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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh uživatelského rozhraní a implementace aplikace pro vykonávání testů v nástroji TestLink / Design of user interface and implementation of application for test execution in TestLink

Skalický, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design a user interface and to implement an application that is used for test execution in test management tool TestLink. This application is designed to streamline and simplify the process of test execution in this tool. The theoretical part of the thesis describes features and the interface of TestLink and compares it with other similar tools. The practical part is focused on analysis, user interface design, and implementation of the application. The outcome of this thesis is in addition to the application itself also a library written in PHP, which is used for communication with the application programming interface of TestLink and which simplifies the creation of similar applications.

How do UX Professionals Apply UX Methods andPractice Lifelong Learning?

Geiser, Johannes January 2020 (has links)
Due to fast-paced technological disruptions and diversifying users, user experience (UX) professionals are experiencing a flood of new UX methods and a need for continuous learning. Literature has shown that with a lack of understanding, UX practice research has designed too abstract UX methods making them hard to understand and to apply. With a thematic analysis of an interview with 13 UX professionals, this study presents results on how UX professionals choose UX methods and insights into their lifelong learning. The results from the thematic analysis agree that UX methods are hard to integrate into Agile, too complicated, take too much time to learn, and colleagues have shown to be an essential component for learning. These findings indicate that UX methods might work better if they are designed less complicated and deliver results quicker following the design of Scrum. Also, companies could use novel ideas to ease the access to users and to learn, e.g., lunch lectures.

En webbkarta designad efter mänsklig kognition

Karlsson, Saga, Nau, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur en webbkartas olika sökfunktioner bör utformas för att gynna den mänskliga kognitionen. Totalt deltog åtta deltagare i studien som delades in i två grupper. Ena gruppen bestod av fyra personer som var anställda på Lantmäteriet i Umeå kommun, och den andra gruppen var inte anställda på Lantmäteriet och kallades noviser. Studien var en användbarhetsstudie bestående av två delstudier. Det första delstudien var en användarbarhetsundersökning där intervju, observation och frågeformulär av en befintlig webbkarta utfördes på varje grupp. Frågeformuläret bestod av 26 frågor som mätte sex attribut i gränssnittet kopplat till användbarhet. Resultat från första delstudien sammanställdes i en funktionslista för varje grupp som togs i hänsyn till i delstudie 2. I delstudie 2 framställdes en prototyp baserat på kognitiva teorier och resultatet från delstudie 1. Prototypen examinerades genom intervjuer, observationer, frågeformulär och antal felklick. Resultaten från de båda delstudierna jämfördes inom de två grupperna och slutresultatet visade en förbättring i användbarhet från delstudie 1 till delstudie 2 i båda grupperna. Slutsatsen av studien var att prototypen är mer anpassad för mänsklig kognition än de befintliga kartorna, till följd av att användarupplevelsen förbättrades bland deltagarna vid användning av prototypen. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how the various search functions of a web map should be designed to benefit human cognition. A total of eight participants took part in the study, divided into two groups. One group consisted of four individuals who were employed at the Lantmäteriet in Umeå municipality, and the other group was not employed at the Lantmäteriet and were referred to as novices. The study was a usability study consisting of two sub-studies. In the first sub-study, a usability assessment was conducted on each group using an existing web map, employing interviews, observations, and a questionnaire consisting of 26 items measuring six interface usability attributes. The results from the first sub-study were compiled into a feature list for each group, which was considered in the second sub-study. In the second sub-study, a prototype was developed based on cognitive theories and the results from the first sub-study. The prototype was evaluated through interviews, observations, questionnaires, and amount of error click. The results from both sub-studies were compared within the two groups, and the final results indicated an improvement in usability from the first sub-study to the second sub-study in both groups. The conclusion of the study was that the prototype, due to the enhanced user experience observed among the participants, was better suited for human cognition compared to the existing maps.

Hembo - En mobilapplikation för att underlätta vardagen tillsammans : UI- & UX-design i en mobilapplikation för att underlätta till ett strukturerat och planerat hushåll / Hembo - A Mobile Application to Share and Favour the Everyday Life of Your Household : UI & UX Design in a Mobile Application to Help Partners Gain a Structured and Well Planned Household

Berggren, Josephine, Carlsson, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
Att planera sitt liv och att alltid ha en överblick över alla dess delar kan vara svårt- inte minst om man ska göra det tillsammans med någon man bor med. Det finns idag en mängd olika alternativ för att strukturera och planera sin vardag, både digitalt och analogt, som kalendrar, post-it lappar, inköpslistor och anteckningar. Det saknas dock en plattform som på ett enkelt sätt samlar alla dessa och som alltid är delad med den man bor med. Syftet med arbetet som presenteras i denna forskningsrapport är därför att förenkla strukturen och planeringen kring angelägenheter som aktiviteter, händelser, måltider, inköp och utgifter i vardagen för personer som bor tillsammans med hjälp av kalender, påminnelser, att göra-listor, måltidsplanering samt ekonomisk översikt. Denna studie undersöker därmed hur en mobilapplikation kan utformas som kan förenkla angelägenheter i vardagen mellan minst två vuxna personer i ett hushåll samt hur den kan utformas för att upplevas ha en god användbarhet av målgruppen. Metoden bestod av fyra faser: förstudie, konceptfas, bearbetningsfas och detaljeringsfas där de tre sistnämnda utgör designprocessen. Metoderna grundades i teori kring ämnet och under processens gång har mobilapplikationen utvecklats genom bland annat användbarhetstester som har resulterat i en interaktiv datorprototyp. Mobilapplikationen heter Hembo och är hjälpredan för planering och strukturering av angelägenheter i ett hushåll. I designprocessen har bland annat Hembos funktioner, layout, gränssnitt och navigationsvägar testats genom användbarhetstester. Vidare har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts om användarnas upplevelse och intryck av Hembo. Arbetet i denna forskningsrapport har resulterat i att målgruppen önskar en ny metod för bättre planering och struktur i hushållet och att den nya metoden kan vara en mobilapplikation som samlar alla funktioner för ett planerat hushåll. Slutsatsen har dragits att Hembo upplevs ha en god användbarhet samt underlättar planering för sammanboende. / To plan your life and always have a perspective of all its parts can be difficult- not least if you are to do it together with someone you live with. Today there are multiple options available on how to structure and plan your everyday life. Both digital and analog options, like calendars, post-it notes, shopping lists and notes are available. However, a platform bringing all these activities together in a simple way while being shared with the one you are living with is missing. The aim of this research report is therefore to simplify structures and planning around matters such as activities, events, meals, purchases and expenses in everyday life for people who live together by using calendars, reminders, to-do lists, meal planning and a financial overview. This study thus examines how a mobile application can be designed that could simplify matters in everyday life between at least two adults in a household and how it can be designed to be perceived as having a good usability by the target group.   The method consisted of four phases: pilot study, concept phase, processing phase and detail phase where the latter three constitute the design process. The methods were theoretically based on the subject. During the process, the mobile application has been developed partly through usability tests that have resulted in an interactive digital prototype. The mobile application is called Hembo. Hembo provides a helping hand for planning and structuring activities in a household. During the design process, the functions of Hembo, its layout and interface, have been tested. It has been concluded that Hembo is perceived to have a good usability and facilitates planning for people living together. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

UX från ett utvecklarperspektiv : En studie om utvecklares förväntningar och utmaningar i UXdesignprocessen / UX from developers perspective

Liebenherz, Alisa, Wiberg, Michael January 2022 (has links)
The digitalisation of today has made disciplines like UX-design more relevant than ever. Previous research doesn’t focus on what UX-designers and developers actually know about UX. This study examines UX-designers and developers views and expectations regarding UX and compares that to how the literature defines it. This study also tries to understand what kind of challenges UX-designers and developers face within the UX-design process. After using interviews and surveys with a qualitative research method, the result is presented with a thematic analysis. The result shows that the participants views, expectations about UX in general, UX-methods and design principles like usability and accessibility correlates with how literature defines it. There were a couple of different challenges that could be found, but all of them could be linked one way or another to communication. This study shows that the communication within the design team and with other groups (users, customers, executives) were the biggest challenges. With more effective communication in the future all the challenges found in this study could be reduced. Education should teach future students about the communication principles applied in practice and how to communicate with others more effectively. Future studies should research how successful design teams communicate with each other and other relevant groups.

Re-design and usability improvement of Arvue : an AR application displaying house models in their real context

Edström, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Building your own house may be the biggest decision and greatest investment of your life, which calls for an informed decision regarding the house design. However, two-dimensional drawings may lack external context and might, for untrained eyes, not communicate how the house will look on its intended site. With the use of augmented reality, the company Softhouse Neava AB has developed an application, Arvue, that gives users the ability to display digital house models in full scale at their intended site. Arvue is intended to help architectural firms in communicating house designs with their clients and through this, enhance their clients' experience of the designing process and decision making process. However, the user interface of Arvue lacks in usability, and when creating the interface, no usability testing was conducted. The objective of this thesis is to re-design the user interface of Arvue, with the aim to enhance its usability.  The prototype was developed using the design thinking process, which was iterated two times. This process consists of five phases - empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. During the empathize phase, potential users were interviewed about their thoughts on usability and their knowledge and thoughts on AR. During the define phase, personas and user need statements were created based on the interview data. The user need statements were then used as a base for the brainstorming sessions in the ideate phase. Finally, a prototype was created and usability tested in two iterations.  To measure if the aim of this thesis was met, the System Usability Scale was used to grade both the current user interface of Arvue and the prototype, to compare the results. The current user interface scored an average of 49,5 or a grade F, meaning that the usability is below average. The prototype scored an average of 88 or a grade A+, meaning that the usability is above average. This indicates that the usability of the user interface has been enhanced, and thereby the aim of the thesis has been met. / Att bygga hus kan vara det största beslutet och den största investeringen i ditt liv, vilket kräver ett välinformerat beslut angående husets design. För otränade ögon kan det dock vara svårt att föreställa sig tvådimensionella ritningar på sin avsedda plats. Med hjälp av augmented reality har företaget Softhouse Neava AB utvecklat en applikation, Arvue, som ger en möjlighet att visa digitala husmodeller i verklig skala på deras avsedda plats. Arvue är avsedd att hjälpa arkitektfirmor att kommunicera husdesigner med sina kunder och genom detta förbättra sina kunders upplevelse av designprocessen och beslutsprocessen. Användargränssnittet för Arvue lider dock av bristande användarvänlighet, och användbarhetstester utfördes inte vid skapandet av användargränssnittet. Målet med denna uppsats är att omdesigna användargränssnittet för Arvue med syfte att förbättra dess användarvänlighet.  Prototypen utvecklades med hjälp av design thinking-processen, som itererades två gånger. Denna process består av fem faser - empathize, define, ideate, prototype och test. Under empathizefasen intervjuades potentiella användare om deras tankar kring användarvänlighet och deras kunskap och tankar kring AR. Under definefasen skapades sedan personas och user need statements baserat på intervjudatat. Detta användes sedan som grund för brainstormingsessioner i ideatefasen. Slutligen skapades en prototyp som användbarhettestades i två iterationer.  För att mäta om syftet med uppsatsen uppnåddes användes System Usability Scale för att betygsätta både det nuvarande användargränssnittet för Arvue och prototypen, för att sedan kunna jämföra resultaten. Det nuvarande användargränssnittet fick ett genomsnittligt poäng på 49,5 eller betyget F, vilket innebär att användarvänligheten är under genomsnittet. Prototypen fick ett genomsnittligt poäng på 88 eller betyget A+, vilket innebär att användarvänligheten är över genomsnittet. Detta tyder på att användarvänligheten för användargränssnittet har förbättrats och att syftet med uppsatsen har uppnåtts.

Utveckling med JavaScript-ramverk och UX/UI / Development using JavaScript frameworks and UX/UI

Rask, Jim, Pierre, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Post-Deployment Usability Opportunities: Gaining User Insight From UX-Related Support Cases

Oskarsson, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
UX-related issues is one type of issue that customer support is facing. This thesis project investigates the possibility to look at support cases as a source of insight to how users interact with an information system application at an ERP company. It is also investigated if it is possible to use this gathered information when further developing the product. Support case data are gone through in order to map what type of problems the users are encountering and a category structure is developed based on this information. The categorization framework is evaluated by letting employees test the structure by categorizing incidents in to different categories. Further data collection are gathered by a questionnaire and follow-up interviews with the classification participants. To evaluate the value in the support case information, employees with product responsibility are also interviewed to get insight from their perspective. The result from the evaluation of the category structure indicated that it wasn’t easy to make a categorization of incidents. The incidents were placed in different categories and in order to apply a category structure it would need further evaluation before applying in large scale. The information in support cases are concluded to be valuable. The collection of information related to where users are encountering problem and also how many are experiencing the same issue could serve as a basis when prioritizing the product backlog. A mapping of issues could justify resources spent on usability by showing business value based on the presumed impact.

Användarbehov och kontextuella krav för val av mobil interaktionsteknik : Behovs- och användarundersökning i Scanias verkstäder / User needs and contextual requirements for choice of mobile interactive technology : A study of needs and users in Scania workshops

Andersson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Mobil informationsteknik har på senaste tiden fått mer uppmärksamhet inom industriella applikationer, inte minst inom underhåll och reparation där teknisk dokumentation förekommer i stor utsträckning. Scania har tagit fram ett nytt koncept för interaktion med teknisk dokumentation i verkstaden där en viktig del av konceptet är mobilitet. Scanias förhoppningar är att en ökad möjlighet till mobilitet ska kunna förbättra användarupplevelsen. I detta arbete har en observationsstudie genomförts för att identifiera användarnas behov av mobilitet vid reparation och underhållsarbete samt de kontextuella faktorer som påverkar val av mobil interaktionsteknik. Fyra olika behov av mobilitet kunde identifieras efter analysen och till dessa kunde olika krav knytas för att skapa ett underlag för bedömning av olika teknikers potential att uppfylla de aktuella behoven.

A User Centred Approach To Sustainable Development : How UX as means to develop a tool to reduce everyday stress and promote a sustainable lifestyle.

Gylling, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
How can user experience as means support people in their struggle to keep up with their stressful life. This thesis cover how user experience can be used as method to develop a application that in short term reduce everyday stress, and in long term support a sustainable development. A literature study was conducted what stress is and what impact it has on people, also a compilation of sustainable development in everyday life together with the theory of user experience on a mobile platform was made. To create a prototype of a mobile application an iterative design process been conducted by design, test and evaluate prototypes in three stage from paper prototypes, lo-fi to hi-fi. Finally interactive prototype of a mobile application were created with functionality that reduce stress among people in their everyday life.  This applications functionality to ease the burden on chores that frequently accrued in the user study as source of stress. Mainly related to laundry, cleaning and food chores.

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