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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adhezní spolupůsobení lepidla s konstrukčním dřevem / interaction of adhesive with structural wood

Janová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
This labor is based on penetration of adhesives into a wood cell walls. It focuses mainly on adhesives that are currently used for construction purposes. It also contains a methodics of selecting adhesives and wood, which will be used for glued joints and summarizes the methods used for detect these adhesives in the wood cell wall. It experimentally verifies the appropriate selection of the dye-solvent combination used in the adhesive.

Biotribologie umělých slz pro léčbu syndromu suchého oka / Biotribology of artificial tears for the treatment of dry eye syndrome

Černohlávek, Mikuláš January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis is a part of the project TAČR TREND, which aim is the development of new ingredient for treatment of dry eye syndrome. Developed ingredient is derivative of hyaluronic acid, which is in this thesis compared with native hyaluronic acids and commercial eye drops. Aim of this thesis is to describe rheological and tribological properties of measured samples in terms of viscosity, mucoadhesivity and coefficient of friction. Coefficient of friction was measured on created tribological model of the eye in pin-on-plate configuration which represents physiologically relevant sliding speeds of blinking. Comparison with native hyaluronic acids and commercial products of eye drops showed, that derivative reaches higher values of viscosity, has mucoahesive properties and has low values of coefficient of friction. Those key parameters show that modification of hyaluronic acid is promising way for drug development for dry eye disease.

Vliv viskoelasticity a provozních podmínek na tření poddajných kontaktů / The effect of viscoelasticity and operating conditions on friction of compliant contacts

Quinn, Cheney January 2021 (has links)
Poddajné kontakty obsahující polymerní nebo pryžové členy lze nalézt v technických i biologických aplikacích. I přes vývoj v této oblasti existují efekty, které ovlivňují tribologické aspekty těchto kontaktů, a je třeba je dále zkoumat. Tato práce se zabývá vlivy kinematických podmínek, konfigurace, viskoelasticity a viskozity maziva na tření v mazaných poddajných kontaktech. Výsledky byly použity k vývoji numerického modelu pro predikci kapalinového tření v poddajných kontaktech. K objasnění chování poddajných kontaktů bylo použito zařízení Mini Traction Machine (MTM) v konfiguraci ball-on-disc, což umožnilo zkoumání zmíněných vlivů. Z poznatků z technické oblasti bylo zjištěno, že viskoelasticita se projevuje ve všech konfiguracích, tedy soft-on-hard, hard-on-soft a soft-on-soft, a její efekt je nejvýznamnější v konfiguracích s poddajným diskem. Data dále ukazují, že poměr skluzu a valení má vliv na valivé tření což je v rozporu se současnou literaturou. Výsledky z biologické oblasti naznačují, že za určitých podmínek lze nahradit nativní kapalinu jednoduchým mazivem. Tyto poznatky mohou posloužit jako odrazový můstek pro další studie zabývající se poddajnými kontakty.

Analýza tokových vlastností kostních cementů během tvrdnutí. / Investigation of the flow characteristics of bone cements during cementation.

Zezula, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
V dnešní době se chirurgové zajímají o vliv viskozity kostních cementů na jejich penetraci do kosti při úplné kostní náhradě. Penetrace cementu závisí na jeho viskozitě, času vsunutí protézy, době tvrdnutí, atd. Viskozita je určena chemickým složením, teplotou a poměrem monomeru a prášku. V této práci bude porovnávána viskozita a penetrace vysoko- a nízko- viskózních cementů. Viskozita bude měřena dvěma modely. V prvním modelu je hrot s konstantní rychlostí vtlačován do cementu. V druhém modelu je cement vytlačován z kapiláry konst. rychlostí. Penetrace cementu po vstříknutí do kosti bude měřena pomocí rentgenu.

Vliv stabilizátorů a dalších složek na výslednou kvalitu sypkých směsí pro výrobu zmrzlin / Influence of stabilizers and other components on final quality of mixtures for ice-cream production

Sládková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis was focused on study of influence of stabilizers and other components on final quality of mixtures for ice-cream production. This thesis was worked out in cooperation with Frujo Co., Ltd., Tvrdonice to find out the most suitable stabilizer with positive influence on the quality of final product. In experimental part six mixtures of stabilizers, three mixtures for ice-cream production and particular ingredients for production of mixtures for ice-cream production were analysed. Saccharides and lipids were analysed only in mixtures of stabilizers. Content of saccharides was analyzed using spectrophotometry and HPLC/RI. Lipid components were analysed by TLC. Viscosity was measured by rotatory viscosimeter and the differences of flow curves of each mixture with different stabilizers were monitored. Based on viscosity measurements some ice-creams with different stabilizers were chosen for sensory analysis. Mixture of stabilizers “Stobicol” was analysed for active compounds and antioxidant stability. Microbiological stability was tested in all of the stabilizers and also in particular ingredients including final mixture for ice-cream production. In three ice-cream mixtures of different flavour protein composition was measured by microfluidic electrophoresis. The highest content of total and reducing saccharides was determined in hydrolyzed samples. The highest values of total saccharides were found in mixture of stabilizers “Meyprogen”, the highest values of reducing saccharides were detected in stabilizer “Swissgum”. Content of triglycerides was found out almost in all of the measured mixtures of stabilizers using TLC method even though according to formulas provided by producers there should not be any. Diglycerides were detected in “Meyprogen” too even though this mixture of stabilizers should contain only saccharides. Based on results of rheology measurements and in connection with sensory analysis “Meyprogen” stabilizer could be recommended as the best material for the industrial production.

Studium fyzikálních gelů s hydrofobními doménami / Study of physical gels with hydrophobic domains

Kovářová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on physical hyaluronan gels. The object of study is the interaction of hyaluronan (HyA) with oppositely charged surfactants in physiologic solution (0.15 M NaCl), leading to the formation of gel. In the first part of work have been determined the solids´ contents (X) in gels and their supernatants in percentage and their correlation with molecular weight concentration of original HyA solution and the ratio of binding sites on hyaluronan chain and surfactant CTAB. To conclude, decrease in HyA concentration results in higher values of X and vice versa. On the other hand, increase in the value of X with increasing molecular weight of HyA is not so significant. Analogous conclusions have been made for supernatants and the amount of solids in gel. Drying process has been recorded by drying curves. Swelling process has been used for the characterization of gels. The percentage of water that can be absorbed by dried gel, was determined. The results are in agreement with the measurements of solids´ content in gels. In the next part, the correlation between rheological properties of gels and HyA concentration, HyA molecular weight and concentration of CTAB have been studied by the oscillation and flow tests. The samples with the highest molecular weight and concentration have the most viscoelastic character. The flow test confirmed the assumed pseudoplastic behavior of gels. A very interesting trend arose while comparing HyA concentrations and viscosity in stock solutions and gels. Whereas in stock solution viscosity (at low shear rate) is lower with increasing of HyA concentration, the situation was exactly the opposite in gels. The results are in agreement with frequency tests and observed character of gels.

Teplonosná média pro solárně tepelné systémy / Heat transfer fluids for solar thermal systems

Hylský, Josef January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the basic problems of solar thermal systems, which are using heat transfer medium. At the beginning this thesis describes basic components of the solar system, especially their meaning and attributes. Further in the thesis are mentioned heat transfer liquids for commercial usage which are used in those systems, their basic properties and dependence on temperature. There is described the physical nature of liquid viscosity and also ways how to measure them. The same is for measurement of liquid density and thermal conductivity. At the end was made measurement of dynamic viscosity of heat transfer liquids for commercial usage at different temperatures. In practical part of the thesis were mixed samples of alternative heat transfer mediums. It was measured their thermal and physical attributes, like for example density, dynamic viscosity and coefficient of volumetric expansion. Each measurement was compared and evaluated.

Systematic optimisation of an existing fuel oil preheating system : Facilitating replacement of 5000 cSt oil with 74 500 cSt

Fransson, Albin, van der Brug, Peter January 2020 (has links)
In order to increase the efficiency of a preheating system as temperatures increase, without using seawater as a coolant, an additional heat exchanger is required to be installed into the system. The purpose of the study is therefore to investigate how the temperatures of fuel oils can be increased while minimising the loss of energy and costs. The study was conducted in Karlshamn Power Station's (kvt) preheating system on Block 3. The study was conducted via Design for six sigma (DFSS) according to the primary design concept SG2 to guarantee the study's understanding of empirical data, and the development of solutions. The study resulted in two variants of heat exchangers where one is an identical Shell and Tube heat exchanger from Siljan Allards AB and the other one is a Supermax Shell and Plate heat exchanger from Tranter International.

Motion of a body in a fluid with pressure dependent viscosity / Motion of a body in a fluid with pressure dependent viscosity

Sláčík, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
A lot of technologically relevant incompressible fluids exhibit a substantial variaton of viscosity with the pressure;a falling cylinder viscometer is frequently used for the measurements, determining the viscosity indirectly from the time it takes the sinker to fall a given distance. The relation between the sinker fall velocity and the fluid viscosity is, however, derived under the constant viscosity assumption. The objective of the present thesis is to perform a numerical simulation of the viscometric experiment, assuming an explicit form of the pressure-viscosity dependence and realistic parameter values and to quantitatively assess the difference in body motion to the Navier- Stokes model. The computational method proposed, handling both the nonlinear constitutive relation and the body motion, was tested on simple problems with analytical solutions. The semianalytical relation for the Navier-Stokes model, also re-derived here, is compared to the computational results.The validity of the assumptions used in the theoretical derivation, based on the results of the numerical simulation, is discussed regarding the geometry of the viscometer. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Hodnocení reologických vlastností nosních sprejů / Evaluation of rheological properties of nasal sprays

Tisoň, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Author: Jakub Tisoň Title of thesis: Evaluation of rheological properties of nasal sprays Supervisor: PharmDr. Eva Šnejdrová, Ph.D. The aim of the submitted diploma thesis was to develop a comprehensive methodology for testing the rheological and especially thixotropic properties of nasal suspensions. Characterize the original preparation Avamys® and samples of a generic preparation at various stages of the formulation by selected tests. Within the theoretical part of the work, the nasal application of drugs, nasal preparations were discussed, the basics of rheometry were summarized and the principle of relevant rheological tests was described. Flow curves were measured on a Kinexus rotary rheometer using plate-to-plate geometry and analyzed by power law. The yield stress of nasal suspensions was determined. The thixotropic properties were evaluated by the area of the hysteresis loop, and especially by the three-step thixotropy test. The conformity of selected rheological characteristics of the tested samples with the original preparation was evaluated. Key words: nasal sprays, viscosity, yield stress, thixotropy.

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