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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Baltijos šalių vietinių avių veislių prioninio baltymo geno įvairovės tyrimai / Polymorphisms of prion protein gene in native baltic breeds of sheep

Volskienė, Rasa 15 December 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – atlikti Baltijos šalių vietinių avių veislių: Estijos baltagalvių, Estijos juodgalvių, Estijos Ruhnu, Latvijos tamsiagalvių, Lietuvos vietinių šiurkščiavilnių, Lietuvos juodgalvių prioninio baltymo genetinės įvairovės tyrimus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti prioninio baltymo geno polimorfizmą 134, 157 ir 171 kodonuose, nustatyti šio geno alelius bei jų paplitimą Baltijos šalių vietinėse avių veislėse; 2. Nustatyti prioninio baltymo genotipų dažnius Baltijos šalių vietinių avių veislėse; 3. Identifikuoti prioninio baltymo genotipus pagal rizikos susirgti skrepi liga grupes, Baltijos šalių vietinių avių veislėse; 4. Sumodeliuoti atsparių skrepi ligai bandų formavimą pagal nustatytus prioninio baltymo genotipus bei jų paplitimo dažnį Baltijos šalių vietinėse avių veislėse. Pirmą kartą Baltijos šalių avių vietinėse veislėse: Estijos baltagalvių, Estijos juodgalvių, Estijos Ruhnu, Latvijos tamsiagalvių, Lietuvos vietinių šiurkščiavilnių, Lietuvos juodgalvių – buvo genotipuotas prioninio baltymo genas, identifikuoti šio geno aleliai, nustatytas jų paplitimas bei identifikuoti genotipai, pagal rizikos susirgti skrepi liga grupes. Atlikti prognoziniai skaičiavimai, siekiant suformuoti atsparių skrepi ligai avių bandas. / The aim of the work - to research prion protein gene(PrP) genetic diversity of local Baltic sheep in such breeds as Estonian whitehead, blackhead, and Ruhnu, Latvian darkhead, and Lithuanian coarsewool native, and Lithuanian blackface. Tasks of the research: 1. To investigate Prion protein gene polymorphism in 134, 157 and 171 codons, identify the gene alleles and their prevalence in the Baltic countries of the local native breeds of sheep; 2. To determine Prion protein genotype frequencies in the Baltic local native breeds of sheep; 3. To identify Prion protein genotypes according to the risk to contract scrapie disease in the native Baltic breeds of sheep; 4. To simulate scrapie resistant flocks according to the Prion protein genotypes and their prevalence rate in the native Baltic breeds of sheep. It is first time in the Baltics that the local sheep breed (Estonian whitehead, Estonian blackhead, Estonian Ruhnu, Latvian darkhead, Lithuanian coarsewool native, Lithuanian blackface) Prion protein gene was genotiped, gene alleles identified in their prevalence and genotypes classified into groups according to the risk to contract scrapie. The calculations were carried out in order to distinguish the groups of sheep resistant to scrapie.

Reprodukcinių savybių indekso kitimas priklausomai nuo paršavedžių amžiaus / Change of an index of reproductive characteristics of a sow depending on age

Mickevičienė, Inga 07 May 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti paršavedžių reprodukcinių savybių indekso (R) kitimą didėjant paršavedžių amžiui. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. įvertinti tiriamųjų paršavedžių reprodukcinių savybių rodiklių kitimą nuo pirmo iki paskutinio apsiparšiavimo; 2. paskaičiuoti reprodukcinių savybių indeksus (R) kiekvienai paršavedei, atskirai kiekvienam apsiparšiavimui; 3. įvertinti reprodukcinių savybių indekso (R) kitimą didėjant apsiparšiavimų skaičiui. / Work goal: the analysis of change of an index of reproductive characteristics of a sow depending on age. For achievement of this goal, raise the following objektives: 1) to estimate change of reproductive characteristics of investigated sows from the first to the last farrows; 2) to calculate indexes (R) reproductive characteristics for each sow, separately on everyone farrow; 3) to estimate index change (R) reproductive characteristics at number increase farrow. The work has been executed in 2008 in the enterprise of pigs of the Kaunas area. It was made 14 groups of sows of breed landrace. Test sows were from first to seventh farrows. The analysis of a reproduction and calculations of an index of a reproduction are executed on everyone farrow (from 1 to 7). For an estimation of efficiency and a reproduction index were analyzed the following indicators: 1. Fertility of sows, in units; 2. Quantity of piglets 21 days old, in units; 3. Weight of nest of piglets 21 days old, in kilo; 4. Quantity of piglets at weaning, in units; 5. Weight of nest of piglets at weaning, in kilo. The analysis of the sow's fertility changes, depending on the quantity of farrows, found that the fertility increased from the first farrow. The lowest fertility was at first pigs sow – 9.93 piglets, the highest fertility was found during the fourth farrow – 10.63 units or 0.70 piglets more that the first farrow. From the fourth farrow was found the tendency of reduction of fertility, i.e. fertility of the... [to full text]

Probiotikų YEASTURE ir MICROBOND įtaka avių prieauglio produktyvumui / Influence of probiotics YEASTURE and MICROBOND on sheep offspring’s production

Olberkienė, Gintarė 05 July 2005 (has links)
Two groups of 5 and two groups of 9 Romanov breed hogs in each were performed at Pranas Gaidamavičius breeding herd at 90 days of age. All hogs were fed by the growing scheme what was used at the herd; probiotics were mixed into the four age for the test hogs: 2 kg/t of probiotics YEASTURE and MICROBOND. Wool production was evaluated, clipped wool weight, at age of 5 month. The results showed, that probiotics MICROBOND and YEASTURE activates the growth speed of hogs. The most growth of performance was with hogs fed with YEASTURE probiotics. During the test period, overweight of hogs from the test group was 14,29 percent higher than from analogues of the control group (p>0,05). Probiotics MICROBOND increased growth performance too. Overweight of hogs from the test group was 12,59 percent higher than from analogues of the control group (p<0,05). Wool production tests shows, that during test period, the average of wool overweight of the test group, fed with probiotics MICROBOND, was 0,5 percent higher than from analogues of the control group. And the same tests with the test group, fed with probiotics YEASTURE, shows that the average of wool overweight of the test group was 10 percent higher than from analogues of the control group. During the test period usage of probiotics YEASTURE and MICROBOND didn‘t had negative influence on hog‘s physiological rules and wellness. The usage of probiotics in hog’s nutrition is purposeful and effective hogs, which were fed with probiotics... [to full text]

Kiaulių genetinių žymenų įtaka produktyvumo savybėms / Association of pig genetic markers with performance traits

Jokubka, Ramūnas 22 November 2005 (has links)
The study presents evaluation of pig genetic markers (MHS and MC4R) associated with performance traits in the Lithuanian White pig breed. The study presents a direct approach the testing and explanation of the quantitative part of the trait and QTL with marker based on estimated breeding values in the Lithuanian White population. Information about the strategies for association analysis and improvement can be applied for further characterization of the Lithuanian White population. The use of breeding values instead of single measurements reduces the bias in the recorded performance traits, therefore, the results obtained by using the marker for the Lithuanian White population gives animal breeders the opportunities for realization of a short-term goal in their selection criteria.

Žemės ūkio specialybių universitetinių studijų pasirinkimo motyvai ir veiksniai / Choosing Motives and other Factors of Students Studying Agriculture

Kapočiūtė, Vaida 16 March 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation is to evaluate students’ wish to become experts of agriculture, their choosing motives, factors and future expectations. The object of this investigation – first year full-time and correspondence course students of stockbreeding technologies of Lithuanian Veterinarian Academy and first year students of agronomy, who wish to get agricultural education in Lithuanian University of Agriculture. The investigation aimed to find out students’ motivation of choosing academic agricultural studies, its significance and future expectations. The technique of the research includes literature review, interviewing students of different studying programs by filling in questionnaires, and statistical data analyses. The goal of the present paper is to analyze demand change of high quality specialists in agriculture, specialist training dynamics and to define the main motives or factors determining choice of agrarian academic studies. Besides, there was a task to compare chosen studies’ dependence upon students’ dwelling-place, study form, and program. Conclusions: the main choosing motives of the university students’ were social-economical, i.e. ‘Possibility to get a diploma of high education’ and ‘I wanted to study at high school’. Significant importance while choosing agrarian academic studies was played by professional motives. The main factors stimulating students to choose agriculture were ‘I was good at biology at school’ or ‘I have experience in... [to full text]

Kai kurių geriamo vandens mikrobiologinių rodiklių įvertinimas / Evaluation of microbiological quality of drinking water

Kasnauskytė, Neringa 16 March 2006 (has links)
Aim of study: to evaluate microbiological quality of drinking water according Lithuanian drinking water standard HN 24:2003. Material and methods. The data of microbiological tests of drinking water were collected from laboratories responsible of drinking water control in Kaunas region. Part of the study was carried out at Helsinki University (dep. of Food and Environmental Hygiene). Different microbiological criteria of drinking water samples from small community supply were examined. Results. The results of our study showed that 94.4 % of drinking water from centralist drinking water supplies in Lithuania fulfill requirements of drinking water standard HN 24:2003 and is safe to drink. Drinking water from dug wells more often are contaminated and does not fit drinking water standard requirements. We found that there were too much coliforms in 12,8 % of drinking water samples, enterococci in 23.4% and E. coli in 16.7 % respectively. The study showed that there is a season variation of microbiological quality of drinking water. Less microbiological contamination of dinking water samples was during winter season from both water supply systems - centralist drinking water supplies and small community supplies. Microbiological quality of drinking water in Lithuania from small community supplies was worse compare to drinking water from small community supplies in Finland. The average of E.coli bacteria in Lithuanian drinking water from small community supplies was 5.57±2,09/10... [to full text]

Kombinuoto startinio pašaro „Milaflo“ įtaka veršelių auginimo spartai / The influence of composite start feed „Milaflo“ for growing intensity of calf’s

Urbonas, Remigijus 27 March 2006 (has links)
Health and productivity of grown-up animals highly depends on technology of breeding of calf’s. It‘s very important, that calf’s aged 3-4 months shouldn‘t fix diseases of digestive and airways systems. The main aim of this work was to determine influence of composite start feed „Milaflo“ to the intensity of breeding, development of internal organs and wellness of calf’s. Summing-up the result conclusions are provided as follows: organism of heifers develops faster, when during the period of feeding with milk combined start feed was used; composite start feed „Milaflo“ meets all zootechnical requirements and grants intensive growth of calf’s during feeding with natural milk and other crops without any negative reaction to wellness of calf’s; during test period in ŽŪB „ Pauliukai“, daily gain of calf’s which were feeded with „Milaflo“ contained 778,3 g/ per day, while ones feeded with standard composite feed - 713,9 g; during test period in Center of Practical Education of LVA daily gain of control group calf’s contained 708,9 g, heifers, which were feeded with additive „Milaflo“ and powder of conditioned milk – 752,2 g, heifers which were feeded with additive „Milaflo“ and natural milk – 966,7 g; use of composite start feed „Milaflo“ has no negative reaction to morphological composition of blood; highest efficiency of composite start feed concerning the development of great prestomach was noted during week 3 - 4.

Sandėliavimo įtaka mėsos kokybei ir mikrobiologijai / The influence of storage to the quality and microbiology of meat

Dovalcovienė, Jurgita 17 April 2007 (has links)
The main goal of this work – determine the influence of storage to the quality and microbiology of meat, when storage is conducted according to regalement rules, or the storage is conducted breaking the rules by storing meat together with vegetables in the freezer with 4°C and 6 °C° temperature during 30 days period. The tasks of this work: 1. To research the pH changes when the storage regime is changing. 2. To determine the common microbiology pollution (BMS and pH), when the storage conditions are optimal, and when the storage conditions are deliberately broken. 3. To determine bacteria of salmonella and jersinia, storing meat is determined conditions, and then changing the conditions deliberately. The research shown, that storing meat at reglamented conditions for 14 days period at 4 °C, the example held out very well, with pH 5.54, and the example stored at 6 °C held out worse (pH 5.55), than the example stored at 4°C. That could influence the fact, that lower temperature influenced the holding out of meat. Conclusions: 1. Meat is more likely to be damaged, when it is stored together with another food products, and the microbiological state of meat was especially damaged, when it was stored with vegetables. When meat has been stored together with vegetables at 4°C temperature, the amount of microorganisms after 14 days increased from 9,6 mil 1cm3. to 890 mil. 1cm3, and after 30 days the amount of microorganisms increased from 9,6 mil. 1cm3. to 8,9 milij. 1cm3... [to full text]

Naminių balandžių sveikatingumo problemos / Health problems of domestic pigeons

Pilėnaitė, Ginvilė 19 April 2007 (has links)
In this scientific work the most important problems and advice under the maintenance of pigeons are described. The chapter 1 – introduction. In it it is described the past and the future pigeon breeding in the world and in Lithuania. In 2 chapter biological features of house pigeons are described. In 3 chapter cultivation and duplication of house pigeons is described. In chapter 4 it is described about care of house pigeons, preparation of their nursery and the technical equipment. There designing and a structure of a premise for pigeons, system of ventilation, the equipment is described. Also hygiene in pigeon nurseries, a temperature mode, disinfection of a dovecot and subjects of leaving. In 5 chapter it is described a mode feeding of house pigeons and the characteristic of their forage. In 6 chapter vitamins, probiotics and prebiotics are described organic and mineral substances: fibers, fats, carbohydrates, Omega-3 and Omega-6, enzymes. In 7 chapter measures the prevention of diseases of the person are described. Infectious and protozoan illnesses, helmintose, noncontagious illnesses, them etiology and preventive means are described. Parasites whom causes illnesses in house pigeons are described. Noncontagious illnesses of pigeons, their preventive maintenance are described. Also their poisoning with a forage, the illnesses connected with lack or surplus of vitamins are described. It is shortly described the first aid to a bird. In 8 chapter conclusions and are presented... [to full text]

Aukštos kvalifikacijos jaunųjų gyvulininkystės specialistų integracijos į darbo rinką problemos / Les problèmes des experts cadets de qualification haute de l’élévage d’animaux pendant ils cherchent leur place dans le marché du travail

Pauliukas, Vaidotas 19 April 2007 (has links)
Pendant la recherche expérimentale on a essayé de trouver les raisons des diplômés du département de la technologie de l’élévage d’animaux de l’Académie Vétérinaire Lituanienne que empêchent de concurrencer librement dans le marché du travail. On a aussi essayé de découvrir l’attitude des employeurs potenciaux et de analyser et de comparer les résultats de l’employement des diplômés des ans 2003 avec les résultats de l’employement des diplômés des émissions précédentes. La technique de la récherche a consisté des études de la litérature scientifique, de l’enquête des étudiants et des professeurs, de l’analyse des données statistiques, de la sistemation et des conclusions. La recherche des diplômés des ans 2003 du département de la technologie de l’élévage d’animaux de l’Académie vétérinaire lituanienne (LVA) a confirmé essentiellement la notre hypothèse que la position des experts cadets de qualification haute de l’élévage d’animaux dans le marché du travail s’améliore. Le niveau de l’employement des diplômés de 2003 a augmenté de 33 pour cents des points en comparant avec les données des diplômés de 1999-2002; le nombre des employées de la spécialité acquérie a augmentéde 16 pour cents. Malgré les changements positifs, l’intégration des experts cadets de qualification haute de l’élévage d’animaux au marché du travail reste encore problématique. Le pour cent des employées de la spécialité acquérie non a encore atteint la moyenne des diplômés universitaires de tout le pays... [to full text]

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