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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skirtingų šėrimo technologijų įtaka karvių produktyvumui ir ekonominiams rodikliams / The effect of different feeding technologies on productivity of cows and economical parameters

Makauskas, Saulius 30 December 2005 (has links)
The aim of the research: To define the effect of the feeding of dairy cows roughage rations on their productivity, physiological state and economical parameters. The tasks of the research – to define the effect of feeding technologies on: forage intake; milk production and quality; microbiological and biochemical parameters of the rumen; forage OM digestibility in vitro; biochemical parameters of blood; economical effect. Novelty of the research: The effect of different feeding technologies – when forages were given as separate components and as the mixture of all components-on dairy cows’ productivity, physiological state and economical parameters has been studied complexically for the first time. Practical importance of the research: The results of the research led to the conclusion that it seems economically purposeful to feed dairy cows roughage mixtures, which made 83.44% and 85.63 % of all daily ration while preparing and sharing them out by a mixer-divider ,,OptiMix™“, as this feeding technology serves to decrease feeding expenditure and to increase milk production.

Mišrūnų paršelių auginimas panaudojant specifinius pašarinius priedus / The use of the specific feed additives in the fattening of crossbreed piglets

Gabinaitienė, Giedrė 17 March 2006 (has links)
With two last decades there has been a very big interest in various feed additives and supplements as, e.g. prebiotics, probiotics, phytobiotics and symbiotics which are applied to keep and maintain a necessary level of the useful microorganisms who could create an environment the nutrients of the feed to be digested more effectively in the tract of animal. From the 1st of January, 2006 in EU there was a ban announced regarding the use of feed antibiotics to obtain better productivity of agricultural animals. For this reason the growers of the agricultural animals started to look for an alternative which could be approved by numbers of the tests. The goal of the study – to reveal what was the influence of “ARBOCEL RC” and “VITACEL R 200” raw fiber concentrates on the both daily weight gain and carcass characteristics of the crossbreed pigs.

Biologiškai vertingų komponentų įtaka valgomųjų ledų gamybos technologijai ir jų savybės / The influence of functional additives on the production technology and qualities of ice-cream

Žemaitienė, Asta 15 April 2005 (has links)
Milk and dairy products are one of the most prevalent and broadly consumed foodstuffs. Ice-cream occupies an important place in a wide range of dairy products. The goal of the paper. To analyze the technological process of ice-cream production in the one of the most advanced enterprise UAB Vikeda. To examine the influence of biologically valuable additives on the technological process of the ice-cream production and quality. Novelty of the paper. Samples of ice-cream have been produced under laboratory conditions of the Technology Laboratory at Lithuanian Food Institute using the following additives: wheat fiber gel Vitacel, acacia gum fiber Fibergum, lupine proteins Lupine protein and Omega-fatty acids. Physical and sensual qualities of the ice-cream have been examined. Methods of research. Research has been performed in UAB Vikeda located in Kedainiai and in Lithuanian Food Institute. The following qualities of ice-cream have been analyzed: melting of ice-cream; hardness of ice-cream; sensual evaluation of ice-cream; research of consumers. The melting of ice-cream samples has been determined in accordance with the methods presented by Lithuanian Food Institute. Instrumental research of the hardness of the ice-cream texture has been performed using the semi-automatic penetrometer Labor. Sensual qualities of ice-cream have been evaluated in accordance with the „Methods on Sensual Evaluation of Milk and Dairy Products Sensual Analysis“, worked out by Lithuanian Food Institute... [to full text]

Galvijų prolaktino geno polimorfizmo tyrimai Lietuvos pieninių galvijų populiacijoje / Topic of Master thesis Investigations of cattle prolactin gene polymorphism in Lithuanian dairy cattle

Riaubaitė, Laura 15 April 2005 (has links)
Object of work. 1. Investigation of prolactin gene polymorphism and distribution of different alleles at Lithuanian cattle breeds (Lithuanian Red, Lithuanian Light Grey, Lithuanian White Backed, Lithuanian Black and White). 2 Investigation of prolactin (PRL) gene influence to milk production. Tasks of work. 1. Introduce cattle prolactin gene research methodology at K. Janušauskas Laboratory of Animal Genetics, LVA. 2. Investigate prolactin gene polymorphism at LR, LBW, LWB, LLG cattle breeds by molecular PCR-RFLP method. 3. Determine frequency of prolactin gene alleles and genotypes at LR, LBW, LWB, LLG cattle breeds. 4. Compose data base for dairy production of investigative cattle population. 5. Investigate influence of prolactin gene to milk yield, fat and proteins. Research methodology. 1. DNA extraction from: blood and hair roots. 2. PCR to amplify PRL gene. 3. RFLP method-PRL – enzyme RsaI. 3. Electrophoresis in agarose gel. 4. Staining with Etidium bromide. 5. Genotyping. Results. The following DNA restriction fragments were obtained for the PRL-RsaI polymorphism: 82 and 74 bp for the BB genotype, 156, 82 and 74 bp for the AB and 156 bp for the AA genotype. The AA genotype was found most frequent in all breeds (0.06 – 0.94), followed by the AB (0.06 – 0.37). The least frequent was the BB genotype (0.00 – 0.08). Prolactin gene A allele was found most frequent (0.97) at Lithuanian Light Grey, the least frequent (0.77) - at Lithuanian red cattle breed. Conclusions... [to full text]

Cholesterolio kiekis skirtingų veislių kiaulių mėsoje / Cholesterol amount in the meat of different pig breeds

Puskunigytė, Jolanta 13 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of work – to determine the amount of cholesterol in the meat of different pig breeds. The task of research: 1. To analyse the literature about the effect of cholesterol on the human organism and also the peculiarity of concentration in the humans and animals. 2. To determine the amount of cholesterol in the Lithuanian White, Large White, Landrace and Yorkshire meat. Methodology. The samples were used from four different pig breeds: Lithuanian White, Large White, Landrace and Yorkshire of boars (castrates) and gilts. 20 samples were taken from each breed: 10 samples of bears and 10 samples of gilts. Pigs were fattened up at the State Pig Breeding Station in Baisiogala. The amount of cholesterol in pork was determined by using R–Biopharm GmbH company’s „Cholesterin–Testkontroll–Lösung“cholesterol assay control solution made in Germany and in spectrophometrical way, also. Conclusions: 1. The biggest amount of cholesterol was determined in the meat of Yorkshire pigs – 54.3 mg/100g P<0.01 and the smallest amount of cholesterol was found in the meat of Large White pigs–51.0 mg/100 g P<0.01. 2. Almost in all pig breeds the bigger amount of cholesterol was found in the meat of boars 0.1 – 3.7 mg/100 g or 0.2-7 % P>0.05, except Landrace pig breed. 3. According to the data of dispersive analysis breed had more influence P<0.05 than sex P>0.05 on the amount of cholesterol, but however it was dependent on the individual features of animal most.

UAB „Litgenas“ bulių reproduktorių genealogijos ir veislinės vertės dinamika / Dinamics of bulls sires genealogy and value of breed in the company „Litgenas“

Eidintas, Giedrius 19 April 2007 (has links)
Dairy cattle breeding is still taking the first place of it‘s production. Growing requirements in the national and international markets require animals productivity, increase of genetic potential and development of production quality. The growth of animal’s genetic potential promote the use of bull’s sires with high value of breed. There are a lot of the bulls sires witch are improving the breed. So they constitute line of descent or related groups. The company „Litgenas“ during 14 work years has been used 11 line of descent and related groups. There are 4 the main line of descent and related groups: 1. W. A. BURKE LAD 697789 line ( 920 ); 2. R. O. R. A. ELEVATION 1491007 US1491007 related group ( 931 ); 3. O. IVANHOE 1189870 line ( 960 ); 4. P. F. ARLINDA CHIEF TL 1427381 related group ( 982 ). Comparing to the controlled cows’ bands of 2004-2005 years the supply of company coincides with the demand of market. I was using „R“ statistic analysis packet, counting arithmetic avarages of values of bulls breeds and coefficient of variation. Also during the communication with farmers I noticed that the requirements of bulls genealogy schemes which are used by the company „Litgenas“ became much bigger. So due to the information of bulls line of descent which were cumulated by the computation centre “VIC” of Lithuania I made bulls sires genealogy schemes. All farmers, selectioners of company, regions breeding inspectors and inseminators are using this poster. The... [to full text]

Ekologiško pieno gamyba ir perdirbimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje / Organic milk processing perspectives in Lithuania

Černiauskienė, Ilona 19 April 2007 (has links)
Aim: to carry out the research of the organic milk production conditions as well as the study of processing possibilities in Lithuania. The subject of research. The conditions of organic milk production as well as its relation to sanitary milk indicators in organic farms. Development of the production of organic milk and organic milk products in Lithuania and EC. Methodology. The research and assessment of microclimate was carried out during the winter period of 2005-2006. 14 organic farms from Jonava, Alytus, Raseiniai, Ukmergė and Molėtai districts were chosen for this purpose. The results of milk quality analysis from 27 organic and the same number from conventional dairy farms were selected from SE „Pieno tyrimai“. The research period was 01 10 2005 – 10 05 2006. During the period the qualitative parameters of organic and conventional milk, such as milk fat content and milk protein content, as well as sanitary parameters, such as general milk bacteria content (GBC) and somatic cells content (SCC), were observed and analyzed. The statistical analysis of the research results was carried out by the statistical package of the computer software “Graph Pad Prism” (Version 2.10; 1996) and software spreadsheet EXCEL. The software package Win Excel 97` was used for the visual presentation of the data. Results. The trend of organic dairy farms expansion has been observed. The owners of the organic farms pay too little attention to the wellbeing of the dairy cows. Because of... [to full text]

Veršelių auginimas iki 3 m. amžiaus, taikant šėrimo technologiją, skatinančią didžiojo prieskrandžio vystymąsi / The growing of calfs till 3 year old of their age applying a feed technology which is stimulating the development of rumen / Züchtung der Kälber bis zu drei Jahren unter Anwendung einer Fütterungstechnologie, die die Entwicklung des großen Vormagens fördert

Gudaitis, Vytas 28 June 2008 (has links)
Veršelių auginimas iki 3 mėn. amžiaus, taikant šėrimo technologiją, skatinančią didžiojo prieskrandžio vystymąsi. Darbo tikslas: Išauginti sveikas veislines telyčias, su gerai išsivysčiusiu didžiuoju prieskrandžiu, karvių pakaitai ir bandos plėtrai. Aktualumas: Suaugusių karvių sveikata ir produktyvumas labai priklauso nuo veršelių auginimo technologijos ir ypatingai nuo jų auginimo girdymo pienu periodu. Labai svarbu, kad girdymo pienu periodu veršeliai nesirgtų virškinimo trakto ir kvėpavimo takų ligomis. Per šį laikotarpį nebūtina priauginti daug svorio, todėl veršelių nereikia peršerti. Šiuo periodu svarbiausia yra veršelių sveikata, o ne priesvoriai! Pasibaigus girdymo pienu periodui veršeliai jau būna atsparūs virškinimo trakto, kvėpavimo takų ir kitiems susirgimams. O tada jau reikia sudaryti veršeliams tinkamas mitybos sąlygas, kad gyvuliai atitinkamais augimo periodais priaugtų reikiamą svorį, o suaugę galėtų pasiekti genetinį produktyvumo lygį. / The applying of feeding technology to 3 year old calfs and the stimulation of development of their rumen. / Züchtung der Kälber bis zu drei Jahren unter Anwendung einer Fütterungstechnologie, die die Entwicklung des großen Vormagens fördert. Arbeitsziel: Pflege der gesunden Zuchtfersen mit dem gut entwickelten Vormagen für den Tausch der Kühe und die Entwicklung der Herde. Aktualität: Die Gesundheit und die Produktivität der erwachsenen Kühe hängt stark von der Züchtungstechnologie der Kälber ab und besonders von der Pflege in der Periode der Milchtränkung. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass in der Periode der Milchtränkung die Kälber an Verdauungs- und Atmungskrankheiten nicht leiden. In dieser Periode ist es nicht wichtig, viel Gewicht zuzuwachsen, deswegen müssen die Kälber nicht zu viel gefüttert werden. In dieser Periode ist die Gesundheit der Kälber und nicht der Zuwachs wichtig! Nach dem Ende dieser Periode sind die Kälber schon gegen Verdauungs-, Atmungs- und andere Krankheiten beständig. Dann muss man geeignete Fütterungsbedingungen für die Kälber schaffen, damit die Tiere in entsprechenden Wachstumsperioden das nötige Gewicht zuwachsen und erwachsene Tiere das genetische Produktivitätsniveau erreichen.

Lietuvos juodmargių buliukų kūno matmenų, augimo spartos, skerdenos išeigos ir mėsingumo tarpusavio ryšiai / Lithuanian Black and White breed bulls connexion between body measures, growth speed, carcass output and succulence output and succulence

Kučuro, Elicija 16 March 2006 (has links)
The task of research: 1.To analyse and systematic body measures data; 2.to analyse and systematic control slaughter’s data; 3.to count correlation coefficients between different features. Methodology. It was found correlation coefficients between body measures, growth speed, carcass output and succulence. Correlation coefficients were count by using computer program – Excel. And correlation coefficient’s reliability was found by Snedekor. Conclusions: 1.Between separate body measures and growth fastness was determinated some connexion. The biggest correlation coefficients were between body measures and growth fastness in different periods of life r = 0,444 – 0,688 (P< 0,01). 2.The biggest correlation coefficients were determinated between hinder body parts measures and succulence r = 0,493 – 0,694 (P<0,01). 3.Because these high correlation coefficients show the firm belonging between determined features, so to fulfill the selection we need to take it to account. 4.It was noticed, that bulls which were dwars, they had bigger weight in different periods of their growth, instead the lofty ones. 5.The biggest growth fastness for Lithuanian Black and White breed bulls was definited from 12 – 15 months. They distinguished the biggest weight in this period. So, the most effective way to feed up these bulls would be till this period – 12 – 15 months.

Probiotinių ir mineralinių vitamininių papildų panaudojimas kiaulių šėrime / Verwendung von probiotischen und mineralischen vitaminreichen Futterzusatzstoffen auf die Schweinernährung

Horn, Loreta 16 March 2006 (has links)
Die Probiotika werden heute sehr breit in der Ernährung von Menschen, Tieren und Vögeln verwendet. Bei den Probiotika handelt es sich um lebensfähige Formen von spezifischen Mikroorganismen, die dem tierischen Organismus kontinuierlich dem Futter zugeführt wurden. Die Prüfung erfolgte in 2 Leistungsversuchen mit den Schweinen. In jedem Versuch waren 3 Gruppen gebildet. Beide Gruppen in den Experimenten waren identisch bezüglich genetischer Konstruktion, Geschlecht, Alter und Lebendmasse der verwendeten Tiere. In beiden Versuchen in den Futtermischungen der Kontrollgruppe kam das Mineralfuttermittel Dynaphos M 2000 ohne Probiotikum zum Einsatz. Das Mineralfuttermittel Schaumalac M 55 als Komponente in den Futtermischungen der Versuchtiere wurde mit dem Probiotikum Bonvital suplementiert und 1kg Futter hatte 30x108 KBE (Enterococcus faecium). Im Futter für die Gruppe III wurden mineralische vitaminische Futterzusatzstoffe ohne Probiotikum und mit kleinerer Anzahl von Vitaminen verwendet. Im Versuch Nr.2 in der Futtermischungen für die Gruppe III wurde Probiotikum Biomin Imbo verwendet und 1kg Futter hatte 0,75x108 KBE (Enterococcus faecium). Mastleistung : die Futterzusatzstoffen mit Bonvital und Biomin Imbo wirkten auf die Lebendmasse so: die Tageszunahme war 3% höher im Versuch Nr.1 und 1,5% höher im Versuch Nr.2, und sogar 6% höher (Versuch Nr.2 mit Biomin Imbo). Solche Ergebnisse wirkten auch auf Futteraufwand: (im Versuch Nr.2 mit Bonvital) benötigten die Tiere 3%... [to full text]

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