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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les jeunes "invisibles" : de l'émergence d'un problème à l'élucidation des conditions de construction de réponses cohérentes / “Invisible” young people : emergence of one problem to the elucidation of the conditions of construction of coherent answers

Bernot, Claire 23 May 2016 (has links)
Trop de jeunes entre 15 et 29 ans rencontrent de nombreux obstacles à leur insertion dans la vie d’adulte. Une description de cette génération et un focus sur les jeunes en déserrance nous permettent d’affirmer, d’une manière générale, qu’ils sont confrontés à un déficit de confiance, ont du mal à trouver leur place dans la société, et qu’une partie non négligeable d’entre eux est entrée en invisibilité (ni en éducation, ni en formation, ni en emploi, ni en accompagnement). Pour prendre la mesure du problème, nous avons construit des statistiques mettant en lumière la géométrie variable de la jeunesse, indiquant les degrés de précarité, de l’insertion à l’invisibilité. Le croisement des résultats avec la situation professionnelle des parents, le type de logement et le lieu d’habitation nous permet d’affiner la sociologie des « invisibles ». Les chiffres montrent pour les jeunes, que trois sur dix sont en situation précaire, un actif sur cinq est au chômage, un sur vingt est en invisibilité totale, et parmi les « invisibles », neuf sur dix ne sont plus issus des seules Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS) et deux sur cinq sont issus de milieu plutôt favorisé. Ce qui change radicalement l’image des exclus faisant jusqu’à présent l’objet des « Politiques de la ville ». De plus nous avons comparé deux régions pour montrer que les politiques régionales influencent les résultats statistiques de l’invisibilité. Pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène, nous avons construit un outil de diagnostic : un « Agenda Social de la Jeunesse » qui a permis de critériser les nombreux éléments d’un inventaire exhaustif des outils et structures travaillant avec les jeunes à partir d’une agglomération de la région parisienne, et de comparer l’état de la « jeunesse » dans cinq pays d’Europe. Les résultats de ces deux études mettent à jour les failles de l’offre à tous les niveaux. Certes elles sont multiples, mais relèvent plus de l’empilement, sans réelle coordination ni cohérence. Elles en deviennent inefficaces et sont, de plus, sous-dimensionnées en regard notamment du fort taux de natalité en France produisant les deux tiers de l’accroissement naturel de la population des vingt-huit pays de l’Union Européenne. Par ailleurs, notre pays a mal anticipé les mutations sociétales en matière d’éducation, de formation et d’emploi. Les conséquences sont fondamentales : cela empêche provisoirement de résorber le chômage et explique en partie la situation des jeunes français, le nombre important d’invisibles et leur sentiment de ne plus être des citoyens à part entière. La jeunesse est devenue est véritable sujet de complication pour les décideurs publics, malgré leurs bonnes intentions. Une politique publique de « jeunesse » cohérente doit être pensée en dissociant la gestion préventive du « flux » des décrochés du système de formation et de l’emploi, de la gestion curative du « stock » des « invisibles » nécessitant d’aller les chercher sur le territoire et de repenser la deuxième chance et l’accompagnement jusqu’à leur insertion sociale et dans l’emploi, condition de leur autonomie. Ces deux axes mobilisent des politiques à court terme pour réparer les dégâts du passé, mais ne doivent pas empêcher de penser au long terme, nous obligeant à envisager un changement de paradigme politique. L’emploi est-il encore un élément structurant de la société ? Nous l’entendons comme d’utilité sociale, produisant de la fierté et offrant une place dans la société. Nous pensons que non, alors quel nouveau modèle de société faut-il construire ? Quels outils conceptuels et opérationnels faut-il proposer ? Il nous semble que dans un pays d’abondance, nous devons jouer la carte de « l’humain », en équilibrant les moyens d’assistance pour sortir de l’aide à la survie, les moyens d’insertion pour donner à chacun(e) une place dans la société, et enfin les moyens politiques pour réinscrire les jeunes dans une citoyenneté active. Notre thèse a pour objectif d’ouvrir des pistes de solutions / Too many young people between 15 and 29 years meet many obstacles with their integration in society as adult. A description and a focus on this young people in difficulty. enable us to affirm, generally, that they are confronted with a deficit of confidence, have difficulty finding their niche in society, and that a considerable part of them become marginalized, apart from education professional training, employment, nor in accompaniment). We call this phenomenon “invisibility”. In order to estimate the problem, we built statistics clarifying the variable geometry of youth, indicating the degrees of precariousness, from integration to invisibility. The crossing of the results with the professional situation of the parents, the type of housing and the place of dwelling enables us to refine the sociology of “invisibility”. The figures show that, in the case young people, that three out of ten are in precarious situation, an active upon five is unemployed, one upon twenty is in total invisibility, and among the “invisible ones”, nine out of ten are not from only Disadvantaged urban areas (ZUS) and two out of five are from rather favored medium. These results change radically the image of excluded people. The actual « city policies » don’t take this reality in to account. being until now the object of the “Policies of the city”. Moreover we compared two areas to show the regional policies influence the statistical results of invisibility.To better understanding of this phenomenon, we built diagnostic tools: a “Social Diary of the Youth” which allowed us to determine the many elements of an exhaustive inventory of the tools and structures working with the young people in the urban area of the Paris region. Then we compare it to the Youth situation in five countries of Europe. The results of these two studies level up to date the fails of the institutions. They are multiple, but raise more stacking, without real coordination nor coherence. They become ineffective and, moreover, are underestimate considering particularly the french strong birth rate producing two thirds of the natural increase in the population of the twenty-eight countries of the European Union. In addition, our country badly anticipated the social changes as regards education, professional training and employment. The consequences are fundamental: that temporarily prevented from reabsorbing unemployment and partly explains the situation of young French, the significant number of “invisible” people and their feeling of exclusion.Youth became is true subject of complication for the public decision makers, in spite of their good intentions. A coherent youth public policy have to be thought by dissociating the preventive management of “flows” of people excluded from the system curative management of the “stock” of the “invisible” people requiring outward journey to seek them on the territory and to reconsider the second chance and the accompaniment in social integration and employment, as a condition of their autonomy. These two axes mobilize short-term policies to repair the damage of the past, but we have to think the long run, and to consider a change of political paradigm. Is employment still a structuring element of society? We understand it as social utility, producing pride and offering a place in society. We think it doesn’t, so which new model of society is necessary to build it? Which conceptual and operational tools are necessary? It seems to us that in a country of abundance, we have to play the card of “humanism”, by balancing the assistance tools to leave the survival way, integration tools to give to each one a place in society, and finally the average policies to replace young people in an active citizenship. Our thesis aims to open some tracks of solutions.

Processus de deuil du "proche-tiers" : la relation de soins : un espace transitionnel ouvert / Bereavement : care and Relationships : an open transitional space

Auray, Isabelle 23 June 2016 (has links)
La question de la fin de vie et du processus de deuil qui s’ensuit pour le proche du défunt reste toujours d’actualité tant elle comporte d’énigmes. Comment pouvons-nous penser que le travail du deuil puisse être facilité ? La présente recherche a pour objectif d’étudier, en appui sur les travaux et les théories de D. W. Winnicott, comment le soin peut être transitionnel dans la relation et dans l’espace intersubjectif créé par la triade composée du soignant, du patient et du «proche-tiers». A partir d’un échantillon de 30 patients, les entretiens semi-directifs de 21 soignants et de 8 proches ont été analysés. Cette analyse nous permet de montrer de quelle manière le soin est transitionnel dans l’accompagnement. Elle nous montre également quels bénéfices peut avoir l’accompagnement en fin de vie, d’une part pour le patient dans l’ici et maintenant de sa fin de vie, d’autre part, pour le soignant dans l’ici et maintenant de l’accompagnement proposé mais aussi dans «l’après-coup» pour les autres accompagnements qu’il pourra proposer. Enfin, un troisième bénéfice certain est pour le «proche-tiers» dans l’ici et maintenant de l’accompagnement de son proche malade mais également par la suite dans la conduite du deuil. / Questions revolving around end of life and the grieving process that follows for loved ones are as relevant as they are puzzling. Is it unrealistic to think that mourning can be facilitated? This research aims to examine and build upon the work and theories of D. W. Winnicott. This research delves into how care may be transitional in the relationship and in the intersubjective space created by a triad of care: medical caregiver(s), patient and loved ones. From a sample of 30 patients, semi-structured interviews with 21 medical caregivers and 8 relatives were analyzed. This analysis shows how the care is transitional in the accompaniment. This research reveals the benefits of creating a transitional space during end of life care. First and foremost, it assists the patient in the here and the now of end of life; it, then, aids the caregivers. Medical caregivers and loved ones alike benefited from accompanying the patients in death both during the palliative care stages as well as afterwards as they worked through the grieving process.

Conceptions et pratiques de l’accompagnement des formateurs auprès des professeurs des Écoles en formation spécialisée : un exemple de formation CAPA-SH option D en Val-de-Marne / Conceptions and practices of coaching trainers with teachers in schools specialized training in Val-de-Marne

Bernad, Eric 22 November 2013 (has links)
Une des finalités de la formation CAPA-SH option D1 en alternance, proposée dans le Val-de-Marne, est de favoriser une posture de praticien réflexif chez les futurs enseignants spécialisés.Une des modalités retenue pour y parvenir est de proposer à ces stagiaires un accompagnementpar des formateurs (professeurs de l’IUFM et conseillers pédagogiques) sur le terrain d’exercice,afin de permettre une analyse de la pratique professionnelle au sein d’une classe spécialisée.En dialectisant les approches systémique et clinique, cette recherche doctorale explore lesprincipes organisateurs en oeuvre au sein de cette relation d’accompagnement professionnel àpartir du repérage des postures des formateurs en lien avec les objectifs qu’ils visent. Cetteréflexion s’appuie sur une double origine de données : celles issues des retranscriptions desentretiens semi-directifs du chercheur auprès des stagiaires et des formateurs et cellescorrespondant aux retranscriptions de l’enregistrement des entretiens d’analyse de pratiquesprofessionnelles vécus pendant l’année de formation (2009/2010). / One of the aims of the CAPA-SH training (D2 option) alternately proposed in Val-de-Marne, is tofoster an attitude of reflective practitioner in future special education teachers. One of themethods adopted to achieve this is to offer these trainees an accompaniment by trainers on thetraining ground (professors of the IUFM and educational advisers). The purpose is to allow ananalysis of the professional practice within a specialized class.By integrating and combining systemic and clinical approaches, this doctoral researchinvestigates the organizing principles implemented within this professional relationship coaching,to identify postures trainers in connection with the objectives they aim.The analysis is based ontwo sources of data : - those from transcripts of semi-directive interviews that the researcher hasled with trainees and trainers ; - those corresponding to transcripts of analysis of professionalpractices experienced during the training year (2009/2010).

Acompanhamento terapêutico como estratégia de inserção da pessoa em sofrimento psíquico na comunidade: estudo em um programa de saúde da família / Therapeutic Accompaniment as insertion strategy of persons enduring psychic suffering in the community: A study of a Family Health Program

Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves 19 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a percepção e os sentidos que portadores de sofrimento psíquico, familiares deles e agentes comunitários, que os atendem, têm do Acompanhamento Terapêutico para tratamento da pessoa em sofrimento mental. Colaboraram nesta pesquisa seis indivíduos que foram atendidos por um acompanhante terapêutico, um familiar de cada um desses indivíduos e cinco agentes comunitárias que visitaram as casas dos colaboradores. Foi realizado por meio de entrevista com uma questão norteadora. Os relatos foram gravados e transcritos na íntegra e analisados sob a perspectiva da metodologia qualitativa fenomenológica, fundada na Fenomenologia de Martin Heidegger, por autores que se aprofundaram nesse enfoque filosófico e estudiosos da Psicologia Fenomenológico-Existencial. Como resultados, os colaboradores mostraram um aumento qualitativo nas interações dos pacientes com os familiares, com a equipe de saúde e com a comunidade e, também, menor isolamento e maior independência em comportamentos de autocuidado, cuidado com seu espaço doméstico, maior adequação à sua proteção e desenvolvimento de habilidades. Com este estudo é possível reafirmar a importância do Acompanhamento Terapêutico para o tratamento de pessoas em sofrimento psíquico, bem como da equipe, no Programa de Saúde da Família. / This study\'s objective is to understand the perception and the feeling of persons enduring psychic suffering, their family, and community carer agents about Therapeutic Accompaniment it stops treatment of a person in mental distress. Six individuals that were seen to by therapeutic carers, one family member of each of these individuals and five community agents that visited the collaborator\'s houses collaborated in this research. It was carried out through an interview guided by a guiding question. The answers were recorded and fully transcribed and analyzed under the perspective of the phenomenological qualitative methodology, based on the Martin Heidegger\'s Methodology, by authors that specialized in this philosophical focus and followers of the Phenomenological-Existencial Psychology. As results, the collaborators showed that there was a qualitative raise in patients interactions with family members, with health team and with the community and, as well as a less isolation and more independence in self-care behaviors, care with their domestic space, more adequate behaviors regarding their protection, and development of abilities. Through this study, it is possible to reaffirm the importance of Therapeutic Accompaniment for the treatment of people in psychic distress, as well as the team, in the Family Health Program.

Raven's Song: an Original Musical

Tarleton, Angela Brannon 05 1900 (has links)
Raven's Song is an original musical dramatizing the conflict between paganism and Christianity. The play revolves around a woman who has become disillusioned by her people and her gods. The only gods she has ever known were blood-thirsty, appeased only by the blood and entrails of human sacrifice. Therefore, Raven resists all religion. Through providential circumstances, she is married into a Christian family and is overwhelmed by their love, and the kindness of their God. In search for truth, Raven begins to question her disbelief. All men search for truth in their own way, and all, at one time, will question the existence and nature of God. The play does not presume to answer these questions, but allows each participant to decide for himself, as Raven must decide for herself.

Inclusion numérique en contexte d’établissements médico-sociaux / Digital inclusion in context of medico-social institutions

Le Chene, Véronique 05 November 2019 (has links)
L’idéal de société inclusive se fonde sur des principes de justice et de cohésion sociale. Il se traduit par une volonté d’inclure les personnes en danger de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de réduire les inégalités sociales et de favoriser la participation à la vie de la société. Confrontées à des inégalités sociales, des politiques spécifiques sont mises en œuvre en faveur des personnes présentant un handicap. Elles se traduisent par un principe d’accessibilité généralisée à l’emploi, l’éducation, le bâti, les transports, les loisirs, la culture, les technologies numériques, etc. Dans notre société où les usages des technologies numériques apparaissent comme le remède à tous les problèmes sociaux (Proulx, 1990), quels bénéfices peuvent tirer les personnes présentant un handicap des usages de ces technologies ? Pour répondre à cette question, je suis allée enquêter des personnes accueillies dans des établissements médico-sociaux en région Bretagne. J’ai accompagné leurs usages des technologies numériques et dans une approche ethno méthodologique (Lapassade, 2000) et écologique de l’activité (Denis, 2009), j’ai analysé ces usages comme un construit social (Jouët, 2000). Dans cette recherche nous verrons en quoi l’appropriation des technologies numériques par les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle ou des troubles psychiques transforme les représentations négatives qu’elles ont d’elles-mêmes et fait émerger un pouvoir d’agir avec les technologies numériques qui participent à leur émancipation. / The ideal of inclusive society is based on principles of justice and social cohesion. It translates into a desire to include people at risk of poverty and exclusion, to reduce social inequalities and to encourage participation in the life of society. Faced with social inequalities, specific policies are implemented for people with disabilities. They translate into a principle of widespread accessibility to employment, education, built, transport, leisure, culture, digital technologies, etc. In our society where the uses of digital technologies appear to be the cure for all social problems (Proulx, 1990), what benefits can people with disabilities derive from the uses of these technologies? To answer this question, I went to investigate people welcomed in medico-social institutions in Brittany. I accompanied their use of digital technologies and in an ethno-methodological approach (Lapassade, 2000) and ecological of activity (Denis, 2009), I analyzed these uses as a social construct (Jouët, 2000). In this research we will see how the appropriation of digital technologies by people with intellectual disabilities or mental disorders transforms the negative representations they have of themselves and brings out a power to act with digital technologies that participate in their emancipation.

Orchestral Accompaniment in the Vocal Works of Hector Berlioz

Lee, Namjai 05 1900 (has links)
Recent Berlioz studies tend to stress the significance of the French tradition for a balanced understanding of Berlioz's music. Such is necessary because the customary emphasis on purely musical structure inclines to stress the influence of German masters to the neglect of vocal and therefore rhetorical character of this tradition. The present study, through a fresh examination of Berlioz's vocal-orchestral scores, sets forth the various orchestrational patterns and the rationales that lay behind them.

Duchovní vedení jako důležitá součást permanentní formace dospělých, teorie a současná praxe / Spiritual Leadership as an importanmt Part of the permament Formation of Adults, Theory and Practice Today

Kostelecká, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Spiritual leadership as an important part of the permanent formation of adults, theory and practice today. This thesis deals with the spiritual direction as one important way of the formation of the believer. Spiritual direction being put into practise by one person to another anables the believer to go through life with God to holiness in full. It based on the survey, which charts the spiritual need for guiding the faithful in the Czech Republic and the level of satisfaction.The research carried out by a survey of 1200 respondents shows that number of the believers need to be accompanied much more exceeds the possibility of the current church. Significantly there are more unsatisfied men than women in that need. The trained team of appropriate people for accompany formed in each diocese, not only among priests and religious but even laymen, should be a substantial help for this situation. Then the possibilities of providing this assistance and to apply and fully exploit it, on recommendation of a priest - the cofessor, would be anounced to the believers. Keywords 5 key words: God - the believer - spiritual accompaniment - maturation - Holiness. Počet znaků (včetně mezer): 222 552

Křesťanské aspekty v paliativní péči a doprovázení / Christian Aspects of Palliative Care

Kosourová, Noemi January 2011 (has links)
In my work I deal with the issue of palliative care, which includes variables such as illness, pain, suffering and dying. The first part is focused on these facts, which the terminally ill meet in several variations over time, they consider the issues that affect the essence of their lives and are confronted with the reality. I tried to enlarge the general view around the patient and of his problems with the Christian view , ie the possibility to browse the desperate hope that exceeds life and death. For Christians this hope means Jesus Christ .For the patient to receive this hope there is the Christian Church. The second part of this work deals with specific help, such as companionship, which is the work of chaplains and other Christians, whether in volunteer work, or experts in any of the religious establishments. In conclusion, I try to approach the issue of euthanasia, which just highlights the need for human and compassionate palliative care.

Role spirituality v zármutku a truchlení pohledem poradců pro pozůstalé / The Role of Spirituality in the Process of Grief and Bereavement from the Perspective of Bereavement Counsellors

Dohnalová, Zdeňka January 2016 (has links)
The Role of Spirituality in the Process of Grief and Bereavement from the Perspective of Bereavement Counsellors Abstract The objective of this study is to determine the role of spirituality in the process of grief and bereavement from the perspective of bereavement counsellors. The text is divided into three parts: theoretical, methodological and analytical. The theoretical part conceptualizes basic terminology of the main issue and gives the context. The methodological part describes the methods used in the research, which was conducted through qualitative research strategy using semi-structured interviews. In the analytical part I compare the results of the research with the theoretical roots. The participants of the research believe that spirituality to be a factor which positively influences the lives of the bereaved and makes their grief and mourning easier to bear. However, they also see that spirituality can make the life situation more complicated or affect their lives ambiguously. Keywords death, spirituality, bereavement, counselling for the bereaved, accompaniment

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