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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní pronájem pracovní síly a jeho alternativy v podmínkách Evropské unie - daňové aspekty

Fojtíková, Jaroslava January 2005 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou české daňověprávní úpravy tzv. mezinárodního pronájmu pracovní síly. S ohledem na velmi široký záběr této problematiky i autorčiny zkušenosti z odborné praxe je práce zaměřena na pronájem zaměstnanců směrem ze zahraničí, konkrétně členských států Evropské unie, do České republiky. Cílem disertační práce je zejména rekapitulace stávající právní úpravy daňových aspektů mezinárodního pronájmu pracovní síly, její zhodnocení v kontextu komunitární legislativy i potřeb praxe a v relevantních případech též formulace doporučení a námětů pro základní směřování dalšího legislativního vývoje. S ohledem na skutečnost, že případné změny české legislativy mohou být inspirovány rovněž právním stavem v jiných státech, je část této disertační práce věnována též nastínění základních principů daňověprávní úpravy mezinárodního pronájmu pracovní síly ve Spolkové republice Německo, a její komparaci s českou legislativou.

Dinâmica de não linearidades ópticas em macromoléculas e oligômeros / Dynamic of optical nonlinearities in macromolecules and oligomers

Mendonça, Cleber Renato 20 October 2000 (has links)
Nesta tese estudamos a dinâmica das não linearidades ópticas em compostos orgânicos, mais especificamente em amostras de bis-ftalocianina de itérbio, derivados do álcool furfurílico e compostos azo-aromáticos. Para que a dinâmica dos processos ópticos não lineares pudesse ser investigada nesses materiais, desenvolvemos uma extensão experimental à técnica de varredura-Z convencional, denominada de varredura-Z com trem de pulsos. Nesta técnica, o trem de pulsos de um laser Q-switched/mode-locked é convenientemente empregado para o estudo da dinâmica de processos não lineares no intervalo de 10 a 1000 ns, permitindo a discriminação entre não linearidades rápidas e processos lentos ou acumulativos. Os resultados obtidos através desta técnica nos diversos materiais estudados, complementados com medidas ópticas lineares, tornaram possível a determinação da origem dos processos não lineares refrativos e absorcivos, permitindo também a determinação dos parâmetros espectroscópicos do estado excitado. / This work reports the dynamic nonlinear optical properties of organic compounds, namely, ytterbium bis-phthalocyanine, furfuryl alcohol derivatives and azo-aromatic compounds. In order to carry out this investigation we developed an experimental extension to the standard Z-scan technique, named Z-scan with pulse trains. In this method, pulse trains contained in Q-switched/mode-locked lasers can be advantageously used to study dynamic optical nonlinearities in the 10-1000 ns time interval, allowing the discrimination between fast and slow (cumulative) nonlinear effects. The results obtained in the compounds studied with this technique, complemented with linear optical measurements, permitted the nonlinear refraction and absorption origin to be determined, allowing the characterization of excited state spectroscopic parameters.

Chambres MICROMEGAS pour la calorimétrie hadronique, recherche d'une nouvelle physique dans le domaine du quark top / MICROMEGAS chambers for hadronic calorimetry and search for new physics in the field of the top quark at a future linear collider

Espargilière, Ambroise 21 September 2011 (has links)
La première partie rapporte la caractérisation de prototypes de chambre MICROMEGAS en tests sous faisceaux et en laboratoire. L'étude détaille notamment l'efficacité de détection, la multiplicité de la réponse et dépendance du gain du détecteur vis à vis des conditions environnementales. Dans la seconde partie, La détection d'un boson de jauge Z', prédit par différends modèles de types Randal-Sundrum est étudiées dans le cadre de l'expérience CLIC. Le canal considéré implique l'émission du Z' par une paire de quarks top. Le Z' se désintègre ensuite en particules de matière noire. / The first part of the thesis reports on the characterisation of MICROMEGAS prototypes in beam and laboratory tests. Detection efficiency, response multiplicity and detector gain dependency against environmental conditions are detailed. In the second part, the detection of a Z' gauge boson predicted by a Randal & Sundrum inspired model together with a dark matter candidate (nu') is investigated in the framework of the CLIC experiment. The considered channel involves a top quark pair emmiting the Z' which, in turn, decays into nu', anti-nu'.

Řízení stavební zakázky / Construction Order Management

Pevalová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my graduation thesis is to evaluate the realization of building order from perspective of investor and supplier. I will use there principles, procedures and methods of project management which will be subsequently applied into practical project for building of apartment house.

Catégorification de données Z-modulaires et groupes de réflexions complexes / Categorification of Z-modular data and complex reflection groups

Lacabanne, Abel 29 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des données $mathbb{Z}$-modulaires et leur catégorification, et particulièrement sur des données $mathbb{Z}$-modulaires reliées aux groupes de réflexions complexes, ainsi que sur la notion de caractère cellulaire pour ces derniers. Dans sa classification des caractères des groupes finis de type de Lie, Lusztig décrit une transformée de Fourier non abélienne et définit des données $mathbb{N}$-modulaires pour chaque famille de caractères unipotents. Dans des tentatives de généralisation aux Spetses, Broué, Malle et Michel introduisent des données $mathbb{Z}$-modulaires. On commence par donner une explication catégorique de certaines de ces données via la catégorie des représentations du double de Drinfeld d'un groupe fini, que l'on munit d'une structure pivotale non sphérique. Une étude approfondie de la notion de catégorie de fusion pivotale et légèrement dégénérée montre que l'on peut ainsi produire des données $mathbb{Z}$-modulaires. Afin de construire des exemples de telles catégories, on considère des extensions des catégories de fusion associées à $qgrroot{mathfrak{g}}$, où $mathfrak{g}$ est une algèbre de Lie simple, et $xi$ une racine de l'unité. Ces dernières sont construites comme des semi-simplifications de la catégorie des modules basculants de l'algèbre $qdblroot{mathfrak{g}}$, qui est une extension centrale de $qgrroot{mathfrak{g}}$. Dans le cas où $mathfrak{g}=mathfrak{sl}_{n+1}$, on relie cette catégorie à une des données $mathbb{Z}$-modulaires associée au groupe de réflexions complexes $Gleft(d,1,frac{n(n+1)}{2}right)$. Les groupes de réflexions exceptionnels sont également étudiés, et les catégorifications des données $mathbb{Z}$-modulaires associées font apparaître diverses catégories : des catégories de représentations de doubles de Drinfeld tordus ainsi que des sous-catégories des catégories de fusion des modules basculants en $qdblroot{mathfrak{g}}$ en type $A$ et $B$. / This work is a contribution to the categorification of $mathbb{Z}$-modular data and deals mainly with $mathbb{Z}$-modular data arising from complex reflection groups, as well as cellular characters for these groups. In his classification of representations of finite groups of Lie type, Lusztig defines a nonabelian Fourier transform, and associate a $mathbb{N}$-modular datum to each family of unipotent characters. In a generalization of Lusztig's theory to Spetses, Broué, Malle and Michel construct $mathbb{Z}$-modular data associated to some complex reflection groups. We first give a categorical explanation of some of these $mathbb{Z}$-modular data in terms of representation of the Drinfeld double of a finite group. We had to endow the category of representations with a non-spherical structure. The study of slightly degenerate categories shows that they naturally give rise to $mathbb{Z}$-modular data. In order to construct some examples, we consider an extension of the fusion categories associated to $qgrroot{mathfrak{g}}$, where $mathfrak{g}$ is a simple Lie algebra and $xi$ a root of unity. These categories are constructed as semisimplification of the category of tilting modules of $qdblroot{mathfrak{g}}$, which is a central extension of $qgrroot{mathfrak{g}}$. If $mathfrak{s}=mathfrak{sl}_{n+1}$, we show that this category is related to some $mathbb{Z}$-modular data associated to the complex reflection group $Gleft(d,1,frac{n(n+1)}{2}right)$. Exceptional complex reflection groups are also considered and many different categories appear in the categorification of the associated $mathbb{Z}$-modular data : modules categories over twisted Drinfeld doubles as well as some subcategories of fusion categories of tilting modules over $qdblroot{mathfrak{g}}$ in type $A$ and $B$.

Espectroscopia linear e não linear em vidros aluminosilicato de cálcio dopados com Térbio / Linear and nonlinear spectroscopy in Terbium doped calcium aluminosilicate glasses

Santos, Jéssica Fabiana Mariano dos 09 May 2019 (has links)
Apresentamos uma série de novos resultados acerca dos vidros aluminosilicato de cálcio com diferentes concentrações de sílica (7,0 e 34,0% em massa) dopados com o íon Tb3+ (Tb4O7 = 0,05 - 15,0% em massa). A partir de medidas de absorção, excitação, emissão e tempos de decaimento; discutimos detalhadamente os mecanismos de emissão verde e azul do Tb3+ neste sistema vítreo. As emissões na região do azul (nível 5D3) foram analisadas tanto pela excitação direta no UV (emissão de Stokes) quanto por conversão ascendente de energia (emissão anti-Stokes), após a excitação em 488 nm (excitação ressonante com o nível 5D4). Para excitação em 325 nm, verificou-se que a intensidade da luminescência verde aumenta linearmente com a concentração, enquanto a emissão azul é fortemente reduzida com o aumento da concentração de Tb3+. No caso da excitação em 488 nm, observou-se uma forte saturação das emissões no verde, para intensidades duas ordens de grandeza menores que o esperado (Isat = 2,3×106 W/cm2). Por meio de um sistema de equações de taxa, mostramos que esse comportamento pode ser explicado pelo mecanismo de absorção do estado excitado e por uma seção de choque de absorção (5D4 → 5D3) aproximadamente duas ordens de magnitude maior do que a observada na transição 7F6 → 5D4. Espectros de excitação e emissão realizados a baixa temperatura (6 K) evidenciaram a presença de emissões atribuídas à matriz hospedeira. Medidas de Z-scan resolvidas no tempo, com excitação em 488 nm também foram realizadas e nos permitiram calcular a variação da polarizabilidade (Δαp) das amostras. A concentração de sílica apresentou forte influência nas propriedades não lineares aferidas. Para a amostra com menor concentração de sílica (7,0% em massa), o valor de Δαp é aproximadamente 10 vezes maior do que para a amostra com maior concentração de sílica (34% em massa). / We present a series of new results concerning Tb+3 (Tb4O7 = 0,05 - 15,0 wt.%) doped calcium aluminosilicate glasses with different silica concentrations (7.0 and 34.0 wt.%). Through optical absorption, excitation spectra, photoluminescence, and fluorescence decay measurements, the blue and green Tb+3 emission are discussed in detail. Emissions in the UV-blue region (5D3 level) were analyzed by direct UV excitation (Stokes emission) and by upconversion (anti-Stokes emission), resonant excitation with level 5D4 level. For the excitation at 325 nm, the intensity of the green luminescence increases linearly with the Tb+3 concentration. In opposite, the blue emission is strongly reduced with increasing the Tb+3 concentration from 0.5 to 15.0% (wt%). In the case of the 488 nm excitation, strong saturation of the green emissions was observed for pump intensity two orders of magnitude lower than expected (Isat = 2,3×106 W/cm2). By means a rate equations system, we explain this behavior by the excited state absorption and by an absorption cross section (5D4 → 5D3) approximately two orders of magnitude larger than 7F6 → 5D4 transition. Excitation and emission spectra were performed at low temperature (6 K) in the Tb doped LSCAS glass. These spectra showed matrix emission bands. Time-resolved Z-scan measurements were performed (at 488 nm). From these measurements, we determine the polarizability change (Δαp) in Tb doped glasses. The silica concentration presents a great influence on the nonlinear properties measured. The Δαp value in low silica calcium aluminosilicate glass (7.0 wt.%) is approximately 10 times higher than the value determined the sample with a higher silica content (34.0 wt.%).

Komparace vlivu sportovců a blogerů na nákupní preference studentů středních škol / Comparison of the athletes and bloggers influence on the behavioral intentions of secondary school students

Bernardová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the athletes and blogger influence on the behavioral intentions of secondary school students Objectives: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to compare the influence of athletes and bloggers on the buying preferences of the students of Czech high school through marketing research. Methods: In the thesis are used two interdependent methods. The first of these methods is a questionnaire survey, which includes 508 respondents who were high school students during the survey. 32 respondents separated in two groups attended the second method, which is a focus group. Results: The research results show that athletes influence the behavioral intentions of secondary school students more than bloggers in every researched sphere. The main difference in effectivity is clear from the comparison between both groups by respondents. Keywords: marketing communication, shopping behaviour, reference group, generation Z, sports celebrity, influencer

Papers presented at a Conference on Energy Prices, Inflation and Economic Activity, November 7-9, 1979.

MIT Energy Lab 11 1900 (has links)
Sponsored by the M.I.T. Center for Energy Policy Research.

Synthesis, structures and reactions of hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate complexes of divalent and trivalent lanthanides

Saliu, Kuburat Olubanke 11 1900 (has links)
The synthesis and reactions of hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate, (TpR,R) supported ytterbium(II) borohydride and lanthanide(III) dialkyl (Ln = Yb, Lu) complexes were investigated. The lanthanide(III) dialkyl complexes were found to undergo both hydrogenolysis reaction and protonolysis reaction with terminal alkynes. Reaction of [(TptBu,Me)YbH]2 (1) with NH3BH3 and (TptBu,Me)YbI(THF) (2) with NaBH4 afforded the corresponding mono-ligand complexes, (TptBu,Me)Yb(BH4) (3) and (TptBu,Me)Yb(BH4)(THF) (4), respectively. Compounds 3 and 4 represent rare examples of lanthanide(II) tetrahydroborate complexes. IR spectroscopy data, in the B-H stretching region are consistent with the 3-BH4 bonding mode found in the solid state of compound 4 and the corresponding deuterium labelled BD4 analogue of 4 shows the expected IR isotope shifts. Mono-ligand lanthanide dialkyl complexes, (TpR,R)Ln(CH2SiMe2R)2(THF)0/1 (5-9) were synthesized from the homoleptic Ln(CH2SiMe2R)3(THF)2 (Ln = Yb, Lu; R = Me, Ph) complexes by two alternative and complementary methods: alkyl abstraction with the thallium salts of the ligands, TlTpR,R and protonolysis using the acid form of the ligands, HTpR,R. Hydrogenolysis of the dialkyl complexes (TpMe2)Ln(CH2SiMe3)2(THF) (7a, Yb; 8a, Lu) afforded the corresponding tetranuclear hydride complexes, [(TpMe2)LnH2]4 (11, Yb; 12, Lu). Similarly, hydrogenolysis of (Tp)Yb(CH2SiMe3)2(THF) (9) afforded the hexanuclear hydride [(Tp)YbH2]6 (13). When treated with a variety of terminal alkynes, the dialkyl complexes, (TpR,Me)Ln(CH2SiMe3)2(THF) (14a, Y; 8a, Lu), gave the corresponding bis-alkynide complexes, (TpR,Me)Ln(CCR)2 (15-27). The structures of the complexes depend on the steric size of both the alkyne substituents and the substituent on position 3 of the pyrazolyl ring. Except for the bulkiest substituents, the compounds are dimeric with two asymmetric 2-alkynide bridging groups and a coupled alkynide unit bridging the two lanthanide centers via an unusual enyne bonding motif. The synthesis of Lu(CH2Ph-4-R)3(THF)3 (R = H, 28a; R = Me, 28b) was achieved by salt metathesis reactions between KCH2Ph-4-R and LuCl3. Variable temperature NMR studies in THF shows that the formation of these complexes is accompanied by a small amount of the anionic ate K[Lu(CH2PH-4-R)4(THF)n] (30) complexes, which can be prepared independently by reaction of pure Lu(CH2Ph-4-R)3(THF)3 with one equiv. of KCH2Ph-4-R. One of the coordinated THF of 28a could be removed by trituration with toluene to give Lu(CH2Ph-4-R)3(THF)2 (29a). Protonolysis reaction with HTpR,R afforded the corresponding dibenzyl complexes, (TpR,R)Ln(CH2Ph-4-R)2(THF)n (31-33). X-ray crystal structures of complex 4, the dialkyl complexes 5b, 6b, 7 and 8; dihydride complexes 11, 12 and 13; bis-alkynide complexes 15, 16, 17, 21, 22 and 24 as well as the tribenzyl compounds 28a and 29a and dibenzyl complexes 31-33 were determined. The solution behaviour, solid state structures and structural diversity of these complexes are discussed.

Z-Transformation auf Basis des Residuensatzes / Z-Transformation based on residue theorem

Geitner, Gert-Helge 17 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Z-Transformation ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug für diskontinuierliche Regelungen. Ein wenig beachteter Transformationsweg führt über die Berechnung von Residuen. Alle wichtigen Besonderheiten wie Mehrfachpole, Sprungfähigkeit, komplexe Pole oder Zeitverschiebung unterhalb der Abtastzeit (modifizierte Z-Transformation) können einbezogen werden. Die Vorgabe von Reihenabbruchkriterien oder das Auffinden von Summenformeln ist nicht notwendig. Der Weg ist prinzipiell für manuelle und maschinelle Berechnungen einsetzbar. Die Vorgehensweise wird durch drei ausführliche Beispiele verdeutlicht. / The Z-transformation is an important tool for the control of discontinuous systems. A seldom considered transformation way uses the residue computation. All relevant fea-tures as for instance multiple poles, process with feedthrough, complex poles or delay less than the sampling time (so called modified Z-transformation) may be included. There is no truncation criterion or search for a sum formula necessary. This way is always applicable for manual as well as for computer-aided computations. Three detailed examples demonstrate the use of the formulas.

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