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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seismological study of volcanic activity at Papandayan volcano, West Java, Indonesia

Syahbana, Davy Kamil 18 October 2013 (has links)
Dans l'histoire des éruptions volcaniques, le Papandayan à l'Ouest de Java est considéré comme l'un des plus meurtriers après avoir causé la mort de 2957 personnes et des dégâts sérieux en 1772. L'éruption la plus récente de ce volcan a eu lieu en 2002 et était de type phréatique. Cette éruption a été précédée d'une augmentation soudaine de l'activité sismique moins de deux jours avant l'éruption. Aucune victime n'a été déplorée. La nature de cette éruption est indéfinie. Cette thèse regroupe plusieurs études utilisant différentes techniques en vue d'améliorer la prédictibilité des éruptions du volcan Papandayan, principalement via l'interprétation des signatures sismiques.<p>Le monitoring sismique passif a débuté en décembre 2009 par l'installation d'une station sismique permanente à large bande dans le cratère du Papandayan. L'année suivante, une station météorologique a été installée pour compléter les mesures. La troisième année, 8 stations sismiques temporaires ont été déployées autour du volcan en réponse à une augmentation de l'activité sismique en 2011.<p>Nous avons conduit différentes études; (1) Nous avons examiné l'évolution de l'activité volcanique par réalisation d'une revue complète de l'histoire éruptive du volcan, autant pour la période préhistorique qu'historique. (2) Nous avons réalisé une analyse temps-fréquence des événements sismiques, étudié leurs caractéristiques et proposé une nouvelle classification avec une description des processus physiques supposés les générer. (3) Nous avons étudié les signatures sismiques précurseur de l'éruption de 2002 et pendant la crise volcanique de 2011 en implémentant différentes méthodologies, dont: la détection automatique d'événements sismiques à l'aide de filtres récursifs STA/LTA, l'analyse spectrale des formes d'onde, la mesure continue de l'amplitude spectrale du signal (SSAM), la polarisation des ondes et l'analyse de la distribution fréquence/magnitude (b-value). Nous avons alors réalisé un modèle chronologique des séquences sismiques du Papandayan. (4) Pour améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique des fluides sous le volcan Papandayan, nous avons réalisé une analyse des fréquences complexes des événements longue période (LP) et leurs variations temporelles peuvent être utilisées pour estimer (a) la composition des fluides présents dans les fractures sous le volcan et/ou (b) l'évolution des dimensions de ces fractures. Ces variations des fréquences complexes des événements LP peuvent être interprétées comme les réponses dynamiques du système hydrothermal à des changements d'impulsions de chaleur transférées par les flux de gaz volcaniques du magma sous le volcan. (5) nous avons calculé l'évolution temporelle du rapport spectral horizontal-sur-vertical (HVSR) en utilisant le bruit sismique ambiant enregistré par une station unique pour estimer les variations de vitesse de propagation des ondes de cisaillement en lien avec l'activité dynamique du volcan. Nous avons trouvé une corrélation claire entre les variations de fréquence de résonnance HVSR et l'augmentation de la sismicité.<p>Enfin, nous proposons des hypothèses sur les processus physiques qui se produisent sous le Papandayan. Cette étude est une première tentative d'utilisation de cette méthode pour surveiller l'activité volcanique en continu.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Bilan thermique et caractérisation géochimique de l'activité hydrothermale du volcan Rinjani, Lombok, Indonésie

Barbier, Benjamin 27 April 2010 (has links)
La caldera du volcan Rinjani contient un lac d’un volume de 1 km³ qui est probablement le plus grand lac volcanique au monde présentant une anomalie thermique nette. Ce lac présente une composition neutre chlorure sulfate bicarbonate inhabituelle pour les lacs volcaniques. Sa TDS (2600 mg/l) et conductivité (3500µs/cm) élevées indiquent un apport de fluides hydrothermaux très important. Enfin, son alcalinité élevée (520 mg/l), indique un apport important de dioxyde de carbone dans le lac.<p>Les sources thermales situées autour du Gunung Baru (cône volcanique situé dans la caldera) ont une composition chimique en éléments majeurs et une composition isotopique proche de celles du lac volcanique indiquant qu’elles sont essentiellement le résultat du recyclage du lac par le système hydrothermal. Les variations de compositions entre les différentes sources ont permis de montrer que leurs compositions est le résultat du mélange entre un fluide hydrothermal profond de composition neutre chlorure, dont la température a été estimée à 270°C, et d’un fluide plus superficiel riche en magnésium et en sulfate.<p>Le flux de dioxyde de carbone à la surface du lac a été estimé à l’aide de la méthode de la chambre d’accumulation et par calcul à environ 2300 t/j, ce qui représente un apport significatif de gaz. Cependant, comme le lac présente une structure polymictique, le risque d’accumulation de dioxyde de carbone en profondeur et donc d’éruption limnique peut être exclus.<p>Pour la première fois dans cette thèse, le modèle d’estimation des flux thermiques émis par les lacs volcaniques mis au point par Stevenson (1992) a été contraint par des mesures des paramètres météorologiques mesurés en continu, ce qui a permis de valider le modèle. De plus, nous avons pu montrer que l’essentiel des variations de températures des lacs volcaniques est dû à des variations météorologiques. En utilisant le flux thermique plutôt que la température, il est dès lors possible d’avoir accès à des variations de l’activité volcanique.<p>Le flux thermique estimé pour le lac du Rinjani est de 1700 MW, ce qui représente le flux le plus élevé jamais mesuré sur un lac volcanique aérien. Ce flux thermique est aussi plus élevé que le flux thermique mesuré sur des lacs de lave à 800°C. Ce paradoxe apparent s’explique par la plus grande dimension des lacs volcaniques, la capacité calorifique de l’eau quatre fois plus importante que celle du magma et la viscosité de l’eau 1 million de fois inférieure, ce qui fait de l’eau un excellent fluide caloporteur pour transporter les calories vers la surface.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The role of airphoto and satellite image interpretation in analysing volcanic landforms and structures in the eastern part of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico /

Werle, Dirk. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Full of Hot Air: Heat Flow at the Medicine Lake Volcano Hot Spot, Modoc County, California

Gelwick, Katrina D. 03 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Landscape and Identity in Naples and the Campi Flegrei

Mellon, Diana January 2024 (has links)
The volcanic area west of Naples known as the Phlegraean Fields, or Campi Flegrei, has been an alluring destination since antiquity. Then as now, it is characterized by monumental ancient buildings, natural hot springs and a gentle climate. Yet the same underground supervolcano that is responsible for its thermal power charges the area with instability. This dissertation centers the Campi Flegrei as a specific environment whose unique properties artists responded to during the early modern period. Picturing this place in a variety of media, they made visible its inherent contradictions—the coexistence of loss with continuity, the entanglement of the natural with the humanmade—and brought these tensions to bear on local history and identity. Manuscripts, prints, maps, and images from printed books form the core body of material discussed. Taking an interdisciplinary and embodied approach, this study draws on the history of medicine, science and the environment and is based in firsthand experience of many of the sites discussed. The first chapter concerns a body of illustrated manuscripts and printed books that figure the bathing sites of the Campi Flegrei. It traces the popularity of Peter of Eboli’s late twelfth-century or early thirteenth-century poem De balneis Puteolanis (On the Baths of Pozzuoli) through the Renaissance and early modern periods, when it was copied and its images elaborated upon. The practice of bathing itself connected people directly to a rich local history, and these images emphasize the potency of that direct physical experience embedded in the landscape. The second chapter brings us to the extensive subterranean spaces of Naples, especially its underground aquatic infrastructure. The viscera of the city played an important role in daily life, but were also fertile settings for stories of the city’s past. This chapter contrasts the lack of imagery figuring the Neapolitan underground with the plethora of artworks showing a more porous relationship between above and below in the Campi Flegrei. The visual identities of Naples and the Campi Flegrei were consistently evolving, but constructed and perceived in relationship to one another. During periods in which Angevin, Aragonese, and early viceregal Spanish rulers attempted to impose a new order on the urban fabric of Naples, the Campi Flegrei were pictured in contrast, as the city’s untamable chthonic neighbor. The third chapter follows specific artists and writers into the Campi Flegrei, where their works turn towards mistaken topographies, visual lacunae, nonlinearity, and loss, teasing out visually the mechanisms by which transformation could come about. Working in an expanded context in which images of the Campi Flegrei and Naples circulated beyond the local, they developed new ways to tether their visual languages in drawings, prints, and paintings to local identity.

Romantic Science: Nature As Schism Between Romantic Generations and As Catalyst Between Romanticism and Science Fiction

Unknown Date (has links)
After 1815's eruption of Mount Tambora, the following period was named the "Year without a Summer" and experienced irregularly cold weather, failed crops, rampant disease, and riots. In the summer of 1816, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley met in the Alps and wrote "Darkness," "Mont Blanc," and Frankenstein respectively. This thesis focuses on these works' depictions of nature in light of how these features may have been impacted by the climate. It argues in Chapter One that the volcanic eruption caused global climate changes that affected these writers. In Chapter Two, it illustrates differences in nature's representation between first generation and second generation Romantic works. The conclusion synthesizes the arguments made in Chapters One and Two, suggesting that 1816's climate affected these writers in such a way as to produce an environment from which science fiction could emerge in Frankenstein. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Meeting of the magmas : the evolutionary history of the Kalama Eruptive Period, Mount St. Helens, Washington

Lieuallen, Athena Erin 14 October 2010 (has links)
Comprehension of eruptive histories is critical in understanding the evolution of magmatic systems at arc volcanoes and may supply evidence to the petrogenesis of intermediate and evolved magmas. Within the 300 ka eruptive history of Mount St. Helens, Washington, the Kalama Eruptive Period, 1479- ~1750 CE was bracketed by interludes of quiescence (Hoblitt et al., 1980) and thus likely represents an entire eruptive cycle within a span of 300 years. Study of the magmatic evolution during this short time period provides key information regarding inputs and the plumbing system of Mount St. Helens. This research aims to enhance comprehension of processes leading to the petrogenesis of intermediate magmas by providing whole rock and phase geochemical data of an eruptive cycle, thereby providing constraints on the magmatic evolution of the Kalama Eruptive Period. The eruptive sequence is divided into early, middle and late subperiods. The early Kalama began with two dacitic plinian eruptions and continued with smaller eruptions of dacite domes (64.4-66.5 wt% SiO₂) that included quenched mafic inclusions (53.7-57.7 wt% SiO₂). The middle Kalama signified the onset of basaltic andesite and andesite eruptions ranging between 55.5-58.5 wt % SiO₂. Subsequently, summit domes that began as felsic andesite (61-62.5 wt% SiO₂) and transitioned to dacite (62.5-64.6 wt% SiO₂) dominated the late Kalama. Previous work on Kalama-aged rocks suggests magma mixing is an integral process in their production. Compositions and textures of crystal phases, in addition to the presence of xenocrysts in middle and late Kalama rocks, confirm mechanical mixing of magmas likely produced many of the sampled compositions. New petrographic observations were integrated with new whole rock and phase EMP and LA-ICP-MS data and the known stratigraphy in order to constrain the magmatic and crustal components active during the Kalama Eruptive Period. New findings include: 1. Two populations of quenched mafic inclusions, one olivine-rich and one olivine-poor, are identified from the early Kalama based on mineralogy, textures, and major and trace element chemistry. Major element modeling shows crustal anatexis of plutonic inclusions found in early Kalama dacites could produce the felsic magma source of the olivine-poor population. The olivine-rich population incorporated cumulate material. 2. Four distinct lava populations erupted during the early part of the middle Kalama (X lavas), including two found exclusively in lahar deposits: M-type lahars are the most mafic, B-type lahars are more mixed, the Two Finger Flow was previously grouped with other middle Kalama-age lavas, and the X lava (in situ) has unique geochemical and textural character. X tephras likely correlate with the lavas. 3. There were at least three mafic source contributions at Mount St. Helens during the eruptive period: the parent to the X deposits, the cumulate material in the olivine-rich QMIs, and the calc-alkaline parent to the MKLV and SDO. The magma reservoir at Mount St. Helens has been modeled as a single, elongate chamber (Pallister et al., 1992). Multiple coeval basaltic or basaltic andesite parents fluxing into the magmatic system beneath the volcano could indicate a more complex magma chamber structure. / Graduation date: 2011

Modélisation des interactions magma-encaissant : applications aux zones de stockage et aux conduits de volcans andésitiques / Numerical modelling of mechanical interactions between magma and host rocks : application to magma storage zone and conduit flow.

Albino, Fabien 07 January 2011 (has links)
A travers deux champs d'étude, nous nous intéressons au couplage mécanique entre le magma et l'encaissant, utilisant des méthodes numériques. Tout d'abord, nous étudions l'influence de perturbations de contraintes sur les réservoirs magmatiques, avec comme exemple deux volcans sous-glaciaires (Islande). Au volcan Grímsvötn, notre modèle montre que les vidanges, du lac sous-glaciaire (jökulhlaup) présent dans la caldera, peuvent déclencher une éruption comme ce fut le cas en 2004, en favorisant la rupture du réservoir magmatique. L'effet est cependant faible, ce qui implique que le système magmatique doit déjà être proche des conditions de rupture avant que le jökulhlaup se produise. Au volcan Katla, notre modèle indique que les conditions de rupture sont favorisées en été durant la fonte du glacier Mýrdalsjökull. Les changements de contrainte de Coulomb montrent aussi une plus forte probabilité de séismes durant la même période, résultats en accord avec la sismicité enregistrée sous le Mýrdalsjökull. Il existe une modulation à la fois de l'activité volcanique et sismique au Katla, en relation avec la variation saisonnière de la charge glaciaire. Dans un second temps, nous travaillons sur les écoulements de magma dans les conduits andésitiques. Améliorer nos connaissances sur la dynamique du magma durant son ascension est nécessaire, car les processus dans le conduit volcanique semblent gouverner l'évolution de l'activité éruptive de ces volcans. Des précédents modèles ont montré que la viscosité du magma augmente dans la partie supérieure du conduit lors de l'écoulement, ce qui cause la formation d'un plug visqueux. Mais la relation entre la mise en place du plug et les signaux précurseurs, telles que la déformation ou la sismicité, n'est pas totalement établie. A partir de nos modèles de plug, nous trouvons que les déplacements de surface sont contrôlés par la géométrie du conduit et du plug ainsi que le contraste de viscosité entre le plug et la colonne de magma. Nous montrons que l'évolution de la taille du plug est une hypothèse possible pour expliquer les rapides transitions inflation/subsidence observées à la surface des volcans andésitiques. / Through two different applications, we focus on the mechanical coupling between magma and host rocks, using numerical method. First, we study the influence of stress perturbations on shallow magma chambers, with the exemple of two subglacial volcanoes (Iceland). A variation in the stress field acts to modify the magma pressure within the reservoir as well as the failure conditions to initiate an intrusion at the reservoir wall. At Grímsvötn volcano, subglacial lake discharges (so-called "jökulhlaup") often occur in relation to eruptions. Our models show that jökulhlaup promote the failure of the magma reservoir and thus trigger eruptions, as observed for 2004 eruption. The triggering effect is small, so magmatic system must be already pressurized and close to failure before the discharge of the lake occurs. At Katla volcano, our models indicate that reservoir failure is highest in summer period when the ice load at Mýrdalsjökull icecap is reduced. Coulomb stress calculation predicts also an increase of earthquake occurrence at the caldera rim at the same time. A seasonal modulation of volcanic and seismic activity at Katla related to the loading/unloading of the icecap can exist. Secondly, we focus on magma conduit flow for andesitic volcanoes. Improving our knowledge of magma dynamic during ascent is a challenge, because processes occurring in the conduit seem to govern the temporal evolution of eruptive activity. Previous models showed that magma viscosity increases during flow in the upper part of the conduit, which causes the emplacement of a viscous plug. But the relationship between the plug emplacement and precursors signals, such as ground deformation or seismicity, is not yet fully described. From our plug flow model, we find that surface deformation is mainly controlled by the geometry of the conduit, the ratio between the plug length and the total conduit length and the viscosity contrast between the plug and the magma column. We show that the evolution of the plug size is a possible explanation for rapid transition between ground inflation and ground subsidence observed on andesitic volcanoes before extrusion.

Multi-disciplinary continuous monitoring of Kawah Ijen volcano, East Java, Indonesia

Caudron, Corentin 13 September 2013 (has links)
Kawah Ijen (2386 m) is a stratovolcano located within Ijen Caldera, at the easternmost<p>part of Java island in Indonesia. Since 2010, the volcano has been equipped with seismometers<p>and several sensors (temperature and level) have been immersed in its acidic lake waters and in the acidic river seeping on the volcano flanks. While finding instruments capable of resisting to such extreme conditions (pH~0) has been challenging, the coupling of lake monitoring techniques with seismic data improves the knowledge of the volcanic-hydrothermal dynamics. Moreover, the monitoring capabilities have been considerably<p>enhanced supporting the decision-making of the authorities in case of emergency.<p><p>Several methods and processing techniques were used to analyze the seismic data. Much effort has been given to implement the seismic velocities (Moving Window Cross Spectral Analysis (MWCSA)) calculations. At Kawah Ijen, the frequency band that is less affected by the volcanic tremor and the seasonal fluctuations at the source ranges between 0.5-1.0 Hz. Moreover, a stack of 5 days for the current CCF gives reliable results with low errors and allows to detect fluctuations which are missed using a 10-day stack.<p><p>The background seismic activity mostly consists in low frequency events and a continuous tremor of low amplitude. Fluctuations of the lake temperature and level result from the recharge of the hydrothermal system during the rainy season. Kawah Ijen lake waters are not perfectly mixed and a shallow stratification occurs during the rainy season, because meteoric waters are less dense than the lake fluids.<p><p>Different unrest occurred during our study. Some of them strongly affected the volcanic lake, while others did only weakly. In the first category, a strong unrest commenced in October 2011 with heightened VT (Volcano Tectonic) earthquakes and low frequency events activity, which culminated mid-December 2011. This unrest was correlated with an enhanced heat and hydrothermal fluids discharge to the crater and significant variations of the relative velocities (~1%). This suggests an important build-up of stress into the system. VT earthquakes opened pathways for the fluids to ascend, by increasing the permeability of the system, which latter allowed the initiation of monochromatic tremor (MT) when the steam/gases interacted with the shallow portions of the aquifer. Our calculations evidence a higher contribution of steam in March 2012 that might explain the increase of the MT frequency when bubbles were observed at the lake surface. This period was also characterized by short-lived but strong velocity variations, related to water level<p>rises containing important amount of bubbles, and important heat and mass discharges<p>into the lake. On the contrary, the second category of unrest did only slightly affect the<p>lake system. This could be explained by a dryer hydrothermal system and/or locations of<p>the seismic sources, which were not directly linked to the lake.<p><p>While a magmatic eruption will likely be preceded by a strong seismic activity, the major challenges remain to understand why the unrest we studied did not lead to an eruption and to identify precursory signs of a phreatic eruption. Even a small phreatic eruption would be devastating for the people working everyday in the crater and the ones<p>who live nearby the voluminous acidic lake. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Fluid venting structures of terrestrial mud volcanoes (Italy) and marine cold seeps (Black Sea) -Organo-geochemical and biological approaches / Fluid-ausstoßende Strukturen der terrestrischen Schlammvulkane (Italien) und der marinen Cold Seeps (Schwarzes Meer) -Organo-geochemische und biologische Ansätze

Heller, Christina 28 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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