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Hotel / HotelMachala, Tibor January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents a design of a new building — hotel, containing thirty accommodation units, space for employees, restaurant and vine bar meant for both customers of the hotel, and public. Hotel is situated in a cadastral area Brod nad Dyjí. Building consists of basement and five floors with proposed accommodation capacity of sixty people. The basement perimeter walls are designed from reinforced concrete with the width of 300 and 400 mm. The walls are insulated by XPS polystyrene which is 220 mm wide. Perimeter walls of the above-ground floors are proposed as a combination of reinforced concrete and reinforced skeleton concrete supplemented by masonry wall of therm type. All these constructions are insulated by 220 mm wide glass wool facade insulation. The building envelope is a light ventilated facade. All horizontal constructions are projected as reinforced concrete slabs with the width of 250 mm. The roof of the building consists of three flat parts. The lowest part of the roof is designed as a vegetation roof with extensive layer. The roof of the hotel is proposed as walkable with wear layer made of concrete pavement of dimension 400 x 400 mm. Construction of the roof above the fifth floor is designed as one layer flat roof on concrete slab with the width of 250 mm. Inside the object are three reinforced concrete staircases (main staircase, emergency staircase and staircase for staff). The main entrance to the object is situated on the south side of the property, while the staff entrances are located on the east and north-east part. Parking for the object customers is placed in front of the main entrance, parking for staff is situated on the north side. This thesis is processed in the form of project documentation for construction realisation.
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Studie řešení protipovodňové ochrany části obce Janová na levém břehu Vsetínské Bečvy / Flood protection study of Janová urban neighbourhood situated on the left side of Vsetínská Bečva riverBöhm, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Diploma´s thesis solve flood protection study of Janova (region Vsetín). Model of flow was created based on geometry of the watercourse and hydrological data of Vsetinska Becva on the municipality. Model of flow was created using HEC-RAS 4.1. Calculation results of centenarian maximum peak discharge were base for design measures, which were the necessary for improvement flood protection of area.
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Mateřská školka v Brně / Nursery school, BrnoSedláček, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this work is the solution of a new building of nursery school in the village of Ivanovice. It is a cellarless, two-storey building for 40 childern. The floor plan is „L“ shaped with orientation of the classes to the south and west which provide enough rate (amount) of insolation which support good mood and development of the childern. The object is situated in medium sloping land mainly in the area of familly and residential houses. The main entrance to the building is situated on the south from where si access road to the object too. Comfort parking is provided by ten parking places, one is determined for disabled people. The lighting and ventilation of all rooms is provided by windows. Roofing is solved using of wooden truss in combination with single casing roof.
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Zdravé bydlení / Healthy LivingZhuravlyova, Yelena Unknown Date (has links)
Over the years, every major city turns into a knot of intractable problems: overpopulation, traffic jams, environmental degradation. Some countries make a faster conversion from an industrial development to an information growth phase, than the infrastructural changes take place. Therefore, environmental design and construction would not be short-termed, but rather will be the long-term targets for all the groups associated with the construction. The healthy living is one of the most important reasons to start a complicated long-term reconstruction of eco-cities. Successful ecological reconstitution requires a knowledge about already implemented exemplary solutions. For this purpose, the dissertation analyzes the basic ecological problems of settlements, analyzing the examples of approaches to improve the environmental performance of cities on the reference of foreign experience and creates criteria and principles for designing urban structures for healthy living in CR.
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Mmino wa Bana: An African musicological study of Moletjie community musical practicesMokgetle, Morokolo 21 September 2018 (has links)
PhD (African Studies) / Department of African Studies / Mmino wa bana (Children’s songs) are subjected to many changes today; so much so that in time it could cease to exist in its original form or be replaced by genres promoted on televisions. This study focuses on the genre as practised in the Moletjie community. The study explores mmino wa bana by examining its musicological elements, educational validity, and the general social functions within the context of the Moletjie community. By providing insight into these aspects, we could be able to ascertain the transportability of musical elements and philosophies across many contexts. Twenty-one children’s songs were collected for the study. In addition, interviews were conducted with elders and members of the Moletjie royal family to capture the narrative views of the genre. Additional information was also captured in the form of diary notes. The study used an Afrocentric approach as its theoretical framework. The design was qualitative with semi structured interviews functioning as the mode of data collection. For analysis, music programs were used. The body of knowledge emanating from the study is packaged in such a way that it could be used by scholars in African musicology, policy planners, and others interested in the culture of the people of Moletjie community. The school will also find the study to be a useful resource in crafting textbooks for classroom purposes. / NRF
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Zu einer bislang unbekannten mittelalterlichen Wüstung bei Großzöberitz, Ldkr. Bitterfeld (Sachsen-Anhalt)Fahr, Jochen 29 May 2019 (has links)
Im Frühjahr 1999 wurden bei der Verlegung der Erdgastrasse JAGAL zwischen Großzöberitz
und Zörbig (Lkr. Bitterfeld; deshalb zuständig: LfA Halle/Saale) Reste einer mittelalterlichen ländlichen
Siedlung, einer Wüstung entdeckt. Das Grabungsteam unter der Leitung von Frau Dr. K. Bemmann legte auf
vier Teilflächen 88 Befunde frei. Besonders interessant waren ein Gebäude mit Sodenwänden und ein Haus mit
Steinfundamenten. Durch die Auswertung der Funde und Befunde wurden Siedlungsphasen chronologisch eingegrenzt,
Strukturen der Siedlung näher untersucht und wirtschaftliche sowie soziale Fragen diskutiert. Ferner
ging es darum, den Namen der „Fundstelle 1“ (unbekannt oder bekannt?) und die Ursachen des Wüstungsprozesses
zu ermitteln. / Remains of a medieval rural village have been found between Großzöberitz and Zörbig (County Bitterfeld)
in the spring 1999 during the building of the gas pipeline JAGAL. The excavation team run by Dr. K.
Bemmann had excavated 88 features on four areas. Two buildings, one with grass packing walls and one with
stone basements, were especially interesting. Through the analysis of finds and features were settlement phases
chronologically fixed, structures of the settlement looked at in more detail, and social questions discussed. Furthermore,
the name of ‘site 1’ (known or unknown?) and the reasons for deserting were a matter of concern.
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Друштвено-географска проучавања промена на простору Рашке области применом метода теледетекције / Društveno-geografska proučavanja promena na prostoru Raške oblasti primenom metoda teledetekcije / Socio-geographic research of changes in Raskadistrict using the method of teledetectionSočanac Dragoljub 05 June 2007 (has links)
<p>Рашка област налази се у јужном планинско-котлинском делу централне Србије. Њој припадају планински предели између планина Јавора и Голије на северу и Мокре горе на југу, реке Лима на западу и Ибра на истоку. <br />Истраживана територија износила је 1.408 km2, на којој су обављена физичко-географска и друштвено географска истраживања.<br />На морфолошки јако издиференцираном терену Рашке Области размештено је 160 насеља са 124 051 становником (по попису 2002). Највећа концентрација становништва је у градским насељима Новом Пазару са 61 179 (49,3 %) и Рашки са 6740 (5,4 %) становника. У Новом Пазару је сконцентрисано 63% становника Општине, а у Рашки живи 24% ст. Општине. <br />На том простору прожимају се и сједињују различити културни утицаји, чији су трагови видљиви у културном пејзажу у виду типова кућа и окућница, архитектуре градова, положаја и типова села, начина искоришћавања земљишта, саобраћајне повезаности, изграђености инфраструктуре, односа према животној средини и слично.</p> / <p>Raška oblast nalazi se u južnom planinsko-kotlinskom delu centralne Srbije. NJoj pripadaju planinski predeli između planina Javora i Golije na severu i Mokre gore na jugu, reke Lima na zapadu i Ibra na istoku. <br />Istraživana teritorija iznosila je 1.408 km2, na kojoj su obavljena fizičko-geografska i društveno geografska istraživanja.<br />Na morfološki jako izdiferenciranom terenu Raške Oblasti razmešteno je 160 naselja sa 124 051 stanovnikom (po popisu 2002). Najveća koncentracija stanovništva je u gradskim naseljima Novom Pazaru sa 61 179 (49,3 %) i Raški sa 6740 (5,4 %) stanovnika. U Novom Pazaru je skoncentrisano 63% stanovnika Opštine, a u Raški živi 24% st. Opštine. <br />Na tom prostoru prožimaju se i sjedinjuju različiti kulturni uticaji, čiji su tragovi vidljivi u kulturnom pejzažu u vidu tipova kuća i okućnica, arhitekture gradova, položaja i tipova sela, načina iskorišćavanja zemljišta, saobraćajne povezanosti, izgrađenosti infrastrukture, odnosa prema životnoj sredini i slično.</p> / <p>The district of Raska is situated in a southern mountainous and valley part of the central Serbia. This district also includes the mounainous parts between the following mountains and rivers: mountins Javor and Golija in the north, Mokra Gora in the southern part, river Lim in the west and river Ibar in the east.<br />The examined territory amounted 1408 square kilometres. Withint this territory a very important physical, geographic and social explorations have been performed.<br />At the morphologically very dirrerent terrains 160 settlements are situated with 124 051 inhabitants (census of 2002). The greatest concentration of inhabitants is in urban areas of Novi Pazar with 61179 (49,3%) and Raska with 6740 (5,4%) inhabitants.<br />In this region the various cultural influences are merging and joining together, and their traces are visible in the cultural environment concerning the types of the houses and yards, urban architecture, the position and types of the villages as well in the ways of soil usage, traffic connections, building of infrastructure, relations towards the life environment ans so on.</p>
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Samuel Parris: minister at Salem VillageBaker, Melinda Marie January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In mid-January of 1691/2 two young girls in the household of Samuel Parris, the minister of Salem Village, Massachusetts, began exhibiting strange behavior. "It began in obscurity, with cautious experiments in fortune telling. Books on the subject had 'stolen' into the land; and all over New England, late in 1691, young people were being 'led away with little sorceries.'" The young girls of Salem Village had devised their own creation of a crystal ball using "the white of an egg suspended in a glass" and "in the glass there floated 'a specter in the likeness of a coffin.'"
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ResPublica/Civitas Socialis – Strachotín, l. p. 2017 / ResPublica/Civitas Socialis - StrachotínSysel, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The theme of the development of the existing sports grounds was dealt with Based on a number of analyzes, visits to the site and communication with the community management, the theme of the development of the existing sports grounds was dealt with. The whole territory is up to a football field in a very maintained conditions. There are two smaller accommodation facilities, which are seasonally used mainly by schools in nature and other students, but their condition is quite unsatisfactory. The soccer field, which is the only one maintained, belongs to the existing base of soccer players - the dressing room with the clubhouse. Their condition is also somewhat aggravated. In the current spatial plan, the whole proposed area is at the interface of two areas, the first is the area of sport and individual recreation and the second is the area to be examined. Urban design is based on the location of the existing soccer field and the preservation or improvement of existing links to the surrounding area. Most of the paved areas will be overtaken. Part of the design of the development of sports activities in the village was also to find a possible solution for parking for tourists, for which there is no free space in the village. The chosen location is advantageous in that, when a parking lot will be created, it will be created near the main entrance to the village on road II. Cl. No. 420 from Hustopeče through the village. Architectonically, but also conceptually, the construction is based on the economic possibilities of the municipality, the possibilities of variability of the solution and especially of the possibilities of staging construction. The result are two buildings. One main, replacing the background of spccer players, creates the conditions for year-round training in the new gym, for going to fitness, while part of the building is a platform for the soccer field. The second building is an accommodation that replaces the existing unsatisfactory buildings. Architecturally, they are masses that are greatly affected by the modules. The building structure and the facilities of the sports hall are structurally designed from standardized modular systems, steel containers that are interconnected to create an unusual spectacle. The area of the gym is defined by a reinforced concrete skeleton. Both buildings are covered with gold anodized sheet metal, which is profiled similarly to the peripheral walls of the containers. At the same time, the object was to create year-round sports grounds that are accessible to the general public and youth.
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Von der Kernenergie- zur Strahlenbildung: Darstellungen von Kernenergie in audiovisuellen Lehrmedien in Japan seit 1945Jawinski, Felix 15 May 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung von Kernenergie in audiovisuellen Lehrmedien in Japan und betrachtet dabei den Zeitraum zwischen den Atombombenabwürfen auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki und heute. Audiovisuelle Lehrmedien werden in dieser Arbeit als diskursive Aussagen im Diskurs des Atomaren verstanden. Der Diskurs des Atomaren ist wiederum eine Teilmenge von dem, was in dieser Arbeit als Dispositiv des Atomaren beschrieben wurde. Vom Atomaren ist deshalb die Rede, weil die Möglichkeiten und Gefahren der Atomkraft seit ihrer Entdeckung bis heute in vielfältigen Anwendungsgebieten diskutiert werden. Während die unterschiedlichen Bereiche in der Medizin, der Agrarwissenschaft, im Transportwesen, in der Medizin oder auch im Militär lange gemeinsam diskutiert wurden, war der Diskurs spätestens nach der „Atoms for Peace“-Rede von Präsident Eisenhower am 8. Dezember 1953 in die beiden Teilbereiche der „friedlichen“ und der „militärischen“ Nutzung gespalten. Und dies obwohl diese Sachverhalte in der Realität bis heute eng miteinander verbunden sind. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, das Feld der audiovisuellen Lehrmedien in Japan zum Themenbereich der Kernenergie zu erfassen und es systematisch aufzuarbeiten, um so anhand von detaillierten Filmbeschreibungen und -analysen die diskursiven Verschiebungen, aber auch Kontinuitäten herauszuarbeiten. Es galt, einen Teil der Antwort auf die Frage zu finden, weshalb es in Japan seit Jahrzehnten möglich ist, die „friedliche“ Nutzung der Kernenergie auf- und auszubauen und das, obwohl die Bevölkerung zwei Atombombenkatastrophen erlebte und Mitte der 1950er Jahre eine dritte Strahlenexpositionskatastrophe durch US-amerikanische Atombombentest miterleben musste und folglich eher zu vermuten gewesen wäre, dass die Anti-AKW-Bewegung ausreichend Argumente und diskursive Macht hätte etablieren können, um die „friedliche“ Nutzung der Kernenergie in Japan zu verhindern. Die in der Feldforschung gefundenen, gesehenen und analysierten Filme finden sich ausführlich beschrieben in der Dissertation wieder. Ohne die Filme gesehen zu haben, soll dem/der Leser*in so die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, die aus diesem Material abgeleiteten Periodisierungen, aber auch Themen und Darstellungen des Atomaren im Laufe der Zeit nachzuvollziehen.:1. Einleitung 1
2. Forschungsfrage, Forschungsprozess und erste Forschungserlebnisse sowie -ergebnisse 6
2.1 Forschungsprojekt und Forschungsfrage 6
2.2 Forschungsprozess 11
2.2.1 Die Stadtbibliothek Tōkyō 15
2.2.2 Bibliothek für lebenslanges Lernen in der Stadt Okazaki 22
2.2.3 Fukui Prefectural Wakasa Library and Learning Center 22
2.2.4 Fukui Atomic Energy Science Museum ‘At Home’ (Genshiryoku no kagakukan attohōmu in Tsuruga) 23
2.3 Zusammenfassende Gedanken 53
3. Forschungsstand: „Kernenergie und Medien“, und „Kernenergie und Bildung“ 56
3.1 Kernenergie und Medien 59
3.1.1 Die medienübergreifende Betrachtung der Kernenergie 59
3.1.2 Die medienspezifische Betrachtung der Kernenergie 63
3.1.3 CIE/USIS-Filme 64
3.1.4 Fernsehen 68
3.1.5 Dokumentarfilme im Fernsehen 71
3.2 Kernenergie und Bildung 75
3.2.1 Kritische Betrachtung „von außen“ 76
3.2.2 Kritische Betrachtung „von innen“ 80
4. Der Kurzfilm in Japan: kyōiku eiga, sangyō eiga und kagaku eiga 108
4.1 Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 15-jährigen Krieges 109
4.2 Der Kurzfilm in der japanischen Nachkriegszeit 113
4.2.1 Audiovisuelle Lehrfilme – kyōiku eiga 113
4.2.2 Industriefilme und Werbefilme – sangyō eiga und PR-eiga 123
4.2.3 Wissenschaftsfilme – kagaku eiga 134
5. Repräsentationen des Themas der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie in audiovisuellen Lehrmedien 146
5.1 Das „Atomdorf“ (genshiryoku mura) 147
5.2 Audiovisuelle Lehrmedien und deren Akteure 158
5.2.1 Staatliche Auftraggeber*innen 159
5.2.2 Die Nationale Behörde für Wissenschaft und Technik (NBWT, Kagaku gijutsuchō 科学技術庁) 159
5.2.3 Amt für Rohstoffe und Energie (ARE, Shigen enerugī-chō 資源エンルギー庁) 197
5.2.4 Nuclear Power Engineering Center (NUPEC, Genshiryoku hatsuden gijutsu kikō 原子力発電技術機構) 209
5.2.5 Das Japanische Zentrum für Wirtschaftsbildung (JZW, Nihon keizai kyōiku sentā 日本経済教育センター ) 212
5.2.6 Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Kagaku gijutsu shinkō kikō 科学技術振興機構) 241
5.2.7 Ressort für Feuer und Katastrophenschutz in der Abteilung für Leben in der Präfekturverwaltung Fukui (Fukui-ken kenmin seikatsu-bu shōbō bōsai-ka 福井県県民生活部消防防災課) 254
5.2.8 Regionalbüro Hokuriku des MITI-Chūbu (Chūbu tsūsangyō-kyoku hokuriku-shibu 中部通産業局北陸支部) 260
5.2.9 Das Japanische Kernforschungsinstitut (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, JAERI, Nihon genshiryoku kenkyūsho 日本原子力研究所) und das Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC, Kakunenryō saikuru kaihatsu kikō 核燃料サイクル開発機構) 267
5.2.10 Halbstaatliche Auftraggeber*innen 280
5.2.11 Japanisches Zentrum für audiovisuelle Lehrmittel (JZAL, Nihon shichōkaku kyōzai sentā 日本視聴覚教材センター) 280
5.2.12 Fukui Atomic Information Center (FAIC, Fukui genshiryoku sentā 福井原子力センター) 282
5.2.13 Chubu Science and Technology Center (Chūbu kagaku gijutsu sentā 中部科学技術センター), Ōsaka Science and Technology Center (Ōsaka kagaku gijutsu sentā 大阪科学技術センター) und das Kernkraftforum Kansai (Kansai genshiryoku kondankai 関西原子力懇談会) 303
5.2.14 Privatwirtschaftlich-initiierte Auftraggeber*innen 319
5.2.15 Zentrum für Wirtschaftswerbung (ZWW, Keizai kōhō sentā 経済広報センター) 319
5.2.16 Die Vereinigung der Stromversorgungsunternehmen Japans (Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, FEPC, Denki jigyō renkgōkai 電気事業連合会) 327
5.2.17 Stiftung zur Förderung einer Kernenergiekultur (Nihon genshiryoku bunka shinkō zaidan 日本原子力文化振興財団) 353
5.2.18 Social and Economic Congress of Japan (SECJ, Shakai keizai kokumin kaigi 社会経済国民会議) 361
5.2.19 Privatwirtschaftliche Auftraggeber*innen 367
6. Der Diskurs des Atomaren im Wandel der Zeit 391
6.1 Audiovisuelle Lehrfilme: ja oder nein? 391
6.2 Historische Einordnungen 393
6.2.1 Von der Entdeckung der Radioaktivität (1896/97) bis 1953 398
6.2.2 Von Eisenhowers Rede (1953) bis zu den Ölpreiskrisen (1973 und 1979) 400
6.2.3 Ölpreiskrise, AKW-Bauboom, Bekanntwerden der Nachteile und Erstarken der Anti-AKW-Bewegung (End-1970er bis Anfang 1980er) 401
6.2.4 Hervorhebung der Kernenergie gegenüber Kohle/Öl (Mitte der 1980er Jahre) 402
6.2.5 Post-Tschernobyl 403
6.2.6 Post-Fukushima 404
6.2.7 Die Anpassungsfähigkeit des atomaren Diskurses 405
7. Zusammenfassung und Desiderata 413
7.1 Zusammenfassung 413
7.2 Desiderata 418
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