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Jazz as Discourse: Music, Identity, and SpacePerse, Matthew B. 04 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelos y métodos avanzados para la logística del contenedor. Aplicación al Puerto de ValenciaFurió Pruñonosa, Salvador 02 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Since its birth in the fifties, the maritime container has revolutionised freight international transport providing support to a global production system, marked by the industry offshoring looking for competitive advantages and the configuration of increasingly complex and global supply chains. Within this context, the container has gained a great importance becoming a basic logistic element in supply chains where it plays the role of a transport, production and distribution unit.
The success of container is evident if we analyse the evolution of container port traffic, which has been growing at a pace of over 10 % surpassing 600 million TEU of traffic since 2012.
The container is, therefore, a key element in global supply chains and container logistics is a field of work and study of enormous interest due to its impact in the efficiency of these supply chains, due to the cost incurred for the operating account of shipping companies and operators (cost which is transferred to the final user and has an impact in the price of the goods being transported), and due to the social and environmental cost associated to the externalities of transport derived from the management of the container fleet.
Container logistics has to do with the efficient management of the container fleet, minimising the transport, warehousing and maintenance costs, and maximising the use of the equipment. In container logistics it is possible to categorise, generally, two different categories or levels depending on the geographical scope and the transport modes involved: The international level and the local or regional level.
This thesis addresses container logistics at a local or regional level, insofar as in relation to the management of stock, transport and internal movements, trying to react and identify solutions to some of the problems currently facing the port-logistics sector.
The research result allows, firstly, knowing in an integral and structured manner the complexity of maritime container logistics. Secondly, specific real problems are identified and addressed for its modelling and analysis that allows for contributing to the improvement of the current logistics system. The following specific problems are addressed:
-Modal choice problems for the configuration of internal logistics corridors or chains for maritime container transport.
-Problems locating networks of nodal infrastructures facilitating the logistics needs of maritime containers.
-Problems related to the movements and management of empty maritime containers.
The interest and the academic contribution of this thesis lies as much in the definition and modelling of the specific problems with a significant theoretical discussion, as the empirical application to a real environment and real situations. This has been possible due to the direct contact of the author with the port-logistics sector and the participation in many consultancy and research projects in the cluster of the port of Valencia and also at European and international level.
The thesis is outlined as a collection of six scientific articles. The articles have been presented in the thesis in such a way as to follow a logical sequence and not in relation with the chronological order of their publication. / [ES] Desde su aparición en los años 50, el contenedor marítimo ha revoluciona-do el transporte internacional de mercancías dando soporte a un sistema global de producción, marcado por la multilocalización de las industrias en busca de ventajas competitivas y la configuración de cadenas de suministro cada vez más complejas y globales. En este contexto, el contenedor ha adquirido un gran protagonismo convirtiéndose en un elemento logístico básico en las cadenas de suministro en las que actúa como unidad de transporte, producción y distribución.
El éxito del contenedor queda puesto de manifiesto al analizar la evolución del tráfico portuario de contenedores, que ha estado creciendo a ritmos superiores al 10 %, superando los 600 millones TEU desde 2012.
El contenedor es, por tanto, un elemento clave de las cadenas de suministro globales y la logística del contenedor es un área de estudio y trabajo de enorme interés por el impacto que tiene en la eficiencia de dichas cadenas, por el coste que supone a navieras y operadores en sus cuentas de explotación (coste que se traslada al usuario final y repercute en el precio de las mercancías transportadas) y por el coste social y ambiental asociado a las externalidades del transporte derivadas de esta gestión de la flota de contenedores.
La logística del contenedor tiene que ver con la gestión eficiente del parque de contenedores, minimizando los costes de transporte, almacenamiento y mantenimiento, y maximizando la utilización del equipo. En la logística del contenedor se pueden identificar, por lo general, dos categorías o niveles diferenciados en función del ámbito geográfico y de los modos de transporte implicados: El nivel internacional y el nivel local o regional.
Este trabajo aborda la logística del contenedor a nivel regional o local, es decir, en lo relativo a la gestión del stock, transporte y movimientos interiores, tratando de dar respuesta y plantear soluciones a algunos de los problemas con los que se encuentra el sector logístico-portuario en la actualidad.
El resultado de la investigación permite, en primer lugar, conocer de una forma integral y estructurada la complejidad de la logística del contenedor marítimo. En segundo lugar, se identifican y abordan problemas específicos reales para su modelización y análisis, que permiten contribuir a la mejora del sistema logístico actual. En concreto se abordan los siguientes problemas:
-Problemas de elección modal en la configuración de las cadenas o corredores logísticos interiores en el transporte de contenedores marítimos.
-Problemas de localización o vertebración de una red de infraestructuras nodales para atender las necesidades logísticas de los contenedores marítimos.
-Problemas asociados a los movimientos en vacío y gestión de contenedores marítimos.
El interés y contribución académica de este trabajo reside tanto en la definición y modelización de los problemas específicos con una profunda discusión teórica, como en la aplicación empírica a situaciones y entornos reales, cosa que ha sido posible gracias al contacto directo del autor con el sector logístico-portuario y su participación en numerosos proyectos de consulto-ría e investigación tanto en el clúster del Puerto de Valencia como a nivel europeo e internacional.
El trabajo se plantea como una colección de seis artículos científicos. El orden en que están situados los artículos en la tesis permite mantener una secuencia lógica construida a posteriori y no según el orden cronológico en el que fueron publicados. / [CA] Des del seu naixement als anys 50, el contenidor marítim ha revolucionat el transport internacional de mercaderies donant suport a un sistema global de producció, marcat per la multilocalització de les indústries en busca d'avantatges competitives i la configuració de cadenes de subministrament cada vegada més complexes i globals. En aquest context, el contenidor ha adquirit un gran protagonisme convertintse en un element logístic bàsic en les cadenes de subministrament en les quals actua com a unitat de transport, producció i distribució.
L'èxit del contenidor s'evidencia en analitzar l'evolució del tràfic portuari de contenidors, que ha estat creixent a ritmes superiors al 10 % superant els 600 milions TEU des de 2012.
El contenidor és, per tant, un element clau de les cadenes subministrament globals i la logística del contenidor és un àrea d'estudi i treball d'enorme interès per l'impacte que té en l'eficiència d'aquestes cadenes, pel cost que suposa a navilieres i operadors en els seus comptes d'explotació (cost que es trasllada a l'usuari final i repercuteix en el preu de les mercaderies transportades) i pel cost social i ambiental associat a les externalitats del transport derivades d'aquesta gestió de la flota de contenidors.
La logística del contenidor té a veure amb la gestió eficient del parc de contenidors, minimitzant els costos de transport, emmagatzematge i manteniment, i maximitzant la utilització de l'equip. En la logística del contenidor es poden identificar, en general, dues categories o nivells diferenciats en funció de l'àmbit geogràfic i de les modalitats de transport implicats: el nivell internacional i el nivell local o regional.
Aquest treball aborda la logística del contenidor a nivell regional o local, és a dir, quant a la gestió de l'estoc, transport i moviments interiors, tractant de donar resposta i plantejar solucions a alguns dels problemes amb els quals es troba el sector logístic-portuari en l'actualitat.
El resultat de la recerca permet, en primer lloc, conèixer d'una forma integral i estructurada la complexitat de la logística del contenidor marítim. En segon lloc, s'identifiquen i aborden problemes específics reals per a la seua modelització i anàlisi, que permeten contribuir a la millora del sistema logístic actual. En concret s'aborden els següents problemes:
-Problemes d'elecció modal en la configuració de les cadenes o corredors logístics interiors en el transport de contenidors marítims.
-Problemes de localització o vertebració d'una xarxa d'infraestructures nodals per a atendre les necessitats logístiques dels contenidors marítims.
-Problemes associats als moviments en buit i gestió de contenidors marítims.
L'interès i contribució acadèmica d'aquest treball resideix tant en la definició i modelització dels problemes específics amb una profunda discussió teòrica, com en l'aplicació empírica a situacions i entorns reals, cosa que ha sigut possible gràcies al contacte directe de l'autor amb el sector logístic-portuari i la seua participació en nombrosos projectes de consultoria i recerca tant en el clúster del Port de València com a nivell europeu i internacional.
El treball es planteja com una col·lecció de sis articles científics. L'ordre en què estan situats els articles en la tesi permet mantenir una seqüència lògica construïda a posteriori i no segons l'ordre cronològic en el qual van ser publicats. / Furió Pruñonosa, S. (2016). Modelos y métodos avanzados para la logística del contenedor. Aplicación al Puerto de Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63248 / Compendio
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Demenz in gebauter Umwelt: Analyse von Demenzdörfern als Versorgungskonzept in EuropaMeinhardt, Hanna 06 August 2024 (has links)
Die Anzahl der Demenzerkrankten steigt jährlich an. Durch Demenzdörfer wird ihnen die Möglichkeit gegeben, ihren Alltag möglichst realistisch nachzugehen. Sie sind speziell für Menschen mit Demenz ausgerichtet und auf integrative Wohngemeinschaften ausgelegt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Betrachtung von Demenzdörfern in Europa für die Planung und Überprüfung der Gestaltungsempfehlungen anhand gebauter Beispiele. Über eine Literaturrecherche wurde eine Kriterien Matrix erarbeitet. Diese Kriterien wurden anhand der vier gewählten Demenzdörfer analysiert. Bei allen Projekten wurde ein Rundweg geschaffen, der die Bewohner:innen durch die Landschaft leitet. Bei der Auswertung der Kriterien der Architektur konnte festgestellt werden, dass die meisten Richtlinien erfolgreich umgesetzt wurden. Es sollten ausreichende Handläufe vorhanden sein, um Stütze zu vermeiden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass es möglich ist, Wohngemeinschaften zu gestalten, in denen Menschen mit Demenz möglichst lange bleiben können, Pflegeheime und ihre Umgebung müssen, jedoch mit allen oben genannten Aspekten ausgestattet sein. [... aus dem Text]
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Imperialist Discourse: Critical Limits of Liberalism in Selected Texts of Leonard Woolf and E.M. ForsterDe Silva, Lilamani 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation traces imperialist ideology as it functions in the texts of two radical Liberal critics of imperialism, Leonard Woolf and E. M. Forster. In chapters two and three respectively, I read Woolf's autobiographical account Growing and his novel The Village in the Jungle to examine connections between "nonfictional" and "fictional" writing on colonialism. The autobiography's fictive texture compromises its claims to facticity and throws into relief the problematic nature of notions of truth and fact in colonialist epistemology and discursive systems.
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Genre et pouvoir : relation entre danseurs nus et clientèle féminine et masculineRobillard, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre l’influence du genre sur le rapport de force entre les danseurs nus et leur clientèle féminine et masculine. Depuis les années 1960, les bars de danseuses nues abondent à Montréal. De nombreuses recherches ont été menées à ce sujet, mais très peu concernent directement leurs homologues masculins, les bars de danseurs nus pour hommes et pour femmes. Notre mémoire analyse la relation de pouvoir entre les danseurs nus et leur clientèle féminine et masculine au 281 et au Stock bar. S’appuyant sur la littérature des bars de danseuSEs nuEs, nous étudions les quatre dimensions de la relation de pouvoir : l’influence des lieux sur les interactions, la liaison physique et sexuelle, l’échange marchand ainsi que le lien émotif.
Pour répondre à notre question de recherche, nous avons effectué plusieurs séances d’observation non-dévoilée au 281 et au Stock bar. Afin d’analyser les données que nous avons recueillies, nous utilisons les théories de Judith Butler et la sociologie goffmanienne. Le concept de phallus de Butler nous permet de repérer qui domine en « ayant » le phallus et qui est dominé en « étant » le phallus. Nous concluons que les femmes sont, à quelques exceptions près, toujours celles qui « sont » le phallus pour les hommes danseurs et animateurs qui le « possèdent ». La structuration des soirées, établie selon le modèle hétérosexuel binaire prépondérant, rend très difficile pour elles de s’en emparer. En ce qui concerne le rapport entre les hommes danseurs et clients dans un contexte homosexuel, ce sont les danseurs qui « sont » le phallus pour les hommes clients qui l’« ont ». Leur relation est très similaire à celle que nous pouvons observer dans les bars de danseuses nues entre ces dernières et leur clientèle masculine. « Être » le phallus signifie que les danseuSEs nuEs ont le pouvoir de reconnaître ou non le phallus à l’homme client afin qu’il puisse (ou non) matérialiser son pouvoir masculin en subvenant à leurs besoins et en étant désirable à leurs yeux. Dans tous les cas, les danseurs nus font un travail émotionnel différent selon le genre des clientEs, rehaussant le statut social des hommes et diminuant celui des femmes. / Since the 1960s, there has been a glut of female strippers’ clubs in Montreal. Numerous researches have been written on the subject, but only few of them are about their masculine counterparts, male strippers’ clubs for men and women. Our thesis questions the power relation between male nude dancers and their female and male patrons at 281 and Stock bar. Using male and female strippers’ clubs literature, we study the four dimensions of their power relation: the physical and organizational space’s influence, the physical and sexual connection, the monetary exchange and the emotional link. Our objective is to understand the gender influence on this power relation between male strippers and their female and male patrons.
To answer our research question, we have made several under cover observation sessions at 281 and Stock bar. In order to analyse our data, we use Judith Butler’s theories and goffmanian sociology. Butler’s phallus concept enables us to see who is dominating by “having” the phallus and who is dominated by “being” the phallus. We conclude that women are always, with a few exceptions, the ones “being” the phallus for the male strippers and masters of ceremony who “have” it. The Ladies’ night’s structure, set according to the predominant heterosexual binary model, makes it very difficult for them to seize it. As regards of male strippers’ and patrons’ connection in a homosexual context, strippers “are” the phallus for the patrons that “have” it. Their relationship is very similar to the one observed in female strippers’ clubs. “Being” the phallus means that female and male dancers have the power to acknowledge or ignore the male patron’s phallus possession, which will enable or undermine his masculine power to provide economically for their material needs and to be desirable in their eyes. In all cases, male strippers enact a different emotional labor according to patrons’ gender, by enhancing men’s social status and decreasing women’s.
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Genre et pouvoir : relation entre danseurs nus et clientèle féminine et masculineRobillard, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre l’influence du genre sur le rapport de force entre les danseurs nus et leur clientèle féminine et masculine. Depuis les années 1960, les bars de danseuses nues abondent à Montréal. De nombreuses recherches ont été menées à ce sujet, mais très peu concernent directement leurs homologues masculins, les bars de danseurs nus pour hommes et pour femmes. Notre mémoire analyse la relation de pouvoir entre les danseurs nus et leur clientèle féminine et masculine au 281 et au Stock bar. S’appuyant sur la littérature des bars de danseuSEs nuEs, nous étudions les quatre dimensions de la relation de pouvoir : l’influence des lieux sur les interactions, la liaison physique et sexuelle, l’échange marchand ainsi que le lien émotif.
Pour répondre à notre question de recherche, nous avons effectué plusieurs séances d’observation non-dévoilée au 281 et au Stock bar. Afin d’analyser les données que nous avons recueillies, nous utilisons les théories de Judith Butler et la sociologie goffmanienne. Le concept de phallus de Butler nous permet de repérer qui domine en « ayant » le phallus et qui est dominé en « étant » le phallus. Nous concluons que les femmes sont, à quelques exceptions près, toujours celles qui « sont » le phallus pour les hommes danseurs et animateurs qui le « possèdent ». La structuration des soirées, établie selon le modèle hétérosexuel binaire prépondérant, rend très difficile pour elles de s’en emparer. En ce qui concerne le rapport entre les hommes danseurs et clients dans un contexte homosexuel, ce sont les danseurs qui « sont » le phallus pour les hommes clients qui l’« ont ». Leur relation est très similaire à celle que nous pouvons observer dans les bars de danseuses nues entre ces dernières et leur clientèle masculine. « Être » le phallus signifie que les danseuSEs nuEs ont le pouvoir de reconnaître ou non le phallus à l’homme client afin qu’il puisse (ou non) matérialiser son pouvoir masculin en subvenant à leurs besoins et en étant désirable à leurs yeux. Dans tous les cas, les danseurs nus font un travail émotionnel différent selon le genre des clientEs, rehaussant le statut social des hommes et diminuant celui des femmes. / Since the 1960s, there has been a glut of female strippers’ clubs in Montreal. Numerous researches have been written on the subject, but only few of them are about their masculine counterparts, male strippers’ clubs for men and women. Our thesis questions the power relation between male nude dancers and their female and male patrons at 281 and Stock bar. Using male and female strippers’ clubs literature, we study the four dimensions of their power relation: the physical and organizational space’s influence, the physical and sexual connection, the monetary exchange and the emotional link. Our objective is to understand the gender influence on this power relation between male strippers and their female and male patrons.
To answer our research question, we have made several under cover observation sessions at 281 and Stock bar. In order to analyse our data, we use Judith Butler’s theories and goffmanian sociology. Butler’s phallus concept enables us to see who is dominating by “having” the phallus and who is dominated by “being” the phallus. We conclude that women are always, with a few exceptions, the ones “being” the phallus for the male strippers and masters of ceremony who “have” it. The Ladies’ night’s structure, set according to the predominant heterosexual binary model, makes it very difficult for them to seize it. As regards of male strippers’ and patrons’ connection in a homosexual context, strippers “are” the phallus for the patrons that “have” it. Their relationship is very similar to the one observed in female strippers’ clubs. “Being” the phallus means that female and male dancers have the power to acknowledge or ignore the male patron’s phallus possession, which will enable or undermine his masculine power to provide economically for their material needs and to be desirable in their eyes. In all cases, male strippers enact a different emotional labor according to patrons’ gender, by enhancing men’s social status and decreasing women’s.
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Landscape Dynamics : Spatial analyses of villages and farms on Gotland AD 200-1700Svedjemo, Gustaf January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the long-term dynamics and fluctuations of settlements on Gotland for the period from AD 200 up until early modern times. The settlement structure on Gotland is most often described as very stable and consisting of solitary farms, established in the Iron Age. A contrasting view is presented by analyses of a vast source material from different periods. The source material consists of both physical remains, noted in the Swedish national Archaeological Sites Information System, FMIS and large scale historical maps, as well as other written sources. For the first studied period, the locations of some 2 000 houses are known, since they were constructed with sturdy stone walls and are thus preserved. The source material for the following periods is scarcer, but some hundred Viking Age sites are identified, mainly by the find places of silver hoards. By retrogressive analyses of historical maps, from the decades around the year 1700, and other written sources, later periods are analysed. All available data are gathered in geodatabases, which enables both generalised and detailed spatial and statistical analyses. The results of the analyses show a more varied picture, with great fluctuations in the number of farms; the existence of villages is also clearly indicated in a large part of the settlements. The villages are centred on kinship and the lack of strong royal power or landed gentry meant they were not fixed in cadastres, as fiscal units, as villages were on the Swedish mainland. Two peaks, followed by major dips, were identified in the number of settlements and thus in the population. The first peak occurred during the late Roman Iron Age/Migration period, which was followed by a reduction in the Vendel period of possibly up to 30-50%. After this, a recovery started in the Viking Age, which culminated during the heydays of Gotland in the High Middle Ages, with population numbers most probably not surpassed until late in history. This upward trend was broken by the diminishing trade of Gotland, the Medieval agrarian crisis, The Danish invasion and later events. All this resulted in a decline, probably as great as after the Migration period.
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The psycho-educational use of narrative therapy among Nguni speaking childrenKabanyane, Nompumelelo Eucalist 30 June 2004 (has links)
Narrative therapy provides an opportunity for children to identify what is important to them. The aim of therapy in this research is to open up space for Nguni speaking children, who in their culture, are not allowed to express their feelings freely. The researcher has found that stories allow children an opportunity to realise that they are all human and that we have come through a process where we have to acknowledge that our existence today is largely dependent on the fact that we are not denying our stories as Nguni speaking people.
From looking at the results of study, it would appear that these children have benefited from the therapy sessions. From three clients a sense of pride and self-worth was often evident at the end of a session and the overall comment made was that each one felt far better than when they had started the sessions. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (specialisation in Guidance and Counseling)
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Landscape preservation and biodiversity planning : the Kino Heritage Fruit Trees Project and beyondYaquinto, Robert Giacomo 01 October 2014 (has links)
This report argues that historic landscape preservation efforts need to embrace biodiversity planning. Historic landscape preservation sites need to develop biodiversity plans because they are uniquely qualified to provide the continuous monitoring that successful biodiversity planning requires. Not only will biodiversity monitoring at various historic landscape sites contribute to a nationwide collection of biodiversity planning data, but it will also provide a rich source of information that can be presented to draw a wider audience into the biodiversity discussion. After considering three precedents: Old Sturbridge Village, Old World Wisconsin, and Tucson Botanical Gardens, the report focuses on the Kino Heritage Fruit Trees Project and its real and potential impacts on biodiversity planning in southern Arizona and more broadly. Finally, the report considers how seed libraries and seed swaps might serve a similar purpose in other parts of the country. / text
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大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響-以工業部門為例詹雅惠, Ya-Hui Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是利用中國統計年鑑、中國鄉鎮企業年鑑、中國工業經濟統計年鑑及1995年第三次全國工業普查資料匯編各年版所提供的一九九五至一九九七年期間大陸工業三十三個產業別之追蹤資料,研究大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響。本文所定義的國有企業經營績效,主要分為兩部分:一為大陸國有企業的獲利能力,一為大陸國有企業的生產技術效率。在大陸國有企業的獲利能力部分,本研究論文是採用固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)之迴歸模型來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業獲利能力的影響。接著在大陸國有企業的生產技術效率部分,本研究論文則採用Battese and Coelli(1995)提出的具有轉移對數形式及可採用時序加截面數據的隨機邊界生產函數模型(stochastic frontier production function model),來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業技術效率的影響。
因此,在解決大陸國有企業經營績效的問題時,國有企業制度的改革固然重要,但若大陸政府在推行改革時,能加以考量鄉鎮企業發展此一重要因素,將大陸鄉鎮企業之發展視為篩選國有企業之機制,淘汰不適於市場機制、競爭力不足、虧損之國有企業,則長期下將可使國有企業達到經營績效改善之效果。 / This thesis investigates the influence of township-village enterprises (TVEs) on the performance of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Industrial-based panel data from 1995~1997 provided by various published years of the China Statistical Year Book , China Industry Economy Statistical Year Book, The data of The Third National Industiral Census of The People’s Repiblic of China in 1995, and China Township-Village Enterprises Year Book are adopted to estimate the fixed-effect model of SOEs’ profit rate function, and stochastic frontier production function model of SOEs’ technical efficiency function.
The primary finding is that the profit rate in the heavy industry and the technical efficiency in light industry of China’ SOEs are both influenced negatively by the output share of TVEs, the above proves the influence of TVEs on the performance of SOEs has changed from profit loses to technical inefficiency, but this condition won’t exist for long because of the policies to improve performance adopted by SOEs , like relocation factors, adjustment size or any useful acts will take effect.
Secondly, larger scale of SOEs, especially in heavy industry, gets higher profit rate and higher technical efficiency, the conclusion indicate that size of SOEs brings improvement of performance to SOEs.
Besides, improvement of the technical efficiency of SOEs is crossed in capital intensive, but has no effect on profitability.
The above proves that SOEs will against the competition by reactions in policy, as long as longtime performance, the technical efficiency of SOEs will make great advances. Therefore, for solving the problem about the performance of SOEs, besides the innovation in economic system, China should concern about the competitiveness of TVEs. In conclusion, China should regard TVEs not only as a competitor but also as a mechanism to sift out uncompetitive SOEs from China’s market so that the performance of SOEs can be improved to reach the crucial position in China.
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