Spelling suggestions: "subject:"toddlers"" "subject:"voddlers""
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Parent Toddler Feeding Relationship in LebanonZahm, Christine 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The Effect of Toddler Emotion Regulation on Maternal Emotion Socialization: Moderation by Toddler Gender and Maternal Depressive and Anxious SymptomatologyPremo, Julie Elizabeth 25 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Föräldrars frågor till barn : En analys av dialoger med 2-åringar med olika utvecklat ordförrådEdlund, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur föräldrar ställer frågor till barn i en ålder av 2;3- 2;5 år med olika utvecklat ordförråd. Ett annat syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka om barnen ger respons på föräldrarnas frågor samt om barnen själva ställer frågor. De frågeställningar som står i fokus är: Hur många ord och yttranden säger barn och föräldrar? Vilka typer av frågor ställer föräldrarna? Ställer barnen frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Ger barnen respons på föräldrarnas frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Är frågor överlag effektivt för att få barn i åldersgruppen att tala? Frågeställningarna besvaras genom språkanalyser av transkriberade dialoger mellan föräldrar och barn. Transkriptionerna omfattar tre timmar dialoger totalt och materialet har analyserats med hjälp av CLAN. Deltagarna är nio familjer från SPRINT-projektet vid Stockholms universitet. Deltagarna är utvalda för att representera barn med låg- respektive hög ordförrådsnivå baserat på SECDI data, ett svenskt normerat instrument i syfte att mäta barns ordförråd. Resultatet visar totalt cirka 2 500 yttranden från föräldrarna och drygt 900 från barnen. I ord räknat omfattar materialet totalt cirka 11 000 ord från föräldrarna och drygt 2 000 ord från barnen. Det råder stora procentuella skillnader mellan den högpresterande gruppen (höggruppen) och den lågpresterande gruppen (låggruppen) vad angår barnens antal yttranden och ordförråd till fördel för höggruppens barn. Föräldrarna visar inte på lika tydliga skillnader som barnen, men föräldrarna till barnen i höggruppen gör fler yttranden och använder ett mer varierat ordförråd än i låggruppen. Frågor är vanligt förekommande i föräldrars kommunikation med barn. Det framkommer att totalt för båda grupperna utgör frågor cirka en tredjedel av föräldrarnas yttranden. Vanligt förekommande frågor är ja/nej- frågor, produktiva frågor och frågor med hjälpverb. Barnen i höggruppen ger oftare respons på föräldrarnas frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Likaså ställer barnen i höggruppen oftare egna frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Den tydliga diskrepansen mellan grupperna indikerar att det finns samband mellan kvantitetsfaktorer i föräldrarnas och barnens tal samt att frågor är en metod som kan generera tal från barnen. Det kan finnas anledning att fundera över frågors olika komplexitet i förhållande till barnets ålder och övriga utveckling eftersom det framkommer att föräldrar generellt ställer komplicerade frågor. / The primary purpose of this paper is to explore how parents ask questions to toddlers (in this paper 2;3-2;5 year old children) with different vocabulary development. Another purpose of this paper is to explore if the children respond to questions given by their parents, and if the children ask questions themselves. Questions in focus for this paper are: How many words and utterances are said by the children and the parents? What kind of questions do the parents ask? Do the children ask questions, and if so, to what extent? Do the children respond to the parents’ questions, and if so, to what extent? Are questions generally effective in getting children to talk? The questions are answered through language analysis by transcribed dialogues between parents and children, where the transcriptions cover three hours of dialogues in total. The material has been analyzed in CLAN. The participants are nine families from the SPRINT-project at Stockholm University. The participants are selected to represent children with low- or high vocabulary based on SECDI data, a Swedish standardized instrument for measuring children’s vocabulary. The result shows about 2 500 utterances by the parents, and more than 900 by the children, while the number of words is approximately 11 000 words by the parents and more than 2 000 by the children. Concerning the children’s utterances and vocabulary there are large differences in percentage between the groups, with an advantage for the children in the high performing group (HP group). The parents don’t show such distinct differences, but the parents in the HP group make more utterances and use more variation in their vocabulary than the parents in the low performing group (LP group). Questions are frequently used in parents’ communication with children. In total, for both groups, questions constitute one third of the parents’ utterances. Commonly occurring are yes- no questions, productive questions and questions with auxiliary verbs. The children in the HP group more frequently respond to their parents’ questions than the children in the LP group. Similarly, children in the HP group more frequently ask questions than the children in the LP group. The distinct discrepancy between the two groups indicates causality between quantity factors in parents’ and children’s speech. It also indicates that the use of questions may in general be an effective method for triggering children’s speech. In general parents ask complicated questions, and therefore it may be appropriate to consider variations in question complexity in relation to the child’s age and overall development.
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The Effects of Providing a Brief Training Package to Daycare Teachers to Teach a Child a Sign for Social AttentionZimmerman, Valerie L. V. 08 1900 (has links)
Behavioral skills training (BST) packages have been successful in increasing change agents’ correct implementation of various procedures. The current study evaluated the effects of a brief BST package to train daycare teachers to implement incidental teaching procedures with toddlers. The brief BST consisted of a set of written instructions, a two-minute video model, rehearsal, and feedback during session. Results demonstrated that teachers increased their correct implementation of incidental teaching procedures following training. In addition, two of the three toddlers increased the frequency of signs to request attention.
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Låt de yngsta barnen få möta demokratin i förskolan! : En vetenskaplig essä om förskolans demokrati-och värdegrundsarbete med de yngsta barnen i förskolan / Let the youngest children i preeschool experience democracy! : A scientific essay on working with democracy and values in early childhood education and careLernberg, Åsa January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to investigate how to work with values and democracy in practice, when working with early childhood education and care. The thesis is presented as an essay, where the framed questions are considered using several different perspectives. The types of questions raised address issues such as the educators' attitudes and approaches, the individual's position within the group and how democracy and care are intrinsically integrated with each other. The issues are considered and discussed in part through formative texts from the author’s own experience, and in part through a theoretical in-depth study of the principles of democracy in the context of raising children, education and teaching, and additionally, through participatory observations of children in four different groups, five times, with ages ranging from 1-3 year olds. The thematic analysis considers the children's opportunities to meet democratic values in many of the situations that in preschool would be categorised as care. The educators’ role in acknowledging and confirming the children within the group in conjunction with creating an awareness of each other's choices, differences and competencies is also considered. The concluding thoughts are that democratic values, such as inclusion, consideration and respect, can be strengthened and acknowledged for the children through the educators' knowledge and awareness. By including work with values as learning objects, educators can create more opportunities in early childhood education and care to meet and develop democratic values. / Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad praktiskt värdegrundsarbete och demokratiarbete med de yngsta barnen på förskolan kan vara. Uppsatsen skrivs i essäform där fågeställningarna behandlas i flera olika dimensioner. Frågeställningarna handlar om pedagogers förhållningssätt och bemötande, individens plats i gruppen samt hur demokrati och omsorg hör ihop. Frågorna behandlas och diskuteras dels genom gestaltande texter från den egna praktiken, dels genom teoretisk fördjupning i demokratibegreppet kopplat till fostran, utbildning och undervisning samt genom fem deltagande observationer från fyra olika barngrupper med 1-3-åringar. I den tematiska analysen diskuteras barnens möjligheter att möta demokratiska värden i många av de situationer vi i förskolan skulle kategorisera som omsorg. Likaså diskuteras hur pedagogerna synliggör och bekräftar barnen inför varandra i gruppen genom att skapa en medvetenhet om varandras val, olikheter och kompetenser. De konkluderande tankarna är att demokratiska värden, så som inkludering, hänsyn och respekt, kan stärkas och synliggöras med barnen genom pedagogers kunskap och medvetenhet. Genom att lyfta värdegrundsfrågor som lärandeobjekt kan pedagoger skapa fler möjligheter för de yngsta barnen på förskolan att möta och utveckla demokratiska värden.
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Parental Perspective: Toddlers with Clefts Using Touch Screen TechnologyVineyard, Cortney, Coup, Alexandra, Hazelett, Chelsey, Janes, Rachel, Louw, Brenda 20 November 2014 (has links)
This investigation assessed the parental perspectives of parents of toddlers with cleft lip and palate and their use of touchscreen technology. Findings will highlight parental perspectives on touchscreen technology in early intervention with their toddler.
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Establishing healthy eating behaviors is vital in the early years to help combat the development of obesity and other chronic diseases. Mothers play an invaluable role in shaping their children's eating habits through controlling what and when children eat as well as the overall food environment, which is why a better understanding of what influences mothers’ decisions about these behaviors is important.
The purpose of the dissertation was to gain a better understanding of what impacts maternal feeding decisions regarding toddler nutrition behaviors. This was a two-phased mixed methods study. The aim of the initial study was to explore, using a Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework, the influences on mothers’ toddler feeding decisions. These included attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. These constructs were derived from discussions about what sources of nutrition information mothers use and trust. The aim of the subsequent study was to use the TPB to assess factors affecting a mother’s behavioral intention to provide their toddler with a healthy diet and to see if the addition of the parental role construction variable strengthened the TPB’s ability to significantly predict the mother’s behavioral intention.
The first study used a qualitative approach to gather data from three focus groups that consisted of mothers of toddlers (N = 15). Qualitative thematic analysis was used to define prominent themes. Four major themes emerged from the data analysis: (1) attitudes (subthemes: positive towards maternal role of feeding and negative towards the maternal role of feeding); (2) subjective norms positively accepted (subthemes: social media, pediatricians, and registered dietitians); (3) subjective norms negatively accepted (subthemes: pediatricians and registered dietitians); (4) perceived behavioral control (subthemes: acceptance, scarcity of time and outside influences).
An online survey was created using data gathered from the focus groups and a previously validated survey that fit the theoretical basis of the study. The survey utilized the TPB to assess the connections between the constructs and the mothers’ behavioral intentions surrounding toddler feeding. The final sample consisted of 148 mothers. The mean age was 32.83 (SD = 6.16) years. The majority of participants were married (87.2%), had earned a college degree or higher (79.7%), held part-time or fulltime employment, (60.8%), and were White (90.3%). The TPB model predicted 53% of the variance in mother’s behavioral intention surrounding the behavior of providing meals that include a wide variety of the five food groups in appropriate amounts. The addition of the parental role construction variable added 6% more predictive power to the model. The most salient predictors included attitude, perceived behavioral control, and parental role construction.
Mothers positively and negatively receive information from a variety of sources, they have many strong emotions associated with feeding that are deeply rooted in their roles as mothers, and their feeding decisions were strongly influenced by the TPB constructs. Health promotion efforts should aim to increase the mother’s sense of behavioral control and parental responsibility rather than focusing on the benefits of healthy eating. Programs should provide tangible ways to help mothers overcome perceived barriers and, in turn, increase mothers’ beliefs in their ability to provide toddlers with a balanced diet.
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Toddlers as social actors in the Swedish preschoolEngdahl, Ingrid January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on interaction among young toddlers during their second year of life in a Swedish preschool. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore interaction, communication and the creation of friendship between the young children during self initiated play activities. In addition, this thesis presents the background of Early Childhood Education in Sweden, which may serve as an extended context for the study. An ethnographic study was carried out in a toddler unit with 15 children. Six one year old girls and boys were in focus during the observations for nine months. Participatory methods, photos, fieldnotes and videorecordings, were used for the data collection. The theoretical framework for the study is built on phenomenology, the view of the child as a social person and a child oriented perspective. The overall findings support a theoretical perspective where the young toddlers are seen as social actors, with social competencies. Their play invitation strategies, as well as their play enactment and play-closing moves, were mostly found to be based on nonverbal communication such as movements, gestures, voice quality and facial expressions. The competencies of attunement, taking others’ perspectives and turn-taking were found in play among the young toddlers, and they also showed negotiating skills while playing. The findings also show how young toddlers make friends. During their second year of life, they monitor and pay attention to individual peers, displaying intentionality and agency by spontaneously greeting their peers, by offering play invitations, and by helping peers. Mutual awareness, joint attention, shared smiles, coordinated movements, as well as other types of synchronized actions are seen as parts of nonverbal elements in emerging friendship. The findings in this thesis support an understanding of young toddlers as social persons in the preschool, engaged in consistent interest and attention towards each other while playing. / Avhandlingens fokus är hur små barn interagerar med varandra under sitt andra levnadsår i en svensk förskola. Det övergripande syftet var att undersöka interaktion, kommunikation och skapandet av vänskap mellan yngre toddlare under lekstunder då barnen hade möjligheter att ta egna initiativ. Lek betraktas som en rik arena för studier av toddlares samspel. Avhandlingen presenterar även svensk förskolas utveckling som en bakgrund som placerar in den enskilda förskolan i ett större sammanhang. En etnografisk studie genomfördes på en småbarnsavdelning med 15 barn i åldrarna ett till tre år. Sex ettåriga flickor och pojkar fokuserades särskilt genom observationer under nio månader. Deltagande observationer, fotografier, fältanteckningar och videoobservationer, användes för datainsamlingen. Teoretiskt vilar studien på fenomenologi, synen på barn som sociala personer och ett barnperspektiv. Resultaten stöder ett teoretiskt perspektiv där mycket små barn betraktas som sociala aktörer med social kompetens. Deras initiativ till lek, under lek och avslut av lek byggde framför allt på icke-verbal kommunikation, som exempelvis rörelse, gester, röstkvalitet och ansiktsuttryck. Barnen visade i sin lek förmåga till intoning, att ta andras perspektiv och turtagning samt att de förhandlade med varandra under lekens gång. Resultaten visar också hur yngre toddlare bygger vänskap. Ettåringarna uppmärksammar sina kamrater även som individer, exempelvis genom att spontant hälsa på dem, bjuda in till en särskild lek och genom att hjälpa varandra. I skapandet av vänskap använde barnen sig av icke-verbala handlingar i form av ömsesidig och gemensamt riktad uppmärksamhet, smittande leenden och koordinerade rörelser, vilka kan tolkas som intentionellt agerande. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att små barn under sitt andra levnadsår kan betraktas som sociala personer som i leken i förskolan intresserar sig för och uppmärksammar varandra. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted.
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Samspel och samlärande på förskolans småbarnsavdelning : En observationsstudieLarsson, Mia January 2013 (has links)
Examensarbetets fokus är hur små barn mellan ett till tre år interagerar och samlär tillsammans i svensk förskola. Det övergripande syftet var att undersöka hur de yngsta förskolebarnens samspel, samlärande, kommunikation samt kamratrelationer gestaltas i lek och vardagliga situationer på förskolan. Detta för att öka kunskapen om de yngsta barnens sociala värld tillsammans med andra barn och vuxna i förskolan. En kvalitativ undersökning genomfördes på en småbarnsavdelning med 16 barn, där 7 var flickor och 9 var pojkar. 14 av de 16 barnen var även nyinskolade på avdelningen. Videoobservationer och fältanteckningar under en veckas tid användes för datainsamlingen. Videomaterialet bestod av totalt 90 minuter film i både inomhus- och utomhusmiljö. Teoretiskt vilar studien på ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, i vilket barn framstår som sociala aktörer där samspel och lärande sker utifrån interaktion och deltagande i sociala sammanhang. Resultatet stöder också detta perspektiv där de allra yngsta barnen på förskolan verkar har en inneboende vilja att interagera tillsammans med andra barn. I mötet med de andra barnen använder barnen framförallt en icke verbal kommunikation där kropp, gestaltning och mimik är de aktiva redskapen för förståelse för varandra. Barnen visade genom sitt sociala samspel att de verkar ha förmåga att imitera varandra, ta varandras perspektiv, hjälpa varandra, frambringa konflikter med varandra, skapa kontakt med varandra samt lära av och med varandra. Resultatet tycks även visa hur de yngsta förskolebarnens gemenskap uttrycks av glädje för varandra och hur de ständigt verkar vilja vara i en mänsklig samvaro för att bygga relationer till varandra.
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新北市「閱讀起步走」活動經驗與滿意度研究 / A study of the experience and satisfaction on bookstart in New Taipei City沈惠珠, Shen, Hui Chu Unknown Date (has links)
五、持續推動相關政策,銜接目前所欠缺之閱讀階段。 / Over the years, reading for infants and toddlers has gained attention from the society. In February 2006, Hsin-Yi Foundation, by means of recruiting cooperative efforts from Taichung County Government and Taipei City Government, initiated Bookstart, a reading activity for parents and kids, in Taiwan. Three year later, New Taipei City started to execute Bookstart, including a good number of funny, inspiring activities such as granting participants with a “Bookstart Pack”, holding parent-kid reading seminars, story-reading for newborns and applying for library cards for newborns.
The study aims to conduct a survey among in-charge librarians and participants, and evaluate the actual effects of Bookstart executed in New Taipei City, including to what extent participants are satisfied with the activities, and the problems or predicament encountered by in-charge librarians in the process of implementation. By so doing, the study induces relevant experiences and offer suggestions for other counties or cities that intend to execute the program of Bookstart in the future.
The study undertakes the analysis of the data with questionnaire investigation method and interviewing method. To start with, by means of random sampling, a questionnaire over satisfaction is conducted among the parents with young-aged kids who have participated in Bookstart; effective copies were 250. Meanwhile, 6 in-charge librarians and 3 parents were selected to take in-depth interviews, so as to better explore the thoughts and ideas of the aforementioned people.
The research results have indicated that:
1.The participating citizens and librarians all give approval for the notions of Bookstart, thinking it beneficial to the promotion of parent-kid reading.
2.The participating citizens have a better satisfaction over the librarians’ attitude of service and the content of the activity, yet their satisfaction for the time and venue of the activity, the hardware facilities of the library and the quality and quantity of the stock is relatively low.
3.Participated citizens do not think the promotion adopted by the library has been well received in everyday life, and hence have the lowest satisfaction for current promotion.
4.The most serious problems facing up to in-charge librarians were short of manpower and insufficient promotion.
5.In-charge librarians regard the factors that affect the quality of activities as manpower and the environment of the library.
6.The assistance needed in promoting Bookstart includes “adding manpower” and “a packaged promotion by the government”.
Hence, the study offers suggestions for the future development of Bookstart as follows:
1.Enrich the collection of books for infants and young children to enhance reading quality.
2.Parents learning courses can group types of workshops or study will be conducted.
3.The current promotion strategies shall be incorporated, and the activity should be promoted by the government as a package.
4.To enhance reading the penetration rate paid by the Bookstart packs.
5.Related policies should be publicized in the future, so the new program can be connected with the current one by adding a “reading phase”.
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