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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between organisational trust and quality of work life

Van der Berg, Yolandi 02 1900 (has links)
Recent organisational changes have refocused attention on the productivity and performance of sales representatives and consequently brought about a re-evaluation of the QWL these employees experience, as well as their trust in the organisation to support them. Responses to an internet-based survey methodology were analysed using quantitative techniques and structural equation modelling. Results confirm a positive relationship between Managerial Practices and Organisational Trust, and a lower relationship between the dimensions of Personality and Organisational Trust. A positive relationship was noted between QWL and Managerial Practices, and a lower relationship between QWL and the Personality constructs. This study accentuates the importance of management to be aware of the trust employees have in the organisation as well as their experience of QWL, as it seems as though the Personality traits and Managerial Practices of managers influences both the trust relationship and QWL experienced by employees. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Att leda för självständig progress : En fallstudie om hur projektledare kan arbeta för att motivera i interna förändringsprojekt / To lead for independent progress : A case study on how project managers can work to motivate during internalchange projects

Johansson, Erica January 2016 (has links)
Alla organisationer förändras, antingen omedvetet eller som en del av en utarbetad plan. Planerade förändringar inom organisationen kan drivas som projekt och blir då ett internt förändringsprojekt som syftar till att skapa bättre förutsättningar för organisationens verksamhet. Ett internt förändringsprojekt kan drivas av en projektgrupp under ledning av en projektledare. För att resultatet av projektet ska bli lyckat är det viktigt att projektmedlemmarna känner sig motiverade och presterar för att nå målet. Att skapa motivation och arbetsprestation i projektet faller på projektledaren. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur projektledare i interna förändringsprojekt kan arbeta för att motivera deltagare i projektgruppen. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. För att besvara forskningsfrågan har en fallstudie genomförts genom att intervjua Lean-coacher som arbetar med att hjälpa företag inom lantbruksnäringen att införa Lean i sin verksamhet. Data har samlats in från respondenterna med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en teoretisk bas utifrån Teresa Amabiles Progressprincip. Utifrån respondenternas berättelser om handlingar och arbetsätt och hur dessa kan påverka faktorer från Progressprincipen presenteras empiri och analys enligt sju teman. Analysen visar att coachernas arbetsätt och handlingar påverkar flera delar ur Progressprincipen och därför har möjlighet att påverka individers motivation och prestation positivt. Coachernas arbetsätt fokuserar tydligast på att möjliggöra Progress och att Tillåta självständighet/självstyre samt på att skapa Klara målsätningar. / All organization goes through change, either unintentional or as part of scheduled plan. Planned changes within the organization can be managed as projects and is then categorized as an internal change project aimed at creating better conditions for the organization's operations. An internal change project can be completed by a project team led by a project manager. If the outcome of the project is to be successful it is important that team members are motivated and high performing. To create motivation and work performance in the project is the responsibility of the project manager. The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about how project managers who is responsible for internal change projects can work to motivate the project group. This study has been made using qualitative research. To answer the research question a case study has been conducted by interviewing Lean coaches who are working to help companies in the agricultural sector to implement Lean in their operations. Empirical data was collected from respondents using semi-structured interviews. The empirical data were analyzed using a theoretic framework based on Teresa Amabile and her work on The Progress Principle. Based on respondents' stories of their work and actions, and how these can affect The Progress Principle, the empirical data and analysis are presented as seven different themes. The analysis shows that the coaches' work and actions affect several parts of The Progress Principle and therefore have the ability to have a positive influence on individuals' motivation and performance. The coaches' work has a clear focus on enabling Progress and Allowing autonomy and Setting clear goals.
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Den stora utmaningen att kombinera arbetslivet med privatlivet för män respektive för kvinnor : En kvantitativ studie om gymnasielärares upplevelse av Work- Life Balance / The big challenge of combining work life with personal life for both men and women : A quantitative study of high school teachers' perception of Work-Life Balance

Hedenberg, Linnéa, Hägerström, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om upplevelsen av Work-Life Balance (uppdelat på Family-Work Conflict och Work-Family Conflict) var beroende av kön och av huruvida deltagarna hade barn under 13 år eller inte. Studien syftade även till att undersöka om kvantitativa arbetskrav och beslutskrav kunde predicera WLB.  En webbenkätundersökning användes för att genomföra studien, i vilken lärare från 10 olika gymnasieskolor i Sverige deltog. Totalt besvarade 125 gymnasielärare enkäten, varav 103 enkäter var fullständiga och användes i studien. Resultaten visade att män upplevde mer WFC än kvinnor samt att deltagare med barn under 13 år rapporterade större FWC än deltagare som inte hade det. Resultatet visade även att kvantitativa arbetskrav predicerade WFC, alltså att höga kvantitativa arbetskrav innebar att arbetslivet kom i konflikt med familjelivet, 30,5 % av variationen i WFC kan förklaras av variationen i kvantitativa arbetskrav. / The aim of the study was to investigate whether the experience of the Work- Life Balance (divided on Family -Work Conflict and Work -Family Conflict) was dependent on gender and whether the participants had children under 13 years old or not. The study also aimed to investigate whether quantitative work demands and decision demands could predict WLB. The study was conducted as a web survey, in which teachers from 10 different high schools in Sweden participated. A total of 125 surveys were submitted, 103 of these were complete surveys and were used in the study. The results of the study showed that men experienced WFC more than women and participants that had children under the age of 13 reported a higher level of FWC than participants that did not have children under the age of 13. The result also showed that quantitative work demands predicted WFC, thus high quantitative work demands resulted in a bigger conflict between work life and personal life, 30, 5 % of the variation in WFC can be explained by the variation in quantitative work demands.
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Oregelbunden arbetstid : - hur arbetstiden påverkar privatlivet och hälsan / Irregular working hours : - how irregular working hours affects the personal life and health

Krokström, Malin, Sandström, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att öka förståelsen för hur oregelbundna arbetstider påverkar livssituationen för undersköterskorna samt vilka konsekvenser som den oregelbundna arbetstiden medför i deras liv. Syftet preciseras i följande frågeställningar: Hur upplever undersköterskorna sin oregelbundna arbetstid? Vilka faktorer påverkar undersköterskornas arbetssituation? På vilket sätt påverkar den oregelbundna arbetstiden undersköterskornas balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv? Vilka blir de hälsomässiga konsekvenserna av oregelbunden arbetstid? Utgångspunkten för vår studie ligger i den teoretiska referensramen innehållande tidigare forskning, teorier och begrepp om Arbetstidslagen, konsekvenser av oregelbunden arbetstid, arbetsmiljö, psykosocial arbetsmiljö, Krav- och kontrollmodellen, Work life balance, KASAM och utbrändhet. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi har använt oss av intervjuer för att samla in våra data. Sammanlagt har vi genomfört åtta intervjuer och våra respondenter är undersköterskor som arbetar på olika avdelningar inom Landstinget i Värmland. Våra respondenter är mellan 36 och 59 år gamla och samtliga av dem är kvinnor. Genom vår empiri och med hjälp av teorin har vi analyserat fram 17 olika fynd som visar på att: det finns både fördelar och nackdelar med oregelbunden arbetstid, det finns stora krav på flexibilitet i tillvaron, undersköterskorna har ett visst inflytande över den egna arbetstiden, de tvingas prioritera bort delar av privatlivet, det finns en stark sammanhållning mellan arbetskollegorna, det finns olika synsätt på arbetsschemat, de känner ett ansvar för bemanningen genom att överta varandras arbetspass, det finns ett skiftande stöd från närmaste chefen, det finns viss möjlighet att påverka arbetssituationen, arbetstiderna påverkar familjelivet negativt, det sociala livet blir åsidosatt, det finns en stark önskan om deltidsarbete, det finns både fördelar och nackdelar med oregelbunden arbetstid under småbarnsåren, det finns strategier för att hantera varierande dygnsrytm, det finns en upplevelse av otillräcklig sömn, magproblem i relation till nattarbete samt möjligt samband mellan oregelbunden arbetstid och utbrändhet. / The aim of our study is to increase understanding of how irregular hours affect the lives of nurses, as well as the implications of the irregular working hours brings into their lives. The purpose specified in the following questions: How do nurses his irregular working hours? What factors influence the nurses working situation? In what way does the irregular working hours for nurses balance between work and private life? What are the health consequences of irregular working hours?The starting point of our study lies in the theoretical framework containing previous research, theories and concepts of the Working Hours Act, consequences of irregular working hours, occupational health, psychosocial work, Requirements and control model, work life balance, SOC and burnout.We conducted a qualitative study where we have used the interviews to collect our data. In total, we conducted eight interviews and our respondents are nurses working in different departments of the County Council. Our respondents are between 36 and 59 years old and all of them are women.Through our empirical data and using the theory we have analyzed up 17 different findings show that: there are both advantages and disadvantages of irregular working hours, there are great demands on flexibility in existence, nurses have a certain influence over their own working hours, the forced to prioritize delete portions of privacy, there is a strong cohesion between work colleagues, there are different approaches to the work schedule, they feel responsible for manning by taking over each other's sessions, there is a range of support from her manager, there is some opportunity to influence the work situation , working hours affect family life negatively, the social life is infringed, there is a strong desire on part-time work, there are both advantages and disadvantages of irregular working hours during the toddler years, there are strategies to handle variable circadian rhythm, there is a perception of insufficient sleep, stomach problems in relation to night work as well as possible association between irregular working hours and burnout.
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Ombudsmäns upplevelser av work-life balance : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av work-life balance bland ombudsmän vid ett fackförbund beläget i Mellansverige / The experience of work-life balance among ombudsmen : A qualitative study investigating the experience of work-life balance among ombudsmen within a trade union located in the midst of Sweden

Branteström, Victoria, Alm, Therése January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelsen av work-life balance bland ombudsmän vid ett fackförbund beläget i Mellansverige. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 10 respondenter. Resultatet analyserades genom en induktiv tematisk analys som genererade tre huvudteman; Personliga förutsättningar, Flexibla arbetsarrangemang och arbetsbelastning samt Rollen som ombudsman. Resultatet påvisade att majoriteten av respondenterna upplevde att de hade en god work-life balance. De menade att arbetslivet och privatlivet inte påverkar varandra i stor utsträckning, men uppgav att de vid ett antal tillfällen framförallt tvingats prioritera åtaganden i arbetslivet. Samtliga respondenter påtalade att deras upplevelse av balans periodvis kan förändras beroende på arbetsbelastning och personliga förutsättningar som familjesituation och erfarenhet av yrket. De menade även att de flexibla arbetsarrangemang och den kultur som präglar ombudsmannarollen har en inverkan på deras upplevelse av balans. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of work-life balance among ombudsmen within a trade union located in the midst of Sweden. The study was based on a qualitative method conducted through semi-structured interviews with 10 respondents. The results were analyzed by an inductive thematic analysis that generated three main themes; Personal circumstances, Flexible work arrangements and work load and The profession of ombudsmen. The result demonstrated that the majority of the respondents felt that they had a good experience of work-life balance. They argued that their working life and private life do not have a major impact on each other but stated that they on numerous occasions primarily had to prioritize commitments in their working life. The respondents expressed that their experience of work-life balance may periodically change due to workload and personal circumstances such as family situation and experience of the profession. They also argued that the flexible working arrangements along with the culture that characterize their profession have an impact on the experience of work-life balance.
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“Jag hinner aldrig igenom min 'to do'-lista” : En dagboksstudie om hur heltidsanställda med flexibelt arbete använder sin tid / “I never have enough time to finish my to-do list” : A diary study showing how full-time employees with flexible working hours use their time

Bergqvist, Cecilia, Sopaj, Larglinda January 2019 (has links)
Titel: “Jag hinner aldrig igenom min ‘to do’-lista” Undertitel: En dagboksstudie om hur heltidsanställda med flexibelt arbete använder sin tid Författare: Cecilia Bergqvist och Larglinda Sopaj Handledare: Jean-Charles Languilaire Nivå: Kandidatuppsats inom företagsekonomi, vårterminen 2019 (15 hp) Nyckelord: flextid, flexibelt arbete, övertid, work-life conflict, gränslöst arbete, time, time management Forskningsfråga: Hur använder heltidsanställda med flexibelt arbete sin tid? Syfte: Att beskriva hur heltidsanställda med flexibelt arbete använder sin tid. Metod: Studien bygger på ett praktiskt problem med begränsad tidigare forskning om ämnet. Därför tillämpades ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt för att svara på studiens syfte. Forskarnas vetenskapliga förhållningssätt är hermeneutiskt. Empiriska data samlades in genom kvalitativa och kvantitativa frågor och analyserades därefter på ett kvalitativt sätt som en tematisk analys. Empirisk insamling: Empiriska data samlades in genom en dagbok på 5-arbetsdagar, rapporterad av 15 deltagare. För att delta i dagbokstudien krävdes att individen uppfyllde två kriterier, att: 1) vara heltidsanställda och 2) ha flexibla arbetstider. Dagboken innehöll både kvalitativa och kvantitativa frågor. Resultat och slutsats: Eftersom resultatet visar på att 73,3% av deltagarna arbetade övertid, är det då rimligt att dra slutsatsen att flexibelt arbete kan leda till att individer arbetar övertid. På grund av att deltagarna arbetade övertid påverkades deltagarnas fritid ofta negativt. Många av deltagarna hade konflikter mellan arbetsrollen och privatrollen, vilket resulterade i att dessa roller var inkompatibla. Konflikterna visades ofta genom att deltagarna avbokade eller bortprioriterade fysiska aktiviteter på grund av övertid. Resultatet visade på att anställda hade god time management och använde sin tid effektivt, men obalans mellan inflöde och utflöde av arbetsuppgifter resulterade i att anställda ofta kände att de inte hann klart med sina arbetsuppgifter. Resultaten visade även ett svagt positivt samband mellan nöjdhet över dagens arbetsinsats och påverkat välmående. Deltagarna som hade barn som bodde hemma brukade ofta ha ett mer strukturerade arbetsrutiner, medan individer som inte var föräldrar eller barnen hade flyttat hemifrån, brukade ofta ha mindre strukturerade arbetsrutiner. / Title: “I never have enough time to finish my to-do list” Subtitle: A diary study showing how full-time employees with flexible working hours use their time. Authors: Cecilia Bergqvist and Larglinda Sopaj Advisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, Spring 2019 (15 credits) Keywords: flextime, flexible work, overtime, work-life conflict, boundaryless work, time, time management Question: How do full-time employees with flexible working hours use their time? Purpose: Describe how full-time employees with flexible working hours use their time. Method: The study is based on a practical problem with limited previous studies on the matter. Therefore, an inductive approach was implemented to answer the purpose of the study and the researchers’ scientific approach to data is hermeneutic. Empirical data was collected through qualitative and quantitative questions, and thereafter analyzed in a qualitative manner as a thematic analysis. Empirical framework: Empirical data was collected by a 5-workday diary reported by 15 participants. To participate in the diary study, an individual had to meet two criteria: (1) they must be full-time employee and (2) must have flexible working hours. The diary included both qualitative and quantitative-based questions. Results and conclusion: Since the results show that 73.3% of participants were working overtime, it is reasonable to conclude that flexible working hours can lead to individuals working overtime. Furthermore, due to the overtime, participants’ spare time was often affected negatively. Indeed, many participants had work-life conflicts, where the work-life and the private life were incompatible. This phenomenon is evident through reported cancelled or rebooked physical training due to extended working hours. Additionally, participants who had minor children usually had a more coherent and predictable working schedule. On the other hand, individuals who were not parents of minor children had less coherent and less predictable working schedule. The results from the study also showed that the participants had good time management and used their time effectively, but the consistent imbalance between ingoing work tasks and outgoing work tasks resulted in participants often felt like they never finished their task assignments. The results also showed a slight positive correlation between satisfaction over the work effort of the day and the impact on well-being
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Work family conflict and the real/ideal self discrepancy

Santos, Nicole Marie 01 January 2008 (has links)
One of the many issues facing dual-career families today is work family conflict (WFC). WFC is a source of stress due to incompatible roles that conflict with each other in terms of ones time and energy. This study was done to develop a valid reliable measure of career and family responsibility in hopes of adequately determining the source of WFC. The key point was to look at real and ideal selves, in terms of work and family responsibilities.

Multiple Role Conflict and Coping Strategies of Men in the Aerospace Industry

Bowden, Lynette 01 January 2017 (has links)
Work-life balance is a dilemma for both men and women. However, the perspective of men on this issue has not been previous addressed. Work intensification and societal pressures cause men to work longer, harder, and cope with the stressors of multiple role conflicts and work-life imbalance. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore men's lived experience in managing multiple roles regarding work-life conflicts, and identify coping strategies they used to achieve a work-life balance. The research questions were related to the lived experiences, perceived causes, and coping strategies of work-life imbalance for men in the aerospace industry. The study was based on the theoretical construct of Maslow's and Herzberg's motivation theory. The modified Van Kaam method was used to analyze data from interviews with 20 men. The findings of the study revealed 6 themes: recreation, regain composure, set priorities and goals, good stewardship, time management, take chances, and utilize resources. These 20 men desired more out of life than just a career and more out of their career than just compensation; they wanted the ability to balance the demands of life and high expectations set for themselves that caused them stress and drained them of their energy. Unless accommodations are made, these men may continue to experience challenges balancing multiple life roles. Organizations should develop or modify policies and programs to ameliorate conditions that exacerbate work-life conflicts for employees, especially men. The implications for positive social change include the potential to educate managers, business leaders, and policy makers on the importance and mutual benefit of supporting the work-life needs of all employees regardless of gender.
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Il valore della conciliazione. L'equilibrio lavoro-vita tra scelta e necessità / The Value of Reconciliation. Work-Life Balance between Choice and Necessity

RIVA, EGIDIO 02 March 2007 (has links)
La conciliabilità lavorativa è un nodo complesso del nostro tempo, che fatica ad essere sciolto. Non si tratta di un problema individuale da risolvere a livello personale, quanto piuttosto di una tematica a rilevanza societaria che richiede pertanto un intreccio virtuoso di progettazione politica, intervento legislativo e misure aziendali a supporto. La questione tuttavia, non si gioca solo a livello istituzionale. Come mostrato dal presente lavoro di ricerca, infatti, lavoratori e le lavoratrici si trovano ad essere, in un quadro di generale incertezza, attori protagonisti di un lento e difficoltoso processo di trasformazione sociale e organizzativa che richiede un consenso unanime ed un accordo trasversale, pena la sua incompiutezza e contraddittorietà. Da qui l'importanza di chiarire e mettere in luce le differenti, e a volte contrapposte, valenze che il tema assume tra i diversi protagonisti del mondo del lavoro e mostrare come le relazioni personali e lavorative, familiari e di coppia, intervengano nella definizione e nell'utilizzo delle misure di conciliazione. / Work-life integration is a complicated knot of our society, difficult to be undone. It is not a personal problem to be solved individually; rather it is a social issue and therefore needs a coherent mix of policy, legislation, organizational measures. Anyway the institutional level is not enough. Actually, as this work shows, men and women are the main characters of a slow and tough process of social and organizational change that requires the agreement of all the parties concerned. Thus it is important to make clear the different, and sometimes contrary, meanings of work-life integration among subjects acting in the labour market and to show how family, gender and labour relationships affect the definition and usage of work-life balance benefits.
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Parents, employment, gender and well-being: a time use study

Hilbrecht, Margo J. 09 January 2009 (has links)
Transformations in the economy have led to changes in employment practices that can create a mismatch between parents’ work schedules and family routines. At the same time, approaches to child-rearing have become more time-intensive, with expectations of increased parental involvement in all aspects of children’s lives compared to previous generations. Mothers are subject to a more intensified maternal role and for fathers, the provider role is no longer sufficient. There are strong social pressures for more active participation in children’s lives and to nurture greater emotional connectivity in the parent-child relationship. These transformations in parenting and employment practices have contributed to a situation where parents now report increased levels of time pressure and greater dissatisfaction with the balance between work and the rest of their lives. The purpose of this study was to develop a broader understanding of how mothers and fathers with school-age children allocate their time, how it varies by household composition, season of the year, and work schedule, and how time use is related to subjective well-being. Given the role that leisure may play in creating a more satisfactory work-life balance, special attention was given to the amount of time available for leisure, with whom this time was spent and the relationship to quality of life. The gender relations perspective provided a theoretical framework since role expectations and experiences of parenthood differ for mothers and fathers. By considering individual, interpersonal, institutional and socio-historical levels of influence, patterns of behaviour may be better understood within the Canadian social context. This study is a secondary analysis of the 2005 Canadian General Social Survey, Cycle 19. Using a sub-sample of 2,062 parents of school-age children (ages 5-17 years), patterns of time use and perceptions of quality of life were assessed and compared by gender according to household composition, season of the school year, work schedule and flexible work option. Work schedules were categorized as traditional (daytime, no weekends), non-standard (evening, weekend and rotating shifts) and irregular (unpredictable, with “on call”, casual, or other irregular patterns). Gender inequality in the allocation of time to important life spheres remained substantial even when faced with very complex challenges in coordinating employment arrangements, family routines, and the school year schedule. With the exception of single fathers, men spent more time on employment-related activities than women regardless of work schedule, while women continued to perform greater amounts of domestic and child care activities. Combined workloads of paid and unpaid labour were significantly different only among single mothers and fathers. For married or cohabitating parents, the distribution of paid and unpaid labour was asymmetrical but the combined workload was not significantly different. Fathers continued to be privileged with greater amounts of leisure time. This was especially noticeable for men with non-standard work schedules and fathers of teenage children. Seasonal differences in time use indicated that women’s routines were more linked to the school year than men’s because of their greater child care responsibilities. When irregular or non-standard schedules were in place that could create more optimal conditions for reconsidering time allocation, parents still followed activity patterns that reproduced traditional gender roles. For women, non-standard schedules were the most detrimental to quality of life, whereas for men irregular schedules decreased well-being. Flexible schedules also perpetuated inequality in the distribution of paid work, unpaid work and leisure although quality of life actually improved for women. This improved quality of life may be attributable to more time spent on activities with physical health benefits or increased options for daily schedules, but it also leads to questions about how much control mothers actually have over their time and whether they recognize or care to challenge the inequalities that persist in the distribution of labour and leisure. Quality of life was diminished by conditions that contributed to a deviation from traditional role expectations. Some of these included not having a partner, women’s work schedules that conflicted with other family members, and for men, having an irregular and unpredictable work schedule. Since these conditions are characteristic of a sizable minority of Canadians parents, their experiences should not be dismissed but rather given greater attention. Additionally, future discussions of work-life integration should consider access to leisure since time for leisure was shown to contribute to parents’ quality of life. The gender relations perspective proved to be helpful in interpreting and understanding the dynamics of time use and behaviour. The four levels of interaction were highly interconnected, but changing institutional conditions such as employment schedules did not lead to greater equality. Instead, non-traditional work schedules widened the gender gap, particularly for child care and domestic activities. Dominant parenting practices were shown to be so deeply imbedded that stereotypical patterns remained a prevailing force guiding men’s and women’s daily activities. The GSS data, despite some limitations, provided considerable insight into the effect of parents’ employment and gender on time use and well-being. The findings of this study underscore the relevance of considering multiple levels of influence when assessing parenting practices, gendered behaviour, and quality of life for employed parents.
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