Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brains"" "subject:"crains""
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Analyse des trains de spike à large échelle avec contraintes spatio-temporelles : application aux acquisitions multi-électrodes rétiniennesNasser, Hassan 14 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
L'évolution des techniques d'acquisition de l'activité neuronale permet désormais d'enregistrer simultanément jusqu'à plusieurs centaines de neurones dans le cortex ou dans la rétine. L'analyse de ces données nécessite des méthodes mathématiques et numériques pour décrire les corrélations spatiotemporelles de la population neuronale. Une méthode couramment employée est basée sur le principe d'entropie maximale. Dans ce cas, le produit N×R, où N est le nombre de neurones et R le temps maximal considéré dans les corrélations, est un paramètre crucial. Les méthodes de physique statistique usuelles sont limitées aux corrélations spatiales avec R = 1 (Ising) alors que les méthodes basées sur des matrices de transfert, permettant l'analyse des corrélations spatio-temporelles (R > 1), sont limitées à N×R≤20. Dans une première partie, nous proposons une version modifiée de la méthode de matrice de transfert, basée sur un algorithme de Monte-Carlo parallèle, qui nous permet d'aller jusqu'à N×R=100. Dans la deuxième partie, nous présentons la bibliothèque C++ Enas, dotée d'une interface graphique développée pour les neurobiologistes. Enas offre un environnement hautement interactif permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer les données, effectuer des analyses empiriques, interpoler des modèles statistiques et visualiser les résultats. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, nous testons notre méthode sur des données synthétiques et réelles (rétine, fournies par nos partenaires biologistes). Notre analyse non exhaustive montre l'avantage de considérer des corrélations spatio-temporelles pour l'analyse des données rétiniennes; mais elle montre aussi les limites des méthodes d'entropie maximale.
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Characterization of information and causality measures for the study of neuronal dataChicharro Raventós, Daniel 07 April 2011 (has links)
We study two methods of data analysis which are common tools for the analysis of neuronal data. In particular, we examine how causal interactions between brain regions can be investigated using time series reflecting the neural activity in these regions. Furthermore, we analyze a method used to study the neural code that evaluates the discrimination of the responses of single neurons elicited by different stimuli. This discrimination analysis is based on the quantification of the similarity of the spike trains with time scale parametric spike train distances. In each case we describe the methods used for the analysis of the neuronal data and we characterize their specificity using simulated or exemplary experimental data. Taking into account our results, we comment the previous studies in which the methods have been applied. In particular, we focus on the interpretation of the statistical measures in terms of underlying neuronal causal connectivity and properties of the neural code, respectively. / Estudiem dos mètodes d'anàlisi de dades que són eines habituals per a l'anàlisi de dades neuronals. Concretament, examinem la manera en què les interaccions causals entre regions del cervell poden ser investigades a partir de sèries temporals que reflecteixen l'activitat neuronal d'aquestes regions. A més a més, analitzem un mètode emprat per estudiar el codi neuronal que avalua la discriminació de les respostes de neurones individuals provocades per diferents estímuls. Aquesta anàlisi de la discriminació es basa en la quantificació de la similitud de les seqüències de potencials d'acció amb distàncies amb un paràmetre d'escala temporal. Tenint en compte els nostres resultats, comentem els estudis previs en els quals aquests mètodes han estat aplicats. Concretament, ens centrem en la interpretació de les mesures estadístiques en termes de connectivitat causal neuronal subjacent i propietats del codi neuronal, respectivament.
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Kan Interrail få en comeback? : En undersökning om ungdomars attityder och intresse till InterrailKällberg, Stephanie, Ryman, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Turistindustrin rankas som en av världens största, men även snabbast växande näringar. Näringens expansion bidrar i sin tur till stora miljömässiga konsekvenser. Mer miljövänliga, spårbundna transporter är i dagsläget aktuella forskningsfrågor och diskuteras i syfte att bromsa turismens negativa, miljömässiga effekter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka ungdomars intresse och attityder kring tåg i turistiskt syfte, samt om en antagen miljömedvetenhet påverkade deras val av resa. Interrail valdes som undersökningsobjekt dels då skribenterna fann ämnet aktuellt och dels på grund av EU-kommissionens investering som ska ge 18-åringar gratis Interrailpass i år. Interrail ansågs i enlighet med teorier vara ett alternativt, mer miljövänligt transportalternativ samt turismform. En kombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har använts för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Enligt valda teorier förekommer ett gap mellan turisters attityder och beteende där personliga värderingar och en miljömedvetennorm, som genomsyrade beteenden och konsumtionsmönster hemma, bortsågs vid val av resa. Resultaten från de sju personliga intervjuerna samt enkätundersökningen tyder på att intresset för tåg som transport i turistiskt syfte är relativt lågt, vilket eventuellt ger en förklaring till det relativt låga intresset för Interrail hos dagens ungdomar. Även bland organisationer tolkas Interrail besitta en låg position på marknaden. Företag är inte intresserade av att marknadsföra Interrail då det inte antas vara vinstdrivande. Intresset för Interrail är lågt där aspekter som tid, pris, bekvämlighet och upplevelse väger tyngre hos ungdomars turistiska val, där tågets miljömässiga fördelar snarare ses som en positiv bieffekt. Utifrån bristande kunskap och förutfattade meningar tolkar skribenterna Interrails comeback, trots EU-kommissionens ekonomiska investeringar, som svåruppnådd. / he tourism industry is ranked as one of the world's biggest and fastest growing industries, which in return contribute to big environmental consequences. More environmentally friendly, railway bound transportation are current research questions and are discussed to prevent the negative effects of tourism. The purpose of the study was to research adolescents interest and attitude towards train for touristic purposes and if their perceived environmental awareness affected their choice of travel. Interrail was chosen as a research object partly because the authors considered it a current topic and partly because of the investment that the EU-commission made to be able to give 18-year olds free Interrailpasses this year. Interrail was in accordance with the theory perceived to be a more environmentally friendly choice of transportation and form of tourism. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study. From the chosen theories there appears to be a gap between tourists attitudes and behaviour, where personal values and the environmental norm that existed at home, was disregarded when choosing to go on a trip. The results from the 7 personal interviews and the questionnaire shows that the interest for train as transport for touristic purposes is relatively low, which could give an explanation for the lacking interest for Interrail in today's adolescents. Even among companies Interrail is interpreted as having a low position on the market. Companies aren't interested in marketing Interrail due to its low perceived economic profit. The interest for Interrail is low where aspects such as time, price and experience weighs heavier for adolescent’s touristic choices, where the environmental benefits are merely seen as a positive bi-product. From a lack of knowledge and preconceptions the authors interpret Interrails comeback, despite the financial investments from the EU-commission, as hard to achieve.
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Dinâmica de não linearidades ópticas em macromoléculas e oligômeros / Dynamic of optical nonlinearities in macromolecules and oligomersCleber Renato Mendonça 20 October 2000 (has links)
Nesta tese estudamos a dinâmica das não linearidades ópticas em compostos orgânicos, mais especificamente em amostras de bis-ftalocianina de itérbio, derivados do álcool furfurílico e compostos azo-aromáticos. Para que a dinâmica dos processos ópticos não lineares pudesse ser investigada nesses materiais, desenvolvemos uma extensão experimental à técnica de varredura-Z convencional, denominada de varredura-Z com trem de pulsos. Nesta técnica, o trem de pulsos de um laser Q-switched/mode-locked é convenientemente empregado para o estudo da dinâmica de processos não lineares no intervalo de 10 a 1000 ns, permitindo a discriminação entre não linearidades rápidas e processos lentos ou acumulativos. Os resultados obtidos através desta técnica nos diversos materiais estudados, complementados com medidas ópticas lineares, tornaram possível a determinação da origem dos processos não lineares refrativos e absorcivos, permitindo também a determinação dos parâmetros espectroscópicos do estado excitado. / This work reports the dynamic nonlinear optical properties of organic compounds, namely, ytterbium bis-phthalocyanine, furfuryl alcohol derivatives and azo-aromatic compounds. In order to carry out this investigation we developed an experimental extension to the standard Z-scan technique, named Z-scan with pulse trains. In this method, pulse trains contained in Q-switched/mode-locked lasers can be advantageously used to study dynamic optical nonlinearities in the 10-1000 ns time interval, allowing the discrimination between fast and slow (cumulative) nonlinear effects. The results obtained in the compounds studied with this technique, complemented with linear optical measurements, permitted the nonlinear refraction and absorption origin to be determined, allowing the characterization of excited state spectroscopic parameters.
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Transporte de passageiros sobre trilhos na macrometrópole paulista : implicações na gestão estadual do planejamento urbano e de transportesFaria, Marcel Martin Baptista de January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Silvana Maria Zioni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Gestão do Território, São Bernardo do Campo, 2018. / O presente trabalho estudará a interação entre transporte e território, ou seja, pretende-se estudar
a relação entre estes dois campos, que se tem mostrado mais complexa do que uma relação de
causa versus efeito. O território de análise terá como referência a Macrometrópole Paulista e a
proposição de ligações ferroviárias para passageiros ¿ Programa de Trens Regionais. Para tal
serão estudadas, por meio de análise bibliográfica e documental, as dinâmicas e a formação do
território macrometropolitano, a concepção do Programa de Trens Regionais, as estruturas de
gestão do planejamento urbano e de transportes no Governo do Estado de São Paulo e por fim
as interações do mercado na proposição do chamados Trens Intercidades que se sobrepõem à
proposição dos trens regionais. Pretende-se, assim, problematizar o contexto no qual é proposto
o Programa de Trens Regionais identificando lacunas na relação transporte ¿ território sob a
influência do mercado. / The present research was aimed to investigate the interaction between transport and territory,
that is, we intend to study the relationship between these two fields, which has been shown to
be more complex than a cause versus effect relationship. The territory of analysis will have as
reference the Macrometropole Paulista and the proposal of rail connections for passengers -
Programa de Trens Regionais. For this purpose, the dynamics and the formation of the
macrometropolitan territory, the conception of the Regional Trains Program, the structures for
the management of urban planning and transportation in the Government of the State of São
Paulo will be studied through bibliographic and documentary analysis and, finally, the market
interactions in proposing the so-called Intercity Trains that overlap the proposition of regional
trains. The aim is to problematize the context in which the Regional Trains Program is
proposed, identifying gaps in the transport-territory relationship under the market influence.
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O papel dos trilhos na estruturação territorial da cidade de São Paulo de 1867 a 1930 / The role of rail in the territorial structure of the city of São Paulo from 1867 to 1930Iara Sakitani Kako 03 July 2013 (has links)
Os mapas da cidade de São Paulo, produzidos no período compreendido entre o final do século XIX e meados do século XX, revelam uma cidade em plena transformação e desenvolvimento, com aumento dos seus limites através das obras de infraestrutura, como linha férrea e de bondes, implantação dos sistemas de distribuição de água e principalmente, energia elétrica, além da construção de novas pontes, loteamentos e arruamentos de chácaras, abertura de ruas, avenidas e praças. A influência dos trilhos (trens e bondes) na estruturação territorial da cidade de São Paulo foi avaliada através da análise de mapas históricos e auxiliada pela cartografia digital. Atualmente, com os recursos técnicos disponíveis, os mapas históricos podem ser estudados de forma sistematizada buscando-se obter uma visão de conjunto a respeito das transformações no espaço geográfico ao longo do tempo. A cartografia digital, apoiada nos softwares de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), representa essa possibilidade oferecendo recursos para armazenamento, manipulação, e visualização dos dados geográficos. / The maps of the city of São Paulo produced within period from the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century, reveal a city undergoing transformation and development, increasing the limits of the urban through infrastructure works such as railway and trams, implementation of water distribution systems and especially electricity, in addition to building new bridges, roads and subdivisions of small farms, open streets, avenues and squares. The influence of the rails (trains and trams) in the territorial structure of the city of São Paulo was evaluated through analysis of historical maps and assisted by digital mapping. Currently, with the available technical resources, historical maps can be studied in a systematic way seeking to get an overview about the changes in geographical space over time. The digital cartography supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software provides resources for storage, manipulation, and visualization of geographic data.
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Features and Origin of Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Lightning FlashesIsmail, Mohd Muzafar January 2017 (has links)
Negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes transport negative charge from cloud to ground. Negative ground flashes typically involve various processes identified as preliminary breakdown, stepped leader, return stroke, dart leader, dart-stepped leader, subsequent return stroke, and cloud activity between strokes, such as regular pulse trains and chaotic pulse trains. These processes can be identified through their electromagnetic field signatures. The main focus of this thesis is to document the features and understand the origin of electromagnetic fields, especially the chaotic pulse trains, generated by lightning flashes. Electric field measurements have been used to study lightning flashes in Sweden. The equipment was a parallel flat plate antenna with an analog filter buffer circuit, connected to a digital high speed oscilloscope. Four simultaneous measurements were made: wideband measurement of the E-field (the vertical component) and its time derivative dE/dt, and two narrowband measurements of the E-field, centred around 3 MHz and 30 MHz. Fourier and wavelet transforms were used in the analysis of the measured data. The results show that preliminary breakdown pulses are stronger radiators at 3 MHz and 30 MHz than are the return strokes. A comparison of our results with those of previous studies obtained in different geographical regions clearly shows that the strength of preliminary breakdown pulses decreases with decreasing latitude. It is higher in the temperate regions (Sweden, for instance) and lower in the tropical regions. A comparison of the time derivatives of preliminary breakdown pulses and of the narrow bipolar pulses shows that the physical origin of these two types of pulse is different, even though they may have similar appearances in the broadband fields. This thesis introduces a new procedure to estimate the zero-crossing time of the lightning-generated radiation fields. The procedure is based on the fact that the time integral of the radiation fields generated by a discharge event whose duration is finite is equal to zero, and the zero-crossing time corresponds to the time when the peak of the integral is reached. In addition to tabulating the various statistical parameters and features of Chaotic Pulse Trains (CPTs), it is shown that these pulse trains are created by the simultaneous propagation of several dart-stepped leader type discharges in the cloud. Each dart-stepped leader type discharge generates a Regular Pulse Train (RPT), and these pulse trains combine randomly in time to generate CPTs. This conclusion is based on the results obtained by numerical simulations and by analysing the signatures of these pulse trains using Fourier and wavelet transformations. The results presented in this thesis show that electromagnetic fields, even those measured from a single station, can be used to extract information concerning the physical processes that gave rise to these fields.
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Problematika salonních vlaků a studie uskutečnitelnosti v Evropě / Analysis of luxury trains and their feasibility study in EuropeŤoková, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the Master thesis is to analyse the functioning and operations of so-called luxury trains (trains of the Orient-Express-type) and to apply the findings to a concrete example of such a train. The theoretical part deals with the railway transport in the Czech Republic, with a special focus on irregular transport and specifics of the functioning and operations of luxury trains. An overview of the most known luxury trains of nowadays in Europe and all over the world is also a part of the theoretical background. The empirical part analyses the concrete example of a luxury train in a feasibility study. The thesis is based not only on theoretical literature and information from electronic sources, but also on personal consultation with experts on railway transport and luxury trains in the Czech Republic.
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Autovlaky v mezinárodní železniční přepravě / Car trains in International Rail TransportNejedlý, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the segment of motorail services in the international long-distance passenger rail transport. It presents this service in the Czech Republic and also in the context of international passenger rail transport. The practical part is aimed at analyzing the potential and competitiveness of this service compared to road individual car transport and at exploring options of this product for practical usage by the final customer in choosing an appropriate service or means of transport for long-distance passenger transport in conditions of the Central European market.
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Filmové adaptace literárních děl ve výuce literatury na SŠ / Film adaptations of literary works in teaching literature in high schoolHeflerová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis Film adaptations of literary works in the teaching of literature in high school deals with the comparison of film and literature as types of art, the analysis of film and the process of adaptation of a literary work into a film form. It's aim is to propose teaching activities related to the short story and the film Closely Watched Trains for the use of film adaptations in teaching literature. The design of activities proceeds from the setting of the goal. In teaching it is possible to focus on the use of the motivational potential of film for students, on the comparison of the original literary work and its film adaptation, on the adaptation process itself, the use of film to convey theoretical knowledge or cultural and historical context of formation of the work.
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