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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

University students' attitudes and behavior regarding farmers' markets: an Ohio study

Vaillancourt, Joseph Robert 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Change Management and Digital Transformation : Analyzing Important Factors and Strategies for Successful Implementation of Digital Projects / Change Management och Digitala Transformationer : Analyser av Viktiga Faktorer och Strategier för Framgångsrika Implementeringar av Digitala Projekt

Nemet Ahmed, Sarah January 2022 (has links)
Change and adaptation to change has always been a part of human life. Some are more used to changes in their daily life and some are more resistant towards it. In big organizations all types of people are working together to create a better future. In manufacturing companies, change and implementation of digital transformation are more frequently occurring and in faster paces. This thesis aids to study how Change Management can be adapted in a manufacturing company regarding digital transformation by minimizing the resistance. This thesis is an inductive qualitative case study where both theoretical framework and data collections are provided. The theories brought up in this thesis are Change Management, psychological, social and organizational aspects of Change Management and how to adapt Change Management and Operator 4.0. To be able to compare theory with practice, a total of 10 interviews were held with 7 team leaders and 3 production leaders and 4 observations were held. The collected data and theory were analyzed and compared to each other and later on, gaps between theory and practice were identified. The results show that there is a lack of communication within the organization and a deficient communication chain. The results show that there is involvement of employees but mainly from the same type of department. There is an uneven distribution of implementation within the production where one part of the production is almost fully digitalized while the other has nothing digital at all. Depending on the shifts, there is a lack of support from the production engineers and top management. As a conclusion, adapting change management seems to be easy when reading about its theory but is in fact difficult when adapting it in practice, especially when the organization is big. To deal with the problem, the developers and managers should include employees from the very beginning of the formulation process and divide project teams in smaller groups in order to provide support to all departments and shifts. The developers and managers should also use Lewin´s three-step model for minor changes and consider using Kotter´s strategic eight-step model for changes made at a bigger scale. / Förändring och anpassning till förändring har alltid varit en del av människans liv. Vissa är mer vana vid förändringar i sitt dagliga liv och andra är mer motståndskraftiga mot det. I stora organisationer arbetar alla typer av människor tillsammans för att skapa en bättre framtid. I tillverkande företag sker förändring och implementering av digital transformation oftare och i snabbare takt. Detta examensarbete hjälper till att studera hur Change Management kan anpassas i ett tillverkande företag avseende digital transformation genom att minimera motståndet. Detta examensarbete är en induktiv kvalitativ fallstudie där både teoretiska ramar och datainsamlingar tillhandahålls. Teorierna som tas upp i detta examensarbete är Change Management, psykologiska, sociala och organisations aspekterna av Change Management samt hur man anpassar Change Management och Operator 4.0. För att kunna jämföra teori med praktik hölls totalt 10 intervjuer med 7 teamledare och 3 produktionsledare och 4 observationer genomfördes. Insamlade data och teori analyserades och jämfördes med varandra och senare identifierades luckor mellan teori och praktik. Resultaten visar att det råder brist på kommunikation inom organisationen och en bristfällig kommunikationskedja. Resultaten visar att det finns engagemang av medarbetare men främst från samma typ av avdelning. Det är en ojämn fördelning av genomförandet inom produktionen där en del av produktionen är nästan helt digitaliserad medan den andra inte har något digitalt alls. Beroende på skiften saknas stöd från produktionsingenjörerna och högsta ledningen. Sammanfattningsvis verkar det vara lätt att anpassa förändringsledning när man läser om dess teori men är faktiskt svårt när man anpassar den i praktiken, speciellt när organisationen är stor. För att komma till rätta med problemet bör utvecklarna och cheferna inkludera anställda redan från början av formuleringsprocessen och dela in projektteam i mindre grupper för att ge stöd till alla avdelningar och skift. Utvecklarna och cheferna bör också använda Lewins trestegsmodell för mindre förändringar och överväga att använda Kotters strategiska åttastegsmodell för förändringar som görs i större skala.

Purchase Intentions of Electric Vehicles : A Survey of Students at Jönköping University

Akman, Hanife January 2024 (has links)
The transport sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for around 25% of total emissions, highlighting its significant role in climate change and environmental issues the world is facing. The Swedish government adopted a climate policy framework to achieve net zero emissions by 2045, aiming to reduce domestic transport emissions by 70% by 2030. This thesis focuses on electric vehicles, which are a sustainable alternative to traditional vehicles, addressing environmental issues by having zero emissions while driving. Electric vehicles can help achieve sustainable transportation and Swedish government climate policy by reducing noise and air pollution and potentially reducing environmental issues the world is facing. However, the share of electric vehicles in the total number of vehicles sold is still small in Sweden.  The aim of the thesis is to examine and explore the factors that affect the electric vehicle purchase intentions of students living in Jönköping municipality and studying at Jönköping University. This thesis used the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior to explore the factors that affect the electric vehicle purchase intentions of students living in Jönköping municipality and studying at Jönköping University. The methods of the thesis are the quantitative survey method and the statistical analysis method.  According to the results of the thesis, five factors — attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, environmental concern, and price — have an important relationship with the electric vehicle purchase intentions.The findings showed that environmental concern has the most positive and most important relationship with the electric vehicle purchase intention, perceived behavior control has the second-most positive and most important relationship with the electric vehicle purchase intention, compared to other factors when purchasing electric vehicles, and SN is the factor that least affects.

Marketing Communication through AI : How AI in Marketing Communication Affects Customer Purchasing Intention

Gustafsson, Erik, Hammarström, Lucas January 2024 (has links)
Companies are increasingly integrating artificial intelligence into their daily operation alongside as it seems, the development of artificial intelligence. The usage of artificial intelligence in marketing communication is allowing companies to streamline their operation and utilize objective data, but to evaluate these potentials they need information regarding consumer's attitude is towards their usage of AI. The purpose of this study is to uncover how consumer acceptance towards AI-generated marketing communication affects their purchasing intention. The theory of planned behavior is used alongside purchase intention and acceptance of AI to lay the foundation for our hypotheses. To gather primary data, a quantitative research approach in the form of an online survey was utilized. The survey’s content was designed using AI to gauge customer purchase intention. The survey was distributed using social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook, with the sample population being selected using non-statistical sampling methods. Answers from a total of 42 participants were collected, 30 deemed appropriate to analyze using SPSS. Our findings show that consumers' acceptance of AI does not significantly impact their purchase intention. This observation contradicts previous research within the field, indicating the importance of further research relating to the subject.

Svenska ekonomistudenters intentioner för en karriär som auktoriserad revisor : En kvantitativ studie inom teorin om planerat beteende

Lindström, Nils Anton Sergey, Nilsson, Vilma January 2024 (has links)
En brist på auktoriserade revisorer är ett problem som har uppmärksammats i Sverige och på global nivå under en längre tid. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara vad som påverkar svenska ekonomistudenters intentioner att inrikta sig mot att bli auktoriserad revisor, genom att nyttja Ajzens teori om planerat beteende. Tidigare forskning har indikerat att studenters intentioner för en karriär som auktoriserad revisor fungerar väl i syfte att förutse vilka som faktiskt kommer att fullfölja ett visst beteende. Sådan forskning saknas dock inom den svenska kontexten, vilket medför svårigheter att skapa en grund för praktiska lösningar. För att testa faktorer som är relevanta till studenters intentionsbildande nyttjas binär logistisk regression, med ett dataunderlag som utgörs av enkäter skickade till ekonomistudenter på nio lärosäten i Sverige. I studien framkommer det att ett intresse för redovisning och revision är den starkaste drivkraften i intentionsbildandet. En uppfattning om att yrket medför god inkomstpotential bidrar också till en ökad benägenhet att inrikta sig mot att bli auktoriserad revisor. En uppfattning om att yrkesvalet medför hög social status har mot förväntan en starkt reducerande effekt på benägenheten att ha en intention. Resultaten visar att studenters intentioner huvudsakligen påverkas av deras utfallsförväntningar. För praktiska lösningar indikerar resultaten att det är mest lämpligt att fokusera på att skapa intresse för redovisning och revision, samt att skapa en tillfredställande bild av yrkets inkomstpotential. Det är inte att rekommendera att inrikta sig mot att marknadsföra yrkets sociala belöningar, då detta skulle vara kontraproduktivt. / A shortage of practicing certified public accountants (CPA) is a problem that has been observed in Sweden, and on a global scale, for a relatively long time. The purpose of this study is therefore to explain what influences intentions to pursue a CPA certification among Swedish students of economics, by utilizing Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. Previous research has indicated that students’ intentions to pursue a CPA certification serve as a functional predictor for actual future behavior. This direction of research is still largely unexplored in the Swedish context, making it hard to form a basis for practical solutions. Relevant factors are tested using a binary logistic regression analysis, applied to survey data from students of economics at nine Swedish universities. The study shows that genuine interest for accounting and auditing constitutes the strongest motivator for students’ intentions. Perceptions of the career as financially rewarding also increase the likelihood of having an intention, to a lesser extent. Against expectations, the study also finds that perceptions of high social status for CPAs has a strong diminishing effect on the likelihoodof having an intention. The study therefore finds that students’ intentions can largely be explained as a result of their outcome expectations. The implication for practical solutions is that fostering interest for accounting and auditing is of high importance. Projecting an image of the career as financially rewarding is also important, albeit to a lesser extent. Trying to make the career seem rewarding through increased social status is not recommended, given its apparent counterproductive effect.

Key Factors Considered When Purchasing a VR Hobby Skill Training Simulator : A Consumer Perspective / Nyckelfaktorer som tas hänsyn till vid köp av en VR Hobby Skill Training Simulator : Ett konsumentperspektiv

Lindmark, Ada, Nilsson Kinberg, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, VR and VR devices have become more popular due to advances intechnology and lower costs, making the technology more accessible to the general public. One application within VR that is expected to grow is VR hobby skill training simulators (VR HSTS), which are now accessible not only for education and companies but also to consumers. In contrast to games which are mainly played for entertainment purposes, and unlike simulators used in educational or professional settings not purchased by the practitioners themselves, VR HSTS add complexity. This is characterized by a systematic pursuit of activities meaningful for the practitioner and a social world that is formed by involved participants sharing a common interest in a specific hobby. This raises questions about the customers of VR HSTS and their purchasing behavior, where the literature has not yet covered this new and fast-developing area. As companies strive to meet customer needs and create desirable value propositions, it is crucial to understand the customers and their behavior. Through semi-structured interviews with customers of a VR HSTS, this study investigates their consumer behavior with the purpose of understanding what drives consumers to purchase a VR HSTS. By analyzing the results using thematic analysis and a theoretical framework adapted from the theory of planned behavior, the factors seen as important in the decision-making process are identified. This study concludes that the key factors considered when purchasing a VR HSTS are perceived quality of VR, perceived quality of the specific VR HSTS, what other people, who practice the same hobby but who the customers do not know, think about the VR HSTS, what people who they do know think about the product or purchase, money, ease of purchase and use. This study finds the research area of consumer behavior within VR HSTS to be of great importance in order to understand customers in a fast-developing field, where our study contributes with new insights and factors important for the customers whenmaking a VR HSTS purchase. / VR och VR-enheter har under de senaste åren ökat i popularitet till följd av utvecklingen av teknologin och lägre kostnader vilket gjort tekniken mer tillgänglig till allmänheten. Ett användningsområde inom VR som väntas växa är VR hobby skill training simulators (VR HSTS) som nu inte bara är tillgängliga för utbildning och företag, utan också konsumenter. Till skillnad från spel som främst spelas i underhållningssyfte och simulatorer som används i utbildning och professionella kontexter där användaren själv inte köpt produkten, ökar komplexiteten med VR HSTS. Här karaktäriseras användandet med en systematisk sysselsättning av aktiviteter som skapar en större mening för utövaren likväl som en social värld som formas av involverade människor som delar ett intresse i en specifik hobby. Detta väcker frågor om kunderna till VR HSTS och deras köpbeteende där litteraturen inte än har täckt detta nya och snabbt utvecklande område. Eftersom företag strävar efter att möta kundernas behov och skapa åtråvärdavärde erbjudanden är det avgörande att förstå kunderna och deras beteende. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med kunder som köpt en VR HSTS undersöker denna studie deras beteende med syftet att förstå vad som driver dem till att köpa en VR HSTS. Genom att analysera resultaten med hjälp av tematisk analys och ett anpassat teoretiskt ramverk baserat på theory of planned behavior kartläggs faktorerna som ses som viktigast i beslutsprocessen. Denna studie sammanfattar att nyckelfaktorerna som tas hänsyn tillvid köpet av en VR HSTS är uppfattad kvalitet på VR och den specifika VR HSTS, vad andra människor, som utövar samma hobby men som kunderna inte känner, tycker om VR HSTS, vad personer som de känner tycker om produkten eller köpet, pengar och enkelt köp och användning. Denna studie anser att forskningsområdet om konsumentbeteende inom VR HSTS är viktigt för att förstå kunder inom ett snabbtutvecklande område, där vår studie bidrar med nya insikter och faktorer som är viktiga för kunderna när de gör ett köp av VR HSTS.

影響國民中小學退休教師參與學校志工行為意向因素之研究 / Examining factors influencing the behavioral intention of elementary and junior high school retired teacher participating school voluntary service

林語如, Lin, Yu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
國民中小學教師的平均退休年齡逐年下降,在這群退休教師當中,有不少身體健康且熱心公益的人,鼓勵他們回到其最熟悉的校園擔任志工,不僅可協助退休教師適應退休生活,更能發揮其所長,改善學校人力不足的現象。本研究係以Ajzen (1985)的計畫行為理論(The Theory of Planned Behavior)為架構基礎,以增進和維持退休教師參與學校志工的意願為主題,整合高齡志工參與動機和相關研究,建構一個對於退休教師參與學校志工行為意向具有預測及解釋力的「學校志工參與行為意向模式」;同時並透過與幾所國中小行政人員和退休教師的深度訪談,從多元角度瞭解影響退休教師參與學校志工的原因,藉以改善這些影響因素,提高退休教師回來學校服務的意願。 經結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Model, SEM)分析方法驗證本研究所建構的「學校志工參與行為意向模式」,和深度訪談分析的結果,本研究發現「行為控制知覺」對於退休教師擔任學校志工「行為意向」的影響最重要,「主觀規範」影響較小,「態度」則無顯著影響,並且在「行為控制知覺」中又僅有「自我能力」具有顯著的影響,表示政府在招募退休教師回來服務時,以促使退休教師覺得具有擔任學校志工的自我能力最為重要,主管機關可以透過宣導擔任學校志工毋須太多的時間與體力、並依據他們的專長、興趣等需求分配工作,提高退休教師回來服務的意願。同時透過深度訪談結果發現,「與原服務學校或過去同事的情感連結」以及「具有被學校需要的感覺」兩項心理層面因素,亦會對於退休教師參與學校志工的意願產生影響。 本研究建議學校單位可透過設立退休聯誼會辦公室、邀請退休教師回來參與學校活動等方式,維繫退休教師與學校之間的情感;並經由多方管道傳達學校需要退休教師協助的訊息、肯定與感謝退休教師的貢獻,使退休教師產生被需要感,提昇回來學校服務的意願。對於政府推行的「退休菁英風華再現」計畫,在計畫內容方面則建議應讓可受到計畫獎勵的志工服務項目範圍擴大,並且降低對於退休教師的津貼補助,將其用於替退休教師購買意外保險、辦理志工學習成長課程等志工福利,鼓勵更多教師願意回來學校服務;同時並透過適當誘因設計如敘功嘉獎,鼓勵承辦此項業務的行政人員積極邀請退休教師回來學校服務。 / In recent years, the average retirement age of teachers in elementary and junior high school has declined. Many retired teachers are still healthy and warmhearted. If we could encourage retired teachers to serve as school volunteers, not only their lives could be more fulfilled, but also the schools could benefit from their professional specialty and then improve the situation of insufficient human resources. This thesis examines the antecedents of the voluntary behavior of retired teachers in the context of an integrated behavioral model that incorporates a wide variety of important factors from previous researches on volunteer behavior into a single theoretical framework provided by the Theory of Planned Behavior. The model was tested using data from a sample of 219 individual respondents by Structural Equation Model. Moreover, four voluntary teachers and six school administrators were interviewed to thoroughly explore factors affecting the success of the “Voluntary Teaching Program” in Taipei County. Overall, the model results indicate that the strongest effects in voluntary behavior of retired teachers are due to behavioral intention, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. The key determinant of perceived behavioral control is self-efficacy, suggesting the more capable a person believes he or she is, the more control the person feels about being a school volunteer. Thus, policymakers should constantly devote efforts at broadcasting the information that serving as school volunteers only need a little time and effort. School administrators simultaneously should allocate voluntary tasks by volunteers’ specialty, interest, and other demands. Moreover, the interviews results suggest that both “the emotions connecting with school and past colleague” and “the sense of being demanded” influence the willingness of retired teachers to serve as school volunteers. Based on the research results, we provide policymakers with specific suggestions on ways to encourage this kind of voluntary behavior. For example, with the design of the Associations of Retired Teachers and regular re-union activities, retired teachers will be emotionally attached to schools. In addition, spread news for asking for retired teachers’ inputs and thank them for their devotion, it will make retired teachers feel needed. About the “Voluntary Teaching Program” policymakers should encourage and reward spiritedly for more voluntary teachers, but reduce the grants, and then utilize this grant budget to give some appropriate welfare resources for voluntary teachers such as labor insurance and some courses for spiritual development. Besides, policymakers should provide a few reward incentives for school administrators to encourage them to invite retired teachers to serve as school volunteers.

Factors influencing consumer purchasing behavior of natural cosmetics : A qualitative study in Uppsala, Sweden

Zhang, Jiali, Zhou, Meijuan January 2019 (has links)
Although consumers’ need for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle drives natural cosmetics consumption, various claims of natural cosmetics make consumers confused and distrustful. This study aimed to explore factors that affect consumers' purchasing behavior of natural cosmetics under the theoretical framework of planned behavior (TPB). The study adopted the qualitative method of purposive sampling. Semi-structured interview technique and thematic analysis were used to collect and analyze data from 21 consumers of natural or traditional cosmetics living in Uppsala. The results showed: consumers had uncertain attitudes towards buying natural cosmetics, which had no obvious impact on the purchasing behavior; the perceived social pressures from family, relatives, groups, etc. had a clear positive impact on the purchasing behavior; online purchasing, recommendation from others, and sustainable lifestyle facilitated the purchasing behavior; high price, inconvenient purchasing location, lack of knowledge, non-harmonized certifications, etc. led to the inconsistency between consumers' purchasing intention and actual purchasing behavior. Product knowledge was explored as an important resource that consumers need. The above findings can be used to improve marketing strategies like harmonized certifications. This study also paves the way for future quantitative verification of these factors.

O comportamento de viagens de acesso a aeroportos considerando a confiabilidade do tempo de viagem / Airports access travel behavior considering travel time reliability

Alves, Bianca Bianchi 20 May 2014 (has links)
A confiabilidade do tempo de viagem é atualmente considerada como um fator de elevada importância nos estudos de demanda por transportes, com base no reconhecimento que sistemas congestionados são uma realidade inevitável nos grandes centros urbanos, gerando incertezas nas estimativas do tempo de viagem e tornando sua representação através de uma variável de tempo médio excessivamente simplista. O acesso terrestre aos aeroportos em São Paulo constitui um contexto interessante para o estudo da confiabilidade, considerando os altos custos atribuídos à eventual perda do voo e o ambiente de alta variabilidade de tempos de viagem na região. O estudo da confiabilidade do tempo de viagem tem sido em geral desenvolvido com um enfoque exclusivamente quantitativo, usando modelos matemáticos que se baseiam em teorias de maximização da utilidade estimados a partir de dados de preferência declarada. Em geral, são ignorados: (i) os efeitos de fatores latentes no comportamento, (ii) o fato de que o comportamento nem sempre reflete as intenções, (iii) a complexidade dos fatores envolvidos nas escolhas e (iv) os fatores que descrevem o contexto em que ocorre a decisão. O trabalho utiliza métodos mistos para a coleta e análise dos dados, procurando obter um conjunto abrangente de informações sobre o comportamento. Tanto a coleta de dados como os modelos estimados baseiam-se nos fundamentos da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado, que afirma que o comportamento revelado pode ser estimado a partir de uma intenção que, por sua vez, pode ser estimada a partir de atitudes, normas subjetivas e controle percebido. O controle percebido representa a percepção individual quanto à facilidade em desempenhar um comportamento. Neste estudo, a confiabilidade do tempo de viagem é incluída como um fator de controle percebido, assim como outros indicadores de controle não comumente considerados. A análise é conduzida usando-se uma técnica de Modelos de Equações Estruturais denominada Mínimos Quadrados Parciais. O uso desta técnica permitiu uma descrição abrangente dos mecanismos envolvidos no processo de escolha de acesso terrestre ao aeroporto e confirmou a importância dos fatores latentes na escolha, particularmente os relacionados ao controle percebido e real. Foi possível também verificar que conjuntos distintos de fatores influenciam a formação da intenção (e portanto a preferência declarada) e o comportamento propriamente dito (e portanto o comportamento revelado). / Travel time reliability is now considered a major factor in explaining travel demand since its underlying cause congestion seems to be an unavoidable reality in large urban centers. This brings uncertainty to travel time estimates, rendering its representation through travel time averages excessively simplistic. Ground access to airports serving the city of São Paulo makes an interesting context to study reliability, given the considerable annoyance and cost associated with the possibility of missing a flight and the high variability of travel times prevailing in the area. Studies of the reliability of travel time have generally been based on a purely quantitative approach, using utility-based mathematical models, mostly estimated with stated preference data. They usually ignore: (i) the effects of latent factors on behavior, (ii) the fact that behavior does not always reflect intentions, (iii) the complexity of factors involved in choice processes and (iv) the factors describing the choice context. This study uses mixed methods for data collection and analysis, aiming to gather a comprehensive set of information about behavior. Both data collection and modeling are based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, which states that behavior can be predicted from intention; intention, by its turn, can be predicted from attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The latter refers to peoples perception of the ease or difficulty of performing the behavior of interest. In this study, we include travel time reliability as a perceived behavioral control factor, in addition to other indicators of control that are not commonly considered. Analysis is conducted using Partial Least Squares, a technique from the family of Structural Equations Models. The use of this technique allowed for a more complete description of the mechanisms involved in the choice process of ground access to airports and confirmed the importance of latent factors on choice, particularly those related to perceived and actual control. The results also indicate that different sets of factors affect the formation of intention (and thus the stated choice) and the behavior itself (and thus actual behavior).

O comportamento de viagens de acesso a aeroportos considerando a confiabilidade do tempo de viagem / Airports access travel behavior considering travel time reliability

Bianca Bianchi Alves 20 May 2014 (has links)
A confiabilidade do tempo de viagem é atualmente considerada como um fator de elevada importância nos estudos de demanda por transportes, com base no reconhecimento que sistemas congestionados são uma realidade inevitável nos grandes centros urbanos, gerando incertezas nas estimativas do tempo de viagem e tornando sua representação através de uma variável de tempo médio excessivamente simplista. O acesso terrestre aos aeroportos em São Paulo constitui um contexto interessante para o estudo da confiabilidade, considerando os altos custos atribuídos à eventual perda do voo e o ambiente de alta variabilidade de tempos de viagem na região. O estudo da confiabilidade do tempo de viagem tem sido em geral desenvolvido com um enfoque exclusivamente quantitativo, usando modelos matemáticos que se baseiam em teorias de maximização da utilidade estimados a partir de dados de preferência declarada. Em geral, são ignorados: (i) os efeitos de fatores latentes no comportamento, (ii) o fato de que o comportamento nem sempre reflete as intenções, (iii) a complexidade dos fatores envolvidos nas escolhas e (iv) os fatores que descrevem o contexto em que ocorre a decisão. O trabalho utiliza métodos mistos para a coleta e análise dos dados, procurando obter um conjunto abrangente de informações sobre o comportamento. Tanto a coleta de dados como os modelos estimados baseiam-se nos fundamentos da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado, que afirma que o comportamento revelado pode ser estimado a partir de uma intenção que, por sua vez, pode ser estimada a partir de atitudes, normas subjetivas e controle percebido. O controle percebido representa a percepção individual quanto à facilidade em desempenhar um comportamento. Neste estudo, a confiabilidade do tempo de viagem é incluída como um fator de controle percebido, assim como outros indicadores de controle não comumente considerados. A análise é conduzida usando-se uma técnica de Modelos de Equações Estruturais denominada Mínimos Quadrados Parciais. O uso desta técnica permitiu uma descrição abrangente dos mecanismos envolvidos no processo de escolha de acesso terrestre ao aeroporto e confirmou a importância dos fatores latentes na escolha, particularmente os relacionados ao controle percebido e real. Foi possível também verificar que conjuntos distintos de fatores influenciam a formação da intenção (e portanto a preferência declarada) e o comportamento propriamente dito (e portanto o comportamento revelado). / Travel time reliability is now considered a major factor in explaining travel demand since its underlying cause congestion seems to be an unavoidable reality in large urban centers. This brings uncertainty to travel time estimates, rendering its representation through travel time averages excessively simplistic. Ground access to airports serving the city of São Paulo makes an interesting context to study reliability, given the considerable annoyance and cost associated with the possibility of missing a flight and the high variability of travel times prevailing in the area. Studies of the reliability of travel time have generally been based on a purely quantitative approach, using utility-based mathematical models, mostly estimated with stated preference data. They usually ignore: (i) the effects of latent factors on behavior, (ii) the fact that behavior does not always reflect intentions, (iii) the complexity of factors involved in choice processes and (iv) the factors describing the choice context. This study uses mixed methods for data collection and analysis, aiming to gather a comprehensive set of information about behavior. Both data collection and modeling are based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, which states that behavior can be predicted from intention; intention, by its turn, can be predicted from attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The latter refers to peoples perception of the ease or difficulty of performing the behavior of interest. In this study, we include travel time reliability as a perceived behavioral control factor, in addition to other indicators of control that are not commonly considered. Analysis is conducted using Partial Least Squares, a technique from the family of Structural Equations Models. The use of this technique allowed for a more complete description of the mechanisms involved in the choice process of ground access to airports and confirmed the importance of latent factors on choice, particularly those related to perceived and actual control. The results also indicate that different sets of factors affect the formation of intention (and thus the stated choice) and the behavior itself (and thus actual behavior).

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