Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eeb 2.0"" "subject:"beb 2.0""
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The use of Web tools in French companiesGOVIN, Sandra, ESPOSITO-FARESE, Cedric January 2010 (has links)
Describe and explore how French companies having a Website/homepage use Web tools and their Website/homepage. The authors have gathered primary data through a quantitative research method. The research method chosen is the checklist observational method. The checklist used for this paper is composed of 29 items that have been observed on a sample of 20 French companies.
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Wickrpedia : Integrering av sociala tjänsterEkström, Johan January 2006 (has links)
The web has evolved much through the years. From being a place where author and reader were clearly distinguished, it now invites everyone to take part in the development of both content and technology. Social services are central in what is called Web 2.0. Wikis, blogs and folksonomies are all examples of how the users and their communities are key to the development of services. Collaborative writing, tags and API:s are central. Social services are given an extra dimension through integration. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether it was possible to integrate an encyclopedia with a photosharing service. The issue was whether it was possible to find relevant images to the article they were connected to. The method for examining the issue was to create a service which functions was investigated through user tests. Wickrpedia was created, which is an integration of Wikipedia and Flickr. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia in the shape of a wiki, while Flickr is used to store, organize and share photos. The result shows that the images added someting to the encyclopedia; it became more entertaining and pleasant and the users’ knowledge was increased. The relevance of the images was good. The service can and should be improved. The conclusion is still that the service worked well and was seen as an improvement by the users. / Webben har förändrats mycket de senaste åren. Från att tidigare haft en tydlig uppdelning mellan läsare och författare inbjuds nu alla att delta i utvecklingen av både innehåll och teknik. Sociala tjänster är det centrala i det som benämns Web 2.0. Wikis, bloggar och folksonomies är alla exempel på hur användarna och deras gemenskap är nyckeln till utveckling av tjänster. Kollaborativt skrivande, taggar och API:er är centrala. Sociala tjänster får en ytterligare dimension genom integrering. Denna studies syfte var att utreda hur det gick att integrera ett uppslagsverk med en fotodelningstjänst. Frågan är om det gick att göra på ett sådant sätt att bilderna hade relevans för de artiklar de kopplades till. Metoden för att utreda frågan var att skapa en tjänst vars funktion undersöktes med hjälp av användartester. Wickrpedia skapades, vilket är en intregrering av Wikipedia och Flickr. Wikipedia är en encyklopedi i form av en wiki, medan Flickr används för att förvara, organisera och dela med sig av bilder. Resultatet visar att bilderna tillförde något till uppslagsverket; det blev roligare och trevligare och användarna fick en ökad kunskap. Relevansen hos bilderna var god. Tjänsten har brister, och den går att vidareutveckla. Slutsatsen var ändå att tjänsten fungerade och var en förbättring för användarna.
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Contextual image browsing in connection with music listening - matching music with specific imagesSaha, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
This thesis discusses the possibility of combining music and images through the use of metadata. Test subjects from different usability tests say they are interested in seeing images of the band or artist they are listening too. Lyrics matching the actual song are also something they would like to see. As a result an application for cellphones is created with Flash Lite which shows that it is possible to listen to music and automatically get images from Flickr and lyrics from Lyrictracker which match the music and show them on a cellphone.
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Wiki for Global Knowledge Management in Distributed Software Development ProcessSharma Adhikari, Ashok, Khan, Zuhair Haroon January 2013 (has links)
Problem Area/ Purpose The purpose of this research is to study how geographically scattered employees learn and create new knowledge with the help of wiki tool in distributed software development process. We aim to analyze how wiki supports four modes of knowledge conversion process model and how wiki helps in solving the complex problem in virtual organization learning. Research Methodology In this research qualitative interview study was used. We have conducted the interview with eight developers and experts in the company. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) knowledge conversion model was used while conducting the interview with developers. Similarly, in this research same knowledge conversion model was used for interpreting the answers that we got from the developers and experts. Findings/Conclusion Wiki as a knowledge management tool is possible for providing effective as well as efficient communication as per necessity of knowledge requirement in distributed software organization. The use of wiki in the organization for the virtual learning is really beneficial for knowledge creation, solving the complex problem and obtaining the useful effect on virtual team. Some drawbacks were also seen by the expert and developers in using wiki. Those drawbacks were all about genuineness, authenticity, accuracy, trustworthy and uniqueness of knowledge content. Research Limitation & Delimitations Due to geographically dispersed location of research sites, we faced difficulty to gather information related to company documents, reports and contextual information of organization. We conducted this research in the offices of Pakistan and office in USA. Outcomes The research that we have conducted showed that the developers in Software Company can share knowledge and also can learn through different modes of knowledge conversion model. This research also showed that developers are using the wiki tool for creating new knowledge as well as solving complex problem. This research helps in showing the benefit for other company and motivates the virtual organizations for implementing the use of wiki for different purposes.
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Community-centric mobile peer-to-peer services: performance evaluation and user studiesKoskela, T. (Timo) 13 November 2011 (has links)
The popularity of social networking services emphasises the importance of user communities. As the next evolutionary step, social networking will evolve towards user communities that are dynamically established according to contextual aspects such as the shared location and/or activities of people. In this vision, distributed peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies provide a respectable alternative to the centralised client-server technologies for implementing the upcoming community-centric mobile services.
This thesis focuses on the development of enabling techniques and methods for a community-centric mobile service environment and on the evaluation of users’ perceptions and user acceptance of novel community-centric mobile services. The research was carried out by first examining the applicability of different P2P system architectures for implementing the management of user communities. Next, an experimental prototype of a community-centric mobile service environment was implemented. The experimental prototype was used for evaluating the performance of the community-centric mobile service environment and for conducting the user studies of novel community-centric mobile services. The evaluation was conducted in a real deployment environment with test users.
The main results are the following: (1) a conceptual analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of P2P group management systems that are implemented using architecturally distinct P2P system architectures; (2) a performance evaluation of a P2P community management system, in which each community is implemented as an independent structured P2P overlay network; (3) a novel community-centric mobile service environment and its core component, a mobile middleware, which enables the use of P2P technologies and context information as part of Web-based applications running on a Web browser; (4) an evaluation of users’ perceptions and user acceptance of novel community-centric mobile services that are related to making a selection of an entertainment premise based on its music style and voting for music in a user community. / Tiivistelmä
Käyttäjäyhteisöiden tärkeys on korostunut sosiaalista verkottumista edistävien palveluiden suosion kautta. Seuraavaksi sosiaalinen verkottuminen tulee laajentumaan yhteisöihin, jotka perustetaan dynaamisesti muun muassa ihmisten yhteisen sijainnin ja/tai toiminnan perusteella. Tulevaisuuden yhteisöllisten mobiilipalveluiden toteutuksessa hajautetut vertaisverkkoteknologiat tarjoavat varteenotettavan vaihtoehdon keskitetyille asiakas-palvelin -teknologioille.
Tämä väitöskirjatyö keskittyy kehittämään tarvittavia tekniikoita ja menetelmiä yhteisöllisen mobiilipalveluympäristön toteuttamiseen sekä arvioimaan käyttäjien kokemuksia uusista yhteisöllisistä mobiilipalveluista. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin aluksi arkkitehtuurillisesti erilaisten vertaisverkkojärjestelmien sopivuutta käyttäjäyhteisöjen hallinnan toteutettamiseksi. Seuraavaksi tutkimuksessa toteutettiin kokeellinen prototyyppi yhteisöllisestä mobiilipalveluympäristöstä. Kokeellista prototyyppiä hyödynnettiin sekä yhteisöllisen mobiilipalveluympäristön suorituskyvyn että uusien yhteisöllisten mobiilipalveluiden käyttäjäkokemuksen arvioinnissa. Arviointi suoritettiin aidossa käyttöympäristössä testikäyttäjien avulla.
Väitöskirjatyön keskisimmät tulokset ovat seuraavat: (1) käsitteellinen analyysi arkkitehtuurillisesti erilaisten vertaisverkkojärjestelmien vahvuuksista ja heikkouksista ryhmänhallintajärjestelmän toteuttamisessa; (2) sellaisen yhteisönhallintajärjestelmän arviointi, jossa jokainen yhteisö on toteutettu erillisen ja itsenäisen rakenteellisen vertaisverkon avulla; (3) uusi yhteisöllinen mobiilipalveluympäristö, jonka keskeisin osa mobiili välikerrosohjelmisto mahdollistaa vertaisverkkoteknologioiden ja kontekstitiedon käyttämisen selaimessa toimivissa Web-sovelluksissa; (4) sellaisten uusien yhteisöllisten mobiilipalveluiden käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointi, jotka liittyvät vapaa-ajan viettopaikan valitaan musiikin perusteella ja soitettavan musiikin äänestämiseen käyttäjäyhteisöissä.
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Věda na síti: populárně naučné obsahy na YouTube / Science on the Web: Popular Science Videos on YouTubeFriedrichová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá nejúspěšnějších populárně naučných kanálů kanály češtině angličtině Jejím cílem je popsat vybraná videa z obsahových, slovních, neverbálních i technologických prvků a určit ty , které jsou charakteristické pro online video. Bude nás zajímat i to, které prvky poutají pozornost uživatelů, vyvolávají emoce a pomáhají udržet jejich zájem. Teoretický rámec nám poskytnou dvě existující studie na téma populárně naučných videí na YouTube (Welbourne a Grant; obou případech se jedná o analýzu audiovizuálních obsahů prostřednictvím kvantitativních metod. Cílem této práce bude audiovizuální obsahů uživatelské komentáře a využít kombinace kvalitativních a kvantitativních metod - obojí by mohlo poskytnout nové poznatky o tomto relativně novém fenoménu. Z metodologie vychází výzkum videí z kvalitativní obsahové analýzy využívající principů obrazové a sémiotické analýzy. Komentáře byly analyzovány spíše kvantitativními metodami. V závěrečných kapitolách jsou výsledky výzkumu a dochází k jejich zasazení do širšího shrnutí inovací, kterými se internetové video a jeho konzumace liší od neinternetových médií Součástí je i krátká úvaha o budoucnosti popularizované vědy na
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Navigating Health Sources on the Internet: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Online Consumer Reviews and Expert Text on Psychotropic DrugsHughes, Shannon 30 June 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The Internet has provided an unprecedented opportunity for psychotropic medication consumers, a traditionally silenced group in clinical trial research, to have voice by contributing to the construction of drug knowledge in an immediate, direct manner. Currently, there are no systematic appraisals of the potential of online consumer drug reviews to contribute to drug knowledge. The purpose of this research was to explore the content of drug information on various websites representing themselves as consumer- and expert-constructed, and as a practical consideration, to examine how each source may help and hinder treatment decision-making. Methodology: A mixed-methods research strategy utilizing a grounded theory approach was used to analyze drug information on 5 exemplar websites (3 consumer- and 2 expert-constructed) for 2 popularly prescribed psychotropic drugs (escitalopram and quetiapine). A stratified simple random sample was used to select 1,080 consumer reviews from the websites (N=7,114) through February 2009. Text was coded using QDA Miner 3.2 software by Provalis Research. A combination of frequency tables, descriptive excerpts from text, and chi-square tests for association were used throughout analyses. Findings: The most frequently mentioned effects by consumers taking either drug were related to psychological/behavioral symptoms and sleep. Consumers reported many of the same effects as found on expert health sites, but provided more descriptive language and situational examples. Expert labels of less serious on certain effects were not congruent with the sometimes tremendous burden described by consumers. Consumers mentioned more than double the themes mentioned in expert text, and demonstrated a diversity and range of discourses around those themes. Conclusions: Drug effects from each source were complete relative to the information provided in the other, but each also offered distinct advantages. Expert health sites provided concise summaries of medications’ effects, while consumer reviews had the added advantage of concrete descriptions and greater context. In short, consumer reviews better prepared potential consumers for what it’s like to take psychotropic drugs. Both sources of information benefit clinicians and consumers in making informed treatment-related decisions. Social work practitioners are encouraged to thoughtfully utilize online consumer drug reviews as a legitimate additional source for assisting clients in learning about treatment options.
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Harnessing Collective Intelligence for Translation: An Asssessment of Crowdsourcing as a Means of Bridging the Canadian Linguistic Digital DivideO'Brien, Steven January 2011 (has links)
This study attempts to shed light on the efficacy of crowdsourcing as a means of translating web content in Canada. Within, we seek to explore and understand if a model can be created that can estimate the effectiveness of crowdsourced translation as a means of bridging the Canadian Linguistic Digital Divide. To test our hypotheses and models, we use structural equation modeling techniques coupled with confidence intervals for comparing experimental crowdsourced translation to both professional and machine translation baselines. Furthermore, we explore a variety of factors which influence the quality of the experimental translations, how those translations performed in the context of their source text, and the ways in which the views of the quality of the experimental translations were measured before and after participants were made aware of how the experimental translations were created.
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Podnikatelský záměr: internetový portál / Business plan: internet portalJehlička, Marek January 2008 (has links)
My diploma work discusses the topic of internet social communities in Czech Republic. I look through this topic from the enterpreneur side of view and I am trying to examine how to extract this area for commercial advantage. This is also the reason why I compile the work as a business plan. I am trying to find out if project of this concept is in Czech Republic long-term viable, profitable and competitive. The business plan which I am trying to sketch in the practical part is example of business startup project and it's goal is to acquire an investment for the project development and promotion. The key aspect for this project is to analyze the size of the market. It means to discover if the market in Czech Republic is big enough to provide enough money. The social community portal which is the main object of the business plan is aiming relatively narrow group of users (mothers with children, pregnant woman).
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Nová média v komunitní komunikaci / New Media in Communication within CommunitiesŠedivý, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Opening part of this paper is dedicated to the ongoing shift in social communication paradigm. An introduction to the subject of new media, web 2.0 concepts and social network sites phenomenon is followed by a discussion of integration possibilities of particular web 2.0 services. Some concerns about privacy, security, legislative framework and general openness of such system are discussed afterwards. A real case study of community virtualization process is introduced in the second part of this thesis. The case takes place in community of local non-profit club of youth and children. First, it is carried out an analysis of the communication receiver groups and the message types. We also describe the ongoing project of launching a new web site (made from several integrated web 2.0 services) and partial results of pilot implementation. Finally, the plan of the next integration steps is designed.
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