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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The application of the Child Care Act in respect of the assessment and sentencing of juvenile offenders

Gildenhuys, Marianne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is concerned with children and youths in conflict with the law, who are additionally at risk of becoming or being in need of care. The study eventuated from concern for neglected children and youths from poor, disadvantaged and violent communities in the Western Cape Province, who inevitably lapsed into crime. Child and youth care, including juvenile justice, in South Africa is presently in a process of transformation, managed by the inter-ministerial committee on young people at risk. As an outcome of the transformation of the juvenile justice system, assessment centres were established at juvenile courts. Probation officers were appointed in terms of the Probation Services Act (Act 116 of 1991) to assess arrested children and youths before their first court appearance in view of a suitable awaiting trial placement and possible diversion of the criminal case. The researcher investigated how arrested children and youths, being in need of care, are managed within the criminal justice system. The research study showed that in spite of the implementation of policies and legislation to protect children and youths from detention in prison, the number of children and youths in prisons awaiting trial have steadily increased. A continuous shortage of vacancies in awaiting trial places of safety exists. It has further been established that professionals such as magistrates, prosecutors and probation officers recognize the needs of arrested children and youths who are additionally at risk of being or becoming in need of care. Factors such as the existing lack of vacancies in awaiting trial places of safety however result in children and youths not being protected in terms of care in all instances. The research study also indicated that arrested children and youths who are current subjects of the Child Care Act (Act 74 of 1983) as amended are often not effectively managed within the criminal justice system. A lack of sufficient knowledge of the said Child Care Act by especially prosecutors appears to be a contributing factor. A comprehensive criminal justice system for children and youths in South Africa is being envisaged, as contained in the draft Bill (Bill B), which will enable individualized but holistic services in respect of children and youths in conflict with the law. The role and tasks of probation officers carrying out assessments have as such become a key element in the management of arrested children and youths, as contained in the draft Bill (Bill B). Probation officers therefore playa significant role in advising the court regarding the appropriate management of arrested children and youths who are at risk of becoming or being in need of care. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het betrekking op kinders en jeudiges in botsing met die gereg, wat bykomend in gevaar is om sorgbehoewend te raak of sorgbehoewend is. Die studie het voortgevloei uit besorgdheid oor verwaarloosde kinders en jeugdiges van arm, agtergeblewe en geweldadige gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, wie noodwendig in misdaad verval het. Kinder- en jeugsorg, insluitend jeugreg in Suid-Afrika is tans in 'n proses van transformasie, wat deur die inter-ministeriële komitee vir jong persone in gevaar, bestuur word. As 'n uitkoms van die transformasie van die jeugregsisteem, is asseseringsentrums by jeughowe tot stand gebring. Proefbeamptes is in terme van die Wet op Proefdienste (Wet 116 van 1991) aangestel om gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges te asseseer voor hulle eerste hofverskyning in die lig van 'n geskikte aanhouding terwyl verhoofafwagtend en moontlike afwending van die kriminele saak. Die navorser het ondersoek ingestel na die wyse waarop gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges wat sorgbehoewend is, binne die kriminele jeugregstelsel hanteer word. Die navorsingstudie het getoon dat ten spyte van die implementering van beleid en wetgewing om kinders en jeugdiges van aanhouding in gevangenisse te beskerm, die hoeveelheid kinders en jeugdiges verhoorafwagtend in gevangenisse voortdurend toegeneem het. 'n Deurlopende tekort aan vakatures in plekke van veiligheid kom voor. Dit is verder vasgestel dat die behoeftes van gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges wat bykomend in gevaar is om sorgbehoewend te raak of sorgbehoewend is, deur professionele persone soos landdroste, aanklaers en proefbeamptes erken word. Faktore soos die bestaande tekort aan vakatures in plekke van veiligheid veroorsaak egter dat kinders en jeugdiges nie ten alle tye beskerm word nie. Die navorsingstudie het ook aangedui dat gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges wat steeds onderhewig is aan die Wet op Kindersorg (Wet 74 van 1983) soos gewysig dikwels nie doeltreffend binne die kriminele jeugregsisteem hanteer word nie. Gebrek aan voldoende kennis van die genoemde Wet op Kindersog deur veral aanklaers, blyk 'n bydraende faktor te wees. 'n Omvattende kriminele jeugregsisteem vir kinders en jeugdiges in Suid-Afrika word beoog, soos vervat in die konsep Wetsontwerp (Wetsontwerp B), wat die geleentheid vir individuele maar holistiese dienste ten opsigte van kinders en jeugdiges in botsing met die gereg sal bied. Die rol en take van proefbeamptes wat assesserings uitvoer het as sulks 'n sleutel element geword in die hantering van gearresteerde kinders en jeugdiges, soos vervat in die konsep Wetsontwerp (Wetsontwerp B). Proefbeamptes speel gevolglik 'n belangwekkende rol ten einde die hof te adviseer oor die gepaste hantering van gearresteerde kinders en jeudiges wat in gevaar is om sorgbehoewend te raak of sorgbehoewend is.

The utilisation of community work within a military context : the role of the social worker

Bagnall, Karen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Community work fulfils definite functions within the social work milieu and develops according to a process. The SANDF does not possess any definite guidelines regarding community work. The resultant consequence is that community work is not utilised to its full potential in that the client system does not always receive a quality service. The purpose of this study was to compose a framework for the Directorate of Social Work within the SANDF, which can serve as a guideline for the possible formulation of a policy document on community work within social work practice. The objectives of the study are firstly to provide theoretical and practical guidelines which social workers in a military setting can follow when utilising community work as a social work method of intervention. Secondly, to explore the knowledge and skills of social workers in the military within the SANDF regarding community work. Thirdly, the need for guidelines with regard to community work within the SANDF, was explored. This study was confined geographically to the social workers in the military of the Western Province. An exploratory study was executed in order to achieve the stated goal and objectives. The research methodology was a quantitative design being a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to probe skills, knowledge perceptions and attitudes relating to community work and to determine the impact of existing community programmes. The empirical study enabled the researcher to draw certain conclusions. Although certain misconceptions were evident, the respondents understood the term developmental social work, community and community work, as well as the systems involved in the community work process and the practice models. The most utilised social work method was casework. The respondents who utilised community work made use of a community work process. Most of the respondents utilised the social community education model in the military. Most of the respondents indicated that guidelines for community work within the SANDF would be helpful. Approximately thirty percent of the respondents experienced problems while making use of community work as a social work method of intervention. A number of recommendations stem from the findings and conclusions. The social workers knowledge with regard to community work needs to be updated. Practical opportunities need to be provided to afford the social worker the opportunity to implement the newly acquired knowledge. Community work guidelines need to be determined within the SANDF, and need to be formulated into a policy document. Specific community work posts, which include all disciplines, need to be created within the SANDF. Post-graduates studies should be undertaken by social workers before being promoted into managerial positions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskapswerk is een van die drie primere metodes van maatskaplike werk. Gemeenskapswerk is 'n proses wat mense help om hulle probleme en behoeftes duidelik te identifiseer en wat die gemeenskap verder help om potensialiteite en vermoëns te ontwikkel om probleme en behoeftes self te kan hanteer, op te los en te voorkom. Gemeenskapswerk het 'n bepaalde funksie binne die maatskaplike werk milieu en verloop volgens 'n proses. Die SANW beskik nie oor geskrewe riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk nie. Dit kan die kwaliteit van dienslewering aan die kliëntsisteem beinvloed. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n raamwerk vir die Direktoraat Maatskaplikewerk Dienste in die Suid Afrikaanse Nationale Weermag(SANW) op te stel wat as riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk benut kan word, en aangewend kan word om 'n beleidsdokument saam te stel. Die doelwitte van die studie is eerstens om 'n teoretiese uiteensetting van verskeie praktyk modelle van gemeenskapswerk en die proses van gemeenskapswerk in die maatskaplike-praktyk aan te bied. Tweedens is beoog om deur middel van 'n ondersoek te bepaal oor watter kennis van en vaardigheid in gemeenskapwerk , maatskaplike werkers in die SANW beskik. In die derde plek is die behoefte aan riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW ondersoek. Die studie is begrens tot maatskaplike wekers in die militêr verbonde aan die Westelike Provinsie. 'n Verkennende studie is onderneem om die gestelde doelstelling en doelwitte te bereik. 'n Vraelys is benut as instrument ter insameling van die data. Die empiriese ondersoek is gedoen deur die benutting van kwantitatiewe navorsing om die voorkoms van die werklikhede te bespreek. Na aanleiding van die empiriese ondersoek is bepaalde gevolgtrekkings gemaak. Alhoewel die respondente die terme gemeenskapswerk, gemeenskappe en gemeenskapwerk modelle en die vier sisteme binne gemeenskapswerk verstaan, het verwarring wel voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat die gevallewerkmetode deur die oorgrote meederheid van die respondente gebruik word. Daar is ook bevind dat gemeenskapswerk verloop volgens 'n proses. Die gemeenskaps-opvoedkundige model word deur die meerderheid van die respondente benut. Daar is bevind dat riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW bruikbaar sal wees, omdat ongeveer dertig persent van die respondente probleme ondervind tydens die benutting van die gemeenskapswerk proses. Aanbevelings na aanleiding van die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings sluit in dat maatskaplike werkers in die militêr se teoretiese kennis oor gemeenskapswerk uitgebrei moet word, waarna opleiding benodig word om hierdie kennis toe te pas. Riglyne vir gemeenskapswerk in die SANW moet opgestel word en in 'n beleidsdokument saamgevat word. Die SANW moet spesifieke gemeenskapswerkposte skep wat alle dissiplines sal insluit. Voorts moet nagraadse studie ook 'n vereiste wees vir maatskaplikewerk-personeel om tot 'n bestuursposisie bevorder te kan word.

Exploring correctional supervision

Apollis, Hazel Charlene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Crime in South Africa is a common occurrence and crimes committed by young people are rapidly becoming a serious problem. During the 19th and zo" centuries, young offenders were institutionalised in reform schools for example. However, social workers and probation officers realized that the confinement in these schools caused frustration amongst the young offenders and also encouraged further deviant behaviour. In South Africa, the Department of Correctional Services implemented community corrections, on 1 June 1993, as an alternative sentence option to imprisonment. Community corrections have two distinctive forms, namely correctional supervision and parole supervision. Correctional supervision is a community-based sentence, which is prescribed by the courts and is served within the community under strict supervision and control of correctional officials and probation officers. The Department of Correctional Services mainly implemented correctional supervision in order to divert young offenders away from being exposed to the harsh and severe life of incarceration. The goal of the study was to explore correctional supervision as an alternative sentence option and present a description of this sentence for the juvenile delinquents. The objectives were to explore the juvenile offender's perception of correctional supervision, the impact of this sentence on the offender's family members and the availability and the role that the probation officers play during the juvenile's sentence to correctional supervision. The contents of the report focused on describing the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency and other related topics, such as theories and contributing factors, and correctional supervision as an alternative sentence option. Exploratory-descriptive research was done and questionnaires were utilized as instruments for data collection from the juvenile offenders, their family members and the probation officers. The juvenile offenders were part of the Department of Correctional Services' (Worcester) justice system and the probation officers are employed at the Department. Conclusions and recommendations are made regarding the respondents' perceptions, opinions and experiences of the sentence of correctional supervision. The proposed recommendations should be a guide for the Department of Correctional Services in order to change certain factors that contribute to the poor co-operation of juvenile offenders sentenced to correctional supervision. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Misdaad in Suid-Afrika is 'n bekende verskynsel en misdaad gepleeg deur jong mense is vinnig besig om 'n ernstige probleem te word. Gedurende die neëntiende en twintigste eeu, is jeugoortreders na inrigtings, soos byvoorbeeld verbeteringskole, gestuur. Maatskaplike werkers en proefbeamptes het egter besef dat die afsondering in hierdie skole, frustrasies veroorsaak en self verdere afwykende gedrag aanmoedig. In Suid-Afrika, het die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste Gemeenskapskorreksies op 1 Junie 1993, as 'n alternatiewe vonnisopsie tot gevangenisstraf, geïmplementeer. Gemeenskapskorreksies het twee onderskeidende vorme, naamlik korrektiewe toesig en parooltoesig. Korrektiewe toesig is 'n gemeenskapsgebaseerde vonnis, voorgeskryf deur die howe, en word uitgedien in die gemeenskap onder streng supervisie en beheer deur korrektiewe amptenare en proefbeamptes. Die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste het korrektiewe toesig hoofsaaklik geïmplementeer om jong mense weg te wys van die onaangename blootsteling aan die gevangenislewe. Die doel van die studie was om korrektiewe toesig, as 'n alternatiewe vonissopsie te verken en 'n beskrywing van hierdie vonnisopsie vir die jeugoortreder te gee. Die doelwitte was om die jeugoortreder se persepsie van korrektiewe toesig, die impak van dié vonnis op die oortreder se gesinslede en die beskikbaarheid en rol van die proefbeampte tydens 'n jeugdige se straf tot korrektiewe toesig, te verken. Die inhoud van die verslag fokus op die beskrywing van die verskynsel van jeugdelikwensie asook verbandhoudende onderwerpe, soos teorieë en bydraende faktore, en korrektiewe toesig as 'n alternatiewe vonnisopsie. 'n Verkennende-beskrywende studie is gedoen met behulp van vraelyste, as 'n instrument van data insameling by die jeugoortreders, hul gesinslede en die proefbeamptes. Die jeugoortreders was deel van die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste (Worcester) se regstelsel en die proefbeamptes is werksaam by die Departement.

Maatskaplike werk intervensie met manlike jeugoortreders in die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste

Pheiffer, Roseline Anna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Juvenile delinquency is currently reaching alarming proportions and the number of juveniles within the prison population is on the increase. The crimes committed by male juvenile offenders, are often of an aggressive nature and include crimes such as murder and rape. The high rate of crime and the nature of the offences make it essential for social work services to be rendered to the juvenile offender. The purpose of the study was to establish guidelines for the social worker with the male juvenile offender in the Department of Correctional Services. The literature study dealt with the development of the juvenile offender as adolescent and a profile of the offender was compiled. Those factors both within the family and in the environment that contribute to criminal behaviour in the male juvenile offender were discussed. Furthermore the social work intervention process based on behaviour therapy was described. An exploratory descriptive study was undertaken in order to determine the knowledge that social workers have with regard to social work intervention to the male juvenile offender. An empirical study was done based on the literature study. A sample comprised of ten social workers that work with juvenile offenders at the youth centres of the Department of Correctional Services were involved in the study. With the help of the empirical study the knowledge and skills of social workers regarding the nature of social work intervention to the juvenile was examined. The findings of the study reveal that social workers require more knowledge on the development of the juvenile offender and on those factors that contribute to criminal behaviour, as well as skills with regard to the social work intervention process with the male juvenile offender. In order to render effective social work intervention to male juvenile offenders, social workers must possess adequate knowledge about the juvenile offender and about the skills needed to apply the social work intervention process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Jeugmisdaad neem tans geweldige afmetings aan en die gevangenisbevolking neem toe. Die misdade wat deur manlike jeugoortreders gepleeg word, is dikwels aggressief van aard en sluit misdade soos moord en verkragting in. Die hoë voorkoms van misdaad en die aard van die oortredings noodsaak dat maatskaplike werk dienste aan die jeugoortreder gelewer sal word. Die doel van die studie was om riglyne daar te stel vir die maatskaplike werker in die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste wat met die manlike jeugoortreder werk. Die literatuurstudie het gehandel oor die ontwikkeling van die jeugoortreder as adolessent en 'n profiel van die jeugoortreder is saamgestel. Die faktore in die gesin en in die omgewing wat aanleiding gee tot misdaadgedrag by die manlike jeugoortreder, is bespreek. Voorts is die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses aan die hand van gedragsterapie beskryf. 'n Verkennende-beskrywende studie is onderneem om die kennis van maatskaplike werkers ten opsigte van maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die manlike jeugoortreder te bepaal. 'n Empiriese studie gegrond op die literatuurstudie is gedoen. 'n Steekproef bestaande uit tien maatskaplike werkers wat by jeugsentrums van die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste met jeugoortreders werk, is by die ondersoek betrek. Met behulp van die empiriese ondersoek is die kennis en vaardighede van maatskaplike werkers rakende die aard van maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die jeugoortreder ondersoek. Die bevindinge van die ondersoek toon dat maatskaplike werkers meer kennis benodig oor die ontwikkeling van die jeugoortreder en die aanleidende faktore tot misdaadgedrag, asook oor vaardighede ten opsigte van die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses aan die manlike jeugoortreder. Ten einde effektiewe maatskaplike werk intervensie aan die manlike jeugoortreder te lewer, moet maatskaplike werkers beskik oor voldoende kennis van die jeugoortreder en oor vaardighede in die toepassing van die maatskaplike werk intervensieproses.

Capacity building for farm workers on Solms-Delta Wine Estate : a social development perspective

Ruddock, Frances 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wine farms in the Western Cape represent one of the pillars of the region's economy. The social problems that are prevalent among farm workers and their families have evolved over centuries along with the wine industry; the unique set of social, economic, and political conditions affecting rural dwellers in the Western Cape have created a set of challenges impeding a productive future. The interventions at Solms-Delta Wine Estate have empowered the farm community and thus provide a template for social reform. Capacity development initiatives have been central to the farm's management plan. The employment of a fulltime social worker allowed resource gathering to implement social reforms on the farm. The present study investigated the evolution of an approach that encompasses the social development perspective of social work theory. This study is an example of the methods used to bring about stronger community development capacity. The goal of the study was to gain an understanding of the nature of capacity-building initiatives on the wine farm under review from a social development perspective. A review of the historical roots of farm worker subjugation was undertaken to uncover the social dynamic of farm worker community development. Secondly, the study has outlined the political, economic, and legal institutional parameters for rural development. A third strand of the narrative describes the nature of capacity-building initiatives undertaken over the preceding six years, and their impact on the social development of the target community. Finally, the study explored the impact of local capacity development via a semi-structured questionnaire and subsequent interviews with the twenty-one participants. The results of the research outlined in this study provide a number of templates for social work interventions in rural communities on wine farms in the Western Cape. Given the centrality of the wine farm industry in the Western Cape, the success of social welfare initiatives at Solms-Delta delineates road maps for other community-based programmes that can be launched from the lessons of this study. The locality development model, with its emphasis on community input in problem solving provides a framework for countering the unique set of challenges created from the inception of colonialism up to the end of Apartheid social engineering. The empowering environment developed at Solms-Delta offers insight into rolling back historical ills and entitlement issues that bedevil social work practice. Successful community participation requires research into specific community dynamics and the resources to empower one of South Africa's most impoverished social strata. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wynplase in die Wes-Kaap vorm een van die pilare van die streek se ekonomie. Die maatskaplike probleme wat onder plaaswerkers en hul gesinne voorkom, het oor die eeue heen saam met die wynbedryf ontwikkel. Dit behels die unieke kombinasie van sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke omstandighede met betrekking tot die landelike bewoners van die Wes-Kaap, wat 'n uitdaging stel en 'n produktiewe toekoms belemmer. Die intervensies op die Solms-Delta wynlandgoed bemagtig die gemeenskap op die plaas en bied dus 'n voorbeeld vir sosiale hervorming. Kapasiteitsontwikkelingsinisiatiewe is sentraal tot die bestuursplan van die plase. Die aanstelling van 'n voltydse maatskaplike werker was 'n belangrike addisionele hulpbron om sosiale hervorming op die plaas te bewerkstellig. Die huidige studie ondersoek die evolusie van 'n benadering wat die sosiale ontwikkelingsperspektief van maatskaplike-werkteorie betrek. Hierdie studie is 'n voorbeeld van die metodes wat gebruik kan word om 'n sterker kapasiteit vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling te ontwikkel. Die doel van die studie was om 'n begrip vanuit 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsperspektief-oogpunt te verkry van die aard van kapasiteitsbou-inisiatiewe op die wynplaas onder oorsig. Om die sosiale dinamika van die plaaswerkergemeenskap se ontwikkeling aan die lig te bring, het die studie 'n oorsig van die historiese herkoms van die plaaswerkers onderneem. Tweedens, het die studie 'n oorsig onderneem van die politieke, ekonomiese en wetlike institusionele parameters vir landelike ontwikkeling. 'n Derde deel van die navorsing beskrywe die aard van kapasiteitsbou-inisiatiewe oor die afgelope ses jaar, en hul impak op die maatskaplike ontwikkeling van die teikengemeenskap. Ten slotte, het die studie die impak van die ontwikkeling van plaaslike kapasiteit deur middel van 'n semi-gestruktureerde vraelys en 'n daaropvolgende onderhoud met die 21 deelnemers ondersoek. Die resultate van die navorsing soos in hierdie verslag uiteengesit bied 'n aantal voorbeelde vir maatskaplike werk-ingrypings in landelike gemeenskappe op plase in die Wes-Kaap. Gegewe die sentraliteit van die wynbedryf in die Wes-Kaap, lewer die sukses van die maatskaplike welsynsinisiatiewe op Solms-Delta 'n voorbeeld vir ander gemeenskaps-gebaseerde programme wat uit die lesse van hierdie studie kan baat. Die lokaliteit-ontwikkelingsmodel, met sy klem op insette vanuit die gemeenskap om probleme op te los, bied 'n raamwerk vir die stryd teen die unieke stel uitdagings wat ontstaan het met die begin van kolonialisme en tot aan die einde van apartheid bly voortduur het. Die bemagtigings-omgewing wat op Solms-Delta ontwikkel het, bied insig in die rol van so 'n proses vir die bekamping van die historiese euwels en onregte wat die praktyk van maatskaplike werk so belemmer. Suksesvolle gemeenskapsdeelname vereis navorsing na die dinamika binne spesifieke gemeenskappe, asook al die nodige hulpbronne, om een van Suid-Afrika se mees verarmde sosiale strata te bemagtig.

Social workers perspectives on social support needed by people living with HIV/AIDS

Kulu, Joyce Aliendar Nomvuyo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African government has laws and policies that forbid discrimination against individuals. These policies protect people from being discriminated against in the workplace due to sickness, race and many other factors. Discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS has caused many people who suffer from this disease not to come forward with their illness because they fear being discriminated against and stigmatised; some even lose their jobs because they are infected with HIV. People infected with HIV are discriminated against not only in the workplace but also in their communities and families. This implies that people living with HIV/AIDS need support from all levels of society in order to live positive lives, which may lead infected people to live longer. This study explored HIV/AIDS as terminal illness and the stressors experienced by people infected with the virus. This was done by examining the support available to people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as identifying the support needed by these people. By adopting an ecological approach to the study, the need for support could be investigated on multiple levels. A combination of a quantitative and qualitative research design was used in the study. Data were gathered by means of a semi-structured interview schedule that was administered during individual interviews with service providers. This allowed for data that were both measurable as well as rich in description to be collected. The questions in the semi-structured questionnaire were based on the information retrieved from the literature review. The findings from the empirical investigation revealed that people living with HIV/AIDS receive limited support from their families, the South African government and society at large. The findings further indicated that informal sources of support such as family, friends and partners are relatively supportive of people living with HIV/AIDS. However, the relationships between people living with HIV/AIDS and their families and partners are often strained, especially when a person first discovers his or her status as HIV positive. Furthermore, people living with HIV/AIDS are stigmatised on multiple levels because of their status. There is stigmatisation from family, friends, in the workplace and in the community. The most important recommendations resulting from the study are that services such as counselling are needed for people living with HIV/AIDS together with their families. This is of particular significance to the South African government, especially the health sector, which needs to improve the health care system. In addition, recommendations emphasise the importance of promoting education and awareness, which could have great value for people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and communities. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS would empower people at all levels to support those who live with the disease and would also be of great value in helping those living with the disease to contribute something of value towards their health condition. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering beskik oor wette en beleide wat diskriminasie teen individue verbied. Hierdie wette en beleide beskerm mense teen diskriminasie in die werkplek, diskriminasie op grond van siekte, gestremdheid, ras en vele ander redes. Diskriminasie teen mense wat met MIV/vigs leef, laat baie van hulle hul MIV/vigs-status geheim hou omdat hulle diskriminasie en stigmatisasie vrees. Sommige verloor selfs hulle werk wanneer dit rugbaar word dat hulle aan MIV/vigs ly. Diegene met MIV/vigs ervaar egter nie net in die werkplek diskriminasie nie, maar ook in hul gemeenskappe en families. Dít impliseer dat mense met MIV/vigs op alle vlakke ondersteuning nodig het om ’n positiewe lewe te lei en daarmee hul lewensverwagting so ver moontlik te verleng. Hierdie studie het die stresfaktore van terminale MIV/vigs-lyers ondersoek. Daar is voorts ondersoek ingestel na die ondersteuning wat mense met MIV/vigs ontvang, sowel as die ondersteuning wat hulle nodig het. MIV/vigs-lyers se ondersteuningsbehoeftes op etlike vlakke is deur middel van ’n ekologiese navorsingsbenadering bepaal. ’n Kombinasie van ’n kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is vir die studie gebruik. Data is met behulp van ’n semigestruktureerde vraelys ingesamel, wat gedurende individuele onderhoude met diensverskaffers afgeneem is. Sodoende kon meetbare sowel as hoogs beskrywende data ingesamel word. Die vrae in die semigestruktureerde vraelys was gegrond op die inligting uit die literatuuroorsig. Die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek toon dat mense wat met MIV/vigs leef beperkte ondersteuning van hul familie, die Suid-Afrikaanse regering en die groter samelewing ontvang. Die bevindinge dui voorts daarop dat informele ondersteuningsbronne, soos familie, vriende en lewensmaats, betreklik ondersteunend is teenoor diegene met MIV/vigs. Tog is die verhouding tussen MIV/vigs-lyers en hul families en lewensmaats ook dikwels onder druk, veral net nadat die persoon ontdek dat hy/sy MIV-positief is. Daarbenewens word mense met MIV/vigs op verskeie vlakke gestigmatiseer – deur hul familie, vriende, in die werkplek en die gemeenskap. Die belangrikste aanbeveling uit die studie handel oor die behoefte aan dienste soos berading vir mense wat met die virus leef, sowel as vir hul familie. Die aanbeveling behoort veral van belang te wees vir die Suid-Afrikaanse regering, en in die besonder die gesondheidsektor, wat hierdie behoefte in gedagte moet hou om die gesondheidsorgstelsel te verbeter. Ander aanbevelings beklemtoon die belang van meer opvoeding en bewusmaking, aangesien dit uiters waardevol kan wees vir mense met MIV/vigs, hul familie en gemeenskappe. Kennis oor MIV/vigs sal mense op alle vlakke bemagtig om diegene met die virus te ondersteun, terwyl dit MIV/vigs-lyers self ook sal help om hul eie gesondheidstoestand beter te bestuur.

Living with xenophobia : understanding the lived experiences of Burundian and Rwandese refugees in Durban (South Africa).

Mujawamariya, Consolee. January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of the study described in this report was to better understand the lived experiences of refugees from Burundi and Rwanda living in the inner city of Durban and facing xenophobia. This study was motivated by available research evidence that xenophobia is a widespread phenomenon, together with the researcher’s own experience of living as a refugee in South Africa. The investigation was guided by ‘structural social work theory’ and used a qualitative descriptive approach. The sample of the study, purposively selected using snowball sampling technique, consisted of ten adult refugees from Burundi and Rwanda who had been granted refugee status in South Africa. As a data collection tool, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants. To ensure trustworthiness, criteria of credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability were taken in account. The study revealed that all the participants have fled their respective countries due to ethnic conflicts and on-going civil wars. Traumatised by the experience that had led to their flight, all ten participants were found to have been re-traumatised further along the flight, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome were common. It was possible to demonstrate that this background experience undermined participants’ ability to cope with xenophobia. Xenophobia was found to feature in the form of both interpersonal and structural violence, the latter consisting of both social and economic marginalisation and exclusion. According to the research participants, the prevailing xenophobia in South Africa can be attributed to a number of interconnected factors including: the impact of South Africa’s apartheid history on attitudes of South Africans towards black foreigners, coupled with a general lack of knowledge about who are refugees; high levels of violence coupled with an apparent social acceptability of crime; as well as the negative statements of the media about foreigners in general and refugees in particular. Against this background, participants indicated a range of coping strategies, including the following: escape from identity; psychological and social withdrawal; living in overcrowded inner city areas to cut costs of living and minimise risks of exposure to xenophobic violence; embracing self and informal employment. Based on the study findings, this research report concludes with the proposition of a number of recommendations towards curbing xenophobia in South Africa and enabling refugees to overcome past traumatic experiences, integrate and become active contributors to South Africa’s economy, in line with the qualifications that they may have attained prior to flight. To this end, contributions are required of everyone concerned with the refugees’ integration including the South African government, the media, the social work profession, the refugees themselves, as well as the communities amongst which they live. Much more research needs to be done to increase social workers’ understanding of the needs of refugees and of xenophobia, and to guide appropriate professional responses. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

Psychosocial experiences of perinatally HIV infected adolescents residing in child and youth care centers in Pretoria.

Mavangira, Vimbai Precious. 02 December 2013 (has links)
The roll-out of Anti-retroviral Therapy in South Africa has enabled perinatally HIV infected children to reach the adolescent phase. It is important to acknowledge that the psycho-social experiences of perinatally HIV infected children differ from other adolescents. This study explored the psychosocial experiences of perinatally HIV infected adolescents residing in Child and Youth Care Centres in Pretoria. Using qualitative interpretive-descriptive methodology, the sample consisted of eight perinatally HIV infected adolescents, two social workers and ten child and youth care workers from two Child and Youth Care Centres. Data was collected using semi-structured in-depth interviews with perinatally HIV positive adolescents and two focus groups were held with child and youth care workers and social workers. The use of these two data collection methods enhanced the reliability and trustworthiness of the data. Using social constructionism as the key conceptual framework, there were four key themes and subthemes that distilled from the interviews and focus groups. The results revealed that perinatally HIV infected adolescents have difficulties discussing their status and that they used blocking as a coping strategy to avoid the subject. Disclosure was difficult for the adolescents as they were acutely aware of stigma and discrimination. With regards to adherence to medication there was lack of self-efficacy as the adolescents relied mostly on Child and Youth care workers and social workers. Finally in both Child and Youth Care centres, lack of on-going disclosure and discussion about HIV hindered the availability of psychosocial support services. This study concludes that child and youth care centres should develop programs which focus on support topics such as sexuality, disclosure and self-esteem. The Department of Social development should implement psychosocial support training specifically for Child and Youth care workers and Social workers working with perinatally HIV positive children. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

An exploration of the phenomena of multiple addictions and addiction interaction disorder in Durban, South Africa.

Keen, Helen. 12 September 2014 (has links)
Addiction to drugs is a widely acknowledged problem in South Africa. Newer developments in the study of addiction include behaviours such as gambling and sex as part of a broader syndrome. International research has established that most people with one addiction are at risk for co-occurring addictions which are frequently undiagnosed and untreated. Multiple addictions (MA) have been shown to combine in specific patterns to produce addiction interaction disorder (AID) resulting in a more complex, treatment- resistant illness. This was the first study South Africa to investigate if people with substance use disorders had other addictions. The research had three aims: to establish if in-patients admitted to three drug rehabilitation centres had other addictions, to investigate the extent of the MA and AID and to determine whether the treatment programmes managed them appropriately. The study employed the mixed methods research design and was located at three in-patient facilities in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. During the first phase, discussion groups were held with professionals that explored their perceptions of MA, AID and current treatment programmes. The second phase involved a survey of 123 participants screened for poly-substance abuse, sex (including internet) addiction and problem gambling. The third phase utilised in-depth interviews with 25 participants displaying MA to understand the development of addiction, AID and treatment received. The data were analysed utilising descriptive and statistical analysis for the survey data, and thematic analysis for the in-depth interviews and discussion groups. The study found a high incidence of MA within the survey population of 54%; 37% of participants tested positive or at risk for problem gambling and 41% tested positive for sex addiction with 24% of the participants being positive for both. In-depth interviews revealed high rates of trauma, especially for the female participants and demonstrated the complex interrelationship between addictions. AID was identified in all 25 participants. In KwaZulu- Natal, it appears that MA and AID are currently not being assessed or treated. The study highlights the need for a broader conceptualisation of addiction which would improve current assessment and treatment and has implications for further training of professionals and addiction policy in South Africa. / Ph.D. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2013.

An exploration of rural communities' and government response strategies to drought in South Africa : the case of Msinga villages in KwaZulu-Natal province.

Rukema, Joseph Rudigi. 21 February 2014 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explore and examine the application and use of indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) in the management of drought through a case study of Msinga village communities in the northern parts of KwaZulu-Natal Province, paying specific attention to droughts that have been recorded and that prevail in the area. Government's policy aimed at mitigating and the effect of drought on communities and its effectiveness is examined as well. The question is whether government policy measures supplement rural communities' drought management strategies. The findings demonstrated that droughts are endemic in the study area and that drought-management strategies are as intrinsic to local livelihood systems as are seasonal-adjustment strategies. The findings also indicated that communities in Msinga have knowledge of drought management. However, this knowledge contributes very little to the management of drought. The findings also demonstrated that there is poor capacity in government to deal with disasters and this has serious repercussions for poor rural communities in Msinga. Disaster management requires disaster reduction, planning, and capacity to reduce the losses borne by impoverished households. This process will be more effective if there is efficient mobilization of resources, rapid responses, and a long-term strategy to prevent drought and reduce the risks of vulnerable groups, rather than transferring risks. The new legislation, the Disaster Management Act of 2002, should ensure that any form of financial and bureaucratic bottlenecks are eliminated so that assistance reaches people more quickly and is based on developing a long-term programme targeting the reduction of risks from the drought prevailing in Msinga. It is also important that NGOs in the area are empowered and involved in disaster management and are able to play their full role. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.

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