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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the impact of electronic libraries on physical libraries in South African university.

Nyirenda, Golie Alfred Chrispin. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Information Systems / In this day and age, technology keeps advancing thereby enabling electronic libraries to be one of the most useful sources of information. Traditional, physical libraries are, however, still in existence and one would wonder what the impact of online library is on physical libraries. In this research, the impact of electronic libraries on physical libraries in a South African university is evaluated. The main purpose of this study was to explore the impact of electronic libraries on physical libraries. The goal of the study was to conceptualize a framework for understanding the impact of Electronic library on Physical library which was accomplished by finding out whether the number of physical library users had increased or decreased in terms of the usage of the physical library in the past five years, what challenges are being faced by physical libraries due to the availability of electronic libraries and finally by evaluating the impact of electronic libraries on physical libraries.

An analysis of the integrated mechanical diagnostics health and usage management system on rotor track and balance

Revor, Mark S. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis is concerned with the operational benefit of the Integrated Mechanical Diagnostics Health and Usage Management Systems (IMD HUMS) rotor track and balance (RTB) functionality. The questions addressed are whether there is a savings in flight hours expended on functional check flights (FCF's) when compared to present practices, if there will there be a reduction in directed maintenance man-hours (DMMH) spent on maintenance related to the rotor system, and the impact on Operational Availability. Experiments were conducted using a discrete event simulation model of squadron flight operations and organizational level maintenance. The simulation is generic and can be used in the analysis of other helicopters. Input parameters governing the distributions of maintenance action inter-arrival times were estimated from Naval Aviation Logistics Data Analysis (NALDA) databases and squadron experiences on such systems. The analysis suggests that flight hours spent in FCF are dependent upon vibration growth rate, an unknown quantity, and the maintenance policy for rotor smoothing. Directed maintenance man-hours decrease with increasing numbers of IMD HUMS configured aircraft and further gains are achieved with a maintenance policy suited to a continuous monitoring system. / Captain, United States Marine Corps

An integer linear program to schedule an Army installation's maneuver training

Kasimoglu, Fatih 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis develops an integer linear program called MSAMT (Model to Schedule Army Maneuver Training) to schedule an Army installation's maneuver training. We demonstrate MSAMT using a data set containing 261 platoon-level, 67 company-level and 18 battalion-level units, and 7 major training areas located at Fort Hood, Texas. Using a typical near-term planning horizon from 6 to 8 weeks, MSAMT schedules daily training for a randomly selected set of the stationed units and training requirements. For a 6-week time period and almost 65% (63 platoons 16 companies and 5 battalions) of the units there are 151 platoon-level, 51 company-level and 11 battalion-level required tasks of which MSAMT can schedule 93%. When the subset of units is increased to 80% (75 platoons, 20 companies, 6 battalions), there are 187 platoon-level, 62 company-level and 11 battalion-level tasks of which MSAMT can schedule only 85%. Maintaining the 80% unit level but having an 8 weekperiod increases required training achieved to 94%. Such results can help determine the ability of an Army installation to satisfy training requirements of its stationed units as well as identify a shortage or excess in available training land. It can show the training impact of changing the quantity of units at an installation and thereby aid in base realignment and closure decisions. / First Lieutenant, Turkish Army

La ville nouvelle de Marne-la-Vallée et son insertion dans la dynamique francilienne : évaluation des enjeux du renforcement de la structure polycentrique sur les systèmes de déplacements / The new town of Marne-la-Vallée and its insertion into the dynamic area of greater Paris : assessment of the reinforcement issues of the polycentric structure on travel demand systems

Aw, Thierno 06 December 2010 (has links)
Pour planifier le devenir d'un territoire, il est classique de projeter l'évolution de l'usage du sol et du système de transport. La projection est fondée sur le principe que les lieux d'activités, selon leurs fonctions urbaines respectives, sont en relations de complémentarité : cette complémentarité induit des besoins de déplacements, lesquels se concrétisent en des flux de transport. Souvent les projections sont réalisées de manière séparée par grand domaine, occupation des sols d'une part et transport de l'autre, or il y a des interactions. La politique polycentrique poursuivie depuis plus d'une génération en région francilienne part de cette volonté de répartition spatiale optimale des activités humaines avec la création des Villes Nouvelles. Leur localisation dans des zones préférentielles d'extension urbaine desservies par des axes structurants de transports devait apporter une cohérence d'ensemble à la région urbaine et contribuer efficacement à une meilleure gestion des flux de déplacements à la fois en termes de structure géographique, pour limiter la congestion en direction du centre, et de répartition modale en faveur des transports collectifs. L'analyse récente des données d'occupation des sols comme celle des comportements de mobilité tend à confirmer que l'Ile-de- France reste encore caractérisée par une forme urbaine à dominante monocentrique. Le niveau de masse et de centralité défini dans le schéma initial d'aménagement n'a pas été atteint pour les « centres urbains nouveaux », la dépendance au cœur de l'agglomération est toujours vérifiée, et la voiture particulière reste privilégiée comme mode de déplacement.Pour vérifier la capacité de la forme urbaine polycentrique à favoriser une mobilité durable, notre thèse prospecte deux partis d'aménagement pour la période 2004-2030, tous deux favorisant la densification de l'agglomération mais l'un de manière homogène et l'autre de manière ciblée, orientant davantage la localisation des activités humaines dans les grands pôles d'urbanisation. Dans cet objectif, nous avons simulé de manière intégrée l'usage du sol et les transports en mobilisant le modèle d'offre de transport et de demande de déplacements de la Driea-IDF, et une méthode de projection démographique spatialisée basée sur le modèle Omphale de l'Insee et ajoutant une focalisation par sous-ensemble territorial.Dans ces conditions, nous avons montré que l'évolution démographique prévue d'ici 2030, canalisée dans l'espace selon une logique de densification, devrait permettre un renforcement de la centralité urbaine dans les grands pôles d'aménagement que sont les Villes Nouvelles, avec une intensification de la cohérence urbaine entre les domiciles et les emplois, une réduction des distances moyennes entre domicile et travail, une proportion accrue de déplacements effectués par des modes non motorisés, et une amélioration de la performance territoriale des réseaux de transport. Ces effets seraient plus forts avec le scénario de densification ciblée qu'avec celui de densification homogène. Les transformations dans la structure des interactions spatiales et dans les besoins de déplacement, couplées au développement programmé des réseaux routiers et collectifs de transport, mais confrontées à l'accroissement démographique, sembleraient permettre de maintenir la qualité de service pour les modes individuels de transport. Le développement démographique et le maintien de la qualité de service en transport concourraient à améliorer non seulement les centralités secondaires donc l'accessibilité dans un cadre de proximité, mais encore les effectifs de population susceptibles d'atteindre une destination en un temps limité, ou le nombre d'emplois pouvant être visés depuis un lieu de domicile / When envisioning the future of a territory, public authorities typically make an effort to anticipate changes in land-use and transport systems. These projections are based on the principle that different zones are complementary, as they have varying urban functions. These differences generate transport demand, which then leads to concrete transport flows. Land use and transport forecasts are often carried out independently despite the well-known interactions between these two domains. The Greater Paris Area has pursued a polycentric New Town policy for over a generation, seeking an optimal spatial distribution of human activities. These New Towns were located in "preferential urban growth" zones served by major transport infrastructures in hopes of increasing the urban region's geographic coherence and better managing transport demand by reducing congestion toward the centre city and increasing public transit's mode share. Nonetheless, recent analyses of land-use data and mobility behaviour reveal that Greater Paris still possesses a dominantly monocentric urban form. The New Towns remain dependent on central Paris, and the private car is still the favoured transport mode ; these areas never attained the degree of importance and centrality called for in the initial development plans. In order to verify the polycentric urban form's capacity to foster sustainable mobility, our thesis investigates two scenarios for urban development over the 2004-2030 period. Both involve increasing urban density, but this increase is spatially homogeneous in one scenario and more targeted in the other, with human activities clustered near urban subcentres. We carry out an integrated land-use and transport simulation, employing a supply and demand model from the Driea-IDF (Regional Direction for Infrastructure and Spatial Planning), as well as spatially focussed demographic projections based on the Omphale model from INSEE (the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies). In this way, we show that spatially channelling expected population growth before 2030 with the goal of increasing density could intensify urban centrality in the New Towns, leading to an increase in coherence (in terms of jobs-housing balance), a reduction in average commuting distances, a greater share of non-motorized transport, and transport network performance improvements. These effects are stronger in our targeted scenario than in the homogeneous case. Despite the challenges presented by population growth, it appears possible to maintain private transport modes' quality of service through changes in the structure of spatial interactions and transport requirements, in conjunction with planned road and transit development. Quality of service stabilization would require increased reliance on high-capacity urban trunk roads. In the targeted density scenario, traffic on the road network could even decrease in certain places, and capacity could then be reallocated to sustainable transport modes. Demographic change and transport quality of service can work together to both enhance secondary centres (improving accessibility through nearness) and increase the number of inhabitants capable of reaching a destination in a given amount of time, or the number of jobs accessible from residential areas

Regionala skillnader i anslutningen till gemensamhetsanläggningar : Med fokus på 42 a och 43 § i anläggningslagen

Falck, Thedor, Eliasson, Thord January 2016 (has links)
Sedan 1973 då anläggningslagen (1973:1149) (AL) infördes har delägare i gemensamhetsanläggningar haft möjligheten att själva inträda i anläggningen genom en överenskommelse enligt AL 43 §. Denna överenskommelse måste godkännas av Lantmäteriet och används för att undvika att behöva göra en kostsam och tidskrävande omprövning av hela anläggningen enligt AL 35 §. 1998 infördes även AL 42 a §, vilket gav lantmätarna möjlighet att ta beslut om inträde för ny-/ombildad fastighet i en befintlig gemensamhetsanläggning under förrättningar. Båda paragraferna fungerar som åtgärder som kan användas istället för en omprövning. En överenskommelse är att föredra i dessa typer av förrättningar, men det billigaste och snabbaste alternativet skall alltid användas. Syftet med arbetet är kartlägga om det finns regionala skillnader i tillämpningen av AL 42 a § och 43 §, eventuella skäl för varför detta sker, samt analysera om detta överensstämmer med praxis och vad som står i förarbeten. Arbetet skall även ge en mindre inblick i hur ersättningsfrågan har hanterats i de olika förrättningarna, samt vilka typer av gemensamhetsanläggningar som behandlas. En kombination av juridisk och kvantitativ metod har använts med ett mindre inslag av kvalitativ metod. Kvantitativ metod för att samla in akterna och numeriskt jämföra akternas tillämpning i olika län. Juridisk metod för att tolka hur paragraferna skall tillämpas, och den kvalitativa användes i ett mailutskick för att få mer styrka till slutsatsen. Samtliga akter mellan 1998-2014 som använt AL 43 § eller 42 a § i elva län har inkluderats i statistiken. Av dessa akter har 221 granskats närmare för att svara på frågor om ersättningsskyldighet, typ av anläggning och förvaltningsform. Resultatet visade en stor variation i paragrafanvändningen mellan länen och även olika svar på mailutskicket från kommun till kommun. Exempelvis visade det sig att i 69 % av förrättningarna i Västra Götalands län mellan 1998-2014 har AL 43 § tillämpats, medan i Stockholms län har AL 42 a tillämpats i 66 % av de undersökta förrättningarna. Lantmätarna i kommunerna i dessa län uppgav helt olika skäl för varför de arbetar på detta vis. Göteborgs lantmäterikontor säger att de önskar främja samförstående (och därmed överenskommelser), medan Stockholms kommun sade kort att allt beror helt på omständigheterna. Ersättning i förrättningarna visade sig vara ovanligt, endast 26 % av åtgärderna var ersättningsskyldiga oavsett paragraf. Den vanligaste samfällighetstypen i undersökningen var vägsamfälligheter, som var med i 70 % av granskade akter. Den vanligaste åtgärden var inträden med 81 % och den vanligaste förvaltningsformen var föreningsförvaltning med 85 %. Skälen till varför regionala skillnader existerar är ännu inte helt kartlagt. Den insamlade data tyder på att vissa kommuner inom länen har en form av tradition i deras arbetsmetoder, vilket leder till att en av paragraferna tillämpas oftare. En undersökning med en mer kvalitativ inriktning; fokus på intervjuer med lantmätare och enkäter till de olika lantmäterikontoren behöver göras för att säkerställa detta. / Since 1973, when the Swedish equivalent to the joint facilities act (anläggningslagen [AL] 1973:1149) was signed into law, co-owners of jointly owned facilities have had the ability to enter, exit or change their properties share in these facilities by themselves through a mutual agreement. This agreement must be approved by the Swedish National Land Survey (Lantmäteriet), and is used for avoiding an otherwise necessary, though costly and time consuming, reappraisal of the entire facility, in accordance with AL § 35. In 1998 AL was changed to include § 42 a, which now allowed surveyors to decide who should enter, exit or change shares. This is done within a land survey ordinance and only for pre-existing joint facilities. Both sections of the law act as measures used instead of reappraisals. Usually, an agreement between property owners is the preferred method during land surveys, but Swedish law dictates that the cheapest, most efficient alternative is to be chosen at all times. The purpose of this essay is to map out whether or not there are any regional differences in the usage of § 42 a and § 43, as well as any potential reasons as to why this happens. The essay is also meant to give a glimpse into if the co-owners of these facilities are reimbursed, as well as what type of joint facilities are usually subjected to these changes in members and shares. The bulk of this investigation has been done using a combination of quantitative research and legal methodology, with some elements of qualitative research. All executory acts containing a decision based on § 43 or § 42 a between 1998 and 2014 from 11 counties have been included in the resulting statistics. Out of these acts, 221 of them have been subjected to closer investigation in order to answer questions relating to reimbursement and facility management, as well as type of joint facility. The results show a large difference in what section is favoured by what county, as well as differing approaches to these sections between municipalities. As an example, 69 % of all executory acts in Västra Götaland between 1998 and 2014, where these sections where applied, used § 43. Meanwhile, In Stockholm County, 66 % of the acts within the same time period applied § 42 a. The surveyors in the municipalities within the counties gave entirely different reasons for why they work in the manner of which they do: Surveyors in Gothenburg claims that they wish to "encourage understanding" (and therefore agreements), meanwhile, surveyors in Stockholm claimed that all they do depends upon the specific circumstances of the case in question. Reimbursements were deemed unusual, only 26 % of all acts contained demands for it, regardless of which section was used. The type of joint facility was also very uniform, 70 % of them were primarily formed to manage jointly owned roads. The reasons for why these regional differences occur are still unclear. The suspicion is a tradition within each county, where different cultures within the offices dominate and result in different approaches to each section of the law. A larger investigation into the matter with a greater focus on qualitative research, interviews with surveyors and inquiries into different surveying offices is needed to confirm this.

Uticaj internet zajednica na komunikaciono – društvene procese u umreženom okruženju / The influence of internet communities on communication-social processes in the networked environment

Radovanović Danica 11 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Primenom teorija digitalnih komunikacija i sociologije veba i empirijskih dokaza, u doktoratu pažnja će biti posvećena pitanju mogućnosti primene internet tehnologija u oblasti visokog obrazovanja. Kroz kategorije nove društvenosti i umreženog zajedništva, procesi saradnje i interakcije su istraženi, i testirane su komunikacione mogućnosti internet zajednica u Srbiji. Biće analizirani i predstavljeni novi fenomeni koje se pojavljuju u praksama komunikacije i učešća u naprednim inteligentnim sistemima, kao što je visokoškolska zajednica.</p> / <p>By deploying theories of digital communications and sociology of web, as well as the empirical evidence - in the thesis attention will be paid to the issue of the possibilities of application of Internet technologies in the area of higher education. Through categories of new sociability and networked community, the processes of collaboration and interaction are explored, and communication possibilities in the internet communities in Serbia are tested. New phenomena that emerge in the communication and collaboration practices in an advanced intelligent system, such is a higher education community, will be analysed.</p>

Human Mobility and Application Usage Prediction Algorithms for Mobile Devices

Baumann, Paul 27 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Mobile devices such as smartphones and smart watches are ubiquitous companions of humans’ daily life. Since 2014, there are more mobile devices on Earth than humans. Mobile applications utilize sensors and actuators of these devices to support individuals in their daily life. In particular, 24% of the Android applications leverage users’ mobility data. For instance, this data allows applications to understand which places an individual typically visits. This allows providing her with transportation information, location-based advertisements, or to enable smart home heating systems. These and similar scenarios require the possibility to access the Internet from everywhere and at any time. To realize these scenarios 83% of the applications available in the Android Play Store require the Internet to operate properly and therefore access it from everywhere and at any time. Mobile applications such as Google Now or Apple Siri utilize human mobility data to anticipate where a user will go next or which information she is likely to access en route to her destination. However, predicting human mobility is a challenging task. Existing mobility prediction solutions are typically optimized a priori for a particular application scenario and mobility prediction task. There is no approach that allows for automatically composing a mobility prediction solution depending on the underlying prediction task and other parameters. This approach is required to allow mobile devices to support a plethora of mobile applications running on them, while each of the applications support its users by leveraging mobility predictions in a distinct application scenario. Mobile applications rely strongly on the availability of the Internet to work properly. However, mobile cellular network providers are struggling to provide necessary cellular resources. Mobile applications generate a monthly average mobile traffic volume that ranged between 1 GB in Asia and 3.7 GB in North America in 2015. The Ericsson Mobility Report Q1 2016 predicts that by the end of 2021 this mobile traffic volume will experience a 12-fold increase. The consequences are higher costs for both providers and consumers and a reduced quality of service due to congested mobile cellular networks. Several countermeasures can be applied to cope with these problems. For instance, mobile applications apply caching strategies to prefetch application content by predicting which applications will be used next. However, existing solutions suffer from two major shortcomings. They either (1) do not incorporate traffic volume information into their prefetching decisions and thus generate a substantial amount of cellular traffic or (2) require a modification of mobile application code. In this thesis, we present novel human mobility and application usage prediction algorithms for mobile devices. These two major contributions address the aforementioned problems of (1) selecting a human mobility prediction model and (2) prefetching of mobile application content to reduce cellular traffic. First, we address the selection of human mobility prediction models. We report on an extensive analysis of the influence of temporal, spatial, and phone context data on the performance of mobility prediction algorithms. Building upon our analysis results, we present (1) SELECTOR – a novel algorithm for selecting individual human mobility prediction models and (2) MAJOR – an ensemble learning approach for human mobility prediction. Furthermore, we introduce population mobility models and demonstrate their practical applicability. In particular, we analyze techniques that focus on detection of wrong human mobility predictions. Among these techniques, an ensemble learning algorithm, called LOTUS, is designed and evaluated. Second, we present EBC – a novel algorithm for prefetching mobile application content. EBC’s goal is to reduce cellular traffic consumption to improve application content freshness. With respect to existing solutions, EBC presents novel techniques (1) to incorporate different strategies for prefetching mobile applications depending on the available network type and (2) to incorporate application traffic volume predictions into the prefetching decisions. EBC also achieves a reduction in application launch time to the cost of a negligible increase in energy consumption. Developing human mobility and application usage prediction algorithms requires access to human mobility and application usage data. To this end, we leverage in this thesis three publicly available data set. Furthermore, we address the shortcomings of these data sets, namely, (1) the lack of ground-truth mobility data and (2) the lack of human mobility data at short-term events like conferences. We contribute with JK2013 and UbiComp Data Collection Campaign (UbiDCC) two human mobility data sets that address these shortcomings. We also develop and make publicly available a mobile application called LOCATOR, which was used to collect our data sets. In summary, the contributions of this thesis provide a step further towards supporting mobile applications and their users. With SELECTOR, we contribute an algorithm that allows optimizing the quality of human mobility predictions by appropriately selecting parameters. To reduce the cellular traffic footprint of mobile applications, we contribute with EBC a novel approach for prefetching of mobile application content by leveraging application usage predictions. Furthermore, we provide insights about how and to what extent wrong and uncertain human mobility predictions can be detected. Lastly, with our mobile application LOCATOR and two human mobility data sets, we contribute practical tools for researchers in the human mobility prediction domain.

L'attrition de la marque d'usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e (1878) à la 8e (1932-35) édition du Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

Audy, Marie-Line 04 1900 (has links)
Notre mémoire porte sur l’attrition de la marque d’usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e (1878) à la 8e édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (1932-35). L’informatisation des huit éditions achevées de l’ouvrage (Redon 2002), qui permet tant le relevé quantitatif que qualitatif des données, laisse voir que la marque jouit d’une grande stabilité dans les sept premières éditions, mais que son emploi chute considérablement de l’édition de 1878 à celle de 1932-35. Dans les limites notre projet, nous tâchons de comprendre le comment de cette érosion. Pour ce faire, nous avons recensé exhaustivement les lexies touchées de la 7e à la 8e édition, en tenant compte des cas de figure logiquement possibles : retrait d’un article ou d’une lexie dans la 8e édition, lexies partagées avec la 7e édition mais a) dépouillées de la marque, b) marquées différemment ou c) héritières du marquage d’origine. Dans l’édition de 1878, PROVERBIAL s’applique à 4 674 lexies distribuées dans 1 645 articles. Au terme de notre recherche, nous identifions les expressions proverbiales disparues ou maintenues dans le passage crucial de la 7e à la 8e édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française. Nous en tirons des résultats qui portent, entre autres, sur la transformation du système de marquage dans la tradition du Dictionnaire de l’institution. / This study looks at the attrition of the usage label PROVERBIAL between the 7th (1878) and 8th edition (1932-35) of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie française. The electronic version of the eight completed editions of this work (Redon 2002), which allows for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, shows that the label was consistently used in the first seven editions, but that its use falls dramatically between the 1878 and 1932-35 edition. Within the scope of this study, we have tried to identify the reasons behind this reduction. To achieve this, all lexies (~ lexical unit) from the 7th and the 8th edition with this usage label were meticulously noted, while taking into consideration all logically possible cases: the removal of an article or a lexie in the 8th edition, shared lexies with the 7th edition but a) lacking the label, b) labelled differently or c) inheriting the original label. In the 1878 edition, PROVERBIAL is assigned to 4 674 lexies in 1 645 articles. Through our research, we have identified the proverbial expressions that have disappeared or have been maintained during the crucial passage from the 7th to the 8th edition of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie française. We draw conclusions from these results that, amongst other things, address the transformation of the labelling system in the tradition of the institution’s Dictionnaire.

Étudiants universitaires du Cameroun et les technologies de l’information et de la communication : usages, apprentissages et motivations

Ngnoulayé, Janvier 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires du Cameroun. Elle se situe dans un contexte de l’enseignement supérieur camerounais en pleine mutation par les TIC. Elle vise donc à mieux comprendre les utilisations des TIC qui influencent l’apprentissage et la motivation académique chez les étudiants universitaires du Cameroun. Pour atteindre cet objectif, quatre principaux axes d’étude sont envisagés : -Les usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires camerounais; -Les perceptions des étudiants sur l’usage des TIC dans leur formation; -L’impact des TIC sur l’apprentissage des étudiants universitaires du Cameroun ; -L’impact des TIC sur la motivation académique des étudiants universitaires en apprentissage. La typologie de De Vries (2001) adoptée, qui est bâtie sur plusieurs variables d’apprentissage en lien avec les TIC (lire, faire des exercices, dialogue, jouer, explorer, manipuler, observer, construire et discuter), a facilité l’élaboration d’un portrait des usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires camerounais. Pour vérifier si les TIC ont un lien avec l’acquisition du savoir visée par un cours chez les étudiants camerounais, nous avons eu recours à la taxonomie de Bloom (1956) révisée par Lorin (2001). Cette taxonomie est constituée des verbes d’action qui décrivent des opérations cognitives d’apprentissage et spécifient des activités d’apprentissage liée aux TIC en terme de « capacité à ». Aussi, les résultats de Barrette (2005) sur les effets des TIC sur l’apprentissage (amélioration des résultats académiques, développement des opérations cognitives, amélioration de la motivation et intérêt des étudiants) nous ont servi de balises pour mieux comprendre les influences des TIC sur l’apprentissage des étudiants universitaires. La littérature sur l’impact des TIC sur la motivation académique a révélé que les sentiments d'autodétermination, de compétence et d'affiliation influencent la motivation des étudiants. Ainsi la théorie retenue de l'autodétermination de Deci et Ryan (1985, 1991, 2000) nous permet de mieux cerner le concept de la motivation dans cette étude. Cette recherche se fonde sur une méthodologie de type mixte, comportant plusieurs sources de données collectées (Savoie-Zajc et Karsenti (2000)): entrevues individuelles semi dirigées avec des étudiants (n = 9), observations participantes d’étudiants (n=2), observations participantes de groupes d’étudiants (n = 3), questionnaire (n=120). La thèse suit un mode de présentation par articles, chacun des articles étant en lien avec l’un des objectifs de la recherche. Les résultats obtenus confortent l’hypothèse d’une utilisation des TIC à des fins académiques par des étudiants dans le campus ainsi que dans les cybercafés. Autrement dit, la recherche dresse un portrait des usages des TIC des étudiants universitaires camerounais en mettant en évidence les types d’utilisation multivariés rencontrés. Les résultats font aussi ressortir que les TIC sont des outils didactiques efficaces pour faciliter la compréhension des situations complexes des cours suivis par les étudiants. Cette recherche a donné lieu à l’adaptation de l’échelle de mesure EMITICE, un instrument de mesure de la motivation lors de l'intégration des TIC dans l'enseignement, qui a permis de déterminer les variations de la motivation des étudiants et de mettre en évidence une comparaison de l'évolution du type de leur motivation. / This study focuses on the uses of ICT by Cameroonian university students, in a context where the higher education is changing due to ICT. It therefore aims to better understand the uses of ICT that affect learning and academic motivation significantly among Cameroonian university students. To achieve this objective, four main areas of study are considered: -The uses of ICT by Cameroonian university students; -The perceptions of students on the use of ICT in their training -The impact of ICT on the learning of Cameroonian university students; -The impact of ICT on the academic motivation of university students in learning. The adopted typology of De Vries (2001), which is built on several variables related to learning with ICT (reading, doing exercises, dialoguing, playing, exploring, manipulating, observing, building and discussing), has facilitated the development of a description of the uses of ICTs by Cameroonian university students. To check whether ICT has a connection with the acquisition of knowledge aimed at by a course given to Cameroonian students, we used the taxonomy of Bloom (1956) revised by Lorin (2001). This taxonomy consists of active verbs that describe the operations of cognitive learning and specify learning activities related to ICT in terms of "ability to". Also, the results of Barrette (2005) on the effects of ICT on learning (improving academic achievement, cognitive development operations, improving the motivation and interest of students) have been very instrumental to better understand the influences of ICT on the learning of university students. The literature about the impact of ICT on academic motivation showed that the feelings of self-determination, competence and affiliation, influence students’ motivation. Thus, the theory of self-restraint of Deci and Ryan (1985, 1991, 2000) allows us to better understand the concept of motivation in this study. This research is based on a mixed methodology, with multiple sources of data collected (Savoie-Zajc and Karsenti (2000)): semi-directed interviews with individual students (n = 9), participating observations of students (n = 2), participating observation of groups of students (n = 3), questionnaire (n = 120). The thesis follows a format for articles, each article being closely linked with one of the objectives of the research. The results support the hypothesis that students use ICT on campus and in the cyber cafes for academic purposes. In other words, the research makes a description of Cameroonian university students’ uses of ICT, highlighting the types of the diverse uses encountered. The results also show that ICT are effective teaching tools to facilitate the understanding of complex situations of courses taken by students. This research led to the adaptation of the measurement scale EMITICE, a tool for measuring motivation during the integration of ICT in education, which made it possible to determine the motivation variation of students and to highlight a comparison of the changes in the type of students’ motivation.

Usage de substances psychoactives à l'adolescence et problèmes associés : effet modérateur de l'anxiété

Charron, Marie-Claude January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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