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Utvärdering av skalväggar som byggnadsmetod / Evaluation of double walls as a construction methodDeumic, Emina, Hedin, Madelaine January 2010 (has links)
<p>Granskande av ritningar, tidsplaner och kalkyler för referensprojektet Hus N i Växjö har hjälpt oss kartlägga skalväggars för- och nackdelar. Från intervjuer har vi sedan kunnat se liknelser och skillnader om vad olika yrkesfolk i samma bransch tycker, sedan därifrån dragit slutsatser. Det är inte alltid enkelt att avgöra vilken byggnadsmetod som är att föredra för att projektet ska vara kostnadseffektivt, prefabricerat eller platsbyggd. Faktorer som byggnadens konstruktion, årstid, arbetsmiljö, resurser, tid och kostnad ska ta hänsyns till.</p><p>Genom att planera bättre, öka förtillverkningen, skapa en bättre samverkan mellan byggherrar, konsulter, entreprenörer, underentreprenörer och materialleverantörer, så anser man allmänt att man kan öka industrialiseringen av byggandet. Då man kan få kortare byggtider och lägre totalkostnader.</p><p><p><p> </p></p></p> / <p>Checking of blueprints, time plans and calculations for the reference project house-N in Växjö have helped us to map double walls' advantages and disadvantages. From interviews, we have seen similarities and difference what different people in same sector think, and how they make their conclusions. It is not always simple to decide the preferable building method in order to make the project cost-effective, prefabricated or suite-built. Factors such as the building's frame, season, work environment, resources, time and cost take considerations' to.</p><p>Through better planning, increase of prefabrication and achieving a better collaboration between developers, consultants, contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers, it is generally considered that it may increase the industrialization of the building. Then procurement of shorter construction times and lower overall costs can be achieved </p>
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Rôle des Wall-Associated kinases et dautres régulateurs dans la résistance du riz au champignon responsable de la pyriculariose, Magnaporthe oryzae. / Role of Wall-Associated kinases and other regulators in rice resistance to the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzaeTasselli Delteil, Amandine 16 December 2010 (has links)
La pyriculariose, maladie causée par le champignon phytopathogène Magnaporthe oryzae, affecte gravement le riz qui constitue l'aliment de base de plus de la moitié de la population mondiale. La connaissance des mécanismes de résistance est nécessaire pour guider la sélection variétale. Au cours de ce travail, une synthèse de la littérature a permis de recenser plus de 60 gènes régulateurs du riz impliqués dans la résistance du riz à différents agents pathogènes. Nous avons complété ces données en étudiant le rôle in planta de huit de ces régulateurs. Un rôle central du facteur de transcription OsWRKY28 a pu être établi et le rôle du récepteur CEBiP a été démontré. Ce travail a aussi exploré l'éventuelle implication d'une nouvelle famille de récepteurs, les Wall-Associated Kinases (WAK) dans la résistance chez le riz. Ce travail montre l'implication des WAK dans la résistance à M. oryzae. Alors que la transcription de la plupart de ces gènes est induite au cours de l'infection, celle du gène WAK112d est réprimée. La régulation transcriptionnelle précoce observée pour certains gènes WAK est déclenchée par la chitine et sous contrôle partiel du récepteur CEBiP et d'OsWRKY28. L'étude de mutants d'insertion et de lignées de surexpression a permis de montrer le rôle positif de trois gènes WAK et le rôle négatif du gène WAK112d dans la résistance. Des approches biochimiques seront nécessaires pour comprendre le mode de fonctionnement de ces récepteurs et pour les relier aux autres systèmes de défense connus. / Rice blast disease, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, is one of the most serious diseases on rice which is the staple food of more than the half of the world population. Improving our knowledge of resistance mechanisms is necessary to guide breeding programs. In this study, we reviewed over 60 rice gene regulators involved in resistance against various pathogens. We completed these data by analyzing the role of eight of these regulators. A pivotal role for the transcription factor OsWRKY28 has been established and the role of the CEBiP receptor in planta has been demonstrated. This work also shows the implication of some WAKs in rice blast resistance. Whereas the transcription of most of these genes is induced, transcription of the OsWAK112d gene is repressed upon infection. The early transcriptional regulation observed for some OsWAK genes is triggered by chitin and partially under CEBiP and OsWRKY28 regulation. Analysis of insertion mu tants and over-expressor lines revealed a positive role for three OsWAK genes and a negative role for OsWAK112d gene in rice blast resistance. Biochemical studies will be essential to understand how these receptors work and to connect them to other known defense systems.
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Berlínská zeď / The Berlin WallVÁCHOVÁ, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Thesis called "The Berlin Wall" focuses on the period mapping of the construction, existence and fall of the Berlin Wall. This work contains previous events before the Wall construction began, its consequences for Berlin residents, and also the backgroud of the fall of the Wall and its aftermath. One of the objectives of this work is also processing of the questionnaire survey aimed at individually selected respondents regarding their knowledge and awareness of the given period and the Berlin Wall.
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Utilização de extensômetro para monitoramento contínuo da tensão do detrusor. Estudo experimental em coelhos / Use of strain gauge for continuous detrusor tension monitoring. Experimental study in rabbitsFerreira, Wilson Seluque 20 May 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O ato da micção é processo complexo que envolve o encéfalo, a medula espinhal, o sistema nervoso periférico e a integridade neuromuscular do trato urinário baixo. Essa integridade permite a ocorrência da fase de armazenamento de urina na bexiga e, a seguir, da fase de esvaziamento vesical. Havendo comprometimento das conexões entre esses componentes, tanto o enchimento quanto o esvaziamento vesical podem estar comprometidos. Conhecendo as propriedades do extensômetro elétrico de resistência, foi proposta a construção de um aparato com capacidade de avaliar a condição de enchimento vesical e que permita a correlação direta com a pressão intravesical. Objetivo: Desenvolver e demonstrar o funcionamento de um equipamento para monitoramento contínuo da tensão do detrusor, em coelhos, durante a fase de enchimento vesical. Material e Métodos: Foram utilizadas 12 coelhas da raça Nova Zelândia. Após anestesia, a bexiga foi exposta por incisão mediana e a uretra foi obstruída com ligadura por fio de algodão. O sensor de tensão foi suturado ao detrusor e confeccionada cistostomia por punção com Abocath 16, utilizada para enchimento e esvaziamento vesical e cistometria, avaliada pelo equipamento Dynamed® - modelo Dynapack MPX-B16. Os coelhos foram submetidos ao procedimento de monitorização inicial (enchimento vesical monitorado pela cistometria) e a medida da tensão da parede vesical - com a bexiga totalmente preservada. Resultados: No decorrer dos experimentos e com a conclusão das análises estatísticas, encontramos uma correlação muito importante entre os dados. Quando se coloca em foco apenas um animal, verifica-se uma grande correlação entre os dados provenientes do volume infundido na bexiga em função da curva gerada para a pressão intravesical que, por sua vez, acompanha fidedignamente a curva da tensão lida na parede vesical do mesmo animal. Quando avaliados conjuntamente, verificasse que os dados são muito próximos uns dos outros, tais como o volume infundido e a tensão final em mV, lida pelo equipamento desenvolvido. Conclusão: O equipamento foi desenvolvido e, com base nos resultados obtidos, mostrou-se adequado para o monitoramento contínuo da tensão vesical do detrusor e sua correlação com o volume vesical, em coelhos, durante a fase de enchimento vesical. / Introduction: Urination is a complex process which involves the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system and the neuromuscular integrity of the lower urinary tract. It is the unimpaired condition of all those parts that allows the bladder to go through its functional states - storage phase (filling) and voiding phase (emptying). Problems within these anatomical structures connections can also compromise both phases. This thesis presents the design of a new device which uses an electrical resistance strain gauge to evaluate the bladder\'s filling and its direct correlation with the intravesical pressure. Objective: To develop and demonstrate the operation of a new device that checks continuously rabbit\'s detrusor pressure during bladder filling. Material and Methods: 12 rabbits of New Zealand race were used. After anesthesia, their bladders and urethras were exposed via an abdominal incision made at the midline. Then, the urethra obstruction was performed by ligation using cotton thread. The tension sensor was sutured to the detrusor and a cystostomy puncture was made with an Abocath 16. The puncture was used for filling and voiding cystometry using the urodynamic equipment, Dynamed - Dynapack model MPX-B16. Data collected by this equipment was used as the baseline. Rabbits underwent an initial monitoring procedure, bladder\'s filling cystometry using the Dynamed equipment, and voltage measurement of the bladder wall using the new device - bladder integrity was preserved. Results: During the experimental phase, completion of the statistical analyzes showed us a very significant data correlation. Correlation was stronger when evaluating each animal data individually. The infused volume in the bladder, which was verified by the intravesical pressure curve, and the voltage measured on the bladder wall faithfully followed each other. When evaluating the combined data of all rabbits, correlation was less but still significant. Volume and voltage curves still resembled one another, especially the infused volume with the final voltage reading, in mV. Conclusion - Based on the results of the experimental phase in animals, the developed device is adequate for continuous detrusor pressure monitoring and its correlation with the bladder volume in the storage phase.
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Análise da interação entre núcleos estruturais e lajes em edifícios altos / Analysis of the interaction between shear/core walls and slab in high buildingsSousa Junior, Edgard 02 July 2001 (has links)
É apresentado um estudo sobre a análise de edifícios altos enrijecidos com núcleos estruturais utilizando-se processos discretos. A ligação do núcleo estrutural com as lajes do pavimento do edifício é o ponto principal deste estudo. As vigas, pilares e lajes são analisados utilizando-se o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os núcleos estruturais, que no presente estudo podem ser de seção aberta ou semifechada, são analisados pela teoria de flexo-torção é levado em consideração o empanamento do elemento do núcleo, dessa forma aparece o esforço denominado bimomento. O empenamento do núcleo estrutural é transferido para as lajes, ocorrendo alteração em sua distribuição de esforços. Para o cálculo da estrutura do edifício como um todo é utilizada a técnica de subestruturação em que o edifício é dividido em subestruturas formadas por um determinado número de andares. Os resultados da forma de cálculo pesquisada são comparados com modelos já desenvolvidos por outros autores. / This is a study about the analysis of tall buildings with shear/core walls using discrete processes. The joining of shear/core with slabs in tall buildings is the main subject of this work. The beams, columns and slabs are analyzed using the Finite Element Method. The building analysis is in 1st order. The shear/core walls, in this study, can present open or semi-closed cross section; they are analyzed by the theory of warping of beams of solid sections. In this theory we consider the warping of the core element, accounting for the bimoment. The warping of the core is transferred to the slabs, and the efforts in the slabs are altered. In order to calculate the building structure we are using the sub-structure technique, the building is divided in substructures created by a certain number of floors. The results of this research are compared with models developed by other authors.
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Effects of surface roughness on the flow characteristics in a turbulent boundary layerAkinlade, Olajide Ganiyu 04 January 2006
The present understanding of the structure and dynamics of turbulent boundary layers on aerodynamically smooth walls has been clarified over the last decade or so. However, the dynamics of turbulent boundary layers over rough surfaces is much less well known. Nevertheless, there are many industrial and environmental flow applications that require understanding of the mean velocity and turbulence in the immediate vicinity of the roughness elements.</p> <p>This thesis reports the effects of surface roughness on the flow characteristics in a turbulent boundary layer. Both experimental and numerical investigations are used in the present study. For the experimental study, comprehensive data sets are obtained for two-dimensional zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers on a smooth surface and ten different rough surfaces created from sand paper, perforated sheet, and woven wire mesh. The physical size and geometry of the roughness elements and freestream velocity were chosen to encompass both transitionally rough and fully rough flow regimes. Three different probes, namely, Pitot probe, single hot-wire, and cross hot-film, were used to measure the velocity fields in the turbulent boundary layer. A Pitot probe was used to measure the streamwise mean velocity, while the single hot-wire and cross hot-film probes were used to measure the fluctuating velocity components across the boundary layer. The flow Reynolds number based on momentum thickness, , ranged from 3730 to 13,550. The data reported include mean velocity, streamwise and wall-normal turbulence intensities, Reynolds shear stress, triple correlations, as well as skewness and flatness factors. Different scaling parameters were used to interpret and assess both the smooth- and rough-wall data at different Reynolds numbers, for approximately the same freestream velocity. The appropriateness of the logarithmic law and power law proposed by George and Castillo (1997) to describe the mean velocity in the overlap region was also investigated. The present results were interpreted within the context of the Townsends wall similarity hypothesis. </p> <p>Based on the mean velocity data, a novel correlation that relates the skin friction to the ratio of the displacement and boundary layer thicknesses, which is valid for both smooth- and rough-wall flows, was proposed. In addition, it was also found that the application of a mixed outer scale caused the velocity profile in the outer region to collapse onto the same curve, irrespective of Reynolds numbers and roughness conditions. The present results showed that there is a common region within the overlap region of the mean velocity profile where both the log law and power law are indistinguishable, irrespective of the surface conditions. For the power law formulation, functional relationships between the roughness shift, and the power law coefficient and exponent were developed for the transitionally rough flows. The present results also suggested that the effect of surface roughness on the turbulence field depends to some degree on the specific characteristics of the roughness elements and also the component of the Reynolds stress tensor being considered. </p> <p>In the case of the numerical study, a new wall function formulation based on a power law was proposed for smooth and fully rough wall turbulent pipe flow. The new formulation correctly predicted the friction factors for smooth and fully rough wall turbulent pipe flow. The existing two-layer model realistically predicted the velocity shift on a log-law plot for the fully rough turbulent boundary layer. The two-layer model results also showed the effect of roughness is to enhance the level of turbulence kinetic energy and Reynolds shear stress compared to that on a smooth wall. This enhanced level extends into the outer region of the flow, which appears to be consistent with present and recent experimental results for the boundary layer.
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Utvärdering av skalväggar som byggnadsmetod / Evaluation of double walls as a construction methodDeumic, Emina, Hedin, Madelaine January 2010 (has links)
Granskande av ritningar, tidsplaner och kalkyler för referensprojektet Hus N i Växjö har hjälpt oss kartlägga skalväggars för- och nackdelar. Från intervjuer har vi sedan kunnat se liknelser och skillnader om vad olika yrkesfolk i samma bransch tycker, sedan därifrån dragit slutsatser. Det är inte alltid enkelt att avgöra vilken byggnadsmetod som är att föredra för att projektet ska vara kostnadseffektivt, prefabricerat eller platsbyggd. Faktorer som byggnadens konstruktion, årstid, arbetsmiljö, resurser, tid och kostnad ska ta hänsyns till. Genom att planera bättre, öka förtillverkningen, skapa en bättre samverkan mellan byggherrar, konsulter, entreprenörer, underentreprenörer och materialleverantörer, så anser man allmänt att man kan öka industrialiseringen av byggandet. Då man kan få kortare byggtider och lägre totalkostnader. / Checking of blueprints, time plans and calculations for the reference project house-N in Växjö have helped us to map double walls' advantages and disadvantages. From interviews, we have seen similarities and difference what different people in same sector think, and how they make their conclusions. It is not always simple to decide the preferable building method in order to make the project cost-effective, prefabricated or suite-built. Factors such as the building's frame, season, work environment, resources, time and cost take considerations' to. Through better planning, increase of prefabrication and achieving a better collaboration between developers, consultants, contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers, it is generally considered that it may increase the industrialization of the building. Then procurement of shorter construction times and lower overall costs can be achieved
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Effects of surface roughness on the flow characteristics in a turbulent boundary layerAkinlade, Olajide Ganiyu 04 January 2006 (has links)
The present understanding of the structure and dynamics of turbulent boundary layers on aerodynamically smooth walls has been clarified over the last decade or so. However, the dynamics of turbulent boundary layers over rough surfaces is much less well known. Nevertheless, there are many industrial and environmental flow applications that require understanding of the mean velocity and turbulence in the immediate vicinity of the roughness elements.</p> <p>This thesis reports the effects of surface roughness on the flow characteristics in a turbulent boundary layer. Both experimental and numerical investigations are used in the present study. For the experimental study, comprehensive data sets are obtained for two-dimensional zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers on a smooth surface and ten different rough surfaces created from sand paper, perforated sheet, and woven wire mesh. The physical size and geometry of the roughness elements and freestream velocity were chosen to encompass both transitionally rough and fully rough flow regimes. Three different probes, namely, Pitot probe, single hot-wire, and cross hot-film, were used to measure the velocity fields in the turbulent boundary layer. A Pitot probe was used to measure the streamwise mean velocity, while the single hot-wire and cross hot-film probes were used to measure the fluctuating velocity components across the boundary layer. The flow Reynolds number based on momentum thickness, , ranged from 3730 to 13,550. The data reported include mean velocity, streamwise and wall-normal turbulence intensities, Reynolds shear stress, triple correlations, as well as skewness and flatness factors. Different scaling parameters were used to interpret and assess both the smooth- and rough-wall data at different Reynolds numbers, for approximately the same freestream velocity. The appropriateness of the logarithmic law and power law proposed by George and Castillo (1997) to describe the mean velocity in the overlap region was also investigated. The present results were interpreted within the context of the Townsends wall similarity hypothesis. </p> <p>Based on the mean velocity data, a novel correlation that relates the skin friction to the ratio of the displacement and boundary layer thicknesses, which is valid for both smooth- and rough-wall flows, was proposed. In addition, it was also found that the application of a mixed outer scale caused the velocity profile in the outer region to collapse onto the same curve, irrespective of Reynolds numbers and roughness conditions. The present results showed that there is a common region within the overlap region of the mean velocity profile where both the log law and power law are indistinguishable, irrespective of the surface conditions. For the power law formulation, functional relationships between the roughness shift, and the power law coefficient and exponent were developed for the transitionally rough flows. The present results also suggested that the effect of surface roughness on the turbulence field depends to some degree on the specific characteristics of the roughness elements and also the component of the Reynolds stress tensor being considered. </p> <p>In the case of the numerical study, a new wall function formulation based on a power law was proposed for smooth and fully rough wall turbulent pipe flow. The new formulation correctly predicted the friction factors for smooth and fully rough wall turbulent pipe flow. The existing two-layer model realistically predicted the velocity shift on a log-law plot for the fully rough turbulent boundary layer. The two-layer model results also showed the effect of roughness is to enhance the level of turbulence kinetic energy and Reynolds shear stress compared to that on a smooth wall. This enhanced level extends into the outer region of the flow, which appears to be consistent with present and recent experimental results for the boundary layer.
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Evaluation Of Shear Wall Indexes For Reinforced Concrete BuildingsSoydas, Ozan 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
An analytical study was carried out to evaluate shear wall indexes for low to mid-rise reinforced concrete structures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different shear wall ratios on performance of buildings to be utilized in the preliminary assessment and design stages of reinforced concrete buildings with shear walls. In order to achieve this aim, forty five 3D building models with two, five and eight storeys having different wall ratios were generated. Linearly elastic and nonlinear static pushover analyses of the models were performed by SAP2000. Variation of roof drift and interstorey drift with shear wall ratio was obtained and results were compared with the results of approximate procedures in the literature. Additionally, performance evaluation of building models was carried out according to the linearly elastic method of Turkish Earthquake Code 2007 with Probina Orion. According to the results of the analysis, it was concluded that drift is generally not the primary concern for low to mid-rise buildings with shear walls. A direct relationship could not be established between wall index and code performance criteria. However, approximate limits for wall indexes that can be used in the preliminary design and assessment stages of buildings were proposed for different performance levels.
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Effect Of Shear Walls On The Behavior Of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Under Earthquake LoadingComlekoglu, Hakki Gurhan 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
An analytical study was performed to evaluate the effect of shear wall ratio on the dynamic behavior of mid-rise reinforced concrete structures. The primary aim of this study is to examine the influence of shear wall area to floor area ratio on the dynamic performance of a building. Besides, the effect of shear wall configuration and area of existing columns on the seismic performance of the buildings were also investigated. For this purpose, twenty four mid-rise building models that have five and eight stories and shear wall ratios ranging between 0.51 and 2.17 percent in both directions were generated. These building models were examined by carrying out nonlinear time-history analyses using PERFORM 3D. The analytical model used in this study was verified by comparing the analytical results with the experimental results of a full-scale seven-story reinforced concrete shear wall building that was tested for U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research Program in 1981. In the analyses, seven different ground motion time histories were used and obtained data was averaged and utilized in the evaluation of the seismic performance. Main parameters affecting the overall performance were taken as roof and interstory drifts, their distribution throughout the
structure and the base shear characteristics. The analytical results indicated that at least 1.0 percent shear wall ratio should be provided in the design of mid-rise buildings, in order to control observed drift. In addition / when the shear wall ratio increased beyond 1.5 percent, it was observed that the improvement of the seismic performance is not as significant.
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