Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plannedbehavior""
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Le décrochage universitaire : les facteurs d'intention, de santé mentale et de personnalité / Dropping out of university : factors of intention, mental health and personnalityVinciguerra, Antony 30 January 2018 (has links)
Objectifs. Le décrochage d’études universitaires est un comportement marquant la sortie d’un cursus avant l’obtention du diplôme le validant. Il est produit par des processus complexes se manifestant sur les lignes de fragilité du rapport entre la singularité psychique de l’étudiant et le cursus d’études dans lequel il s’inscrit et évolue. Cette thèse vise à préciser les déterminants psychosociaux à l’œuvre dans ces processus. / Introduction. Dropping out of university is a behavior related to leaving a study course without a degree. It is produced by complex processes manifested on the lines of fragility in the relationship between the psychic singularity of the student and the enrollment on specific studies. The aim of this thesis is to precise psychosocial determinants at work in these processes.
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Reconversion et aménagement durable des friches urbaines polluées : élaboration d'une méthode participative d'évaluation et d'aide multicritère à la décision / Sustainable contaminated brownfield redevelopment : implementation of a participatory multicriteriadecision aid support systemTendero, Marjorie 31 May 2018 (has links)
La reconversion des friches urbaines est unepriorité pour préserver les sols. Ce sont souvent des sitespollués ; ce qui engendre de nombreux obstacles pour lesreconvertir. Les bénéfices découlant de la reconversionsont sous-estimés tandis que les coûts sont surestimés parles opérateurs techniques et fonciers. L’impact de lastigmatisation du site amène les riverains à ne pass’approprier les nouveaux usages. Le choix de ces usagespeut être à l'origine de conflits entre les parties prenantes.Cette thèse s'intéresse à la reconversion des frichespolluées en tenant compte à la fois de lamultidimensionnalité des parties prenantes, de leurspréférences, et de leurs perceptions. Nous étudions lesobstacles et les leviers pouvant être mobilisés pourpromouvoir leur reconversion à partir d’une enquête auprès de 76 opérateurs techniques et fonciers dans unepremière partie.Dans la seconde, nous analysonsl’importance des stigmates associés aux friches polluéesauprès des riverains et futurs usagers. Une premièreenquête, menée au niveau national (803 observations)analyse leurs perceptions, représentations et préférencesvis-à-vis de ces sites. Ces dernières sont précisées à l’aided’une expérience à choix discrets (338 observations)administrée sur cinq communes impactées par ce type desite. Dans une troisième partie, nous appliquons unedémarche d’aide multicritère à la décision participativedans le cas d’une friche urbaine polluée. Elle identifie lesprojets les plus consensuels en regroupant l’ensemble desparties prenantes. Ils corresponde / Brownfield redevelopment is a key priority topreserve soils. Brownfields are often contaminated yet.Therefore, it creates numerous obstacles to reuse them.Firstly, brownfields redevelopment’s benefits areunderestimated whereas costs are overestimated bydevelopers. Secondly, brownfields are plagued with thestigma effect. This effect persists even after remediationprocess (e.g., individuals may not use facilities on aformer contaminated brownfield). Thirdly, new uses cancause conflicts between the stakeholders. As such, thisthesis deals with contaminated brownfieldredevelopment taking into account both themultidimensionality of stakeholders, their preferencesand their perceptions. developers. In a first part, we study barriers to brownfieldredevelopment and how to tackle them using a surveyamong 76 French developers.In a second part, weanalyse the importance of the stigma associated withcontaminated brownfields. A first survey (803observations), conducted at national level, investigatesindividuals’ perceptions, representations and preferencesregarding brownfield redevelopment. A second survey(338 observations), conducted among five municipalitiesimpacted by such sites, specifies their preferences usinga discrete choice experiment. In the third part, we applya participatory multicriteria decision aid. It determinesthe most consensual projects in the case of acontaminated site. They correspond to individuals’preferences that were previously analysed.
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The Study of Community Residents¡¦ Participation Behavior Model in Environmental Improvement ActionsKuo, Chang-Jen 16 July 2008 (has links)
During the past decade, the environmental issue has been an important concern of public affairs because the problems generating from the physical environment are the main focus of local development. Generally, the most effective work of community development is to encourage people to participate in environmental improvement actions. For example, the literature has indicated that individual is the most important factor for environmental improvement actions. Thus, people who highly participate in the community affairs often have better performances on community improvement actions.
Base on an efficient society and the budget of government downsizing, promoting community residents to actively participate in environmental improvement actions would help the community environment management to be more sustainable and indirectly leading the local development. Concerning community environment, the responsibility for the community, knowledge of environmental action, and the ability of self-control might be correlated with the community residents¡¦ participation behavior in environmental improvement actions. The purpose of study is to explore the relationships among sense of community, the knowledge of environmental action, environmental moral obligation, and participating environmental improvement actions. Four objectives are mainly specified: first, to develop a sense of community scale of Taiwanese population; second, to integrate theories to test a community participation behavior model in environmental improvement actions; third, to understand the influential factors of community residents participation in environmental improvement actions; finally, to compare and interpret community residents participation in environmental improvement behavior model and ¡§Theory of Planned Behavior¡¨.
This study surveyed community residents who ever participated in ¡§urban community landscape renaissance project¡¨ supported by Construction and Planning Agency, and ¡§rural community landscape renaissance project¡¨ founded by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau. A total of 616 community residents were administrated a self-report questionnaire. Further analysis of the data based on comparing respondent¡¦s residence, respondents were grouped into to urban planning district group and non-urban planning district group. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was then employed to test a conceptual model.
There were nine domains proposed in the conceptual model. Five of nine domains adopted from planning behavioral theory included ¡§attitude¡¨, ¡§subjective norm¡¨, ¡§perceived behavioral control¡¨, ¡§behavioral intention¡¨ and ¡§behavior¡¨. One of nine domains, ¡§self-efficacy¡¨, was chosen from social cognition theory. Two of nine domains from environmental citizen behavioral model were ¡§knowledge of environmental action¡¨, ¡§environmental moral obligation¡¨. ¡§Sense of community¡¨ was referenced to the last domain. The findings provided support for eight hypotheses and two hypotheses were partial supported. The detailed descriptions of hypothesis-testing results were as below. Eight hypotheses supported, they included: (1) After residents reflected on the ¡§subjective norm¡¨, the ¡§attitude¡¨ toward participating environmental reform behaviors was remarkably promoted. (2) Resident¡¦s ¡§attitude¡¨ significantly influenced their ¡§behavioral intention¡¨ of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (3) Resident¡¦s ¡§perceived behavioral control¡¨ significantly impacted their ¡§behavioral intention¡¨ of participate in environmental improvement behaviors. (4) Resident¡¦s ¡§sense of community¡¨ significantly impacted their ¡§behavioral intention¡¨ of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (5) Resident¡¦s ¡§knowledge of environmental action¡¨ significantly impacted their ¡§self-efficacy¡¨. (6) Resident¡¦s ¡§self-efficacy¡¨ significantly effected their ¡§perceived behavioral control¡¨. (7) Resident¡¦s ¡§environmental moral obligation¡¨ significantly impacted their ¡§attitude¡¨ of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (8) Resident¡¦s ¡§behavioral intention¡¨ significantly impacted their participating environmental improvement ¡§behaviors¡¨.
Two hypotheses were partial supported: (1) Only in non-urban planning district resident¡¦s ¡§subjective norm¡¨ significantly impacted their ¡§behavioral intention¡¨ of participating environmental improvement behaviors. (2) Only in urban planning district and all districts resident¡¦s ¡§perceived behavioral control¡¨ significantly impacted their ¡§attitude¡¨ of participating environmental improvement behaviors.
Additionally, the findings confirmed that Italian Sense of Community Scale (ISCS) was an appropriate scale to measure Taiwanese population¡¦s sense of community. These findings provide researchers and practitioners for insight of resident¡¦s participation in environmental improvement, which is better than ¡§Theory of Planned Behavior¡¨.
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Die Suffizienz der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens bei der Vorhersage von Verhaltensintentionen : eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Intention zur Karrierewahl von zukünftigen Diplom-ForstwirtInnen / eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Intention zur Karrierewahl von zukünftigen Diplom-ForstwirtInnen / The sufficiency of the theory of planned behavior in predicting behavioral intentions - an empirical study at the example of career choice intentions of prospective graduate forestersVogelgesang, Frank 11 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ursprünglich wurde die Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens (TPB) als suffizient bezeichnet, das heißt: 1.) Alleinige Determinanten der Einstellung, der subjektiven Norm und der wahrgenommenen Verhaltenskontrolle seien Überzeugungen und Bewertungen. 2.) Alleinige Determinanten der Intention seien die Einstellung, die subjektive Norm und die wahrgenommene Verhaltenskontrolle. 3.) Alleinige Determinanten des Verhaltens seien die Intention und für den Fall, dass sie gut mit der tatsächlichen Verhaltenskontrolle übereinstimmt, die wahrgenommene Verhaltenskontrolle. Das Kernziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war ein umfassender Test der Suffizienzannahme der TPB bezüglich der Vorhersage der Verhaltensintention, weil diese aufgrund einer Vielzahl von Untersuchungen, die unabhängige Effekte jeweils einzelner, zusätzlicher Prädiktoren erbracht hatten, zunehmend in die Kritik geraten war. Für einen umfassenden Test mussten alle wesentlichen in der Forschungsliteratur im Sinne potentiell zusätzlicher Intentionsprädiktoren diskutierten Konstrukte gemeinsam untersucht werden. Konkret waren dies die wahrgenommene moralische Verpflichtung, das antizipierte Bedauern, die soziale Identität, mehrere Selbstidentitäten und Erfahrung mit Aspekten des Zielverhaltens. Außerdem wurde das Konzept der wahrgenommenen Verhaltenskontrolle in Selbstwirksamkeit und wahrgenommene externe Hindernisse als interne und externe Aspekte von Verhaltenskontrolle ausdifferenziert. Eine Stichprobe deutscher Studierender der Forstwirtschaft (N = 149) wurde per Fragebogen hinsichtlich ihrer Karriereintention (für oder gegen die Aufnahme einer Tätigkeit in der sub-/tropischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit) untersucht. Bezüglich der Suffizienz der Intentionsvorhersage ergab sich: 1.) Alle bislang nur getrennt untersuchten zusätzlichen Intentionsprädiktoren konnten in konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysen mit zwei eher weniger bedeutsamen Ausnahmen empirisch klar voneinander und von den klassischen Konstrukten der TPB unterschieden werden. Hinter ihnen verbirgt sich also nicht jeweils ein und derselbe Wirkfaktor. 2.) Bei simultaner Untersuchung aller Prädiktoren verbesserten die direkte Erfahrung mit Aspekten des Zielverhaltens und die persönliche Norm die Intentionsvorhersage signifikant. Der durch sie zusätzlich aufgeklärte Anteil an Kriteriumsvarianz fällt mit 3% jedoch gering aus. Die anderenorts prädiktionsstarken Identitätskonzepte leisteten keine weiteren Vorhersagebeiträge. Dies wird aus dreierlei Perspektive diskutiert: a) Publication Bias, b) Priming-Effekte durch die Befragung selbst und c) Kontextabhängigkeit der Vorhersagekraft der einzelnen Prädiktoren. 3.) Neben den oder anstelle der Haupteffekte der verschiedenen Konstrukte gab es bei der Vorhersage der Verhaltensintention keinerlei Interaktionseffekte der potentiell zusätzlichen Prädiktoren untereinander und mit den klassischen Prädiktoren der TPB. Bezüglich der exemplarisch mituntersuchten Suffizienz der Vorhersage der globalen Intentionsprädiktoren ergab sich: 4.) Im Widerspruch zu den Annahmen der TPB trugen Werthaltungen als theorie-externe Variablen direkt, also nicht durch Überzeugungen und Bewertungen vermittelt, zur Vorhersage der Einstellung zum Verhalten und der subjektiven Norm bei. Direkte Beiträge theorie-externer Variablen zur Vorhersage der Verhaltenskontrolle waren hingegen nicht zu konstatieren. / Initially the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was considered sufficient, that is: (1) The only determinants of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control be beliefs and evaluations. (2) The only determinants of intentions be attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. (3) The only determinants of behavior be intention and?if in accordance with objective behavioral control?perceived behavioral control. The main objective of the work presented here was a comprehensive test of the TPB's sufficiency assumption regarding the prediction of intention since it is this aspect that has come under growing critisism due to a large number of studies yielding independent effects of single additional predictors. A comprehensive test required all potentially additional predictors discussed in the literature to be included. Those were social identity, several self-identities, perceived moral obligation, anticipated regret, and experience with aspects of the target behavior. Furthermore perceived behavioral control was decomposed into self-efficacy and perceived external barriers as internal and external aspects of behavioral control. German forestry students (N = 149) were surveyed by means of questionnaires regarding their career intention to take up or not take up a development aid job in (sub-)tropical forestry. With respect to prediction of intention the following could be shown: (1) All so far only separately examined additional predictors of intention were empirically clearly distinguishable from one another and from the classical TPB predictors of intention by means of confirmatory factor analyses. Two exceptions were of just minor importance. (2) Simultaneous examination of all predictors produced a significant increase in explained variance in intention attributable to direct experience with aspects of the target behavior and to personal norm. The 3% increase in explained variance is to be assessed as small yet. The identity constructs, which had been strong predictors elsewhere, produced no contributions. This is discussed from three perspectives: a) publication bias, b) priming effects due to the survey itself, and c) context dependence of the respective constructs' prediction power. (3) There were no interaction effects between any two predictors of the classical and the additional set above or instead of any main effect. Investigation of the sufficiency of beliefs and evaluations as the only determinants of the global intention predictors' was exemplarily included in the study. (4) Contrary to TPB's assumptions, values as theory external variables contributed directly, i. e. not mediated by beliefs or evaluations, to the prediction of attitude and subjective norm but not so to the prediction of behavioral control.
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行動應用程式廣告之行為意圖-以Facebook為例 / Understanding the Behavioral Intention of Mobile Application Advertising: The Case of Facebook徐鈺婷, Hsu, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
新科技的變遷總是為傳播產業帶來新的變革,智慧型手機掀起全球通訊產業的熱潮,造就了行動應用程式新經濟,進而帶動行動應用程式廣告的發展。有鑑於過去研究缺乏以解構計畫行為理論的角度,來探討近年才趨於熱門的行動意用程式,更缺少應用在某特定行動應用程式類型之行為意圖。本研究將以Taylor & Todd(1995)解構計畫行為理論,聚焦於社群媒體廣告研究,並以在社交類型App的龍頭Facebook為研究對象,試圖釐清Facebook行動用程式廣告之行為意圖。
本研究採線上問卷調查法,以非隨機抽樣中的立意抽樣(purposive sample)為蒐集資料的方法,以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)為資料的統計分析方法。問卷發放於Facebook以及台大批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)符合研究主題的討論區進行資料蒐集,問卷連結日期自二0一五年一月一日至一月十六日,為期十六天,有效問卷共計五百一十一份。研究結果發現:(1) Facebook App的知覺有用性、相容性和知覺娛樂性,與廣告整體態度無顯著關係。(2)廣告內容的「娛樂性」與「個人化」有助於廣告態度的影響;「資訊性」與廣告態度無顯著影響,「煩躁性」與廣告態度則呈現負相關。(3)人際影響、自我效能和廣告態度,與行為意圖皆呈現正相關。
本研究證實,對於使用者來說,相較於電腦版使用經驗與習慣,Facebook App仍有改善空間。此外,Facebook App的廣告內容是否具有完整的廣告資訊已不再首要因素,重要的是,該廣告是否具有娛樂性質和符合個人需求,在不讓使用者感到困擾的情況前提之下,吸引使用者的注意、滿足使用者的需求。同時,本研究證實人際影響、自我效能和廣告態度對行為意圖的正向影響性。 / Technology advancement has brought many new changes to the mass media communication industry. Smartphones revolutionized the communication industry by creating the mobile app economy, which lead to the development of mobile app advertisement. Past studies have not taken the decomposed theory of planned behavior into consideration when examining mobile applications that have gained popularity in recent years, let along behavioral intentions, which apply to certain types of mobile applications. Keeping that in mind, this study will focus on advertising within the current social networking industry leader, Facebook, using the above theory by Taylor & Todd (1995), in order to determine the behavioral intention behind Facebook’s mobile application advertisement.
Data used in this study was collected through online questionnaires using the purposive sampling method, and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The questionnaires were distributed on Facebook and sections within ptt.cc that fit the research purpose of this study. Online questionnaire was open from January 1st to January 16th of 2015, spanning a total of 16 days. A total of 511 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this studies revealed that (1) the perceived usefulness, compatibility, and enjoyment of Facebook app are not related to attitude towards advertisement within the app. (2) Entertainment value and personalization of the content of the advertisement positively affects attitude toward advertisement. Informativeness has no significant impact, while irritation negatively affects attitude towards advertisement. (3) Social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards advertisement all show positive relation with behavioral intention.
This research has proven that when examining user experience, Facebook app still has room for improvement in comparison with the computer version of Facebook. Also, whether Facebook app advertisement contains complete information is no longer the most important factor. Entertainment value and personalization, whether the advertisement can satisfy the above needs without troubling users, are now the most important points of consideration. Finally, this study has proven the positive effect social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards advertisement have on behavioral intention.
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文官菁英文化與電子化參與-以計畫行為理論的觀點 / Elite Culture and E-Participation in the Public Sector – Perspectives from Theory of Planned Behavior熊子翔, Hsiung, Tzu Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
為了改善菁英文化對於文官推展民意論壇的影響,本研究對此提出的實務建議有三,第一、利用願景工作坊改善文官對於菁英文化的看法,第二、促使電子化參與制度化使得網路民意品質提升,第三、文官民意分析能力提升以及機關資源的有效利用,促使文官提高推展民意論壇的行為頻率。而本研究後續研究建議有五,第一、樣本代表性的改善,第二、檢驗電子化參與的不同個案,第三、應用結構方程模型及質化研究方法,第四、檢視菁英文化與主觀規範之間的中介變項,第五、檢視菁英文化與行為意圖之間的調節變項。 / The civil servants have set into e-participation due to the fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs). However, because the public can’t understand policy domain knowledge in decision making, they expect the civil servants to cope with these professional matters. This long-term dependence on the civil servants and their expertise may foster the elite culture in the public sector and the elite culture has also impact on the civil servants’ intention for e-participation. In my thesis, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is used to design and survey the above-mentioned elite culture situation for the public servants dealing with e-participation. The survey focuses on the civil servants’ intention and behavior of handling e-forum. 250 copies of questionnaires (non-probability sampling) are distributed and 185 copies returned, with 179 valid responses.
Through data analysis, there are three key research findings. First, the majority of the existing research includes the physical organizational factors such as organizational resources. However, many previous studies do not include the implicit organizational factors such as organizational climate, organizational culture. Second, elite culture has general impact on the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum. However, only the civil servants’ evaluation of citizens’ policy expertise has impact on the intention; the other concepts fail to affect their attitude. Third, the study proposes to add elite culture to the existing TPB framework when we study the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum.
To change elite culture’s impact on the civil servants’ intention, my thesis addresses three pragmatic suggestions. First, the civil servants can change their perspectives of elite culture through the scenario workshop. Second, the institutionalization of e-participation can enhance the quality of public opinions. Third, the enhancement of the civil servants’ ability of public opinions analysis and efficiency of organization resources can contribute to their performance of e-participation. The following research suggestions are recommended, including improving the representative of samples, studying multiple cases of e-participation, applying structural equation modeling and qualitative methods, studying the potential mediating variables between elite culture and subjective norm, and studying the moderating variables between elite culture and intention.
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Den subjektiva normen : Utmattningsdeprimerades föreställning om omgivningens syn på sjukskrivningen och återgången till arbeteLekare, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte är att belysa och gestalta det sociala stöd respektive sociala tryck personer sjukskrivna för utmattningsdepression anser sig uppleva från omgivningen, vad gäller både att vara sjukskriven och att återgå till arbete. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ metod, och sex personer som var sjukskrivna för utmattningsdepression intervjuades individuellt. Resultatet visar att de sjukskrivna upplever en komplex blandning av både press och stöd i processen att ta sig tillbaka till arbetslivet. Stödet, oftast i form av förståelse och undvikande av press, upplevs främst från personer i individens nära omgivning, medan pressen att återgå till arbete oftast relateras till personer och grupper på längre avstånd. Störst press att återgå till arbetet upplevdes från den "samhälleliga" normen "att göra rätt för sig", men även omgivningens okunskap och brist på förståelse upplevdes som en press. / The overall aim in this essay is to highlight and describe the social support and social pressure, people on sick leave for burnout feel they experience by their environment, both in terms of being on sick leave and in terms of return to work. The survey was conducted using qualitative methodology, and six people being sick for burnout were interviexed individually. The result shows that people on sick leave for burnout are experiencing a complex mixture of both social pressure and social support in the process of returning to work. Social support, often in the form of understanding for the disease and avoidance of pressure, are mostly experienced by people in the individual's near environment, while the pressure usually is related to individuals and groups at longer distances. The strongest pressure to return to work was experienced from the "societal" norm "to do the right thing", but also lack of krowledge and lack of understanding were experienced as a pressure to return to work.
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Towards policy analysis 2.0Longo, Justin 17 January 2013 (has links)
One approach to dealing with complexity in a public policy context is horizontality, the act of working across the various ministries and divisions of a government in order to harness the organization’s capacity and resources and direct them towards the addressing of complex problems. And one prominent mechanism for promoting horizontality is greater organization-wide collaboration, knowledge sharing and active knowledge seeking amongst a network of government knowledge workers commonly referred to as policy analysts. The emergent use of Web 2.0 tools and approaches within organizations has raised the possibility that we have entered a new knowledge era - Enterprise 2.0 - that can address the horizontality problem, facilitate the sharing of knowledge between policy analysts and across organizations, and promote transformative governance.
This research investigated how policy formulation processes in the government of the Canadian province of British Columbia are being affected by the adoption of Web 2.0 tools internally within the organization as a way to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst government policy analysts. Semi-structured interviews with members of corporate policy units in the Government of British Columbia were conducted (n = 14), and an on-line questionnaire was completed by Government of British Columbia policy analysts (n = 129). These mixed methods form the basis for a triangulation approach to assessing the research questions.
Respondents conceptualized policy analysis as rooted in an apolitical synthesis of evidence and best practices from a variety of sources, leading to a recommendation designed to support decision-making. The diversity and reach of the policy analyst’s organizational social network is related to their length of service in the organization and is an important supplement to the analyst’s knowledge base. There was little evidence that technology networks generally, and Web 2.0 tools specifically, play a prominent role in facilitating the knowledge organization; in fact, policy analysts may refrain from sharing knowledge with colleagues using technology networks in order to avoid contributing to their colleagues' information overload. Following the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991), attitudes, followed by subjective norms, were the strongest and most consistent predictors of the policy analyst’s intention to collaborate and share knowledge with their colleagues. Perceived behavioural control was not a factor, leading to the possibility that while policy analysts may believe and be told that knowledge sharing and collaboration are advantageous, they may not feel they have the authority, latitude or ability to do so. A significant gender result was consistently revealed, that women were found to be less supportive of knowledge sharing and collaboration than men, a result possibly due to a culture dominated by masculine characteristics.
The findings have implications for public sector organizations seeking to provide support for knowledge workers to make effective use of the organizational social network, new collaboration technologies and organizational capacity to address complex public policy problems. Interested readers should consult http://jlphdcand.wordpress.com for updated versions of this research, and related work. / Graduate
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影響民眾使用網路公共論壇的關鍵因素陳云玲, Chen, Yun-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
實證研究的結果顯示影響民眾持續使用網路公共論壇意願的因素為態度和認知行為控制,僅主觀規範較無顯著影響。由此可知,計畫行為理論並不能完全解釋「持續使用意願」的影響因素,但仍有部分論點可以適用於解釋「持續使用意願」的影響因素。再者,對民眾持續使用網路公共論壇之意願的影響力最大為民眾對使用論壇的態度。此外,本研究發現在網路公共論壇使用上,由於個人資料外洩或侵犯隱私的機率低,故對已使用過的民眾而言,風險問題可能並無影響,故自覺風險性對「網路公共論壇持續使用意願」的影響並不顯著。 / Issues concerning e-Democracy emphasize the importance of citizen participation. Governments in the worldwide invest much in pushing e-Democracy. Specifically, citizens’ attitude and intention are crucial for e-Democracy institutions of Governments. The central theme in this research is: which factors will affect their continuance usage intention for citizens who have been using online public forums? The research model based on Theory of Planned Behavior supposes that attitude and continuance usage intention will be affect by perceived risk.
There are two purposes in this research. Firstly, it attempts to realize the origin and the goal of e-Democracy according to some related literatures. Secondly, it also conducts a model-testing to examine the applicability of the theory through the investigation.
Results of the investigation indicated that citizens’ continuing usage intention of online public forums is affected by the attitude and perceived behavior control. Further, subjective norm didn’t have any obvious influence. These largely show that Theory of Planned Behavior based model is partly suitable to explain the factors of the citizens’usage intention. Overall, the most crucial factor affecting citizens’usage intention is their attitude toward using online public forums. In addition, perceived risk had no obvious influence on the usage intention as expected. This may be due to lower probabilities that individual data or privacy being damaged in online public forums.
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Consumo e meio ambiente: uma modelagem do comportamento para reciclagem a partir das teorias cognitivo-comportamentaisDias, Sylmara Lopes Francelino Gonçalves 04 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-04T00:00:00Z / Há uma crescente preocupação em relação à temática dos resíduos sólidos entre acadêmicos, governos, empresas e indivíduos, embora pouco se conheça sobre os motivos que direcionam as escolhas pessoais no descarte de itens recicláveis dentro do domicílio. As pessoas participam ou não de programas de coleta seletiva por motivos que não são aparentes e nem diretamente identificados. Assim, o problema desta tese foi: Que determinantes influenciam o comportamento para reciclagem? Quais implicações disso para formulação de políticas públicas direcionadas ao comportamento para reciclagem? Em torno desta questão, o objetivo foi entender o quanto os modelos cognitivo-comportamentais predizem e explicam o comportamento para reciclagem (CR), buscando examinar a relação cognição-comportamento proposta pela sua fundamentação teórica. Nesta Tese parte-se da premissa de que existe uma lacuna entre a pose de uma atitude pró-ambiental e a demonstração do comportamento, o que tem sido conhecido como hiato atitude-comportamento. Para isso, optou-se pela análise comparativa do poder preditivo de modelos de escolha racional (Teoria do Comportamento Planejado e Teoria do Comportamento Interpessoal) e do Modelo Atitude-Comportamento-Contexto. Considerou-se uma amostra não probabilística (N=400) de responsáveis por domicílios paulistanos que constavam na lista de assinantes de telefones fixos da Telefônica. Posteriormente os dados coletados foram submetidos à Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os resultados empíricos comprovaram a premissa que fundamenta esta Tese, mostrando efeito nulo da variável atitude na predição do comportamento para reciclagem. Os dados também revelaram que a melhor preditora de comportamento para reciclagem foi o hábito, seguido das influências sociais de grupos primários, controle percebido e da conveniência da coleta seletiva. Emergem daí a importância dos determinantes externos (contexto) como característica-chave para intervenções em políticas públicas direcionadas às mudanças comportamentais, conforme pressupostos do modelo ABC. / There is a growing concern about the issue of solid waste among academics, governments, companies and individuals, but little is known about the motives that drive personal choices in the disposal of recyclable items in a house. People participate or not programs of selective collection for reasons that are not apparent and not directly identified. Thus, the problem of this thesis was: what determinants influence that behavior for recycling? What are its implications for the formulation of public policies directed to the behavior for recycling? Concerning this issue, the goal was to understand how cognitive-behavioral models predict and explain the behavior for recycling, seeking to examine the relation cognition-behavior proposed in the theoretical basis. For this, the researcher opted for the comparative analysis of the predictive power of rational choice model (Theory of Planned Behavior and Theory of Interpersonal Behavior) and the Attitude, Behavior, Context model. It was used with a random sample (N = 400) of households situated in the city of São Paulo, taken from the list of subscribers of telephones (Telefônica). Subsequently, the collected data were submitted to the Structural Equation Modeling. The empirical results showed no effect of the variable attitude, reveling that the best predictor of behavior for recycling was the habit, followed by perceived control, social influences of primary groups and the selective collection convenience. Hence the emerging importance of the external determinants (context) as a key feature for interventions in public policies directed to behavioral changes, as assumptions of the ABC model.
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