Spelling suggestions: "subject:"esurvey"" "subject:"bhsurvey""
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Impact Evaluation by Using Relational Approaches in Web SurveysStuetzer, Cathleen M., Gaaw, Stephanie 03 September 2020 (has links)
Web surveys in higher education are particularly important for evaluating the quality of academic teaching and learning. Traditionally, mainly quantitative data is used for quality assessment. Increasingly, questions are being raised about the impact of attitudes of individuals involved. Therefore, especially the analysis of open-ended text responses in web surveys offers the potential for impact evaluation.
Despite the fact that qualitative text mining, sentiment analysis, and network analytics are being introduced in other research areas, these instruments are still slowly gaining access to evaluation research. On the one hand, there is a lack of methodological expertise to deal with large numbers of text responses (e.g. via semantic analysis, linguistically supported coding, etc.). On the other hand, deficiencies in interdisciplinary expertise are identified in order to be able to contextualize the results. The contribution contributes to the field of impact evaluation and reveals methodological implications for the development of text mining, sentiment analysis, and network analytics in evaluation processes.
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"Det kan ju hända vad som helst." En trygghetsmätning i Kristianstad centrumCronholm, Sandra, Hägerklint, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att studera tryggheten i Kristianstad centrum. Detta sker via en webbaserad enkät samt genom en fokusgruppsintervju. Respondenterna och deltagarna är över 18 år och alla rör sig i Kristianstad centrum. Det som undersöks är om, var, när och varför dessa individer är otrygga och om detta skiljer sig mellan grupper av individer över tid och rum. Studien undersöker också vilka konsekvenser otryggheten kan leda till för individen. Resultatet visar att den form av fysisk oordning som påverkar individernas trygghet mest i Kristianstad centrum är dålig belysning. Kvinnor och yngre är över lag de som uppger en högre nivå av otrygghet. Deltagarna i studien är eniga om att kvälls- och nattetid är den tid på dygnet som upplevs mest otrygg. Resultatet visar också att många upplever att ”Tivoliparken, ”Galleria Boulevard” och centralstationen är de mest otrygga platserna i Kristianstad centrum. / The purpose of this paper is to study the fear of crime in Kristianstad city center. This is done by using a web survey and a focus group. The participants are older than 18 years and are spending time in Kristianstad city center. The study examines if, where, when and why people feel unsafe and if differences can be found between groups of individuals over time and space. The aim of this study is also to examine what consequences fear of crime has on an individual level. The results show that the type of physical disorder that effects the fear of crime most in Kristianstad city center is bad lighting. Women and younger participants are in general most fearful. The participants state that evenings and nights are the time of day when fear of crime is the highest. They also state that the areas with the highest level of fear of crime are “Tivoliparken”, “Galleria Boulevard” and the “Central station”.
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An Empirical Study of Students’ Performance at Assessing Normality of Data Through Graphical MethodsLeander Aggeborn, Noah, Norgren, Kristian January 2019 (has links)
When applying statistical methods for analyzing data, with normality as an assumption there are different procedures of determining if a sample is drawn from a normally distributed population. Because normality is such a central assumption, the reliability of the procedures is of most importance. Much research focus on how good formal tests of normality are, while the performance of statisticians when using graphical methods are far less examined. Therefore, the aim of the study was to empirically examine how good students in statistics are at assessing if samples are drawn from normally distributed populations through graphical methods, done by a web survey. The results of the study indicate that the students distinctly get better at accurately determining normality in data drawn from a normally distributed population when the sample size increases. Further, the students are very good at accurately rejecting normality of data when the sample is drawn from a symmetrical non-normal population and fairly good when the sample is drawn from an asymmetrical distribution. In comparison to some common formal tests of normality, the students' performance is superior at accurately rejecting normality for small sample sizes and inferior for large, when drawn from a non-normal population.
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Vers une approche incrémentale et contingente de la communication des connaissances : le cas du Knowledge Management / Towards and incremental and contingent approach of communication of knowledge : the case of knowledge managementSlouma, Maher 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans une économie fondée sur la connaissance et le savoir, la maîtrise de ressources informationnelles est devenue un des principaux facteurs de succès et de compétitivité de toute organisation innovante. C’est ce qui explique l’important investissement en la matière de la part de tous les acteurs économiques. Dans ce contexte, le Knowledge Management apparaît comme une réponse permettant d’organiser et de maîtriser les connaissances et les compétences acquises en interne pour agir en externe. Le management des connaissances a pour but d’avoir un système d’information durable et une dynamique informationnelle au sein des organisations. Notre sujet nous a conduit à une longue observation des préoccupations des acteurs de la communauté Knowledge Management. Nous avons étudié leurs principales interrogations dans les différents canaux de communication ; nous avons par la suite regroupé leurs attentes dans deux grandes questions qui constituent en effet nos questions de recherche. Cette recherche vise à atteindre deux objectifs principaux : Le 1er objectif est de comprendre comment mettre en place une démarche Knowledge Management dans une organisation et de savoir si cette démarche est la même pour n’importe quel type d’organisation. Sinon quels sont les facteurs de contingence à prendre en considération ? Le 2ème objectif : une fois cette démarche mise en place, est – elle évolutive, changeante et incrémentale ou bien reste-t-elle statique ? Ces deux objectifs constituent les deux principales parties que nous traitons dans cette thèse. Pour répondre à cette problématique, nous avons choisi d’utiliser un pluralisme méthodologique s’appuyant d’une part sur des méthodes d’intelligence informationnelle, d’autre part sur une étude quantitative à l’aide d’un questionnaire et enfin sur une étude qualitative via des entretiens semi-directifs. / In an economy founded on the knowledge and the data, the mastery of informational resources became one of the main factors of success and competitiveness of all innovating organization. It is what explains the important investment on the subject on behalf of all economic actors. In this context, the Knowledge Management appears like an answer permitting to organize and to master the knowledge and expertise’s acquired in intern to act in external. The knowledge management has for goal to have a lasting information system and an informational dynamics within the organizations. Our topic drove us to a long observation of the preoccupations of the actors of the community Knowledge Management. We studied their main questionings in the different channels of communication; we regrouped their waiting thereafter in two big questions that constitute our questions of research indeed. This research aims to reach two main objectives : The 1st objective is to understand how to put a gait Knowledge Management in place in an organization and to know if this gait is the same for any type of organization. Otherwise what the factors of contingency are to take in consideration? The 2nd objective: once this gait setting up, is. her evolutive, changing and incremental or she remain static? These two objectives constitute the two main parts that we treat in this thesis. To answer this problematic, we chose to use a methodological pluralism leaning on the one hand on methods of informational intelligence, on the other hand on a quantitative survey with the help of a questionnaire and finally on a qualitative survey via interviews.
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DIGITAL ANSÖKAN – ETT HJÄLPMEDEL FÖR DET SOCIALA ARBETET? : Upplevelser och åsikter från handläggare inom ekonomiskt biståndStensland, Nathalie, Hjelting, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Sverige har en vision om att digitalisera samtliga delar av den offentliga sektorn, med målet att uppnå en god hälsa och välfärd för hela befolkningen. De verksamheter som allt mer blir föremål för digitalisering är bland annat verksamheter som handlägger ärenden om ekonomiskt bistånd. Syftet med denna undersökning är att försöka få svar på hur digitaliseringen av ansökan om ekonomiskt bistånd påverkar det sociala arbetet och klienterna. För att få svar på detta har vi skickat webbenkäter till 15 olika verksamheter för ekonomiskt bistånd i Sverige. Resultatet visar att handläggarna övervägande ser positivt på den digitala utvecklingen där de menar att handläggningen blivit enklare och mer effektiv. Det framkommer även att handläggarna blivit tilldelade fler klienter än tidigare där tiden med varje enskild klient har minskat. En begränsning som är framträdande gällande digitaliseringen av ansökan är att enskilda som inte har tillgång till de digitala verktyg som krävs blir hänvisade att ansöka via pappersansökan. Våra resultat visar att digitaliseringen kan bidra till ett mer effektivt och för klienterna mer lättillgängligt socialt arbete men som behöver utvecklas för att kunna inkludera alla medborgare i det svenska samhället. / Sweden has a vision of digitizing all domains of the public sector, with a goal of achieving good health and welfare for the entire population. The organizations that are increasingly becoming the subject of digitalization are, among other things, those that deal with financial aid matters. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the digitalization of the application for financial aid affects the social work and its clients. To answer this, we have sent out web surveys to 15 financial aid organizations in Sweden. The results show that the social workers for the most part are positive concerning the digitalization since the application process has become easier and more efficient. The social workers express that they have been assigned more clients than before and that they have gotten less time with each individual client. One prominent limitation regarding the digitalization of the application is when individuals who do not possess the digital tools required to apply have to apply via paper application. Our results show that digitalization can contribute to social work being more efficient and easily accessible for clients. Thus, for it to be accessible for the whole Swedish population more development needs to be done.
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Phénomène de biohype dans des articles scientifiques rapportant des résultats issus de recherches cliniques en nutrigénétique/nutrigénomique : caractérisation et perception des chercheursStenne, Raphaëlle 06 1900 (has links)
Le développement de la nutrigénétique/nutrigénomique (NGx) a suscité de nombreuses attentes puisque les retombées qui lui sont associées s’avèrent potentiellement bénéfiques autant pour les individus en santé que pour les individus malades. De grandes attentes avaient également été associées au Projet de décryptage du Génome Humain (PGH). Aujourd’hui, seules quelques attentes de celles envisagées se sont concrétisées. Le PGH a donc évolué dans un contexte marqué par du biohype, soit la promotion d’attentes exagérées, voir irréalistes. Étant donné l’importance des attentes associées avec le développement de la NGx et des limites méthodologiques auxquelles fait encore face la recherche clinique conduite dans ce domaine, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer si les publications scientifiques rapportant des résultats de recherches cliniques effectuées en NGx contribuent à l’émergence d’un phénomène de biohype. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agira également de documenter la perception des chercheurs oeuvrant dans le domaine de la NGx du phénomène de biohype, d’identifier certains facteurs qui pourraient expliquer son émergence dans la littérature scientifique propre à ce domaine et de proposer des pistes d’actions pour limiter les risques associés à ce phénomène.
Nous avons tout d’abord procédé à une analyse documentaire d’articles scientifiques rapportant des résultats issus de recherches cliniques en NGx. Celle-ci nous a révélé que plusieurs bénéfices étaient promus dans cette littérature alors même que les limites méthodologiques n’étaient pas d’emblée présentées et discutées. Cette observation nous portait à croire que ces bénéfices étant potentiellement prématurés.
Nous avons ensuite voulu valider notre constat auprès des chercheurs œuvrant principalement dans le domaine de la NGx. Cette enquête nous a permis de constater que les chercheurs étaient généralement en accord avec les bénéfices que nous avons recensés dans les articles scientifiques. Toutefois, ils n’envisageaient pas leur concrétisation à moyen terme. Par ailleurs, cette enquête nous a également révélé que les limitations méthodologiques actuellement rencontrées dans la conduite de recherches cliniques soulevaient des doutes quant à la faisabilité des bénéfices promut dans les articles scientifiques. Ces données viennent confirmer notre observation à savoir qu’un phénomène de biohype serait réellement en émergence dans les articles scientifiques rapportant des résultats de recherches cliniques en NGx.
Outre des informations concernant les publics ciblés par les chercheurs et les éléments que doivent contenir un article scientifique, cette enquête nous a également aidés à mieux comprendre les avantages associés à la promotion de bénéfices. Selon la majorité des chercheurs interrogés, la promotion de bénéfices dans un article scientifique augmenterait les chances d’un manuscrit d’être publié et favoriserait la continuité du financement du domaine de recherche. Cette activité étant caractérisée par un environnement compétitif, la promotion de bénéfices semble être une avenue à envisager pour se démarquer.
Quoique la promotion de bénéfices prématurés ou exagérés ne soit pas considérée comme de l’inconduite scientifique, elle peut causer entre autres un affaiblissement du sentiment de confiance entre le public et les chercheurs et ultimement, contrevenir à la continuité d’une saine activité de recherche.
À la lumière de ces données, nous croyons qu’une des stratégies qui permettrait de prévenir l’apparition des risques associés au phénomène de biohype serait de sensibiliser les chercheurs et les éditeurs de journaux scientifiques à ces derniers. Plus particulièrement, nous encourageons l’intégration de lignes directrices portant sur la gestion du biohype dans les codes de conduites qui ont été mis en place pour favoriser les bonnes pratiques en recherche. / The development of the nutrigenetics/nutrigenomics (NGx) has generated many expectations since the associated benefits are potentially beneficial for everyone, that is to say, both for healthy and sick individuals. High expectations were also associated with the Human Genome Project (HGP), but as of today only a few have been realized. The HGP thus evolved in a context marked by biohype, i.e., the promotion of exaggerated or unrealistic benefits. Given the importance of expectations associated with the development of NGx and the methodological limitations faced by clinical research conducted in this area, the main objective of this thesis is to determine whether scientific publications reporting results from clinical research conducted in Ngx contribute to the emergence of a biohype phenomenon. More specifically, it will also document the perception of researchers working in this area concerning this phenomenon, try to identify factors that could explain its emergence in scientific literature specific to NGx and suggest ways of actions to mitigate the risks associated with this phenomenon.
We first conducted a document analysis of scientific articles reporting results from clinical research in NGx. This revealed that many benefits were promoted in the literature even though the methodological limitations were not necessarily presented or discussed. This observation led us to believe that the promoted benefits were potentially premature. We then sought to validate our findings among researchers working mainly in the field of NGx. Our survey revealed that researchers were generally in agreement with the benefits that we identified in the scientific articles. However, they did not consider that their realization was feasible in the medium term. This survey also revealed that the methodological limitations currently encountered in the conduct of clinical research raised doubts about the realistic outcome of the benefits promoted in scientific articles. These data confirm our observation that a biohype phenomenon is actually emerging in scientific articles reporting results of clinical research in NGx.
Besides information about the audiences targeted by researchers and the elements that need to be included in a scientific article, the survey also helped us better understand the advantages associated with the promotion of benefits. The majority of researchers interviewed found that the promotion of benefits in a scientific article would increase the chances of a manuscript being accepted for publication and also foster continuing funding of the research area. In a competitive environment such as biomedical research, the promotion of benefits seems to be an avenue taken to stand out from the field.
Although promoting premature or exaggerated benefits are not considered as being scientific misconduct, biohype can cause a weakening of the trust between the public and researchers. Ultimately, it can hinder the continuity of sound scientific research. Based on these findings, one of the strategies that could be use to prevent or mitigate the occurrence of the risks associated with biohype would be to increase awareness of the issue amongst researchers and scientific journal editors. Specifically, we encourage the integration of guidelines on the management of biohype within the codes of conduct that have been put in place to promote good practices in research.
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No description available.
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社會工作碩士班研究生實習內涵之研究─期待與實際之間 / A study on field education of social work graduate students-between learning expectation and reality廖偉迪, Liao, Wei Ti Unknown Date (has links)
四、社會工作教育專業組織與各教學單位可適時創造議題,鼓勵專業教育與實習教育的相關研究;其次,亦應與實務界、學生共同討論國內實習教育標準的訂定及評估方式,以培養出才情兼備、知行合一的社會工作研究生人才。 / Social work practicum could play a role in bridging the gap between theory and practice. Previous studies revealed that MSW graduate students, school teachers and the field instructors all have high expectation on how much the MSW students will learn from the process .
This study aimed at examing the gap between learning expectation and reality of practicum period from a viewpoint of MSW graduate students. Moreover, whether the gap would impact the gains from practicum and students’ attitudes towards social work profession was what author concerned. Thus, the subjects of this study were the MSW graduate students who had done practicum during graduate study period. Internet questionnaire survey method was adopted to capture the experiences of this population. Total 185 questionnaires were compeleted. Based on statistical data analyses, the study findings are as follow:
1.More than one-half graduate students experience gap between expectation and reality at prior practicum. Besides, the gap existed in almost all of the social work fields except general affairs.
2.The learning gap is the most important mediator of the gains from practicum. Independent variables as “to visit institution before practicum”, “educational background of field instructors”, “evaluation of prior practicum experience”, and ”student status” demonstrated a significant effect on expectation gap.
3.The gains from practicum were correlated with “relationship with field instructor”, “whether sign the practicum contract”, ”student status”, “evaluation of prior practicum experience”, “educational background of field instructor”, and “to visit institutiton before practicum”.
4.Independent variables as “relationship with school instructors”, “asked schoolmates for practicum-related information”, “institutional climate”, “field locations”, and”educational background of field instructors” were significantly associated with the attitudes towards social work profession.
Findings of the study highlight the importance of reducing the gap between learning expectation and reality. Finally, based on the conclusions above, several recommendations are offered for graduate students, field institutions, schools, educational organizations, and advanced research.
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Social networks and performance in knowledge creation. An application and a methodological proposalCoromina Soler, Lluís 24 April 2006 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es predecir el rendimiento de los estudiantes de doctorado en la Universidad de Girona según características personales (background), actitudinales y de redes sociales de los estudiantes. La población estudiada son estudiantes de tercer y cuarto curso de doctorado y sus directores de tesis doctoral. Para obtener los datos se ha diseño un cuestionario web especificando sus ventajas y teniendo en cuenta algunos problemas tradicionales de no cobertura o no respuesta. El cuestionario web se hizo debido a la complejidad que comportan de las preguntas de red social. El cuestionario electrónico permite, mediante una serie de instrucciones, reducir el tiempo para responder y hacerlo menos cargado. Este cuestionario web, además es auto administrado, lo cual nos permite, según la literatura, unas respuestas mas honestas que cuestionario con encuestador.Se analiza la calidad de las preguntas de red social en cuestionario web para datos egocéntricos. Para eso se calcula la fiabilidad y la validez de este tipo de preguntas, por primera vez a través del modelo Multirasgo Multimétodo (Multitrait Multimethod). Al ser datos egocéntricos, se pueden considerar jerárquicos, y por primera vez se una un modelo Multirasgo Multimétodo Multinivel (multilevel Multitrait Multimethod). Las la fiabilidad y validez se pueden obtener a nivel individual (within group component) o a nivel de grupo (between group component) y se usan para llevar a cabo un meta-análisis con otras universidades europeas para analizar ciertas características de diseño del cuestionario. Estas características analizan si para preguntas de red social hechas en cuestionarios web son más fiables y validas hechas "by questions" o "by alters", si son presentes todas las etiquetas de frecuencia para los ítems o solo la del inicio y final, o si es mejor que el diseño del cuestionario esté en con color o blanco y negro.También se analiza la calidad de la red social en conjunto, en este caso específico son los grupos de investigación de la universidad. Se tratan los problemas de los datos ausentes en las redes completas. Se propone una nueva alternativa a la solución típica de la red egocéntrica o los respondientes proxies. Esta nueva alternativa la hemos nombrado "Nosduocentered Network" (red Nosduocentrada), se basa en dos actores centrales en una red. Estimando modelos de regresión, esta "Nosduocentered network" tiene mas poder predictivo para el rendimiento de los estudiantes de doctorado que la red egocéntrica.Además se corrigen las correlaciones de las variables actitudinales por atenuación debido al pequeño tamaño muestral. Finalmente, se hacen regresiones de los tres tipos de variables (background, actitudinales y de red social) y luego se combinan para analizar cual para predice mejor el rendimiento (según publicaciones académicas) de los estudiantes de doctorado. Los resultados nos llevan a predecir el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de doctorado depende de variables personales (background) i actitudinales. Asimismo, se comparan los resultados obtenidos con otros estudios publicados. / The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to predict the PhD students' academic performance in the University of Girona from characteristics of their research group understood as a social network and from background and attitudinal characteristics of the PhD student.The data collection was done through web survey, regarding the traditional problems related to coverage and response errors. Web survey was made in order to reduce the complexity of social network questions.The quality of social network questions for questionnaires with egocentered data is analyzed. For this, reliability and validity of this kind of questions are computed, for first time using a Multilevel Multitrait-Multimethod approach. Data are egocentered and thus hierarchy can be used. Reliability and validity can be obtained in an individual level (within group component) or group level (between group component), which are used for carrying out a meta analysis with other European universities. We study if social network questions asked in web questionnaires are more reliable and valid done "by questions" or "by alters", if the frequency labels are present or not and if the best questionnaire design is plane or graphical.Social network as a whole is also studied, in this case are the research groups in the University of Girona. There is a proposal for the missing data problem in complete networks, different from the egocentered network. This new network structure is called "Nosduocentered Network", which is based in two central actors in a network. Regression model estimations explain that this network has more predictive power in order to predict the academic performance for PhD students.Finally, regression models with background, attitudinal and social network variables are done. Then, we combine the regressions in order to specify the best combination which predicts the PhD student's performance (according to academic publications) best. According to the results, the academic performance depends on background and attitudinal variables. Also, a comparison of results from other published studies is done.
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Family caregiving for persons with heart failure : Perspectives of family caregivers, persons with heart failure and registered nursesGusdal, Annelie K January 2017 (has links)
Heart failure is a growing public health problem associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Family support positively affects outcomes for the person with heart failure while also leading to caregiver burden. Registered nurses have a key role in supporting and meeting the needs of family caregivers. The overall aim was to explore the situation and needs of family caregivers to a person with heart failure, and explore requisites and ways of supporting and involving family caregivers in heart failure nursing care. Two interview studies, one web survey study and one intervention study were conducted between 2012 and 2017. A total of 22 family caregivers, eight persons with heart failure and 331 registered nurses participated in the studies. Family caregivers' daily life was characterized by worry, uncertainty and relational incongruence but salutogenic behaviours restored new strength and motivation to care. Family caregivers experienced that their caregiving was taken for granted by health care professionals. Family caregivers expressed a need for a permanent health care contact and more involvement in the planning and implementation of their near one’s health care together with health care professionals. Registered nurses acknowledged family caregivers’ burden, lack of knowledge and relational incongruence. A registered nurse was suggested as a permanent health care contact to improve continuity and security. Registered nurses neither acknowledged family caregivers as a resource nor their need for involvement. Registered nurses working in primary health care centres, in nurse-led heart failure clinics, with district nurse specialization, with education in cardiac nursing care held the most supportive attitudes toward family involvement in heart failure nursing care. Family health conversations via telephone in nurse-led heart failure clinics were found to successfully support and involve families. The conversations enhanced nurse-family relationship and relations within the family. They also provided registered nurses with new, relevant knowledge and understanding about the family as a whole. Family health conversations via telephone were feasible to both families and registered nurses, although fewer and shorter conversations were preferred by registered nurses. This thesis highlights the divergence between family caregivers’ experiences and needs, and registered nurses’ perceptions about family caregivers’ situation and attitudes toward the importance of family involvement. It adds to the knowledge on the importance to acknowledge family caregivers as a resource and to support and involve them in heart failure nursing care. One feasible and successful way is to conduct Family health conversations via telephone in nurse-led heart failure clinics.
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