertheless, only 43 percent believe that their own institution takes the Convention into account. The respondents report a lack of resources and competence as the main obstacles.  About 65 percent of the respondents state that their institution welcome children and young people as visitors. 85 percent believe that it is important that Swedish archive institutions and archives are accessible, but only 27 percent feel that their own institution is in fact accessible to children and young people. Many respondents cite a lack of resources as the main reason. The part of the survey that is based on Harry Shier's participation model shows that the preconditions for children's participation in the activities of the public archives are low. But it is also clear that the respondents' personal inclinations for children's participation exceeds the preconditions and requirements of the institution. The major obstacles to children's participation thus seem to exist at a structural level. / Uppsatsen syftar till att kartlägga inställningen till barnkonventionen, barns delaktighet och arkivens tillgänglighet för barn inom svenska offentliga arkivinstitutioner. Tillgänglighet och delaktighet kopplas till barnkonventionens artikel 12 – respekt för barns åsikter och artikel 31 – rätt till fritid, lek och kultur. Studien undersöker också förutsättningar för delaktighet utifrån Harry Shiers delaktighetsmodell Pathways to participation.  Svaren har inhämtats genom två webbaserade enkätundersökningar. Studien visar att 78 procent av respondenterna känner till att barnkonventionen är svensk lag och 90 procent att det ingår i deras uppdrag att följa den. Men bara 43 procent anser att den egna arbetsplatsen tar hänsyn till barnkonventionen och det största hindret uppges vara bristande resurser och kompetens. 65 procent uppger att de tar emot besök av barn och ungdomar. 85 procent anser att det är viktigt att svenska arkivinstitutioner och arkiv är tillgängliga för barn, men bara 27 procent upplever att det egna arkivet är tillgängligt för barn. Även här uppger många bristande resurser som främsta orsak.   Den del av undersökningen som är baserad på Harry Shiers delaktighetsmodell visar att förutsättningarna för barns delaktighet i de offentliga arkivens verksamhet är låg. Men det är också tydligt att respondenternas personliga vilja och intresse överstiger arbetsplatsens organisatoriska förutsättningar och krav för barns delaktighet. De främsta hindren för barns delaktighet verkar således finnas på en strukturell nivå.

Educational opportunities for the girl child in Africa : a necessary revisit of the discrimination factor with reference to Egypt, South Africa and Cameroon

Chofor Che, Christian-Aime January 2003 (has links)
"This paper is therefore inspired to look at education with respect to girl children in Africa. This paper, by drawing inspriation from other settings, is also motivated by the need to find solutions on how best the rights of the girl child can be protected in conjuction with the educational policy of African countries. ... The study is divided into six chapters. Chapter one provides the context in which the study is set, the objectives of the study and its importance. Chapter two examines the importance of the right to education and in education and takes note of the issue of discrimination with respect to girl child education in Africa. In chapter three various international treaties that concern provisions on education and the discrimination factor as to gender are identified. Also in the international milieu, the role of international bodies in the effective and efficient insurance of girl child education is included. Chapter four examines on a regional level, the extent to which the African Commission has effectively monitored the provision of the African Chater. The African Children's Charter and the Draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women (the Draft Women's Protocol) in Africa are also discussed in relation to provisions in the African Charter and work done on girl child education by the African Commission. In this chapter, a comparative study is also done of instruments and the implementation mechanisms offered by the Inter-American and European systems to the African human rights system in terms of the girl child education. This is so because in terms of experience, jurisprudence and institutions, these systems are considered to be more advanced than the African human rights sytem. Finally chapter five discusses girl child education on a national level in Africa. This chapter focuses on the experiences of South Africa, Egypt and Cameroon. Educational policy and other national legislative instruments such as the constitutions of these countries are included. In the conclusion, the paper puts forward recommendations to assist new and old African democracies in advancing an administrative and political approach to the issue of discrimination with respect to girl child education." -- Chapter 1. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Enid Hill at the Department of Political Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The American University in Cairo, Egypt / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Das Modell des partizipativen Kinderkrankenhauses - Systematische Analyse der Methoden der Partizipation in der stationären Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen / The Model of an Participatory Children's Hospital - Systematic Analysis of Methods of Participation in the Inpatient Care of Children and Adolescents

Mengel, Ronja 22 February 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Tager du detta barn till din äkta maka? : En rättsvetenskaplig studie om barnäktenskap och skyddet i den svenska lagstiftningen

Lennhammer, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Varje dag gifts 33 000 barn bort globalt, sammanlagt beräknas 650 miljoner av världens kvinnor ha gifts bort innan de uppnått myndighetsålder. År 1981 undertecknade Sverige konventionen om avskaffandet av all slags diskriminering av kvinnor (CEDAW) och konventionen började gälla samma år. CEDAW fastställer rätten att själv få välja med vem man vill ingå äktenskap samt att parterna ska vara minst 18 år vid tiden för giftermålet. Den 1 januari år 2020 inkorporerades barnkonventionen i svensk lag som ett steg i att stärka barns rättigheter. Barnkonventionen fastslår att konventionsstaterna är skyldiga att avskaffa skadliga sedvänjor, dit barnäktenskap hör. Som ett steg i att utöka skyddet för barn som riskerar bli bortgifta i utlandet infördes den 1 juli år 2020 ett utreseförbud i 31 a-i §§ (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Uppsatsen utreder vilken skyddsnivå Sverige, utifrån sina människorättsliga åtaganden, ska ge barn som riskerar att bli bortgifta i utlandet samt hur skyddsmekanismerna är utformade. Vidare utreds processen för att tillämpa utreseförbudet och vilka utmaningar som följer. För att skapa förståelse för det eventuella förtryck ett barn kan uppleva i samband med tillämpningen av utreseförbudet tillämpas Iris Marion Youngs teori om förtryckets fem ansikten i analysen.  Sverige ska enligt barnkonventionen och CEDAW till sin yttersta förmåga skydda barn från skadliga sedvänjor såsom barnäktenskap. För att vidareutveckla skyddet har bland annat ett utreseförbud införts i LVU. Resultatet visar att Sverige förvisso arbetar aktivt för att minska antalet barnäktenskap men att undantag gjorts för vilka resor som omfattas av förbudet. Frivilliga utlandsresor, där båda parter är minderåriga, omfattas inte vilket riskerar reducera barnens rättsliga skydd. Analys av förvaltningsrättens domar i mål rörande utreseförbud påvisar att barn som riskerar bli bortgifta i utlandet kan uppleva flera olika typer av förtryck, både från sin hemmiljö och staten. När staten fattar beslut som inskränker ett barns fri- och rättigheter för att skydda denne från att utsättas för skadliga sedvänjor är det av vikt att utreda hur det påverkar barnet. / Every day, 33,000 children are married off globally. In addition, a total of 650 million of the world's women are estimated to have been married off before reaching the age of majority. In 1981, Sweden signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the convention came into force the same year. CEDAW establishes the right to choose with whom you want to marry and that the parties must be 18 years or older at the time of the marriage. In 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law as a step in strengthening children's rights. It states that States Parties are obliged to abolish harmful practices to which child marriage belongs. As a step in increasing the protection for children who are at risk of being married off abroad, a travel ban was also introduced in 2020 in 31 a-i §§ The Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and CEDAW, Sweden must do its utmost to protect children from harmful practices such as child marriage. This thesis investigates what level of protection Sweden should provide children who are at risk of being married off abroad and how the protection mechanisms are designed. Furthermore, the process for applying the travel ban and the challenges that follow are investigated. To create an understanding of the possible oppression a child may experience in connection with the application of the travel ban, Iris Marion Young's theory of the five faces of oppression is applied in the thesis' analysis.  The results show that Sweden certainly works actively to reduce the number of child marriages, but that exceptions have been made for which trips are covered by the ban. Voluntary trips abroad, where both parties are minors, are not covered, which risks reducing the children's legal protection. Analysis of the Administrative Court's rulings in cases concerning travel bans shows that children who are at risk of being married off abroad can experience several different types of oppression, both from their home environment and the state. When the state makes decisions that restrict a child's freedoms and rights to protect him or her from being exposed to harmful practices, it's important to investigate how it affects the child.

Baby boxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR / Ethical dilemmas of babyboxes for abandoned children in the Czech republic

Chvílová Weberová, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra Teologické etiky a spirituální teologie Magdalena Chvílová Weberová Baby boxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: MUDr. ThLic. Jaromír Matějek, PhD., Th.D. Konzultant: MUDr. František Schneiberg Praha 2014 Prohlášení 1. Prohlašuji, že jsem předkládanou práci zpracovala samostatně a použila jen uvedené prameny a literaturu. 2. Prohlašuji, že práce nebyla využita k získání jiného titulu. 3. Souhlasím s tím, aby práce byla zpřístupněna pro studijní a výzkumné účely. V Havlíčkově Brodě, dne 3. 12. 2013 Magdalena Chvílová Weberová Bibliografická citace Babyboxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR [rukopis]: Diplomová práce /Magdalena Chvílová Weberová vedoucí práce: MUDr. ThLic. Jaromír Matějek, Ph.D., Th.D. Praha, 2014 --184 s. -- Abstract Baby box is a box for anonymous postponement of unwanted newborns. The existence of baby boxes is being justified by it is declared purpose - saving human lives. Newborn's life is highest good and even just delivered newborn is a bearer of human rights. The work discusses the claim of saving the life of the newborn within the context of the best interests of the child and within the context of the incidence of...

Utmaningar & möjligheter med barnkonsekvensanalys : Implementering av barnkonsekvensanalys i trafikplanering / Challenges & possibilities with child impact assessment : Implementation of child impact assessment in transport planning

Sörell, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Inkluderandet av barn i planeringsprocesser är en aktiv diskussion i samhället då barn som grupp ofta blir åsidosatta i sitt deltagande. Barn utgör ungefär 25 procent av befolkningen men de utgör 100 procent av vår framtid, vilket innebär att de bör ges möjlighet att påverka det samhälle de växer upp i. År 2020 blev barnkonventionen en svensk lag som främjar barns rättigheter och skyddar barnets bästa. För att uppnå barnets bästa och inkludera barn i planeringsprocesser finns metoden barnkonsekvensanalys. Denna metod analyserar planeringsprojekts konsekvenser, bedömer hur barn påverkas av planeringssituationer samt presenterar lösningar för att uppnå den mest gynnsamma miljön för barn. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka möjligheter och utmaningar med barnkonsekvensanalys i planeringsprocesser genom att implementera metoden i Trafikverkets planering för en ny vägplan (väg 684). Undersökningen genomförs baserat på metoderna barnkonsekvensanalys och aktionsforskning för att både möjliggöra en implementering och en reflektion av processen. Tillvägagångssättet för metoderna består av workshops, gåtur och intervju varpå dess resultat analyseras och reflekteras över. Resultatet diskuteras utifrån teorier om barns rättigheter, både i den fysiska miljön samt i planeringsprocesser. Uppsatsens slutsats är att det finns ett flertal utvecklingsmöjligheter för barnkonsekvensanalys som bör beaktas för att metoden ska uppnå sin fulla potential. Detta inkluderar exempelvis att öka förståelsen för barnens perspektiv och ge barnkonsekvensanalys ökat utrymme inom planeringsprocesser. Implementeringen av barnkonsekvensanalysen i Trafikverkets planering ger slutsatsen att förslagen för vägplanen gynnar barnets bästa. Det finns dock utmaningar med metoden som måste hanteras för att barnens delaktighet ska förbättras, exempelvis gällande utformningen av kunskapsinhämtning. / The inclusion of children in planning processes is an active discussion in society as children as a group often become disregarded in their participation. Children constitute about 25 percent of the population, but they constitute 100 percent of our future, which means that they should be given the opportunity to influence the society in which they grow up. In the year 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child became a Swedish law that promotes children’s rights and protects what is best for the children. To fulfill the children’s best interests and include children in planning processes, there is a method called child impact assessment. This method analyzes the consequences of planning projects, assesses how children are affected by planning situations, and presents solutions to achieve the most advantageous environment for children. This thesis aims to investigate opportunities and challenges with child impact assessment in planning processes by implementing the method in the Swedish Transport Administration’s planning for a new transportation plan (road 684). The thesis is conducted based on the methods of child impact assessment and action research to enable both an implementation and a reflection of the process. The implementation of the methods consists of workshops, child-led tour, and interview, after which the results are analyzed and reflected on. The results are discussed based on theories about children’s rights, both in the physical environment and in planning processes. The thesis’ conclusion is that there are several development opportunities for child impact assessment that should be considered for the method to reach its full potential. This includes, for example, improved understanding of children’s perspectives and giving child impact assessment more space in planning processes. The implementation of the child impact assessment in the Swedish Transport Administration’s planning gives the conclusion that the proposals for the transportation plan benefit children’s best interests. However, there are challenges with the method that must be addressed in order for the children’s participation to be improved, for example regarding the design of knowledge acquisition.

Le droit du plus faible comme principe d'interprétation judiciaire en droit civil de la personne / The right of the weakest as principle of judicial interpretation in civil law of the person.

Kadem, Sabine 09 July 2014 (has links)
La faiblesse est partout et touche tout le monde. Lorsqu’elle se trouve dévoilée serévèle la vulnérabilité. Et c’est dans ce moment là que la faiblesse doit être qualifiéejuridiquement. Or comme toute qualification, elle doit obéir à des règles. Ces règles s’imposentà la présente étude comme premier fondement analytique. C’est en effet en partant du droitprivé, celui de la personne, que de premières règles garantissant les droits de « l’Homme »peuvent être identifiées. Celles-ci ont pour objet ce qui fait l’être humain, dans sa faiblesse.Elles en donnent une forme de définition, juridique, mais sans toute la profondeur d’uneapproche autrement que systémique, voire parfois systématique, au sens d’une régulationadministrativiste des droits. C’est aux entrecroisements théoriques, qui fondent la règle dedroit, que l’on peut saisir des hypothèses faisant être la règle de droit. Toutefois, c’est dans lapensée sous-jacente, que seul un langage de philosophie du droit saura révéler, le lieu où lafaiblesse trouvera sa correspondance la plus exigeante. Là elle rejoint les langagesontologique et métaphysique, qui font qu’elle « existe » au-delà de toute qualification juridique.D’une approche de philosophie du droit on retiendra donc que le droit du plus faible obéit àplusieurs règles communes, relevant d’une forme d’universalité, et que celles-ci peuventtrouver une véritable traduction en droit positif. C’est une forme de typologie de la faiblesseque l’on retrouve le plus souvent en pratique dans le discours du juge. C’est en invoquant lasentence du juge, dans sa souveraine interprétation judiciaire, que la faiblesse prend sadernière forme, celle que la personne se doit d’accepter pour faire valoir un droit. / The weakness is everywhere and affects everybody. When she is revealed, showsitself the vulnerability. A this moment she must be legally qualified. Yet, as any qualification,her has to obey rules. So these impose upon the present study as first analytica l foundation.Indeed while leaving of the private law, that of the person, of first rules guaranteeing the rightsof " the Man " can be identified. These have for object what makes the human being, in hisweakness, in a way gives a shape of definition, legal, but without all the depth of an approachthan what systematism, even sometimes systematic, in the sense of a regulation“administrativiste” rights. It is in the theoretical intertwinings, that base the legal rule, whichwe can seize with hypotheses making the legal rule be. However, it is in the underlyingthought, that only a language of philosophy of the right/law will know how to reveal, that theweakness will find its most demanding correspondence. There she joins the ontological andmetaphysical languages, which make that she "exists". Of an approach of philosophy of theright/law we shall thus retain that the right of the weakest obeys several common rules, andbeing of a shape of universality, and that these can find a real translation in substant ive law. Itis a shape of typology of the weakness that we find most of the time in practice in the speechof the judge. While calling upon the judgment of the judge, in his ruler judicial interpretation,the weakness take its last shape, the one that the person owes accept to assert to right a“right”.

Les droits de l'enfant a l'épreuve des droits parentaux : l'exemple du rattachement familial de l'enfant / The rights of the child against parental entitlements : the example of children affiliation to the family

Gris, Christophe 19 December 2013 (has links)
Les mutations profondes qui ont eu lieu dans notre manière de vivre : aspiration à l'égalité ; féminisme ; généralisation des familles recomposées ; acceptation sociale de l'homosexualité ; société de consommation ; dématérialisation et réappropriation de l'identité de l'individu sur les réseaux numériques... ont accompagné un changement radical de la manière de penser le rattachement familial de l'enfant. La mention du nom des parents dans l'acte de naissance ou la reconnaissance de l'enfant sont autant de supports dont le potentiel reste à explorer. Pour sa part, l'adoption est désormais fondée sur un lien plus abstrait de volonté qui exige de ne peut-être plus s'intéresser aux circonstances qui l'ont entourée. Enfin, en parallèle de la filiation génétique et de la filiation volontaire se dessine une nouvelle catégorie de filiation : le lien de filiation polygonéique, fondé sur le fait et mu par l'affection que l'on porte à l'enfant auquel il conviendra de donner un contenu juridique dans l'intérêt de l'enfant. Au delà de toutes ces formes d'appropriation générationnelle se pose dès lors la question de savoir où se trouvent les nouveaux droits de l'enfant. L'enfant a-t-il le droit à des parents en particulier ? Quels seront les critères d'égalité entre les enfants à l'avenir ? Quels bénéfices pourra-t-il tirer de ces évolutions ? Quelle doit-être la place de sa parole ? Plus que jamais il devient nécessaire de repenser un cadre juridique prévisible et stable pour le rattachement familial de l'enfant qui tienne compte du nouvel ordre public de la famille : les droits de l'enfant. / The profound changes in our way of life, (desire for equality, feminism, generalization of reconstituted families, social acceptance of homosexuality, consumer society, individuals’ identity becoming immaterial on digital networks), have gone along with a radical change in the way of thinking of how children are affiliated to a family. The mention of both parents’ names on a birth certificate, or the recognition of a child are two promising medium, yet to be examined. Concerning adoption, it is founded upon a more abstract link based on volition, meaning that it may no longer require to take into account the circumstances surrounding the adoption. Finally, parallel to genetic filiation and voluntary filiation, a new category of filiation is taking shape: polygoneic filiation (multi-parental filiation), which is based on facts and pushed by the affection felt for the child, and which will require a legal content in the best interests of the child. Beyond all these forms of belonging to a family, we can then wonder what will become new rights for children. Will a child have the right to have specific parents? What will be the criteria for equality between children in the future? What benefits will the child attain after these evolutions? What importance should be given to his/her views? More than ever, it will be crucial to re-examine an equable and predictable legal framework for family bonds which would take into consideration the new public order of the family: the rights of the child.

L’enfant et la liberté religieuse à la lumière du droit international, européen et français / Child and Religious Freedom in the Light of International, European and French Law

Meddour, Sabrina 15 December 2011 (has links)
Le droit à la liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion expressément reconnu à l’enfant par l’article 14 de la Convention internationale de New York adoptée en 1989 soulève de nombreuses questions. En raison de l’état de dépendance de l’enfant et de sa vulnérabilité, l’exercice de cette liberté apparaît particulièrement fragilisée. Les droits de l’enfant sont en effet menacés de toute part, tant par l’autorité publique, que par sa famille, ou par des tiers, voire par l’enfant lui-même. Les parents tout en étant les premiers protecteurs et les premiers « guides spirituels » de l’enfant pourront parallèlement représenter les premiers obstacles à l’exercice de sa liberté religieuse pleine et entière suscitant un conflit entre droits parentaux et droits de l’enfant. L’État s’érige d’ailleurs en protecteur lorsque ses parents lui font courir un risque au nom même de leurs convictions religieuses. Le juge pourra aussi connaître de conflits familiaux provoqués par un désaccord religieux. Garant de l’ordre public, l’État sera parfois amené à limiter la liberté religieuse de l’enfant et de ses parents en mettant en avant la primauté d’un intérêt social tel la sauvegarde du principe de laïcité. Il apparaît donc nécessaire de considérer la question de la liberté religieuse de l’enfant à la fois dans la sphère familiale et plus largement dans la société en nous interrogeant notamment quant à l’effectivité réelle du droit de liberté religieuse de l’enfant. Comme pour tout sujet touchant aux droits de l’enfant, la recherche de l’équilibre entre liberté et protection s’inscrit sur un chemin difficile dont témoigne l’étude du droit de l’enfant à la liberté religieuse. / The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion expressly granted to the child under article 14 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted in 1989 raises many questions. Regarding his particular dependence and vulnerability, the exercise of this liberty by the child appears particularly weaken. Children’s rights are indeed threatened from all quarters, so much by public authority as by their family or by third parties, if not by the child himself. Parents, while being his first protectors and first “spiritual guides”, can also represent the first obstacle to the full exercise of the child’s freedom of religion, therefore raising a conflict between parental and children’s rights. It is to be noticed that the State establishes itselfs as the protector of the child whenever parents endanger him even in the name of religious beliefs. The judge might also intervene within family conflicts resulting from religious disagreements. Ensuring public order as well, the State will in some cases subject child’s and parents’ freedom of religion to limitations deemed necessary in regard to the primacy of a particular social interest such as the protection of secularism. It seems therefore essential to consider the question of the child’s religious freedom within the family sphere as well as, to a larger extent, within society, while questioning the effectivity of the right of the child to religious freedom. As for any subject relating to children’s rights, the search for balance between freedom and protection is engaged on a difficult path as evidenced by this study on the right of the child to religious freedom.

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