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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ringaren i Notre-Dame – en komparativ analys

Léman, Nathalie, Vesterlund, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar karaktärer och utvalda delar i Maj Bylocks återberättade version Ringaren i Notre-Dame (2000) och Walt Disneys filmatisering Ringaren i Notre-Dame (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, 1996), som båda baseras på Victor Hugos roman Notre-Dame de Paris (1831). Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en komparativ analys av verken få syn på skillnader och likheter som har gjorts gällande karaktärerna och utvalda scener. Analysen visar att det finns stora skillnader men också likheter både vad gäller karaktärerna och scenerna, men som ändå resulterar i att vi menar att man kan tala om adaption i filmens fall och en bearbetning i bokens fall, trots stora skillnader, då verken fortfarande går att känna igen.

Hidden Scars: The Art Of Ptsd

Gonzalez, Gabriel 01 January 2013 (has links)
Through the use of mixed media, I explore imagery that reveals the trauma of returning combat veterans, of which I am one, as we try to reintegrate into a society that does not understand the war that still lingers within us. In my work, I depict emotional disturbances that are related to my personal encounters with war. My working process starts by referencing mainstream media imagery, which I juxtapose against harsh images inspired by veterans' drug and alcohol use, trauma and death. My black-and-white pixelated paintings feature the fragmented memories of a hostile combat environment, and although "Out of My Mind" depicts the chaotic emotions associated with PTSD, my whimsical style of illustration suggests a detachment from reality. Whether we call it shell shock, battle fatigue or PTSD, the war-related disorder is real. I want society to be aware of the hidden scars that our veterans carry with them. I do not anticipate my subject matter changing any time soon.

L'actualisation de la pensée amoureuse platonicienne dans les films d'animation de Disney

Lachance, Julie 20 April 2018 (has links)
Ce travail aborde les relations existant entre l’amour platonicien et l’amour présent dans les films d’animation de Walt Disney. Disney étant l’un des plus grands médias culturels occidentaux, si ce n’est mondiaux, retrouver Platon chez Disney, c’est voir l’influence de la philosophie grecque sur l’Occident actuel et son héritage. La comparaison sera déployée selon quatre grands thèmes : le rôle du beau dans l’amour, ἔρως comme intermédiaire, l’amour comme folie divine, l’amour comme méthode éducative. Nous commencerons par exposer les mœurs en Grèce antique, pour présenter adéquatement la position de Platon. Nous nous demanderons ensuite les causes pouvant expliquer l’apparition de la théorie platonicienne de l’amour chez Disney. Nous présenterons par la même occasion les contes qui ont inspiré Disney et qui peuvent parfois avoir des racines platoniciennes. Finalement, nous comparerons les films de Disney avec la pensée de Platon au sujet de l’amour. / This paper presents the existing correlations between the concept of platonic love and the love displayed in Walt Disney's animated movies. Disney being one of the biggest media in Occident, if not in the world, finding Plato's theory in Disney movies means seeing the traces of Greek philosophy in today’s occidental world, and its heritage. We will ask ourselves why there is an existing relationship between Plato’s theory and Disney. The comparison will be made around four themes: the role of beauty in love, ἔρως as intermediary, love as divine foolishness, love as educational method. We will first expose the customs of ancient Greece in order to present adequately Plato’s position. We will present the fairy tales that inspired Disney, which sometimes find their origin in Platonism. Finally, we will compare Disney movies with Plato’s reflections about love.

An Analysis of the Communication Efforts Made by Walt Disney World During the Energy Crisis - October 1973 to March 1974

Campbell, Carol E. 01 January 1977 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Underlandet : – En adaptionsstudie av Lewis Carrolls originalversion och Disneys filmversion

Karlsson, Lina, Löfvendahl, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Emma Löfvendahl och Lina Karlsson (2023) Underlandet - En adaptionsstudie av Lewis Carrolls originalversion och Disneys film. Självständigt arbete, Svenska, inriktning F-3, grundnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förändringar som gjorts vid adaptionen av Lewis Carrolls verk Alice i underlandet till Disneys filmversion. Det som mer specifikt fokuseras på vid analysen är de skillnader och likheter som finns mellan verkens karaktärsgestaltning och intrigens skildring. Vidare förs även en didaktisk diskussion kring hur dessa verk kan användas i grundskolans F-3. Uppsatsen är en komparativ adaptionsstudie som jämför verken med utgångspunkt ur Maria Nikolajevas begrepp kring barnlitteratur. Analysen visar att de viktiga karaktärsdragen skildras överensstämmande i adaptionen i jämförelse med originalverket. Intrigens kärna är bevarad i filmadaptionen och är därför sann till originalverket trots de förändringar som skett. Resultatet visar att de skillnader som skett i adaptionen är betingade av mediets påverkan och disneyfication.

Placing Reedy Creek Improvement District in Central Florida: A Case Study in Uneven Geographical Development

Bezdecny, Kristine 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study is primarily about the theory of uneven geographical development. In an era when it is proclaimed that, through globalization, the world has become flat, the unevenness of economic and social development is often overlooked or suppressed. As the nexus between global and local processes, the urban space often becomes the site of conflict between those defining the hegemonic narrative of the space, from a global and flat perspective; and those experiencing heterogenous local narratives, whose uneven positions are reinforced by this hegemonic narrative. This study explores the conditions of uneven geographical development in the urban space of central Florida. Focusing primarily on the Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID), better known by much of the world as Walt Disney World, and on Celebration, the community developed by the Disney Corporation in the 1990s, the relationship between urban development and tourism, the defining economic sector in the region, are explored in the context of space-place, global-local narratives. This is done using the four conditions of David Harvey's Theory of Uneven Geographical Development. First, the history of sociopolitical processes within the urban space are explored as creating a framework upon which contemporary uneven geographical development could be built. Second, the development and continued power of the RCID in central Florida are examined within the context of accumulation by dispossession. Third, Celebration as a consumed company town is examined in the context of accumulation across space-time. Finally, the relationships between the RCID and Celebration, and the rest of the central Florida region, are developed in the context of struggles occurring simultaneously across multiple scales. This study shows that the theory of uneven geographical development applies well to a region that is heavily dependent upon the tourist sector for its economy, and thereby works to control the narrative of that space to continue attracting consumers. It also shows that, while the theory of uneven geographical development works well for a space that is a primary global tourist sink, it needs additional theoretical sophistication in order to better suit rapidly changing global processes.

Bambi : – en komparativ analys av Felix Saltens bok och Walt Disneys film

Axelsson Berg, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Lina Axelsson Berg (2017). Bambi – en komparativ analys av Felix Saltens bok och Walt Disneys film. (Bambi – a comparative analysis of Felix Salten’s book and Walt Disney’s film). Independent project, Swedish, Specialization in Grades 4-6, Advanced Course, 15 credits. School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. The aim of this study is to examine the changes that have occurred when Saltens novel Bambi was adapted to Disney’s Bambi. The specific elements that are examined are the scenes, some of the characters and the environment. This has been done through a comparative analysis. The results shows that the changes that has been done when Disney adapted Bambi is fairly small but the (for some) underlying meaning of Saltens Bambi, that it can be read as an allegory, is gone. There has been a change of characters, for Disney has chosen to ignore a couple of the significant characters in Salten and choose to add a couple of new characters which is a reason to why the underlying meaning of the story has changed. The study also examines if and how the story of Bambi (mostly Saltens) can be used in school subjects, primary when working with human values and how human treat animals. The result shows that the story can be used for that purpose but that the pedagogy who chooses to use is have to see to their own students and how they would react to a story like Saltens.

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It: Walt Disney’s Hero’s Journey to Professional Identity

McCoin, Charles 01 May 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this multi-method single-case study was to examine the application of Joseph Campbell's Heroic Journey model as a means of professional identity creation in the life of Walt Disney. Walt Disney was an entrepreneur, cartoonist, filmmaker, inventor, studio head, and family man whose career stretched through the first half of the 20th century. Walt used his imagination and creativity to establish industry norms in the animation, film, television, and amusement park industries. Walt Disney's legacy and vision continue to be a viable influence within the Walt Disney Company today. Campbell's Heroic Journey model was used as the theoretical framework for this study. The Heroic Journey model is rooted in folklore but is used as a means of personal self-discovery and self-construction (Murray, 2009). In the model, Campbell (2008) suggested that the world's myths were not a series of differing myths but one myth, the monomyth, played out differently across cultures. The monomyth is broken into three parts (separation, initiation, and return), with 17 stages dispersed across the parts. The Heroic Journey model states that all heroes leave their familiar world, progress through trials, and return home with new learning for change. This framework was applied to Walt Disney's life to look at the narrative influence on his professional identity. The expansion of narrative scholarship and its influence on creating personal and professional identity using historical research, document review, and observational data was the purpose of this qualitative study. The Heroic Journey model acts as a lens to create and discover one's identity by using stories as a vehicle of understanding. All of life's experiences must be viewed as narrative experiences to use the Heroic Journey model. This study found that narrative cannot be separated from the human experience. It is one's life and lived experiences that create the story of their existence through separation, initiation, and return. Every experience from one's birth to death contributes to whom they will become both personally and professionally. By looking at life as a series of stories and narratives, one realizes the depth of their identity through reflection and examination.

Pocahontas : -En komparativ studie av Virginia Watsons, Indianprinsessan Pocahontas och Walt Disneys Pocahontas

Dogansson, Eveline January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka förändringar som har skett mellan VirginiaWatsons bok, Indianprinsessan Pocahontas (1925) och Disneys utgåva av Pocahontas(1995). Det jag kommer att undersöka djupare är vad som tagits bort, respektive lagts till iromanen och bilderboken. Jag kommer även att jämföra böckernas karaktärer, miljöer ochgenrestruktur för att se vad som skiljer dessa åt. Studien kommer även att ta upp böckernasteman, där jag undersökt likheter och skillnader. Slutligen kommer studien även beröra endidaktisk del där jag diskuterar böckernas olika användningsområden i en undervisning. Idetta avsnitt berör jag de för- och nackdelar som skulle kunna förekomma vid användadet avdessa böcker inom utbildningssyfte.Jag har valt att göra en komparativ studie där resultatet har visat att Disneys utgåva(Pocahontas, 1995) valt att inte ta med delar av händelserna som är inkluderade i WatsonsIndianprinsessan Pocahontas (1925). En av de primära skillnaderna mellan böckerna ligger iatt den nyare utgåvan av Disney förvandlats till en kärlekshistoria där huvudkaraktärernadelar en mera intim relation. Medan det finns en stark relation mellan karaktärerna i Watsonsbok är den kärleksfulla sidan mellan parterna tämligen vag i jämförelse och en bidragandefaktor till detta ligger troligtvis i det faktum att det finns en stor ålderskillnad mellan dem.Eftersom böckerna är olika, kan de ha olika användningsområden i skolan. Disneys bilderbokkan ha betydelse då elever behöver utveckla sin analys och fantasiförmåga.Studien visar att Watsons bok stämmer in på vad forskare antyder om Pocahontas vid mångatillfällen, detta gör att boken skulle kunna användas i utbildningssyfte, för att få lär- ochkännedom om vem Pocahontas var.

José, Joe, Zé Carioca: Walt Disney's Good Neighbor Colonial "Monument" in Brazil

Nelson, Andrew Kelly 01 February 2017 (has links)
Although Walt Disney's early animated feature films were successful, a variety of economic, operational, and external forces required him to continually be on the cutting edge of new ideas and technologies in order for his studio to continue operations. Latin America became the studio's source of inspiration in the early 1940s, sprouting from Walt Disney's involvement with the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros were the result. While many critics have decried Disney's involvement in Latin America as being an apparatus of cultural imperialism and economic exploitation, they almost universally give him credit for his pursuit of cultural authenticity within the films. They are, however, sparing in what ways such was done and are reticent in declaring that he fulfilled that quest. As one who was involved politically and economically in the shaping of a nation, with his enterprise benefiting as a result, Walt Disney can in fact be seen as a colonial, imperial power. Within Brazil, José Carioca was the "monument" he erected to that end. Unlike full-fledged colonial figures in earlier centuries, however, his "monument" was overall friendly and was not based on the image of a sovereign leader, but a character that was intended to be seen as native. Where Disney was bound by the interests of the government he represented, and consequentially the Brazilian government, his "monument" was imbued with hues that were inherently skewed toward those entities; however, he worked within those parameters to present a credible image. This thesis seeks to substantiate those ways and how the original monument-like figure Disney erected in the Brazilian public square, the image of José Carioca in Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros, led to unity—and not division—as most imperial monuments had done in earlier centuries. A possible explanation as to how Disney's multiple nuanced iterations of the character leads to such critique of the original "monument" will also be provided.

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