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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visaverčių kombinuotųjų pašarų kiaulėms gamyba, kokybės kontrolė ir panaudojimas / Produktion des vollwertigen Kombifutters für Schweine, Qualitätskontrolle und Gebrauch

Stravinskas, Robertas 19 April 2007 (has links)
Aktualität des Themas: das vollwertige Kombifutter wird schon lange gebraucht, deshalb ist es sehr interessant, die Struktur solcher Ration und die nutzlichsten Zusätze in dieser Periode zu behandeln. Forschungsziel: Bewertung des Einflusses auf das Wachstumstempo der unterschiedlichen Rationstuktur und des Wertes für die Ferkel. Bei der Fütterung der Tiere mit dem vollwertigen Kombifutter wird ganz ihr genetisches Potential für die Produktionserzeugung benutzt. Die Tiere erhalten dann alle nötigen Nahrungsmittel in entsprechenden Proportionen und zu entsprechender Lebensperiode. Deshalb wird die Produktion der Kombifutter auf der ganzen Welt und in Litauen sehr erweitert. Im Verlauf der beiden Gruppen wurde der Gesundheitszustand der Tiere beoachtet. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Versuchsgruppen der Schweine, die mit ganz balanzierter Ration bei der Anwendung von der Nahrungszusatz Liprot SG -9 gefüttert wurden, wuchsen schneller als die Schweine der Kontrollgruppe mit der Ration VM und Nahrungszusatz M51. Der durchschnittliche Zuwachs der Schweinversuchsgruppe pro 24 Stunden war 766 g oder 5 Prozente im Vergleich mit der Kontrollgruppe (716 g). Nicht nur das höhere Gewicht bekamen die Scvhweine der Versuchsgruppe, sondern auch der Futtergebrauch wurde zu 1 kg Zuwachs geringer. Nach der Berechnung des Futterpreises wurde bemerkt, dass die Selbstkosten des Kombifutters deutlicher geringer sind und der Preis des gebrauchten Futters zu einer Zuwachseinheit... [to full text]

Kiaulaičių ir kastratų mėsos kokybės palyginamasis įvertinimas / Meat quality evaluation of gilts and castrates

Pociūtė, Sandra 19 April 2007 (has links)
Pig breeding takes important place in the husbandry. Consumers and producers demand higher requirements for pork quality. Genetic and non-genetic factors have influence on meat quality. Ability of meat production and demand in the market are dependet from meat quality. Meat had to have a good culinary, technological, sensual and biological characteristics. Sex have influence to meat quality, so it is important to evaluate meat quality of different breeds of gilts and castrates. To compare meat quality of gilts and castrates. The samples for analysis were taken from 10 Lithuanian White (LW), 10 Large White (LLW), 10 Landrase (L), 10 Yorkshire (Y), 10 Landrase x Large White (LxLLW), 10 Yorkshire x Landrase (YxL) gilts carcasses and from 10 Lithuanian White (LW), 10 Large White (LLW), 10 Landrase (L), 10 Yorkshire (Y), 10 Landrase x Large White (LxLLW), 10 Yorkshire x Landrase (YxL) castrates carcasses. Pigs were held at the Control Feeding Station of Pigs under the same feeding and keeping conditions. Pigs were slaughtered at the weight of 95 kg. After carcass chilling meat samples were taken from musculus longissimus dorsi for meat quality evaluating. At 48 h post-mortem, dry matter, pH, color (L* lighteness, a* redness, b* yellowness), drip loss, water holding capasity, cooking loss, shear forse, intramuscular fat, protein, ash were determined at the Laboratory of Meat Charecteristics and Quality Assessment in Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. Data were analyzed by using... [to full text]

Fermentinio sūrio „Liliputas“ mitybinės vertės nustatymas / Determination of the nutrition value of the fermented cheese „Liliputas”

Poškaitė, Jurgita 19 April 2007 (has links)
Project was carried out at the Stock-raising Department of the Faculty of Stock-raising Technology of the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. For the research the fermented cheese “Liliputas” was taken from UAB “Belvederio sūrinė” and the research was carried out in the laboratory of sensual analysis of the Nutrition Institute of Kaunas University of Technology. Project supervisor – Assoc. Prof. K. Pauliukas. Objective of the project is to adopt the production technology of the fermented cheese “Liliputas”, research the biochemical changes during the course of technological process, and determine the nutrition value. Research was carried out with the fermented cheese “Liliputas”, produced by UAB “Belvederio sūrinė”, by choosing the milk of the cowshed season and the milk of the pasturable season. Changes in the chemical composition and sensual indicators were researched in the laboratory of sensual analysis of the Nutrition Institute of Kaunas University of Technology. The following indicators were researched: pH, humidity (percentage), total nitrogen content (percentage), total protein content (percentage), total soluble nitrogen content (percentage), total soluble protein content (percentage), soluble non-protein nitrogen (percentage), free volatile fatty acids (VFA) NOOH ml, sensual properties (straw-color strength, elasticity when bending, solidity in mouth, viscosity (N), resiliency (mm), etc.). Maximum variation is observed with the free fatty acids when the cheese... [to full text]

Žolinių pašarų maistingumo tyrimai LVA praktinio mokymo ir bandymų centre / The Research of Herbage Feed Nutrition in LVA Practical Training and Research Centre

Beniušis, Tadas 19 April 2007 (has links)
Nutritious and quality feed as well as balanced feeding has the greatest effect on the productivity and health of cattle. According to American scientists, 50- 57% of animal productivity depends on feed and improvement of feeding. Thus trying to avoid the loss of nutrients, different technologies like ensilage (sugar- beet bagasse’, maize’, feed cabbages’, etc.) and withering (clovers’, lucernes’, cultivated plants’, etc.) were invoked. The Practical part of the work (carried forward in LVA Practical Training and Research Centre) confirmed facts stated in Theoretical part. The alterations of nutrition were sampled out of the silage made of perennials (Uzliedziai); also out of withered oat and pease mixture (Muniskiai); corn/ maize (Giraite and Muniskiai), and heylage, made out of cultivated plants (Giraite). With the help of researches it was diagnosed that Muniskiai and Uzliedziai silage mix’s nutritive value had not changed a lot. To both lots of mixtures were characteristic the loss of green proteins accordingly 210.1 g/kg- 4.7 g/kg, sugar ~1.65 g/kg, carotene 8.5 g/kg. The amount of lactic acid was notably decreased in both in Muniskiai and Giraite mixes, meanwhile the amount of acetic and butyric acid increased. Corn in Giraite were cut in the end of September, while other lot in Muniskiai was cut in October. This fact influenced a better nutritive value of Muniskiai corn silage. After six months period the greatest change was noticed in reduction of the following... [to full text]

Gyvulininkystės įmonių komercinės veiklos organizavimas / The organization of cattle-breeding company’s commercial activity

Maskeliūnienė, Kristina 20 April 2007 (has links)
The problem of the research: The analysis of commercial activity helps to get to know better the market and factors, which predetermine its changes. This allows to prepare more effective plan of company’s activity and to protect leaders from incorrect decisions. Trying to accomplish theoretical factors of commercial activities analysis practicing, the market of JSC “Agrokonsultos group” was chosen. This company resells disinfection materials. The decision was predetermined also by the thing, that despite the market of disinfection materials is small, it is very important and there is not so much information about it. The purpose of the research – to analyze the commercial activity of cattle-breeding company, to evaluate the tendency of resold disinfection materials consumption. Tasks: 1. to analyze and systematize academic literature related with company’s activity; 2. to get acquainted with JCS “Agrokonsultos group” activity; 3. to analyze commercial activity of this company; 4. to discuss the demand’s and supply’s of resold disinfection materials; 5. to find out the main factors, which influence the supply and demand of disinfection materials; 6. to give conclusions. Results: After analyzing JSC “Agrokonsultos group” commercial activity it was established, that the most profitable market are large cattle-breeding complexes, which can buy large amounts of disinfection materials. There also can be direct contracts or simple permanent orders. When the analysis of... [to full text]

Žemaitukų mitochondrinės DNR konrolinės sekos nustatytmas ir palyginimas skirtingose arklių veislėse / Zemaitukai mitochondrial DNA control region identify and genetic relatioships between some other breeds

Draudvilaitė, Kristina 13 April 2005 (has links)
The objective - To identify Zemaitukai mtDNA D-loop region and genetic relationships between Zemaitukai and some other breeds based on mtDNA sequence variation. Methods - To perform a phylogenetic analysis of 10 Zemaitukai, mtDNA D-loop 49 horses in the 20 different horse breeds sequence were included from GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/GenBank). DNA was extracted from hair roots using the DNEasy® Tissue Kit (Qiagen). 1,280 bp fragment of mtDNA D-loop were amplify out in PTC-100™ termocycler. Amplified products were sequenced on a LI-COR® 4200S-2 automated sequencer. Sequencher v 4.1.4. software package was used to generate the actual DNA sequence for each of the animals. Multiple alignments of sequences were performed with CLUSTAL X 1.8 (Thompson et al., 1997). The Neighbor-joining tree (Saitou and Nei, 1987) of mtDNA sequences was constructed from Jukes-Cantor distances, performed on the pairwise deletion using the MEGA software (Kumar et al., 1993). Results –Within Zemaitukai breed 19 polymorphic sites were detected and 6 haplotypes. At the individual level 4 zemaitukai haplotypes were private to one individuals, 1 haplotype-between 2 individuals and 1 haplotype was shared between 4 individuals. On the Neighbor-joining tree showed one Zemaitukai haplotype closer genetic relationships to the Icelandic and to the Norwegian Fiord horse haplotypes. Zemaitukai breed formed a separate branch with the ancient DNA haplotype. The phylogenetic analysis reflects the presence... [to full text]

Sviesto ir pieno riebalų iš skirtingos sudėties ir kokybės žaliavų gamybos technologijų ypatumai bei jų įtaka sviesto kokybei AB "Kauno pienas" / Butter and milk fat from different composition and quality raw, peculiarities of production technology, and influence for butter in join-stock “ Kauno pienas”

Lazdauskienė, Laura 13 April 2005 (has links)
Butter and milk fat from different composition and quality raw, peculiarities of production technology, and influence for butter in join-stock “ Kauno pienas” Laura Lazdauskienė, GT fakultetas VI kurso studentė Mokslinio darbo vadovas dr.Doc.Kazimieras Pauliukas Introduction A main problem of join-stock is production realization. The company purpose – to extend products assortment and reform their quality, likewise to improve process of technology. Methods. Work accomplished join-stock Company “ Kauno pienas”. Milk was investigated in chemical and microbiology laboratories. The date about milk composition and quality were compared with enterprise “ Pieno tyrimai “. The main indicators of milk quality ( fat, proteins, lactose) a milk quality indicators ( somatic cell count, total bacterial contamination ) have influence for butter production. Results and discussion. At most, influences for butter production have fats, which vary in milk. The fat amount in milk is major in wintertime, in summer time is lesser. Influence for amount fats has triglyceride in milk. During wintertime, their amount increase and fat amount in milk likewise increase. The consistence of make butter in wintertime is solid and grain, in summertime – soft. Given a major fat amount in milk, less remain in skinny milk. Somatic cell count and total bacterial contamination has influence for butter quality. This indicator was compared with average of republic. It was noticed, that this indicator during five... [to full text]

Skirtingų miežių, kvietrugių ir kviečių genotipų maistinės vertės analizė bei nesmulkintų javų grūdų panaudojimo efektyvumas viščiukų broilerių mityboje / The nutritional value analysis of different genotypes of barley, triticale and wheat and efficiency using of whole cereal grains in broiler chickens feeding

Kliševičiūtė, Vilma 19 December 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti skirtingų miežių, kviečių ir kvietrugių genotipų maistinę vertę bei skirtingo nesmulkintų miežių ir kvietrugių kiekio įtaką broilerių produktyvumui, virškinimo procesams, paukštienos morfologinei sudėčiai bei kokybei. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti skirtingų miežių, kviečių ir kvietrugių genotipų maistinę vertę konkrečiai definuotomis jų auginimo sąlygomis. 2. Nustatyti skirtingų miežių ir kvietrugių genotipų įtaką, naudojant NKP skaldančius fermentus, viščiukų broilerių virškinamosios masės tranzitui, klampumui, amoniakinio azoto koncentracijai aklųjų žarnų turinyje. 3. Ištirti skirtingų nesmulkintų miežių kiekių įtaką viščiukų broilerių produktyvumui, virškinimo procesams ir paukštienos kokybei. 4. Ištirti skirtingų nesmulkintų kvietrugių kiekių įtaką viščiukų broilerių produktyvumui, virškinimo procesams ir paukštienos kokybei. Darbo aktualumas ir naujumas: Viščiukų broilerių lesinimui dažniausiai naudojami nesmulkinti kviečiai. Jie sąlygoja geresnį virškinamojo trakto išsivystymą, mažina paukštienos gamybos kaštus. Nesmulkintų miežių ir kvietrugių panaudojimas viščiukų broilerių mityboje yra menkai ištirtas, o šių grūdų pardavimo kaina dažnai esti mažesnė už kviečių. Nėra galutinai ištirta miežių ir kvietrugių maistinė vertė, nėra publikuotų duomenų apie įvairiais kiekiais ir skirtingais broilerių auginimo periodais panaudotų nesmulkintų šių javų grūdų įtaką viščiukų broilerių virškinimo fiziologiniams procesams bei paukštienos kokybei. Taigi šie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study: To investigate nutritive value of a variety of barley, wheat and triticale genotypes and influence of whole barley and triticale used in various amounts on broilers’ productivity, digestive processes and morphological composition and quality of poultry meat. Objectives of the study: 1. To investigate nutritive value of a variety of barley, wheat and triticale genotypes under concretely defined conditions of their growth. 2. To determine impact of various genotypes of barley and triticale on transit, viscosity of broiler chickens’ digesta and ammonia nitrogen concentration in the content of cecum. 3. To examine impact of various whole barley amounts on broilers’ productivity, digestive processes and quality of poultry meat. 4. To examine impact of various whole triticale amounts on broilers’ productivity, digestive processes and quality of poultry meat. Actuality and novelty of the work: Whole triticale is most frequently used for broiler chickens’ feeding. Their usage preconditions a better development of digestive system and decreases the cost of poultry meat production. The use of whole barley and triticale for broilers’ nutrition is scarcely investigated, whereas the price of aforesaid grains is frequently lower comparing with that of wheat. Besides, nutritive value of barley and triticale has not been completely investigated; there is no published data on the in-fluence of whole barley and triticale (used in various amounts at different growth... [to full text]

Klimato kaitą skatinančių ir aplinką teršiančių dujų emisijų iš mėšlo mažinimo priemonių efektyvumas / The effectiveness of implements on mitigation of greenhouse gas emission and pollution reduction from manure

Matulaitis, Raimundas 22 December 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti kiaulių ir galvijų mėšlui būdingas maksimalaus metano susidarymo (Bo), ir teorinio metano susidarymo (Bu) reikšmes, bei ištirti klimato kaitą skatinančių, ir aplinką teršiančių dujų emisijų mažinimo iš mėšlo priemonių taikymo efektyvumą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti maksimalų metano dujų kiekį galintį išsiskirti iš kiaulių ir galvijų mėšlo. 2) ištirti priedų įtaką NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO ir CO dujų emisijoms iš skysto ir pusiau skysto galvijų ir kiaulių mėšlo. 3) nustatyti įvairių plaukiojančių dangų poveikį NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO ir CO dujų emisijoms skysto ir pusiau skysto mėšlo laikymo metu. 4) ištirti priedų ir plaukiojančių dangų kompleksinio naudojimo įtaką NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO ir CO dujų emisijoms iš skysto ir pusiau skysto galvijų ir kiaulių mėšlo. Tyrimai vykdyti dviejų kiaulių tvartų aplinkoje ir laboratorinėmis sąlygomis. Bandymams laboratorinėmis sąlygomis atlikti buvo panaudoti mėšlo mėginiai surinkti iš 28 gyvulininkystės ūkių. Tyrimų metu nustatytas maksimalus metano dujų kiekis galintis išsiskirti iš kiaulių ir galvijų mėšlo. Taip pat ištirtas mikrobiologinio preparato ir sieros rūgšties priedų, plaukiojančių dangų, t. y., keramzito, natūralių durpių, valgomojo saulėgrąžų aliejaus, medžio pjuvenų, šiaudų, polietileno plėvelės, bei priedų kompleksinio naudojimo su polietileno plėvele poveikis NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO ir CO dujų emisijoms iš mėšlo. Atliki tyrimai, kuriuose įvertintas priedų bei įvairių plaukiojančių dangų poveikis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the present study – to study the ultimate (Bo) and theoretical (Bu) methane yield from pig and cattle manure, and to investigate the effectiveness of implements on the emission reduction of polluting and greenhouse gases from manure. Tasks of the present study: 1. To measure the ultimate methane yield from pig and cattle manure. 2. To investigate the effect of the additives on the reduction of emission of the NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO and CO gases from liquid and semi-liquid manure of cattle and pigs. 3. To determine the effect of different floating covers on the reduction of emission of the NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO and CO gases from liquid and semi-liquid manure during the storage. 4. To investigate the effect of the complex of additives and floating covers on the reduction of emission of the NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO and CO gases from liquid and semi-liquid manure of cattle and pigs. The investigations were performed in two piggeries and a laboratory. To carry out the experiments in the laboratory, the manure was collected from 28 farms. During the investigation period, the ultimate methane yield from pig and cattle manure was determined. Also, the effect of the microbial-based and sulphuric acid additives, floating covers, i. e., leca (light expanded clay aggregate), natural peat, sunflower oil, sawdust, straw and plastic film, and furthermore, the complex of additives and a plastic film cover on the emission of NH3, CO2, CH4, H2S, NO and CO gases from manure were... [to full text]

Žirnių ir vikių mišinio įtaka karvių pieno sudėties rodikliams / The influence of peas and vetch mixture on cows' milk composition parameters

Skaburskytė, Kristina 26 April 2013 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti ir įvertinti žirnių ir vikių mišinio įtaką pieno sudėčiai X ūkyje. Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti žirnių ir vikių mišinio įtaką pieno kiekiui ir sudėčiai. 2. Palyginti pieno sudėties rodiklius ganykliniu ir tvartiniu laikotarpiais. 3. Apibendrinti tyrimų rezultatus, pateikti išvadas ir pasiūlymus. Išvados: 1. Karvių, šertų žirnių ir vikių mišinio grūdų koncentruotaisiais pašarais, vidutinis pieno riebumas 0,08 proc.ir baltymingumas 0,04 proc. buvo mažesnis nei karvių, kurios buvo šertos visaverčiais kombinuotais pašarais. 2. Karvės, šertos visaverčiais kombinuotais pašarais, davė 0,023 kg pieno daugiau, nei karvės, šertos žirnių ir vikių mišinio koncentruotaisiais pašarais. 3. Laktozės kiekis piene buvo didesnis vidutiniškai 0,01 proc karvių , šėrtų žirnių ir vikių mišinio koncentruotaisiais pašarais. Laktozės kiekis statistiškai patikimas ( p<0,05). 4. Vidutinis urėjos kiekis abiejų grupių karvių piene buvo vienodas (18,77 mg/proc.). 5. Ganykliniu laikotarpiu 0,3 proc.(p<0,05) riebesnio ir 0,25 proc.(p<0,05) baltymingesnio pieno primelžta iš visaverčiais kombinuotais pašarais šertų karvių, o tvartiniu laikotarpiu 0,29 proc.(p<0,05) riebesnio pieno davė žirnių ir vikių mišinio miltais šertos karvės. / Tasks of work: overlook basis and ration of fodder given to milch-cows. Clarify how preparation of concentrated fodder, portioning out, and norming to the cows is managed. Identify what is the impact of concentrated mixture of vetch and bean stems to the cow’s productivity of milk composition. Generalize results of research, give conclusions and suggestions. Work placement and method. Work accomplished in X farm, in district of Rokiškis, duration 2011.11.01 – 2012.09.30. During the work: science literature was used, as well as statistical analysis, methods of data filing and summation. From results of research was found out that cows which were fed with concentrates of peas’s and vetch mixtures, average of milk fat 0.08% and proteins 0.04% was lower then cows which were fed full combined forage. Cows which were fed with complete combined forage gave 10.6kg more milk then those which were fed with concentrates of peas and vetch mixtures. Quantity of lactose in milk was higher average 0.01% of those cows which were fed with peas and vetch mixtures concentrates. Average urea quantity were equal (18,77 mg/%) in both cows groups. During pasturable period cows which were fed complete combined forage were milking 0.3% fatter and with more proteins 0.25% milk. During the cow-house period fatter milk 0.29% were given from cows which were fed of peas and vetch mixtures concentrates. In research it was observed lack of cellular tissue and protein in milk. Suggestion - pay... [to full text]

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