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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The pentecostal churches in the vicinity of Stanger with special emphasis on the Indian community.

Paul, Timothy. January 1987 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1987.

A study of the Divine Life Society with special reference to its socio-religious implications in South Africa.

Singh, Nelistra. January 1986 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1986.

The shepherd discourse of John 10.

Moodley, George G. January 1994 (has links)
In this dissertation, I explore the history of research of John 10: 1-18, I attempt to make a contribution to the understanding of this very important chapter in John by using Literary Theory for exegetical purposes, draw some conclusions with regard to the Christology of John and open some avenues of the understanding of the significance of the shepherd metaphor for our own context. In John's own time, this chapter definitely had social, religious as well as political significance. I attempt to determine how these facts interact with Jeremiah 23: 1-8 and Ezekiel 34: 1-6. I also draw some conclusions which may serve as guidelines in our own context and especially our own pastoral needs in the situation of conflict in our society, leaders who lead the flock of God astray and the need of unity among Christians. / Thesis (M.Theol.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1994.

An appraisal of the development of Seventh-Day Adventist mission in South Africa : a missiological evaluation.

Pantalone, Antonio. January 1996 (has links)
July 1997 marks the 110th anniversary of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church's existence in South Africa. During this time the denomination has augmented both organizationally and numerically. Notwithstanding the expansion in these dimensions though, a thorough perusal of the denomination's history and present modus-operandi makes it clear that all is not as it should be within the denomination. In an attempt to discover the fundamental causes for the malaise that exists within the denomination, chapter one begins by succinctly tracing the growth of apocalyptic and millennial thinking. Beginning from the Maccabean era it reveals not only the numerous transformations that took place in millennial discernment throughout the subsequent centuries, but also demonstrates how these oscillations prepared the "soil" which allowed the emergence of the Millerite Movement - the immediate forerunners of the SDA church. Chapter two unveils the emergent movement in America initially opposed to to the formation of any formal organizations and hesitant to commission any missionaries to foreign lands. This period was destined however to also be an era of maturation. In the wake of the doctrinal consolidation that eventually took place, came not only an evolvement of missionary consciousness but also the successful development of a unique tri-lateral missiological approach that the denomination would employ' with great success on the world's mission fields.In July 1887 the first SDA missionaries stepped onto South African shores. Chapter three reveals this emergent church greatly stirred by the organizational, institutional and missiological developments experienced by the church in America, looking set to rapidly emulate both the missionary paradigm and numerous accomplishments of its mother church. Chapter four discloses however, how this once dynamic, intrepid, missionary-minded church very quickly became bogged down in a quagmire of difficulties. Many of these occurrences and other serious issues that followed in the ensuing years of the twentieth century were indisputably detrimental to the church, seriously affecting both its missionary expansion and its development in this country. As the denomination in South Africa stands on the brink of the twenty first century there is no question, that unless some drastic measures are taken, that it could very soon find itself under the sword of Damocles. This impending crisis is augmented not only by its almost total lack of involvement in crucial social issues, conspicuous inconsistencies present in its organizational structure, and its manoeuvre from a once dynamic evangelistically orientated movement to an institutionalized organization, but also by the fact that indispensable facets of its missionary strategy are at the present moment no longer in evidence in its continued operations. There is no question that the denomination is faced not only with a missiological identity crisis but also with the very sobering question whether it is indeed fulfilling the missionary mandate it ironically still preaches and still so strongly believes in. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1996.

Evangelization by Pentecostals among the poor and marginalized Pedi communities in the Limpopo province : a critical survey of their performance in the light of comprehensive redemption.

Shoroma, Emmanuel Modibe. January 2003 (has links)
Pentecostalism is well known for its active involvement in evangelism. But it is true to say as well that questions have been asked about the social upliftment dimension of the Pentecostal mission. This study will focus on the Assemblies of God church. The main reason for this is that, of all the Pentecostal churches in South Africa, the Assemblies of God has probably had the biggest impact in the rural black communities. To undertake the study I will do the following: • Outline the problem that necessitated commencement of this study, formulate hypotheses and identify methods of research in this first chapter. • Attempt, in chapter two, to outline the historical background of the Pentecostal mission in general and the AOG in particular, describing its theology and evangelism and their impact on the socio-political situation in South Africa. • Conduct in-depth Case Studies, in chapter three, of a range of individuals who are converts of the AOG mission. • The fourth chapter will ask whether the Redemption and lift hypothesis throws any light on the study. • The last chapter will consider how other theological models consider the issue of mission. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

The apostolic faith mission of South Africa with special reference to its rise and development in the "Indian" community.

Reddy, Dean Chris. January 1992 (has links)
This study of the Indian mission of the Apostolic Faith Mission of SA (AFM) covers a period of 16 years since its inception in 1930 in Stanger, Natal. Twenty two years earlier the pentecostal message was introduced to South Africa when the AFM was established. The two White missionary overseers appointed were C.S. Flewelling, from 1930 to 1940, and J.T. du Plessis, from 1940 to 1945. In this initial period crucial missiological principles were implemented which were to play a major role in influencing the particular developments within the Indian section. The link between the pentecostal movement in South Africa and the Azusa Street revival of 1906 in Los Angeles, USA, emphasises the fact that the pentecostal message that was transplanted here was shaped by various factors in the racist American society of the 19th and early 20th century. The immigrant Indian community in South Africa, who came as labourers, were bedeviled by sociopolitical and economic factors which impinged on their evolution . The resultant; feeling of insecurity created by these debilitating factors proved to be fruitful soil for the pentecostal movement, which offered a haven to this community on it he fringes of society . The development of the AFM Indian mission was due not merely to the efforts of White missionaries, as is generally held but also to dedicated indigenous pastors.The first three full-time pastors were Samuel Manikkam, David F . Williams and Henry James. These Indian church leaders faced various hardships in the ministry and, in spite of their shortcomings and their struggles, played an integral role in the development of the AFM "Indian" church. In its development, the AFM has been characterised by a strong conformity to White societal policy of racial segregation. The effects of this policy is evident in the sectional divisions existent within the AFM, and is indicative of the organisation's close alliance with the political philosophy of the status quo. Together with its ideological bias, the church's theological conservativism has precluded it from involving itself in affirmative socio-political action in an apartheid ridden society. Further, the Indian Section has been plagued by numerous schisms, resignations and secessions, which has also contributed to the tardy growth of the AFM within this population group. In 1989 the Composite Division of the AFM had been established, comprising the former Indian, Coloured and Black Sections. The White Section, or Single Division as it has now become known, has remained aloof from this practical initiative towards the formation of one church. As of January 1993 the Indian Section (and the other sections of colour) will theoretically cease to exist. It is clear therefore that the future of the Indian mission lay in the Composite Division, with its hope for one church in one nation, and serves as a barometer of the coming struggle and reward for a society seeking to rid itself of the final vestiges of racial prejudice. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1992.

Sufi Sahib's [1850-1911] contribution to the early history of Islam in South Africa.

Saib, Yunus. January 1993 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1993.

Major themes in surat al-hujurat (Chapter 49 of the Qur'an)

Ebrahim, Rahim. January 1996 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1996.

The main elements of the spirituality of the congregation of the companions of Saint Angela Merici in the diocese of Johannesburg.

Ntoagae, Patricia Ouma. January 2003 (has links)
The study investigates the spirituality of the Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici a Catholic women religious community. This religious Congregation was founded in 1954 in the diocese of Johannesburg, to serve the needs of the indigenous people. The person who founded this Congregation was Bishop William Patrick Whelan aMI, with the encouragement and support of Father Jean Verot aMI. At first the Catholic Church was a settler Church taking care of the needs of the settlers. It is only later that the Catholic Church became a missionary Church, outreaching to indigenous people. It is in the 1950's when the Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela was founded , during the apartheid time. The history and the spirituality of the Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici are looked at. The first members of the Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici were trained and guided by the Ursulines, of the Roman Union in Munsieville, Krugersdorp. Some of the elements of the spirituality of this women 's religious Congregation that are explored are mutual love, hospitality, prayer life and education. The Sisters of the religious Congregation looked to Saint Angela Merici, their foundress and model , an Italian Saint who lived in the sixteenth century , and learned from her spirituality. The Sisters living In the twentieth century look at how relevant Saint Angela Merici's spirituality is to them, and how they as black women, in townships, can live this spirituality. Interviews were conducted to get some information about the religious Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici. A questionnaire was send to two Sisters who belong to this religious Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici but only Sister Mary Modise CSA responded positively to being interviewed. Father Thomas O'Dea, a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate gave some direct information that he remembered regarding this particular Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici. A final conclusion to be drawn from this study is that the Congregation of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici is faced with the challenge to inculturate some of the elements of this spirituality and re-Iook at their charism at some General Chapters. Lastly, some of the challenges that face the present Congregation of Sisters of the Companions of Saint Angela Merici are formation and a way of practically living the charism and their prayer life. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Ethnicity and the church : the case of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana

Sule-Saa, Solomon Sumani. January 2000 (has links)
Ethnicity and the Church are two vital subjects in mission studies. However, the focus has always been on the latter. As a result the Church's theology of ethnicity is weak. Fear, ethnocentrism and theological blindness account for the little interest in the subject of ethnicity. However, a Church that neglects ethnicity does so at her own peril. God's dealings with IsraeL a history of the growth of the Church from one culture to another makes the study of ethnicity imperative. Failure to acknowledge and harness ethnicity can lead to ethnocentrism or tribalism which is an enemy to God's mission. God's mission essentially reconciles, unites and enriches people from different ethnic groups whilst ethnocentrism or tribalism excludes, divides and impoverishes them. The Presbyterian Church of Ghana like the wider society has to cope with ethnicity. Whereas the Church has harnessed ethnicity in her mission, she has, nonetheless, failed always to do away with ethnocentrism or tribalism. The PCG has not been faithful to her parent missionaries' strategy of planting indigenous churches among the non-Akan and non-Ga. The current PCG's strategy amounts to Akan-Ga cultural mission. Ethnicity and Christian identity are crucial to providing people with their true secure identity. A Christian always has to come to terms with his dual identity, that is, belonging to an ethnic group as well as to Christ. A theology that affirms this dual identity will be in a position to have healthy multi-ethnic churches and be effective in mission. Andrew Walls' Three Tests of Christian expansion: The Church, The Kingdom and The Gospel Tests serve as our measuring instrument. The PCG has not passed these Tests satisfactorily. She needs the Pentecost experience, that is a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit. The thrust of this thesis is that, when the PCG experiences this Pentecost, integration, reconciliation and embrace will be achievable among her multi-ethnic membership. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.

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