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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pulsed Laser Deposition of Iridate and YBiO3 Thin Films / Gepulste Laserplasmaabscheidung von Iridat- und YBiO3-Dünnfilmen

Jenderka, Marcus 16 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Dünnfilmwachstum der ternären Oxide Na2IrO3, Li2IrO3, Y2Ir2O7 und YBiO3. All diesen oxidischen Materialien ist gemein, dass sie Verwirklichungen sogenannter Topologischer Isolatoren oder Spin-Flüssigkeiten sein könnten. Diese neuartigen Materiezustände versprechen eine zukünftige Anwendung in der Quantencomputation, in magnetischen Speichern und in elektrischen Geräten mit geringer Leistungsaufnahme. Die Herstellung der hier gezeigten Dünnfilme ist daher ein erster Schritt zur Umsetzung dieser Anwendungen in der Zukunft. Alle Dünnfilme werden mittels gepulster Laserplasmaabscheidung auf verschiedenen einkristallinen Substraten hergestellt. Die strukturellen, optischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften der Filme werden mittels etablierter experimenteller Verfahren wie Röntgenbeugung, spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie und elektrischenWiderstandsmessungen untersucht. Die strukturellen Eigenschaften von erstmalig in der Masterarbeit des Authors verwirklichten Na2IrO3-Dünnfilmen können durch Abscheidung einer ZnO-Zwischenschicht deutlich verbessert werden. Einkristalline Li2IrO3-Dünnfilme mit einer definierten Kristallausrichtung werden erstmalig hergestellt. Die Messung der dielektrischen Funktion gibt Einblick in elektronische Anregungen, die gut vergleichbar mit Li2IrO3-Einkristallen und verwandten Iridaten sind. Des Weiteren wird aus den Daten eine optische Energielücke von ungefähr 300 meV bestimmt. In Y2Ir2O7-Dünnfilmen wird eine mögliche (111)-Vorzugsorientierung in Wachstumsrichtung gefunden. Im Vergleich mit der chemischen Lösungsabscheidung zeigen die hier mittels gepulster Laserplasmaabscheidung hergestellten YBiO3-Dünnfilme eine definierte, biaxiale Kristallausrichtung in der Wachstumsebene bei einer deutlich höheren Schichtdicke. Über die gemessene dielektrische Funktion können eine direkte und indirekte Bandlücke bestimmt werden. Deren Größe gibt eine notwendige experimentelle Rückmeldung an theoretische Berechnungen der elektronischen Bandstruktur von YBiO3, welche zur Vorhersage der oben erwähnten, neuartigen Materiezuständen verwendet werden. Nach einer Einleitung und Motivation dieser Arbeit gibt das zweite Kapitel einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand der hier untersuchten Materialien. Die folgenden zwei Kapitel beschreiben die Probenherstellung und die verwendeten experimentellen Untersuchungsmethoden. Anschließend werden für jedes Material einzeln die experimentellen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit diskutiert. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung und einem Ausblick. / The present thesis reports on the thin film growth of ternary oxides Na2IrO3, Li2IrO3, Y2Ir2O7 and YBiO3. All of these oxides are candidate materials for the so-called topological insulator and spin liquid, respectively. These states of matter promise future application in quantum computation, and in magnetic memory and low-power electronic devices. The realization of the thin films presented here, thus represents a first step towards these future device applications. All thin films are prepared by means of pulsed laser deposition on various single-crystalline substrates. Their structural, optical and electronic properties are investigated with established experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic ellipsometry and resistivity measurements. The structural properties of Na2IrO3 thin films, that were previously realized in the author’s M. Sc. thesis for the first time, are improved significantly by deposition of an intermediate ZnO layer. Single-crystalline Li2IrO3 thin films are grown for the first time and exhibit a defined crystal orientation. Measurement of the dielectric function gives insight into electronic excitations that compare well with single crystal samples and related iridates. From the data, an optical energy gap of about 300 meV is obtained. For Y2Ir2O7 thin films, a possible (111) out-of-plane preferential crystal orientation is obtained. Compared to chemical solution deposition, the pulsed laser-deposited YBiO3 thin films presented here exhibit a biaxial in-plane crystal orientation up to a significantly larger film thickness. From the measured dielectric function, a direct and indirect band gap energy is determined. Their magnitude provides necessary experimental feedback for theoretical calculations of the electronic structure of YBiO3, which are used in the prediction of the novel states of matter mentioned above. After the introduction and motivation of this thesis, the second chapter reviews the current state of the science of the studied thin film materials. The following two chapters introduce the sample preparation and the employed experimental methods, respectively. Subsequently, the experimental results of this thesis are discussed for each material individually. The thesis concludes with a summary and an outlook.

Elektrohemijsko određivanje histamina / Electrochemical determination of histamine

Stojanović Zorica 23 September 2011 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su razvijene elektrohemijske metode za određivanje histamina. U svim<br />elektrohemijskim ispitivanjima kori&scaron;ćena je hronopotenciometrija. Istraživanja su obuhvatila optimizaciju uslova elektroanalitičkih tehnika i upoređivanje mehanizama generisanja analitičkog signala primenom različitih radnih elektroda, razvoj odgovarajućeg postupka pripreme uzoraka za analizu i samo određivanje histamina u hrani i piću. Ispitana je mogućnost primene čvrste zlatne elektrode, tankoslojne živine i tankoslojne niklove elektrode za elektrohemijsko određivanje histamina. U slučaju elektrooksidacije histamina, razja&scaron;njeni su mehanizmi generisanja signala na primenjenim elektrodama. Optimizacija uslova elektroanalitičkih tehnika obuhvatila je odabir odgovarajućeg pomoćnog elektrolita i njegove koncentracije, ispitivanje uticaja početnog potencijala i struje oksidacije na analitički signal analita. Pored toga, za svaki elektrohemijski sistem definisana su osetljivost i reproduktivnost, selektivnost, kao i opseg linearnosti. Primenom tankoslojne niklove elektrode uočena je pojava adsorpcionog koncentrovanja analita, te su u slučaju ovog elektrohemijskog sistema ispitani i uticaji vremena adsorpcije i temperature ispitivanog medijuma na analitički signal histamina. Na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi analitički signal se generisao usled direktne oksidacije histamina primenom konstantne struje. Na ostale dve elektrode, pored elektrodnih reakcija odvijale su se i hemijske reakcije, tako da se oksidacija histamina u oba slučaja odigravala po ECE mehanizmu (elektrodna reakcija &ndash; hemijska reakcija &ndash; elektrodna reakcija). Na čvrstoj zlatnoj elektrodi, generisanje signala je bilo posledica oksidacije histamina elektrogenerisanim hlorom, dok se u slučaju tankoslojne niklove elektrode radilo o kombinovanoj katalitičko‐adsorpcionoj hronopotenciometriji. Tankoslojna živina elektroda je pokazala dobru selektivnost pri koncentracijama aminokiselina i histamina nižim od 5 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>, dok je pri vi&scaron;im koncentracijama dolazilo do preklapanja analitičkih signala. Ostali elektrohemijski sistemi nisu pokazali odgovarajuću selektivnost. Najveća osteljivost je ostvarena primenom tankoslojne niklove elektrode (LOD = 0,11 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>), zatim sledi čvrsta zlatna elektroda (LOD = 0,27 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>) i na kraju tankoslojna živina elektroda (LOD = 1,31 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>). U okviru definisanja postupka pripreme uzoraka, ispitana je efikasnost različitih ekstrakcionih tehnika i različitih ekstragenasa u pogledu izdvajanja histamina iz uzoraka. Pored toga razvijeni su odgovarajući postupci preči&scaron;ćavanja ekstrakata primenom preparativnih hromatografskih tehnika, i to na tankom sloju i na stubu adsorbensa. Po definisanju optimalnih uslova elektrohemijskog određivanje histamina, kao i razvijanja postupka pripreme uzoraka, histamin je određen u različitoj hrani i piću.</p> / <p>In this work, the electrochemical methods for the determination of histamine were<br />developed. All electrochemical investigations were carried out by chronopotentiometry. The research included optimization of the experimental parameters of electroanalytical techniques and comparison of the mechanism of the analytical signal generation by using the different working electrodes. Upon the development of sample preparation procedure, histamine was determined in different food and beverages. The possibility of applying solid gold electrodes, thin film mercury electrode and thin film nickel electrode for electrochemical determination of histamine was examined. The mechanisms of histamine electrooxidation on different working electrodes were explained and elaborated. Optimization of the experimental parameters of electroanalytical techniques included the selection of appropriate supporting electrolyte and its concentration, and investigation of the influence of initial potential and oxidation current on histamine analytical signal. Beside this, for each electrochemical system sensitivity and reproducibility, selectivity as well as linearity range were defined. The use of thin nickel film electrode resulted in adsorptive accumulation, and in that case the effects of accumulation time and medium temperature on histamine analytical signal were defined. On thin film mercury electrode, histamine analytical signal was generated<br />due to direct oxidation of histamine by a constant current. On other two electrodes, electrode reactions were coupled with chemical reaction, and histamine oxidation was by ECE mechanism (electrode reaction &ndash; chemical reaction &ndash; electrode reaction). On solid gold electrode histamine was oxidized indirectly by electrogenerated chlorine, while in the case of thin film nickel electrode combination of catalytic and adsorptive chronopotentiomety was responsible for signal generation. Thin film mercury electrode showed good selectivity for histamine and amino acids concentrations below 5 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>, but higher concentrations caused the overlapping of analytical signals. Other electrochemical systems did not show adequate selectivity. The best sensitivity was achived by thin film nickel electrode (LOD = 0.11 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>),<br />followed by a solid gold electrode (LOD = 0.27 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>), and by thin film mercury electrode (LOD = 1.31 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>). In order to define adequate sample preparation procedure, the efficiency of different extraction techniques and different solvents were tested for histamine extraction from the samples. Appropriate procedures for purification of extracts were defined as well, by applying preparative thin layer and column chromatography. After optimization of the electrochemical methods for histamine determination, as well as the procedure of sample preparation, developed methods were applied for histamine determination in various food and beverages.</p>

Electrical Analysis and Physical Mechanisms of Low-Temperature Polycrystalline-Silicon and Amorphous Metal-Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Next Generation Flat Panel Display Application

Chen, Te-Chih 02 July 2012 (has links)
In order to meet the requests of the application as pixel switch and current driver in next generation active-matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCD) and active-matrix organic light-emitting diodes (AMOLED). The materials of low temperature poly-silicon (LTPS) and metal-oxide are supposed to be the most potential material for active layer of thin-film transistors (TFTs) due to their high mobility compared to the traditional amorphous silicon TFTs. Therefore, in order to make the LTPS TFTs and metal-oxide TFTs affordable for the practical applications, the understanding of instability and reliability is critically important. In the first part, we studied the nonvolatile memory characteristics of polycrystalline-silicon thin-film-transistors (poly-Si TFTs) with a silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) structure. As the device was programmed, significant gate induced drain leakage current was observed due to the extra programmed electrons trapped in the nitride layer which. In order to suppress the leakage current and thereby avoid signal misidentification, we utilized band-to-band hot hole injection method to counteract programmed electrons and this method can exhibit good sustainability because the injected hot holes can remain in the nitride layer after repeated operations. On the other hand, we also investigated the degradation behavior of SONOS-TFT under off-state stress. After the electrical stress, the significant on-state degradation indicates that the interface states accompanied with hot-hole injection. Moreover, the ISE-TCAD simulation tool was utilized to model the degradation mechanism and analyze trap states distribution. Furthermore, we also performed the identical off-state stress for the device with different memory states. The different degradation behavior under different memory states is attributed to the different overlap region of injected holes and trap states. In the second part, the degradation mechanism of indium-gallium-zinc oxide (IGZO) thin film transistors (TFTs) caused by gate-bias stress performed in the dark and light illumination was investigated. The parallel threshold voltage indicates that charge trapping model dominates the degradation behavior under positive gate-bias stress. However, the degradation of negative gate bias stress is much slighter than the positive gate bias stress since the IGZO material is hard to induced hole inversion layer. In addition, the hole mobility is much lower than electron resulting in ignorable hole trapping effect. On the other hand, the identical positive and negative gate bias stress performed under light illumination exhibit opposite degradation behavior compared with dark stress. This degradation variation under dark and light illumination can be attributed to the effectively energy barrier variation of electron and hole trapping. Furthermore, to further investigate the light induced instability for IGZO TFTs, the device with and without a SiOx passivation were investigated under light illumination. The experiment results indicate that oxygen adsorption and desorption dominate the light induced instability for unpassivated device and the trap states caused during the passivation layer deposition process will induce apparent subthreshold photo-leakage current under light illumination. In the third part, we investigated the degradation mechanism of IGZO TFTs under hot-carrier and self-heating stress. Under hot-carrier stress, except the electron trapping induced positive Vt shift, an apparent on-current degradation behavior indicates that trap states creation. On the other hand, the identical hot-carrier stress performed in the asymmetric source/drain structure exhibits different degradation behavior compared with symmetric source/drain structure. For asymmetric structure, the strong electrical field in the I-shaped drain electrode will induce channel hot electron injection near the drain side and cause asymmetric threshold voltage degradation. In this part we also investigated the degradation behavior under self-heating stress. The apparent positive threshold voltage (Vt) shift and on-current degradation indicate that the combination of trap states generation and electron trapping effect occur during stress. The trap states generation is caused by the combination of Joule heating and the large vertical field. Moreover, the Joule heating generated by self-heating operation can enhance electron trapping effect and cause larger Vt shift in comparison with the gate-bias stress. Finally, the electrical properties and photo sensitivity of dual gate IGZO TFTs were investigated. The asymmetric electrical properties and photo sensitivity under top gate and bottom gate operation is attributed to the variation of gate control region. Furthermore, the obvious asymmetric photo sensitivity can be utilized to the In-cell touch panel technology and lower the process cost compared with the traditional a-Si TFTs due to the elimination of black matrix.

Jet and coat of adaptive sustainable thin films

Singhal, Shrawan 13 November 2013 (has links)
Deposition of nanoscale thickness films is ubiquitous in micro- and nano-scale device manufacturing. Current techniques such as spin-coating and chemical vapor deposition are designed to create only uniform thin films, and can be wasteful in material consumption. They lack the ability to adaptively prescribe desired film thickness profiles. This dissertation presents a novel inkjet-based zero-waste polymer deposition process referred to as Jet and Coat of Adaptive Sustainable Thin Films or J-CAST. The core of this process is built on an experimentally validated multi-scale fluid evolution model, based on extensions of lubrication theory. This model involves a nano-scale fluid film sandwiched between two flat plates: a compliant superstrate and a rigid substrate, with spatial topography on both surfaces. Accounting for the flexural elasticity of the compliant superstrate, and describing the temporal evolution of the fluid film in the presence of different boundary conditions reveals that instead of seeking process equilibrium, non-equilibrium transients should be exploited to guide film deposition. This forms the first core concept behind the process. This concept also enables robust full-wafer processes for creation of uniform films as well as nanoscale films with prescribed variation of thickness at mm-scale spatial wavelengths. The use of inkjets enables zero-waste adaptive material deposition with the preferred drop volumes and locations obtained from an inverse optimization formulation. This forms the second core concept behind the process. The optimization is based on the prescribed film thickness profile and typically involves >100,000 integer parameters. Using simplifying approximations for the same, three specific applications have been discussed - gradient surfaces in combinatorial materials science and research, elliptical profiles with ~10km radius of curvature for X-ray nanoscopy applications and polishing of starting wafer surfaces for mitigation of existing nanotopography. In addition, the potential of extending the demonstrated process to high throughput roll-roll systems has also been mentioned by modifying the model to incorporate the compliance of the substrate along with that of the superstrate. / text

Development And Study Of Oxide Films By Combustion Flame Pyrolysis

Kavitha, R 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Investigations On Electrodes And Electrolyte Layers For Thin Film Battery

Nimisha, C S 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The magnificent development of on-board solutions for electronics has resulted in the race towards scaling down of autonomous micro-power sources. In order to maintain the reliability of miniaturized devices and to reduce the power dissipation in high density memories like CMOS RAM, localized power for such systems is highly desirable. Therefore these micro-power sources need to be integrated in to the electronic chip level, which paved the way for the research and development of rechargeable thin film batteries (TFB). A Thin film battery is defined as a solid-state electrochemical source fabricated on the same scale as and using the same type of processing techniques used in microelectronics. Various aspects of deposition and characterization of LiCoO2/LiPON/Sn thin film battery are investigated in this thesis. Prior to the fabrication of thin film battery, individual thin film layers of cathode-LiCoO2, electrolyte-LiPON and anode-Sn were optimized separately for their best electrochemical performance. Studies performed on cathode layer include theoretical and experimental aspects of deposition of electrochemically active LiCoO2 thin films. Mathematical simulation and experimental validation of process kinetics involved in sputtering of a LiCoO2 compound target have been performed to analyze the effect of process kinetics on film stoichiometry. Studies on the conditioning of a new LiCoO2 sputtering target for various durations of pre-sputtering time were performed with the help of real time monitoring of glow discharge plasma by OES and also by analysing surface composition, and morphology of the deposited films. Films deposited from a conditioned target, under suitable deposition conditions were electrochemically tested for CV and charge/discharge, which showed an initial discharge capacity of 64 µAh/cm2/µm. Studies done on the deposition and characterization of solid electrolyte layer-LiPON have shown that, sputtering from powder target can be useful for certain compounds like Li3PO4 in which breaking of ceramic target and loss of material are severe problems. An ionic conductivity of 1.1 x10-6 S/cm was obtained for an Nt/Nd ratio of 1.42 for a RF power density of 3 W/cm2 and N2 flow of 30 sccm. Also the reasons for reduction in ionic conductivity of LiPON thin films on exposure to air have been analyzed by means of change in surface morphology and surface chemistry. Ionic conductivity of 2.8 x10-6 S/cm for the freshly deposited film has dropped down to 9.9 x10-10 S/cm due to the reaction with moisture, oxygen and carbon content of exposed air. Interest towards a Li-free thin film battery has prompted to choose Sn as the anode layer due to its relatively good electrochemical capacity compared with other metallic thin films and ease of processing. By controlling the rate of deposition of Sn, thin films of different surface morphology, roughness and crystallinity can be obtained with different electrochemical performance. The reasons for excessive volume changes during lithiation/delithiation of a porous Sn thin film have been analyzed with the aid of physicochemical characterization techniques. The results suggest that the films become progressively pulverized resulting in increased roughness with an increase in lithiation. Electrochemical impedance data suggest that the kinetics of charging becomes sluggish with an increase in the quantity of Li in Sn-Li alloy. Thin film batteries with configuraion LiCoO2/LiPON/Sn were fabricated by sequential sputter deposition on to Pt/Si substartes. Pt/Cu strips were used as the current collector leads with a polymer packaging. Electrochemical charge/discharge studies revealed discharge capacities in the range 6-15 µAh/cm2/µm with hundreds of repeated cycles. TFB with a higher capacity of 35 µAh/cm2/µm suffered capacity fade out after 7 cycles, for which reasons were analyzed. The surface and cross-sectional micrographs of cycled TFB showed formation of bubble like features on anode layer reducing integrity of electrolyte-anode interface. The irreversible Li insertion along with apparent surface morphology changes are most likely the main reasons for the capacity fade of the LiCoO2/LiPON/Sn TFB.

Development And Performance Study Of Nanostructured Metal Oxide Gas Sensor

Parmar, Mitesh Ramanbhai 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The basic necessities to sustain life are – air, water and food. Although the harmful effects due to contaminated food or water are dangerous to life, these can be reduced/avoided by controlling the intake. Whereas, in case of air, the same amount of control cannot be exercised as there is very little, one can do in case of inhalation. Maximum damage to life is due to air contamination which can be detected and prevented by using gas sensors. The proper use of these sensors not only save lives, but also minimizes social and financial loss. The objective of this thesis work is to study and explore the use of p-type semiconducting material such as CuO, as a promising gas sensing material for organic compounds (VOCs), compatible with existing silicon fabrication technology. The Thesis consist of 7 chapters: Chapter 1 covers the general introduction about gas sensors, sensor parameters, criteria for the selection of sensing material, suitability of CuO as sensing material and a brief literature survey. The second chapter includes the selection of substrate, cleaning procedures and suitable deposition method. The deposition method used in the present thesis work is DC/RF magnetron sputtering. The reactive magnetron sputtering is employed during the deposition of CuO sensing films. It also includes basic introduction about some of the common material characterization techniques. This is followed by Chapter 3 which includes the optimization of sputtering process parameters such as applied power, working pressure, Ar-O2 ratio and substrate temperature for CuO sensing film and the effect of these on surface morphology. Information on the optimized sputtering parameters for electrode film (silver and gold) deposition has also been included in this chapter. In order to study the sensing behavior of the sensor, suitable testing set-up is necessary. This leads us to Chapter 4 that discusses the development of an in-house built sensor testing setup and its automization using MATLAB. The automated testing set-up facilitates off-time data plotting as well as real-time data plotting during the sensing process. To demonstrate the working of the set-up, some initial results obtained are also included in this chapter. After ascertaining the functioning of the automated gas sensor testing set-up, detailed study on the sensing behavior of nanostructured CuO films was performed. This information along with the necessary details is included in Chapter 5. The sensing response of nanostructured CuO films has been studied for different VOCs such as alcohol, toluene and benzene. The study carried out on the effect of different surface additives like multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), gold or platinum on ethanol sensing has also been included in this chapter. During the use of MWNTs as surface additives, different concentrations of MWNTs – 0.01 mg, 0.05 mg and 0.1 mg have been dispersed on the CuO sensing film. The sample with lowest concentration of MWNTs exhibited highest sensitivity and lower response time. It is due to the fact that, higher concentrations of MWNTs do not result into uniform dispersion over the CuO films and cover the sensing film almost completely. Operating temperature is the most important factor affecting the performance of a gas sensor. In order to maintain the operating temperature for the portable sensor, the sensor is usually integrated with a heater. The chapter 6 deals with heater optimization including design, simulation and fabrication. In this chapter, microheater as well as macro-heaters were simulated and fabricated. The fabricated macro-heater is bonded with the sensor by eutectic bonding. One of the bonded samples was studied for its sensing response. The final chapter of the thesis deals with the conclusion of present research work and the possible further work on CuO gas sensor.

Tvorba motivů tenkovrstvými metodami / Creating themes thin-film methods

Ondráček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the theory of thin film technology, especially creating these layers. The work includes the distribution of vacuum deposition techniques for physical (PVD) and chemical (CVD). The main aim is to create a theme in different ways of implementation by using magnetron sputtering device, and these motives evaluated in terms of the quality of sputtering.

MKP simulace elastohydrodynamického kontaktu / FEM simulation of elastohydrodynamic contact

Brhlík, Rostislav January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an application of the finite element method on elastohydrodynamic (EHD) lubrication simulations. Commercially available software COMSOL is used for the computation, while two different modules for modeling EHD lubrication are described in a detail. Firstly, a new approach using the module Thin-Film Flow is developed, considering and describing some limitations of this approach. This is the very first published work dealing complex with EHD simulation in Thin-Film Flow module. In the second part of the thesis, there was created a model of line contact using the module for the introduction of partial differential equations (PDE). The model is partially verified with available works for different values of the input parameters. Subsequently, the velocity effect of the contact surfaces on the pressure and the lubricant thickness in contact is analyzed. Finally, the last part is examines the influence of the values of some parameters on the final value of the contact pressure and the lubricant thickness, as well as on numerical stability of the entire model.

Pulsed Laser Deposition of Iridate and YBiO3 Thin Films

Jenderka, Marcus 30 January 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Dünnfilmwachstum der ternären Oxide Na2IrO3, Li2IrO3, Y2Ir2O7 und YBiO3. All diesen oxidischen Materialien ist gemein, dass sie Verwirklichungen sogenannter Topologischer Isolatoren oder Spin-Flüssigkeiten sein könnten. Diese neuartigen Materiezustände versprechen eine zukünftige Anwendung in der Quantencomputation, in magnetischen Speichern und in elektrischen Geräten mit geringer Leistungsaufnahme. Die Herstellung der hier gezeigten Dünnfilme ist daher ein erster Schritt zur Umsetzung dieser Anwendungen in der Zukunft. Alle Dünnfilme werden mittels gepulster Laserplasmaabscheidung auf verschiedenen einkristallinen Substraten hergestellt. Die strukturellen, optischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften der Filme werden mittels etablierter experimenteller Verfahren wie Röntgenbeugung, spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie und elektrischenWiderstandsmessungen untersucht. Die strukturellen Eigenschaften von erstmalig in der Masterarbeit des Authors verwirklichten Na2IrO3-Dünnfilmen können durch Abscheidung einer ZnO-Zwischenschicht deutlich verbessert werden. Einkristalline Li2IrO3-Dünnfilme mit einer definierten Kristallausrichtung werden erstmalig hergestellt. Die Messung der dielektrischen Funktion gibt Einblick in elektronische Anregungen, die gut vergleichbar mit Li2IrO3-Einkristallen und verwandten Iridaten sind. Des Weiteren wird aus den Daten eine optische Energielücke von ungefähr 300 meV bestimmt. In Y2Ir2O7-Dünnfilmen wird eine mögliche (111)-Vorzugsorientierung in Wachstumsrichtung gefunden. Im Vergleich mit der chemischen Lösungsabscheidung zeigen die hier mittels gepulster Laserplasmaabscheidung hergestellten YBiO3-Dünnfilme eine definierte, biaxiale Kristallausrichtung in der Wachstumsebene bei einer deutlich höheren Schichtdicke. Über die gemessene dielektrische Funktion können eine direkte und indirekte Bandlücke bestimmt werden. Deren Größe gibt eine notwendige experimentelle Rückmeldung an theoretische Berechnungen der elektronischen Bandstruktur von YBiO3, welche zur Vorhersage der oben erwähnten, neuartigen Materiezuständen verwendet werden. Nach einer Einleitung und Motivation dieser Arbeit gibt das zweite Kapitel einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand der hier untersuchten Materialien. Die folgenden zwei Kapitel beschreiben die Probenherstellung und die verwendeten experimentellen Untersuchungsmethoden. Anschließend werden für jedes Material einzeln die experimentellen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit diskutiert. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung und einem Ausblick. / The present thesis reports on the thin film growth of ternary oxides Na2IrO3, Li2IrO3, Y2Ir2O7 and YBiO3. All of these oxides are candidate materials for the so-called topological insulator and spin liquid, respectively. These states of matter promise future application in quantum computation, and in magnetic memory and low-power electronic devices. The realization of the thin films presented here, thus represents a first step towards these future device applications. All thin films are prepared by means of pulsed laser deposition on various single-crystalline substrates. Their structural, optical and electronic properties are investigated with established experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic ellipsometry and resistivity measurements. The structural properties of Na2IrO3 thin films, that were previously realized in the author’s M. Sc. thesis for the first time, are improved significantly by deposition of an intermediate ZnO layer. Single-crystalline Li2IrO3 thin films are grown for the first time and exhibit a defined crystal orientation. Measurement of the dielectric function gives insight into electronic excitations that compare well with single crystal samples and related iridates. From the data, an optical energy gap of about 300 meV is obtained. For Y2Ir2O7 thin films, a possible (111) out-of-plane preferential crystal orientation is obtained. Compared to chemical solution deposition, the pulsed laser-deposited YBiO3 thin films presented here exhibit a biaxial in-plane crystal orientation up to a significantly larger film thickness. From the measured dielectric function, a direct and indirect band gap energy is determined. Their magnitude provides necessary experimental feedback for theoretical calculations of the electronic structure of YBiO3, which are used in the prediction of the novel states of matter mentioned above. After the introduction and motivation of this thesis, the second chapter reviews the current state of the science of the studied thin film materials. The following two chapters introduce the sample preparation and the employed experimental methods, respectively. Subsequently, the experimental results of this thesis are discussed for each material individually. The thesis concludes with a summary and an outlook.

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