Spelling suggestions: "subject:"transnationalism"" "subject:"transnationalisme""
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As imigrantes sul-americanas em São Paulo: o trabalho feminino na construção de trajetórias transnacionais / The female south american immigrants in São Paulo: the female labour in the construction of transnational trajectoriesTali Pires de Almeida 19 August 2013 (has links)
O foco deste trabalho é a reconstituição das trajetórias de mulheres imigrantes e de suas famílias, originárias da Bolívia, do Paraguai e do Peru com destino ao Brasil, e tem como objetivo analisar as relações sociais transnacionais no processo de migração internacional. Foi possível observar que as relações sociais se expandem para além de um único território nacional. Entre países de origem e destino são mantidas múltiplas conexões, seja por meio do envio de remessas, do contato com familiares ou da manutenção da língua e da cultura. O aumento da participação de mulheres nas migrações internacionais é analisado levando em conta suas motivações e as diferentes redes que mobilizam no processo de migração internacional. Nesse caso, interessa também para a análise investigar como os seguintes fatores têm influenciado neste processo: as relações sociais de sexo, a inserção das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, a organização produtiva da indústria da confecção, a legislação sobre migrações internacionais e os fluxos midiáticos e financeiros no contexto de globalização. / The focus of this study is the reconstruction of the pathways of immigrant women and their families, from Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru to Brazil, and aims to analyze the transnational social relations in the process of international migration. From interviews conducted in the city of São Paulo it was possible to capture the different pathways of international migration by giving voice to the subjects involved in this process. It was observed that, in the context of international migration, social relations expand beyond a single country. Between countries of origin and destination, migrants keep multiple connections, either through remittances, the contact with relatives or the maintenance of their native language and culture. The increased participation of women in international migration is analyzed by taking into account their different motivations and the networks they mobilize in the process of international migration. In this case, is interesting as well for the analysis how such factors that have influenced this process: social relations of gender, the participation of women in labor market, the productive organization of the clothing industry, the international migration legislation and the financial and media flows in the context of globalization.
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Afroameričtí básníci za hranicemi: Černo-rudá aliance v Československu na počátku studené války / African-American Poets Abroad: Black and Red Allegiances in Early Cold War CzechoslovakiaZezuláková Schormová, Františka January 2020 (has links)
and Prague's role within it. It also looks at the cultural relationship between Chapman's journey to Czechoslovakia. The second chapter focuses on the clash bet Chapman and the Czechoslovak intermediaries of US culture such as Josef Škvorecký, Lubomír Dorůžka, and Jan Zábrana and the competing versions of African American poetry, especially in Abraham Chapman's anthology of Black diaspora poetry Černošská : světová antologie
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<p>Today’s highly globalized and
mobile society can be characterized by constant interaction between dominant
and minority groups in one space, where migrant communities manage multiple
cultural and linguistic contexts, while remaining connected to their society of
origin. While the field of transnationalism addresses both the behavioral
(i.e., physical) and symbolic (i.e., emotional) ties to the origin community,
the role that language plays in establishing and maintaining such transnational
practices, and specifically symbolic transnationalism, is not well understood. Addressing
this gap, the current project aims to investigate the interconnection between
heritage language use and symbolic transnationalism through the analysis of 1.5
and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation Cubans in Miami. </p>
<p>The Cuban community in the US,
and more specifically, in Miami-Dade County, Florida, represents a relevant
case for in-depth investigation. While this population is comparable to other
Hispanic groups in the US on many levels (Duany, 2011), the long-standing
political opposition between the U.S. and Cuba have largely limited behavioral
transnational practices (e.g., visits to the country of origin, sending goods
and remittances) of the Cuban population. This broad lack of behavioral
transnationalism in the Miami Cuban community provides a unique opportunity to
examine symbolic transnational practices, effectively isolating two concepts
that are traditionally combined in the literature (Duff, 2015; Reynolds, 2006).</p>
<p>To investigate the
relations between language use and symbolic transnationalism, a mixed methods
study was conducted with 75 young adults of Cuban origin (1.5 and 2<sup>nd</sup>
generation), combining a quantitative questionnaire with face-to-face
sociolinguistic interviews. Quantitatively, data analysis centered on the
analysis of the degree of symbolic transnationalism and language use among 1.5
and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation groups, as well as statistical correlations
between sub-components of language use (history, proficiency, choice, and
value) and symbolic transnationalism (ways of doing and ways of belonging).
Qualitatively, a thematic analysis was conducted to distinguish the most prominent
external factors in the process of symbolic transnationalism maintenance or
development that surfaced in the discourse of the participants. Finally,
discourse analysis was used to investigate how symbolic transnationalism was reflected in linguistic structures,
such as deixis (i.e., terms indicating distance) and stance (i.e., expression
of feelings, judgement, and appreciation). </p>
<p>The analysis of the data provides
strong evidence for overarching links between the level of symbolic
transnationalism and language, such that greater affiliation with the culture
of origin is related to a greater use and importance of the heritage language.
In addition, qualitative results show that the external factors of the family
domain, the Miami environment and ethnic community, and the use of the Spanish
language in Miami, are among the most important for the maintenance and
development of symbolic transnationalism. Finally, discourse analysis revealed
that both 1.5 and 2<sup>nd</sup> generation groups use deictic and stance markers
to express personal and metaphorical proximity, as well as affect and
appreciation of the ethnic community, Cuba as a land, Cuba of the past, and
Cuban culture. In contrast, they express temporal and spatial distance as well
as markers of judgement with respect to Cuba of the present and its current
politics. </p>
<p>This study systematically
isolates the concept of symbolic transnationalism via a quantitative approach
and investigates its connection with language. Their direct correlation,
confirmed by the results, highlights symbolic transnationalism as a significant
variable to consider in sociolinguistic research with migrant communities, and
thus provides a solid theoretical base for bridging the disciplines of
linguistics and transnationalism. Moreover, this work employs a structural
linguistic approach (i.e., deixis and stance) to demonstrate how transnational
ties may be represented through linguistic structures, and thus it provides new
tools for understanding how minority communities express their transnational
connections. </p>
<p>On a practical level, this work
emphasizes the importance of the context and cross-cultural awareness in
language pedagogy. For heritage language learners, it underlines the
bi-directional relationship: language maintenance for sustaining transnational
ties, as well as development of heritage culture appreciation for more
effective heritage language development. Moreover, the findings with respect to
the interconnection between symbolic transnationalism and heritage language
use, emphasize the role of such aspects as sense of belonging, ethnic
community, family history and attitudes towards the country of origin on the
process of heritage language maintenance and self-identification with the
country and culture of origin. Finally, the findings of this work may be
applicable to second language students as well, emphasizing the importance of a
context-based approach to language acquisition, which plays a significant role
in developing productive cross-cultural communication.</p>
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Être sikh en diaspora : mobilité transnationale, politique de reconnaissance et reconfigurations identitaires chez les sikhs britanniques / Being Sikh in the Diaspora : transnational mobility, politics of recognition and identity narratives among British SikhsMoliner, Christine 18 June 2018 (has links)
Minorité ethno-religieuse originaire du Nord-Ouest de l’Inde, les sikhs ont une longue histoire migratoire qui prend naissance pendant la colonisation britannique. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la manière dont les sikhs de la diaspora, et particulièrement ceux de Grande-Bretagne, ont contribué de manière décisive à définir les contours de l’identité sikhe contemporaine.Pour ce faire, nous nous intéressons à la genèse coloniale du discours identitaire dominant, développé par l’élite sikhe réformiste dans la deuxième moitié du 19e siècle, qui repose sur l’élaboration de frontières socio-culturelles rigides séparant les sikhs des non-sikhs et sur la création d’une communauté unie et distincte, dotée d’un univers symbolique autonome, de rites propres et d’une histoire particulière. Cette notion normative d’une communauté sikhe monolithique s'est trouvée consolidée en Grande-Bretagne sous l'effet des politiques publiques et de décennies de mobilisations communautaires pour le turban. La politique sikhe de reconnaissance repose sur l’idée d'exceptionnalisme des sikhs, de leur contribution importante à la société britannique et d’une relation historique privilégiée avec les anciens colonisateurs. Cependant, l’étude de la pluralité des appartenances socio-religieuses – en particulier sectaires et de caste - révèle la diversité des manières d’être sikh en diaspora et bat en brèche les prétentions du leadership à parler au nom de « la » communauté sikhe. / As an ethno-religious minority originating from the North-West of India, the Sikhs have a long migration history, starting during the colonial period. This dissertation focuses on how the Sikh diaspora, particularly British Sikhs, have decisively shaped contemporary Sikh identity narratives.Sikh dominant identity narrative was shaped in a dialogic relation between the colonizers and Sikh intellectual elite in the 19th century and it relied on rigid boundaries between Sikhs and non-Sikhs. Sikh reformists strived to create a unified and distinct community, with its own rituals, symbols and collective memory. This normative definition of a homogeneous community has been strengthened in post-colonial Britain, under the influence of public policies towards immigrant minorities and of Sikh politics of recognition. The latter draws on the idea that Sikhs represent a model minority, entertaining a priviliged relationship with the British.However, the diversity of socio-religious practices and belonging observed during fieldwork highlights that, despite Sikh leadership claims to represent a homogenous community, there remains a plurality of ways to be a diasporic Sikh.
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Les Français de l'étranger comme catégorie politique / French from abroad as a political categoryPeltier-Charrier, Marie-Christine 13 December 2018 (has links)
La constitution des Français de l’étranger comme catégorie politique est étudiée en décloisonnant les perspectives entre histoire, droit, science politique, et en les confrontant à l’approche anthropologique. Ces Français et leurs élus sont appréhendés sous les angles matériel et idéel. L’étude des institutions au travail, exécutif et législatif, éclaire le rôle des crises, des guerres mondiales à la globalisation. L’horizon territorial national y est relativisé.Pour résoudre les antagonismes entre nationalité et résidence hors du territoire national, ces Français expriment les liens qu’ils ont avec leur pays d’origine, en combinant pratiques locales et transnationales. La projection du système de représentation français hors des frontières, avec des règles spécifiques, fait que les élus, pour remplir la dimension transnationale de leur fonction et leur rôle en France, combinent pratiques réelles et virtuelles. Ils sont porteurs d’innovations institutionnelles, dont les limites sont l’objet même du débat, pour traduire le principe d’égalité de leurs électeurs devant la loi en égalité de droits.Ces Français sont un élément de l’altérité, nécessaire à la construction nationale. La forme du système politique en place, droit de vote et représentation, témoigne de la plasticité institutionnelle et de ses limites pour réduire des contraintes contradictoires. Dans un monde globalisé faire entrer cette nouvelle localité dans la vie sociale et politique permet d’intégrer à la fois le dépassement du territoire et l’autoperpétuation de l’Etat. / The construction of the French from abroad as a political category is studied by confronting historical, legal and political sciences perspectives with an anthropological approach. The French from abroad and their representatives are examined from ideal and material points of view. The review of the legislative and executive powers demonstrates the preponderant role played by crises, from the two world wars to globalization. Through these crises the conceptual framework of the nation as a territorial entity is put into perspective.To solve the antagonisms between nationality and residence outside of France, they express their connection with their homeland through local and transnational practices. As the French political representation system is projected abroad their elected representatives combine real world and virtual practices to fulfil their transnational mission and their functions in France. They activate institutional innovations to translate the principle of equality before the French law for their constituents into equality in rights. The limits of the proposals are the keystone of the debates.These French are an element of alterity, crucial to the national construction. The shape of the current political system, right to vote and to elect representatives, demonstrates the institutional plasticity, and its limits, in addressing contradictory constraints. In a globalized world, integrating this new locality into social and political life is a way to combine the overtaking of the territory and the auto perpetuation of the State.
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Des états et des « roms » : une anthropologie du sujet entre transnationalisme et politiques d’intégration de migrants bulgares en france / States and « Roma » : An anthropology of the subject between transnationalism and integration policies of Bulgarian migrants in FranceClavé-Mercier, Alexandra 05 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les liens entre les mobilités transnationales et les expériencessubjectivantes de Roms bulgares dont la vie quotidienne se situe à la fois en Bulgarie eten France. La réflexion porte sur les rapports entre une population et des États-nationsdans différents contextes, en observant le traitement politique spécifique de ces Romsminorisés, appréhendés comme différents et problématiques. Ce travail s’appuie sur uneethnographie translocale et multi-échelle afin de saisir les imbrications micro et macrodans la construction d’un problème public et politique (la « question rom ») commedans les expériences des migrants. D’une part, deux dispositifs politiques spécifiquesmis en place dans une agglomération française ont été observés au long cours etanalysés dans une approche généalogique, politique et ethnographique. D’autre part,plusieurs familles de migrants roms bulgares vivant en squat ont été suivies dans leurexpérience transnationale. En mettant en perspective la politique locale en direction deces migrants, leurs rapports à l’État et leurs dynamiques migratoires, cette thèsecontribue à une anthropologie politique et des migrations. Au-delà de leur captationdans des politiques oscillant entre exclusion et assimilation, en France comme enBulgarie, ces Roms bulgares jouent sur les frontières géographiques, sociales etidentitaires pour se réinventer. L’attention portée aux Roms comme acteurs amène uneréflexion sur leurs processus de subjectivation, entendus comme construction d’un sujetagissant sur lui-même en s’inscrivant dans des rapports de pouvoirs et de domination.Cette recherche constitue donc un apport à l’anthropologie du sujet. / This dissertation explores the links between transnational mobilities and experiences ofsubjectivation of Bulgarian Roma migrants whose daily life is both in Bulgaria andFrance. Reflection is conducted on the relationship between a population and nationstatesin different contexts, by observing the specific policy addressing these Romaperceived as inherently different and problematics. This work is based on a translocaland multi-scale ethnography to capture the linkages between micro and macro levels inthe construction of a public and political issue (the “Roma issue”), as in the experiencesof migrants. First, two specific policy measures put in place in a French locality wereobserved with a long term follow-up and analyzed in a historitical, political andethnographic approach. In addition, several families of Bulgarian Roma migrants livingin squats were followed in their transnational experiences. By putting in perspectivelocal policy towards these migrants, their relationship to State and their migrationdynamics, this thesis contributes both to political anthropology and anthropology ofmobility. In their daily life, these Roma manage to go beyond their enrolment inpolicies ranging from exclusion and assimilation in France as in Bulgaria: they play onthe geographic, social and identity boundaries in order to reinvent itself. Focusing onthe Roma as actors raises questions about their processes of subjectivation. The latterare understood as the ways in which subjects are “made” in action both on themselvesand others within relations of power and domination. This research therefore provides acontribution to the anthropology of the subject.
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Vietnam vzdálený i blízký. Potomci Vietnamců v Česku z pohledu teorie transnacionalismu. / Vietnam close by and far away. Children of Vietnamese descent in Czech Republic form the perspective of transnationalism.Svobodová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is based on a narrative analysis of eighteen life biographies of children of Vietnamese descent in Czech Republic. It shows that these young people lives are embedded in a "transnational social space", which spans between two geographical regions of Vietnam and Czech Republic, and which leaves them exposed to a set of social expectations, cultural values and patterns of human interaction, that are shaped by more than one political, economic and social system. It also describes how these people, through multiple connected social networks and social relationships, transform cultural practices, interpretations, experiences and identities, which deconstructs the idea of integrity between place, identity and culture. Although the primary aim of the work is to analyse how children of Vietnamese operate in transnationalized social and cultural contexts, transnational practices, such as homeland visits, kinship ties and sending remittances are also being explored. In doing so the children of Vietnamese migrants are neither perceived as "existing in vacuum" nor are their identities described as "deterritorialized". The work pays also attention to the question how their lives and identities are shaped on the backdrop of discursive fields and power relationships in particular localities. Key...
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German Foreign Fighters in the Yugoslav WarsHoffmann, Patrick January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify those German citizens, who were fighting in the Yugoslav wars, determine their background, actions on the ground and post-war trajectories, as well as suggest probable motivations for joining the combat in the way they did. The thesis raises the question, how these German war volunteers can be best described and if they are somehow specific within their subgroup of predominantly Western anti-Yugoslav foreign fighters. I argue that Nir Arielli, one of the few scholars dealing with the role of Westerners in the conflict, falls short by qualifying them merely as "meaning seekers" and thus overlooks the multitude of political connections and references, first and foremost among the Germans. I will offer a critique by pointing out differences and nuances, especially in origin- based motives, ideological underpinning and perspectives on the conflict. In doing so, I will raise the question of what we do know about the political situation in both Germany and Croatia in the early 1990s, and how each of that might that have facilitated decisions to join combat abroad. In addition, I will classify their appearance both within the well-known theory of "new wars" as well as within the phenomenon of foreign war volunteering, arguing that there is not much reason why this group should...
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Každodenní životní zkušenosti a integrační proces: případ turecké minority v Nizozemí / Everyday Life Experiences and Integration Process: A case of the Turkish Minority in the NetherlandsCelikdemir, Ege January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the everyday life experiences of Turkish migrants settled in the Netherlands. It analyzes how the Turkish minority perceives their daily lives in the Netherlands in the manner of the identity construction and integration process. The narratives of the migrants are explored in the following ways; media use, language use, attachment to the country of origin, views on identity construction, and integration. Ethnic media use, second language use, and the level of attachment to Turkey are used as indicators for everyday life experiences while integration and identity construction are investigated dependently. Most importantly, this study argues that integration is a two- way process that takes place differently in multiple spheres. For this reason, it analyzes the concept of integration through the voices of the Turkish migrants in the Netherlands rather than focusing solely on the adopted policies. Keywords: Turkish minority, the Netherlands, everyday experiences, integration, identity
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Češi ve Velké Británii - Anatomie potenciálu sociálních remitencí / Czechs in the United Kingdom - Anatomy of the potential of social remittancesLetošníková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis examines migration issues, focuses on the potential of social remittances, and explores the links between social and financial remittances. The qualitative approach to the research uses the method of semi-structured and in-depth interviews to collect the data in the context of Czechs living in the United Kingdom. This research falls under the concept of transnationalism, uses transnational lenses for exploring processes, and is mainly based upon the concept of social remittances, thus is concerned with flows of norms, know-how, systems of practice, ideas, or social capital from one country to another. This thesis also builds on the expanded conceptualization of social remittances by other researchers. Linking social and financial remittances is done by using the concept of remittance scripts and related activities of migrants. Verbal data from the interviews were analyzed using primarily the inducted method and the method of content analysis. The analyzed results meet the aims of the research and bring a deeper understanding of the potential of social remittances. The factors influencing the potential of social remittances are mainly the work environment of migrants, the importance of unskilled positions, social skills, or intensive transnational links. The key role is also...
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