Spelling suggestions: "subject:"btransfer off rights"" "subject:"btransfer oof rights""
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Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Transfer of rights and obligations from the employment relationshipsNerad, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
In his thesis, the author deals with the transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationships. In the Czech law, the regulation of transfer of rights and obligations is governed in substantial part by the Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended, and in other statutes. The Czech legislation is based on harmonised regulation in the law of the European Union, which is provided for in the Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses. In his thesis, the author examines the current regulation in the Czech law and the decision- making practice of the Czech courts and compares it with the decision-making practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The author also deals with the amendment of transfer of rights and obligations implemented by the Act No. 285/2020 Coll., amending the Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended, and several other related acts, and compares the applicable law with the preceding. The thesis also deals with the history of regulation of transfer of rights and obligations in the Czech Republic, then it deals with the general definition...
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Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / The transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationshipKůsová, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on regulation of transfer of undertakings in the European Union and Czech law as defined by the Directive 2001/23/EC, the so called Acquired Rights Directive. Transfer of undertaking is a term used in labour law to describe a situation of change of employer as a result of legal transfer or merger. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the EU and Czech legal regulation of transfer of undertaking, especially with respect to the case law, its employment consequences, to mutually compare both regulations and finally to examine whether the Czech implementation complies with the Directive. The thesis is composed of four chapters. The first chapter is introductory and analyses the basic terminology of Czech labour law regarding employment relationship, its components and alterations, in particular the alteration of parties to employment relationship. The second chapter deals with the EU regulation of transfer of undertakings under the Acquired Rights Directive and abundant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It starts with brief description of history of respective legal regulation and then describes the temporal, personal and territorial scope of the Directive. However, the scope that is the most complicated to define is the material scope, i.e. the range of cases to...
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Ochrana zaměstnance při převodu zaměstnavatele / Protection of employee in the event of transfer of employerDoležalová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationship. On the European level this institute is governed by Council Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses. On the domestic level, the regulation can be found in the Labour Code in Chapter XV, Part Thirteen in § 338 et seq. The thesis concerns with both regulations and examines the implementation of the Directive into Czech law. It also compares the approach of CJEU and Supreme Court of Czech republic to this issue. The topic is at first briefly introduced in the introduction. The second chapter clarifies the basic terms. Core of the thesis is the third and in the fourth chapter. Big part of the thesis is devoted to defining the scope of the regulation, that means the determination of cases, when it is aplicable. The first part of the third chapter describes the regulation of the directive and the development and current view on this issue of CJEU. The directive applies in cases of transfer of an economic entity which retains its identity. The second part of the third chapter is devoted to its equivalent in the Czech law. The Labour...
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Přechod práv a povinností v pracovněprávních vztazích / Transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relationsKošnar, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment relations. This legal institute is primarily aimed at the protection of employees during the transfer of undertakings, which can negatively affect their employment relations. The matter is regulated under the Transfers of Undertaking Directive 2001/23/EC. In addition, it is regulated under Czech law, mostly by articles 338-342 of the Czech Labour Code No. 262/2006 Coll. The thesis involves critical assessment of the EU and Czech regulation of the issue including relevant case law of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Court of Justice of the European Union(CJEU). Furthermore, it aspires to identify the possible problems arising from the current regulation and aims to find their possible solutions. The most essential questions are; when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs according to legislation currently in force and when it should occur in the case the legislation is to be amended. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first introductory chapter provides the reader with a necessary theoretical background. The second chapter contemplates the Directive 2001/23/EC and predominantly focuses on the material scope of the Directive in the light of the relevant case law of the CJEU. Finally,...
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Ochrana zaměstnance při převodu zaměstnavatele / Protection of employees in the event of transfer of employerKoubková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
Protection of employees in the event of transfer of employer The master's theses deals with the topic of the transfer of rights and obligations from employment relationships and related institutes of protection of the employees affected by the transfer. The topic is regulated at the European Union tier by Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses, which has been transposed into national law as Section XV of Part Thirteen of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code. The thesis introduces both tiers of legislation, the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and evaluates the implementation of the Directive 2001/23/EC into the national system. The first part of the work is an explanatory one as it describes the meaning of some of the fundamental labour law terms and contexts for the purposes of the following text. The second part introduces the transfer of an undertaking, business or part thereof under the Directive 2001/23/EC and formation of the rules by the Court of Justice of the European Union, in particular the development of the...
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Přechod pracovněprávních závazků při smluvním převodu a fúzi společnosti / Transfer of the Employment Obligations under Legal Transfer and MergerSmělík, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of transfer of undertaking as recognized by the Acquired Rights Directive 2001/23/EC under the EU and Czech law. The first chapter "general introduction" offers an overview of the basic relationships that arise in the course of employment, and the basics of European law. The second chapter considers the rules of the transfer of undertaking under the Acquired Rights Directive and in light of ECJ case law. It defines the terms legal transfer and merger, economic entity which retains its identity, employee, transferor and transferee. Further, it considers the transferred rights of employees and the corresponding duties of employers, encompassing the right for information and consultation, protection against dismissal on the grounds of the transfer and the right for the same work conditions after the transfer. It covers a special case of transfer of undertaking in the case of transferor's insolvency. The third chapter deals with the regulation of transfer of undertaking under Czech law. Firstly, the chapter introduces the development of the provisions covering the transfer in the Labour Code. It focuses on the contemporary provisions of the Labour Code. It describes the grounds for the transfer covered by the Labour Code and particular statutes such as the Civil Code,...
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Rights and liabilities of the consignees/endorsees : a comparative study of the Rotterdam Rules and English LawMajdzadeh Khandani, Kourosh January 2018 (has links)
In the context of an international carriage of goods by sea contract, the consignees and endorsees are the two important categories of the parties whom their rights and liabilities have not been legislated for in any international carriage of goods by sea convention until the adoption of the Rotterdam Rules. The truth is that, in contrast to the rights and the correlative liabilities and obligations of the shippers and carriers, the rights and liabilities of the consignees and endorsees have always been dealt with by the domestic and national laws. However, the Rotterdam Rules, with the goals of promoting legal certainty, improving the efficiency of international carriage of goods and harmonization and modernization of the carriage rules, for the first time at an international level, have attempted to regulate the provisions governing the rights and liabilities of the latter parties. Thus, the application of the Rotterdam Rules, in case they gain the force of law, will be broader than any other international maritime convention. Therefore, this has compelled the necessity of carrying out a profound and detailed critical analysis of the new, and somewhat innovative, regulations, since the impact of the application of the Convention on the existing carriage of goods by sea rules, both nationally and internationally will be crucially significant. The UK as one of the major actors of the maritime industry has a long-established set of rules particularly in the field of rights and liabilities of the parties, both in the common law and statutory senses, governing the carriage of goods by sea affairs for centuries. This thesis aims to evaluate the relevant provisions of the Rotterdam Rules by way of comparison with their corresponding rules of the English law in order to find out whether these new sets of regulations can establish a reliable source of reference for the consignees and endorsees who wish to ascertain their rights and become aware of their obligations and liabilities. In other words, the main objective of this study is to examine whether the Rotterdam Rules clearly define and specify the rights and liabilities of the consignees and endorsees to a contract of carriage of goods by sea. Further, it is going to investigate whether the Convention succeed in achieving its goals with respect to the rights and liabilities of these parties. Also, ratification of the Rotterdam Rules is believed to have a significant impact on the English maritime law and therefore, the question whether it is reasonable for the UK to ratify the Convention will be answered in this research. It is suggested that the findings of this thesis in addition to the solutions proposed to solve the difficulties, ambiguity and complexity of the existing rules, will be of assist to the UK authorities as well as the legislative bodies in other jurisdictions in order to obtain a more effective decision on the adoption of the Rotterdam Rules. This study ends with illustrating an alarming vision of the future of maritime law which will be largely affected by the evolution of smart technologies in the shipping industry.
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Zásada flexijistoty v právní úpravě přechodu práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Principle of flexicurity in legal regulation of transfer of rightsand obligations from the employment-law relationsJouzová, Lada January 2018 (has links)
1 Principle of flexicurity in legal regulation of transfer of rights and obligations from the employment-law relations Abstract In her PhD thesis, the author deals with the legal regulation of transfer of rights and obligations arising from employment-law relations in the Czech Republic, in the context of the European union law, from the point of view of the concept of flexicurity in the employment-law relations. This concept includes, on the one hand, elements of flexibility in the realization of employment-law relations, and, on the other hand, security (protection) of employees in these relations which is manifested in particular by the transfer of rights and obligations from their employment-law relations to the new employer itself. At present, when changes in the employers' organizational structure, transfers of activities or tasks, mergers, the purchase of a business or a business lease, but also so called outsourcing, insourcing, and change of suppliers are becoming more and more common in companies, the issue of change of the employer, and consequently, safeguarding and protection of the rights of employees, in particular safeguarding of their employment-law relations, is becoming more up to date. Protection of employees' rights during the transfers of undertakings and businesses is one of the...
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Převod podniku/závodu v českém a evropském pracovním právu / The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour LawReichmann, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The transfer of an undertaking/business in Czech and European Labour Law The aim of my thesis is to thoroughly analyse the regulation of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses in the perspective of Czech and European Labour Law. The reasons for choosing this topic are my genuine interest in Labour Law and the fact that this area of Labour Law is relatively overlooked by most authors in the Czech Republic. Aside from the general introduction and conclusion, this master thesis will consist of three main parts, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic concerned. The introductory part defines basic terminology used in the thesis and describes my motivation for choosing this topic. The first part gives a brief historical overview of the development in this area of Labour Law both in European Law and Czech Law. The second part deals with transfers of undertakings/businesses within European Law, so the Council Directive No. 2001/23/EC and the respective case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union are mostly discussed there. Therefore, this part focuses on various aspects of this topic such as legal transfer, merger or identity of economic entity. Then, several methods of the transfer of undertaking/business within the sense of the directive...
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Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Transfer of rights and obligations arising from labour relationsBlaha, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute Transfer of rights and obligations arising from the labour relations under the Czech legal system in comparison with European legislation and namely in the light of the Czech and EU's judicial decisions. The text is divided into three main parts. In the first part there are generally determined the labour relations, their elements and possible change of them. The second part describes the institute, the impact on the concerned employees and all rights and obligations with the transfer related. The third part is about the situations, when the Transfer of undertaking occurs in accordance with special regulations. There are raised the questions in the text, which could occur in this context with the change of the employer, and the author attempts them more or less to answer with the assistance of the decisions of courts.
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