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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of molecular markers linked to woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum) (Hausmann) resistance in apple

Christians, Gillian Eleanore 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) is an important horticultural crop worldwide and in the Western Cape. The income generated from apple and other deciduous fruit production amounts to approximately 25% of the gross total value of horticultural production in the Western Cape. Unfortunately diseases and pests adversely affect fruit production in this region. Woolly apple aphids (Eriosoma lanigerum L. (Hausmann» have a significant effect on the apple industry in the Western Cape. Damage caused is two-fold, occurring aerially and terrestrially. Insects colonise the plants, feeding off the phloem sap. Aphid infestation around the root system results in repeated infestation of the foliage as it serves as a reservoir of aphids. In extreme cases, the apple cores are also infested, thus affecting the sale of apples. In 1962, Northern Spy was identified as a woolly apple aphid resistant rootstock and has since then formed the basis for traditional rootstock breeding programmes. The Er1 gene in Northern Spy confers resistance. According to one report, the natural resistance of Northern Spy was overcome in South Africa in 1968, but this was not confirmed in an independent study. The main objectives of this study was to firstly identify molecular markers more closely linked to the woolly apple aphid resistance gene, Er1, than existing markers, by applying AFLP technology to selected seedlings, identified to be resistant by conventional phenotyping. If identified, these markers can be incorporated into existing breeding programmes. Secondly, previously identified RAPD and SCAR markers were tested to determine their applicability in local populations for use in breeding programmes. Ultimately the segregation of the Er1 gene in South African populations can be determined if tightly linked markers are identified. Three families were derived from crosses of each of three resistant genotypes, namely Northern Spy, Rootstock 5 and Russian Seedling and a susceptible cultivar, Braeburn. For the three successive years of the study, each resistant genotype was allowed to cross-pollinate in isolation with the susceptible parent. Two hand-pollinated families, Russian Seedling x Liberty and Russian Seedling x Northern Spy, were also included in the study. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used in an attempt to identify markers in the resistant and susceptible seedlings. No markers were identified using this technique. Known sequence characterised amplified regions (SCAR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used due to their suitability in marker-assisted selection for woolly apple aphid resistance. Varying results were obtained with these markers and no conclusive information was acquired with regard to the segregation of the Er] gene in any of these rootstocks and crosses. This underlines the need for the development of markers that can readily be applied in local breeding programmes. The identification and integration of such markers will greatly benefit the local and world wide apple industries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Appels (Malus x domestica Borkh.) is wêreldwyd en in die Wes-Kaap 'n belangrike landbougewas. Inkomste gegenereer deur appels en ander sagtevrugte vorm bykans 25% van die bruto inkomste uit vrugte in die Wes-Kaap. Siektes en insekpeste verlaag egter die produksie van vrugte in hierdie streek. Appelbloedluise (Eriosoma lanigerum L. (Hausmann» het 'n groot invloed op appelproduksie in die Wes-Kaap. Skade word bogronds en ondergronds aangerig. Insekte koloniseer die plant en leef op floeëmsap. Besmetting van die wortels lei tot herhaalde besmetting van bogrondse dele aangesien die insekte aanteelop die wortels. In uiterste gevalle word die vrugte geaffekteer, wat vrug-verkope beïnvloed. 'Northern Spy' is in 1962 geïdentifiseer as 'n onderstam met natuurlike weerstand teen appelbloedluis en het vir lank die basis gevorm vir tradisionele telingsprogramme. Weerstand word verleen deur die Erf geen. Volgens een verslag is die natuurlike weerstand van Northern Spy egter in 1968 in Suid-Afrika oorkom, maar dit is nog nie in 'n onafhanklike studie bevestig word nie. Die hoof doelstellings van hierdie studie was om eerstens deur middel van die AFLP tegniek molekulêre merkers te identifiseer wat nouer gekoppel is aan die appelbloedluis weerstandsgeen, En, as bestaande merkers. Hierdie tegniek is toegepas op saailinge wat deur konvensionele fenotipering geselekteer is. Indien merkers suksesvol geïdentifiseer is, kan dit in bestaande telingsprogramme geïntegreer word. Tweedens is bestaande RAPD en SCAR merkers ook getoets om hul toepaslikheid te bepaal vir gebruik in plaaslike teelprogramme. Oplaas sal die segregasie van die Erf geen in Suid- Afrikaanse populasies ook deur middel van nou gekoppelde merkers bepaal kan word. Kruisings van elk van die drie weerstandbiedende genotipes, naamlik 'Northern Spy', 'Rootstock 5' en 'Russian Seedling', en die vatbare kultivar, 'Braeburn' , het drie families daargestel. Elke weerstandbiedende genotipe is toegelaat om in isolasie te kruisbestuif met die vatbare ouer. Twee hand-bestuifde families, 'Russian Seedling' x 'Liberty' en 'Russian Seedling' x 'Northern Spy', is in 'n latere stadium van die studie ingesluit. Die AFLP tegniek is gebruik vir die identifikasie van polimorfiese merkers tussen vatbare en weerstandbiedende populasies. Geen merkers is egter geïdentifiseer nie. Bestaande SCAR en RAPD merkers is vervolgens gebruik om te bepaal of hulle geskik is vir gebruik in merker-bemiddelde seleksie vir appelbloedluis weerstand. Wisselende resultate is verkry ten opsigte van amplifikasie, herhaalbaarheid van resultate was swak en geen onweerlegbare bewyse oor die segregasie van die Erfgeen is bekom nie. Dit beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid om merkers wat geredelik in plaaslike teelprogramme toegepas kan word, te ontwikkel. Die identifikasie en integrasie van sulke merkers sal die plaaslike en wêreld-wye appel industrieë aansienlik bevoordeel.

Mapping genes for stem rust and Russian wheat aphid resistance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Wessels, Willem Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis ( MScAgric) -- Stellenbosch University, 1997. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stem rust is considered the most damaging of the wheat rusts causing yield losses of more than 50% in epidemic years. Similarly, Russian wheat aphids (RWA) can be regarded as one ofthe most devastating insect pests of wheat. Yield losses due to R W A primarily result from a reduction in plant resources (sucking plant sap). Secondary losses are incurred by viruses transmitted during feeding. Mapping disease and insect resistance genes that are effective against prevailing pathotypes and biotypes of South Africa will optimize their utilization in breeding programmes. The wheat line, 87M66-2-l, is homozygous for a single dominant stem rust resistance gene located on chromosome lD. This stem rust resistance gene has been derived from Triticum tauschii accession RL5289 and is here referred to as Srtau. The aim of this study was to determine the chromosome arm involved. Following the chromosome arm allocation of Srtau, its possible linkage with the genes Rg2, Lr 21 , Sr X and Sr 33 was studied. A telosomic analysis has shown that Srtau is located on chromosome arm 1 DS and is linked to the centromere with a recombination frequency of 21 ± 3 .40%. Glume blotch and a heavy mildew infection of segregating families planted in the field in 1996 made the linkage study between Lr 21 (leaf rust resistance) and Rg2 (glume colour) impossible. However, estimated linkages of 9 ± 1.9 map units between Sr33 (stem rust resistance) and Srtau, ± 6 map units between Sr X (stem rust resistance) and Sr 3 3 and ± 1 0 map units between Sr X and Srtau suggested that SrX, Sr33 and Srtau are closely linked on I DS. Taking existing map data into consideration, it seems that the most likely order of the genes is: centromere - Srtau - Sr 3 3 - Sr X. A single dominant R W A resistance gene, Dn5, was identified in the T aestivum accession 'SA 463' and is located on chromosome 7D. The aim ofthis study was to determine the chromosome arm involved. The possible linkage of Dn5 with the endopeptidase locus, Ep-D1 b. and chlorina mutant gene, cn-D1, was then studied. Endopeptidase zymograms of 'SA 463' revealed two unknown polymorphisms. F 2 monosomic analyses involving the chromosomes 7 A, 7B and 7D were performed in an attempt to identify the loci associated with these polymorphisms. Dn5 was mapped on chromosome arm 7DL. A recombination frequency of60 ± 4.53% between Dn5 and the centromere suggested the absence of linkage. Linkage between Ep-Dl and cn-Dl could not be calculated as a result of similar isoelectric points of the 7DL encoded endopeptidases of the parental material studied. Recombination frequencies of32 ± 4.97% between Dn5 and EpDl and 37 ± 6.30% between Dn5 and cn-Dl were, however, encountered. The two novel endopeptidase alleles encountered in 'SA 463' were designated as Ep-Dle and Ep-Ald. A RWA resistance gene was transferred from the rye accession ' Turkey 77' to wheat and in the process the RWA resistant wheat lines 91M37-7 and 91M37-51 were derived. No rye chromatin could be detected in these plants following C-banding. The aim of this study was to determine (i) on which chromosome the gene(s) is located, and (ii) whether the resistance can be the result of a small intercalary translocation of rye chromatin. A monosomic analysis of the RWA resistance gene in 91M37-51 has shown that a single dominant resistance gene occurs on chromosome 7D. The use of rye-specific dispersed probes did not reveal any polymorphisms between the negative controls and RW A resistant lines 91M3 7- 7 and 91M37-51 which would suggest that it is unlikely that the resistance was derived from rye. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stamroes word as die mees vemietigende graanroessiekte beskou en het in epidemiese jare oesverliese van meer as 50% tot gevolg. Russiese koringluise is eweneens een van die emstigste insekplae van koring. Russiese koringluise veroorsaak oesverliese deurdat dit plantsap uitsuig en die plant van voedingstowwe beroof. Dit tree egter ook as 'n virusvektor op en kan so indirekte oesverliese veroorsaak. Kartering van siekte- en insekweerstandsgene wat effektief is teen die Suid-Afrikaanse patotipes en biotipes, sal hulle gebruik in teelprogramme optimiseer. Die koringlyn, 87M66-2-l , is homosigoties vir 'n dominante stamroes-weerstandsgeen wat op chromosoom ID voorkom. Hierdie weerstandsgeen is uit die Triticum tauschii aanwins, RL5289, afkomstig en word hiema verwys as Srtau. Daar is gepoog om te bepaal op watter chromosoomarm Srtau voorkom, waama sy koppeling met betrekking tot die gene Rg2, Lr21 , SrX en Sr33 bepaal is. 'n Telosoomanalise het getoon dat Srtau op chromosoom-arm 1 DS voorkom en gekoppel is aan die sentromeer met 'n rekombinasie-frekwensie van 21 ± 3.40%. Segregerende populasies wat in 1996 in die land geplant is, is hewig deur aarvlek en poeieragtige meeldou besmet en dit het die moontlike bepaling van koppeling tussen Lr21 (blaarroesweerstand) en Rg2 (aarkaffie kleur) belemmer. Koppelingsafstande van 9 ± 1. 9 kaart-eenhede tussen Sr 33 (stamroesweerstand) en Srt au, ± 6 kaart -eenhede tussen Sr X ( stamroesweerstand) en Sr 3 3 en ± 1 0 kaart -eenhede tussen SrX en Srtau is geraam en toon dat SrX, Sr33 en Srtau nou gekoppel is. Die waarskynlikste volgorde van die gene op lDS is: sentromeer- Srtau- Sr33- SrX. 'n Enkele dominante Russiese koringluis-weerstandsgeen, Dn5, is in dieT aestivum aanwins 'SA 463 ' ge"identifiseer en kom op chromosoom 7D voor. Die studie het ten doel gehad om te bepaal op watter chromosoom-arm Dn5 voorkom, asook wat die koppeling van Dn5 met die endopeptidase lokus, Ep-Dl, en die chlorina mutante geen, cn-Dl , is. Endopeptidase simograrnme van 'SA 463' het twee onbekende polimorfismes getoon. Die gene wat kodeer vir hierdie twee polimorfismes is met behulp van F2 monosoom-analises wat die chromosome 7 A, 7B en 7D betrek, gei:dentifiseer. Dn5 is op chromosoom 7DL gekarteer. 'n Rekombinasie-frekwensie van 60 ± 4.53% is gevind vir die sentromeer en Dn5 en dui op die afwesigheid van koppeling. Koppeling tussen Ep-Dl en cn-Dl kon nie bepaal word nie omdat die endopeptidase bande geproduseer deur die ouerlike materiaal wat in die studie gebruik is, nie met sekerheid in die nageslag onderskei kon word nie. Rekombinasie-frekwensies van 32 ± 4.97% tussen Dn5 en Ep-Dl en 37 ± 6.30% tussen Dn5 en cn-Dl is egter bereken. Dit word voorgestel dat daar na die twee onbekende endopeptidase-allele wat in 'SA 463 ' voorkom, verwys word as Ep-Dle en Ep-Ald. 'n Russiese koringluis-weerstandsgeen is uit die rog-aanwins, 'Turkey 77', oorgedra na koring en in die proses is die Russies koringluis weerstandbiedende lyne, 91M37-7 en 91M37-51 , geproduseer. Geen rog-chromatien kon egter met behulp van C-bande in hierdie lyne waargeneem word nie. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal (i) op watter chromosoom die geen(e) voorkom, en (ii), of die Russiese koringluis weerstandsgeen die gevolg kan wees van 'n klein interkalere translokasie van rog- chromatien. 'n Monosoom-analise van die Russiese koringluis-weerstandsgeen in 91M37-51 het getoon dat 'n enkele dominante weerstandsgeen op chromosoom 7D voorkom. Rog-spesifieke herhalende peilers het geen polimorfismes tussen negatiewe kontroles en die Russiese koringluis weerstandbiedende lyne 91M37-7 en 91M37-51 getoon nie. Dit is dus onwaarskynlik dat die weerstand in die lyne uit rog verhaal is.

Iron and Tuberculosis pathogenesis

Cowie, Danielle 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Iron is an essential element that plays a role in the process of respiration, oxygen transport and as a principle cofactor to several enzymes. Iron homeostasis is a finely regulated process since excess levels become toxic to healthy cells via the production of reactive oxygen species. A plethora of genes that control several key points throughout this regulatory process have been identified. Research focusing on changes in expression levels and downstream functional effects of these genes has become increasingly important over the past decade. One area of particular interest has emerged since a link between iron status and host response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection was discovered. Although the prevalence of Tuberculosis has decreased across the globe with the exception of Africa and parts of Europe, the mortality rate remains high. Therefore, research that focuses on understanding an individual’s predetermined susceptibility to TB infection at the genetic level could provide health care practitioners with the tools required to identify and educate at-risk individuals prior to TB infection. RT-qPCR was utilised to determine expression profiles for eight iron genes (CP, CYBRD1, FTH, FTL, LTF, HFE, HMOX1, and SCL40A1) normalised to three reference genes (ACTB, GUSB, and RPL37A1). Up-regulation is demonstrated in the TB group for transcript levels recorded for CYBRD1, HFE, HMOX1, and SLC40A1. Several measured serum parameters including conjugated, unconjugated, total bilirubin, and total protein were increased in the TB group while albumin was significantly lower in this group. Correlation analysis demonstrated that a positive correlation exists between transferrin saturation and iron and a negative correlation exists between transferrin and ferritin levels. Individuals categorised with low serum iron levels demonstrated lower CP/GUSB levels and higher HMOX1/GUSB levels. Individuals categorised with low transferrin saturation levels demonstrated higher FTL/GUSB and SLC40A1/GUSB levels and lower CP/GUSB. Results from this study provide further evidence for the relationship between iron status and TB infection rates, although protein studies are required to confirm these results. The data obtained illustrate the important role that these profiles and iron parameters may play in the clinical field when identifying at-risk individuals. Further investigation that focuses on which gene profile and parameter combinations show the most distinctive utility in the clinical setting is warranted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Yster is ‘n noodsaaklike element wat ‘n rol speel in die proses van respirasie en die vervoer van suurstof en ook ‘n belangrike ko-faktor vir verskeie ensieme is. Yster homeostase is op ‘n fyn manier gereguleer omdat oormatige vlakke toksies kan wees vir gesonde selle wanneer reaktiewe suurstofspesies geproduseer word. ‘n Magdom gene wat verskeie sleutelpunte in hierdie proses kontroleer is voorheen identifiseer. Navorsing wat fokus op die veranderinge in geenuitdrukkingsvlakke en die funksionele gevolge daarvan het oor die afgelope dekade toenemend belangrik geword. Een gebied van spesifieke belang het na vore gekom nadat ‘n verband tussen ystervlakke en die manier waarop die immuunstelsel reageer op Mycobacterium tuberculosis infeksie, ontdek is. Alhoewel die voorkoms van Tuberkulose wêreldwyd, behalwe in Afrika en sekere dele van Europa, afgeneem het, bly die sterftesyfer hoog. Daarom kan navorsing wat daarop fokus om ‘n individu se voorafbepaalde vatbaarheid vir TB-infeksie op die genetiese vlak te verstaan dalk aan gesondheidswerkers die regte instrumente verskaf om hoë-risiko individue te identifiseer en op te voed voordat hulle TB ontwikkel. RT-qPKR is gebruik om die geenuitdrukkingsvlakke van agt ystergene, wat met drie verwysings-gene (ACTB, GUSB, en RPL37A1) genormaliseer is, te bepaal. ‘n Toename in die uitdrukkingsvlakke van CYBRD1, HFE, HMOX1, en SLC40A1 is in die TB-groep waargeneem. Die bloedvlakke van verskeie parameters insluitend gekonjugeerde, ongekonjugeerde, totale bilirubin, en totale proteïen was hoër in die TB-groep, terwyl albuminvlakke laer was in hierdie groep. Korrelasie-analise het ‘n positiewe korrelasie tussen transferrin-versadiging en yster getoon, terwyl daar ‘n negatiewe korrelasie tussen transferrin- en ferritinvlakke gevind is. Individue met lae ystervlakke het laer CP/GUSB-vlakke en hoër HMOX1/GUSB-vlakke getoon. Individue met lae transferrin-versadiging het hoër FTL/GUSB- en SLC40A1/GUSB-vlakke en laer CP/GUSB-vlakke getoon. Resultate uit hierdie studie verskaf verdere getuienis dat daar ‘n verwantskap tussen ystervlakke en TB-infeksiekoerse bestaan, alhoewel proteïenstudies nodig is om hierdie resultate te bevestig. Die data dui op die belangrike rol wat hierdie profiele en ystervlakke in die kliniese veld mag speel in die identifisering van hoë-risiko individue. Verdere ondersoek, gefokus op watter geenprofiel en parameterkombinasies die grootste nut in die kliniese omgewing bied, is geregverdig.

An investigation into the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in South African Parkinson’s disease patients

Van der Merwe, Celia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSC)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain. Although the aetiology of PD is still not fully understood, it is thought to involve a combination of environmental (such as exposure to pesticides and neurotoxins) and genetic factors. A number of PD-causing genes have been found including SNCA, LRRK2, EIF4G1 and VPS35 (for autosomal dominant forms of PD) and parkin, PINK1, DJ-1 and ATP13A2 (for autosomal recessive forms of PD – arPD). Mutations in the parkin gene are the predominant cause of arPD. Parkin plays a role in the ubiquitin-proteasomal system which degrades damaged and unwanted proteins in the cell and it is also thought to be involved in maintaining healthy mitochondria. Numerous studies have implicated mitochondrial function in the pathogenesis of PD. Therefore the aim of the present study was to investigate the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in PD patients with parkin-null mutations. Four South African PD patients, each harbouring two parkin-null mutations, were recruited for this study. A muscle biopsy was performed for analysis of mitochondrial morphology using histology and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Skin biopsies were taken, from which fibroblasts were cultured. These fibroblasts were used in i) mitochondrial morphological assessments using TEM, ii) mitochondrial network analysis, iii) functional studies via ROS measurement and iv) analysis of the proteome using a LTQ Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer. In addition, RNA was isolated from peripheral blood samples for gene expression studies using the RT² Profiler PCR Array (SABiosciences, USA) and the RT² PCR Primer Assay (SABiosciences, USA). Heterozygous family members (carriers) and wild-type controls were also recruited for this study. Results from the histological and TEM analysis from the muscle biopsy observed subtle mitochondrial changes including the presence of type II fibres, atrophic fibres, the presence of lipids, and wrinkling of the sarcolemmal membrane. Enlarged mitochondria were also observed in one patient. TEM analysis on the patient’s fibroblasts observed an increase in the number of electron dense vacuoles, speculated to be autolysosomes. The mitochondrial network in two of the patients’ fibroblasts showed fragmented and dot-like networks which are indicative of damaged mitochondria. An increase in mitochondrial ROS levels was observed in three of the four patients. Expression studies found down-regulation of 14 genes from four of the five mitochondrial complexes and a total of 688 proteins were found only in the control and not in the patient fibroblasts. Some of these proteins are known to be part of the ‘mitochondrial dysfunction’ pathway. Taken together, these results indicate that the absence of parkin results in a number of mitochondrial alterations. Based on these findings, a model of PD was proposed: It is speculated that when parkin is absent, electron transport chain complex genes are down-regulated. This results in impaired oxidative phosphorylation, causing an increase in the production of mitochondrial ROS and subsequent oxidative stress. Mitochondria are then damaged; resulting in the fragmentation of the mitochondrial network. The impaired mitochondria are thus tagged for degradation, causing the recruitment of autolysosomes which engulf the mitochondria via mitophagy. Ultimately, as the compensatory mechanisms fail, this triggers the consequential cascade of cellular apoptotic events. This study has elucidated the effect of parkin on the mitochondria, and can act as a ‘stepping stone’ towards future development of therapeutic strategies and/or biochemical markers that will benefit not only patients with PD but also other neurodegenerative disorders. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Parkinson se siekte (PS) is ‘n neurodegeneratiewe bewegings-afwyking gedefineer deur die verlies van dopaminergiese neurone in die substantia nigra van die midde brein. Alhoewel die spesifieke oorsprong van die afwyking nog nie ten volle begryp is nie, word bydraes van beide omgewings faktore (bv. blootstelling aan plaagdoders en neurotoksienes) asook genetiese faktore gespekuleer. Vanuit ‘n genetiese aspek is ‘n aantal gene al geassosieer met PS. Hierdie gene sluit in SNCA, LRRK2, EIF4G1 en VPS35 (vir outosomale dominante vorms van PS) en parkin, PINK1, DJ-1, en ATP13A2 (vir outosomale resessiewe vorms van PS - orPS). Mutasies in die parkin geen is aangedui as die hoof oorsaak van orPS. Parkin speel ‘n rol in die ubiquitine-proteasomale sisteem wat beskadige en ongewensde proteïne binne in die sel verwyder en is verdink om by te dra tot die instandhouding van gesonde mitokondria. Mitokondriese wanfunksionering is ook deur talle studies gewys as ‘n bydraende faktor in die patologie van PS. Die doel van die studie is om ondersoek in te stel tot die spesifieke rol wat mitokondriese wanfunsionering speel in PS pasiënte met parkin-nul mutasies. Vier Suid-Afrikaanse PS-pasiënte, elk met twee parkin-nul mutasies, is gebruik vir die studie. Deur middel van spierbiopsies is monsters verkry vir mitokondriese morfologiese analises met behulp van histologiese en elektron-oordrag mikroskopie tegnieke (TEM). Vel biopsies is ook geneem en fibroblaste is gekweek vir die gebruik in: i) mitokondriese morfologiese assesering; ii) mitokondriese netwerk analiese; iii) funksionele studies waar vlakke van reaktiewe suurstof spesies (ROS) gemeet is; iv) proteoom analiese met behup van ‘n LTQ Orbitrap Velos massa spektrometer. RNA is ook geisoleer vanaf perifere bloedmonsters vir die gebruik in geen-uitdrukkings studies met behulp van ‘n RT² Profiler PCR Array en ‘n RT² Primer Assay. Selle vanaf famielie lede wat heterosigotiese draers is van die mutasie, asook normale (geen parkin mutasie) selle is gebruik as kontroles in die studie. TEM resultate vanaf die spier monsters het subtiele mitokondriese veranderinge getoon. Hierdie sluit in die teenwoordigheid van tipe II vesels, atrofiese vesels, teenwoordigheid van lipiedes, assook waarnemings van rimpeling van die sarcolemmal membraan. Vergrote mitokondrias is ook in een van die pasiënte opgelet. TEM resultate vanaf die fibroblaste het toename in die aantal elektron-digte vakuole vertoon, moontlik geidentifiseer as autolisosome. Gefragmenteerde en onderbreekte mitokondria netwerke is gelet tydens netwerk analiese van die fibroblaste, ‘n indikasie van beskadigde mitokondria. ‘n Toename in mitokondriese ROS vlakke is gevind in drie van die vier pasiënte. Af-regulering van 14 gene, geassosieerd met vier uit die vyf mitokondria komplekse, is verneem tydens die geen-uitdrukkings studie. Saam met dit is ‘n totaal van 688 proteïene geidentifiseer wat slegs teenwoordig is in die kontrole monsters en nie in die pasiënt monsters nie. Hierdie proteïene is almal uitgedruk en betrokke in die mitokondriese wanfunsionerings-weë. Hierdie resultate dui dat die afwesigheid van parkin mitokondriese afwykings tot gevolg het wat kan lei tot die afsterwing van selle. Dit dra ook by tot die vorming van ‘n beter-verstaande siekte-model vir PS: Mutasies in parkin (wat lei tot die afwesigheid van parkin) kan dus moontlik lei tot die af-regulasie van gene geassosieerd met die elektron-vervoer ketting komplekse in die mitokondria. Dit lei tot gebrekkige oksidatiewe fosforilering en veroorsaak ‘n toename in die vorming van ROS, wat dan ‘n toename in oksidatiewe stres binne in die sel tot gevolg het. Uiteindelik lei dit dus tot die beskadiging van die mitokondria wat gepaard gaan met fragmentering van die mitokondriese netwerk. Beskadigde mitokondrias word geetiketeer vir afbraking. Hierdie etiketering aktiveer omringende autophagosome wat die beskadigde mitokondrias dan verwyder deur middel van ‘n verswelgende proses genaamd mitophagy. Dit veroorsaak die aktivering van ‘n aantal gekorreleerde sellulêre prosesse wat lei tot apoptose (afsterwing van die sel). Hierdie studie dra by tot die verklaring van die spesifieke effek wat parkin mutasies het op die funksionering van die mitokondria. Resultate hier lê ook die grondslag vir toekomstige studies met die doel tot die ontwikkeling van terapeutiese strategeë en biochemiese merkers wat kan bydrae tot die genesing van beide pasiënte met PS, asook pasiënte met ander neurodegeneratiewe afwykings.

Preliminary investigations into the phylogenetic relationships in the genus Erica L.

Lester, Ntsikelelo Blessings 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Erica is a genus of about 860 species world wide, with 700 of these found in South Africa’s southwestern and southern Cape, making it by far the most speciose genus in the Cape Floristic Region. This poses a particular challenge in the construction of a molecular phylogeny of the genus. The choice of suitably variable gene regions is a crucial decision on which the successful phylogenetic reconstruction of this important genus is critically dependent. The aim of this project was therefore to determine which DNA regions, both chloroplast and nuclear, would be sufficiently variable to give adequate informative characters that may be useful at the species level phylogenetic reconstruction. A subset of 30 species, representing the range of morphological diversity and pollinator preference within Erica, was selected for study. For each of these species the variability in eight chloroplast regions (trnL-F, matK, trnS-G, rps12- rpl20, psbAtrnH, trnC-D, rps4-trnT and trnT-L) and the nuclear ITS region was investigated. The psbA-trnH, trnC-D, rps4-trnT and trnT-L chloroplast regions were found to be problematic to amplify and to possess too few Parsimony Informative Characters to be of use in phylogenetic reconstruction. Four of the chloroplast regions, trnS-G, trnL-F, matK and rpS12-rpL20 and the nuclear ITS region could be amplified and sequenced with success. The ITS region was found to be reasonably variable, with the chloroplast genes showing less variability. The DNA extraction method employed showed itself to be of critical importance in the success of the study. Two DNA extraction protocols, both modified from the original Doyle and Doyle (1987) method, were tested. The one included double the amount of β-mercaptoethanol and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and the other included an extended phenol: chloroform: isoamylalcohol step. These variables, together with the effectiveness of these methods on fresh vs. silica dried plant samples, were investigated to determine which of the two would yield high quantities and qualities of DNA and result in the best method for the extraction of DNA from Erica species. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Erica is ‘n genus van omtrent 860 spesies wêreldwyd, met 700 van hierdie spesies aanwesig in die suidwes en suid Kaap van Suid Afrika, wat dit by verre die mees spesieryke genus in die Kaapse Floristiese Streek maak. Dit stel ’n besondere uitdaging in die konstruksie van ’n molekulêre filogenie van die genus. Die keuse van geskikte variërende geen-areas is ‘n belangrike besluit waarvan die suksesvolle filogenetiese rekonstruksie van hierdie belangrike genus krities afhanklik sal wees. Die doel van hierdie projek was dus om te bepaal watter DNS areas, buide chloroplas en kern, genoegsaam varieer om voldoende informatiewe kenmerke te lewer om bruikbaar te wees in ’n spesie-vlak molekulêre rekonstruksie. ’n Subgroep van 30 spesies, wat die reeks van morfologiese diversiteit en bestuiwer voorkeure in Erica verteenwoordig, is dus vir die studie geselekteer. Vir elk van hierdie spesies is die variasie in agt chloroplast areas (trnL-F, matK, trnS-G, rps12- rpl20, psbA-trnH, trnC-D, rps4-trnT en trnT-L) en die kern ITS area ondersoek. Dit was problematies om die psbA-trnH, trnC-D, rps4-trnT en trnT-L chloroplast areas te amplifiseer, en daar is gevind dat hulle te min Parsimonie Informatiewe Kenmerke besig om bruikbaar te wees in filogenetiese rekonstruksie. Vier van die chloroplas areas, trnS-G, trnL-F, matK en rpS12-rpL20 en die kern ITS kon suksesvol geamplifiseer word en die basisvolgordes kon suksesvol bepaal word. Daar is gevind dat die ITS area redelik variërend is, terwyl chloroplas areas minder variasie getoon het. Die DNS ekstraksie metode wat gebruik is het die kritiese belang van die ekstraksie metode in die sukses van die studie bewys. Twee DNS protokolle, beide gemodifiseer van die oorspronklike Doyle en Doyle (1987) metode, is getoets. Die een het dubbel die hoeveelheid β-mercaptoetanol en Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) bevat, en die het ’n uitgebruide fenol: chloroform: isoamylalkohol stap ingesluit. Hierdie veranderlikes, saam met die effektiwiteit van hierdie metodes op vars teenoor silika-gedroogde plant monsters, is ondersoek om vas te stel watter een van die twee die hoogste kwaliteit en kwantiteit DNS sou lewer en dus sal lei tot die beste DNS ekstraksie metode vir Erica spesies.

Mapping and restructuring of an Ae. kotschyi derived translocation segment in common wheat

Heyns, I.C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Genetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The wild relatives are an important source of new genes for the genetic improvement of wheat. At Stellenbosch University the leaf and stripe rust resistance genes Lr54 and Yr37 were transferred from Aegilops kotschyi to chromosome 2DL of wheat. In an attempt to reduce the size of the whole-arm translocation on which the resistance genes occur, homoeologous pairing was induced between the wheat and corresponding Ae. kotschyi chromatin. The purpose of this study was to: (i) Evaluate the testcross progeny thus obtained; identify translocation recombinants that retained Lr54/Yr37 and to characterize these using molecular markers (ii) Test for the presence of genes for photoperiod insensitivity (Ppd) and reduced height (Rht) believed to be associated with the translocation (iii) Develop a SCAR marker for the most useful recombinant that could be recovered. Ten putative translocation recombinants were identified following the screening of 159 hemizygous testcross F1 plants with three microsatellite markers specific for chromosome arm 2DL. The recombinants were then characterized with another five microsatellite markers. Using the eight microsatellite markers the recombinants were ordered in two size categories with recombinant #74 being the shortest and having retained only proximal alien chromatin on 2DL. In addition to microsatellite markers, RAPDs, RGAs, AFLPs and SCAR markers were genetically mapped to the translocation and further resolved the recombinants into three size categories. In an attempt to find suitable markers linked to the shortest recombinant (#74) a polymorphic 410 bp AFLP fragment produced with the enzyme/selective nucleotide combination EcoRI – AAC/MseI – CAT, was converted into a dominant SCAR marker. In addition three microsatellite markers that mapped to recombinant #74 provided a useful recessive molecular marker system to detect Lr54/Yr37. Evaluation of the 10 recombinants with four 2DS-specific microsatellite markers revealed a large deletion of this chromosome arm in recombinant #74. This deletion may affect plant phenotypic characteristics and a strategy to replace the deleted region in recombinant #74 is proposed. To test for the presence of a gene for photoperiod insensitivity on the translocation, translocation-carriers plus controls were subjected to long and short day treatments, and the effect on time to flowering was studied. However, no evidence was found for the presence of such a gene. A height experiment to test for the presence of an Rht gene on the translocation confirmed its presence. This gene (designated H) appeared to be different from Rht8 on chromosome 2DS and was mapped on 2DL. While H does not occur in a chromosome region that corresponds with the location of Rht8, it does not rule out the possibility that they could be orthologous loci. Plant height data obtained for recombinant #74 suggested that H was lost through recombination in this particular recombinant. A greenhouse experiment suggested that the full-length translocation increased 100 kernel mass but had a detrimental effect on overall plant yield. Since a much shorter recombinant (#74) has been obtained, this will also have to be evaluated for associated effects. Such an evaluation needs to be done under commercial growing conditions and should involve the comparison of near-isogenic bulks with and without recombinant chromosome #74. The stripe rust resistance gene (Yr37) was mapped by screening hemizygous TF2 progeny of the 10 recombinants with Puccinia striiformis pathotype 6E22A+. Recombinant #74 retained both Lr54 and Yr37 and the two genes therefore occur towards the centromere. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wilde verwante spesies is ‘n belangrike bron van nuwe gene vir die genetiese verbetering van koring. By die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is die blaar-roes en streep-roes weerstandsgene Lr54 en Yr37 vanaf Aegilops kotschyi na chromosoom 2DL van koring oorgedra. ‘n Poging is vervolgens aangewend om die vol-armtranslokasie waarop die weerstandsgene voorkom te verklein deur homoeoloë paring tussen die koring en ooreenstemmende Ae. kotschyi chromatien te induseer. Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was daarom as volg: (a) Evaluering van die verkreë toetskruis-nageslag asook die identifisering en karakterisering van translokasie rekombinante wat Lr54/Yr37 behou het. (b) Toetsing vir fotoperiode onsensitiwiteits- (Ppd) en verkorte plant-hoogte (Rht) gene wat moontlik op die translokasie kon voorkom. (c) Die ontwikkeling van ‘n volgorde-spesifieke polimerase kettingreaksie (PKR) vir die mees bruikbare rekombinant. Tien translokasie rekombinante is geïdentifiseer nadat 159 hemisigotiese toetskruis F1-plante met drie mikrosatelliet-merkers, spesifiek vir chromosoom-arm 2DL, ge-evalueer is. Die rekombinante is hierna met vyf verdere mikrosatellietmerkers getoets. Die data van die agt mikrosatelliet-loci het die rekombinante in twee grootte-kategorieë geplaas waarvan rekombinant #74 die kortste was met slegs die proksimale gedeelte van 2DL wat uit vreemde chromatien bestaan. Behalwe mikrosatellite-merkers is toevallig-geamplifiseerde polimorfiese DNS (RAPD), weerstandsgeen-analoog (RGA), geamplifiseerde volgordelengte polimorfisme (AFLP) en volgorde-gekarakteriseerde geamplifiseerde-streke (SCAR) merkers ook geneties op die translokasie gekarteer. Data van die addisionele merkers het dit moontlik gemaak om die rekombinante in drie grootte-kategorieë te skei. Pogings om ‘n merker vir die kortse rekombinant (#74) te vind, het gelei tot die omskakeling van ‘n 410 bp polimorfiese AFLP-fragment (geproduseer met die ensiem/selektiewenukleotied kombinasie EcoRI - AAC/MseI - CAT), na ‘n dominante, volgordespesifieke PKR-merker. Hierbenewens kan drie mikrosatelliet-merkers wat op rekombinant #74 karteer as resessiewe merkers vir die identifisering van Lr54/Yr37 gebruik word. Die evaluering van die 10 rekombinante met vier chromosoom 2DSspesifieke mikrosatelliet-merkers het ‘n groot delesie van chromosoom-arm 2DS in rekombinant #74 uitgewys. Die delesie mag plant fenotipiese kenmerke beïnvloed en daarom is ‘n strategie vir die vervanging daarvan in rekombinant #74 voorgestel. Ten einde te toets of ‘n geen vir fotoperiode-onsensitiwiteit op die translokaie voorkom is translokasie-draers en kontroles aan lang- en kortdag-behandelings onderwerp en is die effek hiervan op dae-tot-blom gemeet. Geen bewyse vir so ‘n geen kon gevind word nie. ‘n Hoogte-eksperiment om te toets vir die teenwoordigheid van ‘n Rht-geen op die translokasie, het bevestig dat so ‘n geen wel voorkom. Die geen (voorgestelde simbool H) is gekarteer op 2DL en verskil oënskynlik van Rht8 op chromosoom 2DS. Die verskillende chromosoom-ligging van H en Rht8 skakel egter nie die moontlikheid dat hulle ortoloë loci mag wees uit nie. Plant-hoogte data vir rekombinant #74 het daarop gedui dat H nie meer in hierdie rekombinant voorkom nie. Data van ‘n glashuis-eksperiment het daarop gedui dat die vollengte-translokasie 100-korrel-massa verhoog maar dat dit plant-opbrengs verlaag. Aangesien ‘n aansienlike korter rekombinant (#74) verkry is, sal dit ook vir gekoppelde effekte getoets moet word. So ‘n evaluering moet egter onder kommersiële toestande gedoen word met gebruik van naby isogeniese-lyne met en sonder rekombinante chromosoom #74. Die streep-roes weerstandgeen (Yr37) is gekarteer deur hemisigotiese TF2- nageslag van die 10 rekombinante te toets vir weerstand teen Puccinia striiformis patotipe 6E22A+. Rekombinant #74 het beide Lr54 en Yr37 behou en die twee gene karteer dus naby die sentromeer.

Pharmacogenetics of Arylamine N-acetyltransferase genes in South African populations

Werely, Cedric J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Tuberculosis (TB) has been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organisation, and consequently there is an urgency to develop improved methods of diagnosis and treatment. Despite the current TB epidemic, the disease can be treated effectively using isoniazid (INH) in combination with other antibiotics. However, INH is inactivated in the body by certain drug metabolising enzymes, which may reduce the efficacy of TB treatment. The activity of these drug metabolising enzymes, called NAT, are in turn reduced by nucleotide changes (SNPs) in the gene. These genetic variants (alleles) have been correlated with the rapid- (FA), intermediate- (IA), and slow acetylation (SA) enzymatic activity, and one is therefore able to investigate potential phenotypic effects via genotypic analyses. We investigated these genetic changes in the NAT1 and NAT2 genes in individuals from the local Coloured community (SAC) since this group has one of the highest TB incidences in the country. NAT2 is primarily responsible for the inactivation of INH, whilst NAT1 metabolises para-aminosalicyclic acid (PAS) which is used in the treatment of drug resistant TB. The NAT2 results indicated that the NAT2 alleles were not equally represented in three local ethnic groups studied, and subsequently the rapid, intermediate and slow acetylation activity reflected these differences. However, the relative frequency of these variants in the SAC and Caucasian groups were relatively low. These differences require further investigation to determine their overall relevance to the NAT2 activity differences between groups. In the case of the NAT1 analysis we also observed differences in the relative frequency of various NAT1 alleles between Caucasian and SAC individuals. However, many of these NAT1 SNPs and alleles have not as yet been characterised, so effects of these variants are currently unknown. Interestingly, the NAT1*4 and NAT1*10 alleles were the most prevalent NAT1 alleles in both Caucasians and SAC. The NAT1*4 allele exhibits the rapid NAT1 activity, whilst the activity of the NAT1*10 allele is currently subject to ongoing debate. In this respect, the analysis of NAT1 continues to be a topic for ongoing research. These results, observed for the NAT genes, underscore the importance of doing genetic analyses in local ethnic groups, since these differences may vary significantly between the groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tuberkulose (TB) is deur die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) tot 'n globale gesondheidsnood verklaar en derhalwe is dit noodsaaklik dat nuwe, verbeterde diagnostiese metodes ontwikkel word, wat tot meer effektiewe behandeling kan lei. Ten spyte van die huidige TB-epidemie, kan die siekte doeltreffend behandel word deur middel van isoniasied (INH), in kombinasie te met ander antibiotika. INH kan egter geïnaktiveer word deur sekere ensieme in die liggaam, met die gevolg dat INH nie meer effektief is nie in die behandeling van TB. Die aktiwiteit van hierdie ensiem, die sogenaamde NAT2 (Arielamien N-asetieltransferase 2) ensiem, word op sy beurt beïnvloed deur sekere nukleotied veranderings (SNPs) in die geen. Hierdie genetiese veranderings gekorreleer met ensiemaktiwiteitsveranderings (geklassifiseer as vinnig (FA) Intermediêr (IA) en stadig (SA)), wat mens in staat stel om potensiële fenotipiese effekte te ondersoek deur middel van genotipiese analise. Ons het hierdie genetiese veranderings ondersoek in die NAT1 en NAT2 gene in individue van die Kleurling-gemeenskap (SAC) omdat díe bevolkingsgroep die hoogste voorkoms van TB in die land het. NAT2 is primêr verantwoordelik vir die inaktivering van INH, terwyl NAT1 para-amienosalisilaat (PAS) inaktiveer, wat gebruik word in die behandeling van midel-weerstandige TB. Die NAT2 resultate dui daarop dat die allele van die NAT2 geen nie eweredig verteenwoordig wasin die drie etniese groepe nie en derhalwe word die vinnige (FA), intermediêre (IA) en stadige (SA) ensiemaktiwiteite deur hierdie verskille weerspieël. Hoewel die teenwoordigheid van hierdie variante relatief laag was in die SAC en Koukasiër gemeenskappe, is verdere studies nodig om die omvang van hierdie verskille te bepaal ten onsigte van NAT2 aktiwiteit tussen groepe. In die geval van die NAT1 analise het ons verskille waargeneem in die voorkoms van verskeie NAT1 allele tussen Koukasiese en SAC individue. Baie van hierdie NAT1 SNPs is egter nog nie gekarakteriseer nie, en derhalwe is die effek van hierdie NAT1 variante onbekend. Die NAT1*4 en NAT1*10 allele was die prominentste NAT1 alleel in beide Koukasiërs en SAC. Die NAT1*4 is betrokke by vinnige NAT1 aktiwiteit, terwyl die effek van die NAT1*10 alleel nog onderhewig is aan aktiefwe debat. In hierdie verband, is die studie van NAT1 steeds 'n onderwerp vir toekomstige navorsing. Hierdie resultate, wat vir die NAT gene waargeneem is, beklemtoon die belangrikheid van verdere genetiese analises in plaaslike etniese groepe, aangesien hierdie verskille beduidend kan wees tussen die verskillende groepe.

The development of a novel fluorescentmarker phage technology system for the early diagnosis of tuberculosis disease

Van der Merwe, Ruben Gerhard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative organism of tuberculosis (TB), is a major cause for mortality and morbidity world-wide with a death toll only second to HIV among infectious diseases. Drug resistance is widespread and cases of multiple drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug resistant TB (XDR-TB) have emerged in several countries. Drug treatment is problematic and new drugs are not developed rapidly enough to offset the rapid drug resistance mutation rate of M. tuberculosis. Simple and effective diagnostics are required to contain the spread of the disease as current routine diagnostics are not fulfilling this role. Additionally, current rapid TB diagnostics are out of reach to resource poor settings due to infrastructure, cost and skill requirements. Novel TB diagnostics are thus required that meet these requirements. Mycobacteriophages are phages that infect mycobacteria and could offer a viable and cost effective alternative rapid TB diagnostics. In this study, an affinity-tagged fluorescent reporter mycobacteriophage is described, which was engineered to act as a TB diagnostic. Its performance proved favourable and superior to current existing mycobacteriophage-based TB diagnostics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, die organisme verantwoordelik vir tuberkulose (TB), is `n groot bron van mortaliteit en morbiditeit wêreldwyd en slegs HIV is verantwoordelik vir groter getalle sterftes as gevolg van n aansteeklike siekte. Middelweerstandigheid is algemeen en gevalle van meervoudigemiddelweerstandige tuberkulose (MDR-TB) en uiters weerstandige tuberkulose (XDR-TB) kom in verskeie lande voor. Antibiotika behandeling is problematies en nuwe anti-TB middels word nie vinnig genoeg ontwikkel om die antibiotika weerstandigheid mutasie spoed van M. tuberculosis te bekamp nie. Doeltreffende diagnostiese toetse word benodig om die verspreiding van die siekte te beheer en bestaande roetine diagnostiese toetse voldoen tans nie aan hierdie vereiste nie. Behalwe hiervoor, is huidige vinnige TB diagnostiese toetse buite bereik van arm instansies weens vereistes aan infrastruktuur, meegaande kostes en werknemervaardigheid. Nuwe TB diagnostiese toetse is dus nodig om aan hierdie vereistes te voldoen. Mikobacteriofaage is fage wat mikobacteria infekteer en kan moontlik 'n lewensvatbare en koste-effektiewe alternatief bied vir vinnige TB diagnostiese toetse. In hierdie studie word 'n affiniteitgekoppelde fluoreserende rapporteringsmikobakteriofaag beskryf wat ontwerp is om op te tree as `n nuwe vinnige TB diagnostiese toets. Die werking hiervan vertoon gunstige en beter resultate as die huidige, mikobacteriofaaggebaseerde TB-diagnostiese toetse.

Behavioural, reproductive and growth studies on Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters 1852)

Weber, Raimund Michael. January 2010 (has links)
A major obstacle facing the successful creation of an African aquaculture industry, based upon Oreochromids, is the irregular supply of good quality fish seed. There are several causative biological processes behind its irregular supply. The aim of this research was therefore to determine the basic requirements for the establishment and maintenance of a small breeding facility, for O. mossambicus. The goal was to make a unit that was simple and which could be easily replicated in rural, satellite aquaculture seed stations. The results obtained illustrate that a small reproduction unit can produce large quantities of healthy 90-day fry. Asynchronous hatching of the eggs and spawning asynchrony in female Oreochromis mossambicus are two elements which negatively affect uniformity in the fry produced. Typical fish seed production uses large ponds partitioned into breeding allotments or a series of breeding pools. While the earthen ponds provide a substrate in which a nest can be excavated, its presence is not required for mating success in the closely related O. niloticus (Linneaus 1758). Female mate choice, as well as apparent fecundity, according to nest size has been clearly recorded in related cichlids but no investigations have been made as to nest size and spawning synchrony in O. mossambicus. The main focus of this investigation was to ascertain whether O. mossambicus would accept artificial nest substitutes in preference to their own constructed ones and secondly, whether different alternatives would elicit different levels of acceptance. The observed results indicate a ready acceptance for artificial nest alternatives, with nest lip height being prioritised by the fish . The implications thereof are discussed in relation to the potential for optimization of breeding arenas for O. mossambicus by the provision of artificial nests whose dimensions satisfy both male and female preferences. In established communities, Oreochromis mossambicus display various complex and ritualised behaviours during stable and disruptive events. The aim of this research was primarily to produce a glossary of behaviours defining these interactions, particularly with reference to male-male behaviours. Three males and six females were allowed to acclimatise over one month, with various social groupings being established within the first few days. Results from this study illustrated not only a dynamic social structure, signaled via various chemosensory and visual methods, but also supported recent findings in apparent male-male courtship and the underlying ii causes. Furthermore, the observed male-male activity of the nestholder malesfirmly corroborate the current practice in aquaculture whereby only one male is allocated per breeding arena. The use of artificial incubation of Oreochromis spp. eggs has become widespread in high intensity fish seed production. Various types of incubator exist, and their selection is dependent on the specific attributes of the egg to be incubated. Currently available incubators are typically of a funnel (up-flow) or round bottomed (down-flow) design. Neither permits easy access to the eggs, which is particularly important when dealing with poor quality water as is typically found in rural areas. The aim of this study was to devise and test an easy-to-use incubator, applicable to rural seed production projects, which offers advantages over currently available incubator types. The final design, WETNURSE Type II, offered improved hatching rates over Type I, with a mean hatching success of 75%. While falling short of the desired 80% success rate (Rana 1986), the various other benefits provided by the design justify further optimization and testing. Three distinct populations of O. mossambicus, representing populations of inbred, randomly mated and genetically unknown (wild-caught) pedigree were analysed according to their food conversion efficiency (FCE). The intra- and inter-sample crosses were done with single males in order to produce half-sib progeny batches which allowed for the assessment of sire influences on the FCE of the progeny batches. The results show that the population of unknown pedigree is comparable to that of the randomly mating population, indicating the presence of sufficient genetic variation to permit further selection; the genetic contribution of the males to their respective progeny was insignificant in relation to that made by the female.

Investigation of leptin genotypes and economically important dairy traits in jersey cows.

Todd, Caryn Jayne. January 2005 (has links)
Dairy farming is one of the most important agricultural industries in South Africa, and thus improving the performance of dairy cows, with respect to economically important dairy traits, would be beneficial. Selection of dairy cows has traditionally been phenotypic, but new molecular techniques have made it possible to evaluate phenotypic dairy traits at the DNA level, providing the possibility of more accurate selection. The economically important dairy traits, milk production and reproductive performance, are quantitative traits, and are therefore controlled by many genes and the environment. A number of genes have been identified that have been shown to influence economically important dairy traits, including the lep gene. This gene encodes the hormone leptin, which has been proven to regulate feed intake, energy balance, fertility and immune function. A polymorphism has been identified in the lep gene, which may be associated with economically important dairy traits. This study on a South African Jersey herd investigated the possible association of the polymorphism, RFLP-Kpn 21, with milk production and reproductive performance. The lactation records of fifty Jersey cows that completed their first lactation between 1997 and 2004 were collected, and these cows were genotyped for the RFLP-Kpn 21 polymorphism, located at exon 2 of the lep gene. This involved the extraction of DNA from venous blood, using a salting out technique. The extracted DNA was amplified using PCR primers; the reverse primer included a purposeful mismatch. The role of the purposeful mismatch was to create a recognition site for a restriction enzyme (Kpn 21), thus allowing the alleles of the polymorphism to be identified through a restriction digestion protocol. Two alleles were identified, the C- and the Tallele. The genotype of each cow was identified using PAGE. The significance of the genotype effects on the milk production traits and the reproductive performance traits were estimated using the F-statistic provided by a GLM Univariate analysis. In conclusion, no significant effect of the RFLP-Kpn 21 polymorphism was found for milk yield, butterfat and protein percentage, ICP and SPC (p > 0.05), but a possible association with lactose percentage was suggested by the statistical analysis (p < 0.05). Further investigation of South African Jersey cows will be necessary in order for conclusive results to be obtained. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

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