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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erhöhung der Qualität und Verfügbarkeit von satellitengestützter Referenzsensorik durch Smoothing im Postprocessing

Bauer, Stefan 02 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit werden Postprocessing-Verfahren zum Steigern der Genauigkeit und Verfügbarkeit satellitengestützer Positionierungsverfahren, die ohne Inertialsensorik auskommen, untersucht. Ziel ist es, auch unter schwierigen Empfangsbedingungen, wie sie in urbanen Gebieten herrschen, eine Trajektorie zu erzeugen, deren Genauigkeit sie als Referenz für andere Verfahren qualifiziert. Zwei Ansätze werdenverfolgt: Die Verwendung von IGS-Daten sowie das Smoothing unter Einbeziehung von Sensoren aus der Fahrzeugodometrie. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch die Verwendung von IGS-Daten eine Verringerung des Fehlers um 50% bis 70% erreicht werden kann. Weiterhin demonstrierten die Smoothing-Verfahren, dass sie in der Lage sind, auch unter schlechten Empfangsbedingungen immer eine Genauigkeit im Dezimeterbereich zu erzielen.

Conceptual development of brake friction estimation strategies / Konceptuell utveckling av skattningsstrategier för bromsfriktion

Thiyagarajan, Kamesh January 2020 (has links)
The thesis work investigates brake friction estimation strategies. The friction between the brake disc and brake pads is not constant during the braking application and contributes to the amount of brake torque achieved at the wheels. In this study, it is considered that any change in the brake torque between the requested and achieved values is only due to the varying brake friction coefficient. The work gives three different approaches to estimate the brake friction coefficient using two prominent state estimation strategies, Unscented Kalman Filter and Moving Horizon Estimation. The inputs to the estimators are obtained from a Vehicle model, which is built using the wheel balance equations. The estimators have been tuned to minimize the estimation error in nominal conditions and tested for their robustness through a wide analysis, where the sensitivity of the strategies is checked against a spectra of potential system parameters and boundary conditions. Throughout all the analysis, the developed models estimate the brake friction coefficient within an acceptable error range. This work opens up opportunities for further studies that can be performed using the built estimator models. / Detta examensarbete studerar strategier för skattning av bromsfriktion. Friktionen mellan bromsskivan och bromsbeläggen är inte konstant under bromsförloppet och det är denna som genererar bromsmomentet för varje hjul. I detta arbete så antas att förändringen i bromsmoment mellan begärd och uppnått endast är på grund av varierande bromsfriktion mellan bromsbelägg och bromsskiva. Arbetet presenterar tre olika sätt att skatta bromsfriktionen genom användning av två kända skattningsmetoder, Uncented Kalman Filter och Moving Horizon Estimation. Ingående värden till skattningsmetoderna fås från en fordonsmodell som är byggd med hjälp av hjulbalansekvationer. Skattningsmetoderna har justerats så att de minimerar skattningsfelet i nominella fall och de är testade för robusthet genom en bred analys där känsligheten hos metoderna testas genom en flora av potentiella systemparametrar och gränsvärden. Genom hela analysen så uppnår de utvecklade skattningsmetoderna bromsfriktionsvärden med acceptabla felnivåer. Detta arbete öppnar upp för möjligheter för vidare analyser där de utvecklade metoderna kan användas.

State Estimation Techniques For Speed Sensorless Field Oriented Control Of Induction Motors

Akin, Bilal 01 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents different state estimation techniques for speed sensorlees field oriented control of induction motors. The theoretical basis of each algorithm is explained in detail and its performance is tested with simulations and experiments individually. First, a stochastical nonlinear state estimator, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is presented. The motor model designed for EKF application involves rotor speed, dq-axis rotor fluxes and dq-axis stator currents. Thus, using this observer the rotor speed and rotor fluxes are estimated simultaneously. Different from the widely accepted use of EKF, in which it is optimized for either steady-state or transient operations, here using adjustable noise level process algorithm the optimization of EKF has been done for both states / the steady-state and the transient-state of operations. Additionally, the measurement noise immunity of EKF is also investigated. Second, Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), which is an updated version of EKF, is proposed as a state estimator for speed sensorless field oriented control of induction motors. UKF state update computations, different from EKF, are derivative free and they do not involve costly calculation of Jacobian matrices. Moreover, variance of each state is not assumed Gaussian, therefore a more realistic approach is provided by UKF. In this work, the superiority of UKF is shown in the state estimation of induction motor. Third, Model Reference Adaptive System is studied as a state estimator. Two different methods, back emf scheme and reactive power scheme, are applied to MRAS algorithm to estimate rotor speed. Finally, a flux estimator and an open-loop speed estimator combination is employed to observe stator-rotor fluxes, rotor-flux angle and rotor speed. In flux estimator, voltage model is assisted by current model via a closed-loop to compensate voltage model&rsquo / s disadvantages.

Modeling and Control of a PMSM Operating in Low Speeds

Helsing, Robin, Sanchez, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
A permanent magnet synchronous motor is a type of motor that is used in several different application areas, not least in an autonomous robots where it is the motor that drives the wheels. Today, many actors choose simulation as a tool to save money and time when product tests are performed. This thesis covers both the process of modeling a permanent magnet synchronous motor and regulating it at low speeds, in a simulation environment. As previously mentioned, the motor is a permanent magnet synchronous motor and is a direct-driven outrunner, which means that the motor and the wheel are combined and that the rotor is spinning outside the stator. On current robots in production, there is a gear ratio between the motor and wheels to be able to regulate the motor at higher speeds and thus generate a torque. The gearing contributes to losses and is an extra cost, so the examination of a direct-drive motor is interesting. The direct-drive motor has a lower working speed and is therefore by some reasons more difficult to regulate when applying torque load to the motor. The motor is equipped with current sensors and a position sensor, which has a certain resolution. The position sensor is speed-dependent in the sense that at lower RPMs fewer measurements are obtained, which is a problem when regulating the motor. The thesis examines two different control strategies, one of which is a more classic PI control that is often used on the market in various systems and the other is model predictive control (MPC). The latter is an online optimization where, with the help of information about the system, an optimal input signal is calculated and applied. Two different non-linear Kalman filters are also examined, which are implemented with the two different control strategies, to estimate the speed with the help of the measurements from current and the position sensor. The conclusion is an ideal motor model that mimics the physical motor. MPC is able to regulate the motor between 0-50 RPM, both with and without applied torque and even better with speed estimation from a Kalman filter. The PI controller is not able to regulate the motor at 2 RPM but for speeds at 10 RPM and greater, however with over-/undershoot after an acceleration.

Localization For AutonomousDriving using Statistical Filtering : A GPS aided navigation approach with EKF and UKF / Lokalisering för autonom körning med statistiskfiltrering : En GPS-stödd navigeringsmetod med EKF och UKF

Singh, Devrat January 2022 (has links)
A critical requirement for safe autonomous driving is to have an accurate state estimate of thevehicle. One of the most ubiquitous yet reliable ways for this task is through the integrationof the onboard Inertial Navigation System (INS) and the Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS). This integration can further be assisted through fusion of information from otheronboard sensors. On top of that, a ground vehicle enforces its own set of rules, through non-holonomic constraints, which along with other vehicle dynamics can aid the state estimation.In this project, a sequential probabilistic inference approach has been followed, that fusesthe high frequency, short term accurate INS estimates, with low frequency, drift free GPSobservations. The fusion of GPS and IMU has been sought through a modular asynchronousloosely coupled framework, capable of augmenting additional observation sources to facilitatethe state estimation and tracking process. Besides GPS and IMU, the applied strategy makesuse of wheel speed sensor measurements, nonholonomic constraints and online estimationof IMU sensor biases as well wheel speed scalling factor. Theses augmentations have beenshown to increase the robustness of the localization module, under periods of GPS outage.The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has seen extensive usage for such sensor fusion tasks,however, the performance can be limited due to the propagation of the covariance throughlinearization of the underlying non-linear model. The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) avoidsthe issue of linearization based on jacobians. Instead, it uses a carefully chosen set ofsample points in order to accurately map the probability distribution. Correspondingly, thesurrounding literature also indicates towards the UKF out performing EKF in such tasks.Therefore, the present thesis also seeks to evaluate these claims.The EKF and SRUKF (Square Root UKF) instances of the developed algorithm have beentested on real sensor logs, recorded from a Scania test vehicle. Under no GPS outage situation,the implemented localization algorithm performs within a position RMSE of 60cm.The robustness of the localization algorithm, to GPS outages, is evaluated by simulating0-90% lengths of GPS unavailability, during the estimation process. Additionally, to unfoldthe impact of parameters, the individual modules within the suggested framework wereisolated and analysed with respect to their contribution towards the algorithm’s localizationperformance.Out of all, the online estimation of IMU sensor biases proved to be critical for increasingthe robustness of the suggested localization algorithm to GPS shortage, especially for the EKF.In terms of the distinction, both the EKF and the SRUKF performed to similar capabilities,however, the UKF showed better results for higher levels of GPS cuts. / Ett kritiskt krav för säker autonom körning är att ha en korrekt tillståndsuppskattning avfordonet. Ett av de mest förekommande men ändå tillförlitliga sätten för denna uppgift ärgenom integrationen av det inbyggda tröghetsnavigationssystemet (INS) och med Satellitnavi-gation (GNSS). Denna integration kan ytterligare underlättas genom sammanslagning avinformation från andra sensorer ombord. Utöver det upprätthåller ett markfordon sin egenuppsättning regler, genom icke-holonomiska begränsningar, som tillsammans med annanfordonsdynamik kan hjälpa till vid tillståndsuppskattningen.I detta projekt har en sekventiell probabilistisk slutledning följts, som sammansmälterde högfrekventa, kortsiktiga exakta INS-uppskattningarna, med lågfrekventa, driftfria GPS-observationer. Sammanslagningen av GPS och IMU har sökts genom ett modulärt asynkrontlöst kopplat ramverk, som kan utökas med ytterligare observationskällor för att underlättatillståndsuppskattningen och spårningsprocessen. Förutom GPS och IMU använder dentillämpade strategin mätningar av hjulhastighetssensorer, icke-holonomiska begränsningaroch onlineuppskattning av IMU-sensorbias samt hjulhastighetsskalningsfaktor. Dessa tillägghar visat sig öka robustheten hos lokaliseringsmodulen under perioder utan GPS-signal.Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) har sett omfattande användning för sådana sensorfusionsup-pgifter, men prestandan kan begränsas på grund av spridningen av kovariansen genomlinearisering av den underliggande icke-linjära modellen. Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)undviker frågan om linearisering baserad på jacobianer. Istället använder den en noggrantutvald uppsättning provpunkter för att korrekt kartlägga sannolikhetsfördelningen. På motsva-rande sätt indikerar den omgivande litteraturen också mot UKF att utföra EKF i sådanauppgifter. Därför försöker denna avhandling också utvärdera dessa påståenden.EKF- och SRUKF-instanserna (Square Root UKF) av den utvecklade algoritmen hartestats på sensorloggar, inspelade från ett Scania-testfordon. Utan GPS-avbrott presterar denimplementerade lokaliseringsalgoritmen inom en position RMSE på 60 cm.Robustheten hos lokaliseringsalgoritmen, vid GPS-avbrott, utvärderas genom att simulera0-90% längder av GPS-otillgänglighet under uppskattningsprocessen. Utöver det har deenskilda modulerna inom det föreslagna ramverket isolerats och analyserats med avseendepå deras bidrag till algoritmens lokaliseringsprestanda.Av allt visade sig onlineuppskattningen av IMU-sensorbiaser vara avgörande för att ökarobustheten hos den föreslagna lokaliseringsalgoritmen mot GPS-brist, särskilt för EKF. Närdet gäller distinktionen presterade både EKF och SRUKF med liknande förmåga, men UKFvisade bättre resultat vid längre perioder utan GPS-signal.

OFDM Systems Offset Estimation and Cancellation Using UKF and EKF

Mustefa, Dinsefa, Mebreku, Ermias January 2011 (has links)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is an efficient multi- carrier modulation scheme, which has been adopted for several wireless stan- dards. Systems employing this scheme at the physical layer are sensitive to frequency offsets and that causes Inter Carrier Interference (ICI) and degra- dation in overall system performance of OFDM systems. In this thesis work, an investigation on impairments of OFDM systems will be carried out. Anal- ysis of previous schemes for cancellation of the ICI will be done and a scheme for estimating and compensating the frequency offset based on Unscented Ka- man Filter (UKF) and Extended Kaman Filter (EKF) will be implemented. Analysis on how the UKF improves the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR); and how well it tracks the frequency offset estimation under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel and flat fading Rayleigh channel will be carried on.

The Stabilization Of A Two Axes Gimbal Of A Roll Stabilized Missile

Hasturk, Ozgur 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays, high portion of tactical missiles use gimbaled seeker. For accurate target tracking, the platform where the gimbal is mounted must be stabilized with respect to the motion of the missile body. Line of sight stabilization is critical for fast and precise tracking and alignment. Although, conventional PID framework solves many stabilization problems, it is reported that many PID feedback loops are poorly tuned. In this thesis, recently introduced robot control method, proxy based sliding mode control, is adopted for the line of sight (LOS) stabilization. Before selecting the proposed method, adaptive neural network sliding mode control and fuzzy control are also implemented for comparative purposes. Experimental and simulation results show a satisfactory response of the proxy based sliding mode controller.

Implementierung eines Mono-Kamera-SLAM Verfahrens zur visuell gestützten Navigation und Steuerung eines autonomen Luftschiffes

Lange, Sven 21 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Kamerabasierte Verfahren zur Steuerung autonomer mobiler Roboter wurden in den letzten Jahren immer populärer. In dieser Arbeit wird der Einsatz eines Stereokamerasystems und eines Mono-Kamera-SLAM Verfahrens hinsichtlich der Unterstützung der Navigation eines autonomen Luftschiffes untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Sensordaten aus IMU, GPS und Kamera wird eine Positionsschätzung über eine Sensorfusion mit Hilfe des Extended und des Unscented Kalman Filters durchgeführt.

Experiment Design for System Identification on Satellite Hardware Demonstrator

Krantz, Elias January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis covers the process of online parameter estimation of agile satellites. Accurate knowledge of parameters such as moment of inertia and centre of mass play a crucial role in satellite attitude control and pointing performance. Typically, identification of parameters such as these is performed on-ground using post-processing algorithms. This thesis investigates the potential of performing the identification procedures in real-time on-board operating satellites, using only measurements available from typical satellite attitude sensors.    The thesis covers the areas of system identification and modelling of spacecraft attitude dynamics. An algorithm based on the Unscented Kalman Filter is developed for online parameter estimation of spacecraft moment of inertia parameters. The proposed method is successfully validated, both through simulation environments, and in practice using Airbus’ satellite hardware demonstrator INTREPID, a three-axis air-bearing table equipped with CMG actuators and typical attitude sensors.

Implementierung eines Mono-Kamera-SLAM Verfahrens zur visuell gestützten Navigation und Steuerung eines autonomen Luftschiffes

Lange, Sven 09 December 2007 (has links)
Kamerabasierte Verfahren zur Steuerung autonomer mobiler Roboter wurden in den letzten Jahren immer populärer. In dieser Arbeit wird der Einsatz eines Stereokamerasystems und eines Mono-Kamera-SLAM Verfahrens hinsichtlich der Unterstützung der Navigation eines autonomen Luftschiffes untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Sensordaten aus IMU, GPS und Kamera wird eine Positionsschätzung über eine Sensorfusion mit Hilfe des Extended und des Unscented Kalman Filters durchgeführt.

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