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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of airflow and particle transport in acinar airways of the human lung

Kumar, Haribalan 01 July 2011 (has links)
In this work, airflow and particle transport are studied using mathematical and image-based models of pulmonary acinus. Numerical results predict that airflow in the presence of wall motion in a three-dimensional honey-comb like geometry is characterized by the presence of a recirculation region within the alveolar cavity and a weak entraining flow between alveolar duct and cavity. Alveolar flow in distal generations is characterized by higher alveolar flow rates, larger entrainment of ductal flow and absence of recirculatory flow inside alveoli. The study of transport constitutes assessment of mixing visualized by the tracking of massless particles and the study of transport and deposition of aerosols. The phenomenon of steady streaming is found to hold the key to the origin of kinematic mixing in the alveolus, the alveolar mouth and the alveolated duct. This mechanism provides the explanation for observed folding of material lines and increases in material surface area, and has no bearing on whether the geometry is expanding or if flow separates within the cavity or not. Streaming results in non-zero drift of particles between the beginning and end of a breathing cycle. Based on flow conditions and resultant convective mixing measures, we conclude that significant convective mixing in the duct and within an alveolus could originate only in the first few generations of the acinar tree as a result of non-zero inertia, flow asymmetry and large KC number. Evidence of streaming and related Lagrangian drift is also observed in image-based acinar models. Finally, particle deposition calculations are performed on the models of pulmonary acinus considered in this study.

Die neuronale Kontrolle der Speicheldrüse von Periplaneta americana / The neuronal control of the salivary glands of Periplaneta americana

Rotte, Cathleen January 2009 (has links)
Die acinösen Speicheldrüsen der Schabe Periplaneta americana sind reich durch serotonerge, dopaminerge und GABAerge Fasern innerviert. Die biogenen Amine Serotonin (5-HT) und Dopamin (DA) induzieren die Sekretion eines NaCl-haltigen Primärspeichels. Die physiologische Rolle der GABAergen Innervation des Drüsenkomplexes war bislang unbekannt. Weiterhin wurde vermutet, dass Tyramin (TA) und Octopamin (OA) an der Speichelbildung beteiligt sind. Mittels intrazellulärer Ableitungen von sekretorischen Acinuszellen mit und ohne Stimulierung des Speicheldrüsennervs (SDN) sollte daher die Wirkung von GABA, TA und OA im Speicheldrüsenkomplex untersucht werden. Intrazelluläre Ableitungen aus Acinuszellen zeigten, dass sowohl DA als auch 5 HT biphasische Änderungen des Membranpotentials induzierten. Diese bestanden aus einer initialen Hyperpolarisation und einer darauf folgenden transienten Depolarisation. Stimulierung des SDN mittels einer Saugelektrode verursachte ebenfalls biphasische Änderungen des Membranpotentials der Acinuszellen, die mit den DA- bzw. 5-HT-induzierten Änderungen kinetisch identisch waren. Dieses Ergebnis zeigte, dass die elektrische Stimulierung des SDN im Nerv-Speicheldrüsenpräparat eine verlässliche Methode zur Untersuchung der Wirkungen von Neuromodulatoren auf die dopaminerge und/oder sertotonerge Neurotransmission ist. Die Hyperpolarisation der DA-induzierten Potentialänderungen wurde durch eine intrazelluläre Ca2+-Freisetzung und die Öffnung basolateral lokalisierter Ca2+-gesteuerter K+-Kanäle verur-sacht. Die DA- und 5-HT-induzierte Depolarisation hing kritisch von der Aktivität eines basolateral lokalisierten Na+-K+-2Cl--Symporters ab. GABA, TA und OA potenzierten die elektrischen Antworten der Acinuszellen, wenn diese durch SDN-Stimulierung hervorgerufen wurden. Dabei war OA wirksamer als TA. Dieses Ergebnis zeigte, dass diese Substanzen als im Drüsenkomplex präsynaptisch und erregend als Neuromodulatoren wirken. Pharmakologische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die erregende Wirkung von GABA durch einen G-Protein-gekoppelten GABAB-Rezeptor vermittelt wurde. Messungen der durch SDN-Stimulierung induzierten Flüssigkeits- und Proteinsekretionsraten zeigten, dass beide Parameter in Anwesenheit von GABA verstärkt waren. Dies ließ auf eine verstärkte serotonerge Neurotransmission schließen, da nur 5-HT die Bildung eines Protein-haltigen Speichels verursacht. Immuncytochemische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Drüsen tyraminerge und octopaminerge Innervation empfangen. Weiterhin wurde der erste charakterisierte TA-Rezeptor (PeaTYR1) der Schabe auf einem paarigen, lateral zur Drüse ziehenden Nerv markiert, der auch tyraminerge Fasern enthielt. Die vorliegende Arbeit trug zum Verständnis der komplexen Funktionsweise der Speicheldrüse der Schabe bei und erweiterte das lückenhafte Wissen über die neuronale Kontrolle exokriner Drüsen in Insekten. / The cockroach Periplaneta americana has acinar type salivary glands. The secretory acini consist of P-cells, responsible for electrolyte and water secretion and C-cells that secrete protein into the saliva. Salivation is controlled by the dopaminergic and GABAergic salivary neurons SN1 and SN2, and by several smaller serotonergic neurons. Dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) induce the secretion of a NaCl-rich saliva. The physiological role of the GABAergic innervation was unknown. Furthermore, the cellular actions of the biogenic amines DA and 5-HT were poorly understood. Based on studies on other insect salivary glands a role for octopamine (OA) and tyramine (TA) acting as neuromodulators was suggested. In this study, intracellular recordings of the basolateral membrane potential of acinar cells were performed to examine direct and modulating actions of the biogenic amines DA, 5-HT, OA, TA and of GABA. A nerve-gland preparation was developed and used to investigate the actions of neuromodulators, namely GABA, OA and TA. DA and 5-HT induced biphasic membrane potential changes, consisting of an initial hyperpolarization and a transient depolarization. The DA-induced hyperpolarization was mediated by intracellular Ca2+-release and subsequent opening of basolateral Ca2+-dependent K+-channels. The DA- and 5-HT-induced depolarization was dependent on the presence of extracellular Na+ and the activity of a basolateral Na+-K+-2Cl--cotransporter. Electrical stimulation of the salivary duct nerve (SDN) by means of a suction electrode induced membrane potential changes with the same kinetics as those induced by bath application of DA and 5-HT. These results suggested that electrical nerve stimulation is a adequate method to investigate presynaptic effects of neuromodulators. GABA, OA and TA affected neither the resting membrane potential of the acinar cells, nor the DA- or 5 HT- induced potential changes. When GABA was applied during SDN-stimulation, it enhanced the amplitudes of the membrane potential changes of the acinar cells as well as fluid- and protein secretion rates of the glands. Pharmacological experiments revealed that the excitatory action of GABA in the gland complex is mediated by a metabotropic GABA receptor (GABAB-type). OA and TA enhanced the membrane potential changes of the acinar cells when these were induced by SDN-stimulation, suggesting presynaptic excitatory roles for both amines in the gland complex. Immunocytochemistry revealed rich innervation of the salivary glands with octopamine- immunoreactive fibers that were also stained by the tyramine-antibody, and with tyramine-immunoreactive fibers lacking octopamine-immunoreactivity. Since the tyramine receptor PeaTYR1 is expressed in the salivary gland complex, its distribution was investigated by using a specific antibody. Immunoreactivity was detected in a paired nerve of unknown root. This nerve innervated only few acini lying in the periphery of the gland complex and contained tyraminergic fibers. This study extends our knowledge about the complex neuronal control and function of insect salivary glands.

Follow up study of “atypical” prostate needle core biopsies; the Winnipeg experience and literature review

Lam, Wai Mei Lindsay 13 January 2014 (has links)
High grade intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP) are two pathological lesions associated with prostate adenocarcinoma. HGPIN is an architectural finding, while ASAP is a term used to describe a lesion that cannot confidently be diagnosed as prostate adenocarcinoma. The mean incidence rate for HGPIN is 7.7% with a median of 5.2% and range of 0-24.6% and the cancer detection rate mean is 18.1%. The mean incidence rate for ASAP is 5.0% with a median of 4.4% and a range of 0.7-23.4%. The mean cancer detection rate is 40.2%. Currently, the incidence and cancer detection rates for HGPIN and ASAP for Winnipeg, Manitoba, have not been published. A retrospective study was conducted on all prostate biopsies collected from the Manitoba Cancer Care Prostate Centre (MCCPC) from 2008 and 2009. Prostate biopsies with a diagnosis of isolated HGPIN and or ASAP and no previous history of cancer were included in this study. In Winnipeg, Manitoba, from 2008-2009, the mean HGPIN incidence rate was 5.0% and the mean cancer detection rate was 46.1%. The mean ASAP incidence rate was 4.6% and the mean cancer detection rate of 48.2%. As a control, the cancer detection rate following a benign diagnosis was also calculated at 33.3%. The mean incidence and cancer detection rates for HGPIN and ASAP for Winnipeg, Manitoba are slightly lower than literature, but still fall within the published range. In addition, the mean ASAP cancer detection rate is similar to the cancer detection rate following a benign diagnosis indicating that, in our study, both a benign finding and a diagnosis of ASAP hold the same predictive value for cancer on a subsequent re-biopsy.

The embryonic epidermis of Xenopus tropialis: developing a model system for the study of mucociliary epithelia

Dubaissi, Eamon January 2011 (has links)
Mucociliary epithelia are found in the human airways and act as the first line of defence against inhaled foreign agents. Mucus traps potentially damaging particles and the cilia transport the mucus away from the airways to remove the threat. Modelling mucociliary epithelia for research purposes is challenging. This is because the airways are enclosed and are thus difficult to study directly. Instead, tissue is extracted or in vitro techniques are employed. Whilst these systems are useful, there is a need for accessible in vivo models to complement them. In this thesis I assess a new model system for studying mucociliary epithelia. This system is the larval epidermis of the amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis. Its epidermis comprises multi-ciliated cells that beat in a polarised direction reminiscent of those found in the human airways. It is also proposed to have a number of other cell types including mucus-secreting cells, but very little is known about them. The epidermis is open and accessible to manipulation meaning that it has great potential to be used in the study of mucociliary epithelia in live, native conditions. Such a system would be a valuable addition to the current models employed. However, the epidermis has not been thoroughly characterized before so its utility as a model system remains speculative.To develop and evaluate this new model, I fully characterize the epidermis, showing that it has five distinguishable cell types. This includes a population of cells called ionocytes that are shown to be essential for the health and function of the epidermis. I also test for the presence of mucins, the structural component of mucus, secreted from the epidermis in order to evaluate the proposal that mucus-secreting cells are present in the epidermis. A mucin-like protein called otogelin is identified. After characterizing the epidermal cell types, I compare them to the human mucociliary epithelium and consider potential applications and future perspectives for this model.

Confidentiel / Confidentiel

Napolitano, Tiziana 19 December 2017 (has links)
Confidentiel / Confidentiel

Interplay of ARID1A and EGFR signaling in controlling acinar cell reprogramming in the pancreas

Zhang, Zhe 09 February 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase Contributes to Pancreatic Tumorigenesis by Inducing Tumor-Related Gene Mutations / Activation-induced cytidine deaminaseは腫瘍関連遺伝子に変異を誘導することにより膵腫瘍形成に寄与する

Sawai, Yugo 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第19567号 / 医博第4074号 / 新制||医||1013(附属図書館) / 32603 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 武田 俊一, 教授 小川 誠司, 教授 野田 亮 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Understanding the Role of Hypusine Biosynthesis in Endocrine-Exocrine Crosstalk

Dale, Dorian J. 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Traditionally, the exocrine and endocrine cellular compartments of the pancreas have been considered distinct functional systems. However, recent studies suggest a more intricate relationship between the exocrine and endocrine, which may impact pancreatic growth and health. Additionally, translational control mechanisms have been linked to organ development. Our lab has shown that the mRNA translation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), when in its post-translationally modified “hypusinated” form, plays a role in pancreas development. The hypusination of eIF5A requires the rate-limiting enzyme deoxyhypusine synthase (Dhps) to post- translationally modify a critical lysine residue which in turn produces the active form of eIF5A that functions in mRNA translation. When we generated animals with a deletion of Dhps in the pancreatic progenitor cells, there was no alteration in islet mass but significant exocrine insufficiency at embryonic (E) day 18.5 concomitant with downregulation of proteins required for exocrine pancreas development and function. Resultantly these animals died by 6 weeks-of-age. These observations prompted the question, is the phenotype caused by the absence of hypusinated eIF5A or the increase of unhypusinated eIF5A? To address this, we generated a mouse model wherein Eif5a is deleted in the pancreas (eIF5A∆PANC) and these mutant animals also display exocrine insufficiency. Interestingly, beta cell mass is increased at E18.5, and the mutant animals maintain euglycemia and survive up to 2 years. Ongoing analyses are interrogating the differences between these animal models with the goal to determine if mRNA translation facilitates cellular communication between the exocrine and endocrine pancreas.

Directed Differentiation of ES cells by pancreatic transcription factors p48, RBPJL and Mist1

Massumi, Mohammad 18 December 2009 (has links)
A pesar de la abundancia de estudios realizados sobre el papel de las células acinares en las patologías exocrinas del páncreas (i.e. pancreatitis y cáncer), el estudio de las modificaciones producidas durante la diferenciación acinar en dichas patologías, se ha visto limitado por la escasez de modelos celulares no tumorales. Resultados previos de nuestro laboratorio, muestran que las células mES (células madre embrionarias de ratón )- pluripotentes y con la capacidad para generar tipos celulares especializados- pueden desarrollar un fenotipo acinar in vitro. Los objetivos de esta tesis han sido aumentar el contenido de enzimas digestivos así como las propiedades funcionales de las células generadas. Para ello se sobreexpresaron de forma estable p48, RBPJL y Mist1en células madre por transducción lentiviral de estos genes. Obtuvimos, gracias a una estrategia de infección en múltiples etapas, líneas celulares transgénicas mES que expresaban de forma constitutiva RBPJL y/o Mist1. La superimposición de la expresión de p48 por infección lentiviral en células en proceso de diferenciación dio lugar a una fuerte expresión de enzimas digestivos, con un patrón de regulación similar al que acontece in vivo durante el desarrollo pancreático. En esta inducción, tanto p48 como RPBJL son indispensables. Por otro lado, hemos mostrado un aumento elevado en la producción de varios componentes de la maquinaria secretota dependiente de Mist1. Además, hay que hacer notar ,que las células p48/RBPJL/Mist1 exhiben una regulada-secreción en respuesta a los secretagogos acinares y una mejor actividad de que la línea celular acinar 266-6. La expresión combinada de genes clave implicados en el desarrollo pancreático en células ES es un prometedor abordaje que nos llevará a una comprensión de los sutiles procesos del desarrollo exocrino pancreático. / Despite known involvement of acinar cells in pancreatic exocrine pathologies (i.e pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer), the lack of normal cell-based models has limited the study of the alterations that occur in the acinar differentiation program. Our previous data showed that mES (murine embryonic stem) cells, which are pluripotent and have the ability to generate specialized cell types, can acquire an acinar phenotype in vitro. The aim of this work was to increase the digestive enzyme content of the generated cells as well as their functional properties based on stable overexpression of p48, RBPJL and Mist1 by lentiviral gene transduction. Thus, we engineered transgenic mES cell lines constitutively expressing RBPJL and/or Mist1 using a multi-step infection strategy. The superimposition of p48 expression by lentiviral infection of differentiating cells resulted in a strong expression of digestive enzymes, with a pattern of regulation similar to what occurs in vivo during pancreatic development. In this induction, both p48 and RPBJL are indispensable. On the other hand, we showed a high increase in the production of several components of the secretory machinery which was dependent of Mist1. Importantly, p48/RBPJL/Mist1 cells exhibited a regulated-secretory in response to acinar secretagogues and a better secretion activity than the 266-6 acinar cell line. Combined expression of key genes involved in pancreatic development in ES cells may be a promising approach to better understand subtle steps of pancreatic exocrine development.

ICAT: a novel Ptf 1A/P48 partner that modulates acinar expression

Campos, Maria Luisa Morais Sarmento de 09 April 2010 (has links)
Ptf1a/p48 is a pancreas specific bHLH transcription factor that is required at early stages of embryonic development for pancreas formation and, during adulthood, for the proper exocrine pancreatic function. P48 also exerts an antiproliferative effect, which may exert a tumor suppressor activity. In this study, based on a yeast two-hybrid approach, we have identified new p48 partners that modulate the activity of p48. Among the newly identified putative interactors we found p/CAF, which is a coactivator that potentiates its transcriptional activity, and ICAT, an inhibitor of the β-catenin/TCF signaling pathway. ICAT binds to p48 and is coexpressed with it in the pancreas during development and postnatally. Using different cellular models, ICAT overexpression in acinar tumor cells resulted in changes of the pancreatic specific gene expression pattern. Furthermore, high levels of ICAT inhibited the interaction between p48 and p/CAF. While this hetero-oligomeric complex is required for the acinar gene expression, ICAT itself is shown to be present in a reconstituted PTF1 complex in vivo. Importantly, altered ICAT expression is demonstrated in several histological types of pancreatic tumors, possibly contributing to their differentiation phenotype and neoplastic properties. / Ptf1a/p48 es un factor de transcripción bHLH específico del páncreas necesario durante los estadios tempranos del desarrollo embrionario para la formación del mismo, y para el correcto funcionamiento del páncreas exocrino en el adulto. P48 desempeña también una función antiproliferativa, la cual puede resultar en una actividad de supresión tumoral. En el presente estudio, basado en una estrategia de cribado de doble-híbrido en levadura, han sido identificadas nuevas proteínas que interaccionan y que modulan la actividad específica de p48. Entre las posibles proteínas que interaccionan y han sido identificadas de novo se encuentra p/CAF, un co-activador que potencia la actividad transcripcional de p48, y ICAT, un inhibidor de la vía de señalización de la β-catenina. Se ha demostrado que ICAT se une a p48 y ambos son co-expresados en el páncreas durante el desarrollo y en el adulto. Utilizando diferentes modelos celulares, la sobreexpresión de ICAT en células tumorales acinares resultó en un cambio en el patrón de expresión de genes específicos del páncreas. Al mismo tiempo, se observó que niveles elevados de ICAT inhiben la interacción entre p48 y su co-activador p/CAF. Mientras que este complejo hetero-oligomérico es necesario para la expresión de los genes acinares, se demostró que ICAT está presente en un complejo PTF1 reconstituido in vivo. Finalmente, se observaron alteraciones en la expresión de ICAT en varios tipos histológicos de tumores pancreáticos, que posiblemente contribuyen a su fenotipo de diferenciación y propiedades neoplásicas.

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